SNF 2010.11 - Return of the Wolf - Terry vs Mr. Big vs Hayato

Description: The Legendary Wolf returns against Burning Physical Education and Maestro Big! A fatal threesome! That's not the right alliteration! Who will win?! (WINNER: Terry. Surprising, isn't it?)

The Red Arena has been the host to some of the most astonishing main events over the last few years! Such as BLANK vs BLANK! Ecks vs Sever! David vs Goliath! But tonight, it's host to a deadly threesome, which isn't the correct alliteration for it but that hardly matters!

The sun is setting, the stadium is packed beyond capacity, men are falling down stairs, pretzels and bags of popcorn are being thrown about, and Americans in general are getting fatter while Ken Masters no doubt sits in his corporate box, laughing as money rains down upon him. It just makes sense!

"Sure would love to be havin' some money rainin' down on me," Mister Big says to himself, the former Sultan of Southtown forced back into the big lights, camera and action of the Saturday Night format in order to make ends meet. Times are tough, especially with his strip club, the dubiously named Mister Big's Boobie Bungalow, destroyed thanks to the Ikari Warriors.

"Damn Ikari, they'll get it, right where the sun don't shine," he grouses, teeth grinding into the cigar to the left side of his mouth. His usual pair of ladies are present, not about to walk off until the fight begins. So to entertain the crowd, they're having a water fight with one another in the shallow end of the spacious arena.

Arms crossed, Mister Big watches, as does the majority of the audience, as the clock ticks down to the start of the fight!

Normally before a fight Hayato Nekketsu would be busy warming up, or stretching, or otherwise getting himself psyched up for the fight to come. Not that Hayato really needs any help when it comes to getting pumped up. But for this particular match, there's a bit of a distraction. Two of them, actually. Provided by Mr. Big.

Of course, Hayato is supposed to be somewhat of a role model, so he tries not to be too blatant. He stays in his position for the start of the fight, idly tapping his shinai against his shoulder. All the while looking, very casually of course, in the direction of the water. Yes, the chance to pit himself against some skilled fighters like Terry and Mr. Big is his primary purpose in being here. But he's not fighting /now/, so he might as well enjoy himself until then, right?

Ah, Big's distractions. Terry's a bit more used to the girls that typically accompany the shiny-domed, sunglasses-wearing smooth-talker into the ring, so when Hayato is busy eyeing them up, Terry's in his own little portion of the ring, going through his opening stretches. Legs first, then arms, then one big full-body stretch, arms over his head before he settles himself down again. Eyes move from Big to Hayato, back to Big again before he finally speaks up. "Big. You and I need to talk when this is over with."
That's the only verbal acknowledgement given by the Lone Wolf. To Hayato, a friendly little nod and tip of the cap while the crowd is roaring, and pre-fight announcements start. Each of the three men in the arena are announced in turn, until after what seems like far too prolonged of a buildup by the ring announcer, it's finally time to get started.

When the signal to begin is given, the blonde turns and pivots... away from Big? Going against what most people in the crowd might have expected, Terry goes tearing straight towards Hayato, closing to within ten feet of the Burning Phys-Ed Teacher before he goes airborne. After propelling himself upwards, a single forward-flip precedes an extended leg, angled straight down in an attempt to bury his sneaker into Hayato's facemeat.

COMBATSYS: Terry has wandered into a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hayato has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Terry            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hayato

Who has time for facemeat when there's all this ample breastmeat to be watching instead? Mister Big glances at Terry from behind those mirrored lenses of his, and his lips purse at what the hatted man has to say. He doesn't reply, particularly not when it becomes apparent that the fight is beginning!

Now he replies: "Maybe if you're still able to walk when this is over!"

The reply? Delivered as Mister Big runs forward, hands lifting the stylish fighting sticks out of the deep outer pockets of the Biggest Coat of Them All by their leather straps. With Terry up in the air and performing that neat kick, it seems only logical to Mister Big that he should hit Terry Bogard /right in the spine/. He moves to do just that, as the two girls exit the water and slip off-stage.

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hayato           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Terry
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Hayato with Medium Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hayato           0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0            Terry
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|

Hayato is forced to trade one thing he enjoys for another, when Terry comes charging at him and it's time for the fight. He brings up both arms in a straightforward crossblock position as Terry's foot comes flying toward his face. It's a simple, sturdy defense. And it doesn't matter. The kick plows right through Hayato's guard, knocking his arms down and then sending his head flying back from the impact of sneaker on face. The teacher staggers backward, trying to regain his balance.

It's not often that Hayato takes a hit that hard without someone making a big effort. But the challenge just makes it all the more fun. Of course, he can't ignore Mr. Big, but Terry is a legend. Hayato's got to try to get a good hit or two in. His head snaps forward and he hurls himself at Terry, lashing out with a series of shinai strikes across the torso, ending it with a slash aimed at the point where neck meets shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Mr.Big's Medium Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hayato           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Terry
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Terry with Scolding Slash.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Terry
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|

Even for a fighter of Terry's caliber, it's a bit hard for him to weather assaults from two directions at once. Especially when his starting position regards him not being on the ground. It's also a fair bit of luck that keeps Big's hittin' sticks out of his spine; after the sole of his sneaker makes its impact, that foot retracts as quickly as possible so he can continue the forward momentum, dropping into a tuck-and-roll when he hits the ground. He somersaults once, then as he pops up, Hayato's coming straight at him with the shinai. Try as he might to get out of the way, it lashes across his midsection over and over again, and that final strike very nearly buckles his knees.

Crouched where he is, though, it leaves a good push-off point. He leaps into the air once again, but this time, his body turns a slow horizontal 360 degrees, passing the halfway point as he reaches the apex of the jump, with his back to Hayato. As he continues to spin, it's only then that the teacher will see that the Wolf's right hand is flaring up with an angry-looking blue energy, flickering like flames as knuckles are brought around to bear down, with gravity leading the way, aiming straight for Hayato's facial meats a second time.


After striking clear air (and causing it to whimper in agony) Mister Big staggers forward a step or two, teeth already grinding. He was sure he had Terry clean in his sights! That guy's just too fast. Gathering himself, the Chrome Dome Don takes a couple of careful steps backwards, like some kind of animated cat in a music video.

"Hmph, these two just gonna beat the shit out of each other?" he mumbles to himself, actually liking this idea quite a bit. On the other hand though, it's probably best that he not attempt to fly under the radar too much -- not when a healthy prize purse is on the line!

To that end, he takes a deep inhale on his cigar, puffing contentedly, gathering his power!

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big gathers his will.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0            Terry
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Hayato dodges Terry's Power Dunk.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Terry
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/---====|

It takes a few moments for Hayato to figure out exactly what Terry is doing as he spins through the air. Thankfully, the the Burning Phys Ed Teacher doesn't wait that long to react. He starts tensing his legs to jump, so that by the time Terry's hand bursts into flames he's already about to leave the ground. A good thing, too, as he still barely manages to leap out of the way before Terry can pound his face in again.

It takes a powerful jump to get out of the way in time, and Hayato skids as he hits the sand, leaning forward to try to maintain his balance. And, conveniently, he slides to a stop near Big. And hey, he and Terry shouldn't have all the fun. He spins around, lashing out for Big's coat in an attempt to yank him forward and down, while at the same time bring his other hand up in a fist aimed for the gangster's stomach, for a simple plan to punch him off his feet, then let him drop.

When his fist finds nothing but air, there's a brief skidding of sneakers against arena floor as Terry comes back down to terra firma. He slides along the floor, then he pushes off his back foot, quickly spinning around to face the other combatants. He admits, it's a bit of a surprise when Hayato opts to redirect his attention towards the Don himself. What to do, though, what to do.

After that last miss, there's a decision made to gather his wits about him. If he's not prepared, not ready, the Wolf is already well aware that either of the two people in the ring could very easily take him out of the fight. He settles into a low crouch, then balls his hands into fists as his entire body flares with that same fiery, flickering blue chi that enveloped his fist earlier. It remains for several seconds, pulsing rhythmically before the radiant glow of the chi is snuffed out.

COMBATSYS: Terry gathers his will.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Terry
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big blocks Hayato's Power Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Terry
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/--=====|

Glancing sideways at the landing of Hayato, Mister Big's lip is already curling, perhaps in contempt. It doesn't take a rocket genius to figure that with such proximity there's going to be an attack -- and when that fist comes swinging, it's met by one of the Sultan's forearms. He grunts heavily, the arm tweaked back and forced into his body. This guy is no slouch, after all!

"Man, you suck," he harshly declares, his other hand cutting towards Hayato's snare on his coat. But as he does so, that arm continues spinning, attempting to completely reverse the hold and end with his fingers twisted into that sports coat. If successful, he'll do the logical thing; lift Hayato up with just one arm, and slam the teacher down onto his face.

COMBATSYS: Hayato fails to counter Million Dollar Buster from Mr.Big with Counter Thrust.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Terry
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-======|

So, Mr. Big's got his hands on Hayato. That's not good. On the other hand, that means he's got a hand occupied that he can't use to defend himself. So instead of fighting against the grip, Hayato pulls back his arm, in preparation for slamming a fist right into the gangster's probably quite expensive shades. Unfortunately, the preparations for this aren't too subtle, giving Big some incentive to get Hayato back on the ground, which he does. Quite forcefully.

Hayato grunts as he's slammed face first into the ground. On the plus side, it's sand, which makes for a somewhat softer impact. Unfortunately, it also makes for a mouth full of sand, and getting sand in the eyes and nose. Hayato coughs and sputters, rolling away while wiping at his face with his sleeve.

Terry just can't bring himself to hit someone while they're down on the ground. Especially when they've got a mouthful of sand. The impact looked painful enough, striking while he's down would be just mean. This leaves him with only one option, though; the Chrome Dome Don. He stays back, slowly circling around to one side to angle more towards Big then Hayato while the two of them are at eachother's throats, waiting to see how things turn out.. and then Mr. Big is left standing.

The second Hayato has rolled away to get the sand from his face, in comes Terry. A few quick steps forward are taken as an approach before his feet leave the ground. Rather than going sharply upward, he's only hopping, more across than up. His body rolls over in mid-air, with his right leg going high. As he finishes the turn, the leading foot descends, using his body's momentum to try and slam his sneaker-clad foot right upside the Don's skull.

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big endures Terry's Crack Shoot EX.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0            Terry
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           1/------=/=======|

There's a definite smirk on Mister Big's face when he manages to overcome Hayato and send the teacher down into the soft stands minus the Baywatch chicks. They're over on the sidelines, cheering on the Biggest Man of Them All.

Speaking of Biggest, his bald head is the target as Terry comes bounding in with that twisting kick, leg over leg -- and bracing himself, Mister Big actually leaps forward into the strike, taking it across the collarbone instead.

That hurts; the bone threatens to snap, but mercifully it does not. What results though, is that instead of flying backwards, the Syndicate's Steersman remains upright, somewhat jostled, but with Terry in a precarious position half-straddling his face.

"Are you happy?!" he half-muffled questions, before bringing those two sticks up.

Ahh, this could get messy.

Repeatedly thrusting the short fighting sticks upwards towards Terry's body, he attempts to do the unthinkable -- and thankfully that isn't 'peg Terry repeatedly!' Instead, he attempts to jostle the fighter numerous times, each stick thrust upwards with additional force, to perform a rapid invasion of soft tissue before letting Terry fall back to the sands below!

Having finished clearing his face at least enough to be able to see again, Hayato shoves himself back to his feet. He shakes his head, then turns and spits before grinning again. Okay, that kind of hurt, but that's how fights go! He's just getting started, and there's plenty more punching to be done. And... while Terry is definitely a worthy foe, Mr. Big did just slam his face into the sand.

So while the gangster is heading after the Lonely Wolf, Hayato comes running up behind him. Nothing fancy here, since Big seems to be a bit preoccupied. Hayato just leaps forward, lashing out with his right foot in an attempt to slam a kick into the small of the other man's back.

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big knocks away Terry with Raging Spear!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1            Terry
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|


Terry didn't quite mean to land like that, but there was little he could do when Big jumped up to meet the strike halfway. When they land, the ball-capped fighter was hardly prepared to defend himself. Thankfully, he only has to defend his upper body, and not something far more inappropriate for an arena where children may be watching. The defense is all for naught, though, and he ends up taking sticks to the chest repeatedly, leaving him wheezing for breath as he not only falls, but is sent staggering backwards from the force. And he just lies there for a moment.

"Am I happy?" Terry thinks about this for a moment. "Am I happy?" Another thought. "Yeah." He rolls back onto his shoulders, then hops back up again, kipping to his feet. "I'm happy." A grin pulls at his face, and he wiggles his fingers for a moment. There's no real build-up to what comes next. One moment, the elder Bogard brother is just standing there. The next, he's rocketing forward, the grin replaced by a serious brow-furrowed look as his right fist extends, left leg lifting, knee bent, right foot trailing behind him as he barrels forward. His right fist starts to glow with that same blue energy as before.


At the last second, the blue shifts to a brilliant, shimmering gold, and the distance closes when Terry aims to slam glove-clad knuckles right into the Sultan's jawline.


COMBATSYS: Mr.Big dodges Hayato's Strong Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0            Terry
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Mr.Big with Buster Wolf+.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hayato           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0            Terry
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/---====|

Knuckles connect, and all the energy that Terry had been gathering in the last few seconds is spent in a massive explosion of chi. It's hard to tell exactly whether it starts high or low, but it's large enough to envelop Big completely, crashing against him with all the force of a speeding vehicle.


There's a definite smirk on the face of the Biggest Man of Them All as he stands there, sticks raised to the skies, with Terry landing nearby with a thud. His sizeable lips open, and he lets forth a familiar call to those who watch him on the circuit; "Ole!"

But his joy is short lived for two reasons. One, a boot aimed for the small of his back; he tucks and rolls to one side, away from the teacher and a delicious amount of harm. He comes out of that roll to find Terry asking questions.

"Wait, what?" he didn't catch that. What he does catch however, is that fist, and a last moment attempt to defend himself proves for naught. He's enveloped in that tremendous explosion of energy, and is last seen flying towards the trees right at the other side of the arena!

As birds fly to the heavens out of those trees, white doves it seems since Masters spares no expense for dramatics, Mister Big surges back out of the tree line, annoyance plain on his face as he straightens his sunglasses. "You fuck! Fuck!

"These glasses are expensive, man! Be careful! They ain't no stage prop!"

Speaking of stage props, Mister Big happens to be holding a tree his back broke in half while he was flying through the air. "Here we go!" With this leverage, the Biggest Tree of Them All goes flying right at Hayato!

COMBATSYS: Hayato interrupts Huge Random Weapon from Mr.Big with Devastation Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hayato           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0            Terry
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/=======|

Hayato frowns as he fails to land a kick to Big's spine, but at least being dodged means he's able to shift his weight and land in a good position. He swiftly swings around, just in time to see Big go flying through a tree. And then come charging back in his direction, bringing most of the tree with him. Swinging something that big around... that just seems like a challenge.

The teacher stands his ground, grinning as Big charges in. As the tree comes swinging in, Hayato leans back and snaps out his right leg. Blazing chi flares up around his foot and a moment later there's a thundering impact as Hayato's leg scythes right through the tree, continuing on drive right into Big's sternum. Unfortunately, all those bits of the tree still have momentum, meaning Hayato has to deal with getting pelted by several large chunks of wood and a whole bunch of splinters. "Gah!"

He knew just how hard he hit Big, but Terry didn't expect him to go through a tree. He can't help bit wince a little at the impact, and he's left standing for a moment to see just what's going to happen next. And soon enough, here comes the Don again, yelling about.. of all things, his sunglasses. "Well, at least his pride didn't break with the tree." is mumbled to himself before shoulders roll in an idle shrug. ... but then a tree is going through the air, flying with the greatest of ease. The Wolf is rather surprised that it's not heading for his skull, to be honest, and he watches with.. at first, slight horror, then surprise as Hayato just kicks his way right through the goddamn tree entirely. "Huh."

It's a situation that can't really be passed up, though. While Hayato and Big are busy dealing with the leftovers of their tree flinging antics, one of Terry's gloved hands lifts up skyward, balling into a fist just a moment before he slams his knuckles into the fine, white sand that makes up the beachfront property. Almost in theme for the portion of the arena that he's standing in, a wave of blue energy forms at the impact point, then tears straight off towards Hayato, ripping a straight line through the sand as it aims to bowl him over while he's busy recovering.


Things that hurt: getting a tree that's in your hands at the time kicked to pieces; getting kicked by the leg that is carving through that tree like it was a hot knife through butter. Knocked thoroughly back and onto his ass as the tree exPLODES in his hands, Mister Big bounces twice, head shaking in bewilderment, confusion, and sheer pain. Blood drips from his hands, and he pulls a nicely sized blade of wood out of his palm.

"Man, Hayato, I didn't ask for no toothpick," he grouses, discarding the bloody wood. He's back on his feet a moment later, but wobbling; there isn't much left in his tank!

To that end, he opts to go out with a bang. "C'mon, I can't fall so soon, not with the girls watching!" They squeal from the sidelines, like with any good shoutout. Surging forward, Mister Big seeks to run right past that wave of energy coming out of Terry -- and with a burst of speed, sticks held low, he aims to rising uppercut the hobo right into the stands!

"California Romance! Ole!"

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Hayato with Power Wave.
- Power hit! -

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Hayato           1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0            Terry
[                       \\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           0/-------/-======|

Hayato takes a moment to spit a few splinters out of his mouth, then grins at Big. "Well, maybe you should've brought something bigger." Then he hears the shout from Terry and the rumbling behind him. He spins around just in time for his vision to disappear in a flash of light as he gets launched off his feet by the explosion.
The teacher hits the ground in a spray of sand, grunting as he rolls over and starts shoving himself back to his feet. "Okay," he grins, "let's do this!" He lunges toward Terry, bring his arm out to the side before sweeping his shinai in to smash the bamboo blade into the side of Terry's head.

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big successfully hits Terry with California Romance.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hayato           1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Terry
[                       \\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Hayato's Power Strike.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hayato           1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Terry
[                       \\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           1/-------/=======|

Those damn sticks. /Always with the sticks/. Familiar as Terry is with them, the ability of Mr. Big to find ways through his defenses never ceases to surprise the blonde. While he's busy throwing energy towards Hayato, in comes the Don, and it's too much for Terry to mount a proper defense before he ends up getting knocked ass over teakettle, flying across the beach and landing with a rough thud, tumbling backwards once before he finally comes to rest on his back. The sand's kinda comfortable, too, thankfully, but he can't let himself rest just yet. It's a bit slower this time, but once again, the Lone Wolf kips back up to his feet again. "Can't make you look bad in front of the ladies, Big."

He chuckles a little to himself, but then here comes Hayato, shinai up and ready to smash. He digs his heels in and rolls his body backwards just enough that he ducks behind the sweep of the wooden blade, then as his body comes forward again, he surges forward in an attempt to latch right onto the Burning Teacher. Should he get a grip in, he'll yank Hayato in closer before trying to uppercut him away again with a sweeping punch right up underneath the jaw.

Spinning in mid-air, Mister Big returns to the ground, loafers light as always. "Ha-haaa~" he laughs, quite happy with his performance there. He just knows it looked good on the camera. But his attention shifts to the prize purse. He needs that money!

"Thanks, I appreciate it," he wryly remarks back at Terry, before joining the man. But not in a fun way. The other two fighters are pretty close together, which means he has to be really spot-on with those sticks of his! Only he doesn't use those either. Surging forward, he comes in from the back, aiming to pay an attack forward, from Hayato on to Terry; his foot, Terry's spine. "Hey, don't become a cripple now!"

COMBATSYS: Hayato fails to counter Grasping Upper from Terry with Burning Cross Counter.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hayato           1/-======/=======|=======\-------\0            Terry
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Mr.Big           1/-------/=======|

It only takes a moment for Hayato to realize he's overextended himself. With Terry ducking in under his swing, things look pretty bad. But Hayato doesn't know the meaning of giving up! He suddenly kicks off the ground, forcing his entire body to pivot... then begins twisting back around to smash his fist into Terry's face as the other man rises. Blazing chi surrounds his hand as it races toward impact...

But it's a race that Terry wins. His grip on Hayato's coat gives him some control over the timing of the impact, and his fist hits Hayato's jaw before the teacher can return the favor. His head snaps back, then up, followed by the rest of his body as his feet leave the ground, and then he comes crashing down on his back.

COMBATSYS: Terry interrupts Strong Kick from Mr.Big with Power Dunk.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Hayato           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Terry
[                             \  <
Mr.Big           1/---====/=======|

It's always been a satisfying feeling, when knuckles meet someone's jaw. Doubly so when he knows that the punch that just landed prevented a rather messy counterpunch from finding its mark. When Hayato goes flying as a result of Terry's uppercut, there's an audible sigh of relief from the blonde, and he takes a moment to just gather himself back up again.. and that lasts for only that single moment, because here comes Big again, with one of those giant fancy shoes, up and kicking, ready to dislodge a vertebrae or two in the process.

Rather than defend himself, the Hungry Wolf redirects the impact, turning to take the brunt of the Chrome Dome Don's rushing kick to his side, rather than in the back. The force of the kick is enough to send Terry into a bit of a sideways roll, which ends up with him nearly face to face with Big, were it not for the crouching that was accompanied the spin. At the last moment, sneaker-clad legs shove sharply upwards, driving his shoulder up into Big's chest with enough force to lift him off the ground. Terry continues upwards, and continues horizontal roll for another revolution. On the way back down, he meets Mr. Big just before they both meet the ground, and the right hand of the Wolf is glowing brightly with chi just a second before it's slammed down into Big's sternum.


That's about all Mister Big can get out as his kick glances off the side of Terry. The hobo has come moves, and some luck today, it seems! That shoulder comes up, catching him square on, turning all of that forward momentum of his into pain. "Urff--" he coughs over Terry's shoulder, spittle flying, as his body arcs up into the air.

Perfect placement, as Terry rises to join him -- sending him for a harsh descent with that shining finger of his! He bounces right off the arena floor, back onto his feet, teeters for a moment -- and then falls back over once more!

"Fuck," Mister Big spits the word out, along with some thick blood. He knows he's not winning today. He knows he won't have that purse full of money, and a money sign on the front of it! It angers him, but it's now beyond his reach.

"I won't let you have the money either, you fuckin' asshole!" Mister Big is poetic at the best of times. Pushing off the ground, his sunglasses falling off his face, the Bald Kinda-Black Buffalo aims to make his last moments of unconsciousness felt by Bogard, and felt hard! "Legendary Wolf my ass! My ass!"

Coming in fast, Mister Big aims to play Terry's head and shoulders like a set of bongos. Only instead of hands, he's using his sticks, and they rain down in rapid succession. Provided Terry doesn't just leap away, it leads on from there; the sticks held out, the Chrome Dome Don spins in a rapid circle, aiming to catch Terry's jaw with repeated revolutions!

And then finally, the former Sultan of Southtown aims to send Terry skyward once more, with another rising uppercut! "DRUM SHOT! TYPHOON!"

Of course, somewhere in all of this, be it early or near the end, he's going to fall unconscious and end up KO'd on the arena floor. That's just science!

COMBATSYS: Mr.Big can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Terry            1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Hayato

By the time Terry and Big are clashing, Hayato has managed to get himself back to his feet. He's moving a fair bit slower now, and he doesn't look like he's in the best of shape. He grunts and rubs his jaw as he watches Terry drive Big into the ground, wincing slightly in sympathy. But then he's on the move. Terry's going to be occupied for a moment...

If Mr. Big gives him the opening he needs, Hayato takes it, intending to grab Terry right out of the air. But if that fails there's always the old fashioned way. Either way he attempts to get his arms around Terry's torso, then bring him swinging backwards to introduce his skull forcefully to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Mr.Big's Drum Shot Typhoon.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Terry            1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Hayato's German Suplex.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Terry            1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0           Hayato

The fight, for Terry, isn't even about the fight purse. Most of it would end up being donated to some children's charity or something horribly cheesy that nice people do for the children, were Terry to win, anyways. But the venom spit towards him from Big as he hits the ground comes as no particular surprise. He knows where Big's priorities are, and the older Bogard brother just stepped on both of them without even thinking about it: money and women. And when you fuck with Big's money, or Big's women, there's going to be retribution coming. He settles onto the balls of hsi feet when the Sultan comes rushing in, and the smash aimed for his skull breezes by, close enough to cause his hair to whip up from the force of the swing when the blonde ducks out of the way, skirting down and behind the bigger man with the first massive strike. This, however, results in him charging straight at Hayato without really thinking about it. Eyes widen under the ball cap, and he just brings his own feet out from underneath him, dropping into an oh-shit roll as he tumbles out of reach.

From this position, he rolls right into a crouch, almost like a football player's stance with one hand braced against the ground. He shoves off his back foot, and once again, aims to drive his shoulder square into Hayato's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Terry successfully hits Hayato with Overshoot Geyser.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Terry            0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0           Hayato

As he feels the collision of shoulder against stomach, he braces his legs underneath him and springs upwards again, pushing the teacher away in the process. Rather than knocking him away, though, he drives his fist into the other fighter's stomach in mid-air before using that momentum to shove him back down towards the ground.


Hayato drops first, and Terry's right behind him, driving glove-clad knuckles square into the other man's chest. Right on impact, there's a huge exertion of chi, burying Hayato underneath a sudden torrent of fiery blue energy that covers him up from head to roughly waist-level.


Hayato tries to leap to the side when Terry springs up toward him, but he's just not fast enough. His eyes widen as Terry's shoulder slams into him and then lifts him right up off the ground. He doesn't even get a chance to catch his breath before it would have been knocked out of him anyway by a punch to the stomach. You'd think that would be enough, but then there's the additional punch to send him sailing into the ground, with an explosion for good measure.

But as Terry comes back to the ground, Hayato surges up to meet him. It's not clear if he's even still concious at this point, but he still manages to make a grab at Terry, trying to drag them both back up into the air, then twist around to come spinning down and slam Terry's head into the ground. By this point Hayato definitely /is/ unconcious, but his grip just needs to hold for a couple of moments...

COMBATSYS: Hayato can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Terry dodges Hayato's Kaiten Shinai Otoshi.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Terry            0/-------/-------|

By this point, Terry's having to gasp a little for breath. The energy that's gone into the last few rounds is starting to show, breathing heavily when he gets a moment, hands bracing against his knees for the scant seconds that're allowed before Hayato is already up and off the ground again. The surprise is even clearer, eyes widening at the speed of the other fighter so soon after one of the Wolf's favorite attacks. One long, sliding step backwards is taken, and one of his hands reaches for Hayato's wrist when he attempts to grab, turning just enough to guide him off to one side. He doesn't quite throw the Burning Phys-Ed Teacher, more just redirecting him down into the sand. He waits for a few seconds to see whether either Big or Hayato are going to get up... when neither one rises again, the ring announcer's speakers spark back to life.

"Ladies and gentlemen... your winner! The Legendary Wolf.. TERRY BOGARD!" Right now, all Terry can do is smile and lift a hand, waving to the crowds that cheer the end of the fight. He's too damn tired to do much else.

COMBATSYS: Terry wanders on to find the next challenge.

Log created on 19:04:52 11/07/2010 by Mr.Big, and last modified on 10:21:47 11/09/2010.