SNF 2010.10 - Spider's Web - Haggar vs Hayato with CA Juri

Description: Haggar and Hayato get together in the Masters Stadium Red Arena to have a manly fight between manly men, and all Juri has to do is just follow some simple rules about how to act as a Chaos Agent. Guess how well Juri takes to being told what to do. (Winner: Haggar. But really, Juri.)

Ah, SNF. The opportunity to punch and be punched without having to worry about pesky things like paying for the damage later, or having people complain later about you beating them up. It's a fun time for Hayato. And Mike Haggar? Now there's a worthy opponent! Juri, on the other hand, Hayato doesn't know much about, having managed to avoid running into her during his time in the Jinchuu tournament. Lucky him. But how much trouble could she be?

Hayato strides into the arena, his feet kicking up sand as he walks onto the artificial beach, humming to himself. He takes a few practice slashes through the air with his shinai and glances around the area.


Paperwork never changes.

Mike Haggar, Mayor of Metro City, is somewhat delayed in his arrival at the arena. After the second time his name is announced, he finally manages to start walking in - still wearing a suit, dogged by two men (one with an MCPD badge), and a cell phone to his ear besides. It's literally impossible to follow what he's saying as he handles three conversations at once. Finally, one man leaves, Haggar dashes off a signature for the cop, and he clicks his phone closed with finality, tossing it over his shoulder. Haggar uses disposable phones while travelling, it's totally OK. "Sorry about that."

Haggar carefully undoes his tie, grabs his suit jacket, and flings it off. That doesn't explain why he's in his standard attire all of a sudden, but we're rolling with it. "Long time, Hayato!" Haggar plants one hand on his shoulder, wheeling his arm.

Things were getting boring lately.

That's the whole reason she's here, Juri Han. She's still not a well known figure in the larger fighting world. During her time on Taizhou she made a bit of a splash for her extremely violent nature. It wouldn't be wrong to assume during the event that any twisted and brutalized corpse found on the street, alone or with others, was her handiwork. But since those festivities things have died down quite a bit.

Which explains why she is ... here. At Master's Arena. Truth be told she was first told that she could not compete, due to her lack of notoriety. How could they put her in a fight if they didn't even know if she could fight? Well ... Juri fixed that very swiftly. Though in the end she feels like she's still being made fun of somehow. "A Chaos Agent?" She asked over the phone, "Sounds fun... what do I do?" ... "Huh. So I'm not actually fighting? Is that it? Hello. Hello?! Piece of shit hung up on me!!!"

And so she is here, arms crossed and not looking particularly happy. She is seen sitting high up in one of the trees and analyzing the two fighters from a distance. Her left eye allows her to zoom in close enough to view both of them in detail. In particular she quirks a curious eyebrow at Haggar's entrance, where he whips off his suit jacket and... violating all known theories of conservation of matter is now suddenly in a totally different outfit?! Whatever. She licks her lips slightly and speaks in a sultry tone, "Oh. Well, this could be /fun/ after all. He looks like a tough nut to crack."

Hayato grins when he spots Haggar, throwing off a quick salute with his shinai. "Nice to see you again, mayor!" He cracks his neck a few times, then smacks his fist into the palmer of his other hand. "This should be fun." Then he pauses and frowns for a moment, looking around. He's getting the feeling that somebody is watching him. Well, of course, there are a number of people around looking in his general direction, but... ah, oh well!

The gym teacher swings his shinai onto his shoulder, looking around a bit more casually now. "So I guess we just need to wait for that chaos agent to get here, and then we can get started, huh?" He continues to grin, while he thinks about plans for how to deal with Haggar. Staying on the sand might be a good idea... hurts a bit less to get smashed into than hard packed dirt.

Haggar is a bit distracted from Hayato, his arms folded as he locks his gaze on Juri. His eyes briefly dart up and down, the appraising glance of an expert fighter - and settle on her eyes. Haggar's brow furrows as he worries his mustache with his thumb, frowning at her for a long moment. "Hm."

His old instincts tell him to watch his back.

The Hag's gaze suddenly snaps back to Hayato, the concern slowly drifting off his face as he slaps his chest with one hand, then the other, crouching into his wrestling stance. "I get the feelin' that's her." He stretches his neck with a series of pops, plants one hand on his knee, and beckons Hayato on.

COMBATSYS: Haggar has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

It's when Haggar locks his gaze at Juri that the strange young woman suddenly sports a slasher smile. So he could sense her even from that distance? Good. Good. Not that it will help him much, she thinks to herself. When he does glance away again though she is gone, the branch she was sitting on merely swaying on the breeze. Juri Han isn't a ninja, no, but she can move swiftly when she wants to.

For now though Juri decides to hang out on the bottom of the tree near the edge of the light forest in the arena. Such a decadent amount of money they have to spend on such a place. Gripping her left shoulder with her right hand she twists her neck back and forth a few times. Then she reaches over to lightly rap her fist against the trunk of the tree. A cruel grin spreads over her lips as she spreads her hand over its surface. "Oh, if they want chaos, I'll give it to them. I'll give them /all/ the chaos they want."

COMBATSYS: Juri has joined the fight here on the top side.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

Hayato glances over just soon enough to catch a blur of motion as Juri changes positions. Oh, so /that's/ what he felt. "Maybe she's camera-shy. I'm sure she'll come out to play soon enough, though." He turns his attention back to Haggar and grins. "So, how about we get this show on the road?" He looks over at one of the crew members (standing at a safe distance), and gets a nod of approval after a moment of radio discussion.

The Burning Phys Ed Teacher begins to stride toward Haggar. At first he's keeping a sedate pace, but he quickly begins to speed up as he closes the distance until finally he's close enough to unleash a series of shinai slashes at Haggar's body. There aren't really any spots on Haggar that aren't protected by walls of meat, but Hayato will just have to do what he can.

COMBATSYS: Hayato has joined the fight here.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Haggar           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Haggar endures Hayato's Fierce Strike.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Haggar           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0           Hayato

Thumpthumpthumpthumpthump. Haggar makes no moves to block Hayato's rapid strikes aside from a few shifts of his arms, taking one step forward right into the teeth of the assault. He grins, right hand opening, fingers flexing... "There!" The mayor lunges forward, grabbing at Hayato's left shoulder to yank him off-balance and pull him close.

His legs flex, dust rolling off the ground as Haggar just bulls on in, carrying Hayato up into the sky with him. Looks like the Mayor's going to give the fans what they want /right off the bat/, turning Hayato up and over, legs pulling up as he goes into a fast spiral in the air. Up he goes... down he comes.

Camera shy? Juri? Seriously if there was a "live" studio audience in this place they'd be laughing. Instead you'll just have to deal with the cheesy laughtrack they add to the broadcast of this SNF fight. Juri herself isn't close enough to catch any of Haggar or Hayato's words right now anyway. Instead she seems fairly interested in this tree. And soon it's easy to see why. Her kiai yell echoes through the arena followed with a thunderous crack! If one were to look over at the tree Juri was standing upon they would notice a spike of swirling purple energy splitting the tree in twain!

One half of the tree trunk breaks off and falls to the ground, snapping branches as it goes. Standing next to its fallen form is that woman again, who is looking directly toward the two fighters now. She holds out her thumb right in front of her and seems to be trying to get an accurate distance. At this point it's rather obvious what she's planning. 'Distribute Pain as Equally As Possible' they said. Whatever, if that's what they want then she'll need an attack wide enough to hit them both right?

COMBATSYS: Juri focuses on her next action.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Haggar           0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Hayato endures Haggar's Screw Piledriver.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Haggar           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Hayato

With his attention briefly distracted by Juri engaging in some impromptu lumberjacking, Hayato gets grabbed by Haggar. And once Haggar gets his hands on you, you don't really have much of a choice except to go along for the ride. The world flips upside down for Hayato as he's dragged up into the air, and then when he looks 'up' the ground is rapidly approaching.

Hayato braces his shoulders, trying to spread out the impact as much as possible. It still hurts, a lot, but it leaves Hayato in a perfect position to launch his body right back up. He angles his feet for a hopeful connection with Haggar's jaw. Blazing orange chi flares out around Hayato's feet as they race toward the impact.

COMBATSYS: Hayato knocks away Haggar with Devastation Kick!

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Haggar           1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato springs out of the impact like a greased cat or some goddamn thing, turning the piledriver into that magical kind of lame where the opponent recovers before the attacker. Hayato's burning foot slams into Haggar's jaw, his head twisting to the side, heavy jaw jutting out crazily, mustache bristling on one end. It's the kind of facial configuration that only brings one sound to mind:


After making that sound, Haggar is carried right off his feet, spiralling through the air until he finds the ground - which he does. He finds the hell out of it. Haggar slides on the dust on his back for a few moments before uneven ground bounces him through the air. Flailing, he drags one hand behind him, finally regaining his feet, wiping a trickle of blood from the side of his mouth. "Hah!"

The tree falls, and Haggar's gaze flicks over to it. His eyes narrow.

"Hey, you get better at this since last time?" Haggar starts to jog to cover the distance, putting his head down and working it up into a fast lope, giant frame devouring the distance. At the last moment, he sticks his arm out, levering a clothesline at Hayato, using him as a quick stop. Then his leg snaps up at his chest, and his elbow stabs out like a spear.

SECRET PLAN: Haggar is trying to maneuver himself between Hayato and the mysterious Chaos Agent! Does he have a PLAN?

A PLAN!? Well Juri doesn't care much about that. She does admit to enjoying watching the show though. Both of these men seem to be the macho burly types. The type that eat bullets and shit danger. Well then, let's up the ante a bit shall we? If these are the type of action heroes that enjoy danger then let's give them something a bit more dangerous to play with.

Juri kicks the tree trunk, a gentle love tap compared to her usual kicks. She's gauging its weight. It's not usual that she gets this much prep time for one of her attacks. And the cameras are watching her, the commentators on the booth predicting that she's planning to kick the tree trunk toward them like some kind of massive wooden steam roller. But they're wondering why she's taking so long. The audience is sorta getting restless after all. But they shut up when Juri suddenly looks /straight/ into the camera with a chilling look.

Lowering her head down to the tree trunk once more she suddenly lets out another kiai yell! The broken remnants of half a tree are lifted into the air by Juri! And she's spinning under it, like a horizontal tornado, pushing herself off the ground with her arm as each kick sends the log higher. Then she can be seen rising above it with her leg raised high above her head. It is an attack not completely unlike the one used for her Kaisen Dankairaku: All it is missing is her psycho power. She delivers an almighty downwards kick toward the tree trunk and it splinters yet again!

This time it breaks into sharp wooden shards that lance their way toward Haggar and Hayato! Not all of them will hit, and those that don't will find themselves embedded in the ground nearby. Useful random 'weapons' for them to pick up and use against each other. After her attack is over Juri can be heard yelling, "C'mon boys. What's with all this boring shit?! Show me some /blood/ already!"

COMBATSYS: Hayato dodges Haggar's Combo Attack.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|------=
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Haggar           1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Hayato with Large Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|-----==
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Haggar           1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato grins at Haggar as the mayor comes charging in. "Well, I don't know how much better I've gotten, but you'd better believe I'm still training every day." He doesn't talk for too long, though, since he has to deal with Haggar's arm coming at him. That could take his head off! And Hayato doesn't feel like being used as the brakes for Haggar's charge, so at the last moment he ducks, letting Haggar's arm fly over his head.

He swiftly turns around to face Haggar, still grinning. "That was a close one, keep it- argh!" And at the same time there's a few meaty thunks as large shards of wood slam into Hayato's right shoulder and left leg, while another one skims across the side of his torso. He's knocked off his feet by the impact, going down in a brief spray of blood. Then there's the sound of cracking wood as Hayato wrenches out the shard in his shoulder, gripping it hard enough that it falls away in even smaller bits as he tosses it aside, climbing back to his feet. He's still grinning as he reaches down and yanks out the one in his leg, waves of chi starting to radiate off of him. "So, we're going to play it like that, huh?"

COMBATSYS: Hayato gathers his will.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|-----==
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Haggar           1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Haggar with Large Thrown Object.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|----===
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

It goes wrong in a rapid succession of events - first Haggar doesn't stop in time, completely ruining his plan to catch a spike and just smash it over his head, but now his whole spike-catching routine is shot. His hand snaps up, closing on the wood headed for his head.

The wood shard promptly splinters further, scattering the side of Haggar's face and arm with tinier spikes, drawing both a frown /and blood./

Scowling, Haggar brings his arm down, pulling splinters out of his flesh. "I saw that going differently in my head," he grouses, half of his face quickly becoming a red mask. He pulls a two-inch long splinter out of the skin way too close to his eye for comfort, that one's gonna need stitches, and gives Juri his best patrician scowl. "You're doing it wrong!" He sucks a splinter into his mouth through his cheek, spitting it onto the ground with a little more blood.

Not putting Juri at his back again, Haggar crouches down, slapping his chest and locking his eyes on Hayato. Already especially banged up, he doesn't want to go running into the teeth of a GETTIN' PUMPED teacher.

COMBATSYS: Haggar focuses on his next action.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|----===
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

Any scowls Juri receives are returned with the menacing, predatory sneer she most commonly carries. She walks toward the two warriors now idly brushing splintered bits of wood from her outfit. There's no indication of fear on her face, despite the fact that she likely pissed off two extremely powerful men with an attack that would seem dirty even in the bloodiest of blood sports. The Korean woman doesn't give a shit. Her violet colored eyes are alight with glee at the sight of blood being spilled across the battlefield. For her... /this/ is entertainment!
"Doing it wrong?" Juri asks in a mocking tone of voice. "Like I give a shit about all that. I'm already bending over backwards to follow the /rules/" she hisses that word with an incredible amount of invective, "that have been given to me. But so far this show has been boring. So, I'm trying to be a nice, sweet little helper and spice this up." Done sweeping the wooden splinters from her clothes she stops a few meters away from the two men and relaxes. Right hand held firmly on her hip, hip cocked to the left, and her head tilted at an odd angle with that left eye of hers glowing dimly.

Her words sound as comforting as sandpaper rubbing against bare flesh, "Now, are you two going to keep complaining about what I'm doing, or are you going to go back to killing each other already? The audience is getting /restless/." Though it's fairly clear that the audience she is talking about is the one standing just a few meters away from both of them...

COMBATSYS: Juri takes no action.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|----===
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

While Hayato does not entirely approve of Juri's methods, it's still not /too/ out of line. People get hurt during these kinds of things. So for now he'll continue trying to test his skills against Haggar. He leans his weight on his injured leg for a moment, making sure that the wound isn't going to slow him down too much. He winces slightly, but it takes the weight.

He does look in Juri's direction before he continues, though, grinning at her. "You're going to have to try a bit harder than that, you know." But then he's off towards Haggar, leaping into the air as he draws close. He lashes out with a kick from his right leg, before spinning around to follow up with a second kick from his left.

COMBATSYS: Haggar blocks Hayato's Second Kick.

                 [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|----===
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

Haggar's arm comes up, catching Hayato's first kick - his left does the same, but he winces - that's the cut up arm. "Hnfff..." With that last hit, he stamps a foot into the ground, shoving Hayato back and dropping to a knee. "What I'm sayin' is, yer weapons are too small!"

When Haggar stands back up, he's scooped up two handfuls of the wooden spikes, and he mashes them together, squeezing with uncommon strength. Fresh wood binds back to fresh wood, and Haggar hauls back with his new big-ass stick. With little ceremony, he takes a few steps forward, bringing it down roughly on Hayato's head.

The Juri is pleased as battle resumes and the spilling of blood commences once more. Though she still looks bored. Anxious even. She's not the sort that takes very well to sitting on the sidelines and just doing little things here and there. She wants to be in the midst of it. She wants to /hurt/ and be /hurt/. If either of the two burly men bother to spare a glance to her after Hayato's comment they'll be able to see her grit her teeth and witness veins over anger popping out.

"Oh don't worry. I can do better. I can do a lot better. Survive long enough and perhaps I'll let you see it." Her words are somewhere between a seductive purr and a dry hiss. A combination of sultry and sadistic. After she is done speaking though her left eye can be seen glowing brighter. A slight sheen of purple energy runs over her skin. She's powering up for something, though at the moment it's not clear what.

For now she just reaches down with a foot and flips a chunk of wood into the air. She'll grab the wood and with a simple flick of her wrist send it flying toward Hayato's head. He's the one who taunted her the most after all. "And it isn't all about size, big boy, it's about how you use it." She comments off-handedly.

COMBATSYS: Hayato dodges Juri's Thrown Object.

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-------|=======
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Hayato counters Random Weapon from Haggar with Burning Cross Counter.

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-------|=======
[                           \\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Haggar           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\===----\1           Hayato

Getting hit with a big ass stick by Haggar is a good way to get sent flying a very long way, possibly sans some teeth, and with some bonus cracks in your bones. The only good thing that can be said for having something like that swung at you, is that it takes a little bit of time to get it moving, even for Haggar. While the stick is swinging up and then coming down toward Hayato's head, Hayato is stepping in to meet Haggar, ducking as he does so. Just in time, too, as the chunk of wood from Juri slices through the air where his head just was, ruffling his hair with the wind from its passage.

He leads with his left fist, throwing the entire weight of his body behind it as he fully extends his arm into Haggar's face, landing a blazing punch with enough force to take even the meaty mayor of his feet. And then he has to very quickly step to the side to avoid just having the stick fall on him and clonk him on the head.

Haggar takes the briefest of moments to 'favor' Juri with a grim look, all of his years as a figure of /maximum authority/ coming to the fore. Why is it the crazier they are, the flirtier they are? It's so /aggravating./

Also, it begs to mention, his wife is dead.

The wrestler was hoping that Hayato'd be taking a while longer to recover from his blocked move, or that he'd be as distracted by Juri's /Juriness/ as he's been so far. Haggar's wood chunk swishes through the air --- guess not.

Hayato's gigantic punch explodes against the Mayor, hurling his upper body back... but against all odds, one foot stays on the ground, fighting the laws of physics to keep him there as his entire body attempts to go flying to the /other/ side of the arena. With a growl pulled deep from the recesses of his chest, Haggar rips himself out of the horrible reel, hands clasping together, slamming forward one last time for Hayato's chest. Well, really, his whole body. Wood explodes from around him with the titanic force of the swing, air distorting in a wide arc forward.

Everyone holds their breath.

COMBATSYS: Haggar has reached second wind!

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-------|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Haggar           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Hayato

Blah blah dead wife cry whine. Juri's parents were killed in front of her and you don't see her ever causing her grief. No, it mostly causes /other/ people grief that Juri is too happy to provide. And still, through that vast emotional gulf that Juri has placed herself on the other side of she cannot help but feel a bit impressed at Hayato. Not only did he manage to dodge her attack, but also totally negated Haggar's strike while delivering a blow of his own!

It was so much fun to watch that it's deserving of a bit of a clap. So Juri provides, clapping her hands in perhaps the most sarcastic manner possible without adding air quotes with her fingers between each clap. By the time she is done though, Haggar is ... well... SURGING back onto his feet and delivering an almight attack aimed at Hayato's chest. It's a beautiful thing to behold. The only way it would be made better is if he was trying to run Hayato through with one of those lovely wooden spears she crafted.

Instead she finds herself pelted with a few random pieces of wood produced by the massive distortion wave of the attack. Besides brushing bits of wood off of her though, Juri seems to be waiting on something, "Tick tock boys. You're not getting paid by the hour."

COMBATSYS: Juri takes no action.

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|---====|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Haggar           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Haggar successfully hits Hayato with Violent Axe.

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|---====|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Haggar           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato

The grin gets temporarily wiped off Hayato's face as Haggar straightens back up and brings his hands together with unstoppable force on either side of Hayato's torso. The teacher makes a strangled noise as his ribs try not to buckle under the force of the impact. He staggers back for a moment, but as he starts to manage to breathe again the grin makes its way back to his face. "N... nice one..."

Forcing himself to take a deep breath against the protests of his ribs, Hayato lunges back toward Haggar, bring his shinai down for an angled strike at the mayor's collarbone, then following it up with strikes on either side of his torso, just under the ribcage, and then finally slashing down toward his head.

COMBATSYS: Haggar counters Scolding Slash from Hayato with Power Swing.

                 [ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|---====|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Haggar           1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0           Hayato

It doesn't get past the first strike. As soon as Hayato's shinai gets close, Haggar's hands pull apart, his right one moving in a blur as it intercepts the weapon, closing around it. Haggar grins at Hayato, half his face covered in blood, most of the other covered in bruise.

"HOOOYEAHHH!" Like a stone wall moving, Haggar takes a step back, the muscles of his right arm flushing as he hauls up, ripping Hayato right off of his feet by his sword - which of course he can't let go, this isn't letting him have any animation frames - whipping him around his head in a circle once, twice, three times, and hurling him down the arena, at the water.

After the throw, Haggar takes a wide stance, legs planted, and passes his hand down his face, clearing blood from his eye. "It's a charity match," he grunts at Juri, without humor.

Well, /Haggar/ donates his winnings to charity. Hayato may have... other plans.

Juri seems to go a little flat-eyed when charity is mentioned. Oh yes, for all the little kids in the world, very nice. She raises her hand and yawns dramatically into it before reaching behind her back. Her left leg lifts up so that she can grab hold of it, and stretch luxuriously before releasing it and returning to her normal standing posture. All the while she states in a bored, matter-of-fact tone, "Like I give a shit what you do with the money after you're done here."

Then, without warning she lunges toward Haggar! Well there is a bit of a warning: Her left eye suddenly flashes with a garish purple light. When she gets into range she intends to sweep her foot around in order to deliver a kick. Trailing her foot though is a vibrant, nebulous trail of chaotic purple energy! It hits like chi but stings like mental suffering and anguish.

"Though to be honest, your self-righteous bull-shit pisses me the FUCK OFF!" Juri says with an angry growl rising from her throat. Oh dear, we all knew it couldn't last forever. Juri had been patient up until now but it seems like she has to cut someone.

Hayato's eyes widen in surprise as Haggar suddenly turns the tables on him. He's yanked off the ground, sent spinning around and around, and he's already getting woozy when he's launched toward the water. The teacher tries to think of some way to deal with this, but he's already in pretty bad shape. And then he hits the water at high speed, with a huge splash.




Uh, he's probably okay, folks. They'll just need to send someone to fish him out later.

COMBATSYS: Hayato takes no action.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|---====|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Hayato can no longer fight.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|---====|=======
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Haggar fails to counter Fuhajin from Juri with Hammer Thru.

                 [  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-======|=======
[                            \\  <
Haggar           0/-------/=======|

Haggar lifts his thumb, cleaning the blood off his mustache. It's an important part of the Haggar experience, that glistening, luxurious chevron.

After Hayato lands in the water, there's a delay... and then the match is called. Haggar lets out an explosive breath, appearing to relax. "Damn, he always nearly gets me," Haggar muses, wheeling his right arm again.

But he hadn't relaxed. Juri's purple foot sweeps at Haggar, and he moves smoothly in response, swinging both arms up. The two fighters clash, her energy spiralling around Haggar's arm as he fights it. He responds, face stern, "Sorry you feel that way, ma'am." He takes a step forward.

Juri's energy starts spiralling /up/ Haggar's arm, then, as though of its own accord, the burning pain reaching for his face, reminding him of days spent on the street with just two other men at his back against what seemed like a whole city. Haggar's resolve cracks, he jerks his head back, and the kick smashes through his guard. Trailing purple smoke, Haggar slides back, digging divots in the ground, dropping to one knee. "The hell do you think you're doing, anyway? They called the fight!" Not that he's entirely unprepared for something like this. Haggar pushes himself up, reclaiming his wide stance - though he's already running on empty.

After her strike has ended, Juri lowers her foot slowly to the ground. All sanity has left her eyes now: All that is left is a predatory, burning hunger. Her lips spread into a wild grin, split into a maddening smile, and finally she throws her head back for a full throated cackle that causes her entire body to shake and convulse from her feet to the tips of her strange hairstyle! When she is done her body slumps forward and she breathes heavily for a couple of seconds. Just enough time for her to reach down and grasp ahold of a sharpened bit of wood lying next to her feet.

"Oh... yes, that's what those /rules/ say isn't it. The /rules/ say it's time to stop. But you see, oh honorable mister mayor, I don't give a fuck about the rules." She raises back up into her full standing posture. The sharp wooden stake is clenched tightly in her fingers, and she raises it up to gently tap one end of it against her shoulder. "After all. I'm the Chaos Agent, riiiiight? Then it's my job to start some Chaos. And I know no better way..." She licks her lips luxuriously, as if to taste the words before they come from her mouth, "... then killing a mayor on LIVE TELEVISION!!!"

Almost certainly at this time someone in the control room is hitting a panic button. They knew this was going to happen: Sending Juri into a fight under any circumstance is just like rolling a powder keg over a bed of hot coals. You don't know when it's going off, but you know it probably will before it reaches the other side. And with that in mind Juri bursts toward Haggar with her incredible speed! She'll leap into the air and attempt to straddle, as best she can, Haggar's incredible meaty chest. Meanwhile she'll take that lovely stake she found and attempt to drive it down into Haggar's right shoulder: Between the collar bone and shoulder blade. All the while cackling madly with unrestrained glee.

COMBATSYS: Haggar Toughs Out Juri's Light Random Weapon!
COMBATSYS: Haggar refuses to stay down!

                 [   ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|=======|=======
[                                <
Haggar           1/-----==/=======|

As Juri totally loses her shit, Haggar slowly nods. "I figured I read you right. You're one 'a them, whatcha callit." She reaches down for the wood. "Psychopaths." He lets her rant with the impassivity a man only as sublimely experienced as Haggar can have, stretching out his neck and shoulders, watching and waiting. She announces her intent, and the Mayor simply frowns.

She jumps on him, and stabs him right in that soft neck/shoulder region - but Haggar's left hand comes up at the same time, trapping Juri's hand(s) there absolutely. Face to face - there's no fear in the Mayor's eyes, just solidity. His hand tightens. "What makes you think that you got what it takes? This ain't my first time at the rodeo!"


A man in Rolento's employ throws a knife at Mayor Haggar during a press conference - he catches it in his teeth, spits it aside, and continues his speech while bouncing him off a wall.

A crack team of Shadaloo agents attempt to jump Haggar in his own home, during a football game. His maid finds them duct-taped into the laundry hamper with instructions not to wake him, and to drop them off at the precinct.

Rolento drives a tank into a ribbon-cutting ceremony - Haggar cuts the ribbon with the tank.


Haggar roughly tears Juri's hand away from his neck, leaving the spike jutting out, and whips the much smaller woman through the air, down at the ground in front of him. Before Juri can hit, however, Haggar's right foot swings up, attempting a field goal punt right back at the trees.

COMBATSYS: Juri interrupts Heavy Kick from Haggar with Karen Kick.
- Power hit! -

                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             2|<<<<<<<|<<<<<<<
[                                <
Haggar           1/--=====/=======|

Juri is impressed, again, by this man. No seriously she's developing a sort of strange ... adoration for Haggar. It's the kind of love that blooms between a sadomasochistic psychopath and a man made of meat and pain. But it's there nonetheless. She attempted to drive the wooden stake full force into Haggar's shoulder! So forcefully, in fact, that were he a normal man he would be dead now. Fortunately he is no normal man: HE IS HUUUUUGE! And as Juri's hands are grabbed by Haggar's, and he looks into her face with unamused eyes, it's rather clear that Juri is fucked.

Not an unusual place to find herself, mind.

Her response to Haggar asking if she has what it takes is another unstable laugh, "Oh? You're still alive. Mmm you are in good shape aren't you?" Her voice drips with sadistic lust as she leans forward, pressing her chest up against Haggar's left arm and whispers, "I'm sure you'll find I'm more than capable to taking a man like you." Naturally she doesn't have much longer to both tempt and disturb Haggar in that disturbing manner of hers. No, because that meaty hand of his RIPS her away, causing her to lose her grip on the stake, and flings her down toward the ground.

But when that foot rises up, Haggar will find that instead of her body touching his mighty foot it is instead her hand. She has already twisted herself around to use the momentum of his kick against him! As she rises up with the force of the blow (twisting her arm badly in the process) she brings her left knee up to impact solidly against his chin! This cancels her upward momentum, and allows her to deliver a second knee to the stake with her right leg. Then finally she'll turn herself around in the air fully to deliver an almighty backwards heel kick to Haggar's massive chest and send him flying backward!!!



Temptation? Nah, there's none of that. Haggar's heart (and zipper) was closed on 'that day', and it's going to take a wholesome romantic comedy with a fine MILF to ever open it back up again. He scowls when Juri balances on his damn leg, which is completely unfair - people doing things like that are just one rung above /fireballers/, in his view - he staggers at the first kick, the second nearly knocks him down - and the third finally does, Mike Haggar falling all the way onto his back with a crash. Groaning, he rolls to the side, slowly picking himself up--

Ground cracks. Haggar bounds. His hand moves like a battering ram for Juri's forehead. It only takes an instant--

COMBATSYS: Haggar has reached third wind!

                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-======|=======
[                           \\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Haggar's Giant Swing.

                 [      |||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-======|=======
[                           \\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-----==|

Haggar looks kind of dumb. BUT THE SOUL STILL BURNS.

After Juri lands from her attack, she winces slightly while shaking her right hand. Oh sure that balancing trick she did looked really cheap but it hurt like fucking Hell. She still can't get any feeling from her fingers, for now. Though while she shakes her right hand, she laughs coldly. "Are we having /fun/ yet?! You know, the people who gave me this gig were really fucking stupid. Putting me on the sidelines and expecting me to play their little games. Isn't this so much more fun?! C'mon, try to break me!"


As Haggar returns to his feet, he bounds with such incredible force that the ground /cracks/ underneath him. Juri actually staggers backwards with surprise for a moment, and then here comes the hand moving like a freight train. And perhaps it would have hit like a freight train too if Haggar accounted for the fact that Juri is a nasty acrobatic little thing nearly a foot and a half shorter than he is. One of her hair buns is knocked loose by the passing of his hand, allowing her black hair to flow freely down her back and over her arm. She also leaps backward to avoid being trampled altogether! A soft laugh escapes her lips, "Wow. You're really something else. A girl like me could get used to having a guy with your stamina."

With that she leaps into the air! This time trying to hook her left leg up and press it down atop Haggar's head. /NOT AND EASY TASK/. If successful she'll try to drag him down to a more manageable height, and thus the fun will begin.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Haggar with Assatsu Kick.
~ Cruel hit! ~

                 [     ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-======|=======
[                                <
Haggar           0/-------/--=====|

Holy Fuck, that worked. OK... let's see.

It begins with Juri finally getting Haggar down to a height that her foot can touch the ground, then she actually pulls him down /further/. A soft cackle escapes her lips, "But even you can't last forever... so enjoy..." With a powerful STOMP she will press his face into the ground, "IT!" Another kick to his neck, "WHILE!", another kick to his upper back, "IT!", and finally a powerful stomping kick to his lower back - so powerful that she leaps up and away from Haggar's fallen body, "LASTS!!!"

Haggar's eyes are shadowed by his brow as the Giant Swing opener misses, which has a basically terrible recovery time. It's like, damn, he's basically dizzied, drop a combo or do a throw punish.

Juri opts for the combo.

Little more than grunts escape Haggar's lips as Juri weighs him down with inexorable force - and then shoving him down to the dirt, booting him around, rolling him like you're just starting a katamari of pain.

But you can never count Haggar out, not when adrenaline is pumping through his veins. After the last stomp, another surge of energy goes through him, and he erupts upward, leaping after Juri, trailing even more blood. The SNF crew has finally got an extraction ready (a high-speed motorcycle with a very clunky sidecar to dump the mayor into when he finally falls over), and it's up to Haggar to get Juri as far away as possible so they can get out without having to call Ken or something. Now, many people accuse Haggar of having the same moveset as Zangief. They say he'll never get in any games, they're basically identical.

Haggar's arms lock out, and he spirals in mid-air, like a wheel made of baseball bats. Haggar can aerial Spinning Clothesline, take that /naysayers./

COMBATSYS: Haggar can no longer fight.

                 [     ||||||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             1|-======|=======

COMBATSYS: Juri interrupts Spinning Clothesline from Haggar with Kaisen Dankairaku.

                 [        |||||||||||||||||||||| ]
                 Juri             0|-------|---====

It wasn't a fair fight. Not even remotely, from beginning to end. Haggar was exhausted from his fight with Hayato and Juri was still relatively fresh and full of pep. Violent, murderous pep. After leaping away from Haggar's fallen body Juri lands with all the grace of a practiced gymnast. In spite of how graceful it looks though, the force of the lending does horrible things to her badly wrenched right arm. She grits her teeth and shakes it some more in order to try and restore feeling to it.

It is then that she feels the ground tremble under her, the force of meaty footfalls approaching fast from behind! Juri just grins a cruel, evil sneer as she glances over her shoulder. Haggar can see it: Her left eye, glowing full and bright with the psycho power she has now rushing through her body! Haggar launches his form through the air, directly at her, and as she moves into position he actually manages to graze the side of her face with one of his mighty fists. Though it's only a minor wound compared to the storm that's coming for Haggar.

It begins with a sweeping kick wreathed in purple energy. Then, pushing off that horribly painful right arms of hers, it continues with a rising hurricane of similarly powerful kicks rising into the air like some violent violet tornado! Improbably the force of these attacks is enough to send Haggar's body flying upwards, and soon Juri's own form can be seen rising above his.

She is wreathed in chaotic, storm-like purple energy. Her left foot is up far above her head and immediately this move is familiar: It's the kick she used to splinter the tree! Though with something extra added. And so, just like before, Juri's foot descends with bone cracking force! Haggar's body descends LIKE LIGHTNING to the ground, and meanwhile Juri streaks by him LIKE GREASED LIGHTNING to land before him. Dropping to all fours to cancel her momentum, she has but mere moments before Haggar's body crashes into her own.

Turning around on the heel of her left foot she kicks directly upward into Haggar's descending body with her right! His spine is curled around her foot, and although he is easily three times her mass she holds him aloft with almost no strain whatsoever. Leaning upward she reaches to gently carress his chin with her hand, "So long, and thanks." She then spins on her heel and delivers him, head and neck first, directly... INTO THE SIDECAR! Well that was thoughtful of her. Though he'll be riding out of here with his ass sticking in the air.

It is around this time also that a group of mercenaries arrive. Lining up around the perimeter of the arena and every single one of them armed with RPG launchers. Juri glances about, and tsks softly. ONE she can handle. Fifteen she can't. A nervous man's voice blares over the announcement system, "CHAOS AGENT JURI. THE MATCH IS OVER. STAND DOWN IMMEDIATELY." Juri just sighs softly, and turns her head to the side before raising her hands up and walking toward the exit. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I had my fun."

COMBATSYS: Juri has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:29:42 10/17/2010 by Hayato, and last modified on 15:52:20 10/21/2010.