SNF 2010.10 - Cool Head VS Hot Blood - Adelheid vs Hayato

Description: Adelheid and Hayato duke it out in Masters Stadium, each bringing their own kind of enthusiasm to the fight. Adelheid seems to be quite on top of his game, though, leaving Hayato with an uphill struggle. Not that something like that would ever deter the Burning Phys Ed Teacher. (Winner: Adelheid)

[OOC] Hayato says, "I've started a log, so if you'd like to set that's fine."

[OOC] Adelheid says, "No prob."

When a fighter has a semi-consistent tradition of ignoring the odd conditions, costume pieces, or set themes of their SNF match, it's not really all that surprising when the schedulers just kind of say 'Fine, go to this simple room, and beat the hell out of each other.'. Adelheid certainly doesn't come to these events for the media spectacle. He certainly doesn't care to re-enact scenes from Shrek, or teach lessons on proper hygiene to fifth graders while he fights. No, he's just here to fight - and facing off against Taiyo's BURNING Phys-Ed Teacher is as good as reason as ever to show up.

The heir to an empire turned idealistic ronin warlord arrives with little fanfare, snapping black leather gloves tight over the second of his formidable fists as each is experimentally flexed. Military-style fatigues in jet black are worn from boots to waist, a double-wrapped utility belt holding any number of hidden tools in its interior. His torso is (partly) covered only by a tight grey tanktop, the Prince of War's lithe frame belied by the sheer mass of carefully honed muscle he bears. Unusual, crimson eyes scan the simple faux dojo, considering the onlookers along the stands, the various dimensions and materials of the arena itself... and finally settling on Hayato when his opponent arrives. It's all a very analytical, thorough study. Much like the fight itself often is to the young Bernstein.

Hayato doesn't spend time analyzing the situation. Oh, he /could/, but he finds that just listening to his gut has gotten him pretty far. Besides, it's just a dojo. What of importance could there be besides the opponent? And so, Hayato strolls in casually, chewing on a long stalk of grass and idly tapping his shinai against his shoulder. He gives Adelheid a friendly nod once he catches the younger man's eye, and continues on to the spot set aside for his starting position.
The teacher cracks his neck a few times, grinning at Adelheid. "This should be fun. It'll be nice to get back into the swing of things, fighting without having to worry about getting shot at." He swings his shinai down, taking on a somewhat readier stance in anticipation of the upcoming signal to start.

[OOC] Adelheid says, "Shall I open?"

[OOC] Hayato says, "Sure."

It's true - there's not a lot of weapon or terrain of opportunity options in the simple dojo arena, but it's part of what's kept Adel alive this long. Plus, you never know quite what the versatile prodigy might pull out of his... utility belt. Right. The belt. A calm, if not quite /relaxed/ smile greets Hayato's grin and words, the blonde nodding back to the skilled teacher. "As ever. I'm looking forward to it." He's been whalloped by Hayato's shinai enough to know the elder fighter's strength.. and apparently this is a good thing, in Adelheid's book.

The countdown to the fight sees Adelheid's stance subtly widen, hands going to the ready, one low and open, the other coiled back higher... tensed into a fist. He shifts one way, and then the other, and in an instant he's floored the proverbial accelerator. "Let's not waste any time!" The enthused Prince exclaims, all but launching himself in a bolt across the dojo. It's at once volatile and graceful, an expulsion of invisible energy stirring the wind as he weaves to the side, and bolts in, his open hand suddenly shooting up for Hayato's neck. He tries to get inside the fervent teacher's guard, pluck him physically off the ground, and hammer him in the ribs with enough force to renew some of that distance despite the sought grip.

"But really... how do you know I didn't bring a gun?" The young Bernstein quips evenly, one surprisingly delicate golden brow arching.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Hayato has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid         0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Hayato with Scorpion Blow.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato attempts to shove one of his arms into Adelheid's grasp, willing to sacrifice the mobility of one limb to throw off the younger man's plans. Unfortunately, when Adelheid is able to slip past and still grab Hayato by the throat, this means that one of Hayato's arms is in a pretty bad position. He tries to lash out with his other arm, perhaps catching Adelheid in the side of the head, but he isn't able to connect before the fist is driven into his ribs, sending him flying back and crashing down hard on his back.
The Burning Phys Ed Teacher does a quick kip-up, leaving him facing Adelheid once more. "Well, it's pretty simple. 1) You don't need one. And B) If you had one, I'd just have to feed it to you, and then it wouldn't be a problem." He flashes a grin, then lunges toward Adelheid. He swiftly crosses the ground between them, lashing out horizontally at first, then following up with several rapid diagonal strikes.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid blocks Hayato's Scolding Slash.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Adelheid         0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Hayato

A smooth followthrough carries one of Adelheid's booted feet forward, as his fist finishes its extension, a quivering tremor running through tensed muscle as the last of the energy is released into the strike, and Hayato is knocked away. The young warrior's smile has more or less dissipated, but remains in his eyes - enjoyment of test at hand. While he may not be as vocal about it, it is indeed a nice shift not to be risking life and limb against the nefarious and murderous, for a change.
When Hayato charges, he meets braced arms. Or at least, his shinai does. A vertically-aligned forearm crisscrosses the first slash, his backsteps matching Hayato's forward momentum as he catches the painful strikes on resilient muscle, one arm and then the other blurring up to meet them before they can contact his frame more substantially. "Point." the Prince of War concedes, "Though you /don't/ want to see the shrapnel that would result when it was spat back!" It's accompanied by his own countercharge, no hesitation as he drives forward with an elbow.

Then a fist. Then a jarring uppercut targetted at Hayato's jaw. Another for one of the vulnerable points just below his ribcage, and then the young Bernstein all but inverts, launching himself straight upwards in a torrent of ripping, silvery wind-chi, the jagged edge accompanying his ascent as he kicks into a backflip, intending to land a short span from Hayato once more.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Hayato with Grosse Stob.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Adelheid         0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato sees the fist coming and tries to lean back out of the way, but it still clips his jaw hard enough to snap his head back, leaving him wide open for the follow up body blow. The teacher is forced to double over, resulting in his being unable to escape before Adelheid launches himself into the air, blasting Hayato upwards in the process. The teacher tumbles about in the air for a few moments, but manages to right himself as he falls back to the ground, landing in a kneeling position.
He grits his teeth for a moment, but rises back to a standing position with a grin still on his face. "Well, I think I'm properly warmed up now." He leaps at Adelheid, scything out toward his head with a kick. He follows through with the attack as he hits the ground, spinning around to face Adelheid once more, and with his shinai held out firmly to catch the younger man in the side of the head, and push downwards at an angle to hurl him to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid parries Hayato's Armed Combo!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Adelheid         0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Hayato

[OOC] Hayato D:

[OOC] Adelheid whistles innocently?

Adelheid touches down remarkably lightly, considering the massive amount of force focused outwards only moments before. All that energy recenters itself within the Prince of War, the eye of the proverbial storm curling its winds in around itself, the slightest flutter of the young Bernstein's blonde hair continuing after he's already landed on subtly bent legs. Eyes narrow slightly, the same instant that Hayato comes in once more. The burning phys-ed teacher's charge meets little but air, however.

As he launches in, Adelheid bolts low, and... forward! In a flash, the alarmingly quick Adel weaves under and around Hayato, ducking his leg as the elder warrior lands. The shinai followthrough finds him still plenty close enough to target... in this case, perhaps /unfortunately/. The deceptively young veteran all but blurs anew as he ducks the stroke while still advancing. In the instant that Hayato meant to slam him to the floor... Adel is upon him, hands reaching for an ironclad grip at chest and face. The, intent, then, is to launch with total disregard for gravity.

It would be a trainwreck ride with Hayato strapped to the locomotive's cowcatcher, both men hurtling through the air until there came a crashing, arena-shattering impact with the far wall and the teacher's back, should Adel get his way.

COMBATSYS: Hayato counters God Press EX from Adelheid with Counter Thrust.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato has left himself over-extended, and he realizes it the moment Adelheid ducks his shinai strike. Momentum is carrying his arms past Adelheid, and although it also means his chest and head aren't particularly vulnerable to direct strikes, Adelheid seems to be grabbing for him, and there's not much he can do against that. Or is there?

With a grunt of effort, Hayato plants his foot and pivots hard, his sneaker squealing on the floor as he overcomes his momentum with sheer force. He bends his arm away from Adelheid as he turns, then snaps it out, giving some extra force to the impact as he slams the back of his fist into the side of the younger man's head and keeps going. He continues to pivot about until the momentum should hopefully fling Adelheid away, then stumbles for a moment as he tries to recover his balance after that awkward maneuver.

This time, the insistent charge earns Adel a potent crack to the head. His skull rings, brains vibrate, and the shock of the impact staggers him clear of Hayato in an instant. Note to self: It doesn't really help when you rush headlong /into/ a punch like that. Adelheid drops into a slight skid, sliding on the fingertips of one hand, and one of his knees, with the force of the strike. As he pushes back to his feet, he cracks his neck, and a ghost of a grin passes over his face. "Warmed up, indeed."

It doesn't stop him from re-engaging, though - not by a longshot! Adelheid bolts left, bolts right, obfuscating his angle of attack until he shifts into a final feint and then forward, kicking out for the front of Hayato's knee, seeking to bend it a way it's not meant to bend... and divert attention from the open hand slamming around for the base of Hayato's skull, on the opposite side. He seeks to clench fingers painfully there, and use the hopefully off-balance teacher's distraction to quite literally leverage him end over end and into the ground, his other hand coming around low to add spin and oomph to the effort.

COMBATSYS: Hayato blocks Adelheid's Medium Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Adelheid         0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           Hayato

[OOC] Adelheid says, "Okay, I need to wander off for dinner, I'll be back in prolly an hour'ish."

[OOC] Hayato says, "Okay, sounds good."

Hayato's knee stands up under the force of the blow, although it's a far from pleasant experience. It provides some better support as Adelheid starts trying to slam him down, but the younger man has enough leverage that it can't be stopped completely. It does give Hayato enough time to twist himself about, though, preparing to hit the ground leading with his shoulder and rolling onto his back. It'd be a shame to waste the momentum that he's going to get from that, though.

As the teacher hits the ground, he reaches up in an attempt to grab one of the arms that's pushing him down, then yank roughly down and to the side to send Adelheid falling to the floor, too. Of course, Adelheid doesn't have as far to fall, so Hayato needs to add a little extra oomph. In his plan, by grabbing Adelheid's head and introducing it firmly to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid interrupts Medium Throw from Hayato with Genocide Cutter.
- Power hit! -

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Adelheid         1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1           Hayato

[OOC] Hayato says, "Well, ow."

There's a vague grunt of approval as Hayato shifts, and counters with sheer sturdyness, his attempt to slam the larger man into the hard floor. That a reprisal is coming... well, Adel doesn't need to be the tirelessly trained son of Rugal to see /that/. Still, knowing it, and stopping it... that's two very different parts of the equation. Hayato's strength and speed does indeed catch Adelheid by one arm, but not so much /falling/ to the ground, the young Bernstein immediately drops into an abrupt, harsh crouch. Knee crashes hard to the ground, both legs flex, and in the instant that Hayato seeks to compound his grip and imprint Adelheid's face into the finely finished wood, the young warrior is launching himself back skyward.

Rising to the occasion in both literal and figurative senses, the blonde Bernstein erupts like a missile. His heavy boot reaves around, connecting point-blank with the burning phys-ed teacher, and likely carrying both rather profoundly skyward. Adelheid's momentum carries that rising crescent a full rotation, his foot cleaving a brilliant edge of red-bordered silver along its path, the chi threatening to rip a lesser man directly in two.

[OOC] Adelheid says, "I'm back."

[OOC] Adelheid <_<

So, Hayato's plan succeeded! If you can judge success by no longer being on the ground on his back. You may have to ignore some other factors, though. Hayato flies through the air, wisps of energy fading from him as he starts to head back toward the ground after getting launched by Adelheid. This time there's no twisting about in mid-air; he hits the ground with a heavy thud. And now Hayato's been launched twice into the air by some pretty heavy hits. His torso has got some serious aches. But is he going to let that keep him down?

Not yet, he isn't. Hayato forces himself up on one hand with a grunt, quickly shifting forward, tucking his legs under him and forcing himself to his feet with just a bit of wobbling. He takes a deep breath, holding his arms out at either side and keeping his eyes focused on Adelheid. "Not bad, kid."

COMBATSYS: Hayato's Burning Spirit keeps him going!

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Adelheid         1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1           Hayato

Luckily, success has many forms, and even more faces. Most of them... decided by the ability to get up in the morning and take that next step forward, whatever it is that directs that stride. At least, that's what Adel's had to tell himself any number of times! Hayato's crash landing gives the onetime heir of 'R' time to catch his own breath, align his own bearings. He's far from arrogant enough to put an overconfident stock in his accomplishments facing off against Nekketsu. Instead, he nods respectfully, "Not bad, yourself, old man." Despite the slight flippancy to the words, the tone carries the same easy, analytical appreciation as the nod.

Rather than immediately pressing the attack, however... Adelheid begins to circle Hayato. Eyeing the phys-ed teacher's defenses, sensing the ebb and flow of his adversary's chi. Crimson eyes are locked on the elder warrior, as if seeing nothing else, as if looking right through - or perhaps within Hayato. Adelheid's own energy courses through him, consciously gathering more to the fore, suffusing his muscles and spirit as he prepares. It's almost predatory, and if he were a game sprite, the translucent outline of Rugal would show behind the deep-breathing, tensely alert Adelheid's own aura.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid calculates his next move.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Adelheid         1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1           Hayato

Hayato watches the circling Adelheid warily, eventually turning to follow him when he can't track the movements with just his eyes. Eventually he feels confident that his body isn't so badly battered that he'll be unable to fight. He's still hurting, though. But even if he's hurting, he's got to get moving. The waiting game is just going to benefit Adelheid at this point... and standing still is just asking to let the blond pick him off at his leisure.

And so Hayato suddenly bursts into motion, charging toward Adelheid with reckless speed. As he draws closer Hayato leaps toward the youth, his arm winding back for a massive punch. Blazing orange chi surrounds his fist as it rockets forward, enhancing a blow with all of Hayato's Burning Spirit behind it.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid stops Burning Cross Counter from Hayato with Dark Barrier.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Adelheid         1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Hayato

That Hayato has strength left in him... that part, Adel has never doubted. When the remarkable gym teacher regains his center, he'll come forth. Of that, Adelheid seems quite certain, patient even. In that decidedly dangerous sort of way, granted. The fiery power which Nekketsu unleashes is not a new phenomenon, but it is every bit as intense and potent as the Prince of War remembers. The charge is met with stalwart resolve, steady focus. No time to change his movements to avoid it, Hayato comes to fast. Perhaps he could defend himself conventionally, but Hayato comes with extreme amounts of raw force.

That force meets its opposite number. Chi charges in diametric opposition as Adel squares one shoulder towards Nekketsu, flexes a hand in the path of the burning phys-ed teacher's onslaught. A swirling barrier of dark, black-touched grey erupts in a contained, too-precise maelstrom within the young prodigy's grasp, chi flowing into chi as fire meets storm. The dark hurricane ripples, nearly ruptures, a shockwave visibly passing through it from inside to out. With a backwards leap, Adelheid clears the zone of contact as flame-touched grey erupts in a brilliant firework outwards in all directions, both warriors' substantial strength dissipating back into the air with a resounding clap of thunder from the artificial sky of the arena.

Hayato doesn't even have time for his feet to touch the ground again before a wave of energy from the impact washes over him. There's no damage, but his hair blows back and his jacket flutters out behind him. Once his feet are on the floor he at least has the presence of mind to shield his eyes before the fireworks display, but by the time he drops his arm Adelheid has already opened up a gap between them once again.

And so there's nothing for it but to buckle down and chase after the blond. Once more Hayato charges down Adelheid, but this time he attempts to slide into a straight kick toward the young man's stomach. But Koreans aren't the only ones who can pull off a quick series of kicks, and Hayato attempts to follow up the first impact with a few more body blows.

[OOC] Adelheid says, "Sorry about that, took me a little longer to get the dishes done and the garbage ready to go down than I expected"

COMBATSYS: Adelheid interrupts Strong Kick from Hayato with Crown Prince+.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Adelheid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0           Hayato

It's a scant breather, despite the apparent ease of the distance, and Adelheid's continued, careful consideration of the flow of the battle before him. He draws a single breath as he lands, deep in, deep out. Before he's really finished, Hayato is demanding that the Prince of War match his fervor once more. Luckily for Adelheid - it's a demand he's seen any number of times, from far less affable trainers than the notoriously demanding Nekketsu!

During the time that Hayato charges, Adelheid also charges... in a decidedly different sense. Hands at his sides, curling fingers begin to glow, a gathering of sheer, silver-white power in the grip of each. His arms rise slowly to his sides, outstretched. Eyes remain fixed on the burning phys-ed teacher. He waits, holds his motion for the brief instants it takes for Hayato to collide with him. Foot cleaves painfully, almost stealing his breath as it crashes into taught muscles of his abdomen, and the Prince of War gasps, glad to have emptied most of his lungs before the collision. It doesn't stop him from slamming outstretched palms into one another, however, projecting all of that gathered force forward. It all but consumes Hayato, a blinding, ravaging wave of purest energy, summoned in two blinks of an eye. The man-high wave washes through and around the charging instructor, the ragged crescent, stretched wide and deep, tearing floorboards along its path as the young Bernstein's arms flex behind it, as if still guiding and feeding the remarkable eruption of chi. When it dissipates, Adelheid's arms sag slightly, a deep breath coming more raggedly itself... sign of the young fighter's growing fatigue.

[OOC] Adelheid says, "I took freaking 16% /poking/ that kick, haha."

Hayato charges right into the blast, since it's too late to do anything else. He feels an impact with his foot, so he can take some solace in that. Unfortunately, what he also feels is pain just about everywhere else. His world is flashing lights and pain for a few moments, and when the lights clear he's looking ragged, blood trickling from his nose and mouth. He staggers forward, eyes glazed over.

It really looks like the teacher is about to fall down, as he stumbles toward Adelheid. But just as it looks like he's about to tumble over his nostrils flare, his head snaps up with a bloody grin, and he attempts to drive his fist right into Adelheid's nose.

[OOC] Adelheid says, "Hahah, nice."

COMBATSYS: Adelheid parries Hayato's Fierce Strike!

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Adelheid         0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Hayato

[OOC] Hayato says, "Alas. But I'm still standing!"

[OOC] Adelheid says, "Yes. If it wasn't obvious, I'm getting ungodly lucky."

/This/ time... the amount of fight left in Hayato does surprise Adelheid. The sudden shift of the wavering gym teacher nearly catches the younger veteran completely off guard, but thankfully... recovering his guard /damn quickly/ is kind of an important element of his training, historically speaking. The fist lurches in, and if you blink, you may miss it. Most of the audience does, if the surprised, awed gasps that run through the crowd are any indication. In the same instant, Adelheid's head darts left, followed quickly by the rest of him, and his right arm rotates up and around. The back of his forearm collides with the side of Hayato's outstretched fist-bearing arm, first... and then snaps straight in.
Like the stinger of a scorpion, the triphammer movement brings a precise, single drive straight for Nekketsu, in this case - his face. Fingers seek to clench over the elder warrior's features, heave him off balance, and suddenly release a shotgun torrent of ragged windshear, full of cruel, jagged edges, storming right through the burning phys-ed teacher's skull, seeking to blast him away... and back to the ground. "Ha! /Impressive!/" Adel exclaims, clearly pleased. ... and finding that extra 'oomph' himself it seems.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Hayato with Scorpion Deathlock EX.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Adelheid         0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Hayato

Hayato's arm gets knocked aside, and he just has time to see Adelheid's hand closing in before it's latched onto his face. He rocks backward as he's shoved, and then goes even further off balance as the energy blast strikes him in the face. His body is almost parallel to the ground when he suddenly grunts in effort, and slams a foot down with enough force to splinter the floor, heaving himself back to an upright position...

...only to then slump to his knees, trying to blink away the blood dripping into his eyes. He can't see, he can't really hear, but Adelheid's still got to be in front of him, right? With his remaining effort Hayato manages to left up his arms, summoning his Burning Spirit to move his body and set his shinai ablaze with chi, giving him the energy to lunge up, launching himself some distance into the air while spinning like a drill. But eventually the spin gives out, and there's nothing graceful about the way Hayato falls back to the floor with a dull thump.

COMBATSYS: Hayato can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Adelheid with Burning Windmill.
Glancing Blow

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         1/------=/=======|

!!! And still Hayato launches a renewed offensive! Or at least, throws himself through the air channeling the rest of his power into a brutal, flaming torpedo of nastily forceful energy and mass. But no, Adelheid /doesn't/ still have to be in front of him. The somewhat winded, bruised and exerted Bernstein /does/ happen to be, however. At least, mostly. Despite an impressive show of agility, the momentum and sheer velocity Nekketsu manages to unearth in his last-ditch all-out effort brings him in too fast.

Colliding with fiery shinai and gymteacher, Adelheid is clipped on his right side as he moves away, suddenly spun about by the sheer force of it. Scorching red colors the skin of arm and shoulder, tears a charred line in his tanktop, and leaves the young blonde dropping towards the floor. While not exactly more graceful than Hayato's landing, it is a bit more appealing. One hand drops, keeping his face from colliding with the ground, both knees bend, pushing him back upwards before he's fully fallen. And when the announcer decides to call the fight... Adel's already back on his feet, ready to continue.

.... but just as glad, at this point, he doesn't need to. The smile returns, more subtly, even if Hayato may not be in a condition to appreciate it.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid has ended the fight here.

Log created on 15:56:14 10/03/2010 by Hayato, and last modified on 09:54:50 10/09/2010.