SNF 2010.09 - Jungle Fever - Adon vs Diana

Description: Where can you find both jaguars and butterflies? Well, in the jungles of South America, for one! So with aerial photographers in place (complete with thermal imaging), Adon and Diana are being dumped from helicopters to duke it out amidst nature. There are rumors going around that the loser might have to walk home. But that can't possibly be true... right? (Winner: Adon)

The Amazon.

Adon dropped down from the helicopter, leaping well before the roar of the air vessel even touched the ground. Both fighters were transported to the heart of the rainforest for this fight. But thanks to the egging and threats of the God of Muay Thai himself, Adon was certain he made it first. Rising up from his pounce, he brings himself upright, and motions the chopper to get the hell out of here. He was confident. He was also showing off, of course. What else would an Emperor do? Oh, some would argue someone like Sagat would nobly wait until the helicopter touched the ground. Of course, those people would find at least 2 feet of forearm shoved down their throat with Adon screaming in their ears like a rabid bashee on crackaphetamine.

But I disgress.

Adon stood in the midsts of the Brazillian helicopter pad. He looked around in the forest that laid around him. Thick trees. Heavy underbrush. You could walk 10 feet past the concrete pad, and you would disappear. The SNF organizers did mention about gorrila tactics. Adon had more beastial instincts for the match however. He did not know who this Diana person was that would challenge him. But they were, apparently, to fight like beasts. A rumble growled in the heart of the sneering Emperor. Hungry like the wolf? No.

Adon was hungry like the JAGGA.

Diana dismounted from the helicopter in some good order, waiting for it to come down more low to the ground to do so. She is quite tall, and seems to blend into the Brazilian ethnoscape well. She tosses back her hair, which she had worn loose, and takes a moment to tie it back as she looks towards Adon with a confident smile. A fencing blade is at her waist, and she has not said much along the way.


"Imposing presence and managerial je ne sais quoi through tactiurn speech, tactical speech, and technical skill," Diana says, before slamming the book closed. "Yes! I'm sure I can use this at the office!"


A copy of a series of credit card bills sit on an office table, next to the aforementioned 'management with TS' book, and next to a form volunteering and waivering to join the Saturday Night Fight event as a one-time contestant.

Her eyebrows lift once, as she draws out her blade, raises it in a salute -- and then touches the hilt to her eyebrows. Then.

Then she kind of vanishes in a blue butterfly shaped sparkle of light?

The bushes rustle. Uh oh!!

COMBATSYS: Adon has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adon             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Diana has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Diana            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Adon

As his opponent leaves the helicopter, Adon sneers at the female warrior. "SO! This is the fabled Diana." Adon bites, spitting venom with every word. "I have heard SO LITTLE of you, and yet I feel that I already know you. WEAK! Look at that FEEBLE TOOTHPICK!" Adon drops into the stance of Muay Thai, legs apart, fists up for combat. "Look at my MAGNIFICANT BODY! Adore my ROCK SOLID ABDOMAN. Gaze in AWE in my wonderous physique. You are seeing a LIVING GOD of a martial art! WHY-"

Adon is cut short by the salute... and by her vanishing in a sparkle of light. The emperor stands alone, the helicopter having long fled from the sound of his voice. The emperor scans the grounds around him, his eyes BURNING with a fiery passion. "SO! The fair, delicate flower has faded into the brush. I WILL PLUCK YOU, FLOWER." The Emperor roars, his eyes snapping to and fro. "AND I will PEEL AWAY each of your petals, asking if I ! ADON! THE EMPEROR OF MUAY THAI, LOVES HIMSELF, or LOVES MUAY THAI!" A high pitched, screeching cackle erupts from the Emperor's throat.

The joke is that Adon -is- Muay Thai.

It is a private joke.

A rustle stops the laughter short. Adon springs on reflex, leaping through the air. Twisting his body, he swings his knee HARD into the brush, attempting to bowl over Diana, SHOULD SHE EVEN BE IN THERE.

On the bright side, if it is just a monkey, then Adon could kill a smaller, weaker creature with little consequence.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Diana with Medium Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Diana            0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Adon

It is no monkey. A monkey in another tree chatters at Diana's curse of pain.

She had been hiding, watching the man, trying to get a feeling for his style and pattern in person. She has heard some stories, of course. She even watched what videos she could lay her hands on. She had figured that this "emperor" would be easy enough to take apart at some range, /but apparently/ he found her, somehow!!!


Diana takes a moment to put on some Chanel no. 5. It makes her feel pretty.


There is another flash of light, and a screech of monkeys. "You do seem quite talkative!" Diana says from at Adon's flank, whipping the fencing foil about in a firm slash at waist level; the attack is not terribly forceful, but Adon, should he have much familiarity with such styles, may see it as something closer to "bait" than a serious attempt to make Muay Thai Skewers.

COMBATSYS: Adon blocks Diana's Tree of Beginning.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Diana            0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Adon

When Adon collides, it can hurt. A lot. Grinning like a mad dog, the Emperor lands, far off balance. He didn't have time to gloat over Diana. This was... troubling. The emperor was already wary of her speed, and the fact she had already out reacted him twice now was a concern. Diana reappears with a compliment... or a statement of fact.

Also a slash.

Adon's body tenses up into a tight block. He was flexing his entire body in anticipation to the blow. Sweeping his arm, he swiftly deflects the slash. Adon was not brilliant, but he was cunning. Unfortuantely for him, he also had hubris. He saw bait, and like the cocky tiger, he wanted to take it. Jaguar. Tigers were for bald, lonely losers. HE WAS A JAGUAR. "I AM A JAGUAR! And you are nothing but an INSIGNIFICANT INSECT!" The emperor howls as he explodes out from his defensive stance. Twisting his body, he unleashes a single, forceful punch. He was still tensed up, so both his speed and his power were somewhat limited. But hopefully, his cocky hubris will carry him through.

A moral for the kids at home.

COMBATSYS: Diana fails to counter Fierce Punch from Adon with Zion's Retort.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Diana            0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0             Adon

"I am no such thi," Diana begins to say as she brings her blade around to slash at thin air that would have, in her beautiful visualization of the future, held the Jaguar Jagga Emperor of Muay Thai. Unfortunately, he all wiggly! And as such, to her visible dismay (the camera will love that look), it does not work.


The fist hits Diana in the midsection with resounding force. Some saliva flies from her mouth as she herself goes flying back into the underbrush, bouncing once from the way the bushes rustle (and several birds and butterflies rise from beneath it), skidding to some kind of a halt. That monkey from before leaps over, apparently eager to investigate or else to frisk her for spare change.

Adon makes contact, and he was growing more and more viscious. Once Adon began to gain an advantage over his opponent, the Emperor grows more and more aggressive. Adon watches as Diana falls out of sight... and crosses his arms.


A squeal of laughter bursts from Adon as he throws his head back. "What did you expect when you came to fight ME? I do not need to HIDE, delicate flower." Adon inspects his arms briefly, a small streak of blood running from them. The emperor's face warps into a twisted leer. "Ha ha ha... And the rose has thorns. Perhaps you are not SUITED for... fighting me." Adon chuckles darkly as he strides slowly towards where he saw Diana crash.

And then he begins to pick up speed.

Adon leaps through the air, diving through the air with his arms out. He was going to attempt to tackle Diana, smashing her into the ground as he hammers his elbow HARD as he lands. Another bold, aggressive assault from the Emperor. He did not fear the woman. To him, she was just another opponent. Another victory for the Emperor.

And another nasty thought for a middle-aged man.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Diana with Jaguar Stab.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Diana            1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0             Adon

Diana is not particularly enjoying this part of things. Still, she thinks as she staggers back to her feet, still half hidden in the jungle, surely she can recover and then she just got elbow-dropped back into the ground, letting out a prounouced "Gack!" as she bounces off the springy amazon jungle floor!

The monkey points at Diana. The monkey then laughs.

Diana hates that monkey.

She rolls through the underbrush, probably spoiling her dress. "Your arrogance is as impressive as your skill, 'Emperor of Muay Thai,'" she says as she wheels around to face him. Her sword glitters with silver-blue light as she leaps into the air. "And it will be your undoing!"

The sword slings around her, sketching a circular wave of force .One that will sting Adon if it hits him. What may sting him more is the sudden eruption of energy from /behind/ him, radiating from within the world and catching him, possibly, and /that fucking monkey/, certainly, in a wave of force that moves directly towards Diana!

COMBATSYS: Diana successfully hits Adon with Prayer of the Planet.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Diana            0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0             Adon

Adon was tearing into Diana like a wild cat on the kill. This gorrilla tactics... Was Adon now to throw her into a tree? Kidnap her and climb a tree. The Emperor assumed that a gorilla was like a monstrous ape. Much like Sagat! The thought of such a biting, caustic insult warmed Adon to his cockles as he elbow drops Diana.

Rising up, he lets Diana run and flee again. "RUN! Unless you want to come closer to me! Perhaps you would find much better work in one of my MANY Muay Thai brothels! You could be rich and famous, as one of my many beautiful muay thai beauties! You can have jewels! And imagine every night resting between the powerful MUAY THAI arms of a true EMPEROR-"

That true emperor is cut off as she turns to face him. Adon cackles, and opens his arms wide. "COME, then. Approach me, WOMAN! Let me experience your WORST! Adon began to tense up, preparing to endure another one of her feeble attacks... except it wasn't feeble. In an explosion of speed and power, Diana tore into Adon with a wave of raw energy. The emperor staggers, the blow catching him off guard. Stumbling to the ground, Adon backed up, trying to draw himself up. UNfortunately, his body was preparing for pain, not for agility. Showing FAR less skill an emperor like him should, Adon rises with a wounded scowl burned on his face.

"You hideous hag! You... you FUNNY HAIRED WENCH! How DARE you insult the EMPEROR of MUAY THAI! I should rend you apart with my BARE HANDS! In fact, I WILL! YOU HAVE REGRETED YOUR FOLLIES!" Adon slowly untensed his body, and suddenly performed an aggressive front-flip. HUrtling through the air, his heel began to burn with orange energy. Continuing his flip, he wound up his leg, building up his strength. Keeping low, Adon slashes his leg hard downwards, attempting to give a long, grazing blow across the entire front of Diana.

He is no longer smiling.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Diana with Jaguar Kick.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Diana            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0             Adon


Not heal. HEEL

As she lands, Diana is leaning partway forwards. Thus, Adon is able to hit her in the shoulder with his BLAZING POWER, even as Diana tries to pull back. She is flung downwards, rather unceremoniously; she bounces off the humus of the soil again, gagging for a moment at the rich jungle perfume she has gained involuntarily, eyes watering.

No, she thinks. She is NOT going to lose to this crude and boorish fool! And if she does, she thinks, they have those big tranquilizer rifles in the helicopters, so it will not be worse than being pawed at briefly. And Diana has ridden Japanese subways.

While rising to her hands and knees, wobbling, Diana does not see much percentage in getting back up all the way. Instead, she pivots around -- aiming to sweep the leg and bring Adon down, perhaps, to the dirt he has sprung from. Will he see it coming?!

COMBATSYS: Diana successfully hits Adon with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Diana            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Adon


The cry erupted from Adon's lips as he unleashed the raw fury of Muay Thai unto his victim. The drop kick lands true, and Adon is already hopping from one foot to another

But that proves Adon's folley.

"Giving up al- JAGG!" Adon is cut short as Diana, in a surprising twist, brings him down faster than BP stock. Landing squarely on his head, Adon is stunned. Actually stunned by the assault. That, at the fact he landed on that poor monkey, who responded with monkey shines.

Rising up, he tugs the biting simian off the back of his head. He probably has Monkeyitus now. Gripping it tightly, he glares at Diana. "You DARE mock me? You are now ready to face the ULTIMATE IN MUAY THAI TECHNIQUES! An assault SO POWERFUL That NO MAN! WOMAN! OR CHILD can STAND TO THE UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF- catch."

Adon tosses the monkey towards Diana's face. Using the moment of random, off-balancing technique, the Emperor charges. He begins unleashing all 8 limbs of Muay Thai towards Diana. Punches. Elbow slams. Arm slams. Kicks. Knee butts. Foot strikes. And of course, a dreaded head butt. His body was burning from the fury, the unstoppable frenzy of Muay Thai strikes....

And only after 8 whole seconds of frenzied striking, would he stop.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Diana with Jaguar Varied Assault.

[                                < >  /////////////////             ]
Diana            1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0             Adon

It hurts!

It like never stops hurting. She has a monkey on her face during it, to Diana's shame. The shame hurts worse. Indeed, for a moment she thinks, perhaps, she has been killed and her very soul is falling out of her body. The monkey in her face screams, screams and clings into her hair. It may or may not be urinating on her. This is the worst day ever.

The headbutt crushes the monkey between them, to the monkey's surprise. As Diana flies back, the monkey falls loose, looking at her with a heart-rending expression of guilt, regret, apology. One tiny hand, so like a baby's reaches out, before the spark of life in that tiny primate's life flickers out, fading. It falls then, towards the jungle floor, even as, by some miraculous action, Diana kicks a leg out beneath her. She's going to fall shortly, she knows. But now --

Now she fights for vengeance!!

She kicks forwards again, even as her eyes roll back in her head. The sword in her hand glitters again with silver-blue light... which then explodes outwards, the noise like some sort of hellacious storming from the depths of a number of movies about Vietnam. And yet as she brings "the hard rain" to the Amazon, Diana is borne forwards, leaning into her blade as she aims to center a wave of force from the tip of it on the Emperor of Muay Thai! To force him back, ideally, to that launch pad -- which will immediately explode!!

Alternately, tohit a tree -- which will immediately explode!!

In either case, Diana faceplants. This was not worth paying off the Discover Card.

COMBATSYS: Diana can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adon             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Adon endures Diana's The Unending Dream!

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Adon             0/-------/----===|

Adon was all or nothing now. His aggression was waning, reaching an end as Diana... began to accelerate against him. The emperor was feeling the same power he poured into the fencing woman erupt right back at him. Adon could do many things. He could have tried to dodge. He could have tried to block. But Adon... Adon felt like he was still strong. Arrogance took over his heart. And then, his head.

Grinning feral, he dug in his heels. Puffing out his chest, the Emperor stands strong, and as the amazon launches for him... Adon just tenses up, and endures it. He blinks several times. He flinches more times. As the sword and energy burns and rakes his body, Adon, in a show of machoism, simply toughs it out. And as the explosion erupts forth...

Adon refuses to be knocked off balance.

As Diana falls to the ground, Adon releases his breath. Looking down, he finds that his heels were bleeding almost as much as his chest. The long, dugin trail was 20 feet long. He was knocked back, for sure. But Adon just sneered. He twisted his nose up in the air, and looked down on Diana. "Pretty LIGHT show, woman." Adon jeers. "But come back when you can fight like a MAN!"

The emperor bursts into a high-pitch peal of laughter as the helicopters begin to fly in to retrieve the pair.

COMBATSYS: Adon has ended the fight here.

Log created on 19:34:46 09/13/2010 by Adon, and last modified on 09:39:58 10/09/2010.