Jinchuu 2 - [R5] The Sword of Nirvana

Description: The beating up of ninjas is important to Tenma Kiryuu. It was the entire reason he and Hakuya Suigetsu came to Taizhou in the first place. They had intended to beat up Seishirou, more commonly known as the Pervert Kidnapper Ninja. Instead? Not a single ninja nowhere was beaten up. Well, they're gonna fix that, and settle an old score at the same time...

For some people, the events in Taizhou were less than satisfying. Sure, sure, they got some measure of revenge against Juri Han for her murder of that Jiro Kasagi guy, but Tenma was only set on that because of Hakuya's own role in the events surrounding Jiro's death: That somebody would die to save /his/ best friend might not automatically make that person a posthumous blood brother of the Kiryuu heir or anything like that, but at least Jiro deserved to have the survivors beat the holy hell out of his killer. Maybe that Kasagi can rest easier, now.

But Tenma... Tenma can't rest easily at all. The pervert kidnapper ninja eluded them completely throughout the whole incident, and even worse the two Guardian Kings who ventured into Taizhou found most of their efforts stymied at every turn. If it wasn't half-melted M0M0 robots or that Zach Glen weirdo, it was /ninjas/. Girl ninjas totally cockblocking them on recovering certain ninkou swords and saving the day.

In Tenma Kiryuu's mind, that was super double ultra /mega/ bullshit.

Still, if there's anything a ninja girl carrying a big ol' ninkou sword does, it's stand out... At least, the sword does, to somebody with refined senses like Tenma's. Tracking Ibuki hasn't been easy despite this, and the duo has had to follow her all the way from Taizhou on her route back home, but finally... /Finally/, they've managed to catch up with her.


Whatever Ibuki happens to be doing, whether she's setting up camp or eating breakfast or even using the ladies' (at least, nature's version of the ladies', like a shrub or something) the sudden appearance of one Tenma Kiryuu is hard to ignore, because he makes /sure/ it is.

"FINALLY!" Tenma bellows, his bokken already alight with that misty aura of blood and chi. "Come on out, you flat-chested ninja girl! I bet you think you're pretty hot shit now, well guess what! I'm not satisfied! I want a rematch with your saggy ass!"

On an unrelated note, did you know that Tenma Kiryuu has never been on a date? Shocking, I know.

As for Hakuya, sure, the defeat back on the Small Water Dragon had been kind of bogus. They had fought /hard/ but it just amounted to 'not enough'. They had lost the right to wield the sword, but at least the two ninjas who had taken it had actually done the right thing with the sword rather than just stealing it away. That was all Hakuya himself really cared about. As far as he was concerned, the defeat of Juri Han and the 'saving the day - vicariously through some ninjas' was all okay in his book. He was dirty, a little tired, and wanted to go home. He hadn't been home in like a month or two - what day WAS it, anyway? His aunt was going to be worried sick!

But Tenma Was Not Satisfied. And when Tenma wanted something, it was pretty much Hakuya's MO to just kind of follow along his best friend and support him as well as he could. A few attempts to make Tenma calm down had ended in failure, and then finally the old 'but she's a ninja, how are we going to find her?' roadblock was overcome when Tenma had the brilliant idea of not expressly looking for the ninja, but the horrendously chi-gushing sword she had with her. Which Tenma could do.

So here they are, where ever Ibuki might be. Hakuya looks a touch nervous, or perhaps just apologetic, rubbing the back of his head as Tenma calls out for Ibuki to show herself, with colorful dialogue added. Completely used to this kind of behavior, Hakuya seems less apologetic that Tenma is for all intents and purposes rolling up in here to beat the crap out of a girl - but more that they might be intruding at a bad time to do such. For instance, if indeed Ibuki is using nature's equivalent of the ladies'.

"Um, Tenma, aren't we just here for the sword? Maybe she'll give it up if we ask her." Not likely. But you never know.

For her part, Ibuki had been making a leisurely return home, after parting ways with her partner the trip had become a nice way to unwind from the tournament and craziness that she'd been through. It was for this reason that she'd picked the way home that took her into the woods and away from the places of man, she'd been enjoying nature to the best of her abilities, and living off the land as she went. It was for this final reason that she could be found near a river, with a hand made fishing pole doing the most obvious activity one could do with said object...FISHING!!!

The whole tournament had been a mess, she'd only gone to retrieve something for her clan, some piece of their ninkou based technology, that'd been the plan. While she'd been successful in this goal, she'd nearly fallen to her death ten times, been set on fire, struck with multiple sets of weaponry, faced off against a oaf and his much more polite and sympathetic partner, and then the whole nightmarish finale with Katsuten to keep her promise to save people that she'd made to the polite one. In all...it'd been a rather long and painful tournament/mission but she was glad it was over.

At about this point is when Tenma leaps from the bushes with his bokken and tries to pick a fight with her, her response is rather simple, "Shut up loud mouth, you're going to scare my dinner with your annoying voice." She sounds completely cheerful and unconcerned though as she says this. It's not like his rooting around like a giant boar in the woods hadn't given him away while he followed her after all, he just seemed to pick a moment of inconvience to challenge her to make her mad.

The ninja girl then notes that his partner was with him and gives a bemused look...her tracking teacher would be rather annoyed with her later that she'd only thought one person had been following her when it'd been two. She shakes her head and pointedly ignores Tenma for the moment, "Yo! I don't have any fish to offer yet but if you'd like to wait I'll be happy to share with you." She stresses the last point to make it clear she means Hakuya.

Though as Hakuya makes his final comment to Tenma, Ibuki shakes her head, "Sorry, you can't have that. I need it still!" She smiles with her eyes, "Though if you guys want to have a look at it I've no problem with that, I've just gotta take the whole sword back with me." She pauses for a moment, "I mean I did do all the work to get it and save the day you know." She taunts Tenma slightly by finally looking at him as she says that.

"Pretty sure the fish are already terrified if they can see your face," Tenma retorts, and feels inordinately proud of himself for doing so. He's pretty familiar with this sort of thing, the snide verbal back and forth; it's in his nature to use words and names to fight with as much as any other tool, and in his longtime rivalry with certain students of Pacific High, there's been as many insults hurled as fists.

Letting out an annoyed huff of air, Tenma stalks further towards Ibuki, still making no effort at all to be stealthy. "I don't care about that stupid sword," he says; at least, he doesn't anymore. This isn't about ninkou swords or anything like that. This is about his pride as a /man/, and his desire to beat up at least one dumb ninja on this dumb trip. "You can keep it, or throw it away, or shove it right up your ass for all I care."

Tenma grins widely and unpleasantly, raising his bokken and pointing it directly at Ibuki. "The only thing I /do/ care about right now is kicking your ass. So come on, unless you're scared to fight me?"

And maybe Hakuya too, Tenma's not entirely clear on just what his friend is going to do here. Maybe there's two of them in a dastardly attempt to steal the sword?!

In fact, combining the insults hurled at people all together, and all the fists Tenma has thrown (or, well, swords), Hakuya was pretty sure the former ran out, since Tenma also would use the same language towards his friends on occassion. Far less mean about it, of course, but even Hakuya has gotten his share of insults! ...When they first met, anyway. By now Hakuya's reaction to any insult from Tenma is pretty much keeping a completely straight face; they happen so often he just doesn't notice them any more. Or very them as real insults.

"Fish?" Hakuya asks, tilting his head. "Oh, that sounds fine. I'm sure we could all use a good meal." Despite Ibuki including only the Suigetsu heir in that statement, naturally Hakuya includes Tenma, too. But then - Tenma makes his intention clear, and the second Guardian King makes an 'ah' noise. "So it's about that! I thought it was about the sword." He even goes so far as to lightly set a fist into an open hand, as if this were some great revelation. Because it was totally true: they had come here to kick ninja ass. They hadn't gotten to do ANY of that.

"Well, I don't think it's really fair for us to fight her together, Tenma... unless she's using that sword, anyway." Hakuya wasn't that good at sensing chi, but given Tenma could /track/ by it, it was obviously powerful. And it was made by Seishirou, as well - the Pervert Kidnapper Ninja. If Ibuki were going to use it here... well, it'd make for level fighting, wouldn't it? But for now, Hakuya doesn't quite adopt an aggressive stance along with his friend.

Ibuki chuckles at Tenma's words, "Took it that hard that I beat you up huh? So all you've got now is bluster and really lame attempts at insults?" Obiviously the ninja girl being much less stressed than she was in the prior fight is finding Tenma more amusing than annoying this time. Though she does like verbal sparring and seems in no hurry to end their battle of wits, though from her prospective it seems Tenma's fighting with one hand tied behind his back due to his anger.

Ibuki chuckles loud and playfully in response to Tenma's next taunt, "Really? I'd have thought you'd have gotten more out of shoving it up your own ass but I guess you were more voyeuristic than I'd pegged you for." She replies good naturedly obviously very amused still by his crude attempts to get her mad. She sticks her fishing pole into the ground and leaves the hook and bait in the water as she stands up and stretches showing off her very feminine figure as she does so. She then springs back and forth from one foot to her other, obviously continuing her warm up.

"Well I meant fish for you not for loudmouth." Ibuki flips her hair over her shoulder does a couple of quick stretches of her arms, she then reaches her foot forward and grips the scabbard of Shiraha and flips it into the air before grabbing it and putting it through her belt, "Well it seems that a fight will be the only way to settle this...ummm...." She searches for the right word, "Grudge, I guess." She takes up a fighting stance, "I'm not particularly concerned if it's a fair fight, I just want to know that when I win..." She winks at Tenma, "If this is going to be it or are you both going to keep coming after me like lovesick puppies?"

Not waiting for an answer she springs forward right at Tenma looking like she's going for a jump kick she instead cuts it short and lets herself fall, bringing around her elbow in an attempt to bring its point right into Tenma's jawline! It seems the ninja girl is already gunning for the loudmouth.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ibuki            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Tenma has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Ibuki

COMBATSYS: Hakuya has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Tenma endures Ibuki's Aggressive Strike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/------=|

At Hakuya's words, Tenma slowly turns towards him with a dubious look and a narrowing of the eyes. "How many times have I told you, there's no such thing as a 'fair' fight. But fine, if you don't want to get involved, you can just--" Tenma's keen senses as a fighter, and also the fact that Ibuki has stopped talking, warn him that trouble is coming. Ibuki is /fast/, and there's no denying it. Tenma is still in the process of turning to look at the ninja girl when she's right there in his face with a fakeout attack, switching from apparent jump kick to an elbow strike, and Tenma... Takes it on the chin. Well, jaw. Whatever.

"Are you delusional?" Tenma wonders, recoiling briefly from the strike but fighting past the pain through an effort of stubborn will. "Look at yourself in a mirror sometime!!" He's probably going to be mean to her some more.

Suddenly, he strikes, swinging his bokken down in a vicious slash as the ninja girl is ideally still rebalancing from her own attack; at the bottom of the slash, Tenma suddenly reverses the blade and swings it back up, creating a narroe V-shape in the air and, ideally, across Ibuki's form. "I don't like flat-chested kids!!"

If Hakuya were anyone else, he might wonder if Ibuki weren't hitting on him. As it it is, however, he completely misses any such playful intent, thinking this is nothing more than friendly banter before a fight. After all, that happens a lot when they aren't being serious. And sometimes even when they are, though that was more Tenma's purview, and not so much playful, as has been covered. Instead, the other teen gets berated for sticking to the 'fair fight' stuff that he sometimes throws around. Unlike Tenma who is much more of a pragmatic person, Hakuya was raised on tales of old valor and suchlike. Fighting two on one, especially against a girl...?

Well, that didn't seem fair until Tenma got a jawful of hurt. The fist impacts against the Guardian King captain and makes him recoil a step, before he throws back an insult and a bokken slash on top of it. Hakuya rubs the back of his head again, wondering just what he should be doing. After all, it was two on one. That hardly seemed sporting, especially since their goal was to beat up Pervert Kidnapper Ninja... or any ninja, really. Was it really beating up a ninja if they do so together like this?

Meh. Hakuya shrugs, and with an apologetic look and a, "Sorry!" vocalized at Ibuki, the teen turns as Tenma strikes, and moving in complete coordination, attempts to get behind Ibuki while she's distracted with the V-slash from the bokken. If successful, Hakuya will plant his feet, then make a firm, double open strike towards the small of Ibuki's back, right about where her kidneys are. Fair fight, what?

COMBATSYS: Ibuki blocks Tenma's Ungyou.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Ibuki endures Hakuya's Strong Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-----==|

As her attack lands home on Tenma's jaw, Ibuki grins beneath her mask at him as it felt incredibly good belting him in the face like that. The ninja girl then tilts her head in response to Tenma's attempt at a taunt, "Delusional?" She chuckles, "You've not even actually seen my face and you expect me to take your insults seriously, who is delusional?!" She opens laughs very amused at Tenma's words.

Then the counter attack comes and Ibuki grits her teeth as the bokken comes at her she only has a split second to decide what to do and she smirks as she does so clapping her hands on the chi infused weapon stopping most of it's momentum before it hits home on her. She winks at him as she does so, "You've answered my question you are delusional otherwise you could tell I'm rather nicely endowed!" She slides forward to close through Tenma's defenses as she braces for the impact from Hakuya's attack after he apologizes to her.

Still sounding cheerful she keeps her focus on Tenma as she replies to Hakuya, "No need to apologize, I'm a ninja I can tak this sort of punishment. So don't hold back or I'll be really mean to you later got that!" Obviously she wants to alleviate any guilt he might feel about teaming up on her. Then she looks at Tenma, "You on the other hand, I hope you like pain!"

Her eyes grow narrow as chi is pumped into her fist and she lines up a shot, her right hand launching forward at Tenma as a blue ball of energy swirls around it, should it land Tenma's going to feel a blast of explosive force throughout his guts as she slams her chi into him and he might very well get blown away by it!

COMBATSYS: Tenma blocks Ibuki's Raida.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ibuki            0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

"Maybe," Tenma says; in the past, his remarks haven't always made sense, he used to use the 'flat chested' comment line on Marisol O'Connell a lot, and she's built like a younger Vanessa. But could this be an admission on Tenma's part that his assessment of Ibuki's appearance and figure are incorrect?!

"For a twelve year old!" he calls, so that's probably a no. Ibuki's defensive abilities aren't that surprising, he knows she's good; but he's also less likely to be surprised by her ninja trickery, now. When she asks if he likes pain, Tenma just flashes a toothy grin at her, and then she uses her own chi to try to fling him away, explosively...

The impact goes off, and Tenma is flung across the clearing, but he doesn't fly uncontrolled. His arc is carefully planned, and he twists on the way down, getting his feet under him, and skidding back on his heels for a few feet, but... Not quite the dramatic result Ibuki was probably hoping for.

"Here," he says. "Try this on for size!" Tenma whips his bokken out in a downward slash, too far from Ibuki to even /think/ of hitting her with the blade; but the afterimage of chi that follows the slash gives birth to a roiling crescent of blood and chi, and /that/ slices through the air towards the kunoichi, quite directly.

Well, with an invitation like that, guess Hakuya's reservations have all been for nothing, huh?! Hitting her dead on, the attack only seems to speed the ninja into hitting Tenma upside the head. Oops. But at least it still should've hurt her, too. Hopefully. She attacks Tenma again, and sends him flying, but Hakuya is on her in an instant. Only, he has to change what he plans on doing when he sees what Tenma is up to. Blood chi can only mean one thing: Dharmapala. And sure enough, that seems what is going on.

So, Hakuya decides on an unusual tactic, at least for him. He attempts to place a forearm against the small of Ibuki's back, while another hand moves to grab her by the collar of her top. Should these connect, he'll shove her with his shoulder, half shoving-half carrying the ninja across the clearing, and hopefully /into/ Tenma's projectile attack. Hit or miss, assuming he also is one to hit, he'll continue to carry her straight across the clearing towards Tenma - only to suddenly reverse, throwing momentum into her in a 180 spin, then slam her into the ground.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Tenma's Dharmapala.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Hakuya's Tidal Crush.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

Laughing out loud, Ibuki shakes her head at Tenma, "You'd be a pretty funny guy if you weren't serious! Where's all that foul-mouthed rage come from?!" She watches carefully as he flies back from her to set himself up for his next attack. She flicks her gaze behind her to Hakuya and notes what he's about to do as he sets himself for a charge...

"Come on! Get it together you two!" She cheers as they launch a coordinated attack on her, she allows herself to be picked up by Hakuya but she places her feet on his thighs and her hands on his shoulders as Tenma nears them with that blood chi attack she srings up to handstand on Hakuya's shoulder allowing the blade to wiff past where she would have been before she smirks and flips off Hakuya's back with a quick pat to his head as she allows him to continue past her.

Now back on the ground she looks to Tenma, "You were saying something? You know I'm begining to suspect you might actually be blind." She shakes her head clucks her tongue, "It's sad someone your age being bli..." She stops and snaps her fingers, "You wear glasses don't you? You just don't want to wear them in front of a girl because you'd be embarrassed." She immediately goes into that high pitched voice girls use when they are about to call something cute, "That's soo adorable!!!" She then waves her hands, "You should really put them on though, you might get hurt if you don't wear them!"

As she cautions him about this she draws her kunai from her pouch charges one with her chi and takes quick aim as she begins dashing away from Hakuya and Tenma's location. Hopefully her aim is true and she puts a new hole into Tenma's body.

COMBATSYS: Tenma overcomes Kunai from Ibuki with Dharmapala.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

To be fair, Ibuki does have a point about one thing: She's not the person Tenma is /really/ mad at. He's mad at himself, a little bit... But mostly he's mad at Seishirou Ryouhara. Okay, so he's a little mad at Ibuki too, but he's a prideful kind of guy. Overconfident, even. Though his ego always bounces back, sometimes just getting larger and stronger because of the damage it takes, his feelings were a little hurt by what happened on the boat. So, you know, this is kind of catharsis for him.

Also, he's learning that Ibuki's role in the battle for the Shiraha wasn't a fluke, dang.

When Ibuki hurls her chi-charged kunai at him, Tenma sweeps his bokken back /up/ on a return arc to the last one, and sends out another bloody projectile, this one intercepting the kunai and knocking it aside before continuing on, diminished, towards the ninja girl herself. "Nope, looks like my eyesight is still pretty good," Tenma notes.

Well, that didn't work so well. Hakuya tries to get in against Ibuki, but she slips away, with that condescending headpat that suggests he's too slow to hit her. Which might be true. He managed a couple of times when they fought before, but those had been lucky hits more often than not. Getting slammed around by Yurika and Ibuki last time wasn't really pleasant. They both just kept... dodging! Ninjas are terrible like that. But, since Hakuya missed, well, that means Dharmapala might hit-! No. No it doesn't. And in fact Hakuya needs to scootch a step to the side in order to completely avoid it himself. Also terrible.

More insults fly around, but Hakuya just isn't able to get in on that action. He's not one to insult people, unless he's trying to be distracting somehow, and even then, nervously telling someone they have a small penis - like he did to Luc from Pacific Resistance - would usually come out all flustered and stammered anyway. It just wasn't in the poor grappler. In fact, contrary to the other two, Hakuya was thinking that a cool head was precisely what was needed at this moment. Ibuki was fast - maybe, indeed, as the headpat had suggested, /too/ fast. So Hakuya was going to try and counter that.

Leaping aside so as to get clear of Ibuki and any attacks she might be aiming his way, Hakuya gets off to the side, and then begins to focus on the dodgey ninja, watching her movements. It's not so much that he's studying how she moves - he's not the analytical sort - but more just... focusing on her. Bringing the whole of his attention down on her. If it works like he's hoping it will, maybe he can let instinct guide him and anticipate how she'll be dodging.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya focuses on his next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Ibuki with Dharmapala.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/--=====|

As her projectile flies, Ibuki is hoping to open up some space for herself in this fight as that seems to be a good idea in this two on one fight. She finds this plan to be relatively good up until Tenma knocks her attack out of the way and pierces it with his own projectile attack, one filled with that same blood chi.

She tries to weave out of the way when the attack comes at her, but she's struck in the thigh as she rolls away from where she thought the attack was going to go. Rubbing the spot for a moment as the muscle underneath felt the impact of the chi and was going to be very very painful when her adrenaline wore off..she looks up at Tenma, "I guess you didn't...or maybe you got lucky. We'll see." She then races forward, ignoring Hakuya for the moment on the combat side of things as he seems to be watching her, she blows him a kiss while using her full speed to close the distance with Tenma.

As she closes with Tenma she attempts to slide her arm underneath his armpit, slam her hip into his and use her momentum and strength to pick him up then over her shoulder and slam him into the ground as hard as she can.

COMBATSYS: Tenma fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Ibuki with Intercepting Strike.
- Power fail! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-======|

There we go. Ibuki is fast... But her defense isn't perfect. Tenma's grin broadens slightly; he never really doubts his ability to pull out a win, no matter who he's fighting, but even his boundless ego is helped by evidence that he's capable of actually hitting his opponent. "Lucky? That's stupid," Tenma says. Who relies on luck? Lame people, that's who, and there's no way Tenma Kiryuu could ever see himself as lame.

Sometimes, though, he doesn't make the world's best decisions.

When Ibuki comes at him again, the Kiryuu heir steps into her attack, moving to strike with his chi-emanating bokken in order to put a decisive stop to Ibuki's throwing antics, but this unfortunately just puts him in a very bad position when she catches him.

"Ah, shit," Tenma mutters, as he gets tossed and lands badly as he hits the ground, bouncing once before landing again, and rolling away to get his footing back. "Ha ha ha... Well, at least you're pretty good," the Gedo swordsman says, and frankly any praise at all from him is high praise indeed. Ibuki should be proud! This should be the happiest day /of her entire life/.


Well, Hakuya /thinks/ he's got the whole tunnel vision focus going on. Eyes only for Ibuki! Except, well, this 'eyes only for' isn't meant romantically but rather to get all pugilistic upside her head. Hopefully. The grappler wanted at least a few more moments to focus on the ninja, but seeing Tenma get thrashed like that, he doesn't have a whole lot of options. He either lets Tenma get trashed more, or he attacks! And what are friends for but to help you out when you're getting trashed?

So, the Suigetsu heir breaks the trance he had going, and rushes towards Ibuki. "Tenma, hold on!" He calls out as he moves to the other Gedo High student's aid. This time there won't be much int he way of fancy tricks with grappling. No, despite what the Suigetsu heir typically does in these fights which is throw, throw, throw, this one time he's going to go with something a bit more honest. An attack he rarely does, something he tends to save for emergancies. His hand lashes out, open palm strike aiming for the ninja's stomach, or possibly back if she's still intent on facing Tenma. The hit will be strong enough to hurt, but the real brunt of the force comes from what happens when the hand makes contact. Namely in the /massive wave of force/ that's like a second punch at full force, point blank into Ibuki's stomach.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Hakuya's Solaris Sunder.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ibuki            0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-======|

Tenma begins swinging his bokken in attempt to stop her before she can throw him. Ibuki waits till just the right moment lets the bokken pass her and then slips into position as she hurls him to the ground, "It's not that stupid at all really, three factors play into every fight...skill, talent, and luck. The way those three factors mix can determine a fight." She says in explanation.

She stands their looking down at Tenma while he's prone on the ground, "I've been fighting since I was 3, I would hope I'm good." She admits easily enough, "Thanks for noticing." She smiles with her eyes and hears the rushing forward of Hakuya as he comes at her with his hands up like a battering ram. She times it perfectly and much like a matador dealing with a bull she takes a step to turn her body sideways and then bends out of the way of the oncoming rush letting the blow slide past her, "Nice try!" She enthuses to the Gedo grappler as he misses his mark.

Looking down at Tenma she smiles and leans down slightly to try and wrap her arms around his neck...should she manage this task she apply the proper pressure and give a powerful and nasty looking tug that would most likely kill an untrained fighter!

COMBATSYS: Ibuki successfully hits Tenma with Kubiori.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ibuki            1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/-------/=======|

"Heh," Tenma chuckles quietly at what Ibuki says about her training. "Yeah... I know what that's like." The Kiryuu family trains their members as soon as they can walk, and indeed their training might not actually be /that/ much different from Ibuki's ninja clan; Hakuya could most likely commiserate as well. He's seen the technique that Ibuki uses next... But that doesn't always mean you can handle it easily or completely. He tries to get out of Ibuki's grasp before she can lock it in, but instead... He gets a little impromptu chiropractor work done.

And that /hurts/. A /lot/.

Stumbling as he's released, Tenma knows he has to act quickly and doesn't have the time to get his balance back right; he throws himself into his next maneuver, backwards at Ibuki and swinging his bokken in a wide arc, slashing at the ninja girl's neck. "Watch your head!!"

And a miss again! See what happens when you don't spend as long as you want trying to get into a good groove and try and trance yourself into following even a lightning-fast ninja build? Well, it's not like his chi is that strong anyway. Not nearly as strong as Tenma's is. So it's not so surprising when it misses, Hakuya supposes. Still, he tries to carry through, to keep the pressure on. Ibuki seems to be keeping the pressure on Tenma, too, and how! A little chiropractor work never hurt anyone... before now. Hakuya winces, but he's still going to attack, alongside the other Guardian King!

As Tenma comes in high, the grappler goes in low. This time he'll stick to what he's more practiced in. Ducking down, Hakuya tries to get his arms around the slippery ninja just as the bokken strike -should- be hitting the girl's head. Regardless of whether that hits or not, Hakuya is going to try and hoist Ibuki off her feet, and whether her head is ringing from a blow to the head or not, he'll try to spike the ninja into the ground by bringing her up, over, and back down into the ground with a suplex before releasing her.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki blocks Hakuya's Quick Throw.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ibuki            1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ibuki interrupts Fierce Strike from Tenma with Kazekiri.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ibuki            1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/----===/=======|

Things look grim for team ninja as the duo of Gedo High boys close in on her! Ibuki's eyes widen as the bokken comes at her head and Hakuya attempts to pick her up and throw her from behind...Ibuki uses the attacks to get herself into postion. She launches herself backwards at Hakuya before he can grip her properly though he does get enough of a grip to push her forward suddenly. Flying into the bokken strike, Ibuki does the only thing she can using he full momentum she launches one of her feet upward in a massive dragon kick, striking Tenma's chin as his bokken burries itself in her ribs.

As she grips onto Tenma's shoulder with her foot she leaps over him to land behind him and rolling away slightly she comes to her knees, staying in a crouch as she pulls down her mask to spit out some blood quickly before she puts it back on and faces the duo, "Not bad you two! That was a close one for me!" She enthuses as she smirks at them.

At this point, one of Tenma's preferred tactics is... Used against him?! Ibuki proves to be quick as well as resourceful as she manages to avoid the full brunt of his attack and deliver her own, the ninja girl's kick forceful enough to stagger him, his head rocking back... When she leaps off of his shoulder, the tall young man stumbles away from the direction of Ibuki's movement, nearly losing his footing entirely. Could it be that he's bitten off more than he can chew, choosing to face off with Ibuki again? Even with the assistance he's getting from Hakuya?

Tenma catches himself, an and smirks, blood running between his teeth. Fat chance.

Turning quickly, he rushes at Ibuki, getting his sword out of the way so he can lash out with his free hand in a series of quick strikes at the ninja; the flurry of punches are actually carefully placed, each aimed to disrupt the flow of chi through her body, while he tries to force her into a more awkward position with his footwork, hoping to control the positioning and distance.

Grappling seems at least partially successful, even if all it manages to do is adjust Ibuki's position without that satisfying drop and slam that usual throws have. Well, the 'slam' in this case comes primarily from Tenma's bokken slamming into Ibuki's ribs, but it probably would be more effective if the both of them could hit at the same time, and both cleanly! When Ibuki skips free from between the two Gedo High students, giving Tenma a parting gift in the form of a strike, Hakuya is already moving around the bloodied Guardian King. Tenma is hurt, certainly, but not out yet; they were Gedo students after all, and Gedo doesn't know when to quit!

With Tenma's flurry of attacks, Hakuya tries to get around to the side of the ninja, skirting to a flanking position and then closing in. If he can get close enough, he'll try to throw an open-fisted strike at Ibuki's jaw, followed up by spinning to the side and bringing his other fist around to hit against the girl's back, all to finish up with an elbow strike that just might drop Ibuki to the ground if she's not quick enough! But this IS Ibuki we're talking about... quick is her middle and last name.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Tenma's Flow Breaker.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Hakuya's Combo Attack.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/-----==/=======|

Slightly winded from the blow to her ribs, Ibuki watches the duo carefully waiting for them to circle her like wolves. She chuckles at that mental image as they were boys not wolves, they were persistant she had to give them that but they were not invincible or anything like that. She just needed a moment to get her head back into the game though...the pain from the ribs was blurring her vision.

Then Tenma came at her with a series of fast attacks with his hands, bobbing and weaving this way and that she slips through the gaps in each strike looking for a perfect opening....

As Tenma's attacks die down, she senses Hakuya behind her as he launches his own series of attacks upon her and she grits her teeth, doing much the same as she did to Tenma she bobs and weaves waiting and then the elbow strike gives her what she needs she reaches out using the outstretched part of Hakuya's arm as a bar she handstands atop it swings around it and launches herself forward in low leap. Landing a number of yards away she stays in a low crouch pulling shiraha from it's sheath...

One hand on the hilt of the blade the other on the ground of in front of her Ibuki stares at the Gedo boys, "I'm getting better at expecting that combo attack from both of you, let's see if this fight gets more interesting from now on okay?!" She says while buying herself time.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/-----==/=======|

"Well," Tenma says, pulling back after getting so thoroughly avoided by Ibuki. "At least you're good at running away." It's not delivered with the same venom as his earlier insults, but trash talk is still trash talk; he's still hoping to provoke the ninja girl, just more good-naturedly than before. Doesn't really make him that much less of a jerk, though.

With Ibuki electing to catch her breath, Tenma seems inclined to let her, straightening up to a casual stance, and rolling his neck to loosen a bit of the tension there. His left hand stays at his side, thumb hooking into his pants pocket, and his right lifts, resting his bokken against his shoulder; the aura of blood and chi, unsurprisingly, doesn't affect him at all. If she's going to take a moment, well... So is he.

Rushing in would only be to Ibuki's advantage, at this point.

COMBATSYS: Tenma gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ibuki            1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/------=/=======|

Tricksy. Hakuya's attacks don't seem to connect again, except in ways that Ibuki wants them to, using his own arms in order to vault herself out and away from any more follow up attacks. It's certainly a little frustrating, at this point. It's almost like a repeat of what happened back on the boat, except this time Yurika isn't trying to liquefy his innards while he tries to hit Ibuki. Well, there's really nothing to do but keep the pressure on... and as it seems like Tenma decides to hang back and take a breather, Hakuya will attempt to give Tenma the time he needs to take that breather. After all, all of the other Guardian King's trash talking seems to mean the ninja is focused on him. Hakuya however isn't hurt at all. So the tactics seem pretty obvious, now!

Another attempt at a physical strike, then. Turning to face after Ibuki, the quieter of the Gedo pair rushes in towards the ninja, trying to get up in her grill while she's trying to catch a bit of her wind back. Somewhat unusual, perhaps, for a grappler, Hakuya uses his feet by running, then leaping, trying to kick Ibuki in the chest. Whether or not that's successful, Hakuya will land on one foot, and immediately twist his body around to bring the other foot back around and up to kick at Ibuki again, this time in the head.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Hakuya's Rising Dusk.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ibuki            1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            1/------=/=======|

Letting her mind relax for the half moment it needs while she takes her breather, Ibuki grins and shakes her head at Tenma's attempt to goad her by calling her evasion a retreat, "Hmm, I don't know I think I'm pretty good at making you both miss...entirely different!" She muses aloud as her eyes catch hold of Hakuya edging towards her with a definitive squash the ninja look in his eyes.

Keeping her eyes locked on Tenma she waits patiently using all her other senses to wait for the grapler's attacks...thus as he rushes towards her she's ready for the attack as she rolls underneath the first kick stands up and leaps up vertically as the second kick comes at her she springboards off Hakuya's outstretched foot and practically flies at Tenma...as she crests the arc of her jump she winks at Tenma, "Yo!" She calls...

Then she draws a kunai charged with he chi and hurls it with all her might at Tenma...but she doesn't aim at the Gedo Student directly instead focusing on his shadow, should this strike true she'll pull two more Kunai out and draw upon her full speed to strike Tenma from multiple directions at seemingly simultaneous points racing back and forth for multiple strikes from every angle she can manage.

COMBATSYS: Tenma endures Ibuki's Yami Shigure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ibuki            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya
[                         \\\\\  <
Tenma            1/--=====/=======|

Most people - sensible people, careful people - would try to protect themselves from Ibuki's furious multi-directional assault. Ninja trickery being what it is, they might not /succeed/ at it, but they'd probably make the attept.

Tenma Kiryuu does not.

Instead, he closes his eyes, and otherwise doesn't move from that relaxed posture. Is he giving up? Is he surrendering to the inevitable? No, that's definitely not Tenma's style; his shadow is struck by that thrown kunai, and the successive attacks from the kunoichi meet no resistance at all, battering the Kiryuu demon hunter back and forth, but he keeps his footing throughout. Blood is drawn by the strikes, arcing through the air, and then...


...Tenma's eyes snap open, and the tall young man's chi flares; the aura around his bokken intensifies, until the bloody crimson energy is the only thing that can be seen, making it seem like Tenma was holding a sword made purely out of bloody chi. He lashes out with it in that same instant, aiming to strike Ibuki with a seemingly wild swing while the girl is still moving away from attacking him, /feeling/ where she is more than perceiving it by more conventional senses. "Right there!" he declares.

If the blade strikes true, then yes, Ibuki will have to deal with the violent force of that hardwood weapon swung with Tenma's full strength behind it, and the raging power of his chi... But the real point of what happens is that Tenma's chi moves /through/ the ninja girl, striking at the very flow of life and energy through her body, momentarily halting and reversing its flow, stealing her vitality.!


COMBATSYS: Tenma can no longer fight.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Ibuki

/Well/. That's another miss on the books. Hakuya isn't doing too hot this fight, it seems, but it's probably really through no fault of his own. After all, Ibuki seems super focused on beating the crap out of Tenma, due to Tenma continually mocking her. So every time he attacks, it just seems like an excuse for the ninja to get away and go hit his partner again. Frustrating! But again, there's not much he can do about it. Turning to face the wily ninja once more, she's in the process of giving some kunai treatment, even doing... something... with his shadow. A strange display, certainly, but the real treat is seeing Tenma stand there and take it, only to bring out the big guns. Oh snap. Though the other Guardian King probably won't be able to fight any more after delivering that.
So it's up to Hakuya to finish this thing. The grappler waits a beat or three after the Sealing Sword is unleashed, and then he tries his own attack, whether Tenma is successful or not. Rushing in again, the hoodie-wearing teen tries for something a little simpler this time. Hopefully simple enough to actually /work/. Coming in from Ibuki's back, Hakuya will draw up near her, then sweep a leg out towards the back of the ninja's knees, hoping to simply sweep her to the floor in the wake of the more devestating Sealing Sword attack.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki blocks Tenma's The Sealing Sword.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Ibuki

COMBATSYS: Ibuki parries Hakuya's Waning Dawn!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Ibuki

The flow of battle swirls and one falls while the other remains standing...and both attempt to bring down the ninja girl! For her part Ibuki is glad that it becomes a single opponent fight at this point, she's been hard pressed this entire fight by the duo. From her prospective things slow down as a supremely dangerous attack is launched her way from Tenma and his partner follows up with an equally dangerous attack from behind.

Forcing all her chi into her arms she stands her ground against the sealing sword her chi used as protective armor against Tenma's own disruptive energy she stretches her arms up in a V shape catching the glowing wooden blade between her arm guards and holding it there as it cracks and burns the armor on her arms, the pain is intense but she holds her stance and stops the majority of the attack from hitting home and her protective chi seems to stall out the nastier effects of Tenma's attack. She only has a half moment to rest, however, as Tenma falls...

She hears the heavy tread of Hakuya behind her and focuses on her next move as she was taught in her teachers' relentless classes, she waits as the attack comes at her knees she flips around places one foot to the side of Hakuya's position and shifts her weight to it allowing Hakuya to pass right in front of her as she lines up her own attack against the fighter, "Sorry I've been ignoring you so much, but I had to put this fight on a more even footing first!" She chirps.

Forcing chi into her legs now she channels her energy and twists her body in the half second that Hakuya's flank is exposed to her she immediately releases the tension in a swirl of force, a series of powerful roundhouse kicks follow each kick in the series more powerful than the last, and each trailing visible streamers of chi in the wake of the kick almost as though to drag the target in and hammer them more with the energy after the kick passes.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya blocks Ibuki's Tsumuji EX.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0            Ibuki

At least the Sealing Sword seemed to have hit... somewhat! Hakuya has been on the receiving end of that one more than a few times himself, and it's never been all that fun, even when he managed to block it. But that doesn't seem to stop Ibuki from leaping over his own attack, however, doding it almost effortlessly. His leg continues the sweeping motion, sending the teen into a spin whe he comes right back around in order to face the ninja, hands up. Before they can engage again, though, she apologizes - and Hakuya blinks a time or two before offering a smile, "Eh-heh, I doubt just one of us would be that challenging for you, given how fast you are," he says.

Yeah, he's definitely a lot different than Tenma.

Ibuki wastes no time in re-engaging however, moving fluidly to deliver a series of roundhouse kicks. This, Hakuya knows how to deal with. Almost as if he'd been waiting for them, the sturdy teen's bandage-wrapped arms come up and intercept the kicks, hard as they are, each one in turn being either redirected away from him, or being stopped cold. Even the chi doesn't seem to bother him much, the Gedo High student only grunting a bit with the slightest pain involved in blocking. After all, he hadn't been hit yet...

But now it was his turn. Ducking down at the last of the roundhouse kicks, Hakuya tries to step in and get his arms around Ibuki's waist, shoving his shoulder into her stomach, then trying to lift her up and sort of fling her into the ground for a quick shoulder toss.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki full-parries Hakuya's Quick Throw!

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0            Ibuki

Ibuki grins beneath her mask at Hakuya's repsonse to her, "My teachers don't hold back on me so I've had to work pretty hard to keep them happy." She explains modestly about her dodging skills. She chuckles as he blocks her attack, "Good job! This hasn't been an easy fight for me at all..." She admits, "You're both pretty good just don't tell loud mouth I said so, okay?" She obviously has no intention of continuing her insult war now that Tenma was out of the fight.

As he launches his counter attack against her, Ibuki feels Hakuya's arms start to wrap around her waist before she goes completely limp sliding out of his grasp a grin hidden beneath her mask, "Under more normal circumstances...I'd not mind you hugging me like that but not right now." She winks as she says this crouching there in front of him she raises her hand aiming straight for his gut her hand covered by a glowing blue ball of energy. She attempts to drive her fist into his gut up into chest cavity as she attempts to release her chi explosively into his body.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki successfully hits Hakuya with Raida EX.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1            Ibuki

Trading compliments?! Why it was almost like they were friendly without Tenma in the picture. Even though if the other Guardian King could hear them he'd probably shout at Hakuya for saying anything nice to the 'flat chested ninja' and similarly bitched at Ibuki for saying they were good. Why would Tenma bitch because he was complimented? Because he's Tenma Kiryuu, that's why! But as for Hakuya Suigetsu, he doesn't like to talk much during fights... unless the hoodie comes up. But it's stayed firmly down so far.

His attack misses /again/, and if the kineticist were in any way aware of girls as anything more than softer men, he might be thinking that the ninja is hitting on him. But Hakuya is sadly woefully ignorant of such things, so as it is he just thinks it's a (much friendlier) taunt. Ibuki squirms out of his grasp, then brings about that ball of energy aimed into his breadbasket. He tries to just blow through it, but unfortunately it proves to have the greater explosivity in that, well, it explodes. And instead of being cool, he gets blown back and onto his ass like a chum. "Oof!"

But the Suigetsu heir is up on his feet quick enough, continuing the fight. That chi blast hurt, but surely not enough to stop him. Getting up onto his feet, he charges after the ninja once more, and tries a move again on her, by trying to hook an arm around her as he charges /past/ her, picking her up and carrying her a short distance if he can, and then abruptly wheeling about a full 180, throwing momentum behind her as he tries to spike Ibuki into the ground.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki dodges Hakuya's Tidal Crush.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1            Ibuki

The ninja girl seems significantly more relaxed now that Tenma is unconscious. She feels almost bad as she slams home with her attack, she doesn't particularly enjoy hitting cute boys if she doesn't have especially if they aren't actively hostile, and while she knows that Hakuya is attacking her rather actively it was the boy on the grounds fault this was happening.

It is this train of thought that leads Ibuki to her next statement, "You know...now that your friend is unconscious, we could stop this right?" She starts, "I mean this was more his fight than yours wasn't it?" She tries to keep the rational discussion going for as long as possible. Then she frowns slightly as he charges at he to try and take her off her feet with a clotheline? Well that's what it looks like to her at least.

As he tries to hook his arm around her Ibuki drops and then rolls forward past him letting his momentum open up room between the two of them as she pops back to her feet and faces him, "Well I gues that's a no." She muses in response before she rushes forward to attack him again.

She brings Shiraha around hilt held so that the blade is facing down like an overly large knife, she grits her teeth building up her momentum as much as possible as she leaps up and uses the flat of the blade like a hammer trying to crack it across Hakuya's face where she figures she might be able to knock him for a loop the easiest as he seems rather well built!

COMBATSYS: Hakuya interrupts Aggressive Strike from Ibuki with Blind Crescent.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Hakuya           1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1            Ibuki

Clotheslines, grapples, they're all the same when you're trying to carry someone away! But just like his earlier attacks, this one is avoided too. Good lord! Is he just... that slow? Perhaps he wasn't pacing himself well enough. Or maybe Ibuki really just is that fast. He couldn't discount that possibility - seeing as how she was /freaking fast/. She even tries to get him to stand down, but really, if he did that... well. He has to go back to Japan with Tenma. All the way back. The entire time, he would never hear the end of Tenma's complaining about the lack of beating up ninjas because he was too nice. It wasn't so much that Hakuya didn't want to hear the complaining... it was that, doing this was important to Tenma. And thus, it was important to Hakuya, too!

So the next wave of attacks come, and Ibuki finally pulls out Shiraha. But rather than unleashing some huge attack that would devastate worlds... she just tries to crack him over the face with the side of the blade. Well, the lack of an Earth-shattering kaboom is nice. But Hakuya had a plan, anyway. He can't get to Ibuki, seemingly, so he'll just have to let Ibuki come to him. In this case, the Guardian King raises a hand, and just grabs the blade of Shiraha. Oh, it slices into his hand, yeah. Badly, too. Blood immediately wells along the blade and drips down off the grip point. If the teen weren't wearing leather gloves, it might've been a worse injury, but as is, he can stop it cold without it hurting too much...

"Sorry, but this is important," Hakuya says, smiling. And then he yanks Ibuki forward by the grip on the blade, catches her, and flips her while throwing her over his hip. But before she can land naturally on the ground, Hakuya turns and snaps a quick kick into Ibuki's stomach, sending her into the ground harder than she normally would've landed. Would this be enough to take her out of the fight, finally...?

As Hakuya grabs the blade, Ibuki realizes what's about to happen she tries to brace for it as much as possible but it's just not enough she takes a massive kick to the gut...it hurts and her mind begins to get hazy there's not much she can do about this. She takes a moment to stare at the sky holding deadly still as Hakuya apologizes for not stopping the fight and finishing her off so to speak...

Her gaze wanders for a moment to Tenma before she begins to black out, then her eyes snap open fully and she grits her teeth willpower and defiance mix together here in the ninja girl as she refuses to let it end this way, she like Tenma doesn't like to lose no matter the cost. That's when Shiraha reacts and the ninkou blade activates glowing in fury as it draws on her power and pulls chi into itself, it glows with unearthly power as it channels this energy and glows brilliantly shades of silver flashing around the little woodland clearing that had born witness to their fight.

Ibuki's muscles then react once again holding Shiraha like a giant Kunai she swings it with all her might spinning this time using the sharp edge of the blade right at Hakuya's chest the energy swirling around the blade in a ridiculously bright blaze of energy...

Whether it hits or misses Ibuki gave it her all this fight and will have no regrets.

As Hakuya grabs the blade, Ibuki realizes what's about to happen she tries to brace for it as much as possible but it's just not enough she takes a massive kick to the gut...it hurts and her mind begins to get hazy there's not much she can do about this. She takes a moment to stare at the sky holding deadly still as Hakuya apologizes for not stopping the fight and finishing her off so to speak...

Her gaze wanders for a moment to Tenma before she begins to black out, then her eyes snap open fully and she grits her teeth willpower and defiance mix together here in the ninja girl as she refuses to let it end this way, she like Tenma doesn't like to lose no matter the cost. She forces the energy into her fist a blue ball just like her early attack swirls around it. She races at Hakuya and tries to slam it into his ribs as hard as possible.

If it finds its mark this attack is levels beyond the one Hakuya felt before, the explosive chi would be forced through his body and suround both Ibuki and Hakuya in a sphere of chi, before exploding with enough force to throw Hakuya across the forest clearing. Ibuki's muscles tighten as she attempts this final rush to snacth a bit of victory from defeat...

Whether she hits or misses Ibuki gave it her all this fight and will have no regrets.

COMBATSYS: Ibuki can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hakuya           0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Hakuya stops Yoroi Doushi from Ibuki with Solaris Sunder.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hakuya           0/-------/=======|

Hakuya sort of expected that to happen. Ibuki getting back up and wanting to attack again, to do anything to try and knock him down, too. His plan of letting her get close and try to interrupt her attack worked pretty well, but he had no idea if he could survive this assault. Because, as slow and sluggish as some of these last attacks can be... Ibuki's not one of those attacks. It's fast. And attempting to be explosive, just like the one before. Explosive was bad. So Hakuya dealt with it in the only real way he knew how.

As the blue chi-encased fist comes forward, the Suigetsu heir does the only thing he can think to do. He catches Ibuki's fist, just like he caught her sword. The fist doesn't actually touch Hakuya's palm, the chi around the fist seeming to be repeled somehow, almost like when you hold similarly charged magnets up to each other. Grunting in effort, the kineticist works his magic over the chi, and rather than that sphere of energy forming, it just skips right to that exploding part. Except it explodes /outwards/ from the point of contact between Hakuya and Ibuki, almost as if there were some wall that just erected itself between them. The energy doesn't seem to touch Hakuya at all, which is probably a good thing.

After the attack is finished, the Gedo boy slumps, sighing. "Phew... that was close," he says. Well, they had won. Now he just needed to wake Tenma up to see what he wanted to do...

Can they go home finally?

COMBATSYS: Hakuya has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:21:10 08/20/2010 by Hakuya, and last modified on 01:33:16 10/09/2010.