Jinchuu 2 - [R4] [Cut] Nightclub Intel

Description: Antoine had wandered into the club, hoping to find some sort of information about the ongoings of the tournament. However, he runs into one fighter who wanted to fight to win the supposed monetary prize. Antoine faces off against the luchador chef, El Fuerte.

Within the poverty strikened Taizhao, many things have went on.

The lights... the flair... the overall presence of the club presents a place where the rich can flee to in order to enjoy their hedonistic pleasures. A large number of people gather, mostly the Triad members. With the presence of people about, the club is playing a rhythmic tune that pounds against the pulses.

One particular person who would almost be out of place is a young African-American man. Sporting the worn wushu uniform, the duffelbag is carried over his shoulder. The man is walking through the dancing crowd, his eyes skimming around. There were rumos of someone who may be able to provide him information about the ongoings. The serious demeanor detailed on his face, Antoine tries to find some sort of clues. Maybe going upstairs to the dance floor may help.

Juri has arrived.

[OOC] Juri exists! \C_C/

Tonights entertainment just happens to be different from the norm. While there is music playing there is another form of entertainment happening on the dance floor. The singles portion of the King of Heaven's fist tournament is concluding this evening while the duos will be happening in place of the usual Silken Blossom will be held tomorrow evening. There is one competitor entered in both of these events and it was someone not even expecting to be here until a few days ago.

El Fuerte, the Hurricane of the Gulf has found himself in Taizhao trying to do his part to help the poverty striken. He has already made some money that he brought with him to give away as a form of charity to those in need. And when he happened to hear of this tournament and a possible prize he was quick to join in. The club scene is not his usual place to be, but he has endured quite a few fights already today and still stands on the dancefloor even as another man is being pulled off by club security. "El Fuerte wins again!" he declares and he thrusts a finger high in the air. "Is there anyone left to challenge me or shall they declare me the winner?!"

There are a many hesitant people that have been watching the goings on that seem like they almost debate stepping up, but they hold their place. The announcer up in the second level has the mic and almost looks ready to declare the singles portion over when suddenly Antoine is stepping onto the stage. More than likely unsure of what is even going on when a light appears to shine on him. "We have one more challenger!" This actually surprises El Fuerte who stands there with arms folded and he grins. "So there is still someone with some guts and courage in this club afterall!"

Antoine makes his way up the stairs, passing through several steps until he is reaching near the top. Along the way, he is passing through the people, looking ahead while he hears about 'challenger'. He quirks an eyebrow, his mind actually wandering back to trying to figure out about this tournament. As Antoine finally makes it up the stairs.

Lights flash.

For the most part, he looks like a deer in the headlights. The state of shock had taken over as he was suddenly caught in the lights. Bewildered, he head quickly turns, trying to look around to see what was going on. "Wha--.. Hrm. He finally calms down from the bewilderment, turning to face El Fuerte. So, this is the chalenge? Antoine actually goes along with it.

As such, he approaches El Fuerte, stopping at a respectable distance. "...Tell me, do you hapen to know anything about this tournament? I've heard a bit about it." He looks around, a little guarded on revealing what little he learned. After all, the older man he met didn't seem like that he'd want to devulge in the information.

The luchador continues to smile, watching the man that just stepped up on stage and then towards him. It does cause him to tilt his head to the side when questioned. "This tournament? It is the King of Heaven's Fist tournament. I think the owner is offering some big prize here to whoever wins." he replies and he fist pumps. "And since the poor need all the help they can get I am going to get whatever prize it is and give it to them." He certainly seems motivated, but also not totally sure what is going on himself given he isn't talking about the tournament Antoine is questioning.

"I hope your resolve is better than those before you. Greed was their intent and defeat was their result, tossed out like food gone bad." And take it from him. He knows plenty about bad food even if he would never admit most of the bad food in question is his. He jumps backwards and lands in a fighting stance with his knees slightly bent and his hands raised as if ready to grapple if Antoine decided to get closer to him. "Can you withstand the Hurricane of the Gulf!? Let us find out!"

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Antoine has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
ElFuerte         0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Antoine

"Hrm..." The young man blinks when he mentions about he big prize. This actually makes Antoine wonder what that prize is. A shrug is given a moment later. "...I see." A faint smile draws on his face. "...If that is your conviction, then it is a good one. Remember that conviction and continue to let it guide you." A smile draws on his face. At the back of his mind, the words of Frei run along the back of his mind. This tournament is something else.

This isn't a normal tournament. Preparing for Nirvana.

It dawns on Antoine. This man is either unaware, or this is a different tournament entirely. However, there is that lingering desire for the fight. This is the opportunity to test himself. Antoine extends a hand forward, tightening it to a fist before he slams it against the opened palm..

"I wish to learn... of your style."

He steps his right foot forward, his leading arm over the left arm. He takes a deep breath, and then he sprints towards El Fuerte to close the distance. Pressing his right leg off of the ground, he twists into the air with a hook kick from the right leg.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte full-parries Antoine's Light Kick!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
ElFuerte         0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0          Antoine

Yes, this one is much different than the so called fighters that had challenged him before. Strange as El Fuerte might be he has spent the past few hours proving people that they are making a mistake for underestimating him and his Lucha Libre style. That smile never leaves his face as he keeps his focus on his new opponent. He too wishes to see what tricks this man may have up his sleeves. "I shall be more than happy to teach you!" he declares right as his arm comes upwards to hit at the underside of the leg push it upwards to avoid the blow as well as perhaps throw Antoine off balance.

He hopes that is enough of an opening to let his grip shift and grapple Antoine while jumping skyward. His body moves quickly to use his momentum to twist Antoine about and come downwards in a piledriver like move that seeks to slam Antoine down on t he ground on the back of his head and his shoulders. "Fajitaaaaaas....BUSTAAAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Antoine blocks ElFuerte's Fajitas Buster EX.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          Antoine

As El Fuerte agrees to teach him, Antoine offers a slow nod. The young fighter had atempted to snap the leg across the face of the luchador, but the leg swoops over while he avoids the blow and toss him off-balance. When he reaches over to grapple and slam Antoine down, the young man shoots both of his hands to the ground to take in the impact. This would break most people's arms. However, it is through sheer will that Antoine catches himself from being put in the pile driver position.

Both legs wind back and he launches the foot out to separate El Fuerte from him. When he gets the room, the arms push down and shoots itself up to send Antoine to an upright position. He shoots a glance towards El Fuerte before he steps towards his path. His right leg launches out in a crescent kicking motion. Lightning radiates from the leg as he seeks to slam the foot towards, or rather, through the luchador and have that leg plant to the ground as the leading leg to absorb the shock and position himself.

COMBATSYS: Antoine successfully hits ElFuerte with Crossing the Bridge.
> Determined Hit! <

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0          Antoine

He certainly has skill. The luchador's speed usually catches his opponents off guard the first time they experience it, but Antoine has his wits about him enough that he manages to not take the full brunt of that punishing attack. When it realizes he isn't going to land that throw cleanly he is quick to let go and push himself away as well to seperate himself from Antoine. He then prepares for whatever Antoine has in store only to find himself being the one that is surprised when the lightning cracks about the other fighter's foot when he strikes at El Fuerte. That kick lands squarely and it sends the luchador tumbling backwards only to catch himself from going too far and popping back to his feet.

He actually lets out a laugh and he gives a nod to the other fighter. "First time I have been hit all night!" he says and gives a big thumbs up to Antoine before he launches forward, a huge burst of speed as he runs forward and then leaps upwards into the air. He twists about and sails downwards right towards Antoine, just using his entire bodyweight as he comes crashing downwards to land on Antoine and smash him into the ground.

COMBATSYS: Antoine interrupts Tostada Press from ElFuerte with Immovable Mountain.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
ElFuerte         1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0          Antoine

The foot's landing not only grounded him to give the electricity a platform to sink into, but it also allowed Antoine to set up his stance for the next movement. While the luchador is taken back by Antoine's strike, the young man offers a respectful nod towards his opponent. A faint smile draws forth "Your style is quite interesting..."

tThe compliment extended, Antoine watches for the luchador's next strike and prepares to act accordingly. When he is leaping into the air, Antoine is watching for him...

And then his entire bodyweight is shot his way.

As the body is wide open for the fighter, he prepares to capitalize on it. Antoine prepares to demonstrate the nature of his style: simple, hard, and direct.

His left foot shoots forward, planting itself towards the ground. Both palms shoot forward in conjunction to the powerful stomp towards the ground. The chi enhances the body and the spirit to redirect the force. While the luchador's body does press against him and has the momentum to nearly knock him back; his hard stance actually keeps him from moving while both arm had shot forward to slam against the man's stomach. "SHAAA!" The impact of the blow is powerful enough to send the luchador across the dance floor.

While the attack can be a devastating one, it can also be one that leaves El Fuerte quite open against the right opponents. This is one of those occasions where he is probably doing himself more harm than anything. He is short in stature, but the luchador is rather stout for his size so being able to keep upright under the weight is no easy feat, yet Antoine does it quite easily and on top of it uses that fact to send El Fuerte flying across the dance floor once again. He lands on his back hard and it takes a moment before he kicks his legs upwards and rolls back into a handstand and then push off his hands to flip in the air and land on his feet while breathing a bit heavily.

He seems more than fine with the fact. He is just going going to have to kick things up to the next level. Perhaps getting distracted by the wannabees let him get a bit soft tonight. He steps forward and stomps his foot down heavily while pointing skyward. "I can't let myself lose after going this far. I must get the prize and help those in need with it." Of course this is assuming the prize is monetary. He still hasn't been told what it is. Forward he goes again and he leaps to the air, flipping forward and bringing his feet forward to smack Antoine across the face in an downward Arch. "El Fueeeeeerrrrrrrrteeeeeee..." he cries out as he hopes that first blow is enough to stagger Antoine to assault him with a variety flipping kicks and strikes before he goes skyward again much like his last move. "Dynaaaaamiiiiiiiiiite!" he screams while coming downward to attempt to land on Antoine again.

COMBATSYS: Antoine endures ElFuerte's El Fuerte Dynamite.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1          Antoine

Chonquan. The style of power. It is why Antoine has to be stronger. He must preserve the tradition. Must pay respects to his father. Sifu...

And then... Antoine hears El Fuerte's conviction. There is a delilma. The man has strong convictions for his reason to enter this tournament. However, from what Antoine learned, this tournament is not a normal one. His eyebrows furrow as he considers this. "Are you sure---" When he leaps towards the young man, Antoine steels himself as he springs into the pair of feet towards his head. As both heels strike against the face, there is a crunch as his head turns over from the impact. He slowly turns his head back towards the luchador, caught with the flipping kicks into the air. His body sails higher in the sky like a rocket. As he continues to soar....

He is caught by the luchador as he lands on Antoine.. "Egh..." The landing impact against the stomach makes a crunching noise. He can feel the stomach and the chest caving in. He grits his teeth as he forces the chi to literally steel his body as he plants both feet onto the ground while the feet of the luchador are pressed against him.

"---the prize is of monetary value?"

As the question is asked, Antoine immediately shifts his stance. His left foot steps forward while his body presses forward to press the luchador off of him. That isn't all. The left palm strikes towards the man's stomach to have him hunched forward. Then, he will press off of the left foot and rise the right knee up.
%tHis right fist shoots up, the fist is aiming to slam against El Fuerte's chin with a bone-crunching force.

COMBATSYS: Antoine successfully hits ElFuerte with Heaven Descends to Earth EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Antoine

There it is, success. For the first time he feels like he has perhaps figured out the other fighter at least just a bit. Hopefully it is enough to keep Antoine dazed to allow his assault to continue. He is starting to get up when the question is asked and he shrugs while grinning. "If it isn't perhaps I can sell it to help. I will figure something o-" he never gets out his response fully and he finds himself too near to attempt to get out of the way. His arms come up to block, but he miscalculates and the strike him in the stomach instead. It knocks off El Fuerte off balance enough to take that powerful blow to the chin.

Yet as he falls backwards he actually catches himself and jumps back upwards and over his opponent, though when he is flipping overhead he attempts to wrap an arm around Antoine's neck and pull him backwards with him, driving the other fighter to the ground again. If he wants to win this he thinks he is going to have to do his best to keep this man off his feet.

COMBATSYS: Antoine dodges ElFuerte's Medium Throw.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Antoine

"What if... it is something idealogical?" There are things that cannot be sold. Antoine was told about Nirvana. This Nirvana is something Antoine wants to learn more about. What is the goal of this? Why do the people have to suffer as a cause of that? Will this Nirvana help them? It... doesn't seem like it.

This bothers Antoine.

However, he cannot take his eyes off of his opponent. The delilma will have to wait. When he attempts to wrap the arm around the neck while flipping overhead, Antoine actually drops to a knee. Both hands press against the ground to catch himself, then he turns his head over to face El Fuerte.

Instead, he steps his right leg forward, then he launches his right leg towards the luchador's stomach before stepping forward with the kicking leg and using the back leg to cross behind the leading foot. As the leading foor steps forward, he aims to drive the elbow towards the back of the luchador's head.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte interrupts Combo Attack from Antoine with Quesadilla Bomb.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Antoine

The arm seeking to ensnare Antoine misses big time, but he still has time to twist about and land behind the other fighter and facing him once Antoine spins about. The question does seem to stump El Fuerte. Of all the things he could think of a prize something like that was not one of his conclusions. "It is something I will have to think about if it ends up being that case." he admits. He certainly has no real answer at the moment and it isn't often that the luchador is left that way. It is also enough to seem to catch him off guard when Antoine moves in to strike.

Or it could be that is what El Fuerte wanted him to think. He lets that first blow land but his arms wrap around that leg preventing Antoine from going further with his attack. He pushes on the leg to spin Anotoine about and his arms wrap around the man's waist before he lifts and twists about upside down before driving him down on his head again. "But either way I want to find out what it is. So I must not falter and continue to do what I can during my time here!"

The arms wrap around the leg to keep him from moving forward. Instead, he is caught and twisted bout before he lands on his head with a loud thud. There is the rattling in his head as the African-American warrior can see the stars. Ow.

It was not Antoine's intentions of confusing El Fuerte. However, the fighter would had felt bad if he let the man continue with ignorance. The man doesn't seem delusional. His heart is in the right place. That is quite important. That is why a smile draws for a moment as he recollects himself.

Now? Antoine leans forward, then he springs off of the ground. His weight shifts as he shoots out both legs to swing across the air and come down towards the luchador with a double kick towards the chest.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte parries Antoine's Splitting the Earth!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Antoine

Confused? Perhaps at least momentarily, but it certainly hasn't seemed to shaken his resolve at all. He too is smiling that he has found someone in this club that isn't here to defile himself. It is just a shame it seems he didn't intend to compete originally. "Perhaps we are thinking of different tournaments. Do you expect to find ideologies here in a dance club?" he asks finally starting to realize perhaps Antoine is looking for some other tournament.

He is ready to continue speaking, but he soon finds Antoine leaping his way and the luchador leans back while bending at the knees, bridging perfectly with arms behind his back and balancing on both tiptoes and head as Antoine goes sailing by. He straightens back up and then twirls about. "Maybe once we are done here we can find a less lively place. You seem to know things I should know while here." It seems he is done talking though because he is on the move, his own leg lashing forward in a quick roundhouse aimed at the temple of Antoine's head. "But now let us put on a dynamic show!"

COMBATSYS: Antoine blocks ElFuerte's Light Kick EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0          Antoine

"I am looking for answers."

It is simple and to the point. While the luchador leans back and lets Antoine land, the young man quickly turns towards the fighter to have the foot strike near his head. Both hands press outward, guarding against it. "...That sounds good." He nods while the foot remains against the arm.

And then, Antoine launches forward to meet with the luchador as he shoots his left foot forward. His left palm strikes out towards the chest.

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte interrupts Strong Punch from Antoine with Calamari Slide.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
ElFuerte         0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1          Antoine

What became a mission for charity has turned out to be something that has El Fuerte fully wondering if there is more he can do than just that. Antoine seems to know something and maybe a talk with him might show that the luchador is lacking some valuable information that he should know. He hops backwards on his single foot even falling backwards as that strike hits him in the chest. He catches himself on his side and remains propped slightly up on his elbow.

He seems to also see an opening at that poing because he pushes with his elbow and hand to slide forward to kick his legs outwards and take Antoine's feet out from under him once again. He gets to a knee at first and then slowly gets to his feet. He is breathing rather heavily as he takes a step back and watches his opponent, waiting to see what Antoine will do next.

The fight cntinues on in the most heated manner. Antoine had sought to continue the fight the best that he can. However, it is soon about to come to an end as the conclusion heats up.

Antoine is caught from the palm striking as the man takes out his feet and slides underneath him. Then he collapses onto his face. He is non-responsive for a few moments. However, he is slowly stepping back onto his feet. While standing, lightning sparks from his body. With the discharge drawn, Antoine's dizzied eyes gaze towards the luchador as he takes a deep breath. While shifting his stance, his eyes narrow while the fists tighten.

"...Alright. Here we go.."

This is Chongquan.

Antoine immediately steps toward the luchador. Lightning discharges from his body, tearing through the surface. This actually surprises the cheering crowd. While Antoine shoots towards the man, he extends the palm towards the stomach. The impact with the stomach will release a powerful discharge of electricity to add momentum to the impact. "SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU!!"

COMBATSYS: Antoine can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte dodges Antoine's Perfect Storm.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
ElFuerte         0/-------/--=====|

The fact Antoine manages to get up after looking like he is down and out is impressive to the luchador. He just nods in respect to the other fighter then he seems to tense up and wait to see what Antoine just might be up to at this point when he hears the man utter those words. El Fuerte's eyes widen when that lightning discharges from the other fighter and he is quick to backpeddle and then leap upwards to grasp onto the bottom part of one of the staircases he is passing under. He twists and hefts himself up and over the railing to land near a few stunned spectators who seem surprised by that attack as well as the fact one of the fighters is now standing next to them. "Very good...." he whispers under his breath while looking down at the dance floor.

When it seems that Antoine is spent and the discharge dissipates entirely that is when El Fuerte jumps back downwards and steps forward. "One more step forward...." he tells himself. There is still tomorrow and the stranger that he is teaming with has him feeling uneasy to how well things will happen. Still, he is standing now and as tired as he looks it doesn't seem like anyone else is stepping forward to challenge him tonight. The Luchador extends his hand outwards towards the other fighter and he grins widely. "It is good to meet a real fighter here."

COMBATSYS: ElFuerte has ended the fight here.

Pant... pant... The fighter is tired. He is unable to continue the battle. There is a great accomplishment of seeing another style and the challenge against it. Although he did not defeat his opponent, there was victory out of it. He got to see another perspective of a different style. As such, there s a great deal of reward in this: A new comrade, perhaps.

Antoine extends the hand towards the luchador, aiming to take a firm grip of the hand before shaking it. "Like-wise. We will talk more about ... what I've heard privately." He frowns, looking at the surroundings. After releasing the hand, he is approaching the duffelbag, scooping it up. "...Perhaps we should talk outside."

The luchador gives a firm shake and he gives a nod while looking back towards the man that seems to be the announcer. He nods his head as if ready to leave. They can discuss prize or whatever he is to get after this. "A place other than here, but not on the streets. Things aren't exactly too safe out there." He is finally starting to breath less heavily now that he isn't having to move about so much or as quickly as he normally does. He gives a thumbs up to someone in the crowd and soon a leather jacket and shirt are tossed his way, the former going on while he just drapes the latter over his shoulder for now.

"If you want we can go to where I am staying. I can cook us up something to help recover." He offers with a wide smile yet somehow there is probably a feeling of impending doom the moment he says those words as he begins to shuffle down off the dance floor and through the crowd.

Log created on 20:07:31 06/10/2010 by Antoine, and last modified on 01:03:21 06/23/2010.