Jinchuu 2 - [R3] The Seducer

Description: 'Ullr' and Hakuya split up with Tenma and Zach, both seeking to find information within the molten steel-filled Nenzhao Metalworks building. With a lake of lava beneath them, the two advance, only to come across an unforseen roadblock in the form of a mysterious and sadistic woman.

Nenzhao Metalworking Facility. It is the place where the talk of the secrets that Alma mentioned lied. The goal was to get into the factory to confirm the suspicions of Alma Towazu. There was information that Jiro wanted to upchannel to Adelheid.

And so, they arrive.

The time of day? Does it really matter? While the sun is out, it feels dry and a bit desolate. The entire facility is drenched in molten iron and is starting to melt along the walls. It seems slow, but the halls of the factory continue to release steam and the smell of heated iron filling the air.

This is not pleasant. Ullr had started to travel inside the facility, but he knew that he was not alone. He had a partner with him. The helmetted soldier, of course, was all business. As such, the armored soldier had made his way to the facility, his head turning and trying to draw an obervatory eye around the surroundings.

"...So, this is the place. Hopefully some sort of clues are here."

After beating Jiro - 'Ullr' - and Zach in a close match, it had been decided to go ahead and team up to help each other out. Tenma and Hakuya had a pretty simple purpose in being here at Jinchuu. It involved vengeance upon the Pervert Kidnapper Ninja who had abducted them both to far away places in order to fight them and test their... their somethings, apparently. So it was pretty easy for them: find Pervert Kidnapper Ninja, punch him really hard, go home. But as Pervert Kidnapper Ninja was indeed a ninja, it was proving difficult to find him. After all, he was reportedly dead. That put a kink in the plans. Though Ullr insisted he wasn't, and further, that he could find the Pervert Kidnapper Ninja. Considering Tenma and Hakuya had proven their strength first hand, it only seemed natural to team up.
Which leads Hakuya to be here. In the melty metalworks building. And he thought he was done with molten /anything/ after fighting in a lake of magma with eternal lightning cooking everything on the ground into a delicious flaming ooze. But no, here he was, in an overloaded with heat factory. And he thought it was hot -outside-! "Ugh, it's all melty," Hakuya observes, careful not to touch anything. Even his foot steps were producing wisps of smoke vapor as the rubber on his (used to be) very fine sneakers cooks within the bare second they're on the catwalks. "Though if I were a Pervert Kidnapper Ninja, a lake of lava and a melting building are certainly a good place to hide secrets..." He was following the armored soldier instead of Tenma because Tenma had decided that since Hakuya's father was an M1 Abrahms and his mother was a brick wall, and Jiro was a tough bastard to kill, too, that they were both super perfect for delving into the almost literal equivalent of hell itself.

There is an eerie quality to the derelect blast furnace facility. The walls of brittle iron form an effective barrier against any individual wanting to enter from the ground floor - and yet, it continues to run. Searing, hellish heat that warps metal and boils away all moisture in the air rises from deep within the glowing pools below - and yet the facility is still alive. It is into this hell that four fighters had descended so willingly. And it is into this hell that along came a spider.
Juri Han is, as a fighter, a force of nature not easily controlled. She is, however, much easier to direct. Promise her a battle that could slake her battle lust and she will arrive. Indeed, fighting no less than FOUR fighters within a derelict but still /very/ active metalworking facility sounded like quite the fine time to Juri. She is a bit disappointed to find out, however, that the fighters had decided to split up. Not one to be discouraged though it's rather simple for Juri to resolve to beat up two ... then pursue and even more violently decimate the other two for trying to run out on her.
While the two are making idle conversation the warning will flash on their phone. How does it know that Juri is in close proximity, ready to strike?! Well, only she doesn't strike right off. Instead her voice can be heard purring over the relatively loud din of the blast furnace below. "Hello boys, are you looking for someone?" When they turn around they will see a young Korean woman standing there ... just... standing there - with no shoes. Her feet, bare for a strap of extremely thin material, rest comfortably on the melting catwalk - that alone should be a clue to her fighting prowess. She chuckles lightly to herself as she brushes her hair to the side with one hand, "You both look like you're in good shape. That's good. After all... that pool down below looks awfully hot." This brings a manic look in her eye as she stares at the two - oh yes, this is going to be /fun/.

COMBATSYS: Juri has started a fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Juri             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Hakuya has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hakuya           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Jiro has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hakuya           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Juri
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

While the two are walking along, Ullr idly states, "Seishirou is alive." He muses, "I am not sure where, but... I am hoping that this would provide some sort of clue." He looks inside the building, able to feel the heat trough his suit. Unlike NESTS's outfit, there is some coolant inside the suit to help suppress some of the heat. It is a good thing that there is technological enhancements. The Einherjar Soldier had to do something, after all. With the heat of the factory giving that choking feeling the man is trying to scan the melting pot of the building. His eyes move around.

"Still nothing. There has to be some sort of clue here that would be helpful." Alma did not send him here for no damn reason. There was something important here. He knows it. "There is something here, I kn---.."


The cellphones give out a warning. This is almost like Meg---wait no. Next comes a seductive voice, but.. Jiro has dealt with the presence like those. The soldier tightens his fist, then he lifts his head up to the source. It is above the group and the man can see the culprit responsible. His eyes narrow a bit, "...Who the hell are you?"

Unfortunately, Hakuya was wearing... his hoodie. And a t-shirt. And shorts. Admittedly quite breathable shorts, but otherwise he had no such coolants in his wear. Given that Ullr was wearing much heavier things, though, it's probably about even. In this kind of heat, wearing armor as the man was tended to be a kind of liability. "Ah, well, that's good! We didn't think he would be dead, Tenma and myself. Though Tenma mostly insisted upon it because he hadn't gotten to punch Ryouhara-san yet, so it was evident he wasn't dead yet, to Tenma." That had been the exact line of reasoning. 'I haven't gotten to pay that bastard back yet, so he's not dead, because I say so.' It had worked for Hakuya!
He wasn't sure what kind of information they could find in a melty building, but he held to his earlier thought processes: lake of lava + melty building = probably secrets. It just didn't make sense otherwise! Where else would you hide secrets? Like, in the Sanctum bathroom or something? ...Hey, that's a good idea. He'll check that out later-- WARNING! Hakuya almost flails his arms at the sudden intrusion of noise. Hadn't he put that phone on vibrate? It seems Juri's presence is enough that it -makes- phones shout out about her.
Swiveling, Hakuya is now placed in front of the fight, as he'd been following behind Jiro. A blink, and then he drops into a defensive stance. Since this strange woman isn't attacking yet, and Jiro seems to be demanding answers from her first, the hoodied teenager doesn't strike just yet... but he's got his guard up. Just by looking at her, Hakuya can tell this woman means some harm. Look at that outfit! Good guys don't wear things like that. It was like... Marise.

Juri has no fancy gadgets to deflect the searing heat around her. Instead it is by pure force of her will, and the psycho power within her, that she is able to weather her surroundings with no discomfort. Any sweat she produces on her skin instantly evaporates before it could even begin to know life on the surface. In many ways her apparent supernatural hardiness makes her appear to belong in this realm - like a succubus greeting the newest occupants of her domain. First comes the greeting, then the pain.
"Hehe. So worried about who I am, I'd be more worried about what I'm going to do to you." A padded fist is raised and gripped tightly toward Hakuya and 'Ullr' as her left eye begins to glow brightly. "Let's skip the chit-chat and get right to it boys. I have a schedule to keep and your two friends aren't going to kill themselves ... well, in this place they just might." A cruel chuckle, "Now, just to decide which one of you goes first."
From within the viewpoint of Juri's eye she is able to scan over both Jiro and Hakuya, detecting the ebb and flow of their life and chi energy. By focusing more directly on one or the other she can more accurately pin-point the weaknesses and strengths based on their movements. All of this would seem to make for an extremely lazy fighter, but Juri has the experience as well to back up all the technological wizardy. She takes a moment to shuffle between the two before her eyes finally settle on Hakuya.
"You. I'd like to see what it looks like when you stop rambling and start /screaming/!" With that she breaks out into a run along the catwalks, the force of her foot falls enough to bend the metal beneath her feet as she propels herself with incredible speed toward her target. Once she gets there she'll twist her body around, raising her foot high to deliver an extremely painful looking downward kick to his right shoulder. Trying to drive Hakuya down into the catwalk, and potentially disable one of his arms in the process!

Glancing back towards Hakuya, there is a faint smile underneath the helmet. There is a bit of that youthful life in him. It was something that Jiro missed.

However, there are more important things to worry about.

This mystery fighter makes no form of introduction. No fanfare, no gloat. Just the way that Jiro likes it. However, considering that there is a good chance that the person is likely dangerous to their health and their allies, Jiro does not plan to let any of that go by. The suited fighter is idly turning to face Juri, glaring up towards the succubus of a fighter before his hands lift up in the air to stretch.

"...First, huh?" Jiro did want her to try to come at him. After all, a fight is a good way to get the blood pumping again. However, when she does move over to strike towards Hakuya, Ullr shifts the stance over; the right leg slides forward and he twists to face her with his guard up. Then, he starts sprinting towards Juri, making a charge as his feet picks up the pace in a sprint. While the fist is winded and he is casting it back, the armored soldier is grunting. "Alright, time to see what you're made of." While she is targeting Hakuya with a deadly kick, he is moving in on her to catch her upon movement. His left arm extends out and he tries to force the arm out towards her throat for a clothesline.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya blocks Juri's Fierce Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hakuya           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Juri
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

Rambling? He was rambling? This woman seemed a bit different from Marise after all, actually. Hakuya had expected some kind of posturing, maybe a bit of taunting. But rather than anything like that, the Korean woman just runs, leaps, kicks. No preamble, or at least little of one. Just pure violence. And she moves awfully damn fast, too, but it's the fact that her foot falls actually -dent- the freaking catwalks as she strides powerfully over that concerns the Guardian King. A moment is given to hesitation on how to defend. Does he move out of the way? Does he block? Charge through? Try to strike back?! And that hesitation gives way to pure, awesome reflex, hounded into him through basically having the shit kicked out of him for eight years from all sides at any time by his family members.
He blocks. Arms lift, cross into an X, intercept the kick at the ankle, making it displace most of its energy into the more resilient forearms. ...And the kick -still- slams into his shoulder, still knocks him to his knees, slamming hard into the catwalk beneath the kick. Hakuya looks momentarily stunned. It's good Jiro is covering for him, because it doesn't take him too long to recover, but long enough that if he were fighting Juri by himself it would probably be bad. As it is, the Guardian King attempts to make good on his position by planting his (thankfully gloved) hands onto the catwalk, swinging his feet up and around, and trying to sweep Juri's legs out from under her as Jiro clothes lines.

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Jiro's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hakuya           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Juri
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hakuya successfully hits Juri with Waning Dawn.
> Determined Hit! <

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Juri
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

Unfortunately, Juri's kick doesn't find purchase in a way that is completely satisfying for her. No feeling of cracking bone, tearing senew, or ripping muscle to provide her with joy. But... the fight has just begun, and things are far from over. Though Ullr tries his best to use Juri's own momentum against her to perform a clothesline she is /incredibly/ flexible. Like, this woman would nail a limbo championship no problem. Unfortunately bending so far backward, and on a catwalk which restricts lateral movement, her options are limited. She attempts to dodge out of the way of Hakuya's sweep by lifting her legs up and landing on her hands - but Hakuya sees through that and manages to knock those out from under her as well. She lands with a thud on the super-heated metal.
She isn't down for long however. Planting her feet down on the catwalk she raises herself up again ... without any use of her arms. Upright once more she laughs gleefully, "Hahaha, good! You'll both be a challenge after all." Her eyes immediately snap back toward Hakuya as she flashes him a horrifying rictus smile. Her left eye flashes bright ... and she's gone.
Well that's not exactly right - she's in the air! Above Hakuya and twisting her body to deliver a painful looking kick to his face. Only the kick she delivers comes up too short to actually hit him physically. No, she relies on a burst of strange, violet colored enery to do that. Should it hit him successfully the energy will completely envelope his head and momentarily blind him. Should it not, well, at least the move was rather flashy looking.

Although Jiro thought that he was making good progress on registering damage to the woman with a nice clothesline to impact her, he finds himself facing disappointment when she leans back to sway her body underneath the incoming hand. It's like she did limbo but against his arm. There is a growl escaping before he tightens his fists. He swings the arms down, then he faces Juri when her eye flashes. His eyebrows furrow and the eyes narrow from underneath the helmet. What the hell?

She's one!

Jiro looks over towards her disapearance and he looks around until he sees her high in the air. With a painful draw of the psychopower his way. It wasn't the kick, but it as the devastating blast from it. As such, "Time to give off the same deal." He quickly lifts his right hand up, shooting it upward as an uppercut. The chi envelops the hand and then the blade of chi is shot towards her like a cutter.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya interrupts Kasatushi from Juri with Blind Crescent.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1             Juri
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

Success! Likely due to Jiro's interference, because he sure wasn't in that great a position to hit - just determined to do /something/ after getting slammed so hard. The hands were noted, so he went for those, too, and it seemed to work, if not be overly hurting. Being laid out against the heated catwalk was probably hurting more than him kicking her down to the ground like that. But it works, and that's all he can hope for. Springing back to his feet, Hakuya backs off a step or two, coming aside Jiro on the catwalk and getting back into a defensive position. "Careful, she hits really hard," he warns. But he need not say it; Juri is perfectly willing to demonstrate. Like now. She leaps up, whips her leg out, and sends a wave of psychic energy at him...
And without really thinking about it, he tries to just, do -something-. What do you do against a blast of energy like that? You can either -take- it or you can barrel through it. Hakuya, with his training as a demon executioner, was one for barreling through it... but he could take it. Usually. In this case, he pays heavily for it, but he does it. The Guardian King leaps up after Juri, first leaping to the railing, then pushing off that and hopping up after the evil woman. The energy SLAMS into him, and oooh does it hurt. But he manages to grab her ankle, just barely. From there, gravity does most of the work, with a little directed help. He yanks Juri from the sky, and throws her towards the catwalk. But that's not ALL, as he attempts to give the maneuver a little more 'oomph' by slamming the heel of his foot into the woman's back, to give her just that much more force as she crashes to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Juri blocks Jiro's Balefire.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Hakuya           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1             Juri
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

She's one? She's one what? Had Ullr said that out loud perhaps she would laugh and ask that question, but for now she isn't laughing much at all. That spike of baleful purple energy does indeed find its victim... somewhat. And this makes her feel good... somewhat. She feels Hakuya's hand gripping her ankle and with a growl in her throat she tries to shake her foot free. But it's far too late now as she is in mid-air, and already committed to her earlier attack. Helplessly she is pulled down from the sky with a crashing thud and a boot to her spine! A barely audible groan of pain escapes her lips over the din of the blast furnace, and the catwalk beneath her warps slightly at the force of impact.
As soon as Hakuya gets off of her, and indeed it would be in his best interest to get /off/ of her, Juri rises very quickly and very powerfully. Surprisingly there are still no burn marks on her body despite being forced into the super-heated catwalk twice now. Is it her expertise in fighting, or something more sinister that protects her? Perhaps that is a mystery for when the pair manage to get her down and keep her down. She takes a slightly feral pose now, and her eyes glare with intense malice toward Hakuya.
"Almost ready now..." she purrs in a harsh whisper as Jiro approaches to deliver his own attack: A chi powered uppercut projectile. Without blinking Juri forms a barrier of highly translucent psycho power around her arms and crosses them in order to intercept the attack! Barest whisps of chi energy slip through to impact upon her flesh, and the resulting force of the attack knocks her away from Jiro.
"Hmmph, so impatient. Don't worry, you'll have your turn." A quick turn toward Hakuya and she continues, "Now..." The irises of her eyes narrow in a disturbing fashion, "KILL KILL KILL!!!" What is accompanying those vocalizations? Well first it starts with a powerful psycho energy kick to the stomach, then another to the shins, then another to the face. Then in a blur of motion she kneels down to deliver a flourishing sweep before a final spinning will (possibly) send Hakuya up into the air! She'll then send him off with a final upwards kick: sending a projectile of psycho energy directly at him.

Impatient? Perhaps. However, Jiro doesn't have time to fool around. Provided that this woman means business, she plans to put his partner in a wheelchair, if not kill him. More than likely the latter. Ullr grits his teeth and h starts running along the catwalk. While the lava is molting from the burning, melting metal, the warrior grimaces.

"Shit...." He thinks to himself, then he lunges forward to get up close and persona with Juri as she tries to assault Hakuya. The unfortunate thing is that Jiro cannot get close enough to where he can push Hakuya out of the way and have her focus on him. This is something that aggrivates the soldier enough to remain on her like Peewee Herman on the junior audience.

When he moves in, his fist starts grinding against he catwalk's ground, then it sparks a black blaze to sear into the air. That black blaze accompanies the fist as he launchs himself forward to give Juri a blazing uppercut. "BURN IN HELL!"

Impatient? Perhaps. However, Jiro doesn't have time to fool around. Provided that this woman means business, she plans to put his partner in a wheelchair, if not kill him. More than likely the latter. Ullr grits his teeth and h starts running along the catwalk. While the lava is molting from the burning, melting metal, the warrior grimaces.

"Shit...." He thinks to himself, then he lunges forward to get up close and persona with Juri as she tries to assault Hakuya. The unfortunate thing is that Jiro cannot get close enough to where he can push Hakuya out of the way and have her focus on him. This is something that aggrivates the soldier enough to remain on her like Peewee Herman on the junior audience.

When he moves in, he springs off of the ground and he promptly launches his right leg out to sweep along the air. He is seeking to slam the right foot against her face.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Hakuya with Fuharenjin.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Hakuya           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0             Juri
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

Kill, Kill, Kill is right. Though Hakuya had had some luck so far, it seems luck is largely running out. Stepping off Juri, the Guardian King doesn't quite know what she has in store for him... but she's only too willing to show him. She blocks the attack Jiro throws out, and then comes after Hakuya himself. The teenager tenses, trying to think of how to defend against the pain he knows will be coming - but he either decides the wrong course of action or is just too slow, because the pain train arrives on schedule and churning fast. Kicked, psycho energy flared, and ultimately slammed around like a rag doll, Hakuya hasn't gotten his ass kicked quite so badly since he last fought his grandfather - or maybe that time he fought Geese Howard with Futaba-san. Either way, there's not much Hakuya can do against the onslaught, and it's finally HIS turn to just get dumped onto the heated catwalk, immediately sizzling.
A moment, two, and then there's movement. Hakuya shifts, rolls over, and slowly pulls himself up off the ground, smoke sizzling from the parts of him that touch the catwalk, but not really seeming to mind. He gets up, staggers once, then stabilizes. He looks like he's been through hell (and really, it looks like he HAS been!), but he's still going. Turning, he faces Juri, thinking about his options. He hurt, and badly... but he needed to wear the psycho user down just a little more... just a little more! Reaching behind him slowly, the grappler seeks to take ahold of his hoodie's hood - and pulls it up over his head, his eyes now shadowed. And then, suddenly, he thrusts a hand out. "You think that hurt? I've taken harder hits from my grandpa! Your rage is weak, demon, come and fight me for real!"
He says it much more... sternly than he normally does. Almost like he were impersonating Tenma, though only Ullr would know the difference. Juri would just see delicious defiance in the face of defeat, likely.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya focuses on his next action.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Hakuya           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0             Juri
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Juri with Medium Kick.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hakuya           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1             Juri
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/------=|

Juri is feeling mighty pleased with herself. Mighty pleased indeed. Sure that attack was less physical and more ethereal... but at the same time it was refreshing to let loose her pent up anguish and frustration on a host so willing to receive it. When she is finished with her attack she brings her foot back down and relaxes with her head tilted slightly off to the side. She smirks, broadly, as she watches Hakuya crumpled frame crash against the heated metal of the catwalk. So certain is she that Hakuya won't be getting up again that she turns around to face Jiro...
Juri's head snaps to the side as the kick is delivered. A pregnant pause ... Juri's left eye snaps up to look directly into 'Ullr's face. Suddenly a Taijitu snaps close around her iris and it begins to spin rapidly. "Pushy men aren't fun you know. You should learn your place here, boy." Oh, the good ol' 'know your place' business. Yep, she's most definitely a villain. But Jiro has finally managed to get her intention, and all the toothless platitudes coming from Hakuya are ignored for the first time the entire fight.
Instead Juri moves with incredible speed toward Jiro - so fast it's almost impossible for even a trained fighter to follow! She'll first deliver a kick to his ankle to try and force him to kneel. Then a turning snap kick will impact heavily against his stomach. Should he not manage to avoid Juri's wrath he will then likely feel the loving carress of her foot /stomping/ on his face. She'll use him like a set of stairs to go up and over him before twisting in the air to deliver a mighty drop kick at his shoulder blades. A blast of baleful purple energy will seal the deal, thrusting Juri off to the side to land gracefully and hopefully forcing Ullr to face the catwalk not-so-gracefully.

COMBATSYS: Jiro fails to counter Feng Shui Engine from Juri with Helldrive.
- Unbelievable Failure! -

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Hakuya           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0             Juri
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             1/---====/=======|

Damnit. Hakuya took anthe strike. That isn't good! Jiro is looking over at the young man, just hoping that he remains in one piec. After all, Jiro actually likes the kid, after all. That is what stills his resolve in dealing wth Juri as she is meeting with a nice sucker kick. That foot actually plants against the woman's head. Deep satisfaction is made upon delivery. This may not be a good thing for the armored soldier.

tUllr actually smirks underneath the helmet. What catches his attention, however, is the strange object in her eye. He furrows his eyebrows when she moves in on him.... and tells him to know his place. He growls, tightening his fist. Know his place, huh?

She moves fast. However, Jiro is planning to move faster. When she darts forward, Jiro is moving forward to her leg that is moving towards his ankle. He attempts to sweep his arms out to grab it, but in doing that, he is caught with a turning snap kick against the stomach. The impact causes him to lose thebreath, andhe gasps. Egghh....

That loving foot stomps against the face, which starts tearing against the helmet. More of the helmet cracks open and reveals the bloody face of the young man. Gh... and then she climbs up along him before she twists and slams her foot towards the shoulder blades. And the impact? That psychoower brushes against him nd sends him sprawling against the catwalk with a loud thud and a painful sounding skid.

(Editor's Note: Hakuya is a weak, and forgot to put the log back up when the fight resumed for a couple poses. From here until around the end of the fight, the poses have been edited in, and the CSYS stuff will look a touch messy. Sorry. Also, pasting meters in seems to not be an option, so do without!!! Thanks go to Juri for being a non-Hakuyaweak.)

If Hakuya is uncertain or annoyed that his taunt was ignored, he doesn't really show it. It could just be that hoodie shading his eyes, but he doesn't show any emotion, really. Not even when Juri decides to KILL KILL KILL Jiro, too, jus tto spread all that love around. The teenager has little else to do other than sit there and watch as Jiro gets absolutely pummeled to the hell and back - with feet, no less. He really doesn't want to get close to that! At least not yet. Jiro gets smacked around, kicked, then... then like, thrown with a foot (whoa) and then it's just him and Juri. At least for the moment. His partner needs a moment to breathe, and that'll be Hakuya's job.
Rushing forward, the Guardian King doesn't try much that is fancy. He wants a quick hit, something to distract the woman back onto him, and let Jiro get his breath and balance back. Running past the prone form of Ullr, the young man seeks to get an arm around Juri's waist, effectively clotheslining her, but also trying to pick her up with the same motion. If successful, Hakuya will twist around in a 180, then slam the woman onto the catwalk, simple and quick.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya successfully hits Juri with Quick Throw.

Well, that was a bit surprising.
No seriously, even Juri is shocked by the sheer effectiveness of her own attack. It was almost like an ineffable aura of FAIL brought unearthly strength to her strikes. Not that she is complaining. When her foot stomps on ULLR's face with enough force that she can feel it crack it thrills her. But when she looks down and sees the bloodied face of a young man through those cracks, it delights her in ways the Sigmund Freud would have nightmares about. Finishing her attack with a dramatic flourish, a cruel laugh, and a single question: "Felt good, didn't it?!"
This may seem largely rhetorical, and cruel. That is because it's rhetorical AND cruel. But beyond the flourishes, beyond the bluster reality is demonstrating something a bit different: Juri is slowly but surely peetering out. Already the edges of her clothing have started to singe slightly in the infernal heat of the metalworking facility. Her movements are a bit slower and more labored, and her lungs work hard to pull oxygen from the somewhat depleted super-heated air within the facility. This fight /isn't/ over yet.
When Hakuya approaches the woman's face twists into a predatory grin. Backlit by the fires of the facility it becomes truly diabolical. She holds one arm up to block what's sure to be a reprisal - but instead finds his arm swiftly curling around her waste. Overconfidence and exhaustion leads to Juri's world spinning around and her crashing to the ground with ease! This time when she lands smoke can be seen curling up from around her prone form.
Juri is, however, just as dangerous from this position too. Suddenly her feet snake up and twist clockwise... before unleashing themselves counter-clockwise in a brutal cyclone kick! She uses the built up momentum to return to her feet swiftly - and to hopefully knock Hakuya away and out of the fight.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya just-defends Juri's Snap Kick!

Face getting smashed in? Not good. Ow, that friggin hurts. A lot. The helmet is cracked open, and it reveals that half of the helmet while the other half exposes the face of the blond haired man within his twenties. Blood is running along his head, cascading while a mark is left. Part of his vision dulls, yet he slowly regains it. He tries to lean up, pulling himself back up to his feet. Needless to say, Jiro is not a happy camper. Not by a long shot.

As he gets up to his feet and Hakuya is trying to buy him some time, Jiro is starting to stagger about, rubbing his forehead as he is trying to focus his mind. While doing so, there is a linger of black flames drawing in his grasp.

Deep breath. He is going to make this bitch pay.

COMBATSYS: Jiro focuses on his next action.

His throw is successful, but Hakuya doesn't allow himself to feel victory. The simple fact of the matter is: he is hurting, badly, and won't survive much longer. Juri, while getting worn down, isn't nearly as hurt as he is, and with Jiro also hurting, it's going to be an uphill battle, even now. One little throw isn't going to really matter. So he backs off a step from the downed Juri, being familiar with tactics of prone fighters, and knowing that if someone knows how to attack from prone, they're usually pretty dangerous. As evidenced when Juri lashes out with her feet, seeking to cyclone kick the grappler.
But something here goes wrong too, for Juri anyway. As if expecting it, or perhaps just experiencing a moment of ungodly good timing, Hakuya twists as a foot seeks to slam into his side, and an arm wraps around the extended leg, Hakuya moving with the motion of it, negating pretty much all of the kinetic energy placed behind it. And further more... using the hold on Juri's leg, assuming she doesn't wriggle out of it quickly, the Guardian King seeks to throw the woman into the air, above the catwalk. From there, the kineticist will begin his assault. Grabbing her out of the air, then slamming her into the ground, before once more throwing her up, catching, slamming - it's repeated a total of three times, before Juri is thrown, for the last time, up into the air a lot higher than before... and then blue energy seems to coalesce around her. And all at once, it breaks, seeking to slam into her and throw her back into the catwalk as if she were being fired from a cannon. Of Chi!!

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Hakuya's Midnight Sun.

Startlingly, shockingly, in spite of all logic ... that attack does not work. Juri can be heard growling to herself as Hakuya oh-so-easily pushes aside her foot. She can be heard /hissing/ as she feels him try to wrap his arm around it. But that is as far as it goes. Juri moves like a whirling dervish - her arms quickly spinning her body in an unpredictable manner that allows her to twist her feet loose. But she is not finished yet. Her feet then decend to wrap themselves around Hakuya's neck as she continues to spin.
If successful Juri will attempt to drag Hakuya's body up and into the air before crashing down on the other side of her - head first! Assuming it's successful. If not this all-out-brawl could get a lot more interesting once Jiro decides to join the fray.

Jiro had been seeing double Juris for some time. It is like a three-some waiting to happen in a bad way. After all, considering the sadistic nature, there is no upside to seeing two Juris. And then there are two Hakuyas. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a ghost of a chance alone. After a few moments of getting a chance to recompose himself and focus, he has a renewed since of resolve. Jiro tightens his fists, snorting derusively.

"Alright..." He grits his teeth, then he takes off in a stride towards the catwalk. As he makes his approach, he is sharpening his eye towards Juri as she moves in on Hakuya. "I'm coming..." It the black flames igniting along the hand, it is an inferno that rises above him. Tearing along the air, Jiro brings the fist back as he preapres for the flame's awakening. With the black fire swirling along the grasp, he coses in towards the woman.

His fist flies straight up towards her chin, the powerful fist tearing through the air to catch her off-guard with the fist. ...And then, the other hand winds back, "This is a...." There is a bit of the Jiro-ism returning into the soldier, especially as the last half of the helmet collapses, revealing his angry face while the other arm twists to catch her with a thunderous punch.

"...FUCK YOU!"

That punch will result in a wide-area explosion to send her flying across the catwalk.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Hakuya with Quick Throw.

A little startled himself that his attack doesn't work, his momentum from his startling defense is lost as Juri's unpredictable spinning just takes her right out of his grasp. Crap. He put a lot of energy into that one - the blue energy kind, which is now expended for nothing. It wasn't like Hakuya was a master at energy manipulation... well, at least, not his -own- energy, anyway. And then Juri is coming after him again, seeking to grab him and dispense a little of his own medicine to him. Trying to twist out of her grasp doesn't quite work, and he ends up being brought up and over, and the over part is done quite viciously. He tenses up at the last possible moment, though, deflecting some of the pain, rolling a bit to get out of landing perfectly on his head - and then he wobbles to his feet, still up, despite everything. It's not like Juri isn't hurting him. He's just somehow able to dip into some impressively durable reserves, it seems.
Hakuya sees Jiro launching an attack of his own, and the Guardian King decides to help follow up. Waiting a beat or two behind Jiro, as the man seeks to sock Juri with the powerful explosive punch, one of two things will happen. Either Juri will get hit by the explosion, fly back, and have Hakuya waiting for her on the rebound, to hopefully be caught, or Hakuya will need to rush in and try to grab for Juri as she deflects the attack somehow. Either way, the ensuing attack will be to grab her, run all out along the catwalk in a surge of speed, then suddenly twist 180, throwing momentum all behind Juri, and impart all of that into her trip back to the catwalk floor.

COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Juri with Scarlet Slaughter.

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Hakuya's Tidal Crush.

Houston, the Fuck You has landed!
Juri is just recovering from her last throw on Hakuya when Jiro closes in. She can feel a startling amount of energy radiating behind her, an intense malice radiating toward her, and ... well... Jiro's voice loudly telegraphing the attack. She turns around and quickly attempts to prepare a defense - flexing every muscle in her body as tight as possible to prepare for impact!
Unfortunately she is not fast enough. Indeed her eyes fly open in shock as the first mighty punch slams into her jaw with bone-cracking force. It flings her head back in a way that Jiro is sure to enjoy. When his other arm swings around to join the fray Juri is helplessly consumed in the explosion!
For a brief moment she is lost to her opponents and their field of vision. When she bursts out of the smoke cloud she is hurtling backward with all the grace of a straw doll. Her eyes, once tightly screwed shut, open to reveal the hellish world upside down and streaming by /fast/. She tilts her head up painfully, her neck still smarting from the force of Jiro's punch, and sees an overly excited Hakuya rushing to try and catch her on the rebound. Fury and adrenalin rushes through Juri's veins as suddenly she seizes one of the bars suspending the catwalk over the forge far below.
Bending both from its incredible heated state and the force of Juri using it to redirect her path, the bar serves to allow her an attack of opportunity. Hakuya goes rushing by, Juri is swinging around behind him and while the kick she delivers won't be bone shattering it will be very fast... and /very/ surprising.
Oh right, something sexy happens. What exactly? Well her top is shredded sorta so maybe a nipple slip or something - who the hell knows: It happened so fast!

COMBATSYS: Hakuya Toughs Out Juri's Light Kick!
~~ Alluring Hit! ~~

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Hakuya           1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Juri
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|

Seishirou :)

Damn. Damn... Damn...


Jiro had been in a very bad mood after dealing with this person. For the moment, Jiro looks down to see the melting metal, noticing that the factory is not looking like it's in good condition. He growls, grimancing inwardly. "Shit... There are clues here. We have to have this bitch disengage and retreat." He won't let this place go unnoticed. Information is here. Ullr -needs- it.

The Einherjar soldier notes her coming back towards Hakuya, and he immediately runs over towards the woman, not looking too pleased.

His right hand extends out while his left arm grips against the forearm. The palms of the right hand opens up, the fingers grasping into the air as a ball of black energy manifests. The swirling energy is growing wider as the resonation of the black flames grow. As sparks light around it, the flame becomes bigger to the size of a beachball.

A thunderous explosion ignites the air as the large fireball is shot towards Juri. "DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME!"

Momentum, for once, was not on his side. Though he was trying to build it up in order to catch and throw Juri painfully, with how Juri recovers from the assault Jiro gave her, he just goes rushing by underneath her, not exactly the best way to get an attack going. He skids to a halt, but not fast enough, as Juri's foot snaps out and kicks him upside the damn head. But, whether through sheer desire to keep going, or simply a hard head, Hakuya doesn't seem to notice it too much as he wheels around, facing the Korean woman again. He has to do this. He has to keep fighting...! ...He's not sure why, but he feels a strong need to continue the fighting. And it might, might be because Juri's goddamn evil. But in any case, he continues.
This time the strike isn't in the form of a grapple, but an actual punch. Blue-white chi surrounds the fist as it lashes out and simply attempts to strike the woman's midsection, torn clothing be damned. Then another chi-coated fist, then another, eight of them all in rapid succession, like a flurry of fist. Of course they seem somewhat... dulled by fatigue and hurt, but they come none the less. And then Hakuya sags to the ground, knees hitting the heated catwalk, sizzling. Hit or miss, he's down, and just can't move on.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Hakuya successfully hits Juri with Lunaris Sunder.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Juri

COMBATSYS: Juri parries Jiro's Meteor Buster!

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0             Juri

It's all come down to this moment.
On both sides each fighter has put every last bit of their strength and will into the fight. Juri has found the challenge she wanted, even without Tenma and Zach. Perhaps if she hadn't held back, perhaps if she intentionally cornered them and unleashed her most painful attacks on them when they were vulnerable. Perhaps then the story would be different.
But that's a tale for another time.
Landing from her final attack on Hakuya, Juri is greeted immediately by an incredible hail of fists. For the first time she screams aloud in pain! "DIE ALREADY!" She howls as she stumbles backward and away from Hakuya. And, just like that, he seems to try and obey her command - unceremoniously slumping to the catwalk where he begins to cook nicely.
But that leaves one fight still up, and indeed Jiro seems to be all ready to ruin her day. But Juri is on the end of her rope, and being pushed so far has also pushed her natural adrenalin and instincts to the very limit. The beachball sized flaming sphere of ruination though soon becomes nothing but a regular beachball in the expert hands of Juri. Using a faint shield of psycho power she beckons Jiro's projectile closer ... and then with a flash she is gone!
Well not really, she simply moved with incredible speed while sliding UNDER the fireball and toward Jiro. Her body is beaten, bloody, and bruised. Her breathing is ragged, her endurance nearing an end. However she feels she has one last chance, one last shot to bring this insolent brat to his knees. In response to his earlier comment protesting her ignoring him she responds simply: "GO TO HELL!"
Leaping into the air purple streams of psycho power follow Juri's feet as she begins a hellish cartwheel. Over and over again she spins with each kick intended to deliver a painful upwards strike toward Jiro. She will move forward in three complete revolutions before coming to a stop. Assuming something doesn't happen of course.

COMBATSYS: Juri successfully hits Jiro with Senpusha EX.
- Power hit! -

[                             \  < >  /////                         ]
Jiro             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Juri

Hakuya is destroyed. Damnit.

Jiro grits his teeth, then he decides to do something that is much needed: Deal with Juri. Sh is a rampage and she is going to go to desperate measures to deal wit him. He cannot lose. He cannot fail. He won't leave Hakuya behind. Jiro is pressing on, waiting for her to come forth. And when she takes off into the air, Jiro is rushing her way into the air. While he dives out toward Juri, the man is closing in..

Until the foot strikes him against the face. Over and over, he is caught with the spinning kick. The foot strikes againt his head, twisting uncontrollably before he spins around in the air and lands on the catwalk roughly. The body shudders from the impact of the psycho power that he ate.

Gasping, Jiro is coughing up blood.

...Then he slowly stands to his feet.

He walks over towards Juri, his motion staggered.

"...After you..."

He quickly lifts his foot up to strike her against the gut.

COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.

[                         \\\\\  <
Juri             1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Juri dodges Jiro's Dead End.

[                         \\\\\  <
Juri             1/-------/=======|

Pure delicious satisfaction, that is the best way to describe Juri's reaction to feeling Jiro's jaw against her foot. She knocks him back, again and again, with each strike before landing gracefully. Well, at least as gracefully as she can manage. Truth be told she lands on her knees and has to struggle to get up into a kneeling posture. Her breathing is hard, ragged. She can barely move any more, and her vision is fading fast. Not that it'll matter, after all she's sure Jiro won't be moving much either after that attack.
Not that it won't keep the dirty rotten bastard from trying. She watches as a staggering Jiro walks toward her kneeling form, and she herself struggles to get back up on her feet. Holes have been burned through the knees of her pants by now, and motes of smoke trail upward from her feet upon the surface of the catwalk. When he lashes out toward her with one final, desperate attack she simply steps to the side. That's all - no fancy jumps, not spinning pirouettes, no using the bars holding the catwalks aloft like a set of monkey bars. At this point all of that is unnecessary, and poor Jiro is far too beaten.
"Hehe.... hehehe.... HAHAHAHA!!!" Juri's voice echoes over the din of the blast furnace. She holds her hands out to either side, hands drawn to taut claws as she looks down at Jiro's struggling body, "You really that eager to go to Hell with me... are you? Fine, let me grant you that one wish." Her hand, singed padded glove and all, reaches into a hidden pocket on her pants to remove what is immediately recognizable as a detonator.
Madness creepy into Juri's eyes as she stands over both Hakuya and Jiro. She flips up the shield over the switch on the detonator and licks away some of the dried blood from her lips. Her voice has returned to that menacing low purr she had near the beginning of the fight, "Scream for me."
Her finger presses down on the button, and almost immediately a massive explosion is heard overheard! All of the sudden there is the wrenching sound of fatigued metal giving in and crashing inward. Any view of the starlit sky is quickly obscured as the entire top level of the facility begins to collapse inward. Juri can be heard laughing maniacally as the explosions continue until she is finally consumed in massive plume of smoke produced by a nearby explosion.
What happens next is sure to be chaotic as the catwalks, largely held up by the top level of the facility, begin to collapse. It is only by some luck, or fate, that Jiro and Hakuya are spared a sudden plunge into the molten pools below. Juri is gone for now: The catwalks she was standing on are simply gone. The bit of catwalk the other two are resting upon are being held up by a wish and a prayer; slowly spinning on the cables that continue to hold it aloft. Something will have to happen, and soon.

COMBATSYS: Juri has ended the fight here.

Seishirou drops P4N-D4.


[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
P4N-D4           0/-------/-------|

Log created on 22:05:28 05/23/2010 by Hakuya, and last modified on 22:01:05 06/01/2010.