SNF 2010.01 - SNF: Parade Crashers!

Description: Metro City has done relatively well for itself, all things considered. And with its mayor Mike Haggar still keeping the city going strong, there's plenty to celebrate! So, in honor of the New Year and the city's success, they are holding a PARADE. Unfortunately, no one told them that Saturday Night Fight would crash the party, but when has that ever stopped them from doing what they want, when they want?? So, among the floats of Mike Haggar's awesome moustache and other token parade...things, Glow-fanatic Cody must punch off against Man-Strength Marisol through this parade of good cheer and wishes for a successful New Year. Aww, you guys are awful and should feel TERRIBLE. (Draw Match)


A parade makes its way through Metro Square; there are floats, and marching bands, and celebrities, TV news crews, all sorts of shit. It is paradeful, paradelike, and possibly even paradical.

One of the floats is dedicated to the Metro City Gears, the city's baseball team, and it is on this float that Cody Travers stands. He is clad, as he usually is for SNFs, in a blue and white striped prison jumpsuit, capped off by a pair of long-chained handcuffs. He looks disoriented, exhausted, and above all, confused.

The reasons for the first two are not entirely self-evident - at least not to those who haven't been following his recent escapades - but the third one is obvious, judging from the way he swings his gaze back and forth over the crowds amassed for the parade, his brow furrowed. Something, he tells himself, is wrong here.

They're... cheering for him.

Despite aforementioned escapades, Metro City is still out in force in support of their hero; chants of 'CO-DY! CO-DY! CO-DY!' follow the Gears float on its slow path through the city. Every once in awhile, one of the Gears players on the float wanders over to Cody for a photo op; each time elicits the same bewildered acceptance from the blonde, followed immediately by the same turn towards the nearest team of SNF cameramen of the many spread along the parade.

Why isn't he punching something yet?

Among the people in the Metro City Parade is none other than Marisol O'Connell.

Standing with a rather impassive look on her sunkissed face, the girl observes as the Metro City Gears' float travels slowly past. There, upon the float, is none other than Cody Travers himself, as famous as he is infamous for his...habits. What's most important to this girl is one, key factor:

He's rumored to be pretty strong. He also fights like a maniac.

Gray eyes slowly follow the float as a thoroughly confused Travers just stares in confusion. Slowly but surely, that float is getting away from her. She was pulled here by SNF to punch the crap out of him and some crazy Thai dude. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be around. So...

"STOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!" A heavy silence suddenly fills the air.

Then, EVEN MORE SUDDENLY, a redhead in a sleek pair of black slacks and a buttoned down green shirt bursts through the crowds, leaping over a few floats and making her way onto one before she leaps RIGHT THE HELL at Cody.

Fist. FIRST.

This is how Marisol says hello.

And the parade begins to move again, cheers erupting from the crowds as Cody is set to PROVE HIS WORTH to his ultimate FANS.

COMBATSYS: Marisol has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marisol          0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Cody has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0             Cody

COMBATSYS: Cody endures Marisol's Medium Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0             Cody

Cody does not really seem to grasp what's going on when Marisol shouts for the float to stop, a fact that continues to be the case comes hauling ass down the parade, leaps into the air, and comes flying towards him. Gears players dive out of the way with yelps of surprise.

Cody, however, does not move at all.

Marisol strikes him with the requisite kung fu sonic boom, a wave of pressure erupting outwards from the point of impact that stirs dust, confetti, and streamers across the surface of the float into a torrent of activity. The man himself, however, does not so much as flinch; it's like Marisol just rammed her fist into an extremely thick brick wall, which she has no doubt done at least once before, possibly even on purpose.

For a full second, Cody just stares down at the girl who just punched him in the chest; the screams of the crowd rings in his ears, and for a moment, he is simply overwhelmed by the moment, face twisted into a sort of dumbfounded shock.

Then he gets his shit together.

Cody's hands suddenly snap upwards and wrench to the side; the chain linking his hands together suddenly coils around Marisol's arm up near the shoulder, tightening around it like a snake, or, God forbid, a tentacle. Cody twists suddenly on his heel and yanks forward on his hands, as hard as he can, attempting to flip Marisol over his shoulder and fling her into the next float down the line, what amounts to a giant flat plane covered in more flowers than God could have ever possibly wanted to be in one place at once.

No one is really sure whose float it is.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Marisol with Prisoner Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0             Cody

Before Marisol can even realize what the hell is going on in Cody's head (it remains a mystery) he's on the move, using that chain of his to grab her arm. Next thing the redhead knows she's being flipped over a shoulder into the next float, her body flying with great force before she bounces once and lands to a skidding stop. Groaning lightly, the girl's brows furrow as she looks to one side. Hey, flowers.

She's a little confused.

Hopping back up onto her feet, the redhead flexes her arm a bit, working out the soreness in her joint. "Sooooo," she chides, "You're that Cody guy in the flesh, huh? Nice clothes, by the way." Tilting her head to one side, the Pacific girl shoots a toothy grin.

"Now, I'm not really interested in /why/ you're wearing that--" She just hopes it wasn't for some horrible crime like eating people or something. "All I'm interested in is seeing just how HARD you hit and how STRONG you are."

Grinning a broad, toothy smirk, the seemingly abnormal teenage fighter breaks into a sprint, leaping over and off the flatbed FLOWER float and back at Cody, driving a fist at his chest. While it seems like a normal punch at first, it's the sudden swell and burst of pure, dandelion-yellow chi that erupts through that really adds insult to injury.

COMBATSYS: Cody endures Marisol's Bee Sting.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Marisol          0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Cody

Once again, Cody does not even attempt to get out of the way of Marisol's charge; it is becoming increasingly unclear whether he is retarded or simply insane. And, once again, he doesn't even flinch when the blow connects... at least not initially.

The sudden burst of chi manages to, perhaps surprisingly, elicit a reaction; it blasts a hole in the chest of his jumpsuit, blistering the skin underneath, from the sound of it breaks - or at least damages - a few ribs, and forces the blonde back a single, short step.

It hurts. It hurts like hell; so did the first one, in fact. But Cody parses it even less than usual. The chant of the crowd is still ringing in his ears, filling his head. Why do they still think he's a hero? What convinced them that he's done anything he's done for their sake? Do they even /know/ all the things he's done? They have to. He's been on the news. Are they just stupid?

Cody has not felt like this in a very, very long time. He's not even sure what 'this' is. Anger? Guilt? Shame? He doesn't know... but he does know that whatever it is, it's hat making his heart beat faster right now, not the Glow in his system.

He had forgotten what it was like.

This time, Cody doesn't hesitate; he springs immediately forwards off of the foot forced to step backwards, and turns it into a sudden advance, ducking low into Marisol's personal space. A heartbeat later he lunges upwards, swinging his fist up towards the girl's chin, and as he extends the limb he suddenly twists his forearm to the right, which does very little to contribute to the punch.

At least until an eight-foot tall whirlwind erupts into existence in front of the man, entirely engulfing the area where Marisol is right now and most definitely does not want to be.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Marisol with Criminal Upper.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Marisol          1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1             Cody

All the while, as Cody finds himself in some sort of mental conflict with his crushing ADDICTION and the natural high of being respected and loved, Marisol is just punching him and breaking ribs. To her, there's really nothing different about this SNF, save for the fact she's doing so on a bunch of floats in some Metro City Pride Parade. What's the big deal?

Pulling back, the young woman brings her arms up in a ready stance--and seconds after Cody springs at her and punches her in the chin with enough force to send her flying upwards...and spout a damn cyclone. As she writhes midair in pain and flies, she is left in mild wonder. Such power..!

Flipping her body around midair, the girl comes crashing DOWN with a heavy thud on the float. With a loud cry of 'HRAAAAAAGH!' she wastes no time in making her move. She swings four times with her fists, four heavy blows that are mean to simply stun before she pulls back. Drawing a deep breath, her arm clenches with incredibly force, muscles tensing painfully beneath flesh as she winds her fist. Then?

With a loud yell she LUNGES forward, attempting to drive her fist into Cody's chest like some goddamned piston. All with a big, wolfish smile.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Cody with Atom Smasher.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Marisol          0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1             Cody

This time, Cody at least... /sort/ of prepares himself for the attack; he plants his feet and puffs out his chest, wordlessly inviitng Marisol to go, as they say, 'hog wild.

As it turns out, that may have been a bad idea.

He soaks the first four blows easily enough, teeth bared in a grimace from the effort and the pain. Then, however, comes the main event... and as it turns out, Mandarin Oranges over here can put out a surprising amount of punch.

The final blow strikes Cody square in the chest, and sends him flying literally straight backwards, his legs swinging slightly out in front of him. He punches straight through the center of the Gears float, sending wood and paper mache flying into the air. This is all much to the chagrin of the players onboard, who decide that is a good sign to transition from 'being on the other side of the float' to 'getting the fuck out of here.'

The last player is just evacuating down a ladder on the side of the still-moving float when Cody finally stirs and begins to rise amidst the rubble left in his wake. Judging from the way he's hunching over, clutching at his chest, that move did a number on him.

While technically true, that is not the reason he stands so: in truth, his heart is starting to beat with a familiarity unlike that caused by the screams of the crowd as adrenaline floods his system. Cody has tried to resist before, but never... in earnest; after all, why shouldn't he embrace it? But right now, with the crowd, in his home town...

"Not here," the blonde snarls to himself, through gritted teeth. "Not in front of..." That's as far as he gets before his sentence dissolves into a wordless snarl of discomfort. In short order, he straightens up and begins advancing on Marisol again, moving with a sense of purpose visible only on those who want to get something done as fast as possible.

He falters after only a few steps, however, when someone from the street besisde the float whistles sharply. Cody's head wheels about just in time for the man to snap his hand up and catch the baseball bat thrown at him; the gift is followeed shortly by a cry of, "KICK HER ASS!" from the evacuated Gears players.

Despite himself, Cody's face breaks into a broad grin; he turns back to Marisol, breaks into a run, and - put frankly - attempts to hit her in the stomach with the bat hard enough to knock her ovaries into orbit.

COMBATSYS: Marisol endures Cody's Random Weapon.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=======\=======\1             Cody

"Aww," comes Marisol's response, as Cody pulls himself back onto his feet, shambling out of the mess he'd made and begins advancing. "I thought for /sure/ that'd keep you down and out. Guess I was wrong." Her eyes bat, drawing shut shortly after. For one, brief moment she seems contemplative.

Then, gray eyes snap open, and her lips cut into a savage grin.

"Good! I'd be /really/ disappointed if you pussed out on me!"

Her eyes dart to the side as someone throws something. A baseball bat? Really? Gray eyes slide back onto Cody shortly after he takes it in hand. Is he going to..?

Oh, he is.

With a loud THWUMP, the heavy wooden bat swings and lodges itself into the girl's midsection, causing her eyes to go wide in pain. But pain is replaced with what appears to be humor and delight, one arm moving to grasp the bat and wrench it from his grasp. At the same time she steps forward and INTO Cody before she springs upwards, head-first, in some slapdash and on the cuff effort to headbutt him in the damn /face/.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Cody with Headbutt.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Cody

The bat stays firmly in Cody's grasp, despite Marisol's attempt to wrench it from him... right up until her forehead crashes into his face. His nose explodes in a burst of blood, and he sways backwards, his grip loosening on the bat just enough for the girl to pull it free of his grip.

After only a moment, Cody's sway backwards stops, and he lunges forwards again. This time, his left hand snaps out, attempting to close around Marisol's throat like he was choking a chicken (heh heh heh). Should he manage it, he'll lift her into the air, and savagely return the headbutt with one of his own.

He takes a moment to savor it - drawing attention to the fact that he is, at this point, hyperventilating, and rocking some serious 'crazy eyes' shit - and then follows the headbutt up with a second one, before turning and casually discarding Marisol back towards the rest of the float.

Or perhaps Marisol will prove too fast to be choked like a chicken. Either way, shortly after his grab is foiled or Marisol is tossed aside like a styrofoam Quarter Pounder container, Cody suddenly reels again, totally unprovoked, and drops to his knees, reaching up to clutch at his head. The chant from the crowd falters slightly, but only for a moment; surprisingly, it regains its full strength in short order.

"Not here," Cody mutters fervently to himself, squeezing his eyes shut. "Not here, not here, not here..."

COMBATSYS: Marisol blocks Cody's Savage Combo.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Marisol          1/-------/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Cody

Grasped almost immediately after the former convict recovers, Marisol's expression is startled when he applies pretty nasty pressure. Struggling to breath, her only real defense comes by the way of lifting a hand up, softening the blow as he drives his head into hers. Shit still hurts like /whoa/, however, and leaves the half-Spaniard girl dizzy and feeling nauseous. Being on the receiving end really isn't as great.

Ultimately discarded after the second headbutt, she's left to roll and tumble. Breathing heavily and bleeding from a split in her forehead, the redhead looks a little aggravated as she pulls herself to her feet. So she's not doing as well as she'd hoped--that's ok. She's clearly staring down someone who is stronger than her--and that's what she likes.

With that little reminder she smirks as Cody sways for /whatever/ reason, hands clenching and knuckles popping loudly. "I think it's time to end this!" she exclaims, shoulders tensing as she flexes in anticipation. "So let's DO this!"

So, with a loud, guttural charge the redhead storms after Cody, attempting to swing a nasty hook into his face before she follows with a blow to the gut with her other fist. She'll pull back shortly after, only to swing at his face with two hooks, the last strike coupled with a dandelion-yellow burst of chi to send his ass /flying/.

COMBATSYS: Cody endures Marisol's Red Clover.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Marisol          1/-----==/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Cody

Cody doesn't even look up when Marisol sets into him; the first hook snaps his head to the side, and the body blow causes him to hunch forwards even further, blood dribbling from his mouth. He actually begins to look up towards Marisol just in time for the third hook to strike him in the mouth, and with it come... a few changes.

The third blow, too, snaps Cody's head to the side. This time, however, let us take a look at the event in... /slow motion./

Cody's head snaps to the side, face wobbling in that vaguely eerie way like faces tend to do when punched in slow motion. A thick ribbon of spit and blood is flung out of his mouth... but while the front of the ribbon is red, the last of it to leave his mouth is neon green.

Indeed, as the slow-motion punch goes through its entirety, Cody's eyes suddenly flood with luminescent green, and his veins stand out against his skin in the same neon color, and his muscles swell, suddenly glistening with sweat where they're visible through the few holes in his outfit.

It is, altogether, a remarkably fast transformation from 'relatively normal guy' to 'terrible drug monster'.

So fast, in fact, that Cody's head snaps upwards in time for him to soak the final hook square in the jaw. The explosion of yellow chi consumes his head, but unlike Marisol's initial intent, does not, in fact, send him flying; it only manages to send him sliding backwards along the ground, still in a kneel.

He does, at least, slide all the way to the edge of the float... but he doesn't quite make it over. Instead, he rises suddenly to his feet, and draws his left fist back.

When the limb is fully retracted, Cody suddenly flashes with sickly green light, in a circle around his feet and at a point on his fist. Time skips a beat, the blode coming into ridiculously sharp focus in contrast to the rest of the world for just a split second. Also: action lines. Action lines everywhere.

And then, suddenly, Cody is springing forward, moving so blindingly fast that he trails hazy, semitransparent green afterimages. His left fist cracks out in a simple jab at Marisol's chin, which he follows up with a seccond, and then a third...

And then, suddenly, he turns around. It's only a heartbeat before he's facing Marisol again, and throwing another jab, and then another, and then another, and then-- he turns around again.


It continues like this for several seconds; punch punch punch, turn, punch punch punch, turn, punch punch punch, turn. Eventually, he apparently gets bored of it, and he deigns to follow one of ther trios of jabs with a right hook, and then a left hook, and then, finally, a vicious right uppercut. He accompanies the uppercut with a bestial roar of rage, presumably because it feels appropriate.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Marisol with Final Destruction.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Marisol          1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0             Cody

Okay. Green blood is /not normal/.

Pulling her fist back after the final blow, there is a strange look on the young woman's face as Cody's blood smears over her knuckles. It's somewhat red, yes, but there's some green in there, too--neon green, in fact. "What the hell..?" the redhead wonders, squinting lightly.

When she looks UP, Cody is suddenly green-eyed and Hulking the fuck out.

"Uhhh," is her initial coherent response. "I think something is wrong with you."

Before she can even think about how to respond, Cody's coming up and suddenly springing forth, leaving her with precious little time to guard. Still, she manages some meager defense; her arms rise, shielding her face from the jab. Then the next. And the next.

When he actually CONTINUES to beat her defenses she breaks; struck in the face, she's punched ridiculously fast and too damn much, her face growing bloodier by the second. Her misery only ends when she's uppercutted and sent skyrocketing, her body spiraling as it flies into the sky.

Then, as all things do, she falls with a heavy thud, the float floor denting and buckling under the force.

It takes effort to move. Her body aches from head to toe, barely managing to overcome the overwhelming desire to pass out right there. Yet, Marisol manages; pushing her body up, she shivers as she comes to a kneel, glaring up through a dirtied, bloodied face at Cody. Yet, beyond that glare...there is a sneer.

She says nothing. Instead, an odd haze of yellow energy begins to pulse from her form. An arm moves slowly, shakily rising straight over her head before fingers slowly curl into a simple fist. "O-okay," she notes. "/Now/...I'm g-gonna end this."

Moving like a bolt, she jerks her arm harshly, knuckles crashing into the float as a pulse of chi lances down her arm. For a split-second there's nothing. Then? The ground ERUPTS with pure chi, a massive angled gout that flies RIGHT FOR CODY, complete with remnants of the damn float they're standing on.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Cody with Shoot the Moon.

[                        \\\\\\  < >                                ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1             Cody

As Marisol struggles to recover from her beating, Cody finishes his drawn-out roar, rolls his shoulders a few times, and begins a slow, ambling advance towards the girl. He's obviously in no hurry, and by the time she's a-chargin' her fireball, he's still some fifteen feet away, still moving with slow, heavy footsteps.

He's only two steps away from her when the blast of chi erupts from the ground, and completely envelops him. Cody, along with several massive chunks of float debris, go lifting into the air, spiralling away from the Gears float to crash smack dab in the middle of the giant flower float... which folds inwards like a piece of bread, scattering flowers into the air. Thankfully, there were only a few people on it, and they got the fuck out after Marisol's initial arrival.

Unfortunately, this forces the parade behind the flower float to a halt, as Cody's crash-landing sort of destroys the vehicle propelling the float.

The Gears float slowly rolls to a halt, and for several long seconds, nothing within the wreckage moves. Despite this, however, the crowd continues their chant; "CO-DY! CO-DY! CO-DY! Co-DY!"

Never the less, it seems as if Marisol may be the clear winner...

At least until a glittering line of silver lances out of the darkness at the center. The knife, flying blade-first and straight forward like a dart, propels itself right the fuck into Marisol's stomach.

Slowly, one arm dangling uselessly at his side, Cody limps out of the wreckage of the flower float. This elciits furher screaming from the crowd, and the man turns slowly to survey the screaming people surrounding the street on either side, glowing eyes open wide.

COMBATSYS: Cody has reached second wind!

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1             Cody

Very slowly, Cody reaches up and grabs ahold of his arm. He braces for a moment and then suddenly shifts it with a savage snarl; there's a loud *POP* and the dislocated limb snaps back into place. After a moment, Cody lifts both arms, hands balled into fists, above his head.

This drives the crowd even more wild than they would get if Marisol were to get her tits out, which honestly isn't that hard because, I mean, look at her. The point is, it drives them wild as hell.

Cody, even Glowed out as he is, seems to... revel in it for a moment, before turning and beginning to walk calmly back towards the Gears float.

COMBATSYS: Marisol dodges Cody's Knife Throw.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1             Cody

There's a smug grin on Marisol's face. /Yeah/, that's how you do it!

But, to her dismay, the crowd around her continues to chant his name. Blinking, the redhead looks around, mildly confused by this outcome. Why on earth are the people so hyped up on this guy? He's some kind of freak, after all! I mean, really. Who bleeds /green/ blood? Only mutants do.

Looking back, she's JUST IN TIME to spy a sudden flicker of silver emerging from the wreckage. Sharply turning on her heel, the redhead narrowly avoids a KNIFE TO THE STOMACH as Cody tries to catch her off her guard. Smirking, her gray eyes flicker back, just as Cody emerges and begins the grow process of fixing himself. Eww. That's just /nasty/.

"So, what's your problem, anyway?" she wonders. "At least Shenwoo /talks/! You're like some quiet giant or something. Can you even talk? And what's up with all that green shit in your blood. Is that some kind of disease?" Maybe /that/ is why he's so strong!?

"Well, whatever the case..." Shrugging, the girl dismisses her thoughts with a grin. How come he's not down, she privately wonders. There's no way she's going to keep up at /this/ rate. "I'll end it AGAIN!"

And that's when she reels a fist back and then promptly swings it, attempting to strike the former convict in the damn jaw, aiming for that ONE NERVE to make him pass the hell out. Come on!

COMBATSYS: Cody endures Marisol's Hook Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Marisol          0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1             Cody

Cody re-mounts the Gears float with a casual hop that somehow manages to carry him a good fifteen feet in the air. He lands heavily on the float halfway throguh Marisol's tirade of questions and just stares at her, any emotion invisible in the face of his mysteriously calm expression and his solid green eyes.

He keeps on staring right up until Marisol cracks him in the jaw... and, indeed, even afterwards, as he soaks the blow without so much as a twitch, and his head decidedly does not snap to the side.

Only then does he finally, and surprisingly, deign to respond to Marisol. "You talk too much," the man says matter-of-factly, the transformation gripping his body modulating the words like they were being Auto-tuned by Satan.

And then, for the second time, light flashes around Cody's legs. This time, when it clears, his right leg suddenly snaps outwards towards Marisol's stomach, once again trailing green afterimages. He follows the kick up with another to the shins, and then a high one to the side of the head, and then he switches legs, and before long he's just going what doctors call 'totally batshit' all over his opponent, lashing out totally randomly with kicks of all variety.

Within a few seconds, he's kicking with such vigor and speed that the blows begin to actually lift him into the air... and so too lift Marisol into the air, if she does not practice the better part of valor. Eventually, he finishes with a tremendous, two-legged dropkick before he drops back to the surface of the float... even if Marisol is not up there with him, in which case it all just looks very ridiculous.

COMBATSYS: Cody successfully hits Marisol with Dead End Irony.

[                             \  < >  ///                           ]
Marisol          1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0             Cody

"Oh please, I have to do the talking for both--"

Cut off by a green-flash kick to the stomach, she elicits a loud HRRGH as the wind is knocked out of her. It doesn't end, another kick following, then another and another until he's just throwing more damn kicks than Chun-Li, the very effort bringing both of them off the ground. It ends when he kicks her with BOTH DAMN FEET into the float, where she hits, bounces like a spiked volleyball, then lands in a motionless heap.

For a moment, anyway.

"Tch," is her shaky response, body shudder viciously as she strains to push her body up again. "Yo-you're strong...but t-too damn weird." Struggling to maintain on her feet, Marisol sways side to side before she finds her center, fists falling to her sides. "But that...w-won't stop me from giving it one l-last shot!"

And so, she'll lunge at Cody like before, swinging her fists four times before she recoils and summarily launches into his chest with another driving punch to knock his ass back and hopefully knock his ass /out/.

Either way, she'll fall and pass out afterwards with a small grin on her face.

COMBATSYS: Marisol can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Cody             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Cody endures Marisol's Atom Smasher.

[                                <
Cody             0/-------/-======|

By now, Cody's MO should be painfully obvious; he merely stands there and takes it as Marisol stakes it all on this final blow; the first four punches hammer into his chest, and the final, ultimate blow this time sends him sliding backwards across the surface of the float rather than soaring through the air.

Gradually, Cody slides to a halt, his chest still puffed out to receive the assault. As Marisol collapses, Cody takes one uncertain step forwards, and then another, and then another...

COMBATSYS: Cody takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Cody can no longer fight.

... and then he collapses onto his knees, and then slumps forwards onto the ground in front of her. Slowly, green blood begins to pool underneath him; eventually, however, the green becomes tainted with red, and before long Cody is back to normal, back to bleeding normal colors and not being swollen and sweaty.

It is about this time that the Gears float collapses.

Log created on 23:31:05 01/09/2010 by Marisol, and last modified on 18:22:27 01/10/2010.