LLK Act II.Lockdown - Lockdown : "Oh Danny Boy", or "On the Vyle'd Side"

Description: Daniel Jack is tending to the gardens at the Todoh Dojo, when along comes the Vyle-est of Dojo Destroyers this side of a CWA ring. Making a mockery of martial arts and not just Todoh-ryuu, the venomous luchador tries to belittle and demean the great student of Todoh....does he succeed, or is the power of Kasane Ate enough to push him back?

Another day, another Todoh.

Daniel Jack walks around the crisp front lawn of Todoh, the crabgrass long defeated. After weeks of battling the weeds, the student of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu came out on top. And now, the next step.

The flowers.

Daniel had great difficulty getting live flowers. So as such, he acquired seeds. Petunias. Daffodil. And something called a Chrysanthemum. The small mounds parallel to the walkway had been set up days before. And now, Daniel Jack kneeled down, spade in one hand, each of the small sacks besides him. And to that, he completed his most important mission yet.

Planting the seeds into the fertile soil of Todoh.

Ahh, gardening. It's an...admirable hobby to some. Vyle knows the value of it sometimes, and knows just how popular it is to some people. It really is why he goes out of his way to ignore any and all "Keep off the Grass" signs and trample through flowerbeds on any escapes he has to make. He's a good bastard that way.

Now...on his way here, he wasn't quite dead set on destroying any long-tended gardens or anything. He was just here casing things. He had plans...and hopefully some solid connections with resources now. Which meant he could get a longer reach around. So why does he mark this place? Well...there are a few powerbases around the city....and while the Todoh Dojo wasn't exactly prime target number one, it was someplace known for fighters. Erratic ones at that, which could grow into 'dangerous' if left unchecked.

Maybe that's why Vyle, in the spirit of the great practice of Dojo Busting, comes clearing through on the path to the Todoh Dojo, bright green hakama and purple gi, as well as streaking green and purple kabuki paint, looking very bit the mockery of martial arts tradition as he's meant to be. "HEY! KID!" he shouts, spotting Daniel in the garden, tilling the ground for some planting. "I hear there's some tough cookies around here....and it's my job to make them crumble!" Cheesy, yes...but from the bad lip sync he emulates, that's the whole point.

Daniel Jack, being an old Nebraskan boy, doesn't quite fit the bill to be mocked. When the name Kid is thrown about, the detective doesn't look up. A lot of people are looking for kids. Probably another fight breaking out outside the Dojo. As the small Petunia seed is placed under the mound of rich black earth, he looks up, putting the spade on the mound. And to that, he finally realizes that the man after someone was after him.

The detective slowly rises up, glaring intensely at the loudmouth who was bound in the unusual garb. Judging by his alien stature, intensely Japanese styling, and unusual hair style, the detective only gather one thing: Z-List Gangster. Like...


Daniel Jack dropped back into his defensive stance. One hand forward. One hand back. Perfectly balanced. His entire face was frozen, his eyes locked upon Vyle. Silently, he speaks. "Listen up, scuzzy. When you are up to the knife, you need to flip to the dull. What makes you to be jacking up in my DOJO, you dig it?"

Daniel's eyes read war.

Hoo boy, the guy's a hair trigger, he'll give him that. Still....Vyle's not exactly about to back down just because the rep of the Dojo is ready to fight. "Ease up, ease up, Daniel-san," he says, rather mockingly (and ironically, considering). "I just came here to see if this...Todoh style was really as tough as they say." His hands come to rest of the waist of his mockery hakama, the bright green waistband tugged at a little. "I mean...I'm trying to spread the good word, show the power of my style. A hybrid of...Inoki-Ryuu and Santo-Ryuu." He smirks, trying to keep the rather thin charade up just for the amusement factor.

"Anyways, speaking of knives, you look kinda dull. Sure there's not someone else who can show me what this dojo's made of? After all, I don't want to take the place's sign because I beat up the gardener, right?" He simply grins wide, teeth flashing in a sickly light green as well.

COMBATSYS: Vyle has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vyle             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Daniel

The detective's eyes begin to flare up a bit, an burning flame locked in the icy cores. Did he just riposte his lingo? This man was quite cunning. And mocking him. He knew he was looking for a fight. But Daniel Jack knew he had to act in honor of his school's code. Well, technically Ryuhaku didn't have rules against attacking random people. But Kasumi might. Slowly, he seethes loudly.
"For your information, scuzzy, we don't have a sign."

Daniel doesn't take a step forward, though. Instead, he just stares, his mental game growing into his mind. "Now, I don't just jack up on any gator-faced scum-bucket that skittles right up into my grillz, homie. So let me lay it to you like this. You walk away. Or you fight. None of this shoot back, gasbag, you either put the meat on the sizzler, or just drift away."

"You dig?"

COMBATSYS: Daniel focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Daniel

Vyle blinks a little. "Wow...this place is that bad, that someone already took your sign? Wow....I guess that's pretty damn bad. I guess I don't have any reason to be here, if you guys are that plain awful." THe smarminess and hostility ooze off the brightly colored bastard, a slow smirk curling up on his lips as he sees Daniel getting more and more angred by the luchador's prodding.

"Aww....don't take it too hard. Just because you're so weak doesn't mean you have to start talking in tongues. Here...let me give you a little advice before I go..." Backing up, Vyle digs his toe into the ground. That yard that Daniel had been working so hard to tend at. Suddenly, a boot upward sends a divot straight toward the Todoh-ryuu student's face. "Take that spde and start digging your grave, bitch, 'cuz you're gonna need it now, hahahahahah!"

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Daniel with Small Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Vyle             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Daniel

So this is what a heel does.

The spade strikes Daniel Jack squarely in the head. Initially, the detective decided to go and just ignore the attack. But getting hit in the head with the sharp end instead of the softer end just doesn't cut it. Daniel is stunned for a split second, incapable of just enduring the attack and piling through. So in that end, Vyle buys himself a little bit of time.

But not a whole lot.

Daniel Jack begins advancing not just with a step, but with a shuffle. Raising his right arm back, he decided to introduce the mohawk'd man to a little sampler platter of the Aikido edge of Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu. As soon as he moves into range, he drops his hand chop, aiming for the shoulder. That should be easy to react to. What may be more tricky is the opposing hand, shooting forward into a palm strike. "Assjaggers like you been rattling sabers about the lawn since I jacked it up here, scuzzy. Brace it, you crazy snapper!" And with that, another palm strike is unleashed, ending with a low, jabbing kick. Daniel was intending to test out the real talent of his opponent, and test it he shall.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Vyle with Zoot Suit Riot.
Grazing Hit

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Vyle             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

The brightly clad, mockingly irreverent luchador simply cackles, starting to circle the turfed-out Daniel as he settles into his usual wrestling stance. When the chop comes, he turns aside, avoiding the hand. However, the shoulder isn't saved as the palm stright hits him just as Vyle is turning, spinning him around a little. "GNhh....look, I don't know who dropped you on your head, but speak something coherent, huh?" he snaps

The finishing kick clips his leg, but not enough to do any serious damage. Vyle hooks away just in case, the statement made enough to make Vyle wary. "Now....here's the deal. You lay down like a good boy...and I make an example out of you, deal?" He's not going to explain further, simply trying to keep his foe off balance and wondering what the luchador is talking about to leave an opening.

You know, for things like that ugly green cloud he sudden spits straight into Daniel's face.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to slow Venom Breath from Vyle with Kasane Ate.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Vyle             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel was in a perfect position to dodge. He could have dodged. But just as the last low kick stopped Vyle long enough to gather his thoughts, a new thought reached his mind. A thought of great importance. As the poison was launched, a vision appeared. Master Todoh, living through Daniel as the SPIRIT of TODOH, told him something.

"DANIEL! Why must you DODGE an attack? Have I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING? You must RELY on the ART of TODOH! Now defend yourself with our most sacred art!"


Daniel Jack raises an arm up, manifesting the energy just as his mental illusion told him. But just as he was about to bring it down, something happened. The poison struck his eyes. Screaming, he covers his eyes, blinded for the moment. "Freakin' A! What is this, dingo, what is this f-" The detective gives a sharp whiff. "... Is this vinegar?"

The Spirit of Todoh does well to assist. Just...not the actual student of Todoh. After all, the art of Kasane Ate doesn't help when your eyes are burning, does it? "Ataaaaaghhh!!" Vyle mimics cruelly, cackling as he starts to circle around Daniel. "Vinegar? Ohhh, no, no, no, much worse, "dingo", much much worse. Lets just say...the poison's in your veins now."

Feeling the tide on his side, Vyle wastes no time in rushing in, trying to take Daniel by the head, and cinch him into a headlock, and then...BOOM, drop back to spike the martial artist's head into the ground. Fitting to try and follow up a poison spray with a DDT, no?

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Vyle's Strong Throw.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Vyle             0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Daniel

Poison? Well, it kinda felt like poison. But seriously, that smelled like some pretty fierce vinegar there. As Daniel still gets his bearings, he suddenly finds himself in a headlock. Choking, he feels the burn still get him. But as Vyle wrenches back, the detective wrenches forward. Wriggling, he breaks free of the hold, a little worse for wear in both the arm wrap AND the fact his face is still burning.

"Alright scuzzy, I can figure you're one of those jacked up ninja types. Fair enough. But lets see how you can deal with..." The detective turns around, his eyes well open and bloodshot. Whipping his arm up, bright orange energy flared up as he stepped in towards the wrestler. "KASANE ATE!" He howls, swiping his arm downwards. A small wave of energy whips out right from the arm, attempting to crease across the body of Vyle. Not a powerful as a true Kasane Ate, nor bearing the range. But much, MUCH faster.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Vyle with Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Daniel

Ninja? Oh, no, no, no, no. Vyle is no ninja, and he'll make do to correct Daniel....when he can. THe sudden repeat of Kasane Ate takes Vyle by surprise, enough that he's caught blind by the energy wave. "NGhyy...." The chi cuts into him, forcing him back as the wrestler drops. "Nghhh...you...oh, you want ninja? Fine."

With a rush, Vyle gets in a step or two of a quick dash, leaping up once he's got some speed, trying to clear the Todoh-Ryuu student. If he can get behind the man? A quick flip over as two feet kick out behind him and try to mule kick Danny boy in the back of the neck.

COMBATSYS: Daniel endures Vyle's Light Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack doesn't even react to Vyle. See, there are two ways you can interrupt. This is a little secret, so pay attention boys and girls. You can interrupt with a nice, quick jab. Imagine a jerk punching you right out of your attack. That's one way. Then there is the badass method. Lets take what Daniel Jack does, shall we?

When the second Kasane Ate gets off real fast, the detective winds back his OTHER hand for what seems like another Kasane Ate. But instead of collecting energy into the palm of his hand, he flattens it into a knife hand strike. His entire body winding up, he takes the two kicks without even flinches. Turning around, the bright orange energy boils down his arm as he enters what can objectively be the most balanced form in the entire universe. Aiming squarely for the wrestler's collarbone, he drops the hand, a great arch of energy trailing from his hand as he attempts to cleave Vyle's entire body in half with a single, powerful knife hand strike.


COMBATSYS: Vyle counters World's Greatest Hand Chop from Daniel with Antidote.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Vyle             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Daniel

Unfortunately, Vyle has other plans. Once he's rolled up from his mule kick, the luchadore's turned around, ready to face down the martial artist. When his foe turns around, and aims that knife-edged hand at him, he narrows his eyes. "Oh no...." The hand comes down...and....

Vyle sneaks in, most of his body shunted to the side while his arm comes underneath Daniel's attacking one, grabbing from underneath the armpit around the man's chest. "Sorry, kid, but I'm a bit too much of a professional to fall for that." Grasping with his other hand under the near leg, Vyle lifts Danny up, as if about to toss him over head....but instead, he drops to a seated position, pulling the Kobojutsu-ka down with him to jar the spine into the ground, and the jaw into the rudo's shoulder. "Professional Wrestler, that is...and don't forgetting, kid."

Professional wrestler? Well, that changes everything.

Daniel's hand chop is more than just interrupted. It is flawlessly countered. And that, for the detective, is more than enough. His body jarred, then promptly given less emphasis thanks to the sharp shoulder to the mouth, the detective was getting a little fed up. But a pro-wrestler? That was the last straw.

"You know, Venom, there is a way we handle joshes like you across the drink. An ancient martial art. You know what we call that art, scuzzy?" Daniel Jack mutters, wriggling in the grasp of his foe. With a free hand, he seems to go and reach down into his pants, an unnerving venture for most. Fishing around, he seems to get his grips on the handle of great importance. He doesn't even have to roll away. And from the depth of his pants, he pulls out...

A gun!

Daniel Jack levels the snub-nosed revolver at Vyle, eyes dead. "Smith." He frigidly seethes, cocking back the hammer. "& Wesson." And then, he promptly fires three rounds at his opponent at point-blank range.

Oh yeah, Daniel uses firearms.

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Daniel's Wobbly Wobbly.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Daniel

Well, a gun? That's surprising.

Vyle was pretty damn pleased with himself after that jarring attack, rattling Daniel's spine and jaw. As he stood up, releasing the man from his grasp, he gets ready for the coup de grace when....hands go down the other man's hakama. "Oh, god, I don't need to see this, keep it in your pants..." he mutters....before he sees that pistol.

It takes his well tuned reflexes as a wrestler to suddenly yank his gi top off and throw it forward, redirecting the pistol enough that the shots are a little off the mark. Just enough that Vyle gets off with a graze or two, the only direct shot into the forearm throwing the gi out. "Nghh....well...I see you're a little cheap prick. Not bad, I underestimated you..." And with that arm injured, and the gi top already flung out, the wrestler tries to make use of it the best he can, grabbing onto the other end and twisting to try and wrap it around Daniel's neck. "Now how about I show you the long respected art of Choking a Bitch?"

COMBATSYS: Daniel counters Choke Hold from Vyle with Mad Jack Crack.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1           Daniel

The three shots managed to give Daniel Jack some breathing room. The importance of this would soon become dangerously apparently for Vyle. The detective rises up, staggering himself into a safe position. To catch his balance before Vyle moves for the gun. Daniel Jack pulls himself up, moving his arm out instinctively. His eyes open wide, the venom finally wearing off. And now, he could focus. And now, with Vyle moving in for his neck, he could focus right where it counts.

"Sorry scuzzy." The detective calmly states as he jerks the cloth right from Vyle's offense. The trick wasn't the jerk. The trick was the follow up. Moving into Vyle, he guides the wrestler past him, letting his momentum continue. Bringing his leg out, he passes the man over his leg, letting him roll over. That was the trip. Now, for the finisher. As Vyle falls down, the detective sweeps his other leg around, and whipping his whole body around, finishes the motion by snapping his foot down on the neck of the raunchy warrior, strangling him in the arch of his shoe. Reaching into his pants, he pulls out a cigarette and a match. Lighting it up, he finishes his sentence.

"But looks like I know it all too well."

Well...now that wasn't fun at all. Vyle was supposed to have choked the jackass out and ended things there. The gi was a good enough makeshift garotte to do the job, even with arm shot and bleeding. But...he wasn't expecting the judo move. Shows how much he researched this attack, of course. Flipped over the leg, and then stomped and choked on by the foot, Vyle gurgles and flails. "NGhhghrrruughhgugh...." That was a mean hit, and it took a good bit out of the rudo.

Unfortunately, it doesn't mean the end of him. Coughing as he tries to pull himself up, he glowers daggers at Daniel. He may have lost one of his most potent weapons (that being his grating provocations), he's not about to give up. Shooting in with but a grunt, D! tries to grab hold of the nearest leg, hoping to leverage Danny over with a good ol' fashioned fireman's carry takedown.

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Vyle's Quick Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Vyle             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Daniel

With Daniel back on his feet, he was staggered, but not out. With the poison, the constant wrestling grapples, and even a few kicks, Daniel Jack was holding on by a thread. Steadily, he takes a moment to put the cigarette in his mouth, and replace his gun right back in the secret holster in his big baggy aikido pants. Taking a draw, he feels movement. Pulling back his leg, he twists sharply the movement the grab is made. Fortunately, he manages to pull out of the carry before it starts off. The downside was the simple fact that wrenching a leg free hurt.

Now Daniel was out for blood.

Limping slightly, he shuffles back, meeting the daggers with cold eyes. Biting down on the cigarette, he reached around behind him. Looked like it was time for some of the mind games. Vyle was fast, for sure. He was agile, for sure. And once he got a grip on you, he could hurt. Badly. But Daniel Jack had his own angle. And with a pull, he draws out his angle. See, there were dirty fighters, and there were clean fighters. Daniel Jack?

He was whatever the hell he felt like.

The detective pulls out a submachine gun. A M-3 Grease Gun, to be precise. Leveling at Vyle, the detective continues stepping back. Teeth gritted, he glares at the mohawk'd warrior with a slowly rising light. Sweat was dripping from his brow- He was legitimately getting burned out. But as he squeezed the trigger to unleash a hail of bullets on his foe, that fatigue was fading away. It was as if a second wind was coming over the warrior.

Or maybe it because firing a gun didn't take a lot of effort.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Vyle with Sleuth Diplomacy.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vyle             1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Well, now that's definitely different. Vyle had managed to at least force Daniel back, even if the takeover was unsuccessful. However....when the gun comes out....

Yeah, the guy definitely was not what he was expecting. And Vyle, honestly, had to respect the underhandedness. At least, when he wasn't getting shot at. Unfortunately, he was...and his attempt to simply barrell on through did...not help efforts. Instead, Vyle ended up peppered, and while his constitution as a fighter kept him fairly intact, that did a good number on him. "Nhhhhhhhnn...oh....you're a bastard alright..." he manages to get out raspily. "...my kinda fighter...hehehe....hehehehehehehehh...." He just laughs, using the time to hang back and get his body in order...perhaps unnerve Danny a bit more.

COMBATSYS: Vyle gains composure.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Vyle             1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack drops the gun once all the bullets were spent. Unnerving the detective was a mighty difficult task, as Daniel would say. In reality, Daniel's confidence came in time with whether or not he was on top-barrel or low-dog. Right now, despite being still more rattled than his opponent, he could safely say that he was on top now.

Adjusting his shirt, he takes another draw of his cigarette, peering at the cackling man as he walked briskly towards Vyle. As he closed in, he shifted from a more casual walk to his proper stance. Balanced, one hand in front of the other. Focused. "Damn straight I am, Venom. You don't get this way from pushing daisies, you dig?" The detective looks around. Oh, HELL. Why did they fight right in all the mounds of dirt. Now they were all messed up. That was just AWFUL. Raising an arm up, he charges up his chi, manifesting a bright mass of orange energy. "KASANE FREAKING ATE!" He snarls, hurling the energy down towards the ground with one arm. Like a wave, it rolls down towards the ground. Upon contact, however, it explodes back up, dissipating in the air...

And hopefully into Vyle.

COMBATSYS: Vyle dodges Daniel's Kasane Ate.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Vyle             1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Daniel

At least this was a bit more expected. Vyle simply continued to laugh, despite the sudden recomposure of his opponent. Why not? He was still standing, right? He was still better off, despite being shot up, right? And it shows when the Kasane Ate comes out. Looking like not a step was off, Vyle dove out and forward, avoiding the chi wave and letting it pass by him. "Funny....it looked like pushing daisies was exactly what you were doing when I got here," he taunts raggedly, leaping into the air. Despite his hoarse voice, his feet remain sharp as he tries to stomp down repeatedly from the air into Daniel Jack's head and shoulders.

COMBATSYS: Vyle successfully hits Daniel with Riot Stampede.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Vyle             1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack unleashes the attack in a single wave, letting it crash forward and MISS Vyle. Snarling, he brings his arms back up to prepare for the follow up attack. I mean, he saw the wrestler moving towards him. How could that fail to work? But then Vyle goes up into the air. Trying to shift his arms up, his balance is knocked clean off. And from there, Vyle's aerial pays off in spades.


The detective is on the ground, gripping his head. Sure, his head hurt, but his shoulders were so much worse. He lies there much too long, snarling in pain. "Freaking A, and now I'm gonna lose a day down the time hole, you dig it? Screw it. Just screw it." And then, Daniel Jack rises up again, ready to pull off... another ultimate attack.

The detective moves in, snapping his arm out to grab Vyle. If he managed to get a grip, he would just wind back, twisting and snapping both of their bodies back to make sure he doesn't get the chance to pull off any attacks... as well as introducing him to a bit of the Todoh whiplash. "FANTASTIC..." He was beginning call out....

COMBATSYS: Vyle fails to counter Fantastic Todoh Punch from Daniel with Relapse.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Vyle             1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0           Daniel


With Vyle arm in his grips, he suddenly twists and snaps the wrestler clear out of his attack. With his moment of clarity, he winds back a single palm, tensing up more and more until... He pulls hard back, jerking Vyle right into him and his palm.


Well, crap.

While Vyle got in his shots good with the Riot Stampede, he got maybe just a little too cocky there. With momentum back on his side, he waited, seeing what his opponent would do, tugging at his neon fake hakama. "C'mon...c'mon...." And when Daniel tries to grab him, Vyle is prepared....

Or so he thought. Before he could snap into his spin kick, Vyle is grabbed...and BOOM. The sharp slam of a palm drives into his chest, sending him reeling and falling back, sharp coughing fit coming up as he clutches at his chest. The rudo's...definitely seen better days.

Daniel was becoming quite exhausted, and to be honest, this was not a feeling he was used to. But just as that moment of weakness came up, another voice came. "DANIEL! Todoh is PLEASED!" It called. Yes. Daniel Jack was making Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu proud. A new wave of energy overcame him. "Get off our property, Venom." The detective stated coldly.

Once the contact in made with the Fantastic Todoh Punch, he doesn't stop much longer than that. As Vyle clutches his chest, Daniel is almost effortlessly piling on through. There was something unnatural about his form now. He was keeping tight in the aikido stance, moving forward with a certain grace and pace. He unleashes another hand chop with his left towards the downed wrester, and then another palm strike with his right. After that, he unleashed simple kick with his right, before turning into a straight kick to finish off the combination attack. He was preparing to end this fight, that was for sure.

But it would not be in Vyle's favor.

COMBATSYS: Vyle blocks Daniel's Zoot Suit Riot.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Vyle             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Daniel

While the Fantastic Todoh Punch nearly seemed to cave in Vyle's chest, there's something to be said about his resiliency. When Daniel comes in to press the attack, the luchador manages to fend it off ell enough, blocking the chop with his arm, knocking aside the palm strike, and reeling away from the kick. "Nhhh....you...little..."

With his energy flagging, he decides to go all out. "HRrrrrrr...." Charging in, he goes for an unusual power move, trying to scoop Daniel up, body slam-style, and turn him over into a good ol' powerslam. Nothing fancy...but it'll probably hurt a good damn bit if he can pul lit off.

COMBATSYS: Daniel counters Power Throw from Vyle with Zoot Suit Riot.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack's stony gaze doesn't stop when the final kick falls short. But the endless stream of attacks don't stop yet. When Vyle charges in for the final power slam, Daniel Jack meets him with a steady, solid shove. Pushing Vyle's arms to the flanks of the detective, he rotates his foot work, repositioning himself to meet Vyle's own sides.

And to that, he unleashes another karate chop, this time catching Vyle on the neck. Then a palm strike to the torso. Two more palm strikes are unleashed before the detective pulls back, regaining his balance for a moment. A moment, yes, but now Vyle has another opening. "Stand DOWN, Venom!" The detective growls, sweat dripping into his still bloodshot eyes.

Geez...nothing went right for Vyle after that good start it seems.

Going in for the grab, Vyle ends up only meeting a chop to the neck...then to the torso, and a final strike again that pushes him back. For all that bluster, Vyle ends up hanging on by a thread, coughing and looking quite beaten up at this point. Fake gi torn, hakama covered in dirt and blood, and the wrestler looking all too wiped out. "...hhh....hhhh....another time....punk...." he grunts, before turning tail and hobbling off. He would love to truly shove it all down the bastard's throat, but when you're barely together by a thread, you do have to use discretion.

COMBATSYS: Vyle takes no action.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack is a brutal, sometimes ruthless fighter. But for Daniel, Todoh-Ryuu Kobojutsu was a tool for justice... and self-defense. When the fight goes off, don't chase after it. Unless it has your wallet. And Vyle, as far as Daniel knew, didn't have his wallet. So once Vyle takes the warning to his black little heart, Daniel Jack just pulls back his form, standing there with his arms crossed. Eyes frozen. Much like his teacher, Daniel Jack was becoming the stony watcher, glaring down his foe with the intensity of the Way of Todoh. Finally, once Vyle gets far enough away, he speaks soundly.

"Next time, scuzzy. But not on the lawn, you dig!"

Seriously, it took all day to get it together.

COMBATSYS: Daniel takes no action.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Vyle             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Log created on 21:04:32 04/02/2009 by Vyle, and last modified on 12:44:49 04/07/2009.