LLK Act II.Lockdown - Lockdown : Heavy T!

Description: The forest. A great place to get away from it all. A somewhat less great place after the forces that have invaded Southtown have taken measures to ensure people don't escape this way. An even less great place when you have Ryuhaku Todoh skulking around. Heavy D!, unsure of himself after his failure to help save the hospital from Igniz, encounters the master(?) martial artist by chance and also by fist, taking many chances with said fist before it has the chance to fall to another fist... or something.

Southtown! The warzone! Tourist season has sure come early, some of the more senile members of the Southtown community have mused right before their caretakers came screaming to move them to somewhere safe (assuming they aren't abandoned to begin with). A time of chaos, sadness, and, to some people, opportunity.
Ryuhaku Todoh has been out and around Southtown with the same anger-driven vigor that inspires so many to stand and fight forward. But what drives Todoh to be so angry about the well being of his town, here on a rather bright evening through the thickly forested area of Southtown?
Wearing nothing but a loincloth and his trademark headband, Ryuhaku punts along an unearthed landmine as casually as a child would a simple playground kickball, mumbling all sorts of incomprehensible things before some part of him decides that, yes, he really should narrate something out loud to the darkness.
"Friggin' tourists!! I come up and say to them, 'oh, how about a nice taste of culture by the manliest man of all of Japan, master of the greatest fighting style in the world,' and they're all, 'hey, local, how's about some of our AMERICAN NRA HOBBYING?!'" He snarls, huffing and puffing like a man so slighted.
"But no! They want to go visit the local schools for some reason! Or buy up so much they run the whole damn local market down! Grr! But just you wait!! As long as I stand, I, Ryuhaku Todoh, shall make students out of these crazy foreigners before they all go home with their little mouse hats and, and, and their... cameras, and... their masks, and their guns, and their grenades, and... bah!!"
He punts the unearthed landmine into a tree. It explodes spectacularly, blowing apart a tree into splinters as the remainder log topples down into the forest. "And this garbage! They're supposed to recycle, not... BURY THEM where they think people won't find them! I'm on to yoooooooou! ALL OF YOU!!"

Well...not all Americans visiting here are quite like those batch. Not all of them are even tourists. One in particular looks rather....well, he looks a bit bedraggled and beaten up. Not to mention quite a dangerous, desperate glint in his eyes.

Not that Todoh would know. The man known as Heavy D! was in a completely different part of the forest, doing his own sort of training. After giving up that hospital to Igniz, and being led under the assumption that all the patients there were dead, killed by Igniz after his failure to stand up to the self-proclaimed God, he had taken to a bit of wandering. While wilderness training wasn't exactly a boxer's staple outside of a certain movie series, it's what he had been doing as of late. Splintered trees, impacted trunks, shreds of fist taping and plenty of sweat soaked into the ground around him were what he had to show for it, even as he winced from his partially unhealed wounds, not allowing himself to rest much to fully heal up.

And hearing an explosion not too far into the forest from him doesn't exactly help matters. Eyes widen, coming to what can be considered a reasonable conclusion during this whole city siege. Furrowing his brow, he grabs a zip up sweatshirt, he cinches it up in lieu of his long destroyed jacket, breaking into a run in the direction of the explosion. "Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit..." he grunts to himself, trying to get to where that explosion came from as fast as possible.

Branches crack under the old master(?)'s feet as he continues to fume and grumble along in solitude, if not in peace, casually brushing aside the explosion he himself just caused with a sort of indifference suited for one so above mortal concerns like, say, 'hearing.' Explosions are loud, bright things after all. Yet, Todoh brushes off the bright spots in his eyes and the ringing in his ears like nothing more than simple little annoyances before his every whim. What is he even doing out here, nearly naked? Because.
"Hmph! If they're gonna stand around and litter, hell, maybe I might as well clean this whole damned forest with my own two hands! Better believe it!" Who is he even talking to? He places his hands above his head as he breathes in and out, narrowing his eyes and gathering his focus. Regardless of how many litterbugs there are these days dropping crap like the thing he just kicked in these here woods, this is as good a place as any to gather himself. Wait for the next passerby. Then knock the piss outta them and maybe score a new student or two or three or four or however many there are among them HE'LL TAKE THEM ALL THAT'S RIGHT, that's how he'll bankrupt the future of Kyokugen in these crazy, uncertain times!
Little does he know of who just may pop by to visit now...

Todoh delusions of granduer aside, D!'s taking this as serious business. He's run into gunfire, choppers with meat hooks, and a god threatening to kill a whole hospital. Explosions are NOT something he's going to brush aside quite so easily. Even with the wild branches in his way, threatening to scratch and claw at his skin, he runs, runs, runs....

Soon enough, he finds himself out in the clearing where the explosion seemed to happen...at least, according to his ears. The wedgehawked one doesn't even allow himself time for much confusion, eyes narrowly scanning the area with a deep set frown. If this is where it was from though...just what the hell was it?

By the time D! comes to the clearing, there is a smoking wreck of what was once a proud tree of indeterminate species, and a nearly naked old man who stands before it. It is a majestic and frightening sight alike, as the man raises up his hands to the heavens. Surrender? No, as if to grasp into the underlying powers of the world and make it his own as he calls down upon miracle after miracle before all before him.
He throws his hands down and some really blocky-looking yellowish-orangeish chunks of chi fall down with him. The motion is repeated a few times over, peacefully. As though it were a warm up. As if though utterly destroying a tree before him were but a mere warm-up as to what's to come in this day and age... if that is indeed what happened.
He doesn't cry loudly into every use of this wondrous tree-destroying(?) technique, starting out his daily routine slowly and simply. Surely, too pure and great to be disturbed?! It would appear that he has not noticed the wedgehawked one. Or if he has, he is simply beneath his capacity to worry about much of anything.

Worry and rage give way to confusion. Just...one man? Looking like he didn't have a care in the world too, as he chopped down trees? He sees the smoking splintered wreck of the tree that was apparently the source of the explosion.

And then he sees the cascades of chi waves coming from the nearly naked old man...and he sighs. He recognizes the man now, unfortunately, and it gives him a slight migraine as he realizes who it is. "Nnnhhh..." Still, he's spurred on to walk forward, mostly out of curiousity.

After all...why the hell would even Todoh be out here, in just a....what, loincloth? What do they call it...fundoshi?

The less questions anyone asks, typically, the better. It is what it is. Ryuhaku Todoh, that guy who was sleeping under that boxing ring once (more than once, that ring there is really cozy), standing before a tree and practicing his DEADLY NEVER BEFORE SEEN BY THE WORLD AT LARGE TECHNIQUE. What more does anyone need?
This continues for a short while without interruption or variation, as though Todoh himself were channeling the latent powers of the ancient animated .gif file to perfection. A simple, looping, repeating animation forevermore with no variation and no disturbance in which to quell it.
Until Heavy D! groans, at which point it all scratches to a halt. The old man's head turns slowly, face an unambiguous picture of aggravation (in comparison to the rest of his nonsensical self).
He clears his throat very loudly in the next couple of moments. "You here to dump something or what?!"

Heavy D! sighs again, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Somehow, this takes a lot of his enthusiasm and anger out, mostly left in a resigned, exasperated state as he looks at the repetitive practice of the infamous Kasane Ate. When Todoh turns toward the boxer in aggrivation, he sighs again, hand lowering as he looks over toward the irritated martial artist.

"I'm here to train. I don't know what you're doing here, but if you're going to be blowing things up..." he mutters. He really doesn't have much time to deal with the eccentric right now...and Todoh is the glaring, living definition of it.

"Train, huh," the older man's voice trails into a low growl. Now, what kind of lowlife is this guy he sees here, he could swear he's... suddenly, it hits him. Irritation melts very quickly into livid anger.
"AAAAAH! You!" He waves his left finger up and down accusingly while setting his right finger on his hip. "You're that no good son of a marlin that woke me from my peaceful nap some... some time ago!! You think I'm gonna kindly let you take my new forest, do you?! Dump more of those things on the ground thinking I won't notice, will you?! Well I won't have it!! Yeh hah hah hah!!"
This is going to be Heavy D!'s best day ever in a long time, an outsider may suggest. Well, there isn't one. It's just him, Heavy D!, and who knows how many landmines around here. "You here to say sorry?! Too late!! Todoh does not forgive! Todoh does not forget! He is everywhere! Waiting for you to show your little heiny so I can kick it all the way back to... back to... somewhere else!"

The boxer just....eyes Todoh...and sighs again. "You were under the ring at my gym, without any kind of....you know what, nevermind," D! says, not wanting to argue over that again at this point. Instead, he frowns...and looks around. "Dump what?" he asks, looking about again with a frown, wondering just what the hell Todoh is talking about. And the way he's the one holding a grudge for an interrupted nap, with things going on as they are just.... "Uhhnn....you know what, forget I was ever here..." he mutters. The increase in blood pressure from a crazy man like Todoh isn't what D! needs, not when he's trying to be serious about his training...

"Too late!! You asked for it, bozo! You're gonna get all of it! You and the rest of those crazy tourists!" So Todoh declares as it gets just a little bit darker in this here clearing, between a man who is desperate to see if his strength is enough to save his friend and the town, and... this other guy.
"You want me to forget about it, well then!! I'll forget about it with your... might... no," he grumbles, how can he screw up such an iconic catchphrase that millions of fans the world over remember with impeccable detail?! "You'll forget about it with your... might... no, no, that won't do, ahhh, hm."
He taps his foot against the brush a few times before he finally gets it, grinning briefly with a finger pointing upwards to a metaphorical (upside down) old-style light bulb as he leaps towards the poor boxer, bringing his arms up with a mighty cry of his corrected challenging call!
"Forget about it with my might!!" Yes, much better. What's not better? That he throws his hands down and with it comes the unmistakable rain of PAIN and DEATH and MORE PAIN and TAXES, three segments of yellowish-orangish chi that should probably be taking advantage of the fact that the world is in much better resolution than it was in the early 90's.
I mean what.

COMBATSYS: Todoh has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0            Todoh

COMBATSYS: HeavyD has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
HeavyD           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Todoh

COMBATSYS: HeavyD just-defends Todoh's Kasane Ate!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Todoh

The painful, tortured way that Todoh tries to turn D!'s comment into a return insult just makes the boxer groan. He just....really doesn't know what to think about this guy sometimes. And without another word, he starts walking away, trying to forget that he ever ran into the eccentric Todohryuu master.

Unfortunately, that's when he hears the rather familiar sound of Kasane Ate coming down from behind him. His reflexes do him well, body turning and weaving out from the path of the chi-wave, leg pivoting out just before it gets clipped too. He doesn't have time for this...but he's also been in need of a sparring partner, in a sense. If Todoh's offering himself for it, so be it. "Alright then..." he mutters, bringing his stance together...and advancing with a quick, sharp straight right, trying to start his offensive quick and hard.

COMBATSYS: Todoh dodges HeavyD's Medium Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Todoh

The only one to suffer the full wrath of the Kasane Ate of Doom (which is about the same as any other Kasane Ate not specifically tagged for doom) is but the poor forest floor that has already suffered so much by those trying to keep people inside with landmines, lest they choose to chance their life and limb. Or, in Ryuhaku's case, his own mood, as both Heavy D!'s self and Todoh's ego remain largely intact in the exchange.
"Alright what?!" Todoh calls as Heavy D! weaves himself back and returns with a mighty sharp straight, which breezes just by the old man's head enough to send his hair flying in the breeze as though a great wind were passing through, the fist missing the side of the man's head by mere inches as he sways off to the side a little.
"You think it's all right, huh?! I'll show you all right!!" He shakes a fist angrily close to Heavy D!'s face. A punch? No, for Ryuhaku channels the very essence of a scorned child, to complement tantrums more befitting of someone roughly a tenth of his actual age, as his bare left foot strikes out forward for Heavy D!'s heavy, fast-movin' no-nonsense shin.

COMBATSYS: Todoh successfully hits HeavyD with Light Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Todoh

Well...that's one way to come out of left field and surprise the boxer. With the fist shaken, and his legs unguarded, D! isn't quite so prepared for something so...juvenile. He's got his guard up, and his heels back in case he needed to twist his body out of harms way...so when the kick snaps out for his shins, he's taken off balance enough to take it hard against that bare part of his leg.

"NGHHnnn...the hell..." he mutters, frustrated both at the hit as well as the rather...well, immature attack in general. Teeth gritted, he brings his arm up in a sharp uppercut. While what results isn't exactly a Kasane Ate, the expanding, exploding burst of chi coming off the arc of his uppercut is pretty formidable in its own right.

COMBATSYS: Todoh endures HeavyD's Blast Upper.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

"Yeh hah hah! Is it still alright now? Is it? IS IT?!" Is it really still all right? Well, there's a lot to say about this situation that's all right. After all, Heavy D! is still on his feet, that's all right for him. Todoh is endlessly amused at his own pettiness, that's all right for him too.
Heavy D! throws his arm up in an uppercut as the expanding burst of chi comes along. The execution is plenty all right, that's how Heavy D! has gotten as far as he has in the big wide world of fighting. The point where Todoh just decides he's cool enough to throw his body weight up against it and expect nothing to come of it, well, that's not entirely all right in itself, now is it.
Teeth grit with an incomprehensible grunt at the shoock that threatens to knock the wind out of him from right around his (buff, like any other fighter) midsection, for clearly this is not all right, hands coming up above his head in the all-too familiar gesture as his heels collect dirt like a set of little snow plows from the blast from the upper (and also the past as of a few seconds ago), swinging those arms down as he puts his back into it - bending forward with a kneel as he cries a sharp kiai, three segments barely stuck together as he tries to make up the very small distance between them by trying to tag him with the very tip.
The tip of the iceberg that is not really even shaped like an iceberg, maybe an aurora, as another magical Todoh technique Heavy D! surely hasn't ever seen before in his entire life (lies) descends from on high and down 'pon his wretched self, proper.

COMBATSYS: HeavyD fails to interrupt Fierce Kasane Ate from Todoh with Rapid Combo.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
HeavyD           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

Well, Todoh may be strange, but he has guts, obvious from the way he tries to simply charge and barrel right into the Blast Upper like he does in order to get position on the boxer. Pulling his arm back after the shot, D! brings his guard back up, wary of Todoh's attempt at yet another Kasane Ate, it seems.

Throwing caution to the wind, the boxer tries to come in aggressively, hoping to charge in and bring in a few shots on the older man before the chi wave is finished. Unfortunately, the distance between them is just enough that D! fails to charge in time to keep Todoh from completing the harder Kasane Ate. "NGHhhgnn...." The wave cuts into D!, pushing him back and nearly knocking him down off his feet. It's impressive that D! manages to stay up after a point blank hit...but the obvious pained expression shows he got the worst of the exchange still.

There aren't many men that are bigger than Heavy D! in size. Heck, he's almost got a full foot on Todoh, if you want to go by INFERIOR IMPERIAL MEASUREMENTS. It may be seen as simultaneously amusing and sad by some just to see how he seems to treat the efforts of this honest, hard-working man like they're nothing. At least, at this moment, that seems to be the case - amounting to nothing, this go around, against the guy a lot of people would probably rather forget about if they ever bothered to remember him.
"Harrumph!" Todoh, obviously, harrumphs as he crosses his arms before the staggering D!, whose 'D' isn't heavy enough for his name at this moment it would appear. "I see you aren't so spry now, are you? Just about to learn when to leave SLEEPING MASTERS OF THE MARTIAL ARTS LIE, are you?! Hm? Hm?"
It doesn't matter if D! answers, or with whatever he may speak with as Todoh places his left foot forward, raising his left hand up and forwards like he might be holding onto, say, some plate while his arm is bent upwards, looking to swing that odd-looking chop somewhere around head level with a loud but ultimately indistinct cry.

COMBATSYS: HeavyD blocks Todoh's Fierce Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Todoh

With the more....conventional offense coming toward him, D!'s 'D' is a bit more solid. The head level chop meets meaty forearms, the boxer taking the shot there before it can hit his temple or any other vital part of his head. "Nhhh...." The hard shot is enough to push him back still, not exactly a blow to brush off even with a solid guard.

Gritting his teeth, he narrows his eyes...and falls back a bit. He forgot just how unbalanced Todoh's odd offense can set a foe. It's enough that he takes the time to circle, narrowing his eyes and trying to settle into a balance in hopes of getting a better bead on him.

COMBATSYS: HeavyD focuses on his next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Todoh

The answer Todoh gets is not in a language he understands, but he pretends to anyway. Like a lot of things in life. That is how he goes about it. Whether this whole 'run around Southtown in the middle of a goddamn war while waiting for your clothes to dry' thing is part of it or not, who knows.
Impacting against the meaty forearms leaves said arm feeling maybe just a little teensy sore for the effort, which he brushes off with the shaking out of said arm while D! stands there, tensely holding his ground and trying to put the pieces together so that he may probably punch Ryuhaku to little itty bitty Todoh bits (and some kibbles).
"Yeh hah hah! What's wrong?! Cat got your tongue, eh, boy?!" Saying that to a 30-something guy? You betcha. A branch gets neatly kicked aside by his dirty bare foot as he steps on up and tries to hoist Heavy D by his sweatshirt in a simplistic over-the-shoulder throw. A simplistic over-the-shoulder throw as he realizes he himself has stepped on something sharp, as the grimace on his face shows, empowering him to get this toss over with, even half-assedly, so he can yelp and shake out his foot or something.
Will Heavy D! let him do that?

COMBATSYS: HeavyD fails to interrupt Power Throw from Todoh with Rolling Soul Driver.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

It just doesn't seem to be D!'s day here. He thought he had the right angle, the right moment, and the right power put into it. When Todoh came in, trying to grab the boxer and give him a huck over, D! pushed in, intent on thrusting his arm out in the classic, chi-charged lunging punch he's known for as much as for the Blast Upper. It's been a good luck punch for him before...why not now?

Unfortunately, it seems his timing remains off, as when he tries to shift his weight, all he does is end up throwing himself into that shoulder throw, the hard slam driving him back first into the ground with a rather sharp 'thud', even on the forest floor. "GHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

"YeeeeeeeeeeeAAAARGH! Ah! Ah! Ahh!!" Goes the Todoh, and that's not laughter as he starts bouncing around, clutching the poked foot in his hand as Heavy D! hits the cold forest floor underneath him, bouncing about like an utter moron - what other way is there to bounce about, really? - hopping around and over Heavy D! a few times as he cringes and makes a big fuss over something most fighters of his (supposed) caliber can easily brush off when they approach the pinnacle of human strength.
A few moments later, this abruptly stops as he looks up from his boo-boo. "So are you done already?! Huh?! Speak up! This is important!" What is?

COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

Really, if this is all that D! has to show for his time, his effort, his will to be more than someone so easily brushed aside when he has the best of intentions, then he's failed spectacularly. At least, that's what it feels like to him when he's being so easily handled by Todoh like this. It's embarrassing...but when he finally manages to get himself up from the ground, amidst Todoh's foolish hopping and and taunting, all the boxer can do is fall back, and try to gather himself up again. He's in an awful state at this point, not quite so physically, but mentally. Is this really all that he's capable of now?

COMBATSYS: HeavyD gains composure.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

"Aaaaah. Ah! AAaaaaaaah." He massages his foot until satisfied, picking out the splinter in time. The nerve of these woods, stabbing his feet when he's doing it a favor by getting rid of all those stupid things these crazy tourist foreigners are dropping everywhere here.
He clears his throat as he regains his posture, feet on ground, one hand on hip, the other dangling. His eyes squint as he scrutinizes the struggling boxer here in these woods, before an exploded tree. "Hmm. You look really pathetic right now! What you could use... is a new lease on life!!" He dramatically points the finger for the second time he's waggled it at Heavy D! for the night. "Why, I suppose I could overlook this brutal affront to my eyes, sensibilities, beauty rest, and aesthetic sense all in one if you become my student right here!"
He can't be too choosy about it now, can he. This opportunity is too good to let slip! "Surely that is why you come to me now! You sought me all your life, yes, waiting for the day I could consider you worthy to be a bearer of the future of all martial arts! Yeh hah hah hah!!"
Is it, D!?

COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

Heavy D! continues to catch his breath, eying and watching Todoh, body slowly coming back into a prepared stance, peek-a-boo guard brought up....until Todoh starts on his tangent, all boiling down to trying to make him the martial artist's student. D! just eyes the mustachioed man, narrowing his eyes into slits over his guarded fists....

Before he sighs, arms dropping in silence. Slowly, he turns away, deciding to simply just...walk away at this point. It's not worth it to try and take anything out on Todoh, accepting the offer would do him little good, considering the stark contrast of styles, and...well, if this skirmish has proven anything, it's shown he's just plain not ready to try and protect anything at this point.

COMBATSYS: HeavyD takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

Narrowed eyes meet narrowed eyes for a brief moment. A man to man question, a teacher willing to bare his life's work to a man who has yet to reach a proper middle-aged crisis. At which point Heavy D! drops his arms and walks away. Away from the crazy old man and that exploded tree and his shame and his doubts and fears and his...
And then all of a sudden Todoh is standing right in front of him with arms crossed, how the hell did he get there?! "Your problem, kid! And you better listen up because I'm tellin' you this for free! FREE!! fu-dash-li!" He also now has a fan in his right hand in which he cools himself as he lectures, and, uh, where did he keep the fan? "You lack spirit! Like some kind of... some kind of lunkhead!! Who gets all mopey because his silly little punches doesn't get the job done well GUESS WHAT, there's nothing behind those fists of yours, nothing!!" He raises the fan-holding hand up in a tight, balled-up fist. "NOTHING! Me?! Why I put 110% pure Todoh behind every strike, not made from concentrate like, like those juices at the grocery store! Why, even if you put 10% behind that limp little noodledweeb hand of yours you could destroy everything in your way... under me, of course!"
There /is/ Todoh in the way. Maybe now's a good time to try that advice out?

COMBATSYS: Todoh assists HeavyD.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
HeavyD           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0            Todoh

Heavy D! blinks. Seems Todoh doesn't know the meaning of 'too persistent'. THe sudden appearance of the 'master' martial artist in front of him is enough to set the big man back a step or two, simply giving Todoh a strange look as the lecture continues on. And while D! is rarely a man to get truly mad, unless you're doing something truly horrible....Todoh is crawling up to that point very easily.

Between D!'s distinct lack of confidence lately, and the growing irritation with the older man before him, the boxer's hackles start to rise....fist balled up...and suddenly, no warning, no stance, no guard or anything, Heavy D! snaps out, a heavy straight right sent straight toward Todoh's face. NOthing said...but it's almost as if to say 'Is that nothing to you?'

COMBATSYS: HeavyD successfully hits Todoh with Straight Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
HeavyD           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Todoh

Todoh's silhouette may very well be in the dictionary next to 'persistent,' and also 'annoying' and 'obscure' but you know what it isn't next to? 'Awesome,' except for the dictionaries in the local library that he has personally corrected - and got himself kicked out of said library for.
Todoh's lecture comes to a rather abrupt end when HeavyD successfully interrupts Lecture with Straight Punch with explosive results, blood flying out of Ryuhaku's face as he is hurled clear off his feet and into another tree that, under the force of Heavy D!'s blow, causes said tree to crack and fall over. It hits another landmine as the log hits the dirt, causing the whole thing to explode in a mess of soil, bark and leaves.
Cackling comes from the smoke cloud as the old man comes stumbling up out of the mess, jaw hanging open and twitching with every 'ha' the man makes, waving the fan around erratically as tears fall down his right eye. "Yeh hah... hah... hah... what's the matter? That... that your only good punch, huh?! Couldn't you... couldn't you... couldn't, do a better one? Eh? Ehhh? Hah hah..."
He's none too steady on his feet after that last one, seeing not double but entire fractions and imaginary numbers through the lens of madness where there should just be a big angry boxer from America just trying to find the strength to do what's right.

COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
HeavyD           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Todoh

...well...that's not...exactly what D! was expecting when he punched Todoh. He was hoping to give him a shot to remember him by....but not send him so far out that he tumbled and knocked over a whole tree....and what the hell was that explosion too? The mine blowing up is enough to get D!'s attention and bring him out of his growing rage, a blank stare toward where that mine had been buried.

And once he tears his eyes away...well...all D! can do is just shake his head, despite Todoh's taunts. He's getting what the older man seems to be doing at this point...but it's not exactly what's going to help D! at this point. SHaking his head, the black fighter simply just starts to walk off again, sighing as he turns back to return to his little camp. After all, he left his bag behind there.

COMBATSYS: HeavyD takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
HeavyD           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Todoh

The elder Todoh continues to shakily stumble about as though he were drunk on some D Punch, which is totally marketable even if it would bomb horribly in the instance it was 1994. Should've thought about it fifteen years ago, huh? Huh?!
"That's right... that's riiiight... go forth and, and, and conquer the woooooooorld! In the name of, uh... me!! Yeh hah hah!" Laughter goes to coughing for a scant few seconds as the master trips along the way after Heavy D!, although D! is going at a quick enough pace that the old man couldn't possibly catch up to him if D! were to maintain that pace or just plain start running. A fan is gleefully waved in D!'s direction as His Heaviness heads back along to his camp to continue to in reality be a little emo simp or something.
"The Todoh waaaaaaaaaay!" Ryuhaku calls out triumphantly as the natural light begins to fade into darkness. Now he may not only be a half-naked old man in the woods, he might be a half-naked old man in the woods /at night/. Scary combination. So scary, even the legendary Ojike no Oni may recoil at the thought. (lies!)

COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
HeavyD           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0            Todoh

COMBATSYS: HeavyD has left the fight here.

                                  >  /////////////////////         ]
                                 |=====--\-------\0            Todoh

Log created on 18:12:39 04/01/2009 by Todoh, and last modified on 22:49:07 04/01/2009.