LLK Act II.Lockdown - Lockdown : The Masked Doll

Description: While having kept relatively low profile around Southtown since its invasion, Marisol HAS been around. Sticking to Pacific, she's taken it upon herself to try and keep things safe and in check. But the arrival of a strange masked woman proves that no place in Southtown is truly spared.

With Southtown falling further and further under the sway of the combined assault by both the mysterious Shadaloo and the equally mysterious NESTS Cartel, it seems only logical that the assault continue on the supposed safe havens. Ahh those schools, such rich harvest grounds for the Cartel, but equally rich for prospective candidates for Lord Vega's even more mysterious Doll program.

Orders are meant to be followed, and with a list of potential candidates due for further testing in the palm of her hand, Decapre seeks to dot every i and cross every t.

Skulking would be the best word for it. It's simple enough for a trained operative to infiltrate a facility, even one that's receiving an influx of strangers who think this is truly a safe haven away from the encroaching armies.

Thus, she's entered via the math class, the most dreaded of all classes, and is carefully peeking out into the hall. Clad within the typical winter Doll outfit, she's dressed for the weather, although naturally she's still sporting that lovely hat they all have. It's just that she's wearing a silver mask, and has glowing red eyes.

That's hardly anything out of the ordinary to be seen in these hallowed halls, right?

ps. It's also dark outside and there are wolves out. And it's raining, why not?

Of the thousands of registered students enrolled at Pacific High, Marisol O'Connell is not one who has fled. But certainly as of late, the girl's presence on campus is what some may call 'mysterious.' She's been as difficult to pin down as she has been about answering her phone. What HAS she been up to, anyway?

Who knows, and certainly Marisol hasn't been telling anyone.

But today, Marisol finds herself back on campus--for good reason. NESTS and Shadaloo have both turned their eyes off of the likes of Gedo High and instead focused their ambitions on what have essentially become 'safe houses' for wayward and fearful students from the overtaken school. While the girl openly admits an avid dislike of the school...she still secretly worries.

Now isn't the time, though. With fights being carried out all around town, no place is truly safe anymore. And where better to start 'defending' crap than by starting at home. Besides, it's being eyed by 'enemy' forces. Might as well try to do SOMETHING about it.

Moving through the halls of the school, Marisol stalks the hallways, peering occasionally into a classroom or two to make sure everything is safe and secure. And just when her job is seemingly peaceful for the night--

There is a pair of red glowing eyes peeking out of the math room down the hallway. That isn't normal.

For a brief moment Marisol seizes up, startled. But then--boldly--the girl clenches a fist and lifts her chin, offering a loud scoff before she thrusts a finger forward. "HEY FREAKSHOW!" the girl shouts, gray eyes wide. "Uhh, what the hell do you think you're doing here??"

As if to make matters worse, the redhead begins charging hurriedly down the hallway, intent on slamming her fist right into the side of that silver mask the blonde not-Cammy Doll has on.

"That isn't a school regulation uniform!!"

COMBATSYS: Marisol has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marisol          0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Decapre has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Decapre

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Decapre with Medium Punch.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Decapre

Whatever Marisol's mysterious activities are, they're likely going to get a whole lot more crazy when it becomes apparent that she's not only not alone in the hallway, a guard who is suddenly being forced into duty by the mysterious set of eyes that mysteriously peer out of the mysteriously dim room. There's a mysterious crack of thunder outside, right as Marisol's fist launches into the side of Decapre's head.

The Doll was getting ready to block, arms lifted to brace against the blow -- but that doesn't work so well, not when she's peeking her head out of a cracked door and is glancing in the wrong direction when that shout comes.

Instead, the Spanish fist slams into the side of that mask, and Decapre's head is rather unceremoniously slammed right into the door frame, a vicious jarring of her neck transpiring.

With a strangled grunt, the Doll stumbles back into one of the desks within the classroom, and finds herself staring at the shapely silhouette in front of her. Behind the red eyes, a true set of eyes pivot, taking in the figure.

"Marffhh--" Decapre begins, only to grunt and move the mask so she's not speaking directly into the silver visage. "Marisol O'Connell, correct?" she inquires, the mechanical voice almost echoing off the interior of the steel face.

"Capturing the tertiary target."

Who's she talking to? Regardless, the gloved hand that was straightening the mask clenches, and a long set of claws slam into existence from their hidden hideyholes. Slamming her fist into the closest desk, the claw tips vibrate, a delight to the Spaniard no doubt, and a current of Psycho Power manifests causing the claws to elongate with that potent energy.

And with a quick dash forward, the Doll slashes the air in front of Marisol, aiming to give her a chest full of pure unadulterated Psycho Power.

COMBATSYS: Marisol blocks Decapre's Rippling Razor.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Marisol          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Decapre

A small fraction of satisfaction blossoms across the half-Spaniard girl's face in response to a punch well done. Yeah, that'll teach people to invade her school. That's also payback for losing to that weird pink-haired drug-pushing prostitute a while back. Talk about embarrassing. Maybe that's why she was hiding--

Anyway, Marisol stalks through the open doorway after Decapre as she flies into a desk before slowly peeling herself off of it. To Marisol's delight, the Doll isn't down after a punch--that's good! That means she still has some fight left, which means she can get a bit of practice in. Something like that. But then the Doll speaks, odd though it may sound.

"Yeah, that's me. I guess they call you Iron Man or something? What's with the mask?"

Wait, capture?


Before the girl knows it, Decapre is producing a pair of claws, which soon manifest with psychic energy. Blinking once in muted surprise, the redhead just squares her shoulders and widens her stance with a wry smirk on her lips. Then she moves, slashing at the girl--but her arms move, lifting up to shield her body from the slash. The impact draws a hiss of pain from the half-Spaniard.

"Well if you want to play THAT way," she begins. She doesn't even finish--instead she swings a fist out, a straight punch, followed by a cross punch before she twists her body and thrusts both fists forward, the resulting impact--if any--resulting in a sudden, jarring burst of dandelion-yellow chi. "HRAAGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Decapre dodges Marisol's El Matador.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0          Decapre

There's an almost animalistic growl from Decapre as the two meet in close-quarters combat, the strike emanating from the tips of her claws successfully blocked by the plucky Spaniard. "Play?" she echoes the statement from her target, only to find herself on what could be the receiving end of a quick switch-up combo.

Unfortunately for Marisol, it seems she's dealing with no ordinary intruder; this is someone more special. The punches whiff, the air whimpering in pain as the Doll back-steps rapidly, neatly evading each of the boxer's swings. Her backwards movements bump desks together, clearing a space amidst a sea of wood for the two to brawl in.

The double-fisted thrust slams into nothing, the expulsion of energy failing to strike as Decapre thrusts her hips back and to the side. The desk she was about to receives the brunt of the attack. She takes a few steps further back, gaining some much needed space.

"This is no game. You're coming with me, girl! One way or another."

And so she leaps, bouncing off the edge of another desk, aiming to bring her heel down onto Marisol's crown -- and then repeatedly stomp, her heels a potent danger for the boxer, culminating the Doll's combination with an axe kick.

COMBATSYS: Marisol fails to interrupt Heel Terror from Decapre with Snap Wind.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0          Decapre

A miss?

"Tch!!" is Marisol's response, as Decapre weaves and steps back with each swing. Gritting her teeth lightly behind her full lips, the girl merely recoils, wavy copper locks swinging angrily as she thrusts her shoulders back and away, keeping her stance wary and defensive. Faster than she figured for a girl wearing a creepy mask. Coming with the Doll?

"Ew, I don't think so!"

Curling a fist tightly at her hip, the girl prepares to counterattack--but that hell on her head is more painful than she thought. Gasping and crumpling beneath the booted heel, she's driven face-first into the floor and stomped repeatedly before, finally, managing to somehow roll aside and push her body back onto its feet.

"Anyway," she comments, rubbing the back of her aching head. "Don't think so." Didn't she say that already. "I know you might have some sort of creepy stalker crush and all, but really, I'm not that kind of girl."

Slam, slam, slam! Even with Marisol down, it seems the Doll is intent on simply rendering her unconscious through repeatedly stomping, until finally the target rolls aside. The floor cracks under the strike that would have split the girl's melon.

That silver mask turns, pulsing red eyes seemingly staring at everything at the same time. Lifting a hand, she draws her braid over her shoulder, idly playing with the puffed end of it as she engages in the thing her Doll training has supplied little class time in; conversation. "You'll be the kind of girl Lord Vega dictates, once he's done with you," she threatens.

Is she playing with that braid a little more coyishly, all of a sudden?

"Yes, there is much potential within you, and it may be properly drawn out with the right stimulation," Decapre adds, before throwing her braid over her shoulder. Behind that mask, thoughts of Lord Vega have for some reason made her cheeks feel quite warm.

Is that silver mask a little pink? Either way, she feels somewhat charged just thinking of her Master, and the air about her crackles with Psycho Power.

COMBATSYS: Decapre gathers her will.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Marisol          0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0          Decapre

"Man, keep me out of your sick fantasies," Marisol barks, rolling her head cautiously on her shoulders, wincing lightly in response. After that pounding into the linoleum flooring, her neck is a bit sore. Hopefully nothing broke up. Doesn't feel that way, but...

But goddamn is this girl starting to get hot and bothered? "Ew," is her response. "Gross, gross. Just stop it. Ugh." A hand waves dismissively at the blonde, eyes turning away as she charges with Psycho Power. What the hell is wrong with this masked freak??

Well, whatever. Shrugging her shoulders out a bit, the girl rushes in with a wide smirk. Swinging an arm out, she seeks to seize the doll by her stomach and...clench it painfully hard with her nails before she swings a fist and attempts to punch her square in the center of her chest to knock her back and onto her ass.

COMBATSYS: Decapre blocks Marisol's Violent Clinching.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1          Decapre

As Marisol comes in for her strike, Decapre lets those warm fuzzy feelings fade -- and the claws retract back into the forearm guards she wears. They're brought up as her outfit is snagged about the middle, and the driven fist slams into the pads.

It certainly hurts though, and she's sent reeling, slamming into the desks. Popping the claws back out, she slashes the closest desk apart, one hand also gripping her stomach where Marisol's nails dug in. "Clever use of your anatomy," the Doll states, as she manifests that Psycho Power again. Her entire body becomes encased in the energy, which even at a distant feels distinctly... wrong.

"Let me return the favor. Try mine on for size."

With a sudden, audible snap, the Doll vanishes from sight. But the air behind Marisol distorts, warps, as Decapre reappears -- and seeks to bury one fist full of claws right into the boxer's back, racking upwards at an angle that will rend much more than simply cloth.

COMBATSYS: Marisol Toughs Out Decapre's Psycho Stalker!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0          Decapre

Furrowing her brows as the Doll shields her body from the punch, Marisol promptly releases her grasp on the woman's midsection, letting her go as the half-Spaniard steps back and puts room between her and the assassin. As creepy as Decapre may be, she's still a force to be reckoned with. One wrong move could be a big mistake.

"Uh, thanks? I think," the half-Spaniard replies, again furrowing her brows before she makes fists with her hands. "But if you insist--come on, already!"

Then she's gone. It startles the girl, eyes visibly widening before she grits her teeth. Before she knows it, the Doll is behind her with claws out. She twists her body, pivoting around--but doesn't move. Instead, the claws find their mark, burying just slightly off center the half-Spaniard's stomach. But her madness has reason. Using the close proximity she swings a fist toward the center of the mask, attempting to 'shove' the Doll back by force. Her fist erupts in chi shortly after as she reels a fist back again before it swings at the blonde, attempting to slam her in the stomach before she attempts to deliver two nasty chi-laced hooks. "HRAAGH!"

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Decapre with Red Clover.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0          Decapre

And what a sudden turn of events this all proves, as first Marisol spins about in time to embrace the strike of the Doll -- and then her retaliation proves just how powerful and potent the girl herself is, how ripe she is as a candidate for the Program.

The fist slams deep into Decapre's belly, and the explosion of chi steals her of breath away like so many Top Guns. Before she has time to think, the Spaniard is capitalizing, the first hook knocking her head to the side, and the follow-up simply toppling the Shadaloo operative onto the floor as her mask shifts across her face. The glimpse of what's beneath doesn't look too pretty.

There she gasps, a hand lifting to hurriedly straighten the mask onto her face, ragged breathing emanating from the innards of the silver face.

"Perhaps we should... nggh... move you up the list as a higher priority," the Doll states as she rolls away, sliding smoothly back to her feet. She doesn't even bother to turn around; she leaps backwards instead, twisting in the air, landing to bury a Psycho-laden fist deep into Marisol's belly.

COMBATSYS: Decapre successfully hits Marisol with Axle Spin Knuckle.
- Power hit! -

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Marisol          1/-======/=======|=======\-------\0          Decapre

Whatever lies beneath the mask is lost to the half-Spaniard; instead, she is immensely focused on just putting her fist clean into that silver iron mask that hangs off Decapre's mug. If she can take her out as quickly as possible, then she can throw her out of Pacific's gates. And maybe send some one woman army-like message to Shadaloo.

On second thought, maybe that's a BAD thing...

Distracted by her thoughts, she hardly pays mind to the Doll--so much so that suddenly she's spinning forward and slams a psi-laced fist square into the Hispanic girl's abdomen. Startled and stunned, she gasps loudly and stumbles backwards, wide eyed. "G-god damn!" she cries. "That shit...h-hurts."

Shaking her head sharply, the redhead just pushes herself. She can't let that distract her--she has to keep on pushing forward and come out on top! Also because she doesn't want to wind up in some wacky Silence of the Lambs-like situation with this masked weirdo.

"Alright then, let's GO!!"

Charging forward, the girl lets her fists erupt with roaring dandelion-yellow chi, the redhead blazing forward. She swings them, three chi-laced hooks aimed to knock that horrible mask around before she snaps her arm out and attempts to seize the Doll's collar before slamming HER forehead into that steel mask. Thereafter she'll let go--only to drop low before she swings upwards swiftly, aiming her flaming fist to her chin with a nasty uppercut. "GET OUT!"

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Decapre with Cloud Nine.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Marisol          0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1          Decapre

Landing with a neat slide, the Doll is successful in landing that psi-laden fist deep into Marisol's middle, nearly dropping the girl then and there. Standing in front of the Spaniard, the masked figure again adjusts the straps that hold her mask in place, a hand reaching for the braid behind her.

Even as Marisol winds up for the pitch, her assailant simply seems to stand there, moving vaguely, waiting for the strike to come.

And boy does it.

The hooks come, not once, not twice, but thrice. The metal mask is dented, digging horribly into the woman's face, and still she seems to stand there, waiting for the next of the blows to rain down upon her. And again, Marisol does not disappoint. She proves herself capable, applying a vicious headbutt -- and then an almighty uppercut.

It clears Decapre right off her feet. The doll goes up, and then she comes down hard, slamming right through the teacher's desk. It buckles, collapsing, and apples roll across the floor amidst a mild shower of wooden debris.

Gingerly, the Doll manages to climb back to her feet one last time. Breathing hard, she reaches up, gripping her collar as she utters soft words; "Target... too strong. Definite candidate. Withdrawing... momentarily."

Those popped claws retract, and she points a stern finger at Marisol, as if it alone were enough to hold the young fighter back as the Doll awkwardly moves towards the window she earlier entered by. "This isn't over," she states sincerely, the heavy threat of a troubled future there upon her words.

Provided there isn't anything else from the girl, it seems she'll comply with the 'get out' from the Spaniard, and leap through the window and out into the night and the rain.

COMBATSYS: Decapre has left the fight here.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Marisol          0/-------/----===|

Watching Decapre fly across the room, Marisol's expression is stern and fierce, gray eyes wide as she holds her attention on the Doll. The desk shatters beneath her weight, making a mess--but the half-Spaniard doesn't care. She just distantly hopes, amid the excitement of fighting, the Doll is down for the proverbial count.

But she doesn't STAY down. Instead, the blonde Doll pulls herself cautiously to her feet, mask still in place as she speaks to the redhead. Squinting in response, she stays quiet, content to simply listen to the blonde until--

"Withdrawing? Hey!"

Before Marisol can move to intercept the Doll leaps out of the window, escaping into the rainy night. Still, the girl moves, hurrying to the window to observe the masked Doll make her flight before she recoils and exhales, her body finally coming to grips with the pain it feels. Sagging against the window's open threshold, she just lets her body finally collapse and rest.

"Who the ...hell...wears masks these days??"

Oh well. The school is safe, right? Marisol likes to think so.

"Still g-got it."

COMBATSYS: Marisol has ended the fight here.

Log created on 02:05:01 03/10/2009 by Marisol, and last modified on 13:16:06 03/10/2009.