Strolheim 2 - Strolheim Interlude - The Double Master

Description: Upon rare occasion, Oil and Water have been known to get along. From time to time. As the Strolheim Tournament approaches its culmination, two opposing team members cross paths with one another. What does Doctor Tran have against young fighters exactly? Is Kentou really just an unruly beast who pretends at being civil? What does this meeting portend for the next wave of matches? Read on to see this Winter's most surprising, twist ending!

Finally, Hotaru's protege can start enjoying himself!
At first, Kentou has been so completely pre-occupied with impressing the great Ryu and pulling his weight in the team matches, the fact that the boy is the furthest he's ever traveled hasn't had time to register. True to form, Ryu has been relentless in training. Kentou thought he knew what it was like to train hard, but a few days with the Ansatsuken Sanin taught him that he nothing of the sort. Training at his side has been absolutely grueling in ways that even Hotaru-sensei herself only touched upon, but Kentou did not complain. Not one bit. The boy kept pace as best he was able, bringing honor to Hotaru's teachings and demonstrating that the Futaba School is indeed worthy to fight side by side with the greatest in the world.

Now, however, in the wake of that hard-fought victory against Benimaru's team, Kentou is taking a little breather. Just a few hours to acquaint himself with the village in the surrounding mountainside of the picturesque German landscape. The boy finds himself strolling through the villa, listening to the natives speak their foreign language, absorbing the sights, sounds and smells of this beautiful place. Not terribly worried about being lost as the Castle makes for an unmistakable landmark in the tall horizon.

Kentou never really thought of himself as a world traveler. Never really showed an interest in visiting foreign places as some might. But then again, Kentou never showed much interest in anything outside of fighting. Sometimes, though, in the quiet moments like these, the youth allows himself a few moments to live outside of his box. Wide eyes staring in wonder at a world he only barely understands, meandering about like a babe in the woods.

It's sort of funny how completely dissimilar Kentou and the amazing Dr. Tran are. Tran is older, wiser(?), significantly more intoxicated (alchohol is a good deal more effective than observing fresh, exciting new vistas). While Kentou's been training hard, Dr. Tran has done his best to avoid his so-called students, spending as much time outside the castle and away from them as he can.

It's not a foolproof plan, by any means. Tran would be amazed if a certain loudmouthed idiot were to stay in the castle to train. He might pick fights, though. It's hard to say, and Tran really doesn't care so long as he's lucky enough not to run into the teen. His luck's been holding out pretty well on that measure. Less so in other ways.

In as foul a temper as he's ever been, Dr. Tran is trying and failing to communicate what he feels are very basic points to a man with a nice little cart who looks like he might be a baker. The bread is a pretty good clue, but you never know. "DO-NUTS. PASTRY CAKE RINGS." Tran points at himself. "I BUY." Tran points at the man. "YOU SELL. OH KAY?" The man, looking fairly angry at this point, doesn't respond. It may be taking all his willpower to maintain his composure in the face of Dr. Tran's time-tested American method of getting foreign people to do what he wants them to.

Yelling catches Kentou's attention, stealing his gaze away from the variety of hand-carved wooden statuettes of the great Strolheim fighters in a shop window. Youthful eyes squint distantly as he spies a tiny man blurting English at a local cart vendor. As the biggest event currently in Europe, the Master/Student Tournament has attracted truckloads of his ilk to the villa.

By the time the youth straightens and turns to face the belligerant fellow, his identity clicks into place.
Doctor Tran, Kentou presumes.
While never having met the guy personally, Kentou has all but obsessed over every last team and their membership since he got here. Looking over every bio, doing his homework and getting some basic strategies in place for big names that will likely meet him in battle.
Of course, Kentou has paid extra special attention to his Sensei's team and its ... colorful lineup.
When the boy first read that Hotaru wasn't going to be the 'Master' of her team, he can understand that. His respect and admiration for his Master is endless, but in a tournament filled with the likes of Ryu and Chun-Li, he can understand if she isn't top billing for her team. Heck, the boy is still surprised they let -him- join at all as a student!
But rather than a big name leading her team such as Benimaru or Raizo .... She took a backseat to this guy.

It took him an hour looking through his Neo League tapes to even find one match with the guy in it. It isn't Kentou's place to comment to his Sensei, but if it was he would strongly suspect there was a joke involved. Or maybe someone who lost a bet somewhere in the Strolheim planning team.
To be sure, whatever it is he's doing leading the team seems to be working well as his team has progressed far. Maybe this Tran's skills are greater than the larger fighting world knows about? All he knows is that he better not upset Hotaru by having misgivings about her teammates.

That said, Kentou isn't going to stand around and let the man break out into a fist-fight with a poor local! The youth's lips press together firmly as he briskly walks in that direction. The boy only an inch or two shorter than the American himself as the youth clears his throat, "Excuse me, Doctor! He hears you, you don't have to raise your voice." Frowning sternly to him before quickly grinning to the vendor, "Here.. Ah.. These sir?" Gesturing to the most donut-like pastry on the cart, "Sorry about the trouble." Hoping to calm the situation down quickly.

The instant Kentou makes his presence known, Dr. Tran freezes. The warning signs are all there in the boy's voice. Young and bold, and...wait, wait, rewind. Doctor?

Tran's head swivels quickly, his gaze not a friendly one as he quickly tries to assess exactly how large a threat Kentou poses to his general happiness. Initial results: inconclusive. More data is required. More energy is required, because the doctor's one insight into the situation is that it's going to take a lot out of him. He can tell with these things.

"You..." Tran pauses, and then slowly reaches a creeping hand out toward the pastrything. Probing finger gently rest upon it, before in a flash they tighten and Tran jams it into his mouth. The baker begins to protest, but is quickly cut off by Tran fishing a bill out of his coat and flinging it at the man. Why he didn't just do this to begin with is anyone's guess.

Chewing slowly, Tran considers his next move with the utmost care. He swallows, staring at Kentou with a mildly strained expression on his face, as he tries to contain his budding annoyance. "Who..." Tran starts off tenatively, "Who are you and what do you want." The way he says it, it's not so much a question and more of a demand.

As Tran acquires the pastry with a remarkably minimum amount of bloodshed, Kentou breathes a little easier. His shoulders relaxing as he nods to the vendor whom accepts the American's hasty payment.

Kentou was of a mind to simply walk away, as what he 'wanted' has come to fruition. The great Germanian Pastry Hostage Crisis has been resolved and nobody has been steam-cleaned into next week. A rare victory that.
But, as Tran hastily questions with bits of freshly baked goodness crumbling past his lips, the youth doesn't walk away quickly as the surgeon general would otherwise recommend in this man's presence. There's a moment of apprehension on Kentou's face at the clueless question. Kentou scritching the back of his head, his long braid dancing with the movement. Guess this guy doesn't do his homework, huh?
"Ah.. Ondori Kentou." The boy squares his shoulders, striking fist to palm and bowing properly. No sense in being impolite to a fellow competitor! Volunteering further information with a cautious smile, "I'm also in the tournament, on Ryu-sama's team!" In the interest of fostering good-will, the youth continues with a brightening smile, "I'd like to congratulate you on your performance in the tournament. You and your team have done quite well, as I knew Hotaru-sensei would!"

The niggling sense that something here is not all that it seems keeps tickling the back of Dr. Tran's mind. He's missing something. He has to be missing something. This kid isn't attacking him, isn't acting like he's been on a steady diet of crazy pills all his life.

Is it because he's a he, and not a girl hellbent on Tran's destruction? Is he a he? It looks like a boy, but it's young, and it has that braid...

Thoughts racing through his head, Tran seems to actually stare through Kentou for a moment, as if forgetting the kid is there entirely. The only motion is the slow, absent-minded chewing of his mystery treat. Is it even a pastry? A strudel, a danish? Those sound kinda germanyish. It's kind of tasty, but what if something's wrong with it? Did Kentou slip something into it when he pointed it out? Maybe some kind of poison caltrop?

Shaking his head abruptly, Tran leans back a little, putting distance between himself and the boy. These thoughts are going anywhere good. "I...thanks. I guess." And then something clicks. "Wait, wait, Hotaru-sensei? She's actually teaching? Like, people?" The disbelief in Tran's voice is evident.

With that vexing compliment offered, the boy holds his smile wide! A gesture that requires more and more effort by the moment as Tran silently stares at the youth as if he grew a second head. In fact, Kentou even absently pats his shoulder, just to be physically certain there wasn't something growing there. The boy even peeks over his shoulder in a haltingly puzzled motion, slowly venturing, "Mmyup. I.. definitely knew you would.. Mmhmm.." In a very quiet tone. Hands clapping together lightly as they swing about in a fidgety motion.
Okaaaaay, something's wrong with this guy. Maybe now would be a good time to say his goodbyes and move right al... Ah! Here we go! Verbage!
As Tran speaks up Kentou eagerly nods and redoubles his efforts at that otherwise waning grin, "Yeah.. Oh yeah! Of course! I'm her apprentice!" beaming proudly while thumbing his chest, "She also teaches a bunch of people at the YFCC too, but I'm her only full-time student!" Spoken with great pride. "So.. You can bet I'll be cheering your team on! I hope you all do really well! I see you have a couple of students from my school as replacements too.. I've actually fought that guy with the sword before. He's -really- good! You're lucky to have him. That German kid seems pretty good too!" ^.^

"He's an idiot." Tran's response is quick, not the slightest bit of hesitation when Kentou mentions Luc. But moving on, at least some of this mystery has been explained. He's her apprentice, of course. It makes sense; he can practically see the irreparable mental damage she's left in her wake. Excessive optimism, probably stupidly strong for his age...yeah, that sounds like Hotaru to Tran.

"I guess neither of them are completely terrible in a fight, but..." Tran trails off, then shakes his head, unable to get the mildly terrifying thought of a legion of Hotaru marching through the streets. "...what kind of person brings a horse?"

"O..Oh.." Kentou replies, his smile converting into a small 'o' at that little revelation. Admittedly, Kentou has never personally met Luc. He's only heard that the German attends Pacific and is part of some clique of rough-around-the-edges types there. The youth never hangs out with gang-bangers too much, usually a bad policy in a berg like Southtown. For someone who plies his trade in endless violence, he enjoys the more legitimate brands.
But yes, Kentou's optimism does seem to bare more than a striking resemblance to Hotaru's own. Living side by side with her for so long tends to grant one a more positive outlook on life. But then, why shouldn't he be happy? This is everything he ever dreamed of doing in life. Fighting side by side with Ryu against the best in the world? How many little boys the world over -dream- of doing that very thing? Surely the Doctor is just as excited as he is! ... Right?
"Well! I.. I mean.. Compared to you I'm sure they have a long way to go.. eh-heh!" The youth rubs the back of his head once more, offering a sheepish smile, "... Wait.. A horse?" D: ... Okay, that's just weird. o.o; ".. He.. Er.. He did seem to like drama.. I guess.. er.."
Nope, the boy can't account for that one. Still! Spying the gigantic pretzel in the vendor's cart, the youth can't help himself but fish out a few Euros from his fighting uniform's pockets, eyeballing the roman numerals puzzlingly. Ugh.. He knew he should have paid more attention in Math class with those darned American numbers, "..Umm.. Here?" Handing the man some change, who gleefully babbles a few local words and hands over a nice hot pretzel, coated in rock salt and embedded in wax paper.
Hefting the warm breaded knot a moment, the youth tugs loose a corner from the mass and offers it, "Want any?" ^.^

Eyeballing Kentou as he puzzles out how to buy things, Tran adds another checkmark to the Hotaru->Kentou list. Dumb as a sack of rocks. And then he has to go and offer his food, too.

"Absolutely not." The threat of poison lingers still, and Kentou's actually touching the pretzel! He could slip something in at any moment. Plus, y'know, it's just a pretzel, and Dr. Tran just ate a...a thing.

Pausing again, glancing around briefly, watching for the sneak attack that is sure to come at any moment, Tran continues, perhaps to distract from the harshness of his own denial of Kentou's innocent generosity, "They're not as far as I'd like, anyway. No idea of what they can do or why they're doing it. Goddamn kids." Returning his gaze to Kentou, Tran suddenly seems to be paying a great deal more attention to him. "And what about you, huh? No, no, don't tell me, let me guess."

Holding his fingers up to his temples, Tran closes his eyes. "I see you...running around blind, picking fights with anything that moves because you can." Tran cracks an eye open. "How am I doing so far? Right on the mark?"

At the cantankerous denial of food, Kentou replies with a mildly dejected, "Oh." Before shrugging and stuffing the freshly baked pretzel into his mouth. Mmmm! Not bad!
Cheeks shifting about like a chipmunk as he chews, Kentou replies, "Mph, fphf ful.. Erf.." Holding up his index finger, the youth takes a moment to swallow. *GULP* "Aah! Nice.. Right. Well I'm sure that-.." Once again the youth is interrupted, wide mousy eyes staring at the Doctor as he tries to tap into some kind of psychic force and read his brainwaves.
"..W..well.. There's plenty of cars I haven't picked fights with yet.." Kentou replies with hesitating authority. Huh, this guy sure is an odd duck. Why does he seem so nervous all the time? Maybe he doesn't want Kentou reading into him any, afraid that the boy is trying to case the guy before any upcoming match. Hmmmm.. Crazy like a fox, this one. =.=
"Nah!" Hand-waving the notion of being some kind of lunatic fighter who punches trees because they started to fall over in a forest, "I like fighting good opponents! I try not to fight people that.. you know.. don't want to fight or anything. I like testing myself against people with reputation.. Not to mention a little sportsmanship goes a long way, ya'know? I gotta admit.." Kentou muses as he looks back to his pretzel, absently turning the twisted bread as if trying to solve the puzzle of its weird angles, "... I guess I was picking fights kinda stupidly before. Before I met Hotaru-sensei.. I mean! She taught me to choose my battles a little more carefully, I guess.." Finishing the thought with a wily smile to the man.

"Cars. Really?" Tran shakes his head again, letting his hands drop. "Of course not." Thankfully Kentou doesn't actually say anything about falling trees. There are some bad memories there. Bad, bad memories.

Staring at Kentou as he stumblingly continues, subjecting him to the ol' stink eye, Tran's head actually starts to move back and forth in a more up and down direction. Yes, that is correct. He is nodding. "Sounds good say Hotaru taught you that?" Once again, Tran sounds disbelieving. "Ribbons, pigtails, ferret? That Hotaru? The one I'm stuck with?"

With a little bit of a 'hmmm', Tran seems to consider for a moment, and then adds one final question. "And what if you want to fight someone with a reputation who doesn't want anything to do with you? what then?"

The boy wonder can't help but feeling like Tran expects him to transform into a hideous demon at any given moment. o.o Staring right back at the continuously vigilant glare with confusion and surprise in equal measure. Is it something he said? Does Kentou have a reputation he doesn't know about? Did Vince say something about him behind his back? Its beginning to sound a bit like Tran doesn't get along too well with Hotaru.. Maybe that's it? But what in the world would he have against her?
"W..Well yeah.. That Hotaru yeah.." Nodding once again to each of the identifying criteron. The boy's smile finally begins to sink into a light frown as he queries, "Is there.. Something wrong? I mean.. You sound like you don't like her very much.." He ventures, tilting his head and fixing him with a searching look in turn.
"..Well! I mean.." Kentou gestures to himself with the pretzel, a few salt rocks falling from the periphery of the foodstuff as he does so, "..I can't force anybody to fight with me.. I mean if they don't want I guess there's nothing I can do about that.."
What? Fight someone who's unwilling? What kind of thug do you take him for?!

Transform? Pishposh. Kentou already IS a hideous demon, all the more horrible for his seemingly innocent appearance. Watching the smile wither away, Tran's expression is flat. "That's because I don't like her."

No further explanation is immediately forthcoming, althogh Dr. Tran does continue on the other thread of conversation. "You can't, huh? And what do you think would happen if you attacked me right now? If I attacked you? The natural reaction is to defend yourself; anyone who can throw a punch can almost guarantee a brawl." Tran clucks his tongue and turns away, hand over his face. "God damn, but you're naive. You can't have picked that up from her, either, because she's grown out of it. At least a little. Maybe."

Oh. Well. That certainly explains that.
Kentou's smile does not return. Well, if this guy doesn't like Hotaru than forget him! But, Hotaru would insist on being civil at all times, even to people who don't get along. As such, the boy just turns the other cheek, "Sorry to hear that." Spoken in something of a monotone. The boy begins to turn to walk away, pausing a moment as the Doctor offers him that hypothetical question. Kentou lifts his eyebrows as he processes the logic of this, taking another bite out of his pretzel as he visibly ruminates over the proposed situation, only to frown deeper at the accusation of naivete. A deadpan swallow is his immediate reply.
"Listen." Kentou ventures, "I have no idea where you got this chip on your shoulder from. Clearly you seem to think the worst out of people, but hey.. I guess that's your call. But me?" Thumbing to himself once more, "I actually care what other people think. I'm not looking to beat anybody up weither or not they want it. I only fight people who want to fight too. I'm not some hood that beats people up just for myself! I've seen way too many jerks out there who just fight to make themselves feel better. THOSE are the guys that need to grow up!" Kentou boldly proclaims.

Hotaru probably would insist on being civil; Dr. Tran doesn't have any problems with that. Civility? Great. He would argue, however, that the veil of civility isn't worth much when you're still being a jerk. It's just a way for someone to feel better about themself, to convince them that they're a nicer person than they really are.

Suffice to say, it drives Tran absolutely nuts. Just thinking about it, just being reminded of it, makes him a little bit angry. It shows in his retort. "I don't think the worst of people, I think the worst of teenagers who can kick brick walls apart." Because...because they're not people, see? Nevermind, moving on. "You say you don't fight the unwilling, but...What if someone deserves it? What if they decide to say that your 'sensei'" and here Dr. Tran actually adds in finger-quotes, "Is immature, arrogant, and completely incapable of handling her own strength?"

Not that he's implying anything.

Hmm. Tran hates Hotaru AND he hates teenagers like him? ... This guy is winning all kinds of brownie points here!
Kentou's frown slowly evolves from light to dark. While his seeming dislike of kids his age that can kick apart masonry seems oddly misplaced.. He isn't about to argue with the guy. Maybe a teenage gang broke into his house and beat him up once? It happens a distressing amount back home in Southtown, sadly enough, "..You shouldn't judge everybody by those gang-banger kids in Southtown you know.." Kentou comments forcefully, not wanting to be associated with those types!
Oooooooooooooooooh, OOOH! Did he just call Hotaru-sensei....
"HEY!" Kentou blurts out! The youth indeed tries to be a nice person by and large, but his temper is always there. Lurking beneath his usually cheerful demeanor, especially when Hotaru's virtue is called into question. "What I'd say to THAT-" Pointing at Tran with his un-pretzel baring hand, "Is to tell that to Hotaru-sensei's face and I'll happily mop up whatever is left of him! With everything she's been through, she's proven herself a dozen times over to -everyone- in the world! She's never backed down from a fight in her entire life and to ME.. I'd say if anyone wanted to test how she 'handles' her own strength they should go ahead and find out!"
And now, with Kentou fairly riled up, he points at Tran again, "And what the HECK is up with you?! Did a bunch of kids key your car or something? Why do you hate younger people so much??"

Gang-banger kids? If only that were the extent of it. "Gang-banger kids, huh? Give me a break." Tran folds his arms across his chest and waits out Kentou's barrage, to see if he does just that. Nnnnope, doesn't look like it. So Tran instead weathers the proverbial storm.

And when it's over, and Kentou is questioning him, Tran snorts derisively. "She sure has proven herself. I seem to recall an episode not too long ago that was causing quite a stir. The public's sweetheart, turned nasty and dark. Really showed that she could handle herself, didn't she?"

Whipping a hand around, Dr. Tran points right back at Kentou, not about to be outdone. "If she never backed down from a fight, I'd have an even lower opinion of her than I do now! I wouldn't even bother to have an opinion of her, because she'd be utterly irredeemable trash!" Scooting closer so that his finger is right up in Kentou's face, Tran adds, "She could mop the floor with me any day of the week, hell, she could beat the crap out of almost anyone. That's the problem!"

Turning away abruptly, Tran tsches. "What's happened to me is none of your business, anyway. I don't know why I'm even wasting my breath on you."

"YOU have NO IDEA what-" Kentou cuts himself off in mid-roar. As Tran goes on about Hotaru's 'turning heel' several months back in the fighting circuits, that very nearly sets the boy off. His pointing finger gripped into a fist as his teeth grit into snarling silence.
No, the Doctor has no idea what Hotaru went through and Kentou isn't about to explain it to this guy either. That episode nearly destroyed her and Kentou isn't about to let anybody throw that in her face lightly. Especially not some jerk with an irrational hatred of young people!
Oooh Kentou would love to challenge that guy right here and now, see if he's willing to back up his words. BUT...
If Kentou did.. It would just make Tran right.
And that realization spawns several others. He shouldn't be picking fights so close to his matches, he can't get messed up now. Not when Ryu is counting on him! And he especially shouldn't be exposing his moves to what may be a competitor real soon. Both of their teams is doing very well right now.. And as fate may have it, their two teams may be on a collision course sooner than later.
Swallowing his furious indignation, Kentou turns away a few moments after Tran, blurting out, "See you at the tournament!" Raising his pretzel baring hand.. Only to realize he squished it to pieces, which fell on the ground. ._. GAAH! The youth quickly stomps off then, muttering about Jerk Doctors. >.<

Dr. Tran stands motionless for several long minutes after Kentou's noisy departure. Finally, he peeks over his shoulder, half-expecting Kentou to suddenly be there again, except violent. He's pretty clearly not.

"Huh...color me surprised." Tran scratches at his chin for a moment, nudges the squished remains of the pretzel with his foot. "He might've even had a good idea in there, somewhere." It's with contemplation laid across his features that Tran continues on his way this day, in what could almost be called a good mood, even.

Log created on 23:53:58 12/16/2008 by Kentou, and last modified on 12:17:37 12/19/2008.