Strolheim 2 - Strolheim Exhibition Round 2 - Kentou vs Vince

Description: Feeling a need to restore the grand reputation of LaRose, Vince walks into his next match with determination. His redemption will not come easily with Kentou as his next match up! Though, the young apprentice finds himself in an unfamiliar battleground he was not prepared to face... Theatre?! Yet another extremely close match down to the very wire! [Winner:Vince]

Aaaand it's showtime! The second round of exhibition matches in the Strolheim tournament, and this one sees two students of Pacific High battling. One, the captain of the fencing team, and the other, a good-natured Kenpo-kid. Hand-to-hand versus weaponry. Should be interesting! Though for Vince, it's a chance to redeem himself from what he felt was a terrible performance in his tournament debut. Rose Dansant deserves much better representation than what he gave it that evening, and tonight, he means to rectify that mistake.

But, much to the amusement of the officials, Vince has had his way with the setup of this match. And much like earlier, it will be taking place on a full-blown stage. Pacific High's auditorium stage, to be precise, set up for what appears to be a play. Vince figured it would add more entertainment to the fight beyond a mere demonstration of skill, continuing with the 'plot' that was unfolding earlier - so tonight has been billed as a one-act continuation of the previous performance in Metro City.

As such, not only are avid fight-fans filling the seats, but a mass collection of Pacific High students. Some personal friends of the fighters, to be certain, some just interested in the 'play' aspect of a fight, and some that just want to -see- a fight within the school. Either way, the place is most definitely packed.

Were this not also a serious fight, Vince would be very proud as an artistic performer.

The stage is somewhat sparse in decoration due to budgeting issues, save for sloping, green-textured platforms. The backdrop, however, offers a beautiful panorama of the Great Wall of China, as seen looking up from ground level. But this is currently shrouded by the big red curtain. A slew of Pacific High's band students are assembled on ground level to the right of the stage, tucked away neatly.

The house lights go down, and the band begins playing in soft, primarily brassy tones - faithful to an epic. A girl speaks over a microphone somewhere, hidden from the spectators...

"Following the failed assault of Lidale Castle, Vince and the remaining rebel forces fled from Europe to escape the mystic king's ethereal hand. They began to search for formidable allies to recruit in their struggle, fearing that with the land of Lidale under his control, King Zach would seek to conquer the neighboring lands."

The narrator pauses, and the curtains draw back, revealing the Great Wall in all its glory. A few drama club students dressed in peasant costumes stumble in, stage right. The band continues to play in mute, subdued tones...

"Their search yields no results so far, and now they find themselves desperate on foreign soil," the narrator continues.

Vince now enters from stage right, expression set into determined stoicism. The shortest of his companions clasps onto his shoulder, giving him wide, frightened eyes. "Our supplies are short! The King's men pursue us even now! We cannot continue like this!," he protests.

His response is a firm, but gentle look from Vince, his hand lifting to likewise set upon his fellow 'peasant's' shoulder. "Calm yourself. This is a new land - one rife with military wisdom," he explains. "We are bound to locate the aid we need in our struggle.. lest the sorcerer's magics cover the world in full." The last bit is said gravely. The musicians strum a solid base on that.

...And at this time, someone on stage left attempts to locate Kentou to give him his cue to enter the stage. Indeed, the only advice poor Kentou will receive is to improv, have fun, and remember that the fight is all that really matters here. The 'play' is just to make things more enjoyable on a variety of levels.

Oh the things people neglect to mention to Kentou!

Fight Vince, his card said. He seemed like a good fight, Kentou thought. What could possibly go wrong? He figured.
Once clued into the venue that Vince managed to insist upon, Hotaru's apprentice was flabbergasted. A... Play?! If this was some kind of Saturday Night Fight theme, the boy would have known that kind of stagecraft was in the cards. But a play? In the Strolheim Tournament?!

'Don't worry', they told him. 'It'll be great for ratings!' they assured him.

Now? The younger boy is absolutely terrified. Mousy eyes peeking from behind the curtain, staring at the thronging masses enjoying the showing thus far. Swallowing audibly as he takes a deep quivering breath.
Fighting in public is one thing. To show the world the strength and honor of the Ondori Style is all but his purpose in life! His previous match did not pan out so well, but that's fine. He showed his sportsmanship and character, and it turned out that Tyler wasn't that bad a guy after all! Helped him back up and everything. With such class and character shown, Kentou regrets that loss not at all. Even with his previous misgivings.

Now? This certainly seems a lot more than he bargained for. Kentou can't act! He has no idea how to act, never even thought about acting his whole life! He's a fighter, not a thespian! Kentou glances over toward Vince as he plays his part well. Impressed at how much gusto he can put behind the words written only days previous.

M..Maybe its not too late to just reschedule the fight and let the play continue on withooooOOUUUU!

Such thoughts are interrupted as the stagehand all but shoves Kentou onto the stage. The boy stumbles into view as the spotlight hastily tracks his awkward movements. Hopping to a halt on one foot, the boy freezes solid as he stares at all the silent stares gleaming back at him.
A sneeze in the audience.
More silence.
Wide chocolate eyes peel themselves from the legion of fans, then slide back to Vince and his retinue. Then back to the audience. To Vince. Audience. Vince. Audience.
"...U..Uhm.." An audible swallow echoes across the stage, "..H.. Hi?"
Hastily lifting a hand to wave to the band of heroes, before thinking better of it and stiffly lowering it back down.

If you consider this at all anime, about now is where the entire cast on stage would be sweatdropping.

Except Vince!

No, Vince boldly steps forward and turns to profile the audience, left hand whisking his cape out behind him. "Hello to you, as well!," he greets with, indeed, gusto. "We seek the greatest of warriors your land has to offer! A mass force for evil has polluted our land and ousted these wretched souls from their homes." Vince turns again, gesturing to the pitiful peasants behind him with his right hand. "It is our purpose to both warn the neighboring countries of the emminent threat, and to find the best talent they have to put it to an end!"

The stagehand begins nodding encouragingly to Kentou.

Vince, meanwhile, flickers the briefest of benign smiles in the younger student's direction.

Kentou presses his lips firmly together, all color drained from his face as his eyes continue their endless circuit from Vince to viewership. The boy slowly turns by inches, facing Vince more directly as he quietly tries to puzzle out this extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely awkward new situation. Listening then to this bold request, the boy only half-hearing the words above the pounding in his ears.
Yet more moments of quiet pass as Kentou begins to realize that... Its his turn to say something. The nod of the stagehand behind him spurs him to oration as he stammers, "R..Right.. A..Ah.. W..Well I thi.. Think Chun-Li is in tow-"
Oh, wait. The playwright means HIM. Clearing his throat then the youth squirms in place as he finally manages more than a handful of halted syllables, "I.. I mean. I.. I guess I .. um.. *gulp* I.. think I can.. um.. H.. Help?" Rubbing the back of his neck in fidgeting movements.
Alright. Good! Now.. How can he help? But wait, isn't he supposed to FIGHT him? He can't help him AND fight him? Is he supposed to be the bad guy? Is this how this works?! He's so confused!
"..But.. But.." Lifting his hands somewhat warningly, ".. I ... I think I need to.. test you.. or....somethiiing?" Slooowly glancing back to the stagehand off-stage.
Whom immediately points back to the audience!!
Which Kentou redirects his attention to. o_o; "..Yeah.. I think .. Yeah."

Vince opens his mouth to speak just as Kentou says he can 'help'. But then Kentou is continuing! So the French swordsman clams right up again, blinking those icy blues once.

Finally, a taller, heartier 'peasant' steps up beside the more lavishly-dressed outcast and scoffs. "Him!?," he demands. "He's but a whelp! Look at him, scrawny and with little arms! And.. scrawny!"

Vince's eyes sliiiide over to his fellow actor, giving him an 'Are you serious?' look. But he quickly plays off of it, shaking his head firmly. Which cases his bangs to waft about, and feather to bob. "Don't be so quick to judge, friend. We're in a new land, remember. The art of war, like a diamond, has many brilliant facets." He then steps forward, distinguishing himself more from his group of allies. "A test, indeed. I should like to see your prowess before accepting your aid - the foe we would face is surely not a small, forgiving one. So it is that I draw my blade for your sake, not mine." And with that, Vince sets his hand to his sheathed rapier, drawing the length of mirror-polished steel from its sheath. "Make yourself ready, sir. Show me the fullness of your skill."

As the other peasant steps up and makes fun of his itty bitty arms, Kentou's expression quickly changes from apprehension to a deep, disapproving frown. "Hey buddy, you want some of th-" The shorter boy comically stepping over towards the actor as he thumbs to himself challengingly. He'll take no size cracks from a guy dressed up like a Lord of the Ring's extra!
But! Before the boy can deviate faaaaar from the ad-libed script, Vince quickly intervenes. The boy takes a step back as the regal knight steps forth diplomatically.

The boy's lips form a wide 'Ooooooo' as the elder thespian lays out the details, nodding slowly as he begins to grasp how this works now.
Right! Right. HE challenges Kentou to the test. Right! Right. Okay. Got it. We good.
Kentou makes little thumb's up signs as subtly as he can, which is to say everyone in attendance can see it, "Okay! I... I will take this.. um. Test! And.. I.. I will take it.. uh.. W..Well? G.. Good luck to.. us?" The boy babbles in response as he takes a few more steps back. Palm to fist in Shaolin Salute, bowing at the waist. Even the boy doesn't miss the somewhat comedic parallel. As Kentou salutes 'Sword in Sheath', Vince draws his blade from his sheath. ... Weapon fighters. Upon a time the boy considered the tools crutches to hide behind. Now? He'll admit they require a certain finesse to use well. Less devices of unfair advantage and more like.. Extensions of their own skill. Lets see what this fencing bravado is all about!

Vince's expression twitches just briefly at Kentou's words. It's not in dismay, disgust, or irritation - it's purely in humor. But the salute, as he recognizes it, merits one in turn from Vince. And as Kentou's is markedly Asian, Vince's would be European. His blade is drawn up before his face, then slashed down at an angle. The fencing salute.

"En garde," Vince challenges, tone now serious and with less dramatics.

Oh yes. Performer, though Vince may be, this is absolutely serious to him. He must redeem Rose Dansant from his last demonstration. For the sake of LaRose.

And now the school band spikes its music, cued by Vince entering a high-guard stance. The base drums begin pounding, and the woodwinds carry the melody, turning out an attempt of a Chinese 'action movie-esque' song.

And Vince makes his first move on the boy. His blade is drawn back to his left shoulder as he dashes across the stage, cape flaring behind him. Once the distance is covered, he slices the tip through the air at Kentou's torso. In its wake, a paper thin sheet of sharp smoky gray energy forms and tracks the blade, expanding and cuting after the physical weapon makes its assault.

In true swashbuckling fashion, this motion is made with a prominent, "HAH!"

COMBATSYS: Vince has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vince            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kentou has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kentou           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Vince

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Kentou with Sweeping Breeze.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kentou           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Vince

Well, this was certainly one of the more unusual match openings that Kentou has experienced.. But it is a lot like the Saturday Night Fight themes. He supposes he better get used to it, Vince is probably doing him a pretty big favor right now. Even if the younger boy's stage presence leaves.. a lot to be desired. Not everyone is born for the stage, alas.

At the swordman's salute, the Chinese fighter hops back briskly. Bouncing on his feet lightly with his fists upraised and spread wide. The eyes of the audience are tuned out, the sound of the high school band is tuned out. Reality focuses onto a single point, the tip of that sword.
Kentou knows he'd have a range advantage, which gives him greater initiative. He would charge ahead but the edge of that weapon gives him pause from blindly speeding forth. Witnessing the blade flashing, he tries to skip backwards.. But the speed of the strike is all but inescapable, even for someone as quick as he! The razored trail of gray energy catches the youth by surprise as it slashes him across the torso.

Taking a few more hasty steps away, Kentou glances at the gash just beneath his collarbone but pays little attention to it. Brow furrowing as he concocts a plan quickly, trying to puzzle out this new wrinkle.
That sword is almost as fast as he is.. And it has longer reach.. And its energy gives it a wider radius... This is going to be REALLY hard. Getting in and punching the guy may not be a likely solution if he can fend him off all day with that thing.

Alright. Kentou didn't want to leap straight to his newly learned techniques, but its time to put Frei's teachings to the test.
The boy's fist swings back and his fingers spread. A mote of emerald energy sparks then immediately grows. Swelling with whirling green energies as his chi generates brighter and brighter. "YOUDAN!"
Palm is -thrust- forth and the sphere of energy.. Floats towards Vince slowly. At a glance, the projectile seems pretty easy to dodge. One could walk around it easily enough without worrying about it much. The orb just rolls through the air at a steady pace, shifting the shadows upon the stage as it goes.

Of course, the moment the swordsman does try to get around it..
Kentou then -spins- on his heel, whirling about counter-clockwise as he throws a second projectile with is off-hand. Little more than a small emerald dart that -collides- with the first sphere, causing it to -explode- in a viridian explosion of raw force.

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Vince with Youdan Rengeki.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kentou           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Vince

Following the initial slice, Vince prepares to further things... only Kentou is moving back. And then? Then there is an orb floating towards him. Rather peculiar, and it does in fact look ridiculously easy to walk around.

So that's precisely what Vince makes to do.

He gives Kentou the same look he gave his fellow actor a moment ago. That, 'Are you serious?' look. And he thus proceeds to mosey right around it. Arrogance, perhaps... which he duly pays for. The addition to the attack comes as a complete surprise, with force enough to bowl the noble over to the stage.

There's a spike in the music, and Vince's vagabonds all huddle in their corner of the stage with huge eyes.

Vince, however, quickly picks himself back up with a grunt. "Hnh.. not bad!," he lauds. He suddenly turns aside, and in a flash, his left hand is extended out. Nigh untracable to the untrained eye, Vince's retrieved rose-like stiletto zips through the air on a collision course with Kentou's torso.

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Kentou with Sudden Fling.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kentou           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Vince

Thank you Frei!
Kentou grins delightedly as he witnesses the aftermath of the explosion. Ah-Hah! More than one way to get around a guy with a sword! Now, with him off-balance, he has a chance! Kentou immediately begins to dash forwards even as Vince starts to stand up. Hoping to get within arm's length of him by the time he regains his balance to really get to work on him before he can re-establish his fencing stance and fortify his superior reach once more.

Apparently, the swordsman is still not without his devices as Kentou only barely notices the hurled stiletto that slams into the junction of his shoulder and neck.
Throwing him off, the boy aborts his charge, hopping to the side as he yanks the small dagger from his collar and tosses it away with a clatter on the stage. Man! What is up these days with fighters and their dirty tricks! Hidden throwing daggers seem so.. Underhanded!
But then, Kentou can't exactly throw stones now that he's learned to hurl energy balls of pure force at people. How different is that really, if he really thought about it? Vince is just trying to do what he can with the resources he can. The boy can't be so quick to judge him!
Regardless, the actor caught him off-guard. The boy knows re-engaging now would be risky, but he can't afford to let Vince get range on him again. As such, Kentou pushes through. Charging ahead the last few steps and just hoping he can beat the older, taller boy to the punch as Kentou -dives- low. Sweeping his foot out in a semi-circle in an attempt to break the boy's footwork which fencing requires so greatly to be effective.

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Vince with Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Vince

Vince certainly wasn't expecting the younger boy to continue barreling towards him, much less to suddenly dip low and attack. The sweep lands, taking out Vince's forward leg and dropping him onto.. his rear. Flump. The impact is jarring, and his leg is twisted a bit from it, but otherwise, the blond swordsman doesn't look terribly dismayed.

Instead, Vince throws what he hopes will be a total curveball at his opponent. Rather than popping right back up to his feet, the seated swordsman twists over on the stage, rolling onto his front. In the process, his right boot swiftly rises, aiming to smash against Kentou's head. The full movement will end Vince on his feet, pushing himself back up - but the kick will hopefully be sound enough.

COMBATSYS: Kentou blocks Vince's Light Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kentou           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Vince

Once Kentou has dropped the swordsman back down again, the boy quickly gets to his feet and .. waits. His fists raised and his stance at the ready. The youth doesn't particularly think it honorable or sporting to strike an opponent on the ground, as such, he waits for Vince to aright himself before pressing his attack. Not to say the boy will allow him to regain a range advantage, but at least give him a chance to catch his bearings. After all, Kentou can't show the world the merits of the Ondori Style if he's just kicking a guy when he's down. Beyond showing what a coward he is!

And in this case, his chivalry saves his bacon as Vince had yet another trick up his sleeve for would-be cowards. Kentou was standing just far enough back to see that vaulting kick in its earliest stages. And even that only gave the youth barely enough warning to throw his arms up in a hastily cross-block. His body jarred by the solid impact of that 'light' kick.
Man, this guy's strong!
"NADARE-" No time is wasted now as the thick of the battle unfolds. No wasted movement, no pause or hesitation. Not paying attention for even a fraction of a second now could spell instant defeat. The boy -leaps- upwards, attempting to roll over Vince's shoulder in a springing flip. An arm whipping about collar and using the momentum of his own leap to -flip- the larger boy clean off his boots, "-KUDAKI!"

COMBATSYS: Vince blocks Kentou's Nadare Kudaki.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Vince

The impact upon arms is felt along Vince's tall boot, but he rises, regardless. And it would seem that his defenses are unprepared for Kentou's next maneuver, seeing as how he hops over Vince's shoulder to hook his arm around his collar. The whole motion looks as though it goes off without a hitch, and honestly, it does. It's the landing that makes a fair amount of difference, however. Vince twists acrobatically through the land to land in a kneeling crouch, no more than two feet from Kentou. Hs has some sore knees now, but little else. Could have been worse, were the swordsman not exposed to what he blanket-refers to as 'Judo' as much as he has been.

Most importantly, however, is the recovery speed from his crouched position. Without even allowing enough time for his cape to settle on the stage about him, Vince is at his full height. The rapier simultaneously drives for the smaller boy's torso, the length of steel alive in a flash in swirling smoky gray. As the blade surges forth, the energy departs from the blade itself to fashion a drilling lance meant to pierce through even beyond the steel itself - straight out the boy's back a couple feet.

COMBATSYS: Kentou dodges Vince's Venteuse.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0            Vince

The momentum continues. The two opponents become this virtually endless wheel of motion as Kentou succeeds in fully revolving about his foe, only for his foe to use that very momentum against him as he lands with acrobatic finesse in a perfect position to counter-strike.
The flashing tip of that blade reflects in Kentou's widening eyes as time itself seems to slow, adrenaline coursing through him like lightning. The boy begins to tilt forward into the path of the blade, only to -leap- a second time. Diving skyward and vaulting himself into a parallel position to the stage. The thrusting, energized sword darting precisely where his central body-mass was moments before, it's smokey power bursting in what would have been potentially a fight-ending blow. The equally agile youth corkscrews about the outstretched weapon, limbs veering his movement to the side as he just begins to land adjacent. No hesitation!
"SHIN-" Kentou reaches up to grip the swordman's arm, attempting then to pull himself upwards and launch into a new offensive. His feet striking in a series of kicks, attempting to climb up the taller foe in a rain of violence, "JOU-" Racing up his symmetry until he all but stands on his shoulders,
Then crowning the volley with a final kick towards the head, continuing the momentum and flipping backwards in a high, dexterous arc.

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Vince with Shin-Jou Tai.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kentou           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1            Vince

The sudden evasion leaves Vince open for the kicks, which hammer quite painfully against his back. The young swordsman is staggered forward, until that final kick which brings Vince down to a knelt position. Teeth gritting, the elder of the two pushes himself back up to his feet and whirls around to face him.

The blade is whisked over briskly, re-setting into the ready stance.

"Not bad, indeed..," Vince mutters under his breath quietly.

Rather than close the gap again, Vince's left hand suddenly shoots into the air. A piercing avian shriek echoes through the auditorium, peaking above the band playing just below the stage. A gray image descends from the masking skirt overhead, rapidly coming into focus - a falcon. A falcon with obsidian eyes, and talons stretched out, aiming to smash into poor Kentou's face. Following the impact, if any, the avian sweeps back into the air to disappear in the shadowy ceiling of the audience area.

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Kentou with Spirit Falcon.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kentou           1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1            Vince

As the Futaba Technique finds its mark, Kentou lands a short distance away. His eyes widen excitedly, knowing that he has the upper-hand now! Momentum has swung to his favor and the fencer is staggered and facing the wrong way. Perfect!
The youth again begins to charge forward and press his gained advantage, his eyes focused upon the sword and the older teen's stance, ready to deal with what defenses he will likely bring to bare.
The gesture is given some credence, but as nothing immediately is evoked from his fingertips, Kentou doesn't halt his rush..
...Which is why the falcon -smashes- against his head.
The energized bird of prey crashes against his face with its energy claws, the youth squawks in total surprise as his arms fail about, "Ack! EEK!" Completely off-balance and staggering backwards as he certainly was not expecting that one!

By the time he wipes his face with the back of his forearm, Kentou knows his drive is entirely foiled. Taking a moment then to step backwards and give his enemy careful scrutiny. Huh, this guy has more tricks than he thought! That was a pretty good attack.. Definitely didn't see that one coming. He'll have to be more careful now rather than fall into another trap.. Mousy brown eyes staring carefully as perspiration rolls down his brow. Blood trickling down his side from the earlier slash, stinging with the salt of his sweat. Taking a moment to regain his senses and prepare..

COMBATSYS: Kentou focuses on his next action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kentou           1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1            Vince

The avian, now safely tucked away somewhere (or just dissipated), makes no more commotion about itself. Its job is done, really.

Vince, meanwhile, lowers his arm and re-enters his stance, ready to continue the fight. But Kentou's advance has halted. Somewhat predictable, after being smacked around by a bird made entirely of wind energy, but.. he's not pickign back up the pace.

Intrigued by this, Vince has no intentions of closing the gap just yet, either. The swordsman's left hand dips again, retrieving another rosette. This one is spun nimbly between his fingers, drawing the slender blade towards his chest... before he sends it searing through the air at Kentou's torso. Better than trying to cripple him in the knees, or stab his face, right? He doesn't -dislike- Kentou or anything.

COMBATSYS: Kentou interrupts Medium Fling from Vince with Tekkoudan.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kentou           1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1            Vince

Kentou's alert eyes stare at his competitor. His gaze so intense he almost seems to look -through- him. Reaching out with his senses, the boy tunes out the distractions of the audience, enthralled by the skill of the two warriors, and engages Vince with his senses. Listening for his footwork, comparing his movements from what he's seen before. Trying to gauge him and think just a step ahead.. looking for the tiniest clue.
And as his hand dips.. Kentou's decision is made.
The boy -bolts- across the stage with stunning speed. The dust kicked up from the planks in a wake as he closes the distance like an arrow sprung from the bow. Crossing the space between them just as the fencer commits to that throw.
The barked cry rings out. The smaller boy's arms swing to the side as he leaps the last step.. The hurled dagger doesn't miss him completely, jabbing into his leading shoulder and off-target, before bouncing away leaving an arc of blood woven through the air in its flipping wake.
His fists then -crash- into Vince's middle like a battering ram. His whole bodily weight thrown into it as he dives forward, multiplying what force his tiny frame can bring to bare with speed and leverage.

That's quite an impact, backed by Kentou's full weight and multiplied by the speed. The fencer is knocked off his boots, and his hat almost (almost!) flies off his head. He hits the stage in a brief tumble, rolling over into a crouch. Teeth grit painfully, the wind knocked out of him, and unable to actually breathe for a few seconds... until he finally gasps, and coughs a few times.

Is it over? Did that do it?

...No. That left hand shoots into the sky again, and Vince's icy blue eyes narrow on Kentou. With little more warning than that, the ground beneath the young Kenpo artist roars to life with an upheaval of wind energy, swirling in torrential mass meant to rip and shred at the fighter within and blast him into the air...

COMBATSYS: Kentou blocks Vince's LaRose Storm.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kentou           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0            Vince

As Kentou's Armor-Breaking Bullet technique smashes his opponent off his feet, the youth takes a few steps forwards in follow through.. Only to flop to one knee. A moment of dizziness passes through him, a hand clutching at the wound on his shoulder from that hurled dagger. Chocolate eyes staring at the resultant blood on his palm.
Nng.. Bloodloss.. These stabs and slashes are adding up. Like a bull-fighter or a matador, one strike is rarely decisive. But several over time? They add up fast. The boy is clearly a lot more hurt than he thought he was.. Making him extra glad that his rushing gambit paid off.
His fist clenching tightly, the youth forces himself to his feet as Vince rolls to a crouch. The boy nodding to him in sincere acknowledgement. This is definitely a good fight, as good as his previous match with Tyler! Kentou has no regrets about this one, the upper-classman is a real competitor.
However, now its time for this act to come to an end!

As Vince's hand reaches for the sky, this time Kentou reacts! His arms crossing high above him as if to wordlessly say, 'Not in the face!'
The rumbling of the wooden stage beneath him is the only warning he receives that this is something -entirely- different. "GAH!"
With a surprised squeak, Kentou -leaps- straight up. Vaulting high into the air even as the hurricane of power shrieks upwards in a raging tornado of howling wind! The boy's reflexes are the only thing that saved him from taking the worst of it, but he's still carried high into the air. Sent spinning like a top faster and faster as the storm whirls him harder.
If he was any other fighter, the boy may well be doomed. But Vince could not have know.. Couldn't have known.. How Kentou's master technique works. If he had, he may have chosen a different attack to finish him off..
..As Kentou continues spinning furiously like a whirlwind. Continuing the momentum as he almost seems to float down to the stage, "TEENCHIIII-"
Until his feet touch the stage, and his raging momentum -stops-. All that potential energy harnessed and contained as he lands in a crouch, the wooden stage -buckling- beneath him to the tune of cracking timber. Pieces of the stage seeming to defy gravity by hovering in the air around him for just an instant..

Until the stored kinetic force is -released-.
One moment Kentou is across the stage.. The next.. His fist is inches from Vince's face. The crater where he launched from expanding slowly, silently, until sound itself catches up and reaches Vince's ears in a loud thunder crack. The wave of pure force sweeping outwards in a ring, carrying the debris away in a low wave as Kentou becomes as fast as a speeding bullet for one second.

COMBATSYS: Kentou successfully hits Vince with Tenchi Shuuen.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kentou           0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0            Vince

Vince, himself, was not done with the attack. He begins to move forward, the winds yanking his cape about wildly. Needless to say, the stagehand and other actors are huddled further away from the combat zone, not at all wanting to get caught in the horrid torrent. But when a yell penetrates the sounds of the shearing winds, Vicne pauses.

Which probably was a bad idea, in retrospect.

The fist comes suddenly, colliding with Vince's face and knocking him off his feet yet again. The fencer lands heavily and scoots over the floor in a heap, the tornado immediately dying down to a halt.

But Vince, now authentically hurting, pushes himself back up to his feet slowly. Already he's realized his training is far from complete... but maybe he can still bring honor to the LaRose name.

With a determined look in those icy blues, he dashes forth yet again, though his gait obviously weakened by pain shooting through his limbs. Nevertheless, the moment the distance is closed, his blade whisks in a smooth vertical moulinet, ending with a sharp jab of the tip aimed for Kentou's chest.

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Kentou with Quick Strike.

[                           \\\  < >  //////                        ]
Kentou           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Vince

All training is far from complete. No one, not even the very best, is perfect. Nobody can win every time, and even then.. Winning is not the key to honor. Kentou knows this, as he's fought the very best! Fought against completely hopeless odds and has stared death in the face at least once.
No, the key to honor is to stare defeat in the eye and not flinch. To respect his opponent and to show that one's style is to exhibit grace at all times against all foes.

The Tenchi Shuuen, as mighty and inexorable as it is, takes a lot out of Kentou. With such speed, it takes a good amount of time for the boy to recover from the attack. Often leaving him open for a counter offensive against an enemy whom yet stands.
Such as now.
Kentou, standing with his fist outstretched and his stance wide to brace himself as he collects his wits.. Breathes heavy and hard. He gave Vince everything he's got.. And as he watches the fencer again rise to his feet, the boy realizes it wasn't enough. Disbelief evaporates into an equally intense look as his dark brown eyes lock with Vince's. Not in hatred or denial.. If anything, with the highest respect he can pay another. "HhhAAAAAA!!"
The boy cries out as he makes a stumbling charge of his own. Completely exhausted but pushing through it for one last drive. He makes a half-hearted attempt at dodging out of the way of that quickly thrust sword, only barely manage to tilt just enough to keep the stab from being truly life-threatening.. But enough to make this the last exchange of the battle. "FUUHAKEERK!" His words interrupted by the stab.. Just as his fists fly into motion. A volley of punches so fast his arms blur into partly visible streaks of motion, the images of his fists briefly coming into view as he wildly tries to place Vince within the storm of blows.. The last rush of defiance!
... As Kentou then stumbles past the fighter and collapses face-first onto the stage. Completely spent.

COMBATSYS: Kentou can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vince            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Vince dodges Kentou's Fuuhaken.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vince            0/-------/---====|

Unfortunately for one like Vince, perfection is indeed the goal. The final aim is to become undefeatable with his blade, and to stay that way. Lofty? Absolutely. Realistic? In absolutely no way. But such is Vince's strive - such is the LaRose way. It's a very difficult, demanding, sometimes abusively strict code of discipline the family inflicts upon its next generation. But the family is prestigious for a reason.

But Vince feels his training in speed and precision, as Mr. Rust might recognize, should he observe this fight in one way or another, has paid off. The blade sinks into his adversary, albeit non-fatally (not what he intended in the first place, but fatigue can do horrendous things to one's aim), and the tip of the gleaming steel is drawn back. He-.. wait a minute.


Vince's eyes widen in nothing short of gratuitous, cartoony surprise.

In sequence, one peasant covers his ears, the next his eyes, and the third, his mouth.

The entire auditorium is silent for a few seconds. Even if they understood that noise for what it was, they can't bring themselves to comment due to (1) hilarity and a fear of bursting into laughter at the confusion and (2) a respect for the duel in progress. Emotions can be high! It's a -fight-, for crying out loud!

Vince has little time to let anything sink in, or to be insulted, or do much else other than observe the chambering of a fist. That's all the incentive Vince needs to jerk his body back a few feet to fall out of range again. The blade is swept into his typical stance again, panting softly, nearer bangs matted to his forehead. The speed of those punches, though... that seems to make a sincere, deep-rooted impression on Vince. Icy blues remain widened, keeping astutely focused on any emminent danger. As Kentou staggers forth, Vince whirls low and spins about to flank him, blade prepared to strike in a scorpion tail-like manner from a high position... only he falls.

Vince very slowly, cautiously begins to advance on the younger boy, blade kept warily at the ready for a quick, decisive strike. "..Kentou?," he asks, voice hushed so as to hopefully not be picked up by the audience. But they can see his mouth move, all the same. Alas, one sacrifice from theater for the sake of precaution in a real fight.

COMBATSYS: Vince takes no action.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Vince            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Vince has ended the fight here.

Of course! The word he was trying to shout was 'Fuuhaken', the Wind and Waves Fist. Sucking chest-wounds have a habit of slurring speech!

They also have a habit of making it really hard to act.

The boy is not yet unconscious, which typically means he's ready to continue the fight. In fact, Vince's caution is not unwarranted as the youth begins to squirm. Bloody trails are left on stage in his movements as a hand slowly reaches out to press upon the wood. Trying to force himself to sit up a little higher, "..Not... Done.. Ye.."
Only then does his strength give completely out. His arm buckling and his face crashes back down to the stage. His long braid flopping down at his side.. Consciousness leaving him as all the little bleeding cuts finally add up, coupled with the exhaustion of the fight, to finally put him out.
If Kentou can move at all, if Kentou is -awake-, the boy does not give up. To do any less would insult his opponent and shame the honor of his fighting schools.

As such, by the time Vince advances upon him, it would appear that the fight decisively goes to to the sword-fighter. As far as everyone in attendance here is concerned, the LaRose art is a force to be reckoned with!

Vince tenses his muscles, ready to continue.. but he has his apprehensions. If he were to cut on Kentou anymore, he would likely run the risk of seriously hurting him. And that's not what this was about. Pain comes with a fight, absolutely, but Vince in no way wants to injure his opponent.

But fortunately, Kentou gives way before anything more has to happen.

Which is a shame. Vince planned on making a good show of diplomacy for the conclusion of the act. A hurried look is shot back to the peasant ensemble, who shrug back at him.

Vince, after a moment's consideration, dramatically swishes his blade aside to scatter what blood has collected along its edge, onto the stage. The now clean blade is slid back into its sheath. He crouches beside the Kenpo artist, setting a hand carefully to his uninjured shoulder. "Rest well, warrior. You've proven your worth in battle, and have impressed us. We welcome your assistance in the struggle against tyranny. With our skills combined, we may turn the tides of this war yet." The band plays softly, more serenely for the time being. Vince pauses a moment to pull his hand back and draws out a third rosette - more importantly, a clean one that hasn't sunk into Kentou's anatomy in any way. The green and crimson dagger is set on the stage delicately beside him. "You've earned the favor of the LaRose by demonstrating your skill well. Keep this as a token of recognition."

Vince holds his position, as do the rest of the peasants when the narrator girl's voice suddenly cuts in. "So it was through a clash of opposite styles that a new bond of camaraderie was formed. The mighty fists and feet of China joined with the unwavering steel of Europe to make a stand against King Zach and his minions..."

With that, the curtains are drawn in, shrouding the stage, actors, and combatants. There's a final fanfare of brass and bass drums before it comes to an abrupt end. A moment later, and the house lights come up.

Log created on 00:22:58 10/11/2008 by Kentou, and last modified on 03:20:46 10/12/2008.