Strolheim 2 - Strolheim Exhibition Round 2 - Igniz vs ??

Description: Out in the wasteland of Thailand Igniz is to meet with Eiji, who has been waiting for him. Krauser has seemed direct his attention towards Igniz as the Overlord of NESTS presents himself in a tournament. What happens next no one could have guessed.

Thailand is a place still reeling from the events that unfolded not too long ago. Blasted landscape still covers portions of the country that hasn't had the time or resources to take care of all the carnage that was running rampant. Most of all it is a place Eiji hasn't been to since he and Krauser had decided to travel about in search of any lingering fighters that perhaps would pose a good challenge for his master. It would be this day that the ninja would get to see this man that calls himself a god in action. That and he would have to thank him for handling Robert so well. Being able to put these fighters up against one another has allowed him to gain some satisfaction without having to lift a finger.

Krauser has great interest in this Igniz person and what he might be up to to an extent. Even the skilled members of Strolheim's monitoring division haven't been able to come up with much aside from this man is good enough to have stood his ground against great fighters such as Ryu. This intrigues Eiji to an extent, but he also has ulterior motives here. Plans have been in motion for a few weeks and soon, very soon they will come into play.

The area chosen for this fight was one of the many bases that Shadaloo had set up during the invasion. Now all that is left are toppled structures and ground ripped up by artillery, or hadoukens those are the same thing, and most of all it is quiet as a tomb. The ninja has been waiting for several hours without moving an inch from where he is perched up on the rubble of what was once a building, his eyes closed and legs crossed with hands resting on his knees. He remains in that meditative state, relying on his senses to let him know when and if Igniz decides to arrive for this battle.

There are few things that NESTS will move for. One of them being their own bides for power. Others scaling from simple mundane tasks that need to be taken under in shadowy business deals that could not be seen in the light of day due to issues.

And there there is Tournaments. As if a ritualistic manner, a member of NESTS is always enrolled in tournaments, ranging from small purses and spanning to the greatest purses imaginable. When word of Krauser's great purse that has yet to be identified, Igniz did not send Zero nor Krizalid or even Kula to enter. He had entered himself in.

Very few things Igniz would move for if he did not think that it was worth it. Ever calculating, ever a smiling face, Igniz thought nothing about striking down Robert terribly in his last meeting, feeling it that he put his all into the fight instead of allowing him to wither slowly. Surely this is something that he could at least give to Eiji without entirely knowing it.

But now, as he was assigned the ripped up and shelled settlement that was Thailand, Igniz had left in a simple purple cloak, it's color dulled from use as well as how it was designed. His looks about, even if he can already seem much. Eiji evades his eyes, but not the systems of the battlesuit beneath the cloak. Igniz makes no movements to show his acknowledge meant, instead, allowing Eiji to come for him.

There are no officials or the like for this fight unlike most of the others which have been happening. There is no need to have them around. Both Eiji and Krauser are well aware that Igniz is one of the names to keep an eye on during this tournament and while he could have easily entertained the God with a rematch with Ryu or perhaps feeding Chizuru to him he decided to set something else up. Perhaps some true fun for Igniz and a test to see just how well this man can adapt since rumors say he is truely good at doing so.

And even if he is out of visual range the ninja is in tune enough with his surroundings he can tell that his prey nears where they will battle and slowly he murmurs something under his breath as both hands clap together before him and he bows his head. Perhaps he did have some of his own security team around given how he sounded as if giving a command or the like before he finally rises to his feet and his eyes open. There is a subtle movement from the ninja before he becomes a blur that fades away quickly only for the air about twenty feet in front of Igniz suddenly blurs as the ninja fades back into view.

He stares towards the God without any fear in his eyes while standing up straight with arms folded over his broad chest. "I would like to thank you for the destruction of one of Kyokugen's practitioners. It looked like you enjoyed it as much as I." says the rather quiet voice of the ninja as a thin smile forms under that mask. "For you I have decided to orchestrate a wonderful challenge for you as repayment."

Igniz continues to treck forward, knowing what is about him, what is around. What is happening in every situation of the word. He is truely a man who fears nothing, for if you know all that there is, how could you possibly fear? Fear of the unknown is a strong force, and for Igniz, there is not such a thing. For all about him he could see without truely seeing. An achievement by itself.

Igniz's momentum drops drastically, standing now as Eiji appears as a blur of light and air before simply existing. Almost too fast for Igniz to have seen, but tracing the mans chi, Igniz can see where he had came from. It is a trick that many of NESTS use, a trick to make 'teleporting' seem possible. Foxy and Diana are very adapt with such a thing. Many of them are constantly teleporting to Kula.

Candy is already always near Kula. Some would say three women for one created one is too many. They obviously do not know women.

Eiji speaks, and Igniz lends him his ear. The smile beneath the hood of the cloak forever from ear to ear, roped up in a way that it almost seems forced. It is not. His words are there, and Igniz can hardly contain himself. The masked man he had hired earlier to be his opponent. A grand challenge.

There are no words immidiately as the cloak shifts about Igniz, being sucked in before disappearing, swapped out for the jet black battlesuit that covers much of his figure, a cape behind him constantly fluctuating and waving in the unseen wind. Here, Igniz has finally arrived, his greatest strength reached within mere moments of his percieved weakness.

"A student of Takuma could not go unpunished." Igniz quips, "I will take my repayment whole heartily." He stands, awaiting his 'repayment'. This is, after all, what he had arrived for. There is no reason otherwise for him to have come.

There is a nod and the ninja seems to gauge the man that stands before him. Even for someone as well trained as he it is hard not to smile, but at least the mask does well at hiding the man's emotion more often than not and the eyes of the cold, heartless killer remain locked on Igniz. "A perfect form of repayment awaits you. You were a good employer afterall." Even if Igniz didn't know it Eiji had only agreed to get something he wanted out of the attack too which was to further torment Hotaru who he know would be there at the time. Being paid to do something he was planning on just made things that much sweeter.

Slowly the ninja moves, his arms unfolding then raising as both hands blaze red with the chi that he can call forth as he claps his hands together. "Let this repayment begin....NOW!" at that declaration Eiji vanishes again before he reappears several yards away standing with two men wearing similar uniforms as he is with the symbol of Strolheim on the gi that they wear. The chi dies down and Eiji does not move beyond his reappearance, that smile still remains as he lets out a low chuckle.

It is a chuckle that soon is drowned out by the noice of something approaching, a helicopter that is coming over the horizon at a very high speed as it starts to decend towards the opened up fighting area that the two stand. "My gift to you, is truely a way to find out if you are a god. Consider this more than a gift from me, but one from Krauser as well."

COMBATSYS: Eiji has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Eiji             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Igniz has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Igniz

The Overlord of NESTS looks towards Eiji, the ninja happily to be here, as it seems. Igniz would be contested not by what he had first imagined. But perhaps other things as well. At first, only Eiji can be seen on the many different pieces of information that come to him. Only told, only seen. Among the wasteland there was only two of them. But the ninja moves.

His eyes aided with the multiple data feedings keep him updated as Eiji moves, red chi being called forth before for his vanishing act. Would the ground upheave at once? Would a ninja temple emerge with great machines of yore?

No, it is simply Eiji moving. Appearing once more but with two men of similar uniforms appear. Igniz finds it entirely unexpected at first. This was simply supposed to be a fight between himself and Eiji. But that lingering feeling that there is mor to come does not dissapoint.

A chopper comes, hanging over the dead space of Thailand. If there was not a simple explination for this, the god of NESTS may have had an easier time of putting said pieces together. A helicopter to come? And not only that, but what may be inside of the helicopter? Thoughts come to him, but it is not all pieces together at once.

"This gift is something I must see." Igniz exclaims, a smile across his face, a great grin as he looks. The suit itself doubles such emotions, twisting and turning to find out exactly what is coming in said descending helicopter.

COMBATSYS: Igniz calculates his next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Igniz


Vega hates the idea that one might 'owe' something to another, that a debt or obligation provided him the requirement of being in a place, at a time - to fufill a whim that was given to him by someone that he should hold no loyalty to. This feeling, above all else, he despises. He could simply break his covenant, refuse the 'requuest' that was given - and for a time, he had pondered the choice. But after being told what was requested, the amusement in his mind grew. Why /not/ offer up such a thing - why not allow himself to become the pawn in this game, to better meet with the man he needed to speak with already?

The helicopter is a distraction, ordered to buzz low enough to raise dust and dirt - an attempt to fill Igniz's computers with false data, to allow him to approach undetected. He knows that he would never actually catch Igniz by surprise, but the concept of coming /close/ is a thrill. When he's finally noticed, he offers a smile, terrible and cruel. Thin lips twist upwards, and his voice echoes not to the area, not to Eiji - but solely to Igniz. <<Amusingly, he promised me much the same. A 'gift' and a test at the same time. Shall we dance for yet /another/ piper, Igniz?>> With that, he calls over his shoulder, towards Eiji. "Tell your employer that Vega has fufilled his obligation - and thank him for the gift he gives us both." With a laugh, he digs his feet into the rubble of /his/ base, and prepares to face Igniz.

COMBATSYS: Vega has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Igniz
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Vega focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Igniz
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-------|

The danger of involving someone like Vega is something very few people would be crazy enough to do. Krauser just happens to be one of those people. Strolheim is well prepared for any sort of trickery that the Shadaloo lord may pull and there are several contingency plans that are in place in case things decidedly go sour from here on out. The ninja simply remains where he is as the helicopter comes down and when Vega departs the men standing with Eiji look towards their boss briefly and after something being uttered they both bolt into the helicopter that soon lifts off to fly away leaving the three men on the ground as the only people for miles around. The members of Strolheim that are set up at various points miles away are sure no one will happen by here either.

"I believe he will be pleased that you both have enjoyed the present that he has given you." he says to both men as he starts to step back, his form blurring as he fades. He is hardly gone though as both fighters can easily sense his presence to an extent. It is just amazing how well he can hide himself in places like this that have minimal cover. Krauser wants this to be seen by Eiji personally and the ninja is getting paid well to return with a very detailed report on what happens here tonight.

Igniz finds that Eiji speaks words, but he truely understands some gifts. Igniz had fought Vega before. But here, he had expected to fight Eiji. The god of NESTS almost prepares to assault him before one thing leads to another. The helicopter lands, its powerful rotor blade blowing up dust and becoming a nuiscence of the highest calibur. There was no good way to fight as long as it continued.

And then Vega appears, a strong emergence of psi power all at once. There was no other man that it could be. Igniz almost finds himself a fool to have missed such an obvious appearence. But he smiles, knowing that he can use all of it. All and any.

Igniz cannot speak through such powers that Vega is able, but he can answer, his graceful figure twisting towards the lord of Shadaloo with a smile. "I cannot imagine any reason not to." The god of NESTS announces as he has too fufilled this 'gift'. Raising a hand, a small bit of chi begins to fluctuate at first, rocketing through the air as Igniz summons it, thrusting itself out towards Vega's all too ready figure.

"I imagine that I will accept this gift as well."

COMBATSYS: Igniz successfully hits Vega with Divine Arrow - Air.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Igniz
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-----==|

Left alone to battle Igniz - not likely. Vega knows that Krauser's representative will be left around to show his master what the end result of the fight will be. Vega could care less, truly - he's been in enough fights for people to understand his power. He is certain, quite sure, that others will not be able to duplicate it, not to the level that he is capable. Let them watch and quail at the raw energy that he commands. Let them deal with the despair of their souls as he crushes them with his power.

As Igniz focuses his chi, Vega begins to move forwards - stepping /into/ the attack that Igniz offers him, that blazing bolt of Chi, the Divine Arrow. Vega holds his hand before him, taking the bolt there, intending on stopping it with a display of his own power. Instead, his hand is knocked aside, quickly brought behind him. He holds it there, and continues to advance on Igniz, as if nothing had happened - but there's something to the attack, blood following his steps as he walks. He looks irked, but maintains his place, holding out his undamaged hand. With a bluish purple aura, one of the pieces of rubble lifts from the ground, held aloft by the power of Vega's mind - and then he launches it forwards, aiming it at Igniz's head. The narrowed eyes bely Vega's concentration - his intent focused directly on impacting Igniz, and throwing off his guard!

COMBATSYS: Igniz fails to reflect Thrown Object from Vega with Nega Genesis.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0            Igniz
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-----==|

Igniz watches punctually as Vega feels the full force of his assaults. It is, if anything, a rather terribly powerful one. If only for a moment, Vega comes to meet with his chi. But Igniz has a feeling that he himself will be besting in some event. He is a god, most notably, a fighter of some calibur, but he cannot call all of the shots.

Vega makes no moment to let himself go. He continues to assault, even when driven backwards. Igniz watches as he moves, the ground coming at him in a quick moment. It hurls towards him, the piece of rubble smacking forward in a hurried rush.

That is about when Igniz watches it be picked up, thrown, and then is unable to raise the field of force in time, even with a greater time to react. He had been too slothful, too sure of himself. Something that happens often.

Stumbling backwards, the god of NESTS must deal with such a gamble yet still. It will not put him out, but it will hardly aid him.

-----------------------------<Paste from Eiji>-----------------------------

Ryu pages, "It occurs to me that the side effect to this plan...." to you.

Ryu pages, "Is that while Vega is sprung on Igniz..." to you.

Ryu pages, "The two people most likely to interfere are way up in the mountains fighting each other" to you.

----------------------------<Paste to Thailand>----------------------------

Good. Very good. Vega doesn't hold back as his projectile strikes home. Instead, he launches himself into the fray, his forward hand held out as he speeds up. He reaches out, rattling the rubble around Igniz, as if threatening a collapse of the area about him - Shadaloo's bones intent on assisting the master of the domain in crushing a god.

It is, however, only a feint. Vega rattles them just long enough to draw in close to the stumbling warrior, to try and finish what he started with a quick movement. He blurs, much the same way Eiji did when he approached Igniz - counting on the computers being too slow to assist Igniz in dispersing his attack. He comes out of the moment with a solid punch, a psycho-power wreathed fist aimed at the god's gut - or more precisely, a point two feet /behind/ said gut. As he closes, his voice whispers to Igniz, words for him alone. "Do you truly enjoy dancing to a tune? Do you wish to return to playing Howard's game after this night?" After all - he /did/ want to talk to Igniz.. Now, perhaps, is the right time to speak of conspiracy.

COMBATSYS: Igniz blocks Vega's Psycho Vanish.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-----==|

Igniz is not a fighter to be overtaken so easily. Even with his terrible calculations, the god of NESTS makes no mistake. He may have forgotten a detail that may have cost him a strike, but he will not fall down after the piece of debris only causes him to falter briefly. If it was all that it took to send the god of NESTS into the dirt, the entire NESTS organization would have crumbled long ago.

The feint of Vega almost works, his own turf not too long ago used to deter the overlord of NESTS. But something is not right. Vega blurs, appearing with a powerful punch wreathed in psi energy which Igniz's battle suit calculates all to well. The forcefields go up, slowly the assault, even as it collides and disperses, sending Igniz backwards in a field of chi, his suit dented by the awesome power.

"I do not dance for anyone. I merely play along to further my own goals." Igniz responds solidly, "But Howard I will not dance for. Not personally." Igniz announces, bringing up a hand to strike Vega, only to be a faint for something truly odd.

The very cape about Igniz grasps for Vega's features, aimed to grasp ahold of his legs, coil about them like a snake and quickly pull the ground out from beneath, Igniz's hand only used to add force upon it and send Vega hurled backwards and toward the ground in a quick, straight forward assault to crash through Vega's defenses.

COMBATSYS: Vega blocks Igniz's Blue Noah.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Igniz
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/----===|

"And if your goals involved toppling his empire..?" Vega doesn't get to say more, clashing close with Igniz as he is. Instead, he is drawn into the fray with Igniz, teeth clacking shut as the god of NESTS's cloak wraps about his legs. He's pulled off-balance, but as he falls to the ground, he manages to get his hands down, turning the throw and trip into a handspring, to give him a few feet of breathing room.

"Admit it - he stands in the way of so much - he's old, slow.. weak." Such are the words of a true predator, sizing up his prey even as he battles for the amusement of others. Those specific words may be overheard, but as he closes in again, his hands swing into short, stacatto bursts of fisticuffs at the man's chest, testing Igniz's defenses all the further. His voice drops again, secretive with his white eyes blazing. ".. His time is done - he simply does not /know/ it yet..!"

COMBATSYS: Vega successfully hits Igniz with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/----===|

There are things Igniz can predict. And then there is just entropy. Entropy comes like you wouldn't expect, at times you wouldn't expect, in places you wouldn't expect. Vega's strike is so potent that as he lashes out, the god of NESTS is given what seemed to be already horrible odds to react a movement that leaves him with nothing but a painful reminder of Vega's careless strength. The punch powerfully strikes forward upon him, digging into his armor like Igniz could not imagine. It pains him, but the god of NESTS is not easily persuaded to give up.

Recoiling, his suit begins to compensate for the strike. He is no fool. "My goals involve much more than simply toppling his empire." Igniz exclaims, "But his empire is the one that needs toppling the most." The god of NESTS announces, pushing forwards yet in a gambit that he has yet to realize.

Reaching a hand into the air, Igniz does but a simple thing. The power in his hand glows brightly as he yet stands, the white chi swarming into a single ball. "His hubris will cost him greatly. It is a time for change, a time to erase his existance!" Igniz punctuates, thrusting the energy into the ground in a strike that shakes the very earth, upheaving column after column of energy that hurries towards Vega in an ultimate example of his god like power.

COMBATSYS: Igniz successfully hits Vega with Ideon Blade.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Igniz
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/=======|

At least, in that much, they are agreed. Vega and Igniz, knowing who needs to stand where - and to what end the world will fall. To the winner, the spoils. To the loser - destruction. This fight has given Vega what he needs - the understanding of Igniz' position within the power play to come - within the plans amoung plans. He can now make his own preperations - and set wheels in motion that will contain something larger than a god and dictator combined.

He laughs as Igniz expends his energy - and stands still as the column of power explodes around him. He isn't trying to escape the effects of Igniz' power - showing him what Vega's true power is. The power to endure, to stand through the worst an opponent can offer. In the end, it leaves him wounded, bleeding and burned - but still standing. His fingers clutch and clench at the air, power starting to flow through them. Blood-flecked lips turn into another grin, and his voice is dark indeed. "Hubris indeed. One might liken him to thinking him above even a god, in his tower. Will you allow that to last?" With that, he brings his arms up and forwards, a wave of psycho power exploding outwards, a projectile in much the same vein as Igniz's first attack - speedy and raging, much like the Shadaloo dictator himself.

COMBATSYS: Igniz reflects Psycho Shot from Vega with Nega Genesis.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0            Igniz
[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/=======|

Igniz could not believe his eyes if he had seen it. Vega does not move, instead, staying rather still in Igniz's strike range. His Ideon Blade envelops Vega, searing through him, roaring powerfully into him. Igniz does not move at first, even to see Vega clutching life powerfully through it. From a fight he had been putting his strength into, Vega is only throwing himself forward. He is not attempting to destroy Igniz.

It had been bothering the god of NESTS for a short period of time. He had thrown assaults forward, but he had also not thrown himself into it as the fervor that Igniz had seen within the Kain fight. He had miscalcualated. Vega was not dancing. He was standing. And Igniz, he had reacted simply how he usually would. A god could not dirty his image as much as Vega may be able and still stand afterwards. But Vega pushes on.

"Beyond a god?" Igniz smirks, "Why, that's absurd. You know as well as I do I must answer to such hubris." Igniz exclaims, even if Vega may be attempting to persuade Igniz upon such a mission. Igniz, as always, will fully go along with it. For reasons of his own. To demolish Geese's control of Southtown, the Southtown Syndicate may be scattered. A win for NESTS and much of the world.

Vega's attack sears out, the overload raising a hand which he holds, a shield of energy springing to life, imaculate in life and existence, the strike is thrown back, directed towards Vega in a concoction of physic chi tendancies. It is something that even Igniz may be proud of.

COMBATSYS: Igniz successfully hits Vega with Reflected Psycho Shot.
~ Cruel hit! ~

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Vega             1/-------/=======|

Were he to allow himself the thought, Vega might agree that Igniz was a formidable foe. Were he to allow himself the pleasure of a consideration, Vega would simply accept that Igniz's power was something that he might concievably fear, or learn from.

However - Vega had never given himself that option.

As Igniz takes Vega's power and modifies it to his own, infusing the ball of rage and anger that Vega threw, returning it - Vega grins. This time, he'll use it to the extent that he plans - as much as Vega plans, in any case. He stands in the way of the attack again, unmoving - until the powerful wave crashes against him, throws him backwards into the rubble of this abandoned base. From there, one might expect a groan of pain, a whispered word of 'yeild' - but not laughter.

Not laughter.

"Excellent. Hubris indeed to challenge a god - But I will not stop, either! Show me your strength, Igniz!!" With that, Vega /explodes/ out of the rubble - awkward from the blast, but still incredibly powerful, wreathed in Psycho Power. He flies straight at Igniz, his hands held in front of him, again intending on going /through/ Igniz - planning on crashing him into his component atoms, and destroying that damnned suit, or at least overloading it as it tries to comprehend the power of the mad dictator of Shadaloo..


COMBATSYS: Igniz dodges Vega's Psycho Crusher.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Igniz
[                       \\\\\\\  <
Vega             0/-------/-------|

Eiji says, "That is a keeper."

Igniz is not a fool. But he is also not immidiately hasty. The power that Vega holds is impressive. Even with Igniz's own energy he fails to drive the man back any further than he had already did. A powerful dictator of Shadaloo to the very last, Igniz is not a man to deter from the aid of such a powerful man, especially when their goals are so clear. So crisp and obvious. They must be undertaken.

The laughter from the strike does strike Igniz partially of guard, he could not comprehend why laughter would be appropriate for any sense of the word. Igniz imidiately looks towards Vega in awe, the smile still hanging upon his face. And then he speaks once more. "I expect you to give me your all." Igniz declares, watching forward on as Vega lances out with a powerful blast that sends debris all over, knocking things left and right. Dismantling the world around him.

This does not escape the grasp of Igniz's battlesuit. It tells him the ready out without even needing any words. Just the letter 'S', directed upon his options. This move could outpower his field?

The god of NESTS takes a move that his chances to not favor, the battlesuit having much of its weight directed oddly, the chi powered to move what it should not. A cape comes up as Igniz spins, and the god of NESTS disappears as the figure wreathes in Psycho Power rips through the space he had occupied. Moving mere feet towards the side, Igniz is able to dissuade Vega from the terrible hit that would have no doubt torn open his battlesuit.

"Your strength is quite impressive! I am sure with both of us, Geese would be easily dispelled from his fictional city he has summoned about him." Igniz declares, a sword appearing in hand as he swings it towards Vega, the weapon revealed to be a chain whip whose serrated edges cut upon Vega. "It would be my pleasure."

COMBATSYS: Vega interrupts Trans-Axial Slice from Igniz with Final Psycho Crusher+.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Igniz
[                                <
Vega             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Vega can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Eiji             0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Igniz

Power attracts power - and desire attracts desire. The urge to rule all, to prove oneself to the end... Vega knows that desire, that need. In this case, though - he's tempered it with the knowledge that he has gotten what he /truly/ needed from this 'fight'. His 'gift' from Krauser was a meeting with Igniz, away from Howard's prying eyes. A chance to speak of treachery, with his body as the cost.

A fair price.

Vega's first attack misses, landing /near/ Igniz. The blade comes up and around, aimed at Vega. He prepares for it, and steps /into/ the blade again. This time, he is ready - and he's gotten everything he needed - so this fight is /over/ in his mind. The explosion of power is above and beyond what he threw out just seconds before, an array of strength that few could ever offer up. He blasts into Igniz' defenses, through - and when he lands this time, he's already begun to walk away. Hurt, wounded - he signals to Eiji, wherever he may be. He's done with this fight - Igniz is the winner. Or really, in this case..

Geese Howard is the loser.

Two titans clash and yet only a very few amount of people know about it. No one can ever say Strolheim doesn't offer favors. This may be a dangerous one to grant, yet still valuable information was obtained by watching this fight. The ninja made sure not to bat an eye even once during this fight so he can make his report as thorough as he can. Files can now be updated on both Vega and Igniz now given that there wasn't a horribly large amoung of information about them to begin with. The best part is if there truely isn't something either man would want Krauser to know they know the price the ninja will charge them. Of course who knows if he truely would withhold information or not. When it comes to where his true loyalty lies it is hard to tell if it is money or Krauser.

When Vega looks to be finished with the fight Eiji slowly reappears with a slightly smug look on his face. His temptation to break the rules of what he is instructed to do is there given that Igniz remains, though he musn't linger much longer. There are other tasks to perform that only he can do and more perparations being made at the castle itself. The ninja produces an envelope and lightly tosses it in the direction of the God before he slowly starts to fade away. "We expect to see you soon." is all he says leaving Igniz to read the letter if he so chooses. An invite from Krauser himself to allow Igniz to stay in his castle once the gates open.

COMBATSYS: Eiji has left the fight here.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Igniz            1/------=/=======|

Vega's last assault gives Igniz something to think about. Even as the sword lashes out, Igniz finds the end of the whipblade connecting, but with Vega furiously powering himself into it. It was something that even the god of NESTS could not predict. And it came with immense power behind it, thrusting it deep into the suit of armor that Igniz wore.

The battlesuit, upon recieving this 'gift' was maimed horribly. Power infused within it so greatly only seared wiring, overloaded systems and atomized the very suit itself. Igniz is barely able to keep it aloft as he's driven back across the ground, boudning like an oversized basket ball that has been underinflated. At the very least, Vega had crushed him pretty hard even as it looked like Igniz would dominate.

Igniz stands afterwards as Vega moves to leave. His defenses shattered and his very frame burning with unknown energy, the god of NESTS does not look too good. Infact he looks worse for wear.

Looking towards Eiji, the overlord of NESTs gives him a nod. He would open the envelope, but would Igniz stay in the castles when the gates finally open? Perhaps. But with such secretive things, Igniz may very well be giving the ghosts that yet follow him the okay to move in as he is gone.

"Very well than. Thank you for allowing me this gift." Igniz exclaims.

For this gift would change much of how the world is run. It may eve shift the way it rotates.

As Eiji disappears, Igniz does not stay long at all. His systems damaged, he moves, dispersing with a wisp of chi and a flip of a cape.

Log created on 20:01:41 10/06/2008 by Igniz, and last modified on 20:15:46 10/08/2008.