Strolheim 2 - Strolheim Exhibition Round 2 - Zach vs Mignon

Description: The Second Round of Strolheim Exhibitions pits the explosive Zach Glen against the hyperactive Mignon. Zach gets a harsh lesson in why you don't mess with the bubbly ones. (Winner: Mignon)

ANNNNNNND TODAY. Folks of all kinds, step up, one and all, to watch the fight!

The White Arena is host today to a match in the Strolheim tourney! It's as normal, rather empty ... er DEVOID of obstacles, simply a floor sanded wood, a dojo like situation in which the arena is separated from the stands. Mainly for glare and the power some of the fighters can show! Boy, are they powerful.

And today, there happens to be a POWER of unimaginable proportions! ... But it's certainly not Mignon, the pink witch who is currently on her side of the arena, bouncing happily. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mignon is like SO pumped up for this she just CAN'T wait! She did so good at the first but there aren't any swords I think here so Mignon is A_OK! And ready to give it her all!" She notes, grinning, and bouncing in place, sparkles being given off by her hands and legs as she bounds about, baubles a glowin'!

"OOOOOkay! Mignon is all set, ready! She'll take on anyone! YAY!"

So she might have had TWO bowls of cereal today.

The Sugary kind.

Zach steps onto the arena, and looks around. The place is big. That's good, he thinks as he stretches out a bit. Little motes of purple light play about Zach as he starts to go through his warm up routines. He glances at Mignon as he takes a somewhat more ready stance.

"Let's have a good fight," Zach says somewhat cheerfully.

COMBATSYS: Zach has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zach             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mignon has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mignon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zach

As Zach already begins to warm up, Mignon tilts her head. My oh my. That's something alright.. but IS it? Mignon's not quite sure, immediately. But she is certain of one thing. Those little motes aren't very good signs! Or .. maybe they are! Either way, Mignon tilts her head as she looks over. "Oooh. So Mignon is fighting someone who has sparklies too? Mignon will have to learn about MORE sparklies then .. but for now, here goes Mignon!" She cries, before leaping to the front!

Her feet hit the ground as she bounds across the ground, the battle called, the fight started. Her actions are quick, and .. not very precise.

Seriously this is Mignon.

"NYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! MIGNON KITTY CRUSHER!" She cries out, before kicks off the ground, spins around in the air, and comes forwards, baubles streaming forwards first. To .. TOUCH Zach.


COMBATSYS: Mignon successfully hits Zach with Strong Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Mignon           0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0             Zach

Zach concentrates for a moment. When the sparkles come near, there's... nothing. No familiar burning sensation, not even that odd sensation of psychic energy that isn't his. This surprises him enough that he doesn't get out of the way.

The hand slaps into him with surprising impact, forcing the young man to take a coupld of steps back. He jukes a little on the balls of his feet as he thinks things out for a moment. Then he dashes forward, attempting to drive an elbow into Mignon's midsection before unloading an explosive double-palmful of psychic energy point-blank into her chest!

COMBATSYS: Mignon dodges Zach's Fierce Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Mignon           0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0             Zach

After impacting, fists first, straight into Zach.. Mignon bounces back a bit as he steps backwards.. but as he dashes forwards already, Mignon's eyes grow wide. "WOW! Mignon sure doesn't know her strength .. mmm maybe Mignon should WOAH!" She cries, flailing, "IS THAT A MAGIC FIST!?" Mignon asks, both excited and slightly fearful, before she kicks.. and rolls to the side of the elbow strike, before the palmful of energy is aimed to erupt straight into her chest!

That's when she kicks backwards, flipping backwards, to come to a stop.

"W-WOAH! Mignon is pretty surprised.. she nearly got caught by that, that was pretty nice!" Mignon exclaims, nodding, "But Mignon TOTALLY can't just stop, this is important ... and she'll have to use her OWN magic now! HERE SHE GOES!" She cries, before her body begins to spin, spiralling, moving faster... and something picks up. Now that's definitely and energy trail. "Divine wind spirit!"

Her spinning stops, her hair, body, and clothing bobbing a bit from the force before she backs upwards.. and the spiralling force of energy spins towards Zach, aiming to suck him up and spit him out!

COMBATSYS: Zach fails to slow Windstorm from Mignon with Warning Shot.
- Power fail! -

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Mignon           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0             Zach

Zach lets out a somewhat frustrated sound as Mignon leaps clear of his first strike. Zach watches for a moment as the magical girl starts her spin. The hairs on the back of his neck and arms starts to rise as that familiar burn of chi elements starts to near him. He drops to a crouch and brings a single fist up.

"POWER WAVE!" Zach yells as he slams the fist into the ground. A small wave of psychic energy flies across the arena only to get mauled by the mini-tornado, which promptly scoops Zach up and flings him into the air. Glen crashes to the ground, gasping for air.

As Zach begins to bring his own powers upwards to strike.. Mignon is apparently too odd to figure out, and Zach ends up at the mercy of the mini-tornado, which seems to suck in the psycho energy this time. Odd, Mignon things, she hasn't ever practiced THAT kind of magic!

OH WELL she beams, smiling happily, and tilting her head to watch Glen crash to the ground.. gasping for air and everything!

"Oh .. Mignon's sorry .. but she just can't slow down! Because Mignon doesn't think that's what they intended..." She notes, as well, before she breaks into a run. "And because Mignon has to show Ninon she is NOT a bad witch!"

Her run become something different. She begins to start turning over herself, flipping, turning, and beginning to .. cartwheel? It is the Cartwheel of Mignon. She doesn't seem to be stopping.

And those feet aren't very spread, acting a bit like a hammer, "OPPPSIE DAISY! Here SHE COMES!"


COMBATSYS: Zach blocks Mignon's One Revolution.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Mignon           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Zach

Zach manages to get his feet under him, and get his arms in front of him. The starts to block the strikes as they come in, sliding back with each reaction before simply leaping clear of the whole thing. He shakes his forearms loose as he watches Mignon for a moment.

Zach brings one hand back, cycling power into it. The energy forms a ball, which tuns into a ragged-looking gauntlet, hazy with energy trailing off of it. He throws the punch so hard that it sends him flying at the young lady at surprising speed! "BURN KNUCKLE!"

COMBATSYS: Mignon blocks Zach's Impulse Flare.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Mignon           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Zach

As Zach blocks the strike, sliding back as Mignon strikes over and over.. it's when Zack brings his hands back, cycling power into it, a ball of energy that turns towards her.. and then throws that punch so hard he flies, flies, FLIES! And Mignon isn't sure exactly what to do. "Ahhhh... MIGNON ISN'T READY FOR THAT!" She notes, flailing, before bringing her baubles up, and the strike is thrown so hard, as her arms rise up, that she's pushed back in the wood, the energy burning against her arms..

But Mignon isn't about to give in to no energy! "Ow ow ow .. Mignon doesn't ... won't .. .. give up! HERE SHE COMES AGAIN!" She warns Zach, before kicking off the ground.. and then flying towards him with a foot, extended straight towards Zach's body, in an attempt to bowl him over.

"FLYING CAT KICK! MeeeeeeeeeeeeeeW!"

But the pink haired wonder is really trying at least!

COMBATSYS: Zach fails to interrupt Light Kick from Mignon with Burst Stream.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Mignon           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0             Zach

Zach watches the path of Mignon's kick, and brings both hands to one hip. A small globe flares to life between his waiting hands, with tiny sparks of purple light flying in to feed the growing ball of violet light. Zach holds it there for a moment, focusing...

As Mignon comes down Zach thrusts his palms forward with a loud kiai, a wide column of energy rushing forth to meet Mignon...

...and pass the young girl /right by/ as her foot slams into Zach's chest. Zach staggers back, panting for breath as he tries to get some space between the two of them...

The globe of energy flares to life, and Mignon is coming down towards him, space boots leading the way.. and then a large, wide, STRONG, OH NO MIGNON CAN'T LOOK.

So she closes her eyes as she flies towards Zach, the energy column coming towards her, surely to wipe her from this battle and end it, here and now!

But ... Mignon doesn't feel anything. Nor does she feel any burn.. except there is something hitting, being hit, by her space boots. Mignon blinks, opening her eyes as she looks around, eyes turning to face the energy passing by her. Meanwhile, Zach staggers backwards.

"Oh .. Mignon doesn't like it when it comes to this.... but Mignon is going to anyways! She hopes to see you later in the tournament.. and Mignon REALLY wants to know you to know she's interested in your magic so .. WEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

She begins to run, before kicking off the ground, spinning upwards in the air, before crashing down, feet first, aiming to slam into Zack and then bounce him against the ground, kicking over and over! "YaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA HA!"

COMBATSYS: Zach blocks Mignon's Defoliation.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Mignon           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0             Zach

Zach raises his arms in front of himself, catching the kicking feet just above the elbows. He uses a little effort, and shoves the young girl away from himself. Zach takes a moment, and focuses, and the purple energy that flows off of him seems to lessen somewhat.

That done, Zach charges forward, firing a quick punch at Mignon's face, followed by a slightly stronger body blow. Strangely, there is no display of the psychic energy that he was flinging around all willy-nilly before...

COMBATSYS: Mignon blocks Zach's Medium Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Mignon           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Zach

As Zach catches the feet, Mignon can't really say she expected that! Her legs crash down .. but she's shoved away, being tossed backwards, flipping through the air as .. the magic is gone. The magic is gone!?

Mignon blinks. "Oooh. You can control it like that too Mignon thinks thats' REALLY cool! Yeah!" She adds, smiling all bright.

And then Zach charges forwards, a quick punch being launched at her face, which strikes a bauble. Her hand raises, the sparkling energy being thrown around from the force, and the body blow gets her as well.. Mignon being hit in the arm of her other hand, crashing backwards.. but falling controlled, rolling to her feet and brushing herself off. "Yow! Mignon doesn't like how that hurt.." She notes, but peps up, raising an arm. "It's been nice fighting you, Zach, but here comes Mignon .. HERE TO FINISH THIS!"

And she is off, already running again .. AND LEAPING.

Wait she's falling sort of short, and her coattails are to-

She's aiming for her legs. Her body aiming to rip them out from under him as she leaps, to YANK them!

Here's to skidding! "ZOooooom! Heehee.. Mignon's going to prove she's one tough cookie!""

COMBATSYS: Zach dodges Mignon's Quick Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Mignon           0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Zach

Zach slides calmly to one side as Mignon slides right by. Zach channels a little bit of energy through his legs to give hiim some extra air time. He arcs towards the catgirl and extends both legs toward her as he starts his descent.

He lets out a little war cry as he comes down. This is likely to sting just a bit...

COMBATSYS: Mignon interrupts Strong Kick from Zach with Fire Ball EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Mignon           1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1             Zach

As Zach slides calmly to the side, Mignon watches as he comes downwards, giving him extra air time ... and slides down, towards her. Mignon is watching as he yells out his loud war cry. And blinks. "Uhm .. well Mignon really had fun but it's time to say goodbyyeeeee!" She cries, waving to him, and then raising her hands, Mignon gathers some energy, as Zach falls.

It's a long fall. She knows she'll be struck.. but this is a better choice than not!

"FIRE!" She cries, as it erupts without a second to think.. right as Zach slams into her with his feet, crashing into her and sending her backwards!

Yet .. the fireball, burning and chi like, smashes home as she launches it forwards!

Sent rolling backwards, Mignon shakes her head. "Ow Ow Ow..." It hurts, but she toughs it out, standing up. "Oww .. Mignon didn't expect that! But maybe it worked!" She notes to herself.

Zach is slammed to the ground by the fire ball. Zach, however, is somewhat known for his stubbornness. He tends not to just lie down, even when he is being beaten. Even in the face of the burning pain that covers his body from the chi, he stands up again. He looks across the arena as he drops to one knee. He focuses his energy for one last gambit as he raises a single fist. Energy boils forth from that clenched hand. "Power..."

"...GEYSER!" Zach slams the fist into the ground, and a large explosion of psychic energy erupts from the ground. Zach does not stop there, however, striking the ground with the other hand. A second blast roars from the arena. Zach finishes the assault with the hand that started it, slamming the fist into the ground another time.

This blast is much larger than the first two, but it disappates eventually. When it is done, Zach slumps forward and passes out.

COMBATSYS: Zach can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mignon           1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: Mignon reflects Burst Stream from Zach with Water Shield EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mignon           0/-------/-======|

As Zach gets back up, Mignon watches as she stands.. and falls to one knee? "Oh Mignon's sorry that she had to do that...." But as energy begins to boil forth, Mignon blinks, tilting her head. "Ah.. Mignon's not sure what you're doing OOH show me show me! Mignon wants to see magic!" Power Geyser?

Mignon blinks, before the EXPLOSION of psychic energy erupts, and a second blast roars forwards, from the arena.

But as Zach slams his hand once more.. Mignon's eyes pop open wide WAIT SHE HAS TO DEAL WITH THAT!?

Backing up a bit, Mignon pulls the sparkly energy from around her.. and right before the first power wave slams into her, Mignon raises her arms. "WATER UP!"

The whirlpool like sudden burst of water swallows the psi energy, waves being tossed around.. but the third one is not just absorbed. The water washes forwards, taking the assault, changing it, and finally sending a wave, weaker, back towards Zach.. but she sends it AWAY from him. He's already fallen, and Mignon doesn't want to hurt him. The watery chi energy and the psi dissipate as Mignon walks forwards, brushing herself off. "Ooh.. Mignon thought that was kind of close!" She notes, nodding. "But that hurt alot too .. uh .. are you okay?" Mignon tilts her head towards Zach.. then .. realization.

"W-WOAH! Mignon is actually a serious competitor in this tournament now!?" She notes, gasping.. and then.. "YES YES YESSSSS! Mignon will SO show Ninon after all! Now she won't doubt her big sister! Mhmm!" She nods, arms crossed.. before humming as she bounces towards the edge of the area.

"Byeeee Mister! Mignon will see you at the rest of the tournamaneeeent~!"

Log created on 15:28:25 10/05/2008 by Zach, and last modified on 11:46:36 10/06/2008.