Strolheim 2 - Strolheim Exhibition Round 1 - Mignon vs Setsuka

Description: A battle of Strolheim! Perhaps the mix of what is and what will be has caused this to occur, but don't adjust your television sets! It seems Setsuka learns today of what might be her greatest challenge yet .. MAGICAL GIRLS. A coming of age test, if you will, which prepares them for later!

This time .. in Africa! Two fighters of different styles and types compete to see who, in the Strolheim tournament, can show their all! Victory is somewhat secondary, which allows the fighters to show their stuff with all of their might! But it's still anyone's game to show who is the most impressive in that attempt!

The battlefield is a clear one, surrounded by a circular wall of trees, cameras about. In the middle, there's a few jungle trees as well, for mobility, and around are some slight bits of moats.. and even a quicksand pit, for those who may jump around too much.. and not look where they're going!

All in all, the comforts of the stereotypical jungle!

And Mignon is hanging from a branch, swinging back and forth. "Ooh Ooh eek eek Mignon's a monkey witch! She'll cast spells and eat bananas and then make the world a better place, all for .. uh .. EVERYONE!" She laughs, and falls, landing well enough. "NAAAAH Mignon's just kidding she's no monkey! That'd be silly." She's ready anyways!


Vastly different styles and types. Vastly different. Setsuka cannot say she is pleased to be placed against Mignon. Even a cursory evaluation suggests this is a potentially horrifying matchup--for one or the other. Then again, an acid, sardonic voice says, in her head, that this is probably -precisely- why they were put together for this exhibition match.

The match is set in a beautiful arena, to be sure, the savannah a beautiful place, and Setsuka takes a moment to just drink it in. Truly beautiful. Then, that beauty is shattered by Mignon. Setsuka's smile is immediately wiped away by the harsh blaring of Mignon' voice, though by the time she's turned to face the pink-wearing witch, the smile is back... though no longer the smile of appreciation of a genuine beauty.

Instead, the smile is the smile of a predator, a baring of teeth. The match has already started--maybe Mignon doesn't know that--but Setsuka certainly does. The assassin calmly walks over to the tree that Mignon is hanging from... and then her blade flashes out, cutting the branch off, neatly--and dumping Mignon on her butt, or her head, if she's not careful.

"We're fighting, not playing jungle gym," she says, and it -almost- sounds sweet.

COMBATSYS: Setsuka has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Setsuka          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mignon has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mignon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Setsuka

COMBATSYS: Mignon blocks Setsuka's Quick Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mignon           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Setsuka

Mignon is currently enjoying her stay on the jungle-'gym', and what happens next is .. well... Setsuka might not like Mignon. Just a guess though! And as Setsuka walks over to the tree, flashing a blade towards the branch, Mignon is suddenly CUT from the fun. The blade causing the branch to crack off, and Mignon staring. "Huih-HEYAaaaaaaaaaaah!" And thunk, Mignon falls onto her rear.. although it's a guided fall, the pink haired witch rolling, but still taking some of those knocks.

Rolling to her feet, Mignon grins. "Oh! Maybe we are but Mignon really likes climbing things at times, but you know, you might not care because of what you just did to Mignon!" She pointedly states, one hand on her hip, the other pointing at Setsuka!

"But Oooh well!" Both hands go behind her back.. for varying reasons. "Mignon is going to be showing these people just what a true witch can do, okay! So Mignon is going to have to go a teeeny bit harder than usual! Heehee.. here COMES MIGNON!" Her voices gets so much louder at the end, and leaping off the ground, she comes to a stop .. facing Setsuka?

"Ohhh HORSEY!" Aiming to grab onto Setuka, lift herself over, and then lock hands with the sword using woman .. before tossing her for a tumble!

COMBATSYS: Mignon successfully hits Setsuka with Filly Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Mignon           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          Setsuka

Tumbled! Setsuka was, in fact, expecting Mignon to defend that attack. She wasn't expecting her to be -quite- that quick; before she can really get her defenses in order, Mignon's taken her for a little ride, one that sees Setsuka a bit the worse for wear. That, however, doesn't concern her in as much in the long run... rising to her feet, she glances at Mignon for a moment. This girl... is going to be supremely annoying. Best to just ignore her blather...

Something the assassin is already putting into plan. Suddenly, she blurs forward--it's like she leans forward and then she's a streak of color, coming to a stop in front of Mignon. And as she comes to a stop, her blade is already flashing out, with the sweet, high song of a well-cared-for blade slipping its scabbard.

The blade is aimed to cut across Mignon's stomach, perhaps not too deeply... but cut it will, the blade being very, very sharp...

COMBATSYS: Mignon dodges Setsuka's Yamikaze - Zan.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Mignon           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          Setsuka

If anything, Mignon is just that. Incredibly quick. Perhaps it's more expected than some other fast fighters. At least they don't look like they scared down a bowl of sugar cereal before every match, or even worse, was pink and sugar personified. That can get crazy.. and lo- She sparkles with every step.

Well that's just Mignon's hands and feet baubles that give off those sparklies as she moves.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!" Mignon cries out as Setsuka just rushes towards her, blade whipping out to cut against her stomach. "Mignon DOES NOT LIKE BEING CUT!" And to that end, Mignon is on the move, kicking off the ground, climbing onto the tree, and pulling herself up, leaving a trail of sparklies as she goes.

"Oh .. phew! Mignon doesn't like swords at all you know!" She explains to Setsuka, before getting her 'footing' on that tree. "Alrighty.. Here comes Mignon's first witchy technique! HAH! FIIIIIRE!"

And POOMF, with the sound of a 'gun' firing, Mignon sends a sphere of red burning flame towards Setsuka, intending to crash into the assassin and send her backwards!.. Mignon meanwhile hangs onto the branch. Hangs on?

Hey, she almost feel. "WOah.. that's .. far down. Mignon doesn't like that!"

COMBATSYS: Mignon successfully hits Setsuka with Fire Ball.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Mignon           0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0          Setsuka

Perhaps the intent of the fight is to humble Setsuka. If so--the organizers certainly picked well. Not only is Mignon -utterly- annoying in personality, style, and attitude, but she flings around chi--and maybe it isn't prodigious amounts, but it's enough to send Setsuka flying back, burning from the harsh blast of fire. She is having a singularly -un- good time, and though it doesn't show in her face persay, her eyes might tell the story.

Glittering bright, Setsuka informs Mignon, shortly, "I do not -care- if you don't like swords," she replies, as, despite Mignon being up on that branch, Setsuka decides to close with her anyways--perhaps against her better judgement. The swordswoman takes a long leap upwards, slashing as she goes--but not for the branch, not this time. No...

This time the blade is aimed for Mignon's leg--the right one, the blade sent on a path to try and score a strike along the thigh, to slow the witch down some, if possible.

COMBATSYS: Mignon dodges Setsuka's Power Strike.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Mignon           0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0          Setsuka

If it is, Mignon has like TOTALLY NO IDEA. She likes climbing, and playing around, and this battlefield, while hot, a bit sticky, and annoying at time .. well, Mignon TOTALLY thinks it's cool. "Weeeeeeeee! Oh, hi again! Mignon thinks we can just declare it a Mignon-victo-ooop!" And then the swordswoman is after her, aiming to cut into Mignon's leg.

"AIEEEEEE! Mignon NEEDs that!" And she pulls her leg upwards, and away from Setsuka .. yet as Setsuka probably continues to go after her, Mignon thinks of something. "STOP TRYING TO CUT MIGNON! Mignon doesn't really want to bleed it's just not nice! And plus Mignon doesn't like blood!"

And so Mignon pushes off a bit .. and then just BLINDLY thrusts her foot down, towards Setsuka as she begins to climb up.

"MIGNON!" KICK. "Think YOU!" Kick! "Should stop trying to cut heeeeer!" KICK KICK!

The pink haired wonder doesn't even look down.

COMBATSYS: Setsuka fails to counter Heavy Kick from Mignon with Heavy Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Mignon           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Setsuka

Fine. She doesn't want to be cut? Setsuka will just--will just do nothing, actually. Well, she tries--but maybe her internal anger is throwing her off. She sees the kick coming, and attempts to kick Mignon's leg away--but Mignon proves to be faster, again. The kick doesn't just hit Setsuka--it knocks her off the branch. She doesn't, however, fall gracelessly. In fact, halfway down she flips around, landing on her feet, eyes practically burning with a very, very cold flame as she stares upwards at Mignon. All trace of smile is gone now, lost to mounting fury that finds itself unable to be expressed physically... it needs an outlet, or Setsuka may very well blow up--and possibly literally...

As Setsuka attempts to kick the leg away, Mignon lashes it again, and as Setsuka falls off.. Mignon looks down.. "Ooh... Did Mignon do something bad?" She asks herself, a bit, before kicking to the ground, the witch grabbing a branch and flipping off it, before landing on her feet. "HOOORAY! Mignon is going to try and make it up to you .. but uh .. Mignon isn't sure how so .. right now... "

Mignon looks left.. and right.. and .. "GAAAAH Mignon's got her foot stuck AIEEE!" Pulling and pulling, Mignon realizes she'll need to do something drastic to get her out of the darn thing .. and in this case, it's to begin to spin .. and then spin FASTER.

"Divine Wind Spirit!" She cries, as the spinning wind spirit takes Mignon out of the hole .. and continues, a bundle of wind, right at Setsuka!

Phew. "That was close!"

COMBATSYS: Mignon successfully hits Setsuka with Windstorm.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Mignon           0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1          Setsuka

Setsuka makes an attempt to move--but the wind spirit's accuracy is unerring, flinging her backwards again, through a bush, and then against a tree trunk. The tree trunk splinters with the impact--the sound of it meaty, shot through with the sound of thunder, as the dried-out tree trunk cracks deep, in the center, nearly splitting vertically. Setsuka is... well, to say she's pissed doesn't even begin to cover it. The distance is... well, it's even further than she would like to think about it being, really.

She is in an honest-to-god berserker rage right now; her hands are whiteknuckled on their grip. Yes, the distance is a terrible thing, and yet Setsuka makes an attempt to close it anyways. She isn't thinking straight, and so instead of wielding her blade in a skillful manner, instead she just simply takes a run at Mignon, attempting to out and out stab her through the chest.

Not the smartest of manuevers, to be sure, but can she really be blamed for it?

COMBATSYS: Mignon interrupts Random Strike from Setsuka with Random Weapon EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Mignon           1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1          Setsuka

As Setsuka crashes into the tree, Mignon gasps. "Uh ooooh.. Mignon doesn't think that you're very happy anymore..." She states, backing up. "Uh .. PLEASE DON'T STAB MIGNON!" She cries, before Setsuka runs forwards, just running.. aiming to stab her through the chest.. and Mignon tries to climb. She leaps upwards, grasping the edge of a branch she was standing on before, and Mignon tries to climb.


Falling, Mignon holds onto the heavy branch as Setsuka crashes forwards.. and while the blade slams into Mignon, Mignon's tree branch slams onto Setsuka .. and Mignon falls backwards, splayed out. "O-Owwww... Mignon didn't like that .. at all .. Owwwieee....." Oh my the pain.

"Mignon needs to .. remember to not try that next time..."

Setsuka -screams-. It's a fine scream, tightly controlled, an almost-toneless sound of pure and utter rage, refined to the limit--and now it's seeking exit. For a precious second, she doesn't even think about Mignon's tree branch. It seems to glance off of her for that second, as she literally leaps at Mignon... having dropped her blade, perhaps, but her hands glowing with blue-purple Psycho Power as she attempts to smash what life she can out of Mignon's face.

It won't save the fight--nothing could do that--but this isn't about the silly 'exhibition' fight--though she'll never willingly watch a replay of it--this is about inner emotions, distilled and concentrated into a core of pure rage that needs to be expressed...

COMBATSYS: Setsuka can no longer fight.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mignon           1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Mignon stops Shimatsuri from Setsuka with Water Shield EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mignon           0/-------/-----==|

The screaming HURTS. "Aieee.. Mignon .. Mignon doesn't like where this is GOOIIIINNNG!" She cries, and it's true. As Setsuka assaults Mignon, Mignon scrambles backwards, hitting the tree, she stands upwards and hastily erects a barrier of magical energy, fist after fist slamming into the shield... what shield?

"WATER UP!" She cries, before a mini-fountain comes streaming out, and Setsuka's attempts at her face unfortunately don't really end up with much. The water acts like a literal shield, splashing about with each energy strike but refusing it move. The pretty pink and perky magical girl Mignon ending up still smelling just a bit like roses.. but a bit scared and a bit tired.

"Hah... Mignon .. doesn't know why ... she has to always get the mean ones... Mean ... bad ... EVIL!"

Mignon's mind connects, and smiles. "AHA! Mignon did it, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! She triumphed over badness and came out OKAY! .... But that sword really was sharp.. Owwwie.." She's mostly alright though ... and the feed ends with that.

There really .. is not much more.

Log created on 13:22:25 09/27/2008 by Mignon, and last modified on 13:00:11 09/28/2008.