SNF 2008.09 - Teamwork! Birdie vs Katana, WITH Nataya/Kohaku

Description: Here, we are champions of teamwork! Birdie and Choi start off, but with allies that will turn against them for new teamates in no less than FIVE rounds! Who wins?! Who loses?! DO THEY EVEN CHANGE?! (Winners: Birdie/Kohaku)

This will be Nataya's second Saturday Night Fight, and for whatever it's worth, she's still not used to this sort of tournament fighting. When training, fighting seemed to be a very personal endevor between two combatants. It was a test of skills and abilities. Even though this has only been her second match, Nataya is beginning to recognize a pattern. These matches seem rather gimmicky, and not at all like the battles she expected.

Still, a fight's a fight. Compensating for the unexpected is all part of that. Even so, there's a part of her that's just vaguely disconcerted about the element of trivilaity that these things seem to be treated with. Oh well! Not a whole lot she can do after the fact, especially since she signed up of her own free will.

TeamBuilders Worldwide really couldn't have picked a better candidate. Nataya really has no aversion to working with anyone, even Choi, despite the fight they had in the alley. The TeamWork Building Retreat camp that was set up is already humming with activity, cameras setting up as a far too chipper counselor type is flitting about, trying to psyche up the fighters in preparation for the match. Sponsorship is what these fights are really about, Nataya decides. That doesn't make them any less legitimate, perhaps, but it does put a new spin on things.

The 'arena' is just a patch of dirt, circled off by posts and rope. It's surrounded by bleachers so that an audience can appreciate the spectacle, as well as a few cameras. Otherwise, the setting is relatively sparse. Probably because peopel that come to see grown human beings beat the crap out of one another aren't really keen on getting near anyplace that preaches alternative means to conflict resolution.

The only thing that Nataya has to say to all of this? She sneezes. "Great. Pine trees. There go my allergies."

Teambuilding? TEAMBUILDING?

Wahahahahaha! That might be the funniest thing ever that Birdie has every signed up for, be it random or not, and that's just crazy to imagine. Even as he shows up towards the team building building, Birdie's dresses like he always is. Giant with a hair style out of the 80's, and chain just about everywhere. Large and towering, the brute just gets by easily. He's going to do whatever the hell it takes to mess em' up! And he doesn't have to do none of that this way that way bull.

Showing up, the massive man stomps along. His face hard as stone, and his abs looks the exact same. Grunting already, not even knowing who the hell his ally is, he just hopes it's someone that can fight! Screw this team building excersize, we need some good ol' beat the hell out of someone until they stop moving building excersize!

Birdie pushes through the camera's setting up, making his way into the arena of dirt, circles by ropes and posts. He raises an eyebrow. What? There's nothing to use? And then Nataya complains about trees. There is no way Birdie CAN'T think of that.

"Gahahahaha! You're allergic to trees? Ah, bloody 'ell, chick-a-dee don't let it break you so easily. I wanna do that! Hahaha!" Birdie announces as he lays against a post as best he can, before just lurching over in a slump. "Yeah, this is gonna be some realllll fun." Massive and proud. And violent, Birdie is here.

Gimmicks are just something you have to expect when you sign up for Saturday Night Fight. Kohaku had realized from the start that their intent was to make money, and in order to do that they would use whatever tricks and tactics they could in order to get more viewers to tune in. Considering that fighting is the most popular sport in the world the sometimes silly situations the fighters are put in are more than enough to ensure gigantic ratings, and therefore advertising profits.

But even if the current exercise in competitive teamwork that will come to a screeching halt at some point during the fight is a gimmick, it proves to be an interesting test for the ninja. How should he act when he knows that someone who is his partner will soon become his enemy? On one hand a sense of honor tells him that he should do everything he can to support a teammate while he is a teammate, but the other is to remember that Ninja aren't exactly an honor bound sort. Perhaps for him it's 'contractbound' then.

The Ishikuno isn't here only test his skills, but also to promote himself and his clan as valuable assets to those that need people with their specific talents. Standing next to Birdie, this might seem dubious. He is perhaps strong for a ninja, but next to the enormous British man even his muscles look puny and tiny in comparison. That's fine- it takes all kinds, doesn't it? His entrance is muted compared to Birdies, the ninja simply dropping in from one of those trees and landing nearby.

After Birdie is done mocking Nataya for her plight the ninja will give him a short nod and comment simply, "I will support you as fully as I am capable of." Until, and if, he suddenly finds himself fighting alongside Choi of course.

Metro City. Not a favorite location of Choi. However, this was certainly a unique location for the Korean. The little man was used to fighting in alleyways, rooftops, warehouses, and locker rooms- Streeting Fighting if you will. But now he was at a teambuilding camp. Eyeing the system of low-ropes and high-ropes around the dirt, the little man plays with his claws a bit.

Teamwork. The midget was actually quite good in teamwork. Anyone who had seen him in action with Chang would certainly know this. Even when forced to work with Kim, Team Korea was infamous for their contrasting balance. Choi even lectured Hotaru and Jiro on how inferior their tandem strikes were. The only thing that would make this match unpleasent... was personal feelings.

Choi looked from the ropes to his partner. Nataya. The little man sneered. "You're allergic to trees?" The little midget snarks, bounding over near the female counterpart. "Look, I don't have any tissues, toots, so you better learn to wipe your own nose." The little man sticks a sharp claw right towards the girl, attempting to present himself as intimidating. And then, he looks over at his cocky enemy, Birdie. The little man shrugs, and salutes the thug amongst thugs. "Hey Birdie." He says in a casual voice.

Hey, despite Birdie beating him in the ground, Choi could respect a man with hair like that willing to back a man like Choi up in a fight versus an animated pair of legs.

Some people will try to grab onto anything, won't they? You sneeze, and all of a sudden it's a sticking point. She blinks, and wipes her nose with a kleenex she produces from her robes. She can't really responde to all that because, well, frankly she doesn't get it for the most part. The ogre wants to break her? And now Choi's poking her in the side? She moves forward, just in time to avoid the poke. It's smooth enough so that it looks like it's more an accident that he missed, but deliberate enough so that there's still some question as to whether or not she noticed.

Well, regardless what the big fella has to say about beating on her, she gives him her best smile. No sense being rude or unbecoming just like everyone else seems to be behaving.

"Hey there," she says to Choi, giving him a short wave. If she's got any issues with him from their previous fight, it doesn't show. She's since healed up and is in great condition, having taken a day or two to rest and recuperate. "Looks like we're on the same side for the time being. So let's give it all we got, yes?" She smiles and then turns to Birdie and Kohaku.

Her feet scuff the dirt, little clouds kicking up around them. The dust billowing up seems mixed with something, however. A silvery sheen to the coulds emerges, and Nataya falls into a combat stance. She sniffs once, and then sneezes.

With the sneeze, four beads suddenly pop out of nowhere, the tiny lights forming a rectangle in front of her. A silvery sheen is stretched between them as she hunkers down, and then bursts forward at Birdie. "Heads up, big fella!" She shoots across the ground at breakneck speeds, trying to ram the energy sheild clean into Birdie, knocking him backward.

Nobody could ever say that she wasn't brave. Or maybe crazy.

COMBATSYS: Nataya has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Birdie has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Nataya           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Kohaku has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Nataya           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Choi has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Nataya           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Kohaku

Choi's attempt at intimidation... doesn't work. Nataya just sort of ignores him. Oh, wait. There was an aside for teamwork. But where was the juiciness in that. No, she just goes off to Birdie. Wait, Birdie? If the babe couldn't take on Choi, then what chance did she have with Birdie? Sure, she knocked him sidewise Thursday. But still. He left that alley in one piece, and she didn't!

Choi finally notices Kohaku. It was the dark glasses. It made it very hard to see Ninjas in the night. The Korean grunts, turning around. "Hey. Pajama Man." The midget coos, hunching low. And with a cloud of dust, scurries rapidly to the fighter's flank. "You look tough, buddy boy." The midget scowls, kicking up another cloud of dust to continue circling the ninja. "But seriously. I'm not going to be frightened by a power ranger." Another cloud of dust is kicked up, trailing to the right.

The Korean explodes from the opposite side, lunging straight for the Ninja. Dust whirls around his body, clinging tight to him as he drills through the air. Claws out, he tries to dive on Kohaku, hacking into his body with a full fast fury.

COMBATSYS: Birdie fails to interrupt Four Noble Truths from Nataya with Bull Spike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Choi             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Nataya           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Kohaku

Even as Nataya runs straight towards Birdie, Birdie just snorts. He looks towards Choi with a grin and gives him a thumbs up, "Haha, yeah. Hey there." Birdie announces with a shit eating grin before looking on towards Nataya. And even Kohaku who's apparently a ninja. Birdie scratches his head in disbelief. But that certainly has something there. As he stands, he just waits a little, blinking about what to do.

Oh, and then Nataya comes at Birdie. Well, you can't say anything but how suicidal she is! Birdie's tough stuff, and to get hit by him, well, one wrong move and it may be over! Just imagine that! But Birdie ain't gonna just let her go. Even as she runs forward in an energy shield towards him.

"Oh you're hidin chick-a-dee? Let me really show you what the hell kinda business this is!" Birdie snorts, looking right towards her. And then, as she comes forward, he lowers his head, trying to catch her with his hands, attempting to just break her barrier with his HAIR.

But he's a little slow, and instead, gets plowed forward, knocking him back a little. But nothing horrible. With a snort, Birdie just laughs. "Hahaha! Was that it? I think ya gave me a booboo!" Birdie snorts, his skin hard as rock but his attitude, well, it's probably worse.

COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Kohaku with Houkou Tenkan.
? Strange Hit! ?

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Birdie
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Nataya           0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0           Kohaku

Nataya has no qualms attacking the more intimidating of the pair, and it seems to work out for her well enough. Birdie doesn't seem the type to rely on someone else to get the job done, does he? Kohaku would honestly prefer to help defeat one of their opponents and keep the teams the same throughout the entirety of the fight by doing so- but he might actually insult Birdie by implying he'd need help. So fine. Besides, he seems to have bigger issues to deal with, what with the nimble Korean making him his own target.

Fast- very fast. That's clearly the trick to this one, isn't it? "I don't expect you would be frightened. Underestimate me at your own risk." And likewise the opposite would be true. He doesn't wait around for Choi to run circles around him, darting forward once the flanking maneuver is attempted to put more distance between them, and then mirroring the circling to keep him at his own preferred distance.

It works out fine, right up until the point where Choi rushes straight at him and begins lashing out with the claws. It's not good when a ninja can be outran, and this is the case with Choi. Attempting to dart sideways and away as the Korean attacks results in getting caught in the drilling attack, a deep red line and many shallower ones forming in his flesh as the claws tear through his clothing and into him. "Ngh."

Not bad, Kohaku thinks, backing off half a step and then leaping up into the air. His momentum shifts, the ninja suddenly being propelled forward and away by a gust of wind, keeping his back to Choi for most of the transit away before suddenly twisting around, a pair of long, thick, and very sharp double-pointed needles flying out towards his target with a flick of his wrist, landing in the dusty ground and sliding backwards a moment later.

Using the force of the rebound, Nataya flips back with a considerable amount of agility. Still, her movements aren't graceful or fluid. They're sharp, mechanical and precise. Despite the very aggressive stance Nataya is taking, she still wears that bright, sunny smile on her face. Her body shows that she's taking this seriously. Her face? Well, she's definitely pleased to be fighting, at least.

She sweeps around on her feet, the dust cloud giving way to the silver clouds that seem to pour out of her sleeves as she keeps an eye on Choi's progress. "Nice hit!' She calls as Choi's claws slice into his ninja opponent. Nataya has yet to battle the secretive night warriors, but she's sure that she will in due time. Just watching Choi's method will be an occasion for learning, for sure!

But then it's back to her own battle. She sweeps so that her back is to one of the poles holding up the ropes, and she splays her feet, steadying her posture. She mutters quietly, the mantras followed by swift hand motions, as if she was weaving the clouds that seep into the air.

Beads issue forth from her sleeves and clatter to the ground, collecting the clouds as they go. They shimmer, then coalesce like puddles of mercury on the ground. With a wave of her hand, Nataya sends them forth, the five shimmering puddles of energy crawling along the ground like insidious little blobs.

If one should hit Birdie, they'll explode with tremendous force, launching pillars of silver smoke into the air and taking Birdie with them. The puddles will fire off a total of five times, blasting Birdie about like a leaf on the wind before letting him fall to the ground in a heap.

COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Kohaku's Medium Fling.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0           Birdie
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Nataya           0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0           Kohaku

Choi manages to land a hit on Kohaku... in theory. The ninja doesn't fall for the bluff, but still reacts too slow. The Korean cuts along-side the Ninja and keeps driving straight to the ground. The result, however, kicks up even more sand. The wayward sand blows it away, revealing a recovered, dashing Korean. "Risk? My kind of high, boy!" The midgets cries, lunging at the Ninja, trying to close the distance.

However, the Ninja makes a very smart move: Parthian Shot. The Korean sees the flash of the needles, and immediately jumps. Choi was short, and most smart people went for a center of mass shot. Being a leaping fool, the distance between total evasion and center of mass was much shorter than most individuals. The little man sails through the air, grabbing a long single-rope bridge connecting a pair of pine trees with his legs. Whipping around, he gauges the battlefield. Nataya was doing well against Birdie. "HEY! BIRDIE! STOP GETTING YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU BY MY TEAMMATE!" The midget shouts from up above.

The Korean then sets his sights on Kohaku. Grabbing the rope with one hand, the Korean hacks the ropes. The bridge gives away, and Choi swings through the air, whipping the weight of the rope. At the apex, he releases the rope, and cracks his body around. The midget blazes across the ground in a whirling pirouette, sucking up dust into a small dust devil. The amount of haze in the air might be a problem for visability. In any case, the little man was ripping across the terrain, and would be grinding Kohaku in a manner reserved only for men (not ladies).

COMBATSYS: Nataya successfully hits Birdie with Five Precepts.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0           Birdie
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Nataya           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Kohaku

Oh no, Birdie is hit again?! Even as Birdie gets up, Nataya just doesn't want to cut him some slack, huh? Even as he gets up, he can already see her throwing stuff at him. And now, Birdie has no real way to get around stuff like that. Birdie just watches and grunts. "Aw hell, way to hide." Birdie snorts as he throws himself forward, making himself right towards the puddles of mercury that comes at him.

And Birdie just leaps. Leaps like there is no tomorrow, attempting to get over it. But he knicks it, falling over and being grasped by the puddles that explode upon him. Birdie is just getting juggled about, thrown towards the ground after he does. He's completely burned by it, but he's not giving up yet. Oh no, not yet. This is just the start.

Slowly getting up, Birdie snorts. "I'm gonna kick your ass, chick-a-dee." Birdie announces as he just waits there. Just waits with a shit eating grin. Oh yes, he's not going to do anything right now. He's gonna wait for her to come.

He doesn't even care what is going on towards Kohaku. Oh no. He just wants to kick as much ass as possible. Fighting is his style.

COMBATSYS: Birdie gains composure.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Nataya           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Kohaku blocks Choi's Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Nataya           0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Kohaku

As is expected Choi proves to be just as fast when protecting himself as he is when moving on the attack- that kind of mobility is a major asset. As a ninja, Kohaku would know this. And seeing that Choi isn't fool enough to consider himself too fast to be harmed he makes with some slick moves and leaps over the needles, which embed themselves harmlessly into the ground. The small mans shout is enough to get Kohaku to observe the situation between Birdie and Nataya. Surely, she seems to be giving him a hard time, but he's managed to keep his composure.

Incoming. Choi attacks again, this time rushing down at him from above. Speed is almost always the method of defense preferred by Kohaku, and this holds true even when not attempting purely evasive action. Choi is faster- but not as much faster as he is against many opponents. And there's a second component than just speed and claws- wind comprised of Chi... another thing they seem to share in common.

A single handseal is made and Kohaku produces his own, and is thrown away from Choi by it's power, drawn away so that while the speedy Korean is able to catch up to him and lash out, he can't carve into him as much as he should be able to, the winds around the two kicking up dust in every direction as they interfere. A few more gashes, but nothing Kohaku can't handle.

Time to retaliate, but not against Choi. Reaching into deep pockets as he continues his escaping moves he lines long rows of needles up between his fingers. A high leap sends him back flipping far enough into the sky to get a view of the entire battlefield- and thus a view of Nataya. He locks his eyes on her, a hard calculating stare, and then swings each arm out in turn, the needles suddenly raining down from the sky towards her, seeking the tiny little acupuncture points across her back. Very hard to hit at this range, but this is what he does. To most people the impact locations, should they hit, would seem completely random- but Nataya would be able to feel their effects, slowing and shutting down the chiflow that she appears to be so very reliant on.

COMBATSYS: Nataya blocks Kohaku's Raven.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Nataya           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Kohaku

Is that Choi? Well, it's some kind of praise. Sort of. She turns to grin, givingthe Korean crazy cutter a thumbs up, set to the backdrop of Birdie getting tossed like a salad. Nataya sniffles a bit, and then sneezes, her eyes watering. "Ugh, pardon?" She asks, her nose a little stuffed up. Hiding? Kicking her ass? Nataya doesn't quite get the animosity. She doesn't even know this guy. All she knows is that Muay Boran coupled with her monk-learned abilities can cause some consternation with some people. It's not exactly a forgiving style to her opponent or to her.

"Um... well, good luck?" She asks, not entirely sure how she's supposed to respond to threats from someone that's just fighting in a 'practice bout'. It's one thing when she's on the streets, battling people in the middle of gang warfare. it's completely unexpected in a sponsored event.

Clearly, Nataya's trash talk skills need work.

Then comes the rain of needles.

The attack seems to come out of virtually nowhere, and she's forced to respond quickly. The mists and beads swirl around her in a protective pattern, battering away many of the wayward acupuncture attacks. Nevertheless, a few do manage to thread the needle as it were, and smack into her back. The numbness that sets in is palpable... but it's not enough to slow her down much. Granted, it would have done more, perhaps, were she reliant on the power Kohaku thinks she is.

No time to go into the full setup. She's got to move quickly. "Get clear, Mr. Boungue!" She calls out as she bolts forward to catch the ninja at pointblank range. Should she hit, the results will be catastrophic. The swirling mists will be focues into a power bolt of energy, blasting Kohaku backward as Nataya disappears into a puff of smoke. It'll be followed by her appearance behind him, receiving his decent with a series of devestating punches and kicks designed to break a normal man in half before she punches him clear.

Choi's wind-whipping dust-kicking whirling claw strike manages to close on the ninja, though his chi energy seems to be... disrupted. The sandstorm dies down once it closes on the ninja, leaving on his bare claws to bring him down. Not a total failure, though considering the build up, far more tiring than it should be. However, that isn't the worst of it. The ninja flies away with powers only Ninja Pigeons (A type of bird that carries the natural talents of ninjas) would carry. Well, while Choi isn't a ninja, he is a midget. And if Japan has taught him anything, it is that Ninjas are naturally uncomfortable around midgets.

Especially the laughing kind.

Choi staggers, recovering from the spinning strike. Poof. That was quick. Looking up at the ninja, he spots Kohaku spiking a storm down at Nataya. The Korean flinches. Birdie was just behind her, looking badass. They might be enemies, but Choi might have been rooting for him to beat Nataya up. Maybe. In any case, Nataya was useful to the little man for the moment. As she reforms, the little man does his own leaping.

Bouncing off a pine tree, Choi gains only a little altidude. However, it wasn't height that Choi wanted. All he wanted to do is to outpace the force of gravity that would begin bringing Kohaku back to earth. The warning reaches his ears. Get clear. Seriously. What did the fight teach her? Choi kicks off from the tree, trying to intercept the landing Ninja. "Nataya, I hope you like Volleyball!" he cries, claws wound back high. As he connects midair with Kohaku, he slashes hard down, trying to spike the Ninja right in the collecting mists. And over it all, the little man howls in a screeching voice:
"SERVE! Dirty-Love, TOOTS!"

Ignored for the moment, Birdie gets right back up. No one wants to come to Birdie?! Oh that's alright, because Birdie's coming to them! Getting up, the big monolith figure towers over the others as they all get into one giant scrap. And for once? Birdie has someone to pick on. And he's going to god damn take it. He promised to kick some ass. And he's going to kick some ass.

"HEY! YOU THERE!" Birdie snorts, pointing towards Nataya with a large, meaty arm. "I got something for you right here!" Even as Nataya moves over towards Kohaku, Birdie is making his way over quickly, long strides propelling the thug at high speeds.

His boots leave huge tracks in the ground with each step, graspign over towards Nataya even as she's aiming to catch the ninja. Birdie's aiming to catch her. And he's aiming to catch her bad. Even if Nataya doesn't know Birdie, Birdie doesn't know Nataya. And furthermore, Birdie doesn't care. Anyone that that strikes at Birdie like that's gonna get one heaping helping of pain!

"What the hell? Good luck? Chick-a-dee what the bloody hell are you even sayin'? Are you sayin' that I can't?! Oh you're gonna get it!" Birdie cries, both massive fists coming out in hopes to grasp a hold of Nataya. And once there, if he does get a grip, just toss Nataya up and over, into the air, aiming to send her right into what she dislikes most.


COMBATSYS: Kohaku dodges Choi's Power Strike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Birdie
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Nataya           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Kohaku dodges Nataya's Six Seals EX.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Birdie
[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Nataya           0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Kohaku

Kohaku's needles meet an unexpected barrier, the energy around Nataya forming in a way to help protect her from their onslaught, most of them deflecting harmlessly away and the rest missing the acupuncture points by enough to render their strikes relatively harmless. And it seems that she isn't willing to just stand there and get attacked, either, moving into position to hit him when he lands.

And to make matters even more complicated Choi still wants a piece of him. Two on one then... this will be difficult. Choi comes in high, attacking from above and trying to smash him downward- right to where Nataya is waiting to pound on him when he smashes into the ground. His weight shifts, and again he calls upon the winds, easing just enough to the side that the downward stroke misses his garments by less than an inch.

But he's still falling, and down he goes. He lands right next to Nataya, and begins moving very quickly. A diving roll to the side is made and the collected mists fire out at where he just was and not where he is. He comes up to his feet, sees Birdie rushing in towards monk and makes a quick decision. He moves in close to pin the woman between Birdie and himself, making a few fast motions with his hands before pulling his right arm back and then punching it forward with a four fingered stab. Should they make contact a trapezoidal chi seal will form over her body, activating and causing an explosive detonation of her own energy- something that should distract her long enough for Birdie to make his grab.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Nataya with Medium Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Nataya           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Kohaku successfully hits Nataya with Butterfly.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Nataya           1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0           Kohaku

First, Nataya doesn't have a particular hatred of pine trees. She's just allergic to them, sinc ethey're not very prevelant around her hometown for the most part. It's arguable that she may not actually hate anything. There are things she dislikes, though, and one of those thing is getting tossed around like a beanbag. She goes flying, smashing into the trees but not before something stabs her in her back, draining her of some of her energy as it explodes on her.

She crashed downard, rolling across the ground. Weak arms push against the ground, tremble, and fail. Elbows give as she slams face down into the ground.

There's just an incredible lack of comprehension. Why on Earth are these people acting like circus clowns? This is a fight... there's no reason for it to be personal. She just fails to understand on a very basic level, and she takes a deep breath.

She rolls onto her back, her eyes slowly focuseing as she braces herself against a tree. The mists around her body slowly boil up, entering a maddening dance as the beads swirl and jump, as if agitated by the fact that their owner isn't moving fast enough for their liking. They almost seem to try to push her along, urging her forward. Nataya stumbles a little, her face still smiling. However, there's something a little off about the smile. It's like it's frozen, as if a freeze frame on a VCR.

She holds out her hand, and her beads levitate. A target hasn't been selected yet. She's still coming to terms with the fact that all he rlimbs are still there! Still, as the beads swirl, they form long, silvery spears of power. Choi knows this attack... he should, because he's been hit by the thing. Nataya mutters something under her breath, and then launches the spears outward. They swirl, gravitating towards the nearest target, which happens to be Kohaku again. The silvery spears craom towards him, but before they stab him through, they move vertically, gleaming brightly as they swing like baseball bats. Four of the weapons smash down at the ninja, attempting to re-enact the Rodney king incident as Nataya slumps against a tree.

Distractions are funny. Giving on creates one. Choi understands this concept very well. See, deep down, Choi is a bit of a weasel. In team fights, he often uses his partner as a meatshield. This isn't an issue of pure malice. Rather, it deals with the fact that Choi is used to fighting with someone who eats attacks like candy. Choi was used to being a harry, someone who keeps attacking a target until the person strikes back, allowing himself to get smashed into the ground by Chang. This was different, though not by much.

As Kohaku slips from his grip, the little man doesn't so down. Oh no. As the ninja rolls away, so does Choi. Naturally, the Korean can't speed up gravity, so he is at a slight speed disadvantage... but not for long. Trailing the ninja closely, the midget explodes from his roll... in a heel drop. In tandem with the bats, the Korean attempts his own overhead blast with a little more stealth than his Birdied counterpart.

Birdie stands there. Once more, waiting for the dogs of WAR to come down upon him. But none too. No one comes. Birdie's rather shifty about this. No one came at all. Nobody. Not even chickens. Looking towards Choi as he made his way towards Kohaku again, his attention quickly moves back towards Nataya. Obviously she would come at him.

No. No one does. Even as she strikes the tree, falling down quickly and even getting sacked by Kohaku. Birdie is just not buying this. She doesn't even come towards him. But what he does know is that Nataya is still using those... things she uses to attack with! Birdie ain't too damn sure, but she's friggen using them. That's it!

"Awww hell. Nobody still?" Birdie announces, thriving on violence and testosterone. Sometimes adrenaline when you just need that get up and go. And there is sure a lot of that about here. Even as they both home in on Kohaku, Birdie can't just sit there and let'm. One kinda partner would he be then? "What you think you two are doin', huh?! Birdie's right here, and you're all going for him! Well, turn about is fair game, ain't it!" Birdie snorts with a shit eating grin on his face.

And he laughs, oh does he laugh. His massive figure moves with an inhuman grace still as he makes his way towards Nataya, and once there, a fist of massive proportions lances out, lurching like a black meteor falling from the sky, aiming to get a nice devastating punch towards Nataya's chest.

COMBATSYS: Nataya successfully hits Kohaku with Four Stages of Enlightenment.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Nataya           0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Kohaku with Toorima Geri.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Birdie
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Nataya           0/-------/----===|=======\=======\1           Kohaku

The team up strike works- Nataya is caught between the two of them and doesn't manage to fend the pair of them off. But as powerful as the combination attack was, it wasn't near enough to bring the fighter down. And now it seems that she's ready for some payback. Kohaku pays very close attention to what's going on around him, which means he takes notice of both the odd energy buildup around Nataya, and the fact that Choi is moving in for the kill.

Truthfully, he can't begrudge them for the tactic. Certainly Birdie is a meatier target than he, and the best way to obtain victory is to focus your attacks on a single target and take them out of the fight so that you can then proceed to doubleteam the second as well. For Kohaku, this is where things get ugly. Though it's only two people striking out at him, it's in fact five attackers, four energized beadspears and Choi. A powerful technique, the Ninja scrambles to escape the beating weapons, only to get driven into the dirt by the attack from Choi.

That momentary weakness is all the opening the spears need to begin beating him to a pulp, smacking him around and practically dribbling him like a basketball. By the time the hellish beating is over he's covered in bruises, and even standing back up is painful for him. But stand he does, because he's not beaten yet. Close to it surely, but not yet.

And it's surprising how when at your very worst you can be at your very best, but that's something that Nataya herself just proved was possible. Mindless of Birdie rushing in the Ninja pulls himself up and suddenly becomes a blur. He begins running at the monk and then suddenly alters course, circling around her and throwing needles as he goes. He jumps up over her and arcs through the air, arms constantly reaching down to hidden pockets in his clothing full of acupuncture needles and flinging the tiny objects at her. The air literally fills with them as he moves, the ninja seeking to perform a full-body operation on her, a move that if successful should utterly and completely cripple her, almost fully shutting down internal chi-flow to the point that anything more than standing would be a difficult task. ...then again, the beating she just gave him is about the same as that, isn't it?

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Nataya with Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0           Birdie
[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Nataya           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Kohaku

COMBATSYS: Kohaku successfully hits Nataya with Eagle.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0           Birdie
[                                < >  ////////                      ]
Nataya           1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0           Kohaku

Well, really... the needles while painful and disruptive... really don't do that much. Unfortunately, the most they manage is to stop Nataya long enough for Birdie to smash her flatter than a pancake as the giant thug brings the pain in a covered dish. She doesn't have time to do anything. If this were a cartoon, this is when she'd whip out a tiny umbrella and just get smushed.

She collapses to the ground with a thud. The one saving grace is she basically took two and a half rounds of endless abuse and managed to hold her own. The bad bad is that she's probably not going to be moving any time soon after that. She's tough... just not that tough. The accumulated damage that comes in such a short time just causes her to hit the ground, completely out of it with swirls in her eyes and stars around her head.

But that doesn't stop her completely. Not by a long shot! Well, it does. Just not the mists surrounding her. The silvery clouds seem to want to form some kind of shape. The billowing puffs wrap, fold back in on themselves... and ultimately fail to do so.

Then they explode.

The clouds and beads erupt, the arching burst shooting drunkenly towards the neearest, biggest object around. That thing happens to be Birdie. If the attack connects, it will be a torrent of unhappiness as the beads smash clean into the man, and then back off, firing off energy bolts at him until they just sort of peter out, devoid of all energy as they clatter to the ground, rolling slowly towards their owner.

COMBATSYS: Nataya can no longer fight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0           Birdie
                                  >  ////////                      ]
                                 |====---\-------\0           Kohaku

And they just keep going for Nataya. After the fight, Choi was going to have to give her a highfive. Maybe a Hallmark card. In any case, Nataya was doing a great job eating constant attacks in the place of Choi. Boy howdy. The only downside would be when both the Ninja and The Brute begin giving the midget the Shaft.

Choi staggers back up from his heel drop. And watches the needle and pound show. The Korean even flinches when she gets her firm buttocks handed back to her like American Meat in Korea. Mmm. Mad cow. Choi quietly tiptoes behind Kohaku. Very quietly. Using stealth only found in true perverts, he positions himself right behind the professional japanese assassin...

And drives his claw right towards his kidney.

The Korean prepares his +3d6 damage.

COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Nataya's 37 Factors of Enlightenment.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1           Birdie
                                  >  ////////                      ]
                                 |====---\-------\0           Kohaku

Even as Nataya goes down with a terrible thud, thrown towards the ground by Birdie's massive strength, the british brute doesn't stand around too long. He's got some Choi to take care of! And take care of Choi he will. Oh he will! They're friends in some weird white old midget slash giant black man with a dangerous doo kind of way that can only be created in places like bars.

Stop that I know what you're thinking.

But Birdie is here, and now, Birdie just looks towards Nataya. She obviously did something. Something BIRDIE SAW. Looking over towards her, he pensively eyes her. And, without a second thought, rushes towards the small beads that come out towards him. And like some sort of crazy man, leaps into the air. Leaps like no other man has ever, be it black or white or purple, he leaps. High. Directly into them. He's seared terribly.

But he's propelled. Propelled the other way, the explosions acting like a terrible turnbuckle as he vaults directly towards Choi, head first like some sort of BIRDIE MISSILE, the blue mist swirling around him as he explodes forward, propelled only by the explosion itself! He looks worse for wear, but there is only ONE THING you have to note.

His hair is pointy. And pointing right at CHOI.

COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Kohaku with Quick Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1           Birdie
                                  >  ////                          ]
                                 |======-\-------\0           Kohaku

Even if the attack didn't do anything more than allowing Birdie to smash the tar out of Nataya, that was plenty. It's a victory, even if a marginal one. The Ninja slows, breathing heavily as Choi sneaks up behind him. He is aware of the Koreans presence, of course, and when the stab attempt is made he turns, pulling a throwing dagger out and attempting to knock the claws away- failing in a rather miserable fashion. He's stabbed, and he bleeds. Maybe that's why he never put much stock in anything other than 'running away' as a defense.

No matter the case, the blades don't do a heinous amount of damage, but enough that he's now getting rather woosy from blood loss and being beaten about the head several times by chi powered bead-spears. Looks like it's going to come down to Choi and Birdie duking it out...

He shoves off of the little man and moves aside as Birdie comes in to attempt to beat the heck out of the Korean with his hair. And as he passes Kohaku? A near-solid stream of needles goes flying towards him, aiming for the acupuncture points across his body. He is apparently attempting to turn Birdie into a living pincushion, a porcupine, if you will. Is this the backstabbing skullduggery that ninja are known for? Is he turning on his partner to give Choi the best chance of coming out on top?


COMBATSYS: Kohaku can no longer fight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Birdie's Bull Head.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1           Birdie

As Choi drives his claws into Kohaku, a sick squeal of laughter erupts from the little midget's chest. "KYAA HA HAAAAA" The Korean cries, drawing his claws back. Looks like the Ninja was a None-ja. Choi cackled furthermore in his mind on that last one. Even when Kohaku sidesteps, the Korean has a warped grin stapled on his face. The midget brings his claws in front of him, ready for the storm...

But then, he senses something. Maybe it was the change in light. Maybe it was his danger sense. Maybe it was the fact that Nataya just blasted him off the face of the earth... and the earth wanted him right back. Choi turned to see the stream of needles going towards a giant purple missile shuttling right down towards him. Choi doesn't miss a beat. He hits the floor, and barrel rolls. As in, rolls like a barrel. Under him. The massive man sails over the little Korean, leaving Choi with a KO'd Ninja, an unconscious female, and sweat. Lots and lots of sweat.

But the little man wasn't done. Picking himself up, the midget gallops a bit, then charges full speed. Trying to track the larger man, he waits until the headbutt stops before leaping through the air, feet first. What- Was Choi attempting his infamous flying kick? This might be something Birdie might barely feel, if he had experienced a small chickadee accidently bumping into him in midflight. Hopefully, he will be strong enough to handle it this time.

COMBATSYS: Kohaku successfully hits Birdie with Phoenix.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Choi's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1           Birdie

Even as Choi comes a knockin', Kohaku comes a rockin' with his pins and acupuncture points. Birdie begins to moves even as he's coming, but he's not real sure what the hell to do at first. But then it comes all at once!!! But it feels.... good? Birdie justs rolls his arms back and enjoys what he can. "Oh. BoyI was bloody wrong with you. You're pretty damn swell. Hahaha." Birdie chuckles, feeling better and rarin to go!

This of course has a problem, well, partially because Choi was there. Yes. CHOI WAS THERE. Stabbing him. Birdie looks right towards Choi with a rather L:| look on his face, where the mouth just hangs down and the eyes turn beady. "Boy did you just stab my accupunturerer?" Never mind that Choi is probably older than Birdie AND probably more knowledgable by some distance.

His was enjoying that. And Birdie, he dosen't even care if there are still needles in his back if he goes after Choi. All he sees are midget flying feet. And he answers it. With his head. Blocking with his arms, and stopping the INFAMOUS FLYING KICK by pushing him off. "Haw haw haw! Bloody hell. I'm sorry bout this, but we're gonna have a little fun, y'know?" Birdie smiles.

And then he throws himself into the air JUST LIKE CHOI. Attempting to squash Choi with a flying leap squish!

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Choi with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Choi             0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie


Choi's attempt to kick him was pushed aside. The little midget struggles to get up, but doesn't. Instead, he takes 288 lbs of beefcake right in the face. The Korean seems to give way with the ground beneath as he becomes PEGGED into the earth.

The little man whimpers from beneath Birdie's boots. Feebly, he does what is probably the worst idea ever in the history of mankind: try and shove him off. The little man attempts to grab the giant's leg, and hurl him off his face. Yeah.

I mean, Choi can dream, can't he?

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Strong Throw from Choi with Bull Revenger.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Choi             1/=======/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

As Birdie lands, the ground itself might as well split, or at least shake. Somewhere in the world there might have been an earthquake, but do not fear, citizens of earth, your savior, Choi, has caught the mighty boot on his face. And thus saved the world! But as Choi grabs a hold of Birdie's boot and tries to throw him off, Birdie is a stead fast believer that you don't grab onto anything that's bigger than you.

And as Choi is mid way of hurling Birdie, he may miss a chain about his arm, as Birdie is shoved a good distance away before coming to a halt, and pulling Choi towards him. "Hehe. No hard feelings." Birdie snorts as he gives Choi a couple of headbutts to shut him down for a few seconds. And with the chain already in place, it makes it a little easier.

Birdie lifts up, hurling Choi into the air with a massive grunt, bringing the midget up before pulling down, crashign him into the ground itself before pulling him up again, turning about, and then thrashing Choi in the ground on the opposite side of Birdie, letting Choi go for now, in the spirit of the fight.

But he doesn't just let him go. Choi might be spiraling away. MIGHT BE.

Choi almost gets him off. At least, in his imagination. As the little man rises, he suddenly becomes chained. Oh crap.


Choi collides into the ground with a dull 'whump.' He stays there. And stays there. And finally, his twitches. A rush of blood flows across his body, encouraging further movement from the little man. And then, the Korean rises. The little man seems strangely off-balance. Like if his hip was dislocated or something. Lop-sided Choi struggles to keep himself up, staring at Birdie with his giant blood-blister that was now his face. Blood flowed freely from his arms. And then, with his own juices flowing over the claws, he hops.

The midget disappears in a shimmer of red haze. The mist-like lighting casts shadows over the team-building site, like if this was some sort of prostitution district. And from the lengthing shadows, a slash erupts towards Birdie. Followed by another slash. Four more cuts reach out to the British thug from around the eerie haze, before the mist collapses in a bloody stain at Birdie's feet.

Oh wait, that was Choi.


COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Birdie with Shakushi.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1           Birdie

Nataya says, "I believe it's supposed to increase your margins for power procs, interrupts and power hits."

Choi isn't the only bloody thing hitting the ground. Birdie is also one of those bloody things hitting the ground. Especially as Choi disappears into the CLOUD OF MIST. Birdie blinks once, blinks twice, and just has no idea what to do here. On one side, he could just try to end him. On the other, Choi's a pretty shifty character. If anything, he can't keep this up forever, can he?

Obviously he's wrong, as Birdie is clawed out from nowhere. He tries to throw himself into it... but how?! It's coming from everywhere! Birdie then tries to turn about and then throw himself into that! But the slash is too powerful, cutting open Birdie like fresh cut meat?! He's bleeding. Obviously bleeding everywhere. Choi's not a happy fun dude when he gets into it, but Birdie ain't done yet.

"Haw... Haw haw... damn nice." Birdie spits, even as Choi hits the grount in a bloody stain. Well, lets just say that even bloody stains have, uh, problems to fight with Birdie. Because Birdie lurches forward again, attempting to use his hair on the bloody stain. Yes. Over. And over. And over again.

Throwing himself forward with his hair on the fallen Choi?!

It's more likely than you think!

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Choi with The Birdie.

[                                < >  //////////                    ]
Choi             1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Indeed. While Choi was in a prime situation to avoid a hair-able demise, he was just not in the mousse to dodge. All his defensive conditioning was for naught, as by the time the beat down is over, he looks like some fake crap... shampoo if you will. What a barber-ian.

The bloody splotch becomes even more bloody... and disjointed. Seriously, Choi is in no condition to survive this. He would need a miracle to even get- What? The blob shudders to life, and with little more warning, the pool of flesh and blood leaps towards Birdie's face. It seizures, claws erupting from the depths of the creature. Through the haze of pain, Choi just cut-cut-cuts at where he senses mohawk. A light slowly erupts at the end of the dark tunnel...

COMBATSYS: Choi can no longer fight.

                                  >  //////////                    ]
                                 |-------\-------\0           Birdie

...Which was the train of mortality running him right back into unconsciousness.

COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Choi's Hou'ou Kyaku.

                                  >  //////                        ]
                                 |=------\-------\0           Birdie

Oh the follicies you'll see!

And oh the follicles that Choi sees. Even as Choi comes to a stop, Birdie takes advantage. Quickly. The smaller man is in no conditioner! And then Choi springs into action, beating the hell out of Birdie in his last moments. Birdie can't even see the man in the red mist. It's sort of weird and something you'd expect in horror movies.

Except this was a midget in claws. The other ones were midgets with scissors.

But Birdie just throws himself forward, in hopes of using his adrenaline to STOP THE STRIKE, which, turns out, is not the way to do it. Birdie's just hurled towards the ground by the claws, cutting into him left and right before he finally smashes into the ground brutally, bleeded badly. "W-woah. Bloke. You've still got it. Hahahaaa..." Birdie announces, breathing heavily and rearin' for a nap himself.

Be careful he snores!

The SNF people are going to need bleach for this fight! And maybe a stick to make sure they're all alive.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has ended the fight here.

Log created on 19:36:02 09/07/2008 by Birdie, and last modified on 18:22:13 09/10/2008.