SNF 2008.06 - Test Protocol! M. Bison vs Kula

Description: Two instinct-heavy fighters bring their 'A' games to this battle--will Kula's genetically engineered chi skills prevail over Bison's pure, completely natural, non-steroid-induced physical power? READ ON, TRUE BELIEVER. (DRAW MATCH)

COMBATSYS: Kula has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0           Stasya

COMBATSYS: M.Bison has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Stasya           0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kula             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Camera has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kula             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Hunh. Ain't been in no fight like this before. Yeah, so he was challenged. His opponent? A cute, almsot pre-pubescent girl. Bison didn't bother to look up much on her. She is, after all, a girl and Bison already knows that girls can't damn fight. He arrived at this 'testing center'... and he was led into this room. This sterile room, four grey walls, floor and ceiling, recessed lighting... oh yeah. And the cameras. Cameras with geeks behind them... He let them put the earpiece on but he doesn't look happy about it.

"Goddamn... don't need no freakin' camera to beat up no little goddamn girl..." So it's safe to say that Bison is already in a mood, pacing back and forth at the end of the room farthest from the door, occasionally making as if he were gonna punch the everlovin' hell out of the walls... but something's restraining him. Despite the mood...

... he's gettin' excited. It's gonna be a fun fight, he thinks. Then... it's always fun to punch someone's face in, all the more so when it's some -girl-. Christ, girls. Think they can fight. Gotta gang up on him to take him down. (Ssh, don't tell him about Chun-Li.) Yeah. This'll be his revenge on ALL girlkind...

The calmly paced thunk of thick, insulated boots against the harsh metal floor announce the arrival of a second figure into the chamber. She is in every bit the image of what Bison expected based on simple summary profile information. Very young, to the point of definitely begging the question of what kind of joke this was supposed to be. Sure, there's teen girls who think themselves real fighters, and when teamed up sufficiently, might be able to give the brutal boxer a fair fight, but this? This just doesn't seem right at all.

Add to that the fact that Kula cares nothing about the belt or the title that goes with it. No... this entire occurance came about after a series of internal debates, wagers, and dares back at the NESTs labs about whether or not their young killing machine could pull it off. Eventually they decided to solve this question with the scientific method and put Kula to the test!

Violet eyes glance around the interior of the sterile, grey interior, her right hand coming up to rest against the ear piece she was fitted with. Used to wearing communications devices in her ear anyway, this seems no different to the girl. Slowly she turns to face Bison himself, staring at the boxer, glancing him over from head to toe as if to scrutinize what it is she's contending with here.

Already prepared to fight, her hair is an unnatural, icy blue color and small blue crystaline particles swirl around her body, moisture drawn from the mostly dry air and turned to ice simply by proximity to the girl. And if she's at all excited to be there, it doesn't register on her face, the girl simply standing there, her arms resting against her sides, her fingers occasionally clenching and unclenching, concealed by protective leather gloves. "Hello, boxer man," she speaks up, thinking nothing of the camera mounted on the wall. She gets tested all the time in front of cameras at NESTs. This feels pretty much like business as usual to her.

Oh. Finally. Bison looks up when he hears that sound, the sound of boots... Heh. Heh heh. Yeah. She looks like she made outta paper. Ain't bad lookin', though. Young. Hell, he knows dealers in Vegas that get 'em that young. Hellaciously popular, they are... "Sheeeeeeeit," he drawls, sounding almost friendly, in a most condescending manner. "You ain't nothin' but a little slip o' girl, ain'tcha. I got a free tip for ya. Don' let me hit ya, or you gon' regret it."

His, ah, 'civic' duty done for the day... Bison lunges. Now, Kula doesn't care about the belt. Bison'll tell you the same. But really, he actually kind of does care--he's just telling himself otherwise. Hell, he ain't held a belt in years... he always wears shorts. Kula's observational team might suddenly be scrambling, as the man just comes at her.

"RRRAAAAAAAAHH!!" he shouts, trying to be intimidating, and he should be, a six foot six inch, eighth-ton slab of meat with gloves charging her position, right hand cocked back to deliver a hard, power straight, putting his whole body behind it. Actually, the technique isn't bad... and it's almost guaranteed that, if he does hit, it's gonna hurt like -crazy-. After all, just look at him. He is the most perfect specimen of a boxer, ever.

COMBATSYS: Kula blocks M.Bison's Dash Straight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

The frail looking thing gives Bison a whimsical smile in return, leaning her head to the side a little. "Thanks! But at no point was I intending to let you hit me," she replies. "I have been well taught. You should take me seriously." she warns. Hey, he had advice for her, only proper to offer some in return, right? Her caretakers watching via video feed tense up as the match begins, Bison taking the inititive to charge their expensive little experiment.

The ear emitter broadcasts to both fighters, detecting an increase in chi presence as Kula responds calmly, waving her left hand through the air, leaving in its path a literal barrier of thick ice. It's enough to slow the bullet-speeded fist before it gets to her, even though Bison smashes through the barrier with trivial ease. By the time his glove hits the girl, she's already crossed her arms over her body, letting her forearms absorb the remaining momentum. Where it not for the reinforcing, NESTs engineered armored leather jacket she's wearing, even that diminished power left in Bison's attack would be utterly punishing to the thin framed girl.

Staggering back, her arms out at her sides as she recovers from the strike, Kula retaliates immediately, leading with her left so that she can kick with her right, her skinny leg swinging out, aiming to deliver a kick toward his stomach. It'd be reasonable to question the danger of a physical strike from the waifish child, but even as her foot moves, Bison might have a brief moment to notice the thin blade along her sole as if she's about to rake his chest with an ice skate made literally of ice!

"Twenty percent of utilized surge in chi expended for defensive purposes," declares the recorder to both of the fighters. An instinctual fighter more than tactical, Kula doesn't even know what the hell that just meant. All she knows is she needs to hurt the intimidating looking fighter before he smashes her into the metal walls!

COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits M.Bison with Medium Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kula             0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Hnnngh. Bison -can't- take Kula seriously, look at her. He can't do it even when she slashes his chest open wth that 'ice skate'--a bloody line appearing on his chest, starting to ooze red blood. "Bitch," he hisses, staggering backwards from that slashing attack... almost certainly more damage taken than received... *click*

"Estimated level of damage resultant in 16% loss of fighting capacity," drones the cameravoice, Bison's eyes narrowing. He, like Kula, is almost purely instinctual... he doesn't even 'consider his options'. Instead he's already moving, thrusting his body forward, attempting to crash into Kula with a lowered shoulder, a pure 'bull rush' type of move.

That 'bull rush', however, is just the opening for a combination of strikes--almost certainly not something you'd see in traditional boxing, but good enough nonetheless, if it hits--a slipping jab to the stomach from his left, then a jab high, again from the left, and then a right cross--he's hurt, and he wants -payback-.

The camera remains silent, though its impartial eye is recording everything... perhaps there's little to nothing unusual about this particular attack except its savagery, something that the computer just doesn't know how to quantify.

COMBATSYS: Kula interrupts Fierce Punch from M.Bison with Crow Bite.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kula             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Bison hisses, his chest sliced by that bladed boot, and Kula stomps her foot back down, the ice shattering upon contact with the metal floor. At his hiss, her eyes narrow a little, her lips pursing into a slight frown. Silence is her response at first, however, as Bison lunges into the girl with a series of aggressive strikes, hoping to smash her face, crush her ribs, and pretty mcuh take the girl out of the fight as quickly as possible perhaps. Built like that, how many hits could she POSSIBLY sustain anyway?

But there's that voice in his ear, warning him as he charges at the same time Kula waves her hand through the air, creating a second barrier much like the first he punched through at the start of the match. "...diverting energy defensively, anticipating limited damage potential-" Bison leaves the barrier crushed, glass-like ice flying in every direction, and in the same instant Kula springs into him as if not fearing the terrible pain he seeks to inflict upon her. "-correction-" the voice starts to warn as Kula's arm comes up in an uppercut into Bison's chest at the same time he plows into her. The ice that formed that barrier an instant ago suddenly zaps back to the girl's arm as if iron drawn to a magnet, encasing her limb in jagged, sharp crystals. "-significant surge in-"

Much to the surprise of even the scientists viewing the video feed, she carries the much larger fighter into the air with the power behind the rising uppercut, her body twisting around in midair. "-energy output detected-" She completes the spin, her foot smashing out, covered with ice similar to those blood soaked shards on her arm, driving the boxer against the wall with her foot while her hands snap forward to grab onto his shoulders, pausing in that instant to explain quite clearly, "Scientists are punk bitches. My name is Kula Diamond. You should call me that."

Her demand issued, the girl kicks off of him into a backflip, aiming to drop down to the floor of the room, landing in three-point crouch, the ice coating her limbs falling off to scatter across the floor at her feet while she rises to standing slowly.

"...estimating no more than ten percent reduction in combat capability..." that disembodied, robotic voice echos into their ears.

Wow. What a hit. Bison's -torn up- by the little girl; he goes flying, slamming into the wall, sliding down. But he's not out, not by a long shot. His eyes snap open and he rocks to his feet, breathing hard. "Aight, girlie. You had yer fun. I'll give ya this... you can hit pretty damn hard. But I ain't gon' go out like a damn punk..." He starts pounding the wall, with his right fist, repeatedly, working himself up. There's no concrete, visible representation of what he's doing, of course.

But it -looks- like he is literally getting bigger--his muscles bulging as if storing more rage, and anger. The camera chimes in as it has been during the entire fight. "Energy levels rising in subject, mechanism unknown; increased heart rate, blood flow, temperature." Fortunately, it's just an observer--not an analyst. It doesn't reach into the mind and try to understand what the subjects have in mind...

Then again, what's on Bison's mind is actually pretty simple. He wants to hurt this girl. He's been properly bloodied, and while the wounds themselves don't actually worry him... well, pain feeds his anger. And he was -already- angry. It's... well, it's kind of the way he is, yanno?

"I don' give a -damn- 'bout yo' -name-!"

COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kula             0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Kula doesn't charge Bison at first, standing back, watching as he begins to smash his mighty fists into the wall. The scientists viewing the results begin to scramble, watching charts spike, meters peg, and threat level summaries start scrolling off the screen rapidly. The camp that wagered on Kula being able to stand up to the mighty fighter start to sweat it a little, as even from the safety of long distance video transmissions, that once-champion just begins to look down right terrifying.

Kula's right arm comes up, bent in front of her, her legs tensing a little as she braces for a moment, trying to decide if she should defend or go ahead and attack in spite the sudden rise in adrenaline. Even the cooler temperatures that perpetually surround her when she's fighting seem endangered by the raw fury emanating off of the man.

But in the end she attacks, deciding to act aggressively rather than hanging back, sprinting forward, moving with speed faster than the motion of her legs would suggest, practically gliding over the smooth metal floor. She decides not just to strike, but to get right up in Bison's business. It takes raising her arms up over her head to send both of her hands for his neck, seeking to get a tight grip as possible given the size of her fingers. "You shouldn't be so rude," she states firmly as she seeks that grip. As if to reinforce her point, those hands of hers suddenly become the conduit through which she tries to drive a surge of chi directly into the powerful boxer's neck.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Medium Throw from Kula with Turn Punch.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kula             0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Oh, she'll get her grip. That grip... well, she gets it for a moment. Bison truly is scary; he knows it, and he uses it to his advantage. His -glare- is enough to make lesser men have to change their shorts. But Kula is, of course, made of sterner stuff. NESTS(tm) brand Sterner Stuff. It's admirable, that she comes charging in with only the slightest hesitation. But that hesitation... that's enough.

Bison smirks, just as she reaches in. "Heh." If she thought he was being rude with his words... the punch he delivers, just after contact, is all the more so--a single, pistoning, crushing blow from his right, aimed to go not into Kula's stomach--but right -through- it. Of course, she's light and made of flexible materials so he probably won't -actually- gut her... but she might feel like he just did.

"You beat me, girl? Then you c'n tell me not to be rude. 'til then, I do as I please." He does as he pleases -anyways- but hush, he's being condescending. "An' you ain't won this fight yet..."

The Camera buzzes, in that metallic drone voice, after the fact, "Subject's estimated fighting capacity fallen to 50%." What happened to Kula, well, warn't nothin' special 'bout that 'cept that it hurts.

She gets that grip she sought, but in the process leaves herself wide open to the boxer's fists. A gamble that doesn't pay off to swell as he crushes into her, smashing the featherweight back off of him, her hands slipping free as she slides back several yards, mouth agape, eyes wide as she comes to a stop then simply drops to her knees, her right hand going to rest against her stomach. Okay, that was a pretty painful wakeup call - Bison's first clean hit against her finally demonstrating the furious power with he is able to strike, taking with it a significant portion of her capacity to continue.

Rising slowly back to standing, she breaths in slowly once, then exhales, her frosty breath visible as it escapes her lips. A second intake of air preludes the next attack as she brings her hand to her mouth, palm up, fingers toward Bison. But if he thinks she's about to blow him a kiss, he might want to watch out for the blisteringly cold rush of air that bursts through the air toward him. In the swath of air, crystaline shards and razor sharp rings of ice swirl, threatening to cut and carve him should they connect. "Then I will have to do that first," she states quietly.

The robotic voice chirps with a periodic status report, "Subject's capacity to continue evaluated to be roughly fifty percent estimated potential." Scientists jot down notes, tap a few keys to leave behind reminders for themselves to check certain benchmarks in the fight when studying it afterward.

COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits M.Bison with Diamond Breath.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kula             1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Another platinum hit; Bison is, literally, blown away by that gust of icy chi. "NNNNNNNNNNNRAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!" he yells, as he's caught up in it; the gust just blows, literally, straight through his attempt to defend against it, and he's once again slammed against the wall. Huffin', and puffin', the big man is reduced to almost nothing but a mean, mean glare.

"Subject's fighting capability reduced by 20%," states the robotic voice, and if Kula hadn't been hitting him so damn hard, Bison would've smashed it already. But the little girl's already earned a special place in his blackened, shriveled heart. "That's it," he mutters, half to himself, but for everyone to hear.

And then he literally rips his boxing gloves off, tossing them away. "No more gloves. They's just savin' you." Oh yeah. He's -pissed off-. "I been goin' easy on ya. I'm a softie. But I ain't goin' down like this..." Clenching his fists, he surges forward, once again drawing his right fist back... and as he throws the punch... well, initially it might look just like any other punch he's thrown; his repertoire of punches isn't really all that big. But there's something -about- it...

"Sudden increase in movement speed," utters the camera's analysis package. And it's oh so right, as Bison comes charging across again, that punch screaming silently through the air, ripping the atmosphere...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Kula with Gigaton Blow.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kula             1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Slowly the girl lowers her ice encrusted hand, flakes of snow drifting off the glove to drift to the floor at her feet. The boxer has been pushed around rather fiercely by her ice use, but he's been packing those punches back in on her as well. It's hard to say what hope either of them have of walking out of this fight with the damage they're doing to each other. Even the wagering scientists and researchers studying the numbers can't make any sense of how to predict the outcome. And sometimes that's just how it is - numbers, datasheets, charts can only go so far. At the end of the day, it comes down to the two people in the proverbial ring carving out their destiny, powering their way through one another, numbers be damned, and making their mark. It's a visceral thing that those protected behind metal walls and sheets of safety glass would never be able to understand.

Bison begins to remove his gloves, indicating that that's it. That he's going to finish this, no more going easy on the waifish figure that's been giving him so much grief. "Then I won't go easy on you either," Kula replies. She... doesn't remove her gloves though. In fact she just stands there at first, as he prepares himself. The changes are subtle. A shimmer of white energy that passes over her than vanishes. A lowering of the temperature not just around her but in the room entirely. An increased presence of those flurrying crystals whirling around her body.

He clenches his fists, and Kula clenches hers. The slight increase in ice around her becomes a localized blizzard, picking up in intensity, becoming rapidly a veritable pillar of ice, wind, and energy whipping around her violently. Bison charges and Kula raises her arms slowly over her head, making no effort to defend herself. Perhaps the warning of the voice in her ear isn't regarded. Maybe she doesn't believe that simple punch can hurt that bad. Or maybe she just thinks it's worth it, to take the hit if it means she gets to finish preparing the finishing touch she's readying for him.

Gripping her hands together over her head as if stretching, his punch crashes into her torso in that moment. Like a reed before the storm, Kula is smashed clean off her feet, sailing into the wall and impacting it with a solid metallic thud before she slips down to her feet. The channeled energy goes with her, practically obscurring her view. "...readings exceeding previous levels..." the warning voice intones, "Reserves diminishing, likelyhood of final attack high."

Blood seeps from her mouth, evidence of internal bleeding from that crushing blow, only to freeze solid once it has contact with her skin. She pushes off of the wall, staggering forward a couple of steps... and then it comes as she extends her hands forward, unleashing all of that power into a literal storm of energy, ice, and wind, exploding out toward Bison as the entire room is blanketed in blindingly bright white for an instant. "FREEZE!" comes her exclaimation as all that energy surges out of her, seeking to put an end to her opponent. If Bison fails to defend himself, he might find himself encased in a literal tomb of caked on ice that continues to grow, applying crushing pressure to the boxer. And thus it is in that insant in time he is forced to defend himself against an attack designed to drop even the strongest warriors the world has to offer...

COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits M.Bison with Freeze Execution.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Kula             0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0          M.Bison
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Defend himself? Ha... hahaha. Bison is caught flat-footed, admiring his own handiwork. The rush of chi... nothing can warn him about what's going to happen. Suddenly he is... he's iced over. The cold is intense, amazing... he's done before he knows it. A more cerebral fighter would just fall over--or, more literally, just be held in that block of ice. But Bison's tenacity... he's like a dinosaur in several respects. The ability to keep moving on that instinctual level is an admirable trait...

That mound of ice suddenly shatters and Bison's holding onto his consciousness by his fingertips, his rage the only thing coloring his vision. He says little... in fact, he says nothing at all. He only charges the bleeding Kula, putting his all into this final attack. It isn't the same punch he just threw... no, it is in fact something else entirely, a massive hybrid punch... not quite a hook, not quite an uppercut, Bison's right fist rips through the air, going upwards at a 45 degree angle...

But the end of that punch wavers, as Bison's brain finally shuts down...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kula             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Camera

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Kula with Ultimate Wild Smash.

[                                < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kula             0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Camera

The device was amazingly accurate in identying that attack as Kula's final attack for this match. Even as she forces all of that power swirling in the air around her to rush in upon the boxer, she finds her own strength waning. The blue color melts out of her hair, leaving damp, auburn locks resting on her shoulders. The crystals that whirled around her moments ago are gone as well as the young menace simply stands still, wobbling as if barely able to stay upright. There's no elation at seeing her ultimate attack encase the scary man solid. It was expected, inevitable. In her mind she just hopes it's enough to keep her from having to get punched anymore.

A wish that doesn't quite come true as with a rush of savage determination, Bison charges in on her again. The frozen blood at her lip has thawed, the girl bringing her left hand up to rub at it absently, eyes following the incoming trajectory of the next attack. The match is still going on, it seems. She can't predict the swing of his last punch, however, as it matches none of his prior attacks and the speed is far too fierce for her to react passively.

He catches her on the side of the head with that one, knocking Kula upward and back against the wall for the second time with a crushing thud before she slips slowly down into a seated position on the floor, eyes already closed before she lands. Well, she wanted a nap, and right now it seems this is going to have to do!

The monitoring devices are silent, as if holding their breath for any signs of additional activity, but nothing seems to be forthcoming. Back at the NESTs base, a lot of stumped white-lab-coated researches are staring at each other. It seems none of them thought to wager on a /draw/, and now no one knows what to do with the pool of money they collected before hand!

COMBATSYS: Kula takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kula can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Camera           0/-------/-------|

Log created on 16:35:38 06/15/2008 by M.Bison, and last modified on 13:41:46 06/17/2008.