SNF 2008.05 - Class and Crass! Horatio/Choi vs Birdie/Gabriel

Description: With Gabriel and Horatio in charge of keeping Birdie and Choi in their best behavior, who will be able to the most?! The world may never know UNTIL YOU SEE THIS.

Fine dining never had it so good. Or bad. Considering what was about to happen to the restaurant, one might consider this a fault in judgement on part of the fight coordinators and producers of Geese's proud SNF. But then, when one considered the bank roll that that man had, it probably was of little consequence to him to tear down a dining establishment that had been the hobknobbing mecha of the wealthy for quite a while. Nevertheless, the stage had been set. Tables and chairs were, as per usual, surrounding a large floor. Usually reserved for ballroom dancing, it now housed the typical and much expected equipment of a sanctioned fighting ground. Namely, barricades- though in this instance it was velvet ropes strung between metal poles all along the wide floor, clearly meant to keep the fighters in and the patronage out.

Couples and business associates sat about, waiting for the fight to start. They'd all paid top dollar to get reservations for today. Waiters and Waitresses casually and quietly brought plates out, took plates away, took orders from people without the use of writing pads, or just stood about preening themselves waiting to be called upon. The bar was hopping with people, a couple dead-heads from some corporation or another, enjoying an evening amongst one another, waiting to see a fight while SNF camera crews set up all about the restaurant to catch the fighters coming in and the fight itself. -- One of the first to arrive was a young man noted for his last battle in the Neo League where his undefeated record was finally shattered by the Neo League favorite, Oswald.

Stepping into the restaurant, he's confronted by a producer who gives him the schpiel about liability, damages and whatnot and the fact that afterwards they'd all be signing a waiver for their actions and damages done to one another, and that SNF was only responsible for damage to the restaurant, not bodily harm. Nodding, eyebrows pinched a bit with obvious dislike for the intrusive man, Horatio makes his way to the men's room with: The Dufflebag. Anyone who'd watched any of his fights knew what was coming then... the pre-fight ritual of praying and getting dressed to show his appreciation for other fighters in the fighting world.

Choi, unlike a certain good kid, tended to be more irregular about his scheduling. Already he was running late for being early. And on the matter of popularity, well. He was in far worse straits for fame. Yeah, he wasn't a great crowd pleasure. And his reputation was tainted for losing against Naerose. Nae-freaking-rose. He had self-respect to defend here at the Saturday Night Fight. If he could GET there.

He already was ID'd twice on the way up, and nearly had a prefight with a security guard. The Rainbow Room was designed to keep people like Choi OUT. A short talk and a shorter scuffle to show off his tag, he was eventually escorted into the room. And what a room! Choi was not big into food, but at places like these, size isn't usually what you are coming for. His partner wasn't there, but judging by the activity and the spiel by the producer, the other dude was here. Or something. Choi didn't really pay attention. He was trying to figure out what he was up against.

He read the names before actually seeing the faces. He didn't quite remember Horatio. He just knew he was with someone named Horatio. Against a Birdie and Gabriel. Birdie. Heh. It was probably some chick. Wait. Hell. It was some chick! Gabriel also sounded kind of like a girls name. Maybe it was two guys versus two hot lesbians who would make out as their technique!

Choi giggles horribly as he adjusts his gloves. This was going to be so sexy. He hoped that Horatio didn't mind if Choi hogged the pair of the lesbians all for himself. Nothing could ruin this. Where WAS his partner? He probably was taking a dump or shadow boxing. Oh well, Choi thought to himself as he fixed the second glove on. Preparation was always a good idea! And as such to answer himself, he begins to do side stretches, warming up for the acrobatics that would be coming up.

R Another fighter who was never late was Kai Gabriel, she game early, very early. This time was spent getting to know the area, meditating and praying to her goddess. It would be easy to miss her in the crowd as she avoid it entirely. They would be far to loud for her, too much to deal with, too much to have to shut out. She sat in a stoic circle out of the way while many of the people might recognize her, no one wanted her autograph. There was a viral video of the last person who tried. She didn't hurt him, only soaked him to the skin and ruined his cellphone, ipod and DS in the process. No one paid damages either. In this age of electronic devices, it was far too expensive to get soaked to the bone by a crazy fanatical girl.

Kai Gabriel, the Crusader of light did not notice Horatio. She did not notice the crowd, because her eyes were shut. She was so far locked in prayer that probably just about anyone could do anything short of touching her and illicit no response.

Out of all of them, well, Birdie is just here to do what he does best. Beat the living crap out of people. Oh blimey Birdie loves that. He's a stand up bloke as any if you might imagine. However he's probably the most unlikely figure in this damned establishment at all. He's not doing anythng too against the rules to begin, but as he enters, Birdie doesn't make his way to the stage quickly.

He instead heads into the crowd and begins to grab up dishes. Like picking up some fries, some poupon. Some anything. And he just devours it. "God damn you rich people have some bloody good food. Here let me try that!" Birdie calls, graping anothr plate from another table and wulfing it down. All of the others are beginning to feel disgusted and insulted. The patrons are revolting.

But we already knew that.

Coming with some food in his massive hand, Birdie heads towards the stage, burping after it all. He's also got bottle of wine in one hand. Some really hard stuff hopefully. And as he opens it, he looks around. "Alrght you bloody bloke. Which one of you are with me?" Birdie states, with a snort, opening the bottle and taking a swig. Wiping with his hand and 'air drying', Birdie snorts again, "Cause I wanna get to it."

In the bathroom, the last words of prayer went up, and from there the dressing. The bathroom door opens a few times, and he hears it outside of his stall, more in the back of his mind than anything as he fits on the protective leg bracers, slides his arms into those familiar forearm bracers... Everything about him screamed the person he was trying to portray, with the only real exception that was ever with his cosplay. He left his hair unchanged. Those two long streamers of hair that came down, elegant sideburns, to his mid torso, the rest cut in a lazily spiked fashion that layed about his head in layers. Atop that carefully manicured hair, he smooths his hair back with his hand and fits the military cap atop it. Tugging it snug, he stands, issues a sigh and pushes the stall open, grabbing his duffle.

Immediately people's eyes brighten as he passes, noticing just what he'd chosen to dress ass and chuckling. Primarily because the moment that costume went on, he embodied this man completely. His every gesture, the way he walked, his stride, the look on his face. Everything about his performance was spot on. Handing his duffle to one of the fight coordinators, Horatio shifts, bringing that cape up to cover his body as he steps out into the odd pinkish red lighting. He doesn't jump, no... he -lifts- slowly from the ground and over the barricade ropes, not blue psycho power, but an orange juice colored energy whirls about his body like billowing flames, lifting him up and carrying him over. His feet don't quite touch the ground, instead, he hovers into place, then gingerly sets himself down upon his feet.

Standing regal, still, stoic against the light, that energy slowly diminishes, leaving none other than Vega standing there, prepared for battle. Only a much younger, much more gentle-about-the-face looking young man who couldn't have been much older than middle to late teens with a sneer on his face. Lifting a hand from beneath the cape, he makes the obligatory 'come on' movement with his hand, a vicious grin breaking out over his face before he finally -FANS- his arm wide, sending the cape sailing back over his shoulders, falling into the familiar stance of Vega. Right arm quickly jostling as if to shake up a pair of dice, the other hand turned palm down, his feet sliding apart from one another.

He remains in that stance for a moment before standing up straight and throwing peace fingers into the air above him, a big, kiddish grin coming over his face, "The Cosplay King of Southtown has done it again! See? This is my Vega Phase! PSYCHO CRUSHAAAAA!" Horatio shouts over at Birdie. A couple people laugh, but most of them still seem -PISSED OFF- at Birdie's antics.

Birdie just looks towards Horatio. What? Why's he imitating Vega? Does he even know the guy? Birdie used to goddamn work for Vega and this clown is attempting to be who? Hahaha. Birdie just looks at Horatio even as he attempts it all, to look all regal and shit and try to even be the god damn Vega. But there's one thing that's stopping him from being Vega.

"How dare you.."

"I.. I won't let you get away with such vulgar speech!" exclaims Kai Gabriel, shook out of her revere by naughty mouthed Birdie. The Crusader rises, her green eyes stern as she turns to look at the man, size him up. Horatio? Totally forgotten about. The much smaller young woman tries to size up Birdie. Does she even realize he's on her team? Some of the people watching the match seem to wonder, several are too busy watching HoratioVega, but some are annoyed at Birdie and some notice Gabriel trying to stand up for decency. Also, in her silk jacket, she seems more suited to be one of the rich diners than a fighter. For once.. Gabriel might actually be a favorite amongst the more refined crowd.

"Apologize, this instant," insists Gabriel, having to turn her head back to look up at Birdie. He is very tall, also, still on her team, but that doesn't seem to bother her in the face of him being very dirty mouthed.

Birdie just looks towards Horatio. What? Why's he imitating Vega? Does he even know the guy? Birdie used to goddamn work for Vega and this clown is attempting to be who? Hahaha. Birdie just looks at Horatio even as he attempts it all, to look all regal and shit and try to even be the god damn Vega. But there's one thing that's stopping him from being Vega.

Where's the chin man? NOWHERE.

Birdie just breaks out in laughter at Horatio. "Hahahaha! Oh bloke, you're fricken' hilarious! God damn this is just too much for me." Birdie calls, breaking into laughter. "I think I'm going to bloody die from laughter you stupid git, hahahah!" Birdie cries, the large black man toppling over in laughter. Oh boy was this a laugh riot to Birdie. Just a laugh riot.

Just a super laugh riot. And then Gabriel gets in the mix of things. "Yeah?" He snorts, "Why the hell do I gotta do that?" The man states, looking towards the smaller Gabriel. "Alright. I'll totally apologize." Birdie states, taking a swig from his bottle. Turning, he looks to the ground. "Sorry for bein' you're bloody entertainment for the evenming, you can kiss my ass."

Hong Kong is a place thats been known for its partying and night life ever since its creation. Though now officially a part of China its reputation has been maintained, easily being one of the top ten destinations in Asia, and perhaps the world, for those with lots of money looking to blow it in extravagant fashion.

Gone from the fighting scene over the last several months has been an eccentric Italian known as Sergio. For the longest time League officials have been trying to track him down so they can send fighters his way- hes been gone for over a full season! There hadnt been any luck at all, but now, finally, the fighter has been tracked down. And where else would the hard partying man be but Hong Kong, throwing away his fighting gains on booze and women?

The current Neo League fight is being set up right in the heart of the Hong Kong downtown, on a sidewalk outside of a fancy restraint. Cameras are set up everywhere, ready to film whats about to go down. And Sergio? He can be seen half-staggering out of the restraint with a lovely Eurasians on each arm. Ahh! This is the life, Im tellin ya! Kick peoples asses for five months, live life to the fullest for five more! If anyone asks why the fight is being held here? Theyd be simply told that Sergio was going to be hanging around Hong Kong for just a bit more, and didnt want his routine disrupted, so they fit the thing in on his schedule.

Who does this guy think he /is/ anyway, Rock Howard? He definitely thinks hes something, by the way he walks, finally letting go of the two women and stepping into the cordoned off area. Alright! Whos the fool they decided to let me get my hands on this time? The easy grin on his face at least makes it somewhat obvious hes being a smartass. Hes only /half/ full of himself.

Meanwhile, Choi notices Birdie. And immediately shifts from his 'exercise stance' and into his 'ohcrap stance.' He remembered Birdie well, though not in name. More in face beating. And as such, he knew that if this was someone who wasn't Horatio, it would been, well, Gabriel or Birdie.

In fact, it was pretty hard to figure out who was who. There was the girl, who was definitely an enemy (yes!) But then there was the large man who beat him into a pulp. That was either an enemy or a friend. And there was the Vegaboy. Wait. The Vegaboy... Choi broke from his defensive position to stare at the boy more intently. There was something very familiar about him. It was in the face. That face... and then it hit Choi. The student at Chinatown! Who went to that fondue restaurant with Choi!

The Korean immediately started his grinning frenzy again, and started hustling over to the kid. Yeah! He remembered this kid! It was Horatio! And that meant the big dude was Birdie! Who obviously wasn't a lesbian! And with a smooth gesture, nudges his elbow into his gently. "Hey kid! Remember me! Chinatown! The G's Spot!?" The Korean speaks loudly, trying to catch his attention from the big dude. "Man, I can't believe we meet again, eh? What is with the outfit? Are you trying to scare them? Or is this your suit? Are you into the roleplaying thing?" The man winks at him from behind his glasses. Oh dear, Horatio. It is Choi again.

Dropping his hands to his sides, he looks at the massive man before him and honestly blinks .. rather confused.. He just broke out laughing... Well, it wasn't like he hadn't been laughed at before. Dressing up as other people he'd been laughed at a lot actually. In fact, one more than a couple of occasions, some of the stronger fighters at Justice High had even beaten him up for it. What could he really say in his own defense? Dressing as other people was odd to some. Waving a hand apologetically at Birdie, he smiles, "Well, I hope you won't be too busy laughing to fight. I'm sorry if I've thrown off your concentration, Mister-- ... Gabriel, was it?" He asks, honestly not knowing Birdie from Gabriel. He'd just heard that Gabriel was this fairly decent fighter who'd done well for his or herself. And since Gabriel herself looked more like a 'Birdie' and Birdie more like a 'Gabriel', he just assumed.

As pleasant and polite as always, Horatio bows respectfully and stands up straight, placing a hand on his hip, looking behind him to see if his cape had done what he'd hoped it would. And it had. It flew back and perfectly draped over one of the velvet ropes. Turning his attention back to Birdie and Gabriel as Gabriel herself moves up to scold her partner, Horatio smiles, "Oh... wow. Hey, you guys take it easy, okay? Don't be so serious. We're supposed to be having fun." Course.. he hadn't seen who his partner was going to be yet... all he saw was a grubby little midget beside him who was apparently-- HUH? He'd been nudged. " You're Choi Bounge!? .. Oh no.. I mean! -- T-- .. huh? No! I don't want to talk about that. Just try to remain civilized, please? Pleeeease?" Horatio whines. "Oh, do you like it?" He says, preening himself with a sudden grin. "I worked very hard on it.. it took a long time to get the shoulder guards juuust right. Roleplaying? Not... really, but I DO Cosplay! I'm the Cosplay King of Southtown!"


"You are a crude cretin who is paid to be here and yet insists on polluting the environment with your filthy words."

Kai Gabriel turns her attention away from Birdie to look at Choi and Horatio. She had little to nothing to say to either, just that they were her opponent and she had only one thing she could do, she had to bow and be polite to them. So she bows, clasps her pendant and says, very politely,
"Please forgive the use of improper words." She then turns to the audience, who is likely getting somewhat bemused by the antics. The SNF staff sure knew how to pair em, she says to them too,

"Please accept my deepest apologies."

Then a glare for Birdie, she doesn't seem to think that there is any chance he could be good without a really stern glare from Gabriel.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gabriel          0/-------/-------|

Birdies never lie. Not for long anyways. Perhaps because of, oh, YOU KNOW, the droning of Gabriels on his own thoughts and minds. What the hells is she talking about? Birdie has no idea really, he's too busy scratching his ass.

"Okay. Okay sure. Blame it on the black guy, chick-a-dee." Birdie snorts as he just seems to walk away, or get farther away even on the crazy deck that is the rainbow room's center. Looking about, Birdie just looks towards the audience. Yeah, they're not to thrilled about him. Big whoop. He's not here for them anyways.

But then Gabriel turns towards the opponents. Birdie blinks and scratches his head, only for Gabriel to give him a rather stern look for his own activites. Well, Birdie raises a brow, not bemused by the wholething. But completely bewildered why Gabriel's all up in his grill.

"Oh, I have to apologize to, huh? Well, alright." Birdie begins, actually picking up his behemoth self and moving towards Horatio where he moves to grab his hand. "Nice to meet'cha bloke," Birdie states, grasping for the man's arm rather harshly before aiming to hurl him through the air, tugging him back towards a couple's nice table. "Now piss off!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Choi has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Choi             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Horatio has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Horatio          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Horatio with Medium Throw.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Horatio          0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Choi was taken aback. A King of Cosplaying? Choi assumed he was one of those people that pretended to be other people in order to heighten the experience. He met several men who often dressed up like Vega, and then would boss ladies around and all that stuff. But that wasn't what he did. Then what else was there. Could it just be that he likes dressing up like other people? Nah. That was stupid. And thus, Choi came to the only logical conclusion.

He was an exotic dancer.

"Cosplayer, huh?" The little man begins, nodding as he understood the angle Horatio was getting at. "Well, I am not seeing men doing it that often, but hey, if you are the king, you probably really good at it, buddy boy!" Choi nudges him again, keeping up the whole 'I am your friend honest' routine. The midget liked the boy. And then, Birdie moves in. And with the grace of an asshole, hurls the poor boy.

Now, Choi had a little spark in him. From all the beatings and whippings of Kim, Jhun, and even May Lee, something got through. Not GREAT JUSTICE, but just normal everyday justice. While it WAS a fight, Birdie was being a dick about it. How dare he pick on a male stripper like that! With a snarl, he leaps at the exposed bully's back, attempting to drill into it painfully with his claws.

"Master Bounge... it's very important that we," he says, moving his hands to accentuate what he's saying. He gestures urgently, even as Gabriel and Birdie talk, "Maintain a level of... -- dignity. I mean. Not everything is about your favorite subject." Sighing, he shrugs, waving a hand to attempt to find a level of understanding, "Am I making myself...? Do you get what I'm trying to... -- I don't mean to lecture or anything, but it seems like you're more focused on things that don't concern us right now than what we need to be paying attention to." Look who's talking. Birdie brings his big, hulking self right over to him and Horatio is completely and totally without an answer to his imposing nature. It wasn't under that large shadow fell over him that he stopped mid-sentence. "There are t- ... Hn?"

Orange eyebrows perk and the boy turns his head to look over at Birdie. - His eyes immediately drop as Birdie grabs his arm, "Oh.. are we ready to get started?" Assuming this is some kind of handshaking gesture, he smiles and turns to face him, "Wait, I think you're squeezing too tight, let me at least grab your hand if we're gonna sha--AAAAAAHHH!!" Whipped up through the air, the boy is slung bodily across the restaurant, flying past the velvet ropes and crashing into the tables some people were sitting at, until they saw Vegaboy coming at them and fled, leaping out of the way as he crashed through the wood and metal, eventually smacking against one of those double-thick, insulated, shock resistant windows. Thudding off of it, Horatio drops to the ground, clearly in pain. ".. -- Ngh..." coughing, he manages to lift a hand, "I... I don't think that's how you-- you shake hands... Ooohh. That was a little rough." Pushing himself back up onto his feet, he shakes off the ringing in his ears and rushes back towards the velvet rope, leaping over it, pivoting off of a heel as he comes in hard on Birdie's flank as Choi attacks.

Crackling orange energy bursts to life in his palms, forming two half spheres that he swiftly slams together, the solid ball of light crashing with a thunderous report, hands thrusting out to hold it as close to Birdie as he could manage it before it errupts in a gale of orange light and jubilant, popping explosions.

Here was a situation where Gabriel was watching Birdie get into a fight and glaring for all of his dirty mouth. Then everyone just seemed to collapse on him.

"The Goddess' will be done. This is what happens when you commit sin," The 'crusader' comments and then doesn't go to help Birdie at all. She does seem to realize that fighting needs to happen, but for the time she was going to let punishment occur, it was.. what was coming afterall.

Choi grabs the attention of the crusader. Horatio, who was already thrown, appears to be more or less a well mannered young man, but the short bald dude was not looking like he had the same kind of manners. He struck a tone with her it seemed by the tightness in her face. Also he had those claws...

COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Horatio          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Choi's Houkou Tenkan.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Horatio          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Horatio's Kinetic Low!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Horatio          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie's not use to everyone ganging up on him over and over and over again, but damned if he's sure he's going to take it. A brawler by any other name wouldn't be so friggen brutal. Birdie's here for just one thing. To be rude, crude, and get free food. Okay that's three but Birdie's a thug. It's what he does.

Even as he hurl Horatio towards the side, he chuckles, "Vega doesn't fly like that. I've seen him bloke." Birdie sorts, "I've seen Vega lot actually. I actually worked for the man before, and you're no damned Vega." Birdie exclaims as Choi fires himself at him. Aiming to burrow into his chest. But the claws don't find chest, they find arms, raises as the claws dig into the thick skin. They're intolerably hard to even pierce, but Choi manages to get a good amont of scratches, pushing Birdie back.

And then there's Horatio. Oh Birdie's not gonna be happy about him. Even as the man accepts the hand shake, it was all down hill. Even as he's thrown backwards and leaping out of the broken wood and metal, well, Birdie got a good show. And now it's his turn, even as he comes right at him.

Birdie's flank was well gaurdd. The energy crashing into his sides like you could only imagine, burning away skin and flesh like it was a thresher, but Birdie's moving into it, right towards Horatio. And he's not happy at all. Not god damn happy at all. "Bloke, you're just askin' for it!" Birdie cries, moving through his assault so well that he reaches out into it, aiming to grab Horatio as it finishes, and deliver a bunch of nasty headbutts.

But that's only the beginning.

COMBATSYS: Horatio blocks Birdie's Bull Revenger.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Horatio          1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0           Birdie

Hey! Why were you picking on Choi, Gabbie? And besides, he has hair! Lots of it!

It is just, you know. Transparent.

Choi's sneak attack didn't get a core strike. Instead, it ended up just cutting up arms. No matter. Cutting anything up is perfectly fine for the Korean. What is the bad part of this is that Choi just doesn't STOP. Birdie's arms knock him back for a moment. His seems the flip through the air once, and dives right back with that spiraling charge. Birdie was tough, and he was built to take hits like this. But Choi was quick, and built to dodge hits like that. Maybe this would pay off?

As it turned out, Gabriel wasn't paying a lot of attention, only that there was fighting going on and there wasn't any of it coming her way. So what does the crusader of light do? She goes after the short one. Moves in toward Choi, charges up her palm and sends a palm thrust toward him as fast as she can. Maybe not hard but. For good measure.

"Con fess!"

Handshakes aside, this was getting a bit out of hand. Birdie was imposing his weight upon him like he was the only one standing in the battle. Nevermind that, at least his partner Choi was doing something to try to wittle away at the behemoth. Horatio's eyes go wide as he sees Birdie charge right through the kinetic attack, his hands still crackling with energy as he's grabbed up. He has no other choice but to throw his arms up in attempt to deflect those massive headbutts as they rain down on him, his forearms going numb from impact. One after the other they slam in on him and he weathers them, body rattled by the big Brit.

Using that crackling energy, channeling it from the source, he throws it out from his body and frees himself from those grasping arms, only to drop low to the ground and crouch, pushing off of his feet at an upward angle, his body stretching out and spiraling through the air like a spinning top, orange, bursting gouts of power rushing out around him to form a large bird with wings that wrap about him and turn in the opposite direction, trying to drill Birdie upward off of his feet and throw him into Choi's attack. Should the gamble work, he'll at least have enough forward momentum to crash into the big man and push off, anything to get some space.. some breathing room.

COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Horatio's Fatal Phoenix!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Horatio          1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Choi's Houkou Tenkan.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Gabriel
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Horatio          1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0           Birdie

You kno those days when you're just completely on your game? Birdie's having that. Probably because he's so damned vulgar. And it really helps. Really really helps. "Bloke are you tryin' it again? You best be jokin!" Birdie cries, his arms flaring up to stop the strike once more, the man drilling against his meaty arms again. They bleed, get cut up. Pretty much everythign you could imagine. But Birdie's not already ready to call it quits. "Haha... alright then! So that's two for two right? Yeah!" Birdie cries.

And then Horatio comes back, oh man. Wel if he wants. He gets it. Birdie just grins when Horatio comes back, even if the massive headbutts don't all collide. If Horatio wanted some breathing room from Birdie. He aint' about to get it. Throwing himself into the assault, Birdie's just hurling himself head first towards Horatio, even as the orange gout of power rushes at him, like a bird. He moves into the bird, the chi and strike burning into him, but so much the better. "Birds? You dumb boy. Gonna defeat me with BIRDS?" Birdie chuckles, "Cheep cheep! CHEEP CHEEP!" He calls, throwing himself towards Horatio with a fervor, even as he's being struck rather powerfully with the pheonix.

His head comes down, his head piece ripping for the boys chest, and then the mohawk comes up, aiming to gore Horatio hard.

How hard, well? Find out for yourself.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Choi with Palm Snap.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Gabriel
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Horatio          1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Choi just kept putting the pressure of Birdie, but was just keeping cool and stable, like none of this was even a problem. Again Choi was driven back. And again, Choi was ready to drive forward with another drilling strike (to make three in a row!) However, something goes wrong. Very wrong. That girl who was sort of sitting by the sidelines decided to intervene. And When Choi hangs in the air for his next strike, he suddenly feels a hard drive into his body. He whips through the air, colliding into and knocking over a table. Thankfully, the couples who was inside the smashing distance had long since been gone.

With the only damage coming the Korean, the midget grunts as he lifts himself up. Crouching low, he spots something. Ah yes. Champaign. Choi preferred a good strong brut, personally, but it seemed that the only brut in the house was being handled by Man Dancer Horatio. Clutching the bottle at the neck, he stares at the girl. And just acts. Leaping through the air, he attempts scissors claw and bottle at the girl's chest. Because he was Choi. And she was a girl.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Horatio with Bull Spike.
- Power hit! -

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Gabriel
[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Horatio          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0           Birdie

His intended plan of attack was to bounce off of Birdie and land some where nearby to try and get his senses back about himself. But apparently Birdie didn't see that as a viable option, "Do you have to do that!?" Horatio asks of the crude man before he barrels right through his attack and the two meet in the air. "Stop being so--" He didn't get it all the way out. Slammed into by Birdie's head, he coughs out a gout of blood before he's thrown bodily into the air above him, going even higher above in the restaurant, his body flailing as he spins about. His back slams into the ceiling of the middle ground where the battle took place, pieces of ceiling falling down around him as he gnashes his teeth upon the impact.

Slinging his hands down, he focuses his energy on Birdie's location, feeling it out in the split second he had before his descent, and channeled a good deal of his striking power into that one area, impregnating it with that odd orange, crackling energy and trying to cause it to suddenly combust. When it does, a great pillar of orange light fires up from the ground beneath Birdie, scorching high above, spiraling like a long drill bit, tearing into the ceiling of the elegant restaurant as Horatio descends, dropping to the ground with a hard thud and for the most part staying put, save for pushing himself up onto his knees, panting hard, blood running freely from the corners of his mouth. "Master Bounge... - t-- this isn't going quite so well for me... He's... he's an ape! H--heh.."

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Choi's Power Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0          Gabriel
[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Horatio          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Birdie

"Hitting a lady.. is not polite!" Gabriel states in a cold voice and deflects most of the harm off her arm before pressing farther against Choi. She knows how to handle that kind of thing.

"Confess your sins." Gabriel states to Choi and aimss a double palmed thrust at Choi in an attempt to make him fall back with a solid hit. She also take considerable notice of Birdie and Horatio. Everthing Birdie does..

"I will deal with him later."

Meanwhile the rich people, well Gabriel was maybe refineed but not very much fun to deal with.

COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Horatio's Fat Buddha.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0          Gabriel
[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Horatio          0/-------/--=====|=======\====---\1           Birdie

Horatio's intended plan was not there! Birdie hid it in another castle. No really. He always does that, the treachurous hooligan! "Yeah, I damn do have to do that? What's your problem?!" Birdie snorts, waving his fists around like you could only imagine. And then Horatio just keeps coming at him. That's okay. Birdie's going to keep coming after him too. That's the plan. It's a mighty fine one.

"Alright you bloody git, let's do this!" Birdie announces with a grin. Even as the great pillar of orange light fires up below him, Birdie's not going to stop. Even as it burrows into him, the orange chi, Birdie's just pushing himself harder. "Don't you damn stop it yet!" Birdie exclaims, the orange drilling him, with Birdie RIDING IT. Of all things he endures through it, the pain of it all.

And he just goes right towards Horatio like a bird. "And ape, huh?!" Birdie calls, bleeding from his legs and all burnt up. "I'll show you who the bloody ape is you git!" The man calls, before he almost seems to... what?! He poses. Yes, poses. "It's time to take care of ya, pall!" Birdie begins, moving to PECK at Horatio, even as he's on his knees. Head butt involving the mohawk after spikey head butt, the hair becomes a lethal weapon as strike after strike after strike is send towards Horatio. All moving to horribly break him.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm no damn hairy ape you damned racist cracker!"

COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Choi with Strong Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0          Gabriel
[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Horatio          0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Birdie

Choi bottle and claw are shoved aside with only pinpricks of effect. And then, the girl counters. Naturally, he has a cunning idea. After all, moving quickly is his shtick. And she had to be weakened somewhat. With a grin, he leaps up in the air, letting her strike him. It would give him momentum for the ultimate counter attack. It was all perfect except for two small problems. Namely, the Korean's testicles.

The hit lands relatively true, knocking the, erm, wind out of Choi's sails. Staggering to the ground, the Korean makes many strained noises. "Some lady, toots! Jeeze, right in the clackers, too!" The Korean growls, and with limited warning, suddenly breaks out of his cringing in a backflip, trying to land a solid kick right in her chin as he opens some moving distance between her and him. When Choi can move around, he can usually not suck. As oppose to suck. Like now.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Horatio with The Birdie.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Choi             0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0          Gabriel
[                                < >  /////////                     ]
Horatio          1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0           Birdie

And he just kept on coming! Watching with almost horrified eyes, Horatio sees Birdie come ripping through the storm of his attack as if nothing had phased him. Nevermind the condition he was in, the man seemed incensed-- dedicated to crushing the student who had been all but buckled, now resting on his knees, in pain in more places than he thought it was possible to hurt. Leaning forward, he rests a palm on the ground and watches the charge, more or less helpless for the moment to do anything. He had to save what little strength he had left to try and stop Birdie before Choi was dealing with a two on one he couldn't handle. Eyes darting frantically around for any way to stop the oncomming rush, Horatio stops his planning all together at Birdie's last comment. "RACIST!?"

"Sir... I am not! I wasn't referring to you as an ape because of your color or racial background. I mean you're size! YOU'RE HUGE!" Pushing off of his hand, he throws himself back up onto his feet and does as best he can to cover up but fails miserably. That mohawk comes screaming in and gores at him time and time again, buffeting him in pain, sending him stumbling from left to right and back again, weathering the force of Birdie's attack all the way to the end... Stumbling back several steps, he slumps forward, eyes glazed over, breathing in deep, slow breathes..

"I have to do my best... at the very least, right?" Tipping his head back, staring up at Birdie from under that military Vega cap, he drops a look on Birdie that was in complete contrast to the man he was Cosplaying. It was a smile. "So... here goes nothing..." rushing forward with the last of his strength, orange energy crackles up from the ground and spills out of him, his hands reaching out to grab any portion of Birdie's upper vestments he can get before his body goes into a series of kicking motions. Stepping into it, he throws his left leg hard and high, energy crackling around it as it comes down to anchor him, throwing a hard knee from his adjacent leg before letting go of whatever hold he had and pushing off of the ground in a series of spinning kicks that end with him landing on his feet, crouching low and pushing off in an upward angle at Birdie, body spiraling once again as it had before in the Fatal Phoenix, only the bird that is summoned this time is far larger, far more aggressive. Like vast albatross wings, the bird behind him, made completely of that energy, spirals about his spinning body.

And when it all fades, whether it hit it's target or not, the boy drops to the ground like a sack of rocks, sliding to a stop at the outskirts of the impromptu arena.

COMBATSYS: Horatio can no longer fight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Gabriel          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0           Birdie
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Choi             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Gabriel endures Choi's Hien Zan.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Gabriel          0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Birdie
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Choi             0/-------/-======|

The crusader of light isn't moving, only listening to Choi speak and everything he says is all sorts of wrong. First he said toots, then he say that she wasn't a lady. Then .. he referred to clackers.
"Gabriel's eyes narrow to the tightest slits before he even starts to attack. She takes the kick and continues to charge forward like a monstrous creature that just won't stop.

"Confess.." says quietly in a dangerously low tone.

She totally has it to take care of birdie yet too. The attack meanwhile seems aided with speed as it would appear she seems to have taken a page out of someone's book.. Horatio's book, using his stance to drive her spinning backhand into Choi.

COMBATSYS: Horatio successfully hits Birdie with Chaotic Clutch.
- Power hit! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Gabriel          0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1           Birdie
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Choi             0/-------/-======|

Well, that was sure intersting. Birdie just tries to lap right over the man, but it doesn't allow him at all. Instead, it just comes right at him. Comes and comes and comes like no ones business. The man's unable to really get out, so when he's grabbed the boys blows just come at him, striking him over and over against. Spiraling energy. He must have truly chosen poorly, but he's a thug. What can you do.

Still, Birdie just does one simple thing, even through it all. He grins. Even as the boys finished, he kicked the fake Vega's ass and he's happy. "Hahaha. Damn you can't even play Vega right. That wasn't any damn Psycho crusher you bloody git. Hahaha." Birdie states, wavering even slightly as he's taken a little too much to the noggin. What's this guys fetish for birds anyways? Birdie will never know.

Instead, he just looks towards Choi, and god damn is he approaching the little man. It's not going to be pretty at all if he's going to strike, but he's going to damn do it. Sending peck after peck after peck at Choi, Birdie just attempts to simply catch him.

Even if there's like no chance at all, Birdie'll still try it, and then probably fall over exhausted. He's beat.

COMBATSYS: Birdie can no longer fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0          Gabriel

COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Choi with Divine Retribution.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0          Gabriel

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Choi with The Birdie.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Choi             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0          Gabriel

Choi had it. He should of had it. Clearing away, he flips through the air with the greatest of ease. Like a bird, he was free. But speaking of the bird, something freakish happens. He is given the bird. The strikes comes out of nowhere. Naturally, this isn't a bad thing. But then, While Birdie is hammering, Gabby comes out with HER strike. And as Birdie lands with his strike to his head, then comes Gabby's strike against HIS head.

The results are perdictable. Choi doesn't go flying. He just falls. His head looks... funny. Like a Mr. Potato Head, but with all the parts in different places. Teeth leak out of his face, as is a combination of clear fluid and red fluid. And what does the manthing do?


Whirling like a dervish, he dashes at the girl, spraying bone and liquids broadly over the entire crowd. Talk about bad manners. What could save Choi from falling to pieces so quickly? R

COMBATSYS: Choi can no longer fight.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gabriel          0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Gabriel dodges Choi's Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gabriel          0/-------/---====|

Gabriel moves out of the way, hardly even getting out of the way so much as just turning around and the turn takes her right out of the way of the flailing Choi. She gives a grunt, a "Tsch" sound and starts off. She doesn't wait to hear an announcer say anything about the match or to receive cheers and praise. Though this might be more because all and all she didn't actually do anything. The entire fight was fought and won by that ruffian whom she had attempted to chastised. She was only along for the ride, to achieve the glory won by other's hard work.. and perfectly willing to take the credit for that. No bow, no respect. The Crusader of Light simply leaves. There are some cheers, some confusion likely in her wake, she doesn't know. She's just gone.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Gabriel          0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Gabriel has ended the fight here.

Log created on 15:17:39 05/12/2008 by Birdie, and last modified on 17:44:56 05/14/2008.