SNF 2007.12 - Monument! Geese vs Kain

Description: Fighting atop one of the greatest manmade wonders in history, Geese Howard and Kain Heinlein come to give the world a show -- and Kain shows Geese that he may have to take a step up in his training. Complete with unnecessary and expensive property damage! You don't want to miss out on the fun! (Winner: Kain)

The Great Wall of China. One of the wonders of the ancient world, and a symbol of a culture. Unsurprisingly, the Chinese government is taking this match very seriously. Very seriously indeed, judging by the armed soldiers on the outskirts of the area set aside for the fight. Although those soldiers will be in for a bad time if they actually try to interfere with /these/ two men.
Kain and Geese... The last time they fought, Kain made a rather nice dent in his foe when Geese's plan to take advantage of the conditions in a microgravity simulator turned against him. But this time there will be no tricks. Just a straight battle of skill and power. Possibly resulting in a great deal of damage to a priceless cultural artifact. Hence the soldiers mentioned earlier. Though really, nobody will be getting arrested here. If something does happen? Geese is a man for whom the word 'priceless' has relatively little meaning, and Kain isn't far behind him.
Standing atop the wall, Kain stands on the edge, leaning back at an angle that most people would consider quite perilous. It does, however, provide a nice view of the sky above. Kain watches the clouds roll by as he waits for the fight to begin, being quite familiar with the wall itself. This is hardly his first trip to China, and he's no tourist. Today all he's interested in is just how much damage he's going to be able to do to Geese.

For someone who's made an unpleasant habit of falling off them, Geese Howard loves heights.
It's the sensation. The unequalled feeling of being at the -top- staring down at the people who are undoubtedly, unarguably, beneath you. There is no other feeling that can even come close. Geese's tower is a tribute to this. After all --
Why -shouldn't- a king stand tall over his kingdom?
The Great Wall just serves as another nice monument to the greatness that mankind has managed to build. The toweringly perilous heights of the wall stretch for miles and miles. This is but one segment of this massive and ancient defense. Just knowing this, then --
"Quite the view, hm?"
--Makes it absolutely ideal for a fight such as this.
The voice comes from a fair distance behind Kain. Garbed in his traditional gi and katana, the proud form of Geese Howard stands relaxed, like a man truly in control. A casual sort of smile graces his lips as he looks up and past Kain, towards the guards. A brow lifts. "A such a lovely day to fight too, isn't it? Hopefully those guards don't try to get in the way.. But I'm getting ahead of myself..." His gaze floats back to Kain, idly. Last time, Kain managed to leave his mark. This time... Howard intends to rectify that.
"... and I doubt you're interested in small talk, are you?"

The sudden voice doesn't seem to perturb Kain; it's rather difficult to sneak up on him if he's expecting your arrival. Particularly so for someone with as much personal power as Geese Howard. Kain slowly straightens up from his position, then hops down from the edge to the main body of the wall itself. "Indeed, it's a lovely day... but there's something missing." Kain shoots a glance in Geese's direction. "I can think of something that would make the day perfect, however, so we shall see." Said perfect day would, of course, be a painful one for Geese.
Kain shakes his arms out, making sure he's got full range of motion in his jacket, then lets the sleeves settle for a moment before he lowers his arms. He closes his eyes for a moment, and suddenly black flames spring up on the parapets on each side. More flames begin to spread out, running along the parapets in each direction. A single flame sparks into being at each of the raised portions of the barrier, running in both directions to the towers at either end of this section of the wall. A bit of needless showmanship, perhaps? Kain opens his eyes, giving Geese a grin that lacks much in the way of both warmth and friendliness. "Shall we begin?"

COMBATSYS: Kain has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kain             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Geese has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Geese            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Kain

"That's funny," Geese notes dully, wiping a single hand down the length of his gi,
"I can think of a few things that would make the day better, too."
It's said with all the conversationalist tone in the world, as if he was just making small talk with any other opponent before the start of a fight. Really, though; he's probably thinking less violent things than Kain right now. He just can't be bothered. He's an important man, after all. Such spiteful things would be -beneath- him.
Fire sprouts around them just as suddenly as the match is scheduled to begin, an exquisite and convoluted display that runs across the barrier in lines of ebony. Geese offers what amounts to a half-hearted quirk of a brow, his body lowering in response to the act.
"You kids and your theatrics."
It's the only indicator that Geese is ready for the match to begin before he elects to actually -start- the fight out in a less showy, but brutal, display. Lunging forward, Geese thrusts out his right hand, seeking to do little more than plant it against Kain's midsection. His left hand goes for the man's shoulder for an iron grip, before Geese -thrusts- that arm out to the side violently, using his free hand as a counterweight to launch Kain through the air in a spin. If successful? Well, as soon as Kain goes airborne, Geese will pivot backwards, before stamping -forward- with a single foot, his right hand thrusting out to deliver an open-palm blow to Heinlein's sternum to helpfully send him rocketing backwards. "HAH!"

COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Geese's Combo Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Geese            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Kain

The sudden attack is swift, but hardly unexpected. Kain isn't quite fast enough to evade Geese's grip, but he does have time to move with the throw, kicking off the ground even as he's being dragged up into the air. This results in him flying a bit higher than originally intended, giving him a moment to prepare for Geese's followup strike. The palm slams into Kain, but it connects with his crossed arms. And as the force propels him away from Geese, Kain is... smirking?
All of those flames lining the parapets flicker for just a moment. Of course Kain would never waste his time on a showy display with no tactical benefit. Something like this isn't going to put any fear or awe into someone like Geese, so of course it has another purpose. The flames leap forth, shooting toward Geese at high speed, and at multiple different angles on both sides.

COMBATSYS: Geese endures Kain's Schwarze Flame.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Geese            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0             Kain

Ah, that look of confidence.
Geese probably hates that most of all.
Palm impacts forearm in a resounding crack, and before he sees the guard, he knows that Kain's reaction time has saved him -- and he knows what the response will be, too. The flames that surround him aren't just for cheesy display, as much as Howard is sure Kain must get a kick out of expelling all that black fire with just a snap of his fingers. No, it has another purpose... a purpose that's -revealed- the moment that Kain goes flying. The inferno about him flickers. Geese frowns.
"Nice trick."
He doesn't waste any time; as soon as those fires erupt and spew out tongues of ebon flame at Howard, the Southsynd king is already bursting -towards- Kain, pressing his offensive. Fire strikes him full on, burning and scorching at his flesh and gi. He ignores the pain with a grit of his teeth, attempting to intercept Kain before he can fully fall, and shove a palm deep into the man's gut to press against his solar plexus unpleasantly, a familiar grip seeking out Heinlein's shoulder. If successful? Geese -twists- the blonde-haired, vengeful man through the air, and SLAMS him into the stone ground. A bolt of pure chi lances downwards at the exact moment of impact, manifesting through the air in a crackle as it seeks to strike not -Kain-... but the very flow of chi in his body, disrupting it in a most unpleasant way.

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Kain with Raimei Gouha Nage.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Geese            0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0             Kain

Unfortunately for Kain, he was rather counting on that slowing Geese down long enough to be able to get back on his feet. Not only does he not get that opportunity, he doesn't even get to hit the ground before Geese reaches him, stopping him dead in the air. That's only for a very brief moment, of course, before he's twisted around and slammed into the surface of the wall with enough force to crack the stone. And that's even before Kain is blasted by the spear of chi.
Even for Kain, a direct attack to the flow of chi through his body can be effective, but it doesn't work as well as most. And there's another thing to worry about. At the same rate as the blast from Geese fades away, bright blue chi begins to flare up around Kain's right foot. It was too fast for Kain to completely nullify it, but he still has superhuman levels of control over all the chi flowing through his body. Including the ability to redirect what's left of the attack back at Geese. Kain lashes out with a sharply angled kick toward Geese's gut as he starts to rise, unleashing a new lance of chi upon impact.

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Geese with Medium Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Geese            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0             Kain

Hand ripping away from Kain, Howard seems intending to leap -backwards-, either knowing what Heinlein is planning or, perhaps more likely, expecting the swift counter-assault that occurs. He isn't nearly fast enough though, and chi redirects itself and suffuses through the very flow of power in his body, disrupting it just as eagerly as it had done to Kain. Left to fall staggering backwards, Howard is ill-prepared to deal with the polished shoe spearing into his abdomen. Th force of the blow and the burning chi to accompany it sends the King of Southtown spiraling backwards, his feet stammering across the ground before he comes to a somewhat hunched stop. He looks towards Kain... and smirks, if only faintly.
Good show.
Within a matter of moments, Geese springs forward once more. His movements are simple, basic. His hands snap out with lightning-speed, seeking out a grip upon Heinlein's jacket. From there, he'll twist, ripping Kain up off the ground and through the air overhead before bringing him -slamming- back-first against the stone-covered floor of the Great Wall. "-HMPH-!"

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Kain with Medium Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Geese            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Kain

After withdrawing his leg, Kain swiftly jumps back up to a standing position. He attempts to sidestep Geese's grasp as the crime lord reaches out for him, but enough of his jacket is grabbed for Geese to get a good grip. Once more Kain is pulled up and off his feet, then introduced back to the surface of the wall with enough force to send stone shards scattering about. The hosts are already starting to look a bit unhappy, but it's a little late to do anything about it now.
Raising himself to a crouch, Kain suddenly springs back and to a standing position, opening a small amount of distance between the two men. This is swiftly closed as Kain leaps back toward Geese, leading with his right leg as black flame trails behind him, racing to catch up and engulf whatever target Kain's foot should connect with.

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Geese with Schwarzer Stob.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Geese            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Kain

That forceful encounter of back against stone is satisfying for Geese. What is -not- satisfying for him is the sudden feeling of flames burning at his chest. The sudden and unpleasant encounter of chi and physical force intermingled brings Howard to blast -backwards-, slamming painfully against the nearby tower. Stone crumbles and collapses around him; he ignores it in favor of giving a positively -annoyed- stare at Heinlein, though one that quickly fades as his tabi-clad feet strike the ground. He inhales a deep, burning breath... and then expells it all with a smirk.
"Hitting just as hard as ever, I see. Good; I'd hate for this to be boring," he might seem to be making smalltalk, but he doesn't try to hide the fact that he's taking this moment to recuperate. Showing weakness? Not really. Howard's just biding his time. Only a fool would think otherwise. As he takes in another breath, a hand lifts to scrape idly against his chest. What to do...

COMBATSYS: Geese gains composure.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Geese            0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1             Kain

What to do? Well, hopefully get savagely beaten. But that's going to take some further effort on Kain's part to bring about. "Oh, believe me, I wouldn't want you to be bored." Well, unless it involved a different usage of the word. Now, Geese may be biding his time, but Kain is still clear on exactly what he wants to do. And not giving Geese time to think about his next action would be a good way of going about achieving that.
Once he finishes speaking Kain is quick to approach Geese again, though this time he remains on the ground. His approach is still quite swift, however, culminating in a sudden stop. Kain plants his left foot firmly on the ground, bringing his right foot swinging upward in the same motion. His leg whips around, aiming to drive a flaming foot into the side of Geese's head.

COMBATSYS: Geese endures Kain's Medium Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Geese            1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Kain

Of course Kain isn't going to give any quarter. That is, essentially, just as Geese would expect of a man like him. Which is precisely why, as the Heinlein heir comes racing across the ground once more, Geese does not wince or hesitate. He simply looks... -expectant-. And he gets exactly what he expects. A kick to the head.
Which he -doesn't- try to move out of the way of?
Once more, Howard allows himself to bear the full brunt of Kain R. Heinlein's explosive wrath. The foot drives into his head, and Howard's face snaps to the side, a small spray of blood erupting from his lips. Yet, at the same time, he moves -forward- in a sudden burst of speed, driving his right hand like a claw into Kain's chest. His left buries itself into his abdomen. He twists. One simple, brutal twist that turns his grapple into an unlikely lever to lift Kain into the air and then -launch- him end over end in a forward thrust -away- from Howard. Just as simple as that.

COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Geese's Shinkuu Nage.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Geese            1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Kain

It's a good thing for Kain that his assault was a kick, because without his arms to defend himself he would be in a great deal of trouble. Geese's right hand claws on Kain's fore left forearm, while his left is deflected by Kain's right arm. It still provides Geese with enough leverage to lift Kain into the air and hurl him away, but it leaves Heinlein in a much better position to deal with the aftermath, as opposed to being briefly stunned from having the wind knocked out of him.
Kain twists around in the air as he flies away, hitting the stone surface of the wall in a crouching skid. Even as he's sliding away from Geese Kain whips out one arm, sending a blast of black fire racing back over the distance he just crossed. Perhaps it will once again fail to slow Geese down, but at least this time Kain is already on the ground and starting to get back to a standing position.

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Geese with Schwarze Flame.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Geese            1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1             Kain

Once more, flames dance around the air and race a path towards Howard. The King of Southtown seems intent on simply doing -away- with said flames by establishing a guard to stomp them flat -- at least, that would appear to be his initial intention. Sadly, his arms react in a way far slower than he might have liked, and the chi channeled throughout the body doesn't erect a defense fast enough to actually deal with Kain's sudden searing fire.
The blaze scorches across Geese's body, sending him tumbling into a crouch. His right hand touches against the ground, his muscles tensing -violently-... before he focuses his gaze entirely upon Kain. "... Hmph."
And then suddenly, he's in motion. The distance bought to Kain by his second burst of flames is this time circumvented by a sudden and atrocious kick up in speed from Geese as he -SAILS- through the air. Chi buried deep within powers his entire body like a potent reaction, making him blaze forward at dizzying speeds in an attempt to plant a titanic right cross across Kain's face.
What happens next, should that blow connect, would appear to be like a dance of utmost brutality and rigid grace. Howard's body pivots to the left, carrying through with an elbow to plant into the Heinlein heir's sternum. He steps forward even -further-, delivering a sharp uppercut to his opponent's chin. A fist strike to the solar plexus with strength that could crush stone to powder. A forearm meant to crush into Kain's nose, a knee to bury itself into Heinlein's ribcage... all finished off as abruptly as it begins as Geese issues a brutal double-palm strike to Kain's gut, igniting a sudden EXPLOSION of cold white chi bubbling in a gigantic spherical mass against his palms, sustaining itself in a cold eruption of fury to burn into Kain and send him blazing.

COMBATSYS: Kain just-defends Geese's Deadly Rave!

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Geese            0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1             Kain

The dance is both brutal and graceful... and it seems that Kain knows all the steps. A single mistake would be gravely serious, but Kain manages to weather the storm from Geese, deflecting each blow such that it fails to hit anything significant. After the first few deflected attacks there's really little in the way of concious thought involved; the attacks are coming to quickly to think about, Kain can only react. Luckily Kain has not neglected the training of his body to focus solely on mystical power, and he's able to keep up with Geese's movements.
And then, a flash of insight at the end as Kain suddenly shifts back to concious action as he sees the explosion of chi erupting from Geese's hands, thankfully pushed aside so that they are not in direct contact with Kain's body. And he acts. Blue chi flares up around Kain's hands as he thrusts them right into the growing sphere of chi. There's a mere moment in which to act, but Kain catches it. In the blink of an eye streaks of blue start to tear through the white, and a moment later the explosion has suddenly become a swirling mass of azure energy. It does take a moment for the transformation to occur, giving Geese a chance to escape... but the range is quite short as the sphere leaps from Kain's hands.

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Geese with Himmlische Seele.

[                           \\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Geese            0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0             Kain

So it seems this is the end.
Well, it certainly was educational.
Geese interprets Kain's ability to completely nullify the Deadly Rave... as sheer, stupid luck. A fluke. But it's a fluke that gives him the win by leaps and bounds. If this had been a close match before, the fact that Kain simply -outsteps- the Rave, well.
There's no question to who will take home the win today.
It's a minor setback at best, but considering this is the -second- minor setback he's had in as many fights, it's something that might require Howard to mull over. Something that he doesn't have time to really consider as Kain responds just as resolutely. Geese doesn't even have time to respond, try as he might. Chifire burns across his essence in a swirl of sapphire that blazes bright. Burning through Howard's gi, the end result sends the Southtown Syndicate leader blazing backwards, his body burnt and charred and just barely pushed over the point of exhaustion. Yet...
... Yet, Geese is nothing if not defiant, and even if Kain has clearly won this match, he is not so pathetic as to simply roll over and die. Even as he twists through the air, Howard launches outward with a single hand, a swirling sphere of ice-blue in his hand igniting into a massive plume across the earth. He swipes with his second hand, and adds to it a second blaze of tumultuous fire, allowing it to gain in mass exponentially before it simply -explodes- forward towards Kain.
And that is about when Geese smashes straight through the tower walls, a rain of debris and rubble falling down around him and encasing him and furthering the damage needed to repair for this great monument. Surely, the Chinese officials will be angry. Geese hardly cares, as he stews in the rubble, beaten and thoughtful.
Some changes must be made.

COMBATSYS: Geese can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kain             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Geese successfully hits Kain with Double Reppuken.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kain             1/-------/=======|

This is not a victory photo that Kain will want heavily promoted. Yes, he's the one who's still... well, standing isn't really the right word, but he's the one still active at the end of the fight. And he /was/ still standing, at least until Geese's Reppuken blew him up, along with a section of the wall he was standing on. Unfortunately it's rather difficult to look dignified when hanging on to the edge of a wall by one hand, dangling over the trees below. Granted, a 30 foot drop isn't all that much for a fighter at Kain's level, but it becomes a bit more serious when you're going to have a great deal of stone rubble raining down on top of you when you hit the ground.
At any rate, it only takes a few moments for Kain to get another hand on the wall and nimbly climb up. He brushes some dust and bits of stone from the front of his coat, then briefly rolls his shoulders. Something definitely popped. Unsurprising, given how many times Geese slammed him into the ground. But it's a small price to pay. With a smile on his face, Kain walks away. He's not entirely certain that Geese will be able to hear him, buried as he is, but he knows the words will be heard eventually as he says, "You must be getting old, Howard."

COMBATSYS: Kain has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:13:33 12/10/2007 by Geese, and last modified on 00:11:54 12/11/2007.