SNF 2007.11 - Race! Kensou vs Nagare,CA:Kriz

Description: A battle ALMOST too ridiculous to be believed! Marvel, as Nagare swims through the air and kicks water! Be astounded, as Kensou tries to keep from laughing long enough to blow the swimmer up with his MIND! Probably ask for your money back once Krizalid shows up! What an ass. (Winner: Nagare)

COMBATSYS: Krizalid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         0/-------/-------|

Ahh! The collesium! What a perfect place for a match of such to take place! And it will, so sayeth Geese Howard.

The colosseum had been cleared of any rubble or other pieces that could seriously sneak up on the two fighters. The colosseum was, after all, a very pure event went it comes to the ancient art. But due to the recent subtraction of Hotaru, it suddenly was too large! The time limit had been reduced, and the cameras and camera men were placed over the field, left and right, around and around. Saturday Night Fight people were quickly placed all over the grounds.

The stands themselves, still carved in the rock, stood heavily loaded with people for the main event! The event of Nagare versus Kensou!

Now, the swim coach was briefed, but things sometimes allude him. As such, the sand and lack of water startles him for only a moment! But he's already here in his best form. Likea true olympian, Nagare has chose to dress as he normally does, almost in the buff, but pleasently not! With only his jacket, speedos and fins for no real real, Nagare has come to this place!

Slowly making his way into the center of the colosseum floor, he's very eager to meet this man, if only since he hasn't before in the past! The more people he meets and greets, the more his swimming style would be noted, and it may very well draw more attendents to Taiyo High as their choice of High school!

"In this corner, NAGARE NAMIKAWA! Coach of the swim team of Taiyo High!" Nagare waves to the crowd as he finished his duck walk, now awaiting the other contestant!

COMBATSYS: Nagare has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0           Nagare

Sometimes, it's not easy being a former King of Fighters participant. Sure, there's a definite degree of fame and fortune, but it seems like whenever you sign up for SNF, you get put in silly matches. Silly, silly matches. Geese must be a jerk! With his most recent match being against Todoh in a Crazy Zhin store, with Zhin himself participating, now Kensou finds himself in a historical landmark fighting... A swim team coach? "Say what?" Kensou wonders when he hears Nagare introduced, looking up from the Awesome Man comic book in which he was previously engrossed.

Yes, Kensou has already been here, and ready to fight besides, straightening up when he realises that the fight is about to start, and gently setting his comic book aside. As he hears his own name called, Kensou affects a look of great dramatic confidence. "All right buddy, I hope you got what it takes to face me, the great Sie Kensou--AAAAUGH!" his introduction cuts off with a strangled cry of fright as he holds up a hand in front of his face. His eyes! "DUDE!! Put some PANTS on!"

It is his turn! At least, that's what everyone is telling him about the area. And, well, Nagare's not one to state otherwise! Thus, he looks towards Kensou and bows to him as he finds out that that is his opponent! "Kind sir, I'm wearing all the pants that I need! I see nothing wrong with my current attire!" Nagare retorts, "Now let us have a good match!"

Nagare moves. He's nothing special. Just a coach at Taiyo High. Is he powerful? Well, in his own way, he may very well be. But at the moment, you really can't tell. His movements are streamlined like a penguin flying. Duck wadling over towards Kensou, Nagare swims through the air with his arms. Not really swimming, but still making the motion.

And almost out of nowhere, he stops. "I'm very glad to meet you!" And with that, the swim coach, gets down, his feet slipping and his arms catching him, backwards, as he actually attempts to kick Kensou with his fins while he holds himself on the sand, water chi and messy sandy being kicked up at Kensou in turn! It's relatively weird! Kensou might feel embarresed to be fighting!

COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kensou           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Nagare successfully hits Kensou with Splash Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kensou           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Okay, that's entirely too ridiculous. How is Kensou even supposed to deal with that? He drops his shielding hand to see Nagare /swimming at him through the air/ kind of, and he's seen some crazy things before. He's done some crazy things before. But this takes the cake. In fact, it takes several. "Wait, what the hell are you doin'--" Kensou's query is never finished, because there's some weird kick coming at him, with watery chi and sand in the mix. He tries to get out of the way of it, of course, but he just can't. Trying not to laugh is too hard.

But once he gets hit, some of the humour wears off.

"Oh, I guess you're pretty serious," Kensou says, once he gets back to his feet, some distance away from where he got kicked. Just plain embarassing. "Guess I'll havta do the same," he adds, raising his hands up in front of his face, focusing on a single point. Focusing all his energy there. "Try this on for size!" He calls, before sweeping his hands out, a beachball-sized sphere of crackling bluish white Psycho Power forming in front of him, and hurtling towards Nagare, kicking up still more dust! "Choukyuudan!!"

COMBATSYS: Nagare endures Kensou's Choukyuu Dan.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kensou           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

"I'm just doing my own style of fighting! I call it 'swimming'!" Nagare states. And yes, that really is the name. But as he stops, he quickly gets up, looking about, to see Kensou actually begin once more. Obviously he's very ready to see what happens. What he does. And he sure does! The ball that's fired at him, well, it doesn't exactly look like energy! It looks more like the power that one girl used, Indrig? Ingreed? Nagare was always terrible with names.

But then it hits him. Oh it hits him. But instead of running away, Nagare actually runs towards it. So when he's hit, he's launching into the air. The psycho ball burns and punishes him, but Nagare can deal with the burning and punishing that he's handed. His chest and legs are sizzling. The pure force left small indents that really sting! They're almost already raw! But Nagare keeps on trucking. Into the air! He swims?!

And then, all of a sudden, he stops. "That was very interesting!" Nagare states as he turns, mide air, arms aimed down and towards Kensou, attempting to dive right at the man. "Try this!" He offers, actually diving right towads the floor, and Kensou if he isn't fast enough.

Yeah, he's nuts.

COMBATSYS: Kensou endures Nagare's Concrete Dive.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kensou           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

And you know, Kensou's very pride as a martial artist hurts when someone has a fighing style called 'swimming'. Thank goodness he's never met Momo! "Swimmin' ain't a fighting style, it's a sport!" But if Nagare is going to charge through the Psycho Power blast, Kensou may have to reevaluate just how insane he thinks the swim coach is - i.e., very. With the other man diving at him next, though, Kensou grits his teeth and actually, of all things, just sort of stands there and lets it happen.

He can be crazy too!

The impact is fairly vicious, driving Kensou into the ground underneath the swimmer, but Kensou is ready for it. Mostly. He rolls away from Nagare, skidding as he gets his feet underneath him, and quickly turns to throw himself at the swimmer once more. Why? Well, obviously so he can kick Nagare right in the face as he starts getting up. "Uryaa--!!"

COMBATSYS: Nagare endures Kensou's Strong Kick!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kensou           0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Nagare's an alright guy. He can just do a lot of things that probably don't make sense at the time. Or at all. Once he strikes, even as Kensou is being drived, he shakes, flopping and splashing like a real fish, rolling back and forth as he looks towards Kensou only for seconds. "Swimming can be both as I'm trying to prove!" The man announceas as he moves to pull himself up.

Only for the kick to strike right for his face!

And it strikes. Nagare's face takes a clear foot to it... but there's something odd as the foot strikes the swimmers face. Shouldn't he be doing something other than taking blows? Well, obviously he has a plan! Even if its a weird plan.

Right as he's launched backwards, water chi appears. Kensou might even notice this as the chi bursts through the air, appearing out of nowhere. Nagare's not flying backwards, he's swimming in a circle! And as he does, the flippers arc out for Kensou's outstretched leg, attemtping to batter and bruise him with flippers, and follow up with water chi!

"Anything can be a style if you're good at it!"

COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Flipper Roundhouse from Nagare with Sunda.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kensou           1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

It's not like Kensou really has any call to be judgemental anyway. But... Well, he doesn't go around swimming through the air at people, now does he? Something does seem not quite right about the way his kick lands against the swimmer, and Kensou's eyes narrow suspiciously.... Suspicions which are confirmed as Nagare just /keeps coming at him/. With some kind of crazy roundhouse thing. Rather than try to avoid it or block it, Kensou instead quickly pulls his leg down and lunges forward, filled with awesome intent...

And gets kicked in the face for his troubles.

"Gah!!" the Psycho Soldier exclaims, reeling back from the hit. Water chi is apparently not very fun to get hit with. But don't worry, Kensou's not out yet. Not quite, anyway. He's starting to give 'swimming as fighting style' a /little/ more respect, though...

Nagare gets up, even after his feet strike clearly on his opponent. The flippers are really powerful. They have the touch. His face though, still hurts. Battered and bruised from the strike, only now he has the time to really invest. It stinks, and the nose might also be broke. There's blood coming from it. The swimmer pushes it off for now. He'll have to deal with it another time.

"Very nice try! If I had been a little slow you would have got me!" Nagare states, giving encouragement to the psycho soldier. And with encouragement, well, comes a very unavoidable assault! Or at least, thought to be unavoidable. Nagare gets in position, even as Kensou is reeling.

Laying back like before, hands are flat against the ground... and he kicks as if life itself depends on him. Depends on swimming!

And he kicks, and he kicks, and he kicks. A powerful wave of chi water and thrashing fins is all the Psycho soldier gets!

Watch out! Nagare used his splash attack!

COMBATSYS: Nagare successfully hits Kensou with Super Splash Kick EX.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kensou           1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0           Nagare
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

What a terrible day this has been for Kensou... But that's what happens when you let yourself get caught up in your opponent's pace, especially when their pace is silly and strange. He tries to get out of the way of that immensely fast kick combination, the wave of water chi just making the whole thing even worse. Water, water everywhere, and Kensou... Just can't handle it all. He looks about half drowned too, by the time Nagare's attack ends, wobbling as he gets up...

But he has one last trick to play.

"Guess I underestimated ya," Kensou allows, and no kidding! He has just one chance, then, to make this not /totally/ embarassing, as he starts half-running right at Nagare, gathering energy as he goes. Water ripples from psychic force, and once he gets close enough to the swimmer Kensou throws both hands forward, slightly cupped to guide the energy he's gathered... Which then becomes a gigantic explosion of Psycho Power, hopefully centered right on Nagare as a little farewell present. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!"

COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0           Nagare

COMBATSYS: Nagare endures Kensou's Senki Hakkei.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0           Nagare

COMBATSYS: Krizalid focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0           Nagare

Nagare is one that is EASILY underestimated.

Oh yes he is. But it doesn't mean he's mean or such, just sort of different. He certainly stands out in a crowd. Nagare is the weird sort you would imagine.

But as he strikes, he gets up, looking down towards Kensou. "It's alright! I'm not the normal fighter you would imagine." Nagare states as he looks towards Kensou. But then Kensou gets up. He runs, and runs, and runs right towards Nagare. Nagare is flabberghasted. Tired. But he's going to use this. As Kensou slams into him, Nagare wants to feel himslef through it. The force pulverises him as Kensou slams into him. The unstoppable psycho power hurls him into the wall of the colosseum... he shudders from the strike, breathing through pained breathes. Blood forms around his figure. He's sweating beads. Or is that water chi?

"Good... good fight!" He states from his weakened sense, looking right towards Kensou, helping Kensou up, he begins heading back towards the center of the arena. He'll help him to medical. He's weakened, but can still help! He is a coach after all. They die hard.

COMBATSYS: Nagare takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Krizalid         2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0           Nagare

It's funny how a fight like this can take place in such hallowed ground. How many Christians were fed to the lions here -- and is that the same fate that awaits Kensou?! Gladiators of yore have shed their blood so many times within that coliseum; the stories have stretched on and on, the deeds of valor and the courage shown simply epic. Battles of man versus man, man versus beast, and even boat versus boat have happened there within the ancient Roman structure.

"How many was that? Was that long enough? Oh hell, I knew I shouldn't have left for that hot dog..."

But with the sudden end to the fight, and Nagare the victor -- and such a gallant one at that, helping his opponent... the crowd goes wild!

Amidst their number... a man extends his hand, and his thumb is pointed down.

A trap door behind Nagare and Kensou opens, and in a mad flurry of genetically empowered flesh, a Krizalid-lion hybrid roars as it leaps!

Flame bursts into existence, and claws rip--!!

Oh god, the humanity!

In the crowd, Krizalid adjusts his laurel wreath, thumb returning to his side. "I rather liked that clone," he notes to himself, eagerly awaiting the result of his hybrid creation!

COMBATSYS: Nagare fails to interrupt End of Eden from Krizalid with Artificial Respiration EX.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Nagare can no longer fight.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Krizalid         0/-------/--=====|

Nagare looks up at the clicking of a trap door. He doesn't even know its coming until its late. He's got a man in his hands, and he's not about to damn let him down. But he does. Oh he does! Pushing against all hope, all fate, Nagare attempts to toss the battered Kensou aside, and dive himself straight into the maw of the hungry, Lion Krizalid that lurches at him!

"I think you're drowning. Let's se-" But that's all he can get out. The claws rip into the swimmers bare flesh, the fire burns across the mans features. This white fish was thoroughly cooked by Krizalid! Krizalid certainly got his show however, Nagare being sliced into ribbons before being hurled backwards at a great speed. It really was something Nagare certainly didn't expect!

And now he's the one that needs medical attention, bleeding and attempting to catch his breath!

The crowd stares in horror at the sudden turnaround. Nagare, healthy one moment, is left in dire condition mere seconds later. "Mommy, mommy, why isn't Speedo Man moving?!" a child wails to his mother.

Its purpose finished, the hybrid crawls back into the trap door to die and decompose. Such is the life of the clone.

A delighted laugh pierces the air though, as a hot air balloon rises into the skies! Krizalid did indeed get his show, and now he escapes, stage ... up!

COMBATSYS: Krizalid has ended the fight here.

Log created on 19:16:41 11/26/2007 by Kensou, and last modified on 20:38:51 11/27/2007.