SNF 2007.11 - Bouncy Bonanza! Ryo vs Andy

Description: Ryo and Andy come to blows in a BOUNCY CASTLE?! Who will prove themselves the superior bouncing enthusiast?!! Can the bouncy castle handle their furious might!?!? See the answers, right here! (Winner: Andy)

The SNF Fights -- or Neo League too, for that matter -- often speaks of exotic locals or epic environment for great warriors to test their mettle against each others, while thousands and thousands of spectator watch the explosions from the comfort of their homes.

Some other fight's locations, however must have been sent in by Billy, Age 9 when his mother was not noticing that her son was watching violent fighting shows and suggested a fight location, one of his favourite places in the whole wide world for his best of best fighters he supports.

Thanks you, Billy. Thanks you /very/ much for making Ryo Sakazaki fight in the middle of the World's Biggest Bouncy Castle. At least it was not /Vice/ and /Mai/, at the very least. It would have not appeal to young kids only, then. Far from it.

So, here we are, the entire bouncy castle seized for the fight and the young Sakazaki standing -- no, uneasily balancing -- on one end of the interior. going to be perticular.

At the start of a fight, Andy liked to focus silently keeping his expressions guarded behind the red ninja-scarf that Mai had made for him but somehow that just seemed...inappropriate as the ground shifted and bobbed beneath his feet. And bounced. Don't forget the bouncing.

Andy instead wore an expression that lay somewhere between puzzlement and irritation as he considered the same thing over and over again in his mind as he stood opposite his opponent, Ryo Sakazaki -- a worthy adversary. Andy could not have asked for a more skilled opponent to face! It was...exciting.

But still...

"So," Andy finally breaks the silence between the two. "You think Geese is just messing with us?"

The Youngest Bogard smirks for a moment at the ridiculousness of the situation before taking up his open handed fighting stance. Sillyness aside, this is a real fight!

COMBATSYS: Andy has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Andy             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ryo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Andy

Andy Bogard...Now that's been a while since Ryo fought this guy. It was inevitable, really. The Invincible Dragon smirked, letting out a snort before slaming a feet into the floor. "Undoubtle--Woa!" Sakazaki stumbles a bit onward and quickly get his balanace back, grunting. Now, that was embarassing.

"...Without a doubt, he is." Ryo finishes his sentance after he salvages whatever was left of his dignity, taking his own battle wide-arm battle stances, his knees flexing slightly...and struggling mightily to even KEEP a semblant of balance.

"Get yourself ready! I wont hold back, and you best not to! KYAAAAH!"

The Dragon bounces -- thanks to that darned floor -- toward Andy, reeling a fist back for a pretty simple all-out freight punch. IN THE FACE.

COMBATSYS: Andy dodges Ryo's Mouko Raijin Gou.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Andy

Indeed, it had been far too long since a Hungry Wolf and the Invincible Dragon have crossed fists. Both have undoubtedly grown, it was time to settle accounts and to decide Who Is The Mightiest. Andy shifts his weight, forced to cross his feet over to keep balance. This castle is getting bouncier!

As Ryo stumbles, Andy is unfazed focused completely on the battle before him. Andy steps wide again to avoid toppling over, this was definitely going to cause problems. Clearly this couldn't stand as is. Andy would need to show Geese that he wasn't to be screwed around with. But back on topic!

"Absolutely..." Andy replies with a relish in his voice normally absent in the quiet, clear headed young man. He's getting pumped!

As Ryo bounces, Andy springs. Bending his knees he vaults upwards and over Ryo's attack flipping midair, Andy snaps a kick at Ryo's back.

COMBATSYS: Ryo dodges Andy's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Andy

Ryo keeps with his fist's momentum, diving foward and barely avoiding the kick aimed at his back. Normaly, this would be an excellent idea if it was normal ground -- but this is not.

Sakazaki uncermioniously keep rolling and SLAM into the bouncy wall. Whenever what happen next is calculated or a bout of luck is out for debates! Ryo is using that rebounce to flip a kick aimed at Andy's face in mid-air.

This is some tricky environment, but this is rather fun, actualy!

COMBATSYS: Andy dodges Ryo's Medium Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Andy

Andy's ninja-kick goes whissh through the air as Ryo continues forward and bounces against the wall, the Shinobi completes his flip, spinning until he hits the bouncy ground with all of his weight driving into the ground. It would be /dangerous/ getting caught in this bouncing ground if you put too much weight on it. But what coils in, has to spring out!

With an expression of some alarm, Andy suddenly SPROINGS out of the Castle ground flying and only just twisting midair to avoid Ryo's kick, Andy whirls his body midair landing feet first upon the Castle Wall just below Ryo. Andy goes for a decisive maneuver.

He pushes off the wall and leaps into the air, spinning his hands into a twirling combo of palm strikes, "Shouryuu Dan."

COMBATSYS: Andy successfully hits Ryo with Shouryuu Dan.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ryo              0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Andy

Palm Strikes are pretty painful, despite the fact that they are know, /palms/. A SERIES of them is even worse. "Come on, Andy! Let's stop playing around and get REAL!" Ryo Sakazaki shouted as his kick goes wild, landing and bouncing ...straight into the Shouryuu Dan.

The Multiple impacts sends the Dragon /FLYING/ in the direction of the very same wall than before, seemingly head first. That one stung, without a single doubt, but THE Ryo Sakazaki can't be down yet, now, can he!?

OF COURSE NOT! Ryo spins in mid-air to land feet-first against the wall, crouches to gain himself some momentum and HURLS himself foward like a rocket, feet-first into a mighty spring-powered flying kick!


COMBATSYS: Andy interrupts Hien Shippu Kyaku from Ryo with Geki Hishou Ken.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Ryo              1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Andy

Andy twirls midair, after the aerial palm strike combo, spinning his momentum out before flipping around to land. This time however, Andy spreads his weight out taking advantage of the strange physics of the Bouncing Castle, he lands on his hands and knees spread wide to eliminate any bounce.

Because Andy Bogard isn't going to dodge now. Ryo Sakazaki has thrown down the gauntlet, and Andy Bogard is not going to disappoint! As Ryo rockets towards him, Andy pulls his right palm back focusing all of his will into it. Within the palm flares a great blue ball of chi which grows, and grows as he thrusts it towards Ryo's oncoming attack.


The ball strikes it's target, even as Ryo's legs thunder into Andy's body knocking him backward into the castle wall and bouncing onto the ground. Andy's not going to get up in time before Ryo can strike once more!

Ryo called down the challenge, and he got it. He don't regret it, not at all. That would have been extremly insulting if Andy held back during the fight -- but he wont hold back either.

The chi explosion wrings a cry of pain from the Invincible Dragon, sending him flying way up. He's not helpless while in the air, as he has shown before with much efficiency. He crosses his arms before himself, gathering whatever bit of energy that was left from that Bogard-brand projectile and assimilating it as his own for one gigantic attack that should be easily recognisible by now.

"HAOH! SHOOOO!" Ryo intones, backflipping and landing uneasily on the edge of the upper walls of the Bouncy Castle. "KOOO KEEEEEN!"

The Kyokugen-Trademark giant fireball is fired downward at Andy, the recoil of the blast almost sending Ryo pummelting backward...but at least manages to get himself to fall /in/ the castle. A ring out would have been REALLY lame, here.

COMBATSYS: Andy blocks Ryo's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0             Andy

The Hungry Wolf gets on his feet, looking up to see Ryo already winding up one of the legendary techniques developed by Takuma Sakazaki. That big, giant ball of Invincible Dragon. Andy wasn't sure if he could avoid that attack or not, really the only choice he had was to defend. Throwing his arms up over his face, Andy channeled his great will to protect his body only just getting ready in time for it to crash against his arms.

The impact threw Andy back against the castle wall again, but the continuing force of it drove him against the wall rather than sending him bouncing off. Then when the energy dissipated, his defenses were sound. His arms however were left smoking from the assault.

Not willing to take another shot like that Andy moves in an instant sliding forward across the ground elbow first, aiming for Ryo's stomach.


COMBATSYS: Ryo fails to interrupt Zan'ei Ken from Andy with Random Weapon.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0             Andy

Ryo had a simple plan. Perhaps it was too simple that it simply couldn't be done, or maybe it's more to the fact that Andy Bogard cannot be so easily fooled. Perhaps it's more than the Wolf's skills was a little too fast for the Dragon to dodge.

Whatever the case, the clever plan of Ryo Sakazaki of sliding to the sides and let Andy Bogard slam into the wall all of his own was a rather huge disaster and instead left him be pummeled by elbows in the stomach. It's quite painful but, hey, if you risk nothin', nothing good happens!

Andy's elbow strikes home at it's target, and he continues to follow the Kyokugen Warrior through eventually halting his shadowy slide. Had he really improved this much? Even against a mighty warrior like Ryo Sakazaki, Andy could see the fruits of his labor paying off! Andy trained every day of every week, honing his skills, harnessing his natural talents and improving his skills all for the aim of strengthening himself to the very peak of what he could be.

The Hungry Wolf could see that Ryo's maneuver whatever his plan had been had only just failed, and he'd struck a fierce blow. Now to go in for the kill!

The shinobi rushes forward, bounding upward with the force of his left leg he swings his right around aiming to strike Ryo's face with a spinning kick.


COMBATSYS: Ryo dodges Andy's Heavy Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Andy

Maybe Ryo has started -- heck, /ending/ -- with a rather bad note of horrible luck and lack of success, but that doesnot mean that the Dragon is down for the count just yet. With complete confidence in himself, Sakazaki's hurl himself out of the path of the killing blow, rolling and bouncing until he springs back to his feet, spinning to face Andy's back.

Time to make it count, it's now or never.

"KRYAAAAAH! KO'OU KEN!" Sakazaki shouts at the top of his lungs as he fire off a large fireball after he bounced a few inches in the air, aimed diagonaly downward at the Bogard.

The fight is not over yet!

COMBATSYS: Andy dodges Ryo's Kuuchuu Ko'ou Ken.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Andy

There is no time to think. There is only time to move.

The Youngest Bogard had sought to end the match with a brutal kick, but Ryo was still full of fighting spirit! The speed of the man was unexpected for the Shinobi, one expects someone from Kyokugenryu Karate to attack with full, overwhelming force.

Only time to move.

The ninja bounces up and connects with the castle wall and begins wall-running UP it at full speed before a particularly violent bounce forces him to backflip off, allowing him to just /barely/ evade the technique.

Andy spins midair, and falls directly towards Ryo thrusting his palm forward for Ryo's jaw!

COMBATSYS: Ryo fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Andy with Jab Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Ryo              0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Andy

He didn't have a plan this time -- it's pretty rare that Ryo actualy DO have plans, he fights a lot on pure instinct -- but whatever the cause, whatever he wanted to do has utterly failed.

In this case, interrupting the young ninjitsu with a punch of his own to the face.

Andy's was quicker, and more painful for that matter and sends Ryo sailing back.

Andy grits his teeth while Ryo falls to the ground, this is the end!

As Ryo free falls, Andy spreads his limbs outward slowing his fall with ninjitsu, the young ninja arcs his body backward tensing his entire body before he suddenly dives groundward knee first attempting to end proceedings with a crushing blow!


COMBATSYS: Ryo endures Andy's Gen'ei Shiranui.

[                            \\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ryo              1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1             Andy

Just as the knee strikes hit, there is a brief shine in Ryo's eye. A glare, a fire that just wont die and REFUSE to fall down as if nothing happened. Oh no, he's going to go out with a bang.

Ryo lands on the bouncy floor, digging deep, very deep from the sheer impact's strength, his eyes closed. Things slow down for the Dragon as he concentrates, pulling every bits of energy left into his tightly closed right fist.

The springs begins to push him upward. Then...he lets everything go.

"TENCHI HAOH KEN!" Is Ryo's last spite answer to Andy as he litteraly rockets upward, lunging with one freight train-brand punch. Hopefuly he wont launch him into orbit with that one.

COMBATSYS: Ryo can no longer fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Andy             1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Andy endures Ryo's Tenchi Haoh Ken.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Andy             1/-======/=======|

Andy is in no position to move, run or hide right now. The only thing to do now is honour might with might!

As Ryo launches his last ditch effort to strike at him, as is only fitting of a warrior, Andy stands firm, holds his focus and takes the punch. The result is that Andy Bogard goes FLYING, bouncing off the castle walls and back onto the floor.

But he holds his focus FIRM.

Clutching his chest, Andy rises and bows to his fallen opponent.

"You honoured me with your fists Ryo. It was a pleasure."

Log created on 18:39:21 11/26/2007 by Ryo, and last modified on 23:40:58 11/26/2007.