SNF 2007.11 - Gobble Gobble! Frei vs Mignon


Tryptophan comas, beware. Tonight... you will be rocked.

The early pilgrims who landed on the rocky shores of Massachusetts were a very staid people, known for their repressive culture and grim, hyper-religious outlook on life. Of course, how does America celebrate this? By inviting two insane, cosplay-happy, chi-wielding furreners to show up in front of their monument and duke it out like (wo)men possessed. Bread and circuses, indeed.

Not wanting to hurt the arch of the memorial, most of the action is set up on the narrow strip of coastline just in front of the thing. Garish colored lights, high-powered for TV production, give the area a wash of carnival atmosphere, even in the chilly Massachusetts fall weather. Up on the hill, fans in bleachers cheer.

And Frei? He's dressed to the nines like a pilgrim, alright... but he's too short and thin for the male ones. So the monk is wearing a long, plain dress with an overskirt, as well as a white bonnet. Of course, in deference to the violent nature of this here combat, he's also carrying what appears to be a very large, single-barreled turkey rifle in one hand. The other? The other is stuffing a hot turkey sandwich on ciabatta bread into his mouth. He's hungry! HUNGRY FOR VIOLENCE?


Nah. Mostly hungry for turkey. He turns back to the production crew. "Is there stuffing?"

CHILLY? Mignon was born in such a place! Perhaps it's what contributes to her dark heart, Her dark, cold, black heart which nothing, not even the brightest of puppies and happy smilies WILL EVER PIERCE.

It must be, obviously.

And eager to be back home, or at least in her home state, Mignon is rather happily bouncing about. But how? WHY IN FEATHERS OF COURSE. She's sporting a nice covering coat with turkey feathers, a beak, and orange stockings for her legs. "Hiiyaaaa everyone, Mignon the Turkey wishes everyone of my home town a hap hap happy Thanksgiving for EVERYONE in the world! Mignon the Turkey is going to say that you should dress warm, too, watch out for frostbite, and to remind EVERYONE that it is totally almost Christmas so everyone remember your family, mhmm! Especially your grammy!" And with that TurkeyMignon turns to Pilgrim Frei, and simply does what doesn't come natural but people might stare all the same.

"GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!" Mignon cries out towards Frei, and begins towards him, running around, flapping her hands like a chicken and gobbling all the time! "Hiya person, Mignon the turkey wishes you a thankful thanksgiving too, but Mignon the turkey is not going to let her be shot, nu-uh, no way! So gotta catch me! Gobble gobble gobble gobble~!"

And she keeps running around Frei. And running around Frei. And running. Around. Frei.

It must start to get annoying at one point.

Frei's not exactly the grandstand-y type, but he recognizes that there are those who enjoy being in the limelight and playing to the crowd. Of course, it's not as if he notices this about Mignon because one of the production crew, against all logic, has just brought him a steaming bowl full of hastily-prepared Stove Top. It would appear that when Howard Enterprises is involved, anything is possible. As he digs a spork into it and shovels a forkful into his mouth, the monk glances up. Oh, so the girl's from the area... well, that's handy. Raised in Japan, Frei isn't one for Thanksgiving as a family get together.

Never mind that a team of wild horses and/or a speeding truck couldn't get Frei to a family reunion as he stands now.

The monk stops eating, the turkey rifle(?) slung over one shoulder as he glances at Mignon running around him in a circle. "I love the costume!" he enthuses, and it is a genuine compliment. After all, this is the man who showed up to fight Krizalid dressed as a Rag Rappy. Still, the motion is starting to make him a little dizzy, so he focuses on... stuffing down the rest of that stuffing? Oh yes. Wolfing it down, he throws the bowl over his shoulder and gets into stance. "LET THE TURKEY HUNT COMMENCE."

That would sound hella macho if you weren't wearing a bonnet and pilgrim dress, Frei.

Just sayin'.

COMBATSYS: Frei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Frei takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mignon has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Mignon

Around around the Frei-pole~ the Turkey chased the Mignon, the Frei fell down and broke his crown, and Mignon came gobbling aftterrrr.

Still circulating around Frei, gobbling and flapping her winglets, Mignon is totally in turkey mode. She's got everything a Turkey could ever ask for! And the suit totally makes her brown eyes look cute too. If only the feathers weren't all over! But still, Mignon never let anything like STYLE get in her way! Especially as Frei stops eating, and Mignon stops as well, flapping. "Mignon made sure it was EXTRA good, and Grammy helped out a bit too, so Mignon is going to take nice care of it! They gave it and Grammy only really helped out by making it comfortable but Mignon doesn't want to waste what Grammy maaade~!" She touts this proudly, and Mignon is genuinely happy.

"Mignon thinks you look really nice too in that dress! Heehee... Mignon is going to still do her best, you bet!" And as he wolfs down the rest, before yelling out THE TURKEY HUNT ... Mignon gasps! "GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!" She cries, flapping randomly, and for a period of time, flailing kind of weird, running around infront of Frei in no particular reason nor rhyme!

And then turning towards Frei..

AND LEAPING AND FLAPPING... and coming down /beak first/.

Well it won't be the paper mache' beak that hurts. It'll be the head that Mignon has.. and that means 'it won't. It's empty!


COMBATSYS: Frei fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Mignon with Random Weapon.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Mignon

The bird is going down. That's all there is to it. In fact, as the turkey-witch leaps at the monk he is all business suddenly, which is a damned rare occurance. The rifle comes up to his shoulder, and he squints, taking careful aim. Turkey hunting is serious business. It's all very solemn.

But he aims too long and Mignon comes flying into his face, beak first, knocking him over.

Frei goes down in a hail of bullets! Alright, maybe not. But he does go down, and totally ruins his dress. Mignon, you CAD. Look what you've done to that white apron, it's going to take hours to get that out with a pumice stone! The turkey rifle goes drifting off into the distance, skittering to a stop next to a rock, and against all probability, gets caught on a piece of driftwood that snags the trigger! Oh god, everyone in the audience, get down!

The silence that comes afterward is broken only by gasps of relief. As Frei gets up in the background, rubbing at his wounded nose, the crowd notices that rather than buckshot, a giant red boxing glove on a double helix-type spring has been fired from the 'turkey rifle'.

As Mignon the Turkey crashes into Frei, Frei tries to pull the trigger, and what's that?! Mignon's nearly shot through the heart, with Frei to blame!

Look on the bright side, though, Frei. Mignon's suit is STILL TURKEY PERFECT. And that's the important part here! "Gobble gobble woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Tumbling with Frei, Mignon goes head over heels but isn't hurt by the falling, and with the turkey rifle out of his hands, Turkey Mignon's plans to respond .. are rather well founded! Wait is that gun going to "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" Mignon screeches but .. it's a boxing glove. HURRAY! Cowering no more, Mignon gets up!

"Gobble Gobble Gobble, Mignon's Turkey days have just begun! If you want Thanksgiving Mrs. Pilgrim it looks like you're going to have to fight!" And with that, the Turkey begins to run about Frei, Mignon happily skipping as the fallen Pilgrim only gets back so fast!

But it comes to her slow witted turkey brain that .. she should fight back! This is a BRILLIANT plan, and Mignon thinks that yes, she is right here! Which involves the Turkey moving away from Frei. But what happens? The Turkey is MAGICAL. Which shouldn't be too surprising. "Okay Mrs Pilgrim, Magical Turkey Mignon is not going to go easy!"

And then it begins to flap it's oversized wings. She flaps as hard as she can, flap flap flap flap, and dust and dirt and all kinds of things are blown towards Frei! And then most importantly of all .. a rather large vortex of wind erupts upwards, and then spirals towards the Pilgrim like some kind of HORRIBLE TURKEY MAGIC.


COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Mignon's Windstorm.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Frei             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Mignon

Huh. This turkey uses chi attacks. Bet the pilgrims couldn't say that much, could they?

Thank to his excellent sense for chi, however, Frei's defense is swift and effective. Holding his dress down with one hand (to preserve modesty <3), the monk extends another, chi swirling around his outstretched hand as well. The windblast shears mostly around an invisible field of force. Not all of it -- the dress and bonnet strings are blown back as some of the energy gets through, making the monk grimace in pain -- but for the most part, the 'spell' is shut down.

Well, at least now we know special effects are okay.

Grinning at Mignon, Frei cracks his knuckles, then points at her with one hand. "Two can play at that game! Oh yes... for the Pilgrims had their own holy magic! Drawn from... PILGRIM POWER!" Dramatic pose pose POSE! Is that a thunderclap we just heard? And then Frei is all motion, diving at Mignon with a low-rent, trailer park Burn Knuckle, fist extended in the most telegraphed punch of all time. Of course, it's also surrounded by a blazing corona of scarlet fire, so maybe that's for the best. "Time to deep-fry the turkey!"

COMBATSYS: Mignon interrupts Fierce Punch from Frei with Lightning Bolt EX.
- Power hit! -

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Frei             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Mignon

This Turkey is a MAGICAL turkey, and it seems however magical it is, the Pilgrim is JUST as magical.. or so it seems! There is a field of force about the Pilgrim, and as the chi swirls around and dissipates it, the Magical Turkey Mignon gapes! .. "Gobble.. GOBBLE GOBBLE!?" Mignon cries out, without any logic or sense, "Mignon's turkey power.. INEFFECTIVE?!"

It seems almost too much! The divine wind spirit.. it did nothing! Except it WAS flashy and that's what's important in a Thanksgiving Day Special! PIZZAZZ!

Smiling wide, as Frei yells out PILGRIM POWER, a Thunderclap, and Frei diving at Mignon with a 'Burn Knuckle' causing the Turkey to flail helplessly! "GOBBLEGOBBLE GOBBLEEEEEE-"And then at the last second, as the burning fist impacts the Turkey, the Turkey gobbles no more, smiling. "Heehee.... LIGHTNING ... BOLT!" And Frei's hand, latched onto by Mignon-Turkey, is charged with electricity before being spun slightly and launched, with a whole lot of electrical chi, back into base of the 'hill', the small raise of land near the coast!

"Gobble Gobble.. this turkey's goose isn't cooked yet!" Mignon winks towards Frei, and continues to skip!

Neither is the pilgrim entirely down for the count yet, though. The electrical attack does catch him by surprise, but there are few people in his experience bracket more experienced than sucking up damage from chi like Frei is; even without time to react, on some subconscious level he's 'grounding' that thunderbolt with counterforce, shifting damage elsewhere. Which doesn't mean that didn't sting -- it did, quite a bit -- but what might be a crushing blow on someone else is reduced to merely incredibly painful.

Twirling, Frei displays a sudden gazelle nimbleness that is little-seen in this part of Massachusetts, unless you count Mitt Romney's skillful manipulation of his past in the presidential campaigns. I'm just sayin'. Planting his feet against the wall, he springs off and lands in a crouch before standing up and dusting off his apron.

Throwing out his hands to both sides, two spheres of blue-white energy gather, one in each palm. "I would have preferred to have a fresh bird on the table, but..." With a motion that crosses both arms across his face, the monk hurls both chilly orbs at Migobblenon, the two crashing together and creating a wave of ice shards to really drive home the winter weather. "But frozen's fine too!"

COMBATSYS: Mignon blocks Frei's Hyoushou Rengeki.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Frei             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0           Mignon

As Frei plows his feet against the wall, Mignon gapes, Turkey mouth opening wide as Mrs. Pilgrim, Frei-ina, leaps off the wall and lands... before making sure he looks PRETTY.

Now that is one girly monk, who knows how to take care of her clothes! "Oooh. That's nice! Mignon didn't want to hurt your pretty clothes either so Mignon won't burn them, 'kaaaay? Mignon won't gobble burn your pretty clothes~!" She repeats again, before OH MAN. Two spheres of blue-white energy gather, and attempt to freeze the Mignon-turkey ROCK SOLID. And the ice wave or shards washes over her, freezing about her form and her body..

The prison melts, however, seconds later, as MAGICAL TURKEY MIGNON flips out, and onto, the ice object! "Gobble gobble! I, Defender of all Turkey's, Magical Mignon, will protect them from you, Mrs. Pilgrim, in the name of the Gobble!"

She even twirls and winks! .. And then clasps her hands about her. "So cold so cold so cold Mignon's so colddddd..." It's going to be hard to keep moving.. AND THEN SHE TRIPS. "W-WOAH!" Flailing helplessly, Mignon is sent head over feet towards Frei, hands RANDOMLY FLAILING as she face dives towards Equally Magical Mrs. Pilgrim Frei-ina!


COMBATSYS: Frei interrupts Strong Punch from Mignon with Medium Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Mignon

You sort of have to improvise a defense when this sort of thing happens. I mean, really, she just faceplanted offensively. So Frei does the only thing he can think of to do in this scenario:

He catches her by the face.

Think about the mechanics of this for a moment. Mignon is a curvy girl, and travelling at some speed, so there's a good deal of kinetic force there. And Frei, dressed womanly as he is, adopts the typical "Iyaaaaa~" defensive posture, so he's not bracing for the attack. So naturally the girl falling into him does deal SOME damage, though not a great amount. It also leaves the two of them, in tableau, with Frei grabbing onto Mignon's cheeks with both hands.

The waves crash on the shore.

And then, confused as to exactly what a magical turkey is and, indeed, what the hell he's supposed to do in this situation, Frei just gives a big ole :D, shouts "I am... SHOCKED! at this behavior!" while channeling a few thousand volts of electrical chi into Mignon since she's right there and she already did it to him once too, shut up, and then shoves her away and shakes out his hands.

Yeah, it's making me uncomfortable too.

Wha-Mignon is caught by the face. She's curvy. And Frei and her are laying, through stupid luck, WOMAN AND TURKEY ON THE BEACH, TRUE LOVE FOUND.

And the woman rejects the Turkey's love, instead, launching Mignon up and away, her feather's getting all shocked, some of them zapping off comically, and Mignon, smoking, on the beach, a bit zapped. Getting up, however, Mignon finds is the easiest part of the whole experience.

"Mignon Magical Turkey did NOT wish to give a peace treaty with you like that, and the Magical Turkey Mignon will KEEP FIGHTING ... and Mignon's beak is all scorched and gooooooooneee..." Sniff.

BUT, Magical Turkey Mignon has PROMISED that she would not BURN Frei, even though she could.

But then, hey, promises and all are always forgotten SOMETIMES, and Mignon's feathers are pointed towards Frei, spinning around once, the BIG OL' TURKEY points towards Frei, with large flammable feathers, and yells out, "GOBBLE GOBBLE!" Which isn't all descriptive until a BALL OF FLAME erupts towards Frei.

And his dress.

Hey wait, do you smell something? "AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE!" Mignon cries out, and you might smell COOKING TURKEY, because Mignon forgot how BAD she is with that spell sometimes, and the Turkey suit is burning and OH GOD THE FLAMES.. which are out when she leaps into the water.

"Gobble Gobble.. Mignon forgot about that... oopsie.." But the Turkey Outfit YET LIVES.. just a little scorched. But is Frei?

COMBATSYS: Frei endures Mignon's Fire Ball.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Frei             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0           Mignon

Let's face it. It's cold out here right now. So when Frei -- who honestly, is not that attached to the whole petticoats factor of this particular costume -- sees the fiery projectile headed his way, he gives the situation some careful thought. THEN he lets his eyes drift to the sand between himself and Mignon, and a wide grin spreads on his face.

Oh yes.

Driving forward, a shimmery aura of chi springing up to protect him a little bit from the flame, the monk drives right through the fireball with a shoulder charge, the bonnet and dress bursting into brief, chi-fueled flame before the mystic energy winks out and the fire is gone... but so is the costume. Stop drop and roll, Frei! Stop drop and roll!

However, this is exactly what he's done. Dropping to the sand, the monk reaches even as he comes to a stop, half-burned dress discarded as he grabs for the dropped Rocket Punch(tm) rifle, grabbing it as he stands... to reveal a fringed leather tunic and doeskin pants underneath! Yes... remember kids, Thanksgiving isn't always about white people.

"HI! A! WA! THA!" Frei bellows unintelligbly, as he grabs the turkey rifle by the stock and attempts to swing the boxing glove part into Mignon's jaw.

COMBATSYS: Mignon endures Frei's Random Weapon.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Frei             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Mignon

Wh-what?! Mignon the Turkey watches as Frei ISN'T a chicken.. NOR a Turkey, and DIVES RIGHT INTO THE FIRE. Maybe they're having Pilgrim for dinner instead! And with the monk into the fire, Mignon skips out of the water, cold, somewhat freezing, but much less on fire!

And it seems there's a lack of Mrs. Pilgrim now, and there are no bonnets, and the dress discarded, Mignon .. is YET STILL a Turkey! It is her duty as Magical Turkey Mignon, yet there happens to be a Rocket Punch Rifle wielded by .. a NATIVE AMERICAN!?

Mignon gapes! "GOBBLE!" And it seems that gets Mignon surprised enough that she watches Frei swing the boxing glove at her. And she keeps watching. AND IS WATCHING STILL as it impacts into her Turkey painted face, causing her to flail backwards from the strike! "Ow ow owieee oweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeOw..." Mignon frowns, but it wasn't completely stupid.

Mignon, during the strike, was charging her hands, electricity and all, before, and as it slams into her, she had lunged, body and arms moving forwards, and head moving back!

"Gobble Gobble... THUNDERBOLT!" That same charge would leap back into Frei, erupting in an electrical ZAP, as it attempts to send Frei back all the harder back into that hill.. THE NATIVE AMERICAN WOULD BECOME ONE AGAIN WITH THE LAND.

Maybe Mignon should be /trying to avoid/ being hit. It's her best plan. Yet it seems the turkey concept of running .. just doesn't work for her?!

COMBATSYS: Mignon successfully hits Frei with Thunderbolt.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Frei             1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0           Mignon

There had been such high hopes on the part of the National Park Service that no harm would come to the Plymouth Rock Memorial, especially on Thanksgiving weekend when so many people would come to see it. We'd naturally tender our apologies to those individuals but, let's be real. This is MotM. The more stuff we blow up in SNF, the better.

Park rangers scream in terror as the monk gets blasted back through two stone pillars of the arch, somewhere in the middle. This has the disconcerting effect of making the entire thing sway a little in the chilly night air and sending the first few rows of spectators scrambling backwards out of the way just in case something bad happens (while those in the back row get their camera phones ready... just in case something bad happens). Frei, meanwhile, lands in the front row, right on top of Mr. Alan Fortescue, a man who hates fighting and was dragged here by his 12 year old son Bobby, who was at the concession stand getting a turkey sandwich when this all went down and is saved injury. Mr. Fortescue is out like a light.

Does the WWF have this? No they do not.

However, resilient as he is, Frei emerges from the rubble of the first row after a period of silence like an angry star, golden-orange energy charging between both hands as he stares at Mignon, off in the distance. Yet his voice, thankfully, carries over the wind... and someone at Bandai Visual's marketing department is rubbing his hands in glee.

"This hand of mine is burning red!" Frei bellows, charging more of that golden chi. "It's pleasantly warm grip tells me... to seize leftovers! Here I go! Seki Ha!" And then, bringing his hands to bear, the monk lets loose a massive beam of orange energy straight for Mignon, conveniently taking out the OTHER two middle support pillars. "TENKYOKEN!"

Oh god why.

COMBATSYS: Mignon fails to reflect Hizashi Ronde from Frei with Water Shield.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Frei             0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0           Mignon

As the Monk LANDS on someone, Mignon is in a panic. "Gobble.. Gobble-OMIGOSH. I'm SO SORRY. Just SO SORRY Really, REALLY. Mignon didn't mean to do this oh no oh no oh no..." Mignon's panicking. This is probably NOT a good sign, especially with the breaking of stuff, and Mignon watches as Frei LANDS on someone, and flailing around a bit, Mignon is certainly not all that happy with how things turned out.

"Gobble Gobble SORRYYYYY Mignon is so Sorry, so sorry so so so so so SORRY." And then Frei gets up? .. Uh oh! And Frei is bellowing, golden chi charging.. and then he wishes to SEIZE LEFTOVERS?! Mignon runs back towards the water a bit, and there's a MASSIVE BEAM rushing towards her like some kind of hunting arrow and then WHAM.. for a second, a shield of water erupts upwards, to stop the beam.. before BAMF.

It strikes right through, and the Turkey SPLASHES in the cold water, most of the Turkey suit being blasted off, and Mignon lying, in her basica clothes.. none of the special dresses no, freezing. "S-S-SOOOO C-C-COOOOLDDDDD!" Mignon complains, getting up and chattering, rubbing her arms as she freezes.



Brushing his hand across his forehead, Frei moves from the seating area to the designated fight area, obliviously walking through the precariously-balanced Plymouth Rock monument. You have to wonder if these places are insured for this sort of thing? He finds the turkey-witch shivering on the beach and sort of... blinks. Not the outcome he expected. And of course, Frei doesn't have the heart to attack her when she's like that, so he takes a deep breath and stays on the defensive. Let her make the first move, he says! Yeah, that's the ticket.

Shaking his hands out, the monk smiles at Mignon, in a world where only they two exist... and not the flurry of park rangers, pedestrians, spectators, and Howard Enterprises staff that are massing behind them, trying to make sure this all ends up okay. "This has been a fun fight. C'mon, let's finish it for the fans! It'll warm you up."

COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Frei             0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Mignon

As Frei doesn't have the heart to attack a poor.. defenseless Mignon, Mignon's freezing alright, and he stays on the defensive! .. Mignon's REALLY cold so when he does this Mignon kind of looks at him, eyes blinking a bit. "M-M-Mignon i-i-isn't s-su-sure she wants to -m-move.. It's s-so-SO c-c-c-COLD." She says, chittering with her teeth, as the monk smiles, Mignon nods a bit as she smiles, before she GIVES IT ALL SHE'S GOT.

And that involves running towards Frei, and then spinning. It may seem like nothing, but Mignon spins. An boy, HOW does she spin. It's a really odd spin, and Mignon is also cold, because of it, so it's kind of a slower spin, mainly due to her freezing coldness!

"L-L-LOOP d-d-De L-LOOP!" So So cold!


COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Mignon's Defoliation EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0           Mignon

Perhaps now that the landscape is A COMPLETE DISASTER AREA the true martial arts can begin! Sadly the fighters are Frei and Mignon so it's debateable how true any of these martial arts actually are. Regardless, Mignon busts out a complex-looking kicking maneuver and Frei responds with a classic defense (no, not Bonetti or Agrippa): he crosses both arms and lets the witch springboard off him into the air behind him, shifting the blow... which stings a bit, but nothing he can't handle.

Turning to see the witch continuing to shiver, Frei feels some degree of sympathy... and thus he turns and does his own aerial looping kick, coming down with a somersaulting axe kick right for Mignon's shoulder, his doeskin-covered foot sheathed in a bloom of red fire. Well, it'll warm her up, at least. "DEEP FRIED GOODNESS!" Oh Frei, you've played too much Grandia 2.

COMBATSYS: Mignon reflects Kouen no Tsurugi from Frei with Water Shield.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Frei             0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0           Mignon

Mignon IS cold, but she knows she can't give up! And as Frei does an aerial looping kick, coming down with a somersaulting axe kick to her shoulder, Mignon feels the warm flames, and almost for a second wishes for Frei to actually succeed. And then .. she can't just lay down and give up! Mignon never wishes to lay down and give up!

"Water UP!"

Frei's foot is suddenly covered in REALLY cold water, and while it might not hurt much from the springboarded witch as she had landed, it still delayed her timely defeat. She can't really fight back at this point, but Mignon will keep on trying. "L-Looks. L-L-ike Mignon d-d-did it!... F-For n-now!"

Frei has come from the future, Mignon Connor. To destroy you before you build Skynet and make Arnold Schwarzenegger famous. The man's governor of California now, for god's sake.

The watery burst drives Frei back a step, but his chi is surging now, and while Mignon may be looking a little tired, Frei is reaching his proverbial second wind. Yet another orange glow suffuses around his hands... partly to stave off the chill, and partly so he can give Mignon what for! The monk is actually looking pretty pleased. He's never met an opponent like Mignon who's got access to so many different types of elemental chi, like he does, after all. It's exciting!

He shows his excitement by exploding a spherical firework of orange chi right in her face at point-blank range, if he can pull it off!

Isn't that swell?!

Exclamation! Point!

COMBATSYS: Mignon fails to interrupt Hizashi from Frei with Windstorm.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Mignon can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/=======|

A Frei moves in for the finishing blow, Mignon can't pull the same trick again! The watery burst does stop Frei, for a moment, but it only for that moment.. Frei is on the offensive once more, and the freezing Mignon makes it harder to react in time.. and she's getting tired and sleeeepyyyyy. Mignon just wants to sleeeeep.

And there happens to be a spherical firework of orange chi in her f-hey THAT'S NOT GOOD! Mignon comes to realization, and winds whip around the two.. only to die as the firework of chi erupts in her face and sends Mignon exploding a bit backwards, causing her to land on the edge of the beach, the Turkey Mignon gobbling her last gobble as she can no longer fight.

The moral of this story?

AND THAT, CHILDREN, IS HOW THANKSGIVING CAME TO BE A HOLIDAY. Yes. A Witch and A Monk fought with MAGICAL POWERS in a Pilgrim Dress and a Turkey, the Monk also wearing Native American clothes later on, while MAGIC was thrown around as well as chi.

Which officially makes Thanksgiving Day more MAGICAL.

Log created on 01:26:04 11/25/2007 by Mignon, and last modified on 12:04:44 11/25/2007.