Jinchuu - [R3] [Cut] A Minor Hiccup

Description: When Naerose attempts to train the bird left to her by Arika to say embarrassing things she is caught in the act by Katelynn who has ideas of her own. Can the karate black belt stop the witch from her sinister plot?

So what was Naerose doing? She was trying to figure out what you do with a bird, on a boat. Do you set it free? Do you feed it? Do you eat it? Do you teach it dirty words? This one just said 'ninja's suck' a lot. Also Naerose knew where it came from. It came with a note and some cookies which were rock hard by the time she got to them and mostly eaten by the bird. . and OJ.. oh yes, how can we forget the oj. Something many people probably know about OJ is you don't leave it out. Especially in a warm place, uncovered. . for days. Thank you Arika, these three gifts, stale cookies, reeking rotten oj and an annoying bird. They were so on good terms. Currently in the middle of the boat the witch is trying to teach her new friend the bird,
"Say. 'Oh Drake.'"

"Ninja's suck" says the bird.

Meanwhile, Katelynn has been taking the time to practice her martial arts, since it's really been quiet on the ship. Nothing really to do, which means it's up to her to find ways to entertain herself. Except for today.

She happens upon Naerose, and while she's not sure what she's up to, she does recognize her from Thailand awhile back, and unfortunately, Katelynn's not too thrilled to see Naerose again.

"So, fancy meeting you here," Katelynn says in a rather sarcastic tone. She folds her arms and scowls at the witch, obviously in a very bad mood now that she's spotted an old nemesis. Mind you, Katelynn's not one to make enemies easily, but when you're captured by someone like Naerose, it's a different story.

"Ah.. Huh?" Naerose asks, looking away from the bird and then over at Katelynn. She adjusts her shades. She fixes her hat. She adjusts her shades again.

"Yeah! Fancy meeting me huh, so ah.. hi!" She flashes a winning smile and it becomes instantly difficult to tell if she even recognizes Katelynn. she's wearing shades afterall, maybe she can't even see the girl.

"Heey, do you know how to train a bird to talk?" asks the witch, she clearly is missing the vibe here.

"Cause if you do.."

"No, I'm not an aviary professional actually. But I can say that we have some unpleasantries from the past that should be resolved, no?" Katelynn says, her scowl still there and her arms still folded. Based on the tone of her voice, it sounds like she's getting a bit impatient with Naerose. "What's that bird doing here anyway?"

"Umm.. Yeah, the bird, something about Arika wanting to drive me crazy I guess, but it's so not going to work, when I give this bird back it's gonna be freckin awesome!" She states and flashes a winning smile. She totally lets the other stuff go.

"So check it out. I teach this bird to say something embarrassing about Arika and then I sneak it back into Arika's room.. " She flashes a broad grin.
"You want a part of this?"

"Me? Take part in something like that with you? An agent of Shadaloo?" Katelynn snorts disgustedly. "You must be kidding me. I can't believe I actually let myself get into that nightmare where I was one of Vega's stooges!" She glares even more menacingly at Naerose. "Which makes me wonder why you still work for him!"

"Ahh.. Veg... Vegeta?" Naerose asks, looking totally like she doesn't get it.
"Umm.. Shampoo?" She really looks confused now and scratches her head under her hat.

"So like.. There is this bird see?" Naerose says, slowly as if she were speaking to someone who didn't speak english. . as if slowing down your speech would even help,
"So.. I dunno what that has to do with shampoo.

To see Katelynn lose her patience is a bit of a feat in itself. She's learned patience from her years of training in Shotokan Karate, but even then that doesn't mean she doesn't lose her temper once in awhile. In fact, when she loses her cool, she really loses her cool. Which is pretty much the verge of what's about to happen in a few moments!

"I don't care about birds! I'm here to confront you about the organization run by Lord Vega. You kidnapped me and made me one of his stooges, which I cannot accept! It is a blemish on the style of Shotokan Karate!" Katelynn clenches her fists as if she's about ready to fight.

This causes Naerose to just like totally stare with mouth agaped. She forgets entirely about the bird. She closes her mouth.

"Ahh.. right, so umm.. I'm just going to go over here miss crazy person, cause you totally got me mistaken for someone else.."

As it happens, Katelynn doesn't have Naerose mistaken for someone else. It would be hard to mistake Naerose for anyone but who she is. Though you wouldn't know by looking at her if she had any idea who she was actually talking to.

"So.. You just.. er.. keep you know.. Doing what you gotta do.." She gives an uneasy smile.

"Excuse me? You're calling me crazy? Given that getup you're wearing, I'd say you're one to talk," Katelynn says, still not cracking the slightest hint of a smile. "In fact, if you think for a second I'm fooled, you're way off base. I know you and I want you to know that you are an insult to Shotokan Karate! For part of the code of Shotokan states that we must always guard against impetuous courage! And by forcing me to do so while being turned into a stooge of Vega, you have insulted me and my style!"

She steps closer to Naerose. "One more chance. Admit you're who you say you are, or else I'm going to have to make this personal. And this time it won't be impetuous courage, since you're the impetuous one!" Her teeth start to show a little through her mouth, showing they're gritted tight.

"Woah woah, Imperial? Seriously, stop waving that word around, I am not part of the evil empire of sith people, and I'm not like you know, owning a tie fighter, but that would be really awesome if I did. And er.. I'm not actually you know, a student of your karate thing, so I dunno how I insulted it with my kung fu, but check this lets umm," Naerose looks around slowly.

"Forget about this whole sith thing kay? And don't worry about style girl, you'll get it someday." She gives a confident thumbs up and points over Katelynn's shoulder.

"Oh my snap! What the heck is that?!" she exclaims and tries to make a break for it.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katelynn         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Katelynn

"You don't fool me!" Katelynn shouts as Naerose tries to trick her. "The jig ends here and now!" And with that, she steps into her fighting stance and prepares to take on her opponent. Except that her opponent is attempting to escape. But Katelynn won't have that.

Performing a half spin kick, Katelynn abruptly pauses when her foot is pointed forward, and with her other foot, she propels herself towards Naerose at a rather fast rate of speed.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Naerose with Missile Kick.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0         Katelynn

DRAT. Caught in the act of trying to escape and getting totally nailed. The kick comes and hits her from behind and she gets hit and goes ouch. Really seriously.. Ouch.

'first attack' a voice should be saying, but it doesn't , because there is no voice, there is no person to say it, this is not a planned battle. She goes down on one knee and is like 'ouch'. Wait, we were already there.

"Hey, seriously, I don't have like any money, I swear!"
Of course now she has to try and succeed where once she failed, to escape where once she was held up.. To say
"Hey seriously, whats that?!" she cries and points over Kateylnn's shoudler, this time just trying to straight up hit her.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Katelynn with Fierce Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0         Katelynn

Katelynn doesn't look away. Instead, she tries to move away. Unfortunately, if one is going to move away, they need to know the right way to move. As it stands, Katelynn zigs when she should've zagged, and gets hit right in the face.

"Ow!" She says, staggering backwards a little, rubbing at where the strike hit her. It doesn't exactly leave a bruise, but it shows that Naerose is just as serious about this as Katelynn is.

"All right, if that's the way you want to play," Katelynn says angrily, going forward to grab the witch by the shoulders and fling her across the deck.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Naerose with Quick Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0         Katelynn

The next thing she does is gets flung across the deck. This was not going according to plan. She was getting hit and getting hit hard. But this wasn't as hard as that nasty kick. We don't like it precious. Then, rememebering that she's not Golem and she doesn't even know anything about lord of the rings, except that the movie previous are choice <3, she is forced to confront the situation. She has an opponent, she needs to hit that opponent and she needs to hurt that opponent enough to get away from her. This is like a crazy person!

"Okay. Ummm, we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry, listen if you don't like birds then.."

She points over Katelynn's head. . . again.

"Oh gosh what could that be?"

She then tries to catch Katelynn with a thin wire around the neck.

Chances are. . she didn't fall for that. No one would fall for such a lame trick, especially after not falling for it two times in a row now.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn fails to counter Threads of Fate from Naerose with Palm Blaster.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0         Katelynn

That's it, come to Katelynn, so she can show you her favorite counterattack, the Palm Blaster. It's where Katelynn avoids your attack and then swiftly strikes you with palm while using a little chi to add to the punch.

Or not...

As it is, Katelynn misses, and is caught by Naerose. She finds herself struggling to breathe as the wire is tightened around her neck. This is not going to be an easy one to get out of...

Except.. The wire isn't that thick, it breaks before doing any real damage. Lets face it, Naerose is no assasin, well you might know that, but the wire certainly suggests it if her intent doesn't give a clue. Still she does have one specific aim, that aim being escaping her opponent. She wants to get away from Katelynn.

"Okay okay, seee, umm, you're not stopping so like.. I guess you wanna take my wallet.. or like get my autograph.." the witch pauses in thought,
"Okay well here is a signed stalagmite, or stalagtite, I really have no idea which is which!"

And with that the witch forms a huge icicle of ice and flings it at Katelynn.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn endures Naerose's Sagita Major!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Naerose          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1         Katelynn

"I'm not here for autographs or your wallet. I'm here to show you that you never mess with Katherine Molina!" Katelynn replies before bracing herself to take the attack that's coming right at her. It's a bit painful, but by bracing herself, she finds herself given a brief boost of adrenaline, which means she's more motivated than ever to go after Naerose.

"Here, let me show you something like that. It's simple, but it should do the trick..." And with that, Katelynn brings one fist back to focus her chi into it, and then thrusts it forward, sending the sphere of chi right at Naerose.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Naerose with Energy Fist.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0         Katelynn

If the energy coming at Naeroes wasn't bad enough, that she was being taught something, a lesson, a terribly unpleasant lesson. A face full of chi, the back of the wall.. it shocks her. Why? Why must this ship always shock?

"Ouch. Geeze, was that really necessary ? " demands the witch, looking kind singed. It's almost comical.

"I'm not sure what your deal-ee-o is missy. " The witch says,
"But I'm so not.. going to give you my personal information, identity thief!"

She looks ready to attack she.. doesn't attack. She just sort of stands there and leans on her broom, pointing at Katelynn, like she migth attack at any moment. That'll show her.

COMBATSYS: Naerose gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0         Katelynn

So it looks like Katelynn's got her message across for the most part. But Naerose still seems a bit out of it. "I don't want anything of yours. I just want you to understand that you never mess with someone like me!" And she doesn't attack either. Instead, she stays where she is, keeping a close eye on Naerose.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn focuses on her next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0         Katelynn

"Err.. That's it?" Naerose asks. Looking skeptical. Apparently she doesn't realize her opponent is just taking a moment to watch her. So the witch decides. . Okay. She starts to move,
"I'm just going to leave then..." She starts trying to leave. Learning a lesson is not as important to her as making a total sham of the situation and really, to run the heck away.

"Um see ya .. "

COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0         Katelynn

"Yeah, you'll be seeing me... a LOT of me," Katelynn says as she approaches Naerose with a cautious but aggressive attitude. (Hey, isn't that an oxymoron?) And when she's close enough, she brings her left foot up and spins it around a little for a roundhouse kick.

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Katelynn's Heavy Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Katelynn

"Ieyyee!" Cries the witch and brings up her broom to try and get the kick off from actually hitting her. Which works, instead she just gets pushed back and then... Nothing terribly dramatic, just getting the kick somewhat deflected but still taking some pretty hefty hurt.

"Woah woah woah, I thought you were letting me go!" she cries and -flips out-. She starts trying to get away and just swinging her broom around like a hammer.


COMBATSYS: Katelynn counters Deep Strike from Naerose with Palm Blaster.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Naerose          1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1         Katelynn

Wielding your weapon blindly like that is not going to win you any fights. You have to be calm, cool, and careful. Especially when you're dealing with Katelynn. Since this time, her counter attack actually works. It gives her room to breathe and shows that she's not playing around anymore.

Yeah, that was a serious lesson learned. And a painful one too. She took it and it hurt. Actually it hurt a fair bit.

"Ugh. I need to do something spiffy here if I wanna get out of this."

The witch supoose, hold out a wrist and flings out a torrent of swirling chi. To describe it would be like saying whatever the power emanating from her hand is, it is seriously as chaotic as she is.

"En Criento!"

COMBATSYS: Katelynn interrupts End Creation from Naerose with Energy Fist.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Naerose          1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1         Katelynn

The energy that's coming at Katelynn doesn't look at that appealing to her, which is unfortunate, too, since she doesn't want to have to keep the hostility going towards Naerose. But if that's the way it has to be, then Katelynn sees only one recourse.

She retaliates using her Energy Fist once again, and while Naerose's attack does strike her, she also manages to get back at Naerose in a similar fashion. Still, it's obvious these two are down to the wire and someone's going to go soon.

Woah, okay that was a seriously solid hit. Naerose didn't like that one one bit, not one bit at all. "Ouch.." The witch says, in a really big daze. She's taking this pretty hard.. Every hit.. hurts.

"Hey, lets call a truce?" the witch offers.. Hopefully.

"Though somehow I'm thinking you won't.." she says and sort of looks down as if the witch were totally at a loss.

"Okkay, take this!.."

Close range yes, but she starts to charge a biiig torrent of pain.

"En Criento En!" This time, unlike last time, well it's honestly like the same attack, only much much much much bigger. This one might just brush aside someone's attempt to do a counter attack. At least, that was what the witch hoped.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn fails to slow End Creation End from Naerose with Full Energy Fist.
- Power fail! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Katelynn can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|

Bring it, Naerose, Katelynn's ready for you-- OWW!

Instead of utilizing her full energy fist to stop Naerose's attack, Katelynn finds herself on the receiving end of the attack, and it sends her flying across the deck, crashing into a nearby wall. She looks very dazed and confused, and tries to stand up, but can't. It looks like she's out for the count.

Naerose for her part considers herself lucky. If things had gone any other way, she'd of totally lost this and who knows what would of happened to her. The witch takes this chance to get the hell out of there. She doesn't even check Katelynn's pockets or steal her shoes, she JUST runs for it.

COMBATSYS: Naerose has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:37:32 09/20/2007 by Naerose, and last modified on 03:44:33 09/22/2007.