Description: [Preston vs Kenji vs Katelynn] Hell or High Water: a Jinchuu Round 2 Bonus Match! See the powerful Preston versus the Kombaty Katelynn versus the Kinky Killer Kenji! KKK! That's not good! A fight on a raft, 1 vs 1 vs 1! Who will prevail?! And will they win before the raft burns to death?! [Winner: Preston]
It's late. It's dark. Do you know where your children are?
"Don't have any bloody chil'ren," an irate British accent told his television, before switching it off and leaving his cabin. It's late and it's dark, and the hour is nigh for a fight off the deck of the boat, and on a rickety little wooden raft that's been slapped together with ninja ingenuity to the port side of the vessel.
Thick ropes keep it from drifting away as the Suiryuu placidly floats, but that's not really the problem. Even as Preston Alistair Wellington the II finds his way onto the smaller water vessel, having swum out and pulled himself out of the water, he glances back at the ship... and notes the odd lights that play along its side.
Already, the edges of the raft lightly smoke, not yet visible thanks to the darkness that encompasses. "This should be a fookin' hoot," he grouses, stretching his massive arms high above his head. As usual, he's not wearing a shirt, and his body ripples with muscle. That oar of his, never far away, is thereafter slanted over his shoulders. He lifts a packet of cigarettes from his pocket, only to... tip it sideways, water cascading out.
"Great start," he speaks to himself as he throws the packet out to sea, awaiting his opposition.
He probably won't hear it, but Katelynn's already, literally, dropped in on Preston. She leaped onto the raft from nearby, using careful precision and timing to land on it without causing any turbulence or making any noise. But he might still feel the shift in the momentum from the jump. Either way, though, Katelynn has arrived.
"What a night for a fight," She says to nobody in particular as she does some light stretching exercises in preparation for the match.
"One, twooooo~! One, twooooo~!"
The most physical approach of Preston and the stealthy approach of Katelynn stands only next to the Osakan brawler on the way to the smaller ship for their match-- the small ship with two oars, though if you squint a little from afar, you'll see him only using one, bracing it against his thighs as he changes sides.
He's late, but damned if he's going to be a no-show for something like this!
Reaching the hull of the rickety boat, a few ropes are thrown and looped through the handholds at the smaller ship's side-- and with a grunt and paced climbing, the head of Kenji Ashima peers over the top of the railing. "Hi!" he says, sounding a whole lot better after ... well.
Damn it, Marisol.
Pulling himself over the rail and hopping onto the deck, the Gedo student's clearly seen better days-- what with his left arm in a sling and wrapped up in a whole lot of bandages from the fingertips-up. "Sorry, sorry. So, what do we have going on first?" he asks, looking a little more happy than he probably should.
With the silent arrival of Katelynn, it would initially seem that Preston fails to notice. But he does; from the corners of his eyes, he looks back at her, the disturbance on the raft -- however small -- felt by the seasoned sailor. Salt runs through the Brit's veins, the water it mingles with a bitter pill to swallow.
As Kenji joins them though, the Brit seems about to say something -- but he is preempted, as the speakers from the ship squeak into life, warning given to all participants;
"Defeat your opponents quickly, or you won't have much of an arena left to fight on."
Hazel eyes widen as the muscle-bound brute considers just what that means. The smoldering grows on the edge of the raft, the faint smell of burning wood, almost like a nice, warm fireplace, growing.
"No idea what the fuck he means by that, but hey, I'll work with it," he announces, turning to regard both of them. The oar is flourished, his background as a staff fighter coming to the fore as he maintains a light defensive shield thanks to the weapon's reach; who'll strike first? It won't be him.
COMBATSYS: Preston has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Preston 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katelynn has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Preston
COMBATSYS: Kenji has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Preston
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Preston focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Preston
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
Well, it's officially on now. Preston's here and so is Kenji. And the goal is to fight fast or find yourself in the drink. And personally, swimming in a gi is not exactly what Katelynn has in mind for herself tonight. She's already been dunked once in the past, and she doesn't need a relapse of that.
Then her nostrils pick up a strange smell, almost like something burning. It's like wood burning, and that's when Katelynn realizes what the unseen voice meant by not having much of an arena to fight with.
Wanting to make sure she doesn't try anything hasty, Katelynn steps back a little and sizes up the situation, preparing herself for whatever comes next.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn focuses on her next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Preston
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
Wiggling his fingers a little in the sling, Kenji twists at the waist and rolls his one good arm around, stretching out his hands and fingers. And then-- Oh hell.
"Hey Wellington..." the Student Council Secretary says with a brief pause, "... Doesn't this remind you of Spain?"
With no such grace or precision used by Katelynn when she had made her entrance to this ship, the entrance that he didn't get to see, the upstanding member of the Guardian Kings turns hard on his sneakers and charges full force at the karate-user. Pulling back his left elbow and his arm lifting, his leg whips upward for a speedy kick-- one looking to plant itself in the side of her head. Good reach, good velocity-- and enough of a swing and followthrough to make him spin around a full circle to keep his focus on the two shipbound fighters should he even miss.
"That was a beautiful ship," Preston laments the loss of the Spanish galleon that both he and Kenji fought on, once upon a time. But drawing on that mystical thread of camaraderie, it paints Katelynn as the outsider -- and that can't be good for her!
Bare feet press off against the planks of the raft underfoot, as he thunders across the platform with a speed that belies his size. He could strike at either, as the Asian opens up the fight with a strike at the American, but the Brit has somewhat of a plan in mind.
"Let's make this quick, arseholes," he roars with his typical abusive vulgarity, thrusting that oar out in an attempt to catch Katelynn with it. Her entrance suggests she's fast -- so he too attempts to strike first, the tip of the oar thrusting out like a spear-point in an attempt to stab her with blunt trauma.
And should he be successful, she'll be hoisted clear of her feet, a good five yards into the air, and then sent slamming down!
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Katelynn with Medium Strike.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Katelynn dodges Kenji's Roundhouse Reel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
Katelynn is a very talented woman. So talented, that even though she's hit by Preston's oar, the impact knocks her out of the way of Kenji's attack. However, she almost falls off of the raft, but manages to keep herself from falling into the drink. Once she's regained her stance, she sizes up the two combatants, trying to figure out which one to take on first.
After a moment of contemplation, Katelynn decides that since she avoided Kenji's attack through luck, she decides to return the favor to him. She brings her fist back and then thrusts it forward, sending a bluish sphere of chi right at him.
COMBATSYS: Kenji blocks Katelynn's Energy Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/------=|
He -- missed! Better with a kick like that than anything else, the swift footing of the young man bringing himself around to face the other two fighters. But Preston seems to have fared better than he; the oar smacks her good and nearly sends her tumbling off the small boat. Hopping lightly on his feet, he moves to recover as suddenly she punches the air-- and sends a ball of light flying at him. Kenji squints and moves his left arm-- but hesitates, furrowing his brow and grunting.
Turning his back toward the projectile, it smacks him harshly across the shoulderblades before skimming off into nonexsistance. Kenji has yet to be done with her-- as made apparent as he steps back in to range for a second attack. His fist arcs around to punch her in the chest-- hard-- and while her fist sends out light and power, his is just knuckles and bone. "One more!!"
A vicious smirk takes the Brit's face as his oar sends the would-be ninja flying. "Too slow!" he calls out, not afraid to dig the elbow in, adding verbal insult to injury even as Katelynn springs back into action after that moment's contemplation.
There's little from Preston. He lifts his oar above his head, giving it a twirl there as the smoldering of the raft continues -- fire bursts into effect down the far end, a tell-tale and very obvious sign that the clock is ticking against all of them! He ignores the smell of burning wood; he has more important things to do!
Like, oh, interfere! As again, Kenji and Katelynn clash, he seeks to strike at the most visible target; the woman again! The boys are definitely not playing nice, but then, 'not nice' is Preston's middle name. "Sorry luv, but you'll be up the duff by the time we're done," he informs her -- not that anyone's likely to listen to him in the middle of being punched at -- as his oar slices through the air. Chi dances down its wooden length, released in its wake...
And three crescents slash out, floating in the air, waiting for an opportune moment!
In the meantime, the Brit sends that impressive length of oar out in a thrust, aiming to clip Kenji on the shoulder!
COMBATSYS: Katelynn counters Strong Punch from Kenji with Palm Blaster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/----===|
A careful strategy and a lot of timing is all it takes for Katelynn to figure out what Kenji's planning to do. When she sees the punch come at her, she steps to the side and then thrusts her right arm out towards Kenji's stomach with a swift palm strike that's powered by chi. The attack lands hard, hitting him in the stomach. This gives Katelynn some breathing room and also proves she's not fooling around!
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Kenji with Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/--=====|
Strategy? Timing? For someone like Kenji, this is all a very simple matter-- hit something, and hit it as hard as he possibly can. He fails, to this effect-- his fist launches by Katelynn, her palm planting in his stomach, and-- well, he's damn well about to go sprawling around the boat. Grunting with one eye clenched shut, he tries to brace for the attack from Preston, but takes the good thrust to the side, bending sideways and letting out a "gah!"
Staggering one way and the other, the Osakan's good arm lowers again to his side-- and letting out a sigh, he swings his fist down at the deck, pausing a moment before contact. "URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH--"
His battlecry is familiar to Preston by now, no doubt. Intense, insanely -bright- energy bursts out of his knuckles with an audible flare, the blue-hinted white blazing from his knuckles to his shoulder, engulfing it in a steadily glowing light that tries hard to emulate fire's bastard cousin. "Sorry-- had to catch my breath for a second!" he calls back, forming a lopsided grin.
COMBATSYS: Kenji gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
Another successful strike, and Preston thinks it's time to start getting serious; he's tested both their measures, and he doesn't think much of either of them! Not that he thought much of Kenji to begin with, truth be told.
"For someone who claims he was catchin' his breath, that sure was a lot of fuckin' shouting," the Brit squints at Kenji as he says that. In the meantime? His free hand lifts, and a finger crooks in the direction of Katelynn.
Those floating crescents of blue light stir into action, flying through the air to slam at the girl in quick succession. She's not fooling around, she means business? Preston doesn't believe that for a second. He seeks to test her mettle just a little bit further.
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Katelynn with White Horses.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
If Preston wishes to test Katelynn's meddle, he's gonna be in for a surprise. Despite the fact Katelynn fails to avoid the attack, she still stands firm after recovering from the impact. She's starting to show a slight sign of slowing down, but the fight isn't over till it's over. And for Katelynn, the fight's only getting to the good parts. Which is why she takes a moment to catch her breath so she can stick around to see the better parts!
COMBATSYS: Katelynn gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
Indeed, in all the times that Wellington and Ashima have butted heads, a few things -should- have become clear. For example, his persistence. Or his ability to bounce back from most things! As the glow on his arm begins to flicker and die down into his arm, the light cast on the deck of the ship also becomes softer and softer. "Ah, you know me!" he says, sounding far more friendly than he probably should with the Brit.
And just to remind Preston of how well they know each other, Kenji leans forward and starts to sprint-- rushing in at Preston, his right lashing once again. Though this time, his arm looks like rubber snapping, his fist looks about ready to plow into Preston's nose and drive him backward. "Hoh!!"
COMBATSYS: Preston endures Kenji's Missile Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
Clear hazel eyes watch as Katelynn simply takes a backseat to the ongoing drama of the fight. The little fire in the corner has grown, and it's now taking up the entire south side of the craft. It's while he's busy formulating his response to the girl's rather lax attitude on this fight, as he sees it, that Kenji's fist comes streaking for his face.
And it's the chiseled cheekbones of the Brit that take the blow. And it's really like punching a damn wall made of brick, if not steel.
Barely reeling, the Brit directs his squint down at Kenji as he takes a half-step backwards. "You call that a fuckin' punch? Make yaself useful," he adds, as his monstrously large free hand swoops down to grab the tiny Asian -- and then HURL him across the raft at Katelynn!
"Quit sittin' on ya ass and I might stop throwin' shit at you!" He means you, Kenji.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn dodges Preston's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
Nice throw, but too bad this isn't Major League Baseball, because this isn't a place where throwing things is going to win you big time. Oh, and it's a very good thing it isn't MLB, either, since the throw missed completely, meaning Katelynn would've gotten a strike against her.
But this isn't baseball, now is it? It's a fight, and only the strong will survive. Not to mention speed helps too, which is why Katelynn rushes forward carefully and brings her left fist up towards Preston's jaw swiftly.
His fist crashes into Preston's jaw-- and a sledgehammer strikes a steel beam. He shows no discomfort as his fist wracks against the taller Brit's face-- and looks a whole lot more uncomfortable when he's suddenly snagged by the shirt-- and flies headfirst at Katelynn! "WAAAH!" he cries, and she wholly steps aside from the attack to let him crash to the deck and start sliding across it.
And toward the flames.
"Shi--!!" The sprawled Kenji rises to his feet, running towards the pair once again. And now, there's something that stands between him and Preston-- Katelynn. Gritting his teeth, the Gedo student reaches ahead to grab at the girl's gi and drag her swiftly to the ground. "Outta my way!"
COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Preston with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
Tonk. He doesn't even bother to move.
If punching Preston's cheekbones is like punching steel, then punching his jaw is like punching a diamond. Possessing quite the opposite of a glass jaw, the Brit simply squints down as Katelynn makes the same mistake that Kenji did. "What the fuck was that?" he questions her...
But since she's nice enough to be up close and personal, he does the simplest thing that comes to mind; he lifts his massive foot, and just may end up helping Kenji as he sends his barefoot forward in a powerful thrust for Katelynn's torso.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn endures Preston's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kenji successfully hits Katelynn with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/------=/=======|
The punch did little to faze Preston, which is why Katelynn is on high alert when Preston comes at her with his kick. As a result, she braces herself to take the attack in a way that it won't hurt her too much. In fact, it gives her a bit of an adrenaline boost. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Kenji's throw, which sends her across the raft and nearly into the drink, but she stops herself just in the nick of time. She uses a kippup to get back onto her feet. And then she performs a swift spin kick which pauses in midair as she uses her lowered foot to propel herself forward at a fast rate of speed. It's almost like a human missile that's aimed for Kenji!
COMBATSYS: Kenji blocks Katelynn's Missile Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 1/-----==/=======|
Seishirou boards the ship from outside.
Marisol boards the ship from outside.
When Missile Kick meets Missile Fist, chaos happens! His lean frame tilts, rolls-- and letting out a hiss through his teeth, Kenji's eyes narrow. All right, that's it...
That's -it-.
The sturdy and upbeat student from Gedo seems to be getting a little more angry, and it shows-- it shows as his sore left arm starts to flex, his fingers looking to wake up from within that sling his arm's sat in for this entire battle. With little in the way of fanfare and preparation, Kenji's right arm rolls around for a crushing blow to Katelynn's ribs-- to sink in hard and hit her hard enough that it'll disrupt whatever air is in her lungs, that it'll make her see stars and hold her steady for just a few moments.
COMBATSYS: Katelynn dodges Kenji's Gatling Break.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
The fight seems to be escalating, at least to the cautious eyes of the Brit. For all his muscle, it's a beady-eyed squint that he directs at the other combatants, even as sweat slicks his body, the salt air mingling with it. He watches the fight between the two worsen, conditions on the raft steadily deteriorating as the fire grows.
"Much as I love a good, lengthy fight," he laments, "looks like we're gonna have to end this one pretty soon, sunshines."
And it seems that the boys are once again not playing nice; this time, Preston lurches forward, watching Kenji's attempt to thunder into the girl. She's fast, he knows it -- and he attempts to predict her likely response, aiming to be where she may dodge at, so that he can snatch at her shirt with his hand, hoist her up high --
Then he'll smirk, as he directs a burst of chi-laced water right for her torso, a painful burst to send even most sturdy of fighters stumbling! "Time to get wet!"
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Katelynn with Cape Horn Fever.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
This is an insult to Katelynn! Her uniform getting wet like this, as well as being knocked down rather hard. At least she avoided Kenji's attempt to hit her in the ribs, which really would've hurt, but that's not the point right now. The point is that she's pretty badly injured, and it looks like the others have got an advantage over her.
Not one to let her opponents capitalize, Katelynn brings both of her fists back and then thrusts them forward with an even larger sphere of chi, aimed right at Kenji's torso!
COMBATSYS: Kenji just-defends Katelynn's Full Energy Fist!
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Katelynn 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Preston
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kenji 0/-------/-------|
She sidestepped--! Kenji's jaw tightens up and his teeth bare in irritation, but there's gotta be a way to handle this before she can counterattack. He turns hard on his heel to line himself back up with Katelynn as she draws back both fists-- and with a pose like that, it could only mean one thing...!
The cloth sling that held Kenji's left arm is suddenly torn away from his neck as his arms lash out to his sides, both of his own fists thrusting forward-- and as the bursts leave Katelynn's knuckles, his own knuckles, bandaged and otherwise, thrust forward and punch -through- the grand sphere of chi. His knuckles remain pressed to her own for a moment, and the Gedo student purses his lips to blow a fierce puff of air from his lungs. "That was too dangerous."
And to top his display off, his right hand snakes out to grab Katelynn by the collar-- and send her rocketing into the air with a second surge of energy! But by this point, it should become clear... figuring out a way to land? That's entirely her own problem.
With a soft laugh, Preston watches and critiques, as is his way. Even after Katelynn takes another hit, she still avoids him; she still seeks out Kenji!
"Startin' to feel like somewhat of a third fuckin' wheel here," he grouses, an easy grin spreading across his face. He feels somewhat like a maestro, watching events stream about him as the two once more seek to butt heads. Those that know him though, know that a rant is coming out; "But seriously, take a fuckin' step back and consider the strategies that're goin' on here. I mean, seriously; did I rattle the good senses out of your bloody head? I'm the fuckin' Junior League champion here -- sorry chink," he quickly adds for Kenji, the person he took the title from. The majority of his rant is apparently aimed at Katelynn, and he continues. "And you keep fightin' squirt here instead of me? I'm startin' to think you've developed somewhat of a crush on him, but hey, I guess yellow fever runs deep for some."
Quite the rant. What was the point of it entirely? Preston considers that for but a moment, as he brings his oar up high -- and then steps forward, aiming his big, bare foot for Kenji's back.
"Sorry, guv."
COMBATSYS: Katelynn fails to counter Sky High Rocket from Kenji with Palm Blaster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Preston 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Kenji
COMBATSYS: Katelynn can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Preston 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Kenji
Come on, Kenji. Katelynn's ready to utilize her Palm Blaster once again. But unfortunately, the attempt to counter the attack backfires, and Katelynn is caught by Kenji. And yes, she's thrown into the drink. Long story short, she's going to be swimming back to a dry spot right now. But she's not worried about catching a cold as much as she is having been humiliated in that match.
COMBATSYS: Kenji blocks Preston's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Preston 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Kenji
His sling hangs from his t-shirt in tatters, the cloth used to support his arm rippling on the ocean breeze as Katelynn is sent to the heavens and over the rail, his arm held high and head tipped forward as his back is still presented to Preston. A calm, cool pose-- even if the Brit feels the need to have ranted on and on about the way things were. Kenji's hand lowers to his side, and he turns-- just in time to turn out his palm and catch the kick thrown at him, even if he stumbles a little bit and nearly falls flat on his ass.
Kenji looks down at his fist, the bandages shredded away from his fist and around his hand with a slight frown. But then back up to Preston, his eyes narrowing. "I'd say I'd love to catch my breath, but I don't think we have the time for that," he remarks, the scent of burning wood getting no doubt stronger. Shifting his weight, he runs ahead at Preston and takes to the air with a hard jump-- this time kicking at the Brit himself, though the secretary's foot seeks to stomp down hard on the oarsman's chest and shove him away.
COMBATSYS: Preston blocks Kenji's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Preston 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kenji
Katelynn boards the ship from outside.
As his bare foot is caught, the Brit simply smirks down at his smaller victim; that's what both of them were to him, victims. "Yeah, doesn't look like we do," he agrees with the Asian's observation of their fighting platform. But the retaliation comes; he knows it will! It always does!
But it seems a little too familiar to him, like they've done this before. And true to form, Preston cushions the attempt to kick him with the oar, the wide blade falling into place to block Kenji's foot from striking true. He barely takes a half step back. Thus, the dilemma that has faced the plucky Asian so many times before. An immovable object that delivers pain. That's Preston in a nutshell.
"Haven't we done this dance before, son?" he questions, directing that squint at his momentarily-suspended opponent. "I seem to recall it ending pretty bad for you the last time."
And wanting to ensure that happens again, he pushes Kenji off and into the air, using the moment to shift his grip on the oar. Defense turns to offense, as the wood twists in his hand. The shaft is plunged forward, the blade hurtling for the Asian's middle. He's felt this before; he'll feel it again!
The mix-up this time comes as, should the blade strike true into Kenji's middle, he'll simply be slammed DOWN into the raft, rather than sent flying over the Brit's burly shoulders! "History doesn't always repeat!"
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Kenji with Bunting Tosser.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Preston 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Kenji
Immovable-- but not invincible. Kenji's learned that much fairly well in the times that the pair have fought, both on boats and on the land. Pushing off from the oar as Preston defends against that stomping kick, the Gedo boy frowns momentarily while he's mid-air-- and then, Preston's oar comes in to stab him in the gut!
Kenji gasps as he bends forward over the oar. It's familiar, yes, and the black-haired Asian teen reaches out to grab onto the oar proper. Preston's at the top of his game while he's a little beaten, however, and the British Behemoth slams him down into the raft with a hard splinter of the platform's proper fighting area. Stunned for a moment, Kenji rolls hard to his side-- rolling to his knees, then pushing off hard to circle around the tall bald man and spring up behind him. Hooking his right arm around, he seeks to get a good hold on Preston's neck-- and then try to drag him backwards back down to slam him on the deck, himself!
COMBATSYS: Preston fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Kenji with Queen's Regulations.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Preston 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kenji
There's a definite smirk on the tall Brit's face as the oar finds its mark. The slam comes, as the raft continues to burn about them, and that impact may well have done a very, very bad thing to the craft itself.
It's as Kenji leaps at him from behind that it happens. Preston moves with Kenji, not about to let the plucky little Asian get the jump on him -- but as he swings that massive oar in an attempt to simply swat the kid out of the air, the raft LURCHES as one side dips under the water, breaking off.
Suffice it to say, with Preston being the only person with his feet on the deck, he's the one thrown off-balance. The oar goes wide, and Kenji capitalizes; that arm encircles his neck, and there's a horrible wrench... but other than teetering forward with the momentum of it, he retains his footing!
"That fuckin' tickled," he growls, with Kenji's arm still around his neck.
As the raft teeters and shifts horribly with the shift of the pair's combined weight, Kenji's eyes narrow and the irritation becomes clear in his eyes-- he's gotta get Preston off this damn raft before the Brit does the same to him-- or before the two of them get caught within the flames that consume the battling platform. Fortunately, he's able to move in before the oar manages to catch him, and he's got a good grip on Preston-- though it's not nearly as good as he'd like.
Pressing the toe of one of his sneakers into Preston's back and adding his knee to it, Kenji pushes off and jumps away from the Brit's position, dropping to a crash-crouch while he stops to catch his breath-- and evaluate his position just a little better. "It wasn't supposed to tickle, it was supposed to knock you down. But I forgot, you bolt your feet down before you do anything..." he says, grinning a little bit as he recenters himself on the rocking pile of smouldering timbers.
COMBATSYS: Kenji gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Preston 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Kenji
"It's all about weight and balance," Preston explains, seemingly about to speak on if the way his mouth remains open is anything to go by. But a moment later, he clicks it shut, and simply squints across the burning raft at his opposition. Well, there's no need for him to go explaining his little trick about maintaining his footing, now is there?
It might make people realize that he's got a very smart mind behind all of those muscles.
Smirking instead, he lifts the oar in front of him and gestures with it. "C'mon then, sunshine, don't just stand there. You've got to get through me if you ever want to date that little Spaniard piece of ass who heads up my team."
COMBATSYS: Preston gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Preston 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Kenji
A mind? Preston? The thought doesn't cross his mind even for a second-- a guy like that? Never! But Kenji's reckless style hasn't paid off too well for him since he's arrived on the Suiryuu, and even when he -has- tried to utilize a modicum of strategy... well, that's how he ended up dangling from the boat, and his arm having gone through the wringer originally.
"Ha ha ha, are you kidding? I don't think she would anyway," he remarks, standing up and shaking his right hand in a horizontal chop at the wrist. "I mean... I'll be honest. She's hot and I wouldn't have minded taking her out for coffee, but she's got her head so far up her butt it's impossible for me to even get a word in before she starts trying to slug me in the mouth-- and she actually got me pretty pissed off the other day. Ended up hurting my arm more 'cause of all the crap she started." One last pause. "So... If she's gonna be such a bitch to me all the time, I really don't need to bother with her."
Kenji's arm lowers, grinding his foot against the lumber platform as he starts settling down into a loose, agile stance. "So yeah, where was I--"
His sneakers drag hard on the ground as the Gedo student surges forward, his lithe frame tilted ahead and held compact-- narrowing himself up, keeping himself from being such an easy, presentable target to hit. Stepping well within Preston's range, he ducks low and once again springs. Flinging his right arm around Preston's chest and reaching down to grab him by the back of his pants with his not-good arm, Kenji tries his damndest to heft the Pacific student off the deck and-- godwilling-- get him -on the ground-. "UrrrrrrrAGH!"
COMBATSYS: Kenji successfully hits Preston with Dirt Nap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Preston 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kenji
Well that... that was a bit of a rant, now wasn't it? "Hey, sunshine," Preston attempts to interrupt about halfway through. "I don't really give two fucks about who you want to do, who she wants to do, if you're doing each other or just your hand or whatever the fuck. Goin' on little rants in the middle of a fight is my 'thing,' you get me?"
And get him Kenji does, as he ... hugs him across the chest, and then proceeds to try and wedgie him right off of his feet. The result?
A very, very sour grunt.
"Son, you've got a better chance of getting laid than you do in gettin' me off my feet." Two very important lessons can be taken away from this. The first is that, indeed, Kenji is likely to pull his back before he hefts the tall brute. The second is that Preston isn't wearing any underwear.
With a put-upon sigh, he brings the blade of the oar crashing down for the top of the Asian kid's skull. Consider it a knighting.
COMBATSYS: Kenji blocks Preston's Medium Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Preston 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Kenji
Staggering back a step, Kenji's good arm comes up to catch the oar across the heel of his hand and slow it down-- at least just a bit. Grinning a little, the Gedo student's arm twitches a bit with the power stopped. "Giving up just like that just isn't me!" It's true-- ask Tenma, ask Hakuya. Certainly don't ask Marisol, but Hotaru would be able to testify-- Kenji's stubborn to a fault, and he does work hard toward a goal, unrealistic or not.
Hooking his hand around, the Guardian King pulls a bit on Preston's oar before giving it a hard shove off to one side. Kenji's arm blurs just a bit, but his fist moves straight on toward the taller teenager's gut with more than intent-- he's going to disrupt the damned young man's footing if it's the last thing he does!
COMBATSYS: Kenji successfully hits Preston with Missile Fist.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Preston 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Kenji
And that smirk never slips, particularly as -- after his oar is so easily blocked -- the Brit simply spreads his arms wide to welcome that punch into his middle. That line of abdominal muscles he sports is probably the hardest part of his body, the core of him the strongest to support and empower everything else. He barely grunts from the impact.
"Really, when are you gonna learn, son?" Preston asks, almost sounding disappointed in the actions of Kenji. But the raft lurches further, definitely starting to sink now; it's time to enter the end-game!
And that's precisely what the son of a Duke attempts to do, galvanizing his body, every muscle there flexing and dedicating strength through for one decisive strike. There is no big wind-up, there is no twist; no momentum to draw on, other than the sudden rise of his oar, a deafening roar accompanying it as the Brit gathers his strength for a veritable one-inch uppercut.
It's all with a simple intent; to knock a man overboard.
COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits Kenji with Man Overboard!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Preston 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Kenji
The problem with the majority of the fighting he's done in the last week or so...? Well, it's forced him to put a lot of stress on his right arm. He's had to defend blows more, strike more, and ... basically, put his dominating hand through more punishment than it really should've taken. His left arm isn't in great condition, either! So when the roar fills his ears and the oarsome might of Preston's swing racks up against the young man's forearm, he could swear for a moment there was an audible crack. The oar continues regardless-- and Kenji's jaw is rocked, his vision gone dark like someone turning out the lights.
But he doesn't fly, per se.
The surface of the oar squeals as his left hand grabs onto it as hard as it can manage, his bruised knuckles gone white as it drags up the surface to cling to the edge of the oar's blade and halt him-- halt him right then and there.
Pulling himself back down, Kenji's right arm reels back and his eyes are wild and vacant all at once. Much like Preston's attack, there's no fanfare or neat tricks to this-- the sledgehammer drops, and Kenji Ashima is damn well going to punch Preston Wellington as hard as he can, right in the face.
But the raft below Kenji's feet lets out a louder, even -more- audible *SNAP*, the bindings that kept the wood where his feet would've landed starts to scatter and sink-- and that's going to suck for him when he keeps on dropping.
COMBATSYS: Kenji can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ <
Preston 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Preston blocks Kenji's Missile Fist Ashima.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Preston 0/-------/------=|
The oar is stopped dead by the sudden grip of Ashima, something that earns a very, very, VERY sour grunt from Preston himself. There's a mild look of surprise as he looks down at Kenji.
He was meant to be knocked overboard -- up, up and away! Gone! Out of the park! A homerun! Hit for six! Knocked out of the field! Gone to the Neverland Ranch!
"You got a strong grip," the Brit compliments, as that fist careens for his face. But while Kenji has fire, he does not have proper speed in that moment. Almost haphazardly, the Brit deflects the incoming fist, sending it careening into his shoulder as the raft suddenly gives way out from under his opponent.
On the flip side, Preston's standing RIGHT THERE as well. He looks down as the raft breaks in half, sending him into the drink as well.
COMBATSYS: Preston has ended the fight here.
Log created on 23:32:30 09/10/2007 by Preston, and last modified on 06:00:41 09/12/2007.