Jinchuu - [R2] Watery Grave

Description: [Alan vs Nikolai] Filthy water, traded sass, and now-and-future cancer. Now with SINISTER PLANNING?! [Winner: Nikolai]

Of all the combatants within the tournament, by all accounts Nikolai is both the most reclusive and the most suspicious. He does not nearly fit the other fighters, sharply contrasting much of the upcoming talent or established fighters by having absolutely no redeeming qualities, no history of any manner of tournament combat, and many other odd puzzle pieces that don't seem to fit anywhere. Given he's not publicly fought, beyond the knowledge he beat Hinata, Alan would have absolutely no clue of his capabilities or even his style. But near the end of the allotted time he has finally given word he is ready. ...Although even then, tardy likely even to Alan's standards. The rusty wrench of the hatch is met by a truly massive figure dropping down, dressed in tan slacks finely creased and wearing a similar colored trenchcoat draped like a cape around his shoulders. A matching fedora finishes off the ensemble, and a crisp white dress shirt is beneath. Black suspenders stretch from belt over his shoulder. However, not a single thing about Nikolai is anything but harsh, cruel and sadistic. His scarred face and missing arm tend to be one clue, as does the mild limp evident in his gait. A standard four-pronged tire iron is at his side, hanging from a strap; One end sharpened to a crude point. Clamped in his teeth is a cigar, lit to cast some mild illumination in the darkness. Given he's well into six feet, broadly built and heavily muscled, he must duck a fair amount. So far the water is only a couple feet, but given the sound it's filling at a startling pace... "Let us get charade over with..." is mulled, voice so choked in a Russian accent it's hard to understand.

Those mystic lines are everywhere, all over the Suiryuu, flashing fiercely to any kind of chi. There isn't a single room safe from them, from the restaurant, the cabins, even the bathroom. This is relevant because as Alan R. B. stands there, smirking and adjusting his iron rings, those lines are flashing all around him. They've been doing that since he boarded the ship, all thanks to the chi flickering off of his body at all times. He even had to invest in one of those black sleeping masks just to get a wink of sleep.

But that's just description. In more relevant matters, it must be noted that while Alan has no idea how Nikolai fights, he's looked into the man himself. There wasn't much to see, unfortunately.

"So..." Alan begins, snapping out his right hand before going into a boxing stance. "What's your angle, washup? Don't even try to act like you belong here in front of me." Alan's tone is... well, exactly what you'd expect from him.

Indeed, Nikolai has taken distant note of the lightshow that's apparent, piecing through his mind in an attempt to remember his opponent. Some fresh meat with electrical capabilities. Nothing dangerous, at least within his own mind. Heavily puffing on his cigar and pocketing the lighter, a halo of oddly sweet smelling smoke gathers in his proximity. Disinterested eyes take in the insult, as his freed hand moves to rest upon the middle of his tire iron. "I am man coming here for answers. You, my friend, have nothing for me. It seems I must be going through motions to stay on ship a little longer..." And with that, he erupts into a sudden offensive, not seeming to bother taking any time for pleasantries. The intervening distance is crossed in a heartbeat, tire iron suddenly whirling before he shoots out the sharp end, trying to sink it within Alan's stomach before brutally kicking him off with a grunt. For someone with a limp, he moves rather fast. ...And the water seems to be reacting regardless, starting to flow quicker...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nikolai          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Alan has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alan             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Nikolai

COMBATSYS: Alan blocks Nikolai's Fierce Strike.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alan             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Nikolai

Water sprays out to the side as Alan twists, the ankle-deep bilge apparently not doing much to arrest his ridiculously fast movement. His hand comes down, rings scraping against the tire iron, diverting it further so that it merely scrapes across his hip instead of impaling him. There is a small spray of electricity along with the blood, but at is it in fact chi instead of actual voltage, it moves through the water as though it isn't there as opposed to dissipating thoroughout. He hisses slightly with pain, but doesn't really show it on his face.

"Answers, huh. Don't make me laugh!" He circles around to Nikolai's armless side, left arm loosening up. "You want something like that, you don't waste your time entering a tournament for people half your age and twice your potential." His hands suddenly shoot out, whipping around in a quick series of blows that do not actually connect, instead throwing a wave of chi forward at the Russian. "Burst!"

COMBATSYS: Nikolai Toughs Out Alan's Thunderhead!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Alan             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0          Nikolai

Although Nikolai has missed, he's gained precious proximity on Alan; And after some decades is no longer hampered by the arm he lost, even if it does crimp his maximum efficiency instead. Swiftly he attaches it to his belt again, turning to grin toothily, cigar still firmly clamped within his teeth. The haze of crimson gives him an oddly demonic overtone, given the only other illumination is the swirling runes that cover the bilge. The water's gained a half foot so far, but his own strength appears to plow through it unhindered – and he's far from fastidious about it being dirty, good clothing or not. "Stupid boy. Answers I need from Ryouhara brat. And you should learn to respect elders..." Twisting around, the onslaught of blows seems to only tickle the massive man, who is unaffected enough to snap out his right hand and try to grasp Alan by the face in a vice-like hold...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai successfully hits Alan with Zamochit.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Alan             1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          Nikolai

...And it seems the advantage worked, as Alan would find himself hefted as if weightless, before /slammed/ into the adjacent wall. Pinned with an elbow, Nikolai rears back with such vigor that his fedora flies off, and *slams* his forehead into the boxer's face. Not once, not twice, but three times, finally grasping him by the shirt and whirling around to toss him a fair distance away, laughing in a deep and ominous fashion. "I was gutting people like fish when your whore of a mother was hitting puberty... This fun nostalgia!"

The first headbutt splits Alan's shades in half to fall to the water, the other two merely spice on the assault. A cut opens up on his forehead, but it doesn't keep Alan from twisting in the air, landing with a blast of water on his feet. The water's up to his knees now, and so damn dark. This gives Alan, so empty of any actual pride, an idea. It looks for all the world like, after landing on his feet, he stumbles back and crashes into the fast-rising water, disappearing from sight.

He proves to be a surprisingly good swimmer, slipping through the water with the speed and agility with which he does everything, quickly moving to - hopefully - behind Nikolai. He surges out of the water, then, wicking the dirty water off of him with his speed, right hand grasping for the back - or front, whatever - of Nikolai's head. "Hey now, ain't my fault whatever my mother does!" Electric chi surges out of his hand, eagerly looking to course through the ex-KGB's body.

COMBATSYS: Alan successfully hits Nikolai with Dynamo Grip.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Alan             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0          Nikolai

Watching the swell of water that heralds Alan's movement, Nikolai is too slow to rear around, cumbersome to say the least; He's grasped in equal measure, vision obscured and one vicious uppercut likely missing by an uncomfortably slim margin. The spasm of electricity ravages his form, before he wrenches away and stumbles, disoriented, to glare opposite while shaking his head. His rumbled coat slips off as well, pooling in the scummy water, leaving only his drenched pants and suspenders. As well as the cigar, although now smashed. He spits it away, apparently unamused. "You are quick little man..." he muses, grasping his chin and wrenching it aside. There's a frightfully loud pop, before he shrugs almost dismissively and spreads his stance, yanking off his tire iron anew. Two fingers extend through the middle ring, and it spins in a slow, leisurely pace as he waits for Alan to make the next move. "But I afraid your time in ship will be ending today." The water's now up to his waist, but hasn't been registered as a danger yet; He plans to finish this long before...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Alan             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0          Nikolai

At some point, the mocking light left Alan's eyes. The blood from the headbutts runs into his left eye, held shut, but the other has become hard and cruel. "Ha ha, sure... if you think I'm letting this slip, you're going senile way before you should. Maybe it's all that borscht."

Alan gives Nikolai a good long time to prepare... almost looking like he's going to give him another free shot. And then, after hopefully leading him into a false sense of security, he blurs forward, lightning twisting around his right hand as he snaps one rapid punch to his face, darting back into his original position before the rising water even has a chance to fly away. "So, what... can't just walk up to that crazy ninja and grill him? Have to find the easy way to get to him?"

COMBATSYS: Nikolai interrupts Jab Punch from Alan with Zaebal.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alan             1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0          Nikolai

"You have good grit. I like you. Sadly, that just mean I not break your legs, make you eat tongue for words, and hold you under water until you stop breathing." As the other man rushes forward, the fist shooting out, it's apparent that his is just what he was prepared for; As he unleashes a truly monumental backhand, catching the jagged end of his weapon upon the side of Alan's face and wrenching him aside in a likely bloody manner. There's a short, barking laugh that heralds the sheer ease of this maneuver, twirling his weapon anew and beginning to advance, apparently intent on finishing this. "Every time I approach Sei, he leaves. But I see hard eyes. And I guess he have reason to hate me... His brother got on wrong side of business, so to speak, yes? Which make me wonder just why he want bring me to ship... Well, enough talk. You ready?" The water has gained momentum; Up to Nikolai's chest, and given his hunched position it's precarious indeed. Although only due to obscuring more then the loss of motion... Bothersome!

Alan's light frame is sent sloshing to the side, another cut opening up on the side of his head. His temper's running high - no way is this guy going to just walk up out of nowhere and take him out of the fight. His fists clench, and chi starts to crackle all over his entire body - even over his clothes, and /fiercely./ Normally shockwaves spread out from his feet, but now they spread out over the surface of the water. The boxer's other eye opens again, glaring out from a sea of red. He crouches down, almost down to his shoulders in the water now. "So he leaves, and you just let him go? Ha!" The laugh is more like a bark. "Sounds like you don't really want your answers..."

Finally, Alan's decided he's had enough talking, leaping into the air, tearing free of the water's grasp. He twists his body horizontally, in order to get the height he needs without smacking into the low ceiling. Chi surges from his body into his hands as he spins, moving so fast as to be a blur in the air. Before anyone knows it, he's coming down at Nikolai like a ton of bricks, hands clasped together, driving at his head beneath a wave of chi. The blast slams into the water hit or miss, turning quite a bit of water into steam with the heat and force.


COMBATSYS: Alan successfully hits Nikolai with Mjolnir.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alan             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1          Nikolai

The sudden onslaught of chi finally causes some concern in Nikolai, who is not much used to fighting people capable of chi; His mastery is in the brute force area after all, having never bothered with the caste until this point in his less then stellar career. "You very dense to not understand. Ever try to corner ninja?" The water's up to his neck now, although soon he is met with a cataclysmic amount of energy, impacting him in the chest with a deep ‘Woof!', slammed backwards. The walls seem to feast on this, and now the underwater bilge is completely filled to the roof; Submerged, for a few moments Nikolai merely drifts upside-down, having been unable to gain a heavy breath of air. But he braces against a wall, squatting before shooting out like a torpedo, and snapping out his hand. He aims to simply grip Alan by the throat and attempt to thoroughly stangle him, until hopefully he passes out... Before he does, at least – which should be helped by slamming him against a nearby wall if the grapple succeeds.

COMBATSYS: Nikolai successfully hits Alan with Quick Throw.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alan             0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1          Nikolai

Even with the breath being choked out of him, Alan manages one last shot. "It's all a matter... of proper application... of resources." He doesn't bother trying to pull Nikolai's hand away from his neck, knowing he doesn't have the brute strength for it - instead he locks his left arm around Nikolai's, and tries to tie up his legs with his own and jerk him down to the water, other hand over his nose. It's a desperate move, and it's probably too late... but Alan would not be broken up if by some fluke he managed to kill the Russian here tonight. After all, a drowned man can't go past you in the rankings.

COMBATSYS: Alan can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nikolai          1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Nikolai dodges Alan's Strong Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nikolai          1/-----==/=======|

The attempt is evaded, not through any physical motion, but by merely wrenching Alan aside and keeping him at arm's length as the strength drains from him. But with a heavy burble and hrrk, he quickly kicks up towards the still-open hatch. The water bursts as Alan is hucked through to likely land undignified adjacent, before a large arm slips up to pull him out as well. He doubles over, hacking and coughing, painful burn as air fills his tortured lungs. His mother always said cigars would be the death of him. A bit more awkwardly then he'd of cared, Nikolai extricates himself before standing, kicking the hatch shut. "Hah... good show, little man." The massive Russian approaches the fallen figure, to nudge him with a foot. To rouse him conscious, forcefully if need be. "It be pointless to kill person I like. Not when he might be able to help... I have proposition for you, yes?"

COMBATSYS: Nikolai has ended the fight here.

Alan fetches up against the wall. He hasn't quite fallen unconcious, but between the blood loss and the oxygen deprivation, he could use a good Fighter's Sleep for five million hours to get himself fixed up. He reaches into his pocket, digs out the sodden, destroyed pack of cigarettes (and so they are finally revealed to the world: Nat Sherman "Black and Gold", perhaps the fanciest cigarettes in existence) and just pitches them aside. He has his own cough, less ragged, not caused at all by the burn of cigarettes - rather, he hauls out a wad of blood and water mixed together, and gives Nikolai a half-glare, half-bored look. He spreads his hands weakly. "Well. I'm not exactly going anywhere, am I?"

"Like I say. Ninja vanish when I approach him. ...This quite literal, friend. I cannot corner him. Have tried. Have tried long time. Same with little girl. Why they evade me so? What they doing? What they planning?" His huge hand descends to grip Alan by the shoulder, stooping low and grinning in a wide manner, revealing perfect pearl teeth that are a startling offset to his ruined face, nose broken more times then might be counted, jagged rips and scars far from the aesthetic beauty many desire muddying the rugged expanse. "What about you? You can talk to Ryouhara brat. You can ask him about weird Russian in tournament. Any info you get, I reward. ...Like I say, I not care about winning. But I have best chance to... and I more then willing to split prestige." A squeeze, not the chumly fake smile, but a warning. "You think on it. Think, think!" Nikolai rises, brushing his chest. "Good luck in rest of tournament! Next round, maybe you have better matchup!" With that he strides down the metallic hallway, another heavy cough clearing his lungs before he begins to whistle, carefree and oddly happy...

Alan just watches Nikolai go, not responding to anything he says, letting the Russian draw his own conclusions. He runs two of his fingers through the side of his hair lacking a styled lightning bolt, coming away with an emergency cigarette tucked away in there, protected by the gelled strands and almost perfectly dry. He lights it with a fingersnap, taking a deep, bracing drag before pushing himself back to his feet.

There's rare anger in his eyes. Alan's probably going to ask Seishirou those questions... but there's nothing in the deal about what he'll do /after/ he gets that information.

Log created on 20:14:44 09/10/2007 by Alan, and last modified on 05:50:34 09/12/2007.