SNF 2007.08 - Matter of Pride! Guile/Rolento

Description: Guile and Rolento face down in Al Udeid Air Force Base to see which military power is the stronger! The AMERICAN Hero finds himself in trouble as Rolento dominates but manages to rally himself in the final moments of the fight. Is it too late? Will AMERICA once more face defeat in the Middle East? (Winner: Rolento)

Al Udeid; One of the Middle Eastern areas that Rolento is quite familiar with. Whatever the intent, he is far from hostile territory in this neck of the woods, one of the primary areas where insurgents and the disgruntled are hired to fight world governmental powers. Being within this manner of military installation is another matter, however; Although he has taken to orbiting the currently abandoned air force base in one of his own helicopters, massive hook attached to the base for reasons many fans have seen time and time again. He was here a good twenty minutes early, hoping to scope out the scene and ascertain the safety of an engagement. Given that Ikari and other agents appear to be lacking -- and such is a more or less straight up fight, given he has none of his own commandos nearby -- he descends upon a line, flipping forward to land within a crouch in the center of the myriad tents, unsheathing his baton in a smooth motion and raising up. White eyes scan the area, looking for whatever method of approach Guile is using... Although the details of his 'loss' in Metro City are far from correct in anything but public eye, a chance to take down a member of Charlie's brigade is not something he intends to pass up.

Rolento's isn't the only helicopter in the area, one of the Vigilantes' collection of military aircraft is also present, however unlike Rolento's own, this one is currently landed about a hundred feet away from the area the SNF crew has set up with their video equipment. The pilot holds his position at the controls, certainly ready to start things up if the need for a quick evacuation comes up. The SNF crew, however, is nowhere to be seen. With modern technology what it is, they've set up base far away from this potential war zone, not so much out of fear of the locals, but there's no telling how a fight between two military men will end up.
The Vigilante's second in command is actually just seated on a beat up old crate he happened to find around the base, dressed in a tan tanktop with a pair of desert camo pants and tan boots. This may be for show, but he isn't fighting just any old opponent. As Rolento finally decides to decend, the soldier rises up off his crate, pulls a comb out of his pocket, and runs it up through his hair.

Indeed, the lack of overt crew is quite intelligent, given Rolento's long standing but quite popular penchant for obliterating everything nearby, be they friend or foe, within the climaxes of certain matches. Upon catching sight of Guile, there's a leisurely and non-threatening approach, at least by the standards of a cold blooded commander of arguably the world's most potent private army. His baton is slowly twirled in one hand, and he comes to rest a considerable distance away. Enough that the advantage would likely be his were a fight to break out, as his large ensemble of weaponry is want to prove. "Guile. I do not believe we have ever had the pleasure of engaging one another. Your reputation precedes you. A strong-willed and able bodied soldier aspiring for America's cause, doing anything within your power. A man willing to break trivial rules for results, in what you believe to be the best interests of the civilian population, and by proxy the world at large. ...How similar we are, yet with merely more ruthless methods for the same goal, I am labeled the monster." And at least SOME level of insanity, loud snort offered as he lazily assumes a combative stance. To be ready it would seem, as opposed to imminently launch an offensive.

The military madman's penchant for impressive, destructive displays is a major factor in Guile's decision to keep the man in the chopper so far away from what is already supposed to be the outskirts of the action. It also does well to show that the Vigilante is going to keep his men out of this fight, leaving it mano a mano. At least from his side, he doesn't hold much merit to Rolento giving him the same sort of courtesy.
"Rolento. You're just another insane man with far too much power and the ability to get people to follow him. You comparing yourself to me is a massive insult, but since I'm already planning to kick your ass it won't make much difference." He slips the comb back into his pocket and turns his back toward the other man, "Oh, and the fight starts now." He hefts up the crate and sends it hurtling across the open area.

COMBATSYS: Guile has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Guile            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Rolento fails to interrupt Large Thrown Object from Guile with Fatality Package.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Guile            0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0          Rolento

"I'm glad to see your ability to analyze another man's traits unbiased." Rolento states in wry amusement, unperturbed. It doesn't seem Guile wishes for palaver, which becomes apparent as he hefts up the nearby crate. Rolento immediately bursts forward, rushing in low with his baton gripped tightly, trying to reach before the item can be hurled. But he is off by barely a meter, and the detonation of wood is point-blank. He almost capitalized on barely a one second window, and from immense range. Not someone to be underestimated by most accounts. Sliding backwards upon the ground, he shakes his head vigorously in an attempt to get rid of the proverbial cobwebs, fingers splayed upon the ground. "Hrrmph." A worthy attempt to trade; This fight, after all, is only beginning... His helicopter, however, continues to circle above, heavy thumpthumpthump of rotors and displaced wind sustaining an ominous feel. As any moment a wire could shoot out to finish one off...

The Vigilante certainly doesn't seem concerned with any form of small chit chat, this isn't the type of fight for that, especially not with Rolento's fairly impressive display. Even if it wasn't quite good enough to actually get past his rather bland assault, it was more than most people could do. With his opponent on the ground, Guile goes to press his advantage, attempting to scoops the man up off the ground, arms around his waist.

COMBATSYS: Rolento parries Guile's Backbreaker!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Guile            0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0          Rolento

However, in this situation Rolento merely backflips smoothly, taking him out of the assault and placing him in a significantly better position to retaliate. He reaches up to his bandolier and yanks off one of his heavy grenades. These are by no means mundane; Condensed charges meant to split AV armor in half, incredibly dangerous to even use, unstable at the best of times, but somehow Schugerg manages. And Guile might look up to one of them flashing into his face with all the force of a major league pitcher point-blank, before detonating in a flash of heat and shrapnel as Rolento lands in a crouch some distance off, baton still held and a much more smug look creasing his scarred visage.

COMBATSYS: Guile blocks Rolento's Grenadier EX.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Guile            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0          Rolento

While his maneuver may have been easily avoided, Guile is hardly left out of luck. He pulls himself back up in time to see the grenade coming in and pulls back just enough to keep from being taken full on in the face with an explosive device. Instead his arms come up, crossing in front of him, and as the grenade goes off he kicks back, weaking the force of the blast against him and rolling across the ground. The instant he pulls up out of the roll, his foot once more kicks the ground, propelling him forward as he brings his knee up in front of himself, flying a few inches across the ground like a missile.

COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Guile's Knee Spike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Guile            0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0          Rolento

But once more the superior speed of Rolento is displayed as he curls into a tight ball, letting out a rather wry and cruel laugh as he slithers backwards before suddenly halting, and erupting forward like a coiled viper into an overhead arc. Flipping forward once, he comes to a stop rather close, ducking down low before snaking out one hand, attempting to catch Guile by the front of his teeshirt. The intent is to heft him off-balance, lift up a heel, and then viciously kick him away, hopefully to tumble and land in an ungainly heap some distance away with another grunt. "Your combative prediction is sub-par, Guile!" is taunted, appearing to be far from concerned about the battle thus far.

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Guile with Medium Throw.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          Rolento

Rolento certainly seems to have Guile on speed, grabbed by his tanktop and sent hurtling back across the open sand, rolling to a stop a good distance away. It takes him barely a moment to push back up to his feet, however. "Don't act so superior, the fight's just started. If you think that you've got things in the bag already, you can bet that you'll be in trouble soon." While something like that is normally followed by someone pulling out all the stops on a viscious assault, this is merely followed by the soldier pulling back into his fighting stance and keeping his eyes on Rolento.

COMBATSYS: Guile focuses on his next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0          Rolento

"Do not become complacent, Guile. I am merely stating things as I see them." He then lets out a grunt, before suddenly flipping forward in a long and rather beautiful arc. At the epitome of the jump he descends suddenly, his speed almost a blur as one heel flips out in an attempt to /slam/ into Guile's face, trying to floor him with the raw momentum. Assuming such succeeds he will brace one hand upon the ground and then flip away, to gain some distance between himself and his opponent. So far he's gaining momentum... whether Guile can sharply cut that off or not remains to be seen.

COMBATSYS: Guile endures Rolento's Mekong Delta.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Rolento

As the strike comes in, Guile simply holds his ground, the kick taking him full in the face and only managing to cause the soldier to drop down to one knee and push him back a few inches. A quick smirk comes across the soldier's face as he finds himself in one of his most dangerous positions, "Well then let's see how you call this?" In a flash he's zooming up into a somersault even as Rolento begins his path away, his foot fully extended and moving so fast up through the air that it leaves behind a small contrail in the air, all of the force aimed for taking the man right in the gut while he's offguard from his own assault.

COMBATSYS: Rolento blocks Guile's Flash Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Guile            0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Rolento

Yet Rolento is rarely off-guard as it lies, whirling around his baton and then snapping it down, catching the incoming kick dead on. Absorbing the majority of the force and launched upwards, he manages to scarcely backflip away before coming down in a crouch, arms aching horribly as his teeth slowly grit. But he has a few tricks up his sleeve, one of which is displayed now. "Let me show you something talent cannot imitate..." He reaches into his vest and pulls out a veritable schmorgesborg of knives. In a heartbeat he has them all balanced on the end of his baton, concentrating before snapping them up into the air. "Ready? GO!" They vanish in a glint of steel. ...Before descending in a blanket no matter where Guile moves, attempting to impale him head to toe. "Hmmhmmhmm!"

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Guile with Steel Rain.
- Power hit! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Guile            1/----===/=======|=------\-------\0          Rolento

The Vigilante is just pushing himself back up from the crouch he lands back down into after his kick is thrown off as Rolento manages to push himself back into the crouch. There's almost a second sense telling him to be careful, but even that doesn't seem to be enough as the knives are suddenly sent flying in at him, his arms attempting to shoot up to ward them off but seeming especially sluggish he doesn't have the speed in him. Each knife flies right into him, digging into his flesh, opening up wounds, letting blood practically pour ot of him. For a moment the soldier simply stands there stunned before he starts moving back, pulling the knives out of their wounds and practically willing the bleeding to at least slow as he tries to collect himself.

COMBATSYS: Guile gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Guile            1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0          Rolento

There's merely a continued offense by Rolento, who advances forward in a firm jog before sideflipping over, arcing almost gracefully through the air. Bracing himself, he then launches out in an attempt to grasp Guile by the shoulder and drive his knee into him, to stagger him backwards and at least nullify half of his attempt to regain composure. He remains well within offensive range; A tantalizing bait, mayhaps? Or something more ominous? His helicopter continues to flutter around overhead, but it seems that he might have no use for the dangling hook at this point...

COMBATSYS: Guile just-defends Rolento's Light Kick!

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Guile            1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0          Rolento

As the kick comes in, Guile once more moves to get his arms up in the path, this time leaving the strike to simply connect with his arms and rocking back, leaving the rather weak strike to do absolutely nothing. In fact finally managing to mount some form of defense against Rolento seems to pull some of his spirits back in, a faint hint of a satisfied smirk crossing his lips. The soldier then rolls back across the open ground to put some more room between the two, cocking his arms out to either side as they burst with chi before whipping them forward at breakneck speeds, drawing the chi out into long slashes before pulling it together into a disc as they cross in front of him. The disc hurtles out across the open space right for Rolento.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Rolento with Sonic Boom.
- Power hit! -

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Guile            1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0          Rolento

And with the proverbial stroke of a pen, the battle inverts rather nicely. Rolento attempts to get out of the way to little avail, impacting him in the chest with a loud grunt. He flies backwards, doubling over as he skids away once more, but seems to recover himself rather quickly. There's something of a smirk now, as he retreats for the moment from his vicious onslaught. No more smack talk is offered; They are back on even footing, after all. All he does is gesture for another approach, resting his baton on a shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Guile            1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0          Rolento

The smirk continues as Rolento takes the full force of the strike and learns a thing or two about not messing with AMERICA. Of course it's not like the battle is over quite yet, but it's certainly enough to lift Guile's spirits a bit. Rolento's position certainly isn't a very comforting one, but the Vigilante's also here to put on a show, and this is no time to call it quits. He rushes forward across the open space between the two, dropping into a crouch and skidding in the rest of the way across the sand before launching himself up into the air in another somersault, this kick aimed right for Rolento's jaw, his entire boot sheated in glowing chi and the strike is quickly followed by a second and third, all aimed right for his opponent's chin.

COMBATSYS: Rolento parries Guile's Somersault Strike!

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Guile            0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0          Rolento

And once more, Rolento takes a risk; He rolls backwards anew, avoiding the flashing kicks with another laugh, and only gets far enough to evade the initial thrust. The remaining blows only hurt air, as he unfurls and charges forward. Rearing back his arm, he begins to spiral his baton almost madly, lunging it out to strike Guile within the stomach with the rotary onslaught. Punctuated by a snarl, two more lunges follow, the final sweep trying to send Guile airborne and away from the other combatant, with no small amount of force. It seems the climax is rushing forth; Advantage wrested from advantage. But Rolento is intent on cementing his victory!

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Guile with Patriot Circle EX.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Guile            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          Rolento

After his assault simply air balls, Guile finds himself in no position to get out of the path of the next oncoming assault, the strike taking him full in the gut before he gets launched back, hitting the ground and rolling quite awkwardly across the sand before coming to a stop and rather uncomfortably pushing himself back up to his feet. Even battered as he is, there's a look of determination in the soldier's eyes. He rushes in at Rolento, ducking in low as he moves, trying to snake his hands around the man's ankles and yank him off his feet before twisting around and hurling the man over his shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Rolento fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Guile with Grenadier.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Rolento

Ah; Guile's slow as a kitten at the moment, and Rolento's intent on punishing him for that. But what he desires and what takes place are sadly two completely separate things, and as he yanks out his grenade and rears back those hands reach down too low for him to throw it without annihilating himself. Having no fallback plan that will evade such with his current position, he's caught smoothly and hurled away, grenade leaving his hand and detonating a few meters away. He hits the ground hard and rolls away, having twice failed a potentially match-winning gamble... Ah. He'll have to try and play it safe from this point on. Pushing back to his feet, he rubs his chin, forfeiting the offensive once more.

Finding himself somewhat back on the winning side, there's nothing for Guile to do but give it his all. The soldier whips around on one heel and once more rushes to close the open gap between him and Rolento. Just as he gets within range his arm cocks back, causing the flag on his arm to ripple almost like it was waving in the breeze as his fingers curl up into a tight fist. Then as he gets in, his hand goes flying forward, fist aimed right for dead center on Rolento's face.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Rolento with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Guile            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1          Rolento

And the fist impacts dead on. Rolento is sent stumbling backwards, hitting the ground with a crash as blood spouts out both nostrils. He's grounded for a few long seconds before slowly picking himself up, feeling the seeping blood, letting out a vicious sounding snarl as he rears back to his feet. He can barely see straight, but he knows enough to never give up. "LET US FINISH THIS!!" He's suddenly rushing forward, before rolling into a tight ball. A single grenade is let loose, bouncing between Guile's legs as Rolento begins rolling backwards, trying to juggle him in a sudden four-part onslaught of KABOOMS, to send his burnt and charred corpse flying overhead. At least, such is the scenario going through his head at the moment... How successful the venture might be is another matter entirely!

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Guile with Mine Sweeper.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Guile            1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0          Rolento

It certainly looks like things are going his way as his fist lands dead on with Rolento's face, rocking him back, but the surge of confidence may not have come at quite the right time. The grenade's bouncing pattern leaves Guile off balance, unsure of the right way to move and slows him down enough that he can't hope to get out of the path. The explosion sends him flying up high into the air before he comes crashing back down to the ground. Hard. Were this any other man. Were this any other moment, Guile would have just stayed down. But letting a man like Rolento win, get the last laugh. It's unthinkable. Whatever fuels the Vigilante is stern stuff and he manages to push himself back to his feet, blood dripping down from all the reopened wounds from the knives, but his eyes stare daggers. "It's not over yet!" In a final surge of energy, every ounce of it left in the soldier, he rushes forward, fists and feet come flying in as he presses forward, trying to stop the man with the sheer volume of attacks before collapsing down to the ground, his energy spent.

COMBATSYS: Guile can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rolento parries Guile's Total Wipeout!

[                           \\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/------=|

However, that sheer volume relies on one thing; Proximity. And Rolento appears to be having none of it as he begins to roll backwards as fast as he can, barely a meter away from those torrentous fists. And then Guile goes down, as Rolento raises up. He's scarcely able to retain his footing, but manages to grin in a sardonic manner, hefting his shoulders up as his helicopter hovers directly overhead. "Mission complete!" His fingers snap, and a good four of his U.S.P.L. comrades descend to cheer upside-down, stabbing the air with knives. A last one drops for Rolento, who takes hold. "Unlike Heidern, you are not worth attempted execution on public television. Yet I shall leave you with a parting gift... Hmmhmmhmm!" And then he hucks a grenade, slowly and lazily, which bounces towards Guile's downed body as Rolento begins to ascend; And once more detonating in a vicious hellfire. Not nearly enough to cripple or even badly hurt, but it would had insult to literal injury. America, it seems... has lost.

Following that last firestorm, Guile can barely even pull himself up into a sitting position. The Vigilante in the helicopter waits for things to clear up before rushing in and hauling Guile up, helping him back toward the chopper at a fair clip. Back at the chopper the downed Guile is hefted into the passenger bay and strapped into a seat while the pilot heads back up toward the front and quickly gets it up into the air and headed back toward more friendly ground. Geese Howard can pick up its own damn equipment.

Log created on 20:00:56 08/26/2007 by Guile, and last modified on 23:15:32 08/31/2007.