SNF 2007.08 - Chair! Rainbow Mika vs Momo

Description: Finally, the big leagues! Rainbow Mika has made it to the SlamMasters arena, and can finally strut her stuff... but what's this? She's not allowed to use her wrestling persona? And what's more, who is this mysterious girl in pink spandex throwing a folding chair around!? Find the answers to these questions and more on Saturday Night Fight! (Winner: R.Mika)

Saturday Night Fight, Match One.

SlamMaster's Arena.

She's finally here! This is the BIG LEAGUES! In a sense. Poor Rainbow Mika is feeling quite naked though as she loiters around the entry ramp, since the rules for this particular match have stated she can't come as her usual self (a.k.a - her persona), but as the girl she really is.


From her position on the entry ramp, Mika tightens her ponytail and prepares to head out into the ring once her name is called.


Bright lights shine their light onto the entry ramp, and a buxom blonde steps out. Fans of Rainbow Mika will be sorely disappointed to see that she's not in her pigtails, and there's no mask covering her face. Hair is back in a high ponytail, there are dark black smudges under her eyes. As for what she's wearing? It's sporty. Very sporty. Capri-style football pants are worn, silver in color with a black stripe going up on the outside of each leg. A short-sleeved, cropped football jersey in the same colors is worn on her torso. In her right hand she carries a football, and the left hand dangles a silver and black football helmet from it. Now, she's not exactly wearing football cleats on her feet, since she doesn't want to destroy the ring, but they -look- like black cleats, just without the pointy bits.

Heading down the ramp, Football Mika does a few arm pumps to the cheering of the crowd and then slips the helmet beneath her arm as she climbs up into the ring. Jumping over the ropes, she dashes out to the middle of the ring and spikes the football then feigns a little touchdown dance before retrieving the ball and heading into her corner to await her opponent.

Okay, so it's fun to do something like this... but she -still- feels naked!

Isn't it funny how Mika feels naked wearing significantly more clothing than her usual outfit? Momo feels the same way, although she's perfectly justified-- after all, spandex with holes in strange places practically IS nudity when you're used to a formless (albeit adorible) school tennis uniform!

"AAAAAAND IN THIS CORNER!" the announcer continues, "A NEWCOMER TO THE SLAMMASTERS ARENA! THE CHAMPION OF THE COURT! THE GODDESS OF GOLDEN SETS! THE RACKETEER!" Yeah, she got a better intro than Mika did, but considering the roles of "wrestling star" and "average joe" are switched for today, is it really that much of a surprise?

The lights once more shine upon the entry ramp, revealing the Taiyo student in all of her spandex glory. She sports a pink leotard with a back cut perilously low, with a heart-shaped hole at her belly button, trimmed in white. Her thighs are white, though turn pink again just above the knees, and end in white shoes. Pink spandex sleeves, detatched from the main body of the outfit, go from halfway down her biceps to her wrists, with pieces along the backs of her hands that loop around her middle fingers. Her mask is similar to Mika's normal affair, save for in pink, and her hair is in it's usual pink-bowed pigtails.

On a woman with any degree of curves, the ensemble could come across as sexy. On flat-chested, hipless Momo, however, it's just plain silly.

She skips cheerfully down the entry ramp, waving enthusiastically with both hands at the cheering crowd (after all, they'll cheer for anyone unless the story says they're a villain, and even then...), before positively BOUNCING up onto the ropes and flipping over them to land in the ring with a flourish.

She is, unfortunately, chairless.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
R.Mika           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Momo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momo             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           R.Mika

See that? That outfit? Mika Nanakawa would feel SOOOO much more at home in an outfit like -that-, than this ratty old football thing! The reversed announcement has Rainbow Mika feeling all out of sorts again, but she can't let it throw her off her game! She's got to prove herself here at the SlamMaster's arena, whether or not it's in a professional wrestling capacity! Once she gets her foot in the door, she's IN and then she can worry about proving herself as a wrestler here!

After the intro, Football Mika waits. She lets this 'Racketeer' get situated in the ring, and then she pulls out a very simple football move. Hunkering down just a little, she rushes forward. Arms extend and she uses all of her weight in an attempt to latch on to the 'wrestler's' legs and knock her down to the mat in a tackle.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Momo with Fast Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momo             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           R.Mika

Momo is a little surprised that she's being allowed to finish waving at the audience. None of her past opponents would have let her do the same... of course, none of her past opponents have been girls, either, she always fights the creepy dudes. She shifts to her fighting stance-- barely distinguishable from her regular standing, seeing as she's still bouncing from foot to foot --and prepares to counter Mika's first attack...

...only to completely mess it up, because the girl is sticking to her football theme with a tackle! A gross miscalculation on Momo's part, she thought that the pro wrestler would stick to her normal moves to try and impress the audience. She's brought down with the cutest of squeals, and squirms away from the real wrestler's grip. Waiting until Mika is in the process of standing up, the Racketeer then leaps at her, aiming to clothesline her and slam her against the mat. It's a move Momo has seen plenty of times on television, so she assumes it must be pretty good!

COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Momo's Quick Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momo             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           R.Mika

Ahhh! But a good professional wrestler sticks to the script as much as possible and even though poor Rainbow Mika -isn't- really that much of a football player, she's going to at least try and act it out to the best of her abilities! (Which are really pitiful, all things considered.)

Spotting the Racketeer leaping toward her, Football Mika dives out of the way to the side. Army crawling toward her 'equipment', she hrms. Playing with the script, she should be tossing the ball around a bit buuuuuut...

Well 'butt' pretty much covers what it is she intends on doing. Hopping forward, she quickly leans down and grabs the ball. Wrapping her arm around it, she grins toothily at the audience. Suddenly, she's flying -backward- toward the Racketeer, attacking buttocks first. Initially she's aiming to hit Momo's torso and knock her back. Upon landing (hit or miss, in this case) on the mat, she doesn't waste any time in rubbing her rear. Instead, the intention is to spike the ball on the mat again and loudly yell out, "TOUCH DOWN!"

COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Momo with Shooting Peach.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Momo             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           R.Mika

Up and over! As Mika drops away from the clothesline, Momo overextends herself and collapses forward, though she easily turns the fumble into a somersault and winds up on her feet again. She makes an exaturated motion to brush dust off of her shoulder, then looks back at Mika... only to see the girl's rear end coming at her. "Oh my god, it's huge!" the girl exclaims as the football player's butt rushes forward, unable to dodge out of the way of a rump as great and shapely as Mika's. She bounces backwards like a rag doll and into the ropes, before rebounding back.

Turning around as she rockets back in Mika's direction, Momo does a quick calculation in her head-- her opponent doesn't look TOO heavy, even as huge as her feminine assets are. So it ought to work... reaching the grounded football player, Momo grabs onto the shoulders of her jersey and flips over her head, landing with a great thump against the mat on the other side. Without letting go, she proceeds to try and use her own inertia to lift poor Mika straight into the air in a fit of strength a little girl shouldn't be able to demonstrate, swing the larger woman overhead, and slam her roughly into the ground. It's like some kind of twisted game of leapfrog!

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits R.Mika with Strong Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Momo             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           R.Mika

Up, up and away! Lifted sky high, Football Mika blinks. "H-HEY!"


"OOF! GOOD ONE!" Hurts a bit, but the padding under the cropped jersey is enough that it's not going to leave any lasting damage. So, she wasn't actually expecting a move like that but she's got to give the girl props for it. A flip like that is something more along the lines of a -real- wrestler, so Momo is playing her part very well.

Supposing it's time to get back to the script, Football Mika reaches up and scratches her head. She's just not sure what to do at this point. First thing's first, though! Getting up to her feet she starts to back up toward the furthest side of the ring from where the two are. Once there, she uses the ropes to gain a little more distance and then...

... she SLAMS the football forward with an alarming amount of torque behind it.

COMBATSYS: Momo dodges R.Mika's Thrown Object.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Momo             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           R.Mika

Oh snap, football! In another great example of miscalculation, Momo expects Football Mika's run for the far ropes to be followed up by a rebound tackle, not a spring-loaded throw! And her without a racket to blast it back with, too! She takes a step back and holds out her hands as the football approaches... and catches it!

Sadly, even if she caught it no problem, there's still the issue of all of the inertia the ball had going for it, and Momo isn't exactly the heaviest of people. She's blasted backwards (or was that a jump? It's hard to tell with wrestling), hits the ropes... and somehow manages to slip through them with a cry of surprise. There's a dull thud as she hits the ground outside of the ring.

...heeeey, what's that? A glint of metal underneath of the stage, something that perhaps should not be there. The girl reaches for it to draw it out, eyes lighting up at her discovery. The audience cheers as it makes it's appearance.


Sure enough, when Momo climbs back into the ring, a sturdy aluminum folding chair in one hand at the football in the other. The ball is dropped immediately, as the Racketeer is going to need both hands... as she runs towards Mika and tries to whomp her with the chair! Rar!

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits R.Mika with Flip Flap Racket.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Momo             0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           R.Mika

OH! SNAP! The ball has been caught! Well, no one ever said Mika Nanakawa could -actually- play football. The Racketeer has been knocked out of the ring, so in the few moments it takes for the fake-femme wrestler to get back into the swing of things (pun -entirely- intended), Football Mika parades around the ring. Upon reaching her corner, she has just enough time to grab the football helmet and situate it on her head before...


Metal chair hits helmet and leaves the buxom blonde football player feeling just a little bit dizzy. Giving her head one shake, she reaches for the feet of the chair. Giving her head a second shake she wrenches the chair away from the Racketeer and gives it a strange look. Swinging it to the side as though she's about to just toss it to the ground, she backs up a step.

There's a frown on her face as she continues to watch the chair.

Feeling the weight of it in her hand, Football Mika shrugs her shoulders. It's a prop, it's here, and she might as well use it while attempting to retrieve her ball at the same time. Flying forward, she raises the aluminum folding chair up high with both hands, and slams it down toward Momo's head. Rar indeed!

Shortly after the attempt (read: the following few seconds), Football Mika dive-tackles toward the edge of the ring and tries to drop the chair outside of it, while scooping her hands together to take hold of the football prop she brought with her.

COMBATSYS: Momo fails to interrupt Random Weapon from R.Mika with Spin Smash.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momo             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           R.Mika

The chair is viciously torn away from Momo's grip, the girl's hold a bit awkward as she wasn't used to using random pieces of furniture as objects to inflict blunt force trauma. After all, she usually carries her own for that! "Hey! Give that back, I found it!" she shouts immaturely, jumping back and forth and trying to intercept the chair as it's swung back and forth. Eventually her childish antics get the best of her, the chair held high overhead and brought down with a deafening *WHANG* of metal on skull. "Woog..." says the girl as she stumbles backwards, her balance shot. It might be a moment before she can find her feet again.

Unbalancing an opponent is the best thing a wrestler can do in the ring! Rainbow Mika would definitely use that to her advantage!

On the other hand, Football Mika lets the chair clatter to the floor and sets the football under her arm again as she uses the ropes to push up to her feet. Turning to face the Racketeer, she reaches up and yanks off the helmet. The pretty silver skull protector is tossed out into the audience, and she gives her head a shake akin to something one would see in a tacky shampoo commercial. Blonde ponytail spills out and the hair trails over one shoulder. Showy antics aside, there's still a fight going on!

So just what is a poor football player to do?

Hands reach down to set upon the Racketeer's shoulders. Football drops to the mat, but the buxom blonde doesn't care right now. She's going to have a NEW AND IMPROVED football if things work out the way she'd like! Should she get the shoulders of the pretty-in-pink faux wrestler, Football Mika intends on lifting her up high and then SPIKING her body toward the ground in a typical wrestling body slam with a football spin to it.

COMBATSYS: Momo blocks R.Mika's Medium Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Momo             1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           R.Mika

As the Racketeer's senses begin to return to her, her center of balance is thrown horrible out of whack as she finds herself in midair, staring up at the bright overhead lights. Blinking the dots out of her eyes, she regains her wits just in time to be spiked into the ground, bouncing once, then twice, then rolling across the ring and underneath of the ropes, to land outside once more.

And once more, she rises with the chair in tow. "You've fallen for my trap!" Momo declares, nevermind that it was entirely coincidental that she ended up right next to her impromptu weapon. Clamboring back into the ring, she rushes Football Mika and swings the chair in a vicious upward strike, aiming to give the larger girl a blow to the chin with it's edge strong enough to send her a few feet into the air.

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits R.Mika with Rocket Racket.
- Power hit! -

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Momo             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0           R.Mika

Trap? Wait! Who said anything about traps!?!?!

Trying to suss out just what the newcomer wrestler means, Football Mika suddenly finds herself airborne. A few feet into the air? Hardly. Chair cracks against jaw and sends the buxom blonde HIIIIIIGH into the air.


That's going to leave quite a bruise!

Arms and legs flail out in a spastic manner just in case the Racketeer comes swinging in with another chair-attack while she falls. Down and down Football Mika comes until she hits the ropes and bounces forward. Using this nice forward momentum the ropes have lent her she comes in at an angle to her football. Skilled as she is (as previously stated - not much), she misses the ball completely and her foot swings up in the direction of Momo's face instead.

COMBATSYS: Momo interrupts Light Kick from R.Mika with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Momo             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1           R.Mika

Momo stares upward and follows Football Mika's flight, bringing a hand to her eyes to block out the glare from the overhead lights. She whistles at the height she managed to reach-- Momo's hit people that high before, but usually with a fair bit more effort. Clearly, Mika's immense chesticles must be made of something lighter than normal.

She also watches as Mika impacts the ropes, and redirects her momentum to come flying at the Racketeer. "Oh no you don't!" Momo declares as she holds out the chair, letting the football player run straight into it and get the wind knocked out of her. Of course, even with the range advantage of the chair, Momo's still got short arms, so Mika's foot manages to get enough of blow to her foe's gut to send her staggering back.

"WAAAAAH!" It was an accidental hit, honest it was! Football Mika never gets a chance to explain that though, because in the heat of the moment there is a CHAIR slamming into her chest. Knocked back onto her rear, she slams her fists onto the mat and then uses them to push herself back up to her feet. Bosom hurts, but she's not about to get the fanboys all riled up by wincing and rubbing at it. They're likely panting and drooling enough at the knockdown type fight it's been so far.

Football Mika has a few choices at this juncture, but the first thing she's got to do is get rid of that chair again. Grabbing for it, she yanks and twists, hoping to wrench it away from the Racketeer. But that's not all!

In the midst of trying to tear the chair away from her opponent, the buxom blonde wheels around and slams her elbow back into Momo's chest. Should this catch the Racketeer off her guard, the football 'star' then slams her weight in toward the girl to tackle her to the mat again, attempting to snag a pin count while she's at it!

COMBATSYS: Momo blocks R.Mika's Combo Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1           R.Mika

Momo is more than ready for the chair to be torn away from her again, and braces herself appropriately. Unfortunately, she's still a featherweight. She manages to keep herself from being disarmed, yes, but at the expensive of being whipped off of the ground entirely!, and swung painfully into one of the corner posts of the ring. It saves her the pain of being elbow-spiked in the chest and slammed into the ground, but it'll still leave a nasty bruise. "Leggo of my chair!" she demands of Football Mika, risking a one-handed grip on the chair to give the other girl a vicious slap to the cheek.

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits R.Mika with Quick Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1           R.Mika

"THAT..." Football Mika just glares at the little wrestler. "YOU DON'T SISSY SLAP IN WRESTLING!!!"

Rubbing her cheek, she makes an exasperated HMPH noise and then sets her hands to her hips. "YOU DO THIS!" And she throws out a quick, head-level swipe. While this attack comes in at the side, she's putting enough force behind it to potentially knock the Racketeer's head against the nearest turnbuckle.

Will it knock the girl out? Doubtful, but Rainbow Mika is hoping it knocks Momo silly for at least a minute.

COMBATSYS: Momo dodges R.Mika's Quick Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1           R.Mika

It was a mistake for Football Mika to let Momo regain full control of the chair with that hands-on-hips pouting of hers. Said control is what allows her to raise the chair up alongside her head, and let the larger girl make an impressive fist-shaped dent in it. "The Rackteer will sissy slap if she feels like sissy slapping!" the girl declares. "She will also stomp on feet and stick her tongue out if she so pleases!"

And sure enough, the spandex'd girl does exactly that, attempting to grind her heel into Mika's toes with all of the strength she can muster before raspberrying the woman and running off to the far side of the ring to escape retribution.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Momo's Light Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1           R.Mika

Hands-on-hips loud-mouthing is what Rainbow Mika is known best for! Gesturing. It's all part and parcel of being in the ring, at least in the eyes of the aspiring BEST FEMALE PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER!


Football Mika is trying sooooo very hard to sound indignant and ragey, but on the inside? She's laughing up a storm. Immature though the gesture of her foe is, it's amusing. Toe crushing foot-stomp easily evaded, she snickers and then lets out another exasperated HMPH while tossing her hair and sticking her nose up. All that just to hide the laughter that's speedily bubbling up to the surface.

Running off is probably not the best idea though. Football Mika hops back into her role as footballer extraordinnaire and grins. With the Racketeer on the move, she picks up speed herself; only she's doing it in the opposite direction. Running backward, she hits the ropes and uses the springiness of them to launch herself forward. Arms reach out to catch the Racketeer about the waist as she rushes by and tackle her forward. Should she miss, she's readying herself to roll out under the ropes. If she actually makes the tackle though, Football Mika is going to direct the head of the younger girl toward the turnbuckle.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Momo with Fast Throw.
Glancing Blow

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           R.Mika

It was to be expected, really. Leave your back exposed, and you get hit in it, especially when all you're relying on to delay your opponent is sheer surprise at your actions. Football Mika is once again successful in tackling the Racketeer, proving that while Momo can easily dodge a punch coming for her, an ENTIRE PERSON is a bit out of her league. This may also explain how Raizo managed to KO her with a sophomore, but that's a story for another time.

Gripped firmly about the waist, the girl is at a terrible angle to defend herself from the rapidly approaching piece of tautness equipment. A yelp in pain is heard as it impacts her forehead, and the girl wrenches herself away from the larger woman to gingerly poke at the bleeding wound. "Owwie... I hope that's not going to leave a mark!" she winces, before turning back to her opponent. "Oooh! You're going to pay for that!" Drawing back her chair, the girl dashes for Football Mika and swings it as hard as she can... then proceeds to twirl, spinning at Momoistic speeds and aiming to strike the woman with each revolution.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Momo's Spin Smash.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           R.Mika

Turnbuckle... blood... SUCCESS!

C'mon! It's not odd at all to be thinking that in a ring like this! Fans loooooove the blood! Even if it's just a little head wound. Football Mika spies the Racketeer poking at her wound and attempts to gently swat the hand away from it. "TCH! Don't do THAT! You'll get it infected! DO YOU KNOW HOW DIRTY THAT CHAIR IS? DO YOU WANT THAT IN YOUR WOUND?!?"

Not really an attack per se, just a cautionary swatting. Baby blue eyes watch the chair being drawn back and she acks. Jumping backward and then diving toward the mat, she narrowly misses the spinning chair and twirling girl. Phew!

Taking hold of the football again, she places it down on the mat with one hand. "DOWN." Pause. "SET." Pause. "HUT!" Another pause as feigns hiking the ball back between her legs before she springs up and lobs her hand (ball and all) toward the cheek of the Racketeer.

COMBATSYS: Momo dodges R.Mika's Quick Punch.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           R.Mika

The swatting prompts an adorible glare from Momo, but little more. If skinning your knee on a tennis court that everybody walks on doesn't get infected, then poking at a cut with a hand that's held a slightly grody chair can't be much worse.

Dangerously woozy for the second time this match as she comes out of her spin, Momo stumbles to the left a step, then to the right, and shakes her head to clear it... just in time to see a blitzing lineman coming right for her again. "Oh no you don't!" the girl says as she sidesteps the punch, raising the chair over her head again. Unless Football Mika is good at stopping on a dime, she'll find the seat impacting her head for a second time.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Momo's Strong Punch.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           R.Mika


Football Mika can't -really- stop on a dime, she's not quite -that- athletic. What she -can- do is detect the dangerously grody chair coming at her pretty blonde ponytail and DIVE under it. It's another narrow escape, and were this a football game the commentator might actually have something witty to say about it.

Curling up into a ball just before reaching the ropes, Football Mika grins. "Time to put the chair away!" Unfurling from her ball, the buxom blonde draws herself up to her full height again. Sadly, her football prop is out of play. Tumbled off to the side and out of reach. She's got a chair to work with though, and it's time to go for the field goal! As the Racketeer goes to bring the chair back into place, Football Mika snaps her foot upward in order to drop-kick the object toward the faux-wrestler.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Momo with Strong Kick.
Glancing Blow

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momo             1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1           R.Mika

There's a resounding clang as the chair in Momo's hands is roughly kicked, flying straight up and into her face with a second echoing impact before tumbling off to the side and landing on the opposite side of the ring as the football. "Ow ow ow OWWW!" she cries, hands moving to clutch her forehead-- grodyness be damned, the chair ITSELF just touched the cut on her head! She gives Mika that pouty glare of hers again. "Ooh, that's it! The Racketeer isn't playing games anymore!"

With a mighty LUNGE she leaps at the woman's throat, aiming to try that clothesline-into-slam maneuver one more time before sprinting for her beloved chair.

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits R.Mika with Quick Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Momo             1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1           R.Mika

All sounds are cut out as the arm crashes into her throat. Football Mika is left with a sudden GACK sound bursting forth instead of the beautiful witty retort she was going to make. Be that as it may if the time for games is over, it's over. Not much she can do about it either way, right?

Rushing toward the Racketeer, the buxom blonde football player leaves a trail of shadows behind her. She starts off with a slide-tackle in an attempt to bring Momo down to the mat. Then she flips up into a forward handstand and drops toward the girl in order to get her legs around the girl's waist and then tries to slam the Racketeer down to the mat again. Should any of that take place, she releases the Racketeer and uses her feet to push the girl toward the turnbuckle with as much force as she can muster.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika successfully hits Momo with Sardine's Beach Special.

[                                < >  ///////////                   ]
Momo             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           R.Mika

There's really no need to reiterate the level of destruction that has been unleashed upon poor Momo. We'll spare the details and just say she's in a lot of pain, and hit the turnbuckle with such force and at such an angle that she actually flipped OVER it, spun through the air, and landed in the audience. If that doesn't count as a ring-out, nothing does.

"Argh! I hate you! Hate hate hate hate HATE you!" the Racketeer cries into the ring, although whether Football Mika can hear it over the cheers of the audience is questionable at best. She proceeds to grab somebody's hot dog (ignoring his surprised protests) and throws it as hard as she can back into the ring.

COMBATSYS: Momo can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
R.Mika           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: R.Mika dodges Momo's Thrown Object.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
R.Mika           0/-------/-----==|


Baby blue eyes blink once. Then again. And a third time! SHE WON! In SlamMaster's Arena! So she wasn't using her typical wrestling moves... what of it? SHE WON! Kipping up to her feet, Football Mika beams. Then she starts to spin in a little touchdown dance so that she can access her football prop. Once she holds it in her hands, she spikes it down to the ground and lets the audience fight over who gets to keep it. Fists pump into the air in a little show of victory and she holds her hand out for a mic.


Just like sheep, the crowd does as it's told and starts to whistle and cheer for both girls. Foot stomping, clapping and calling out the name of their favorite fighters.

At this point, Mika turns to toss the mic back to the ref and then shrugs her shoulders in Momo's direction. Climbing out of the ring near the girl she remarks, "Not supposed to love your opponent, you know." Then she offers a finger wave to the crowd and rushes off toward the entry ramp where a man with a mic is waiting for interviews from the fighters.

COMBATSYS: R.Mika has ended the fight here.

Having escaped the crowd thanks to some creative body-surfing, Momo is free and clear to respond quietly to the suddenly revealed Rainbow Mika, "I don't REALLY hate you, but wrestling is supposed to be about the story, right? Maybe the Racketeer can come back for revenge one day."

That said, she proceeds to shake her fist at Mika's back as she leaves. "Ooooh, I'll get you, Rainbow Mika! The Racketeer does not forgive, and does not forget!"

Rainbow Mika glances back over her shoulder and laughs. "IT IS!" Yes, she's got to yell it loud and clear. So that the audience as well as the interviewer can hear her. "BRING IT ON, RACKETEER! NAME THE TIME AND PLACE AND RAINBOW MIKA WILL BE THERE TO WIN AGAIN!" It's hard to stay serious when feeling the elation of her first -real- win! Zangief is going to be so proud of her! She'll have to call to get the first flight out to Russia to try and locate him again. Wiley trainer just keeps getting away from her. She's come to consider finding him part of her training.

Log created on 12:47:39 08/26/2007 by Momo, and last modified on 23:14:54 08/31/2007.