Jinchuu - [R1] Privileged Position

Description: [Sada vs. Ichiro] Sada and Ichiro fight each other after dinner. Ichiro pukes on things! Sada power fails a counter! Mutual consent to cease fighting. Pantsu. [No Result]

Glancing up as his name is called and the Red Bus pulls to a halt, Ichiro Oe, Captain of the Taiyo High Lacrosse Team, hefts his duffel bag onto his shoulder and rises from his seat near the front of the bus. "I guess this is my stop," he says with a wry smile to the other passengers still onboard, who probably ignore him. Making his way to the door, the lacrosse captain pauses as the driver addresses him. 'Best regards to your father, Mr. Oe,' the uniformed man says simply, with a strange smirk on his face. Does he know father? Ichiro thinks as he gives the driver a nod and a confused smile, and then shields his eyes from the glare of the bus's interior lights, straining to see in the darkness as he exits.
"Weird," he muses as he watches the bus pull off into the night to drop off the other competitors. "What now..." the teen wonders as he takes in his surroundings; a lonely road on the coast outside of Southtown. "He said we had to prove ourselves... but I don't see anyone else around. Guess I better head over to the water to see if I can spot that crazy ship." Taking care not to slip on the damp rocks as he makes his way through the brush and grass on the side of the road, Oe's face brightens as he spots a wooden pier close by with a boat tethered to it. "Must be it," he tells himself as he alters his course to the jetty and approaches the dinghy.
Bending down to pick up the note pinned to the inside of the boat by a kunai, Ichiro squints and reads the missive by moonlight. "Oe, welcome in advance to the Suiryuu. Look to the sea... now," He reads aloud glancing at the dark ocean just as a light flashes three times from around a mile out. "Heh," Ichiro chuckles. These ninjas will never cease to amaze him. Giving the pull cord on the boat's outboard motor a couple tugs, the boat soon roars to life and Ichiro is on his way to the great ship. Mulling over the bus driver's mysterious words as he makes his way to the Water Dragon, the normally confident captain of the lacrosse team can't help but feel an unfamiliar sense of unease. It almost seems like he might be in over his head this time.
'Welcome aboard, Mr. Oe' a voice yells down to his boat once he nears, which then proceeds to instruct him on how to attach the chains to his lifeboat so that it might be reeled up to the deck of the large ship. Dusting himself off as he grabs his duffel bag and sets foot onto the deck of the Suiryuu for the first time, Ichiro Oe can't help but wonder why his journey has been so easy this far.

Sada has been on the boat for some time; she arrived over an hour ago. Perhaps they passed out their notices by alphabetical order; Asai does come before Oe, no matter how you slice it.

She had settled in, briefly, and gone to the dining lounge as per the instructions given to her. It's a pretty easy directive to follow: 'Go and eat some dinner, and enjoy some champagne.' She's seated at a stool at a long bar, projecting like a finger down the center of the slightly cramped 'dining room', one leg crossed over the other. In front of her is an assortment of sliced eel on a bed of rice, with lightly steamed vegetables to the side; it's one course of the so-far excellent dinner. The bottle of champagne is in a bucket to the side, although it seems she's had perhaps half a glass of it.

The dining salon is otherwise empty, except for the bartender; he's missing an eye and wearing plain black pajamas, and is currently wiping down a spot on the bar that's likely not dirty at all. Perhaps even mystical ninjas have to seem busy.

Wearing an uncharacteristically dour frown as he is escorted into the dining area, Ichiro drops his duffle bag at his feet and takes his prepared seat at the bar. Glancing at his own chilled bottle of champagne in front of him, Ichiro gives the bartender a confused look. "Is this for me?" he asks cautiously. The bartender stares at him silently. "So... I can drink this?" he asks again. Again silence. Shrugging, Oe takes the champagne flute in front of him and carefully pours himself a glass, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as the glass fills slowly. Taking a sip, Ichiro smacks his lips together a few times. "Hmm... this isn't too bad..." he muses as he downs the rest of the sparkling wine and pours himself another glass before returning to his thoughts.
Why was this so easy? He was looking forward to showing off his skills, to proving that he belonged on this ship, and he was just allowed on as simple as can be? I mean, if he were an accomplished fighter it might make some sort of sense, but Ichiro has only been fighting competitively for a couple of months.
Picking at the first course of his dinner as it's brought to him, Ichiro notices the girl sitting down at the other end of the bar from him for the first time since he arrived, so deep in thought is he. That must be another competitor. One wonders what she had to do to prove herself. Whatever it is, it must have been harder than how Ichiro got aboard. Nodding to her with a respectful smile if he manages to catch her eye, the athletic young man quickly turns back to his thoughts. Did his father have anything to do with this? The bus driver must have mentioned him for a reason. The color rising in his cheeks slightly at the thought of his father using his money and influence to cut corners in Ichiro's fighting career, the fledgling fighter absently drinks the rest of his second glass and pours another. This stuff is pretty good.

Sada glances to the side towards Ichiro; she doesn't seem to recognize him, but nods once, before going back to her dinner. She eats at a reasonable pace; she finishes the course of teriyaki and grilled eel and has it replaced by another plate of sushi, while Ichiro recieves something similiar. The quality is high, and it's refreshing and filling without being weighty.

Sada finishes her glass of champagne and pours more, apparently not bothered by it being there for her. She's in no hurry, though it's putting a slight flush to her cheeks.

It takes a while - time enough for Ichiro to eat something if he cares to, before the barman straightens up and looks over towards the two. He breaks the silence, saying carefully, "You are wondering why you came onto this ship so easily."

Sada doesn't say anything, but she does look up, sharply, swallowing the mouthful of salmon without comment (or chewing).

Finally giving in to the tempting food at last, Ichiro begins to eat from the courses that are brought before him, washing down his food with that tasty champagne. It seems to get better with every glass! Ichiro is fairly confident that it's not actual champagne though, it's probably some of that stuff that doesn't have any alcohol. They wouldn't dare give the real stuff to a teenager, would they? Isn't that illegal? Woefully ignorant of the term 'international waters' Ichiro pours himself another glass.
"Oops," Ichiro giggles quietly as he spills some of the champagne on the bartop. He's starting to get a little dizzy. Maybe he should take it easy on the food; hopefully it's not giving him food poisoning. Raising the glass to his lips, the bartender suddenly speaks, causing the lacrosse player to pause mid-chug and give the man his full attention. "Yeah!" Ichiro manages to answer as he pulls the champagne flute from his lips, accidentally spilling the drink down the front of his jacket. That was a question, right? "I thought we had to prove ourshelves!" he says a tad too loudly before tossing back the rest of his drink. Shooting a glance at the girl sitting at the other end of the bar, Ichiro watches her for a few moments, apparently zoning out as he waits for an answer. She's pretty.

Sada isn't bad if you don't mind a more 'asian' appearance; it's not always fashionable in Japan, what with the gothic lolita style, to say nothing of the cheapness of foundation and powder.

The bartender gazes balefully at Ichiro for a moment, then over at Sada, before explaining himself further. "You prove yourselves... now." He turns, then, stepping towards the door that likely leads into the kitchen, saying as he walks, "The room will be secured. Use it as you will. Fight your hardest..."

Then he's through the door, leaving the two teenagers in the room together. Sada's already turned her head to look at Ichiro, eyes wide. A moment later, she picks up a piece of tuna, pointing with it towards him: "Asai, from Seijyun High. Where do you go?"

Blinking as the bartender takes his leave; it takes Ichiro a moment to process what was just said. Ah ha! So this was to be the test all along! Though his mouth pulls into a relieved smile, Ichiro does feel a momentary pang of guilt at having suspected his father of such parental treachery. He will have to apologize later. "Hmm?" the teen asks as Sada speaks to him, swiveling on his stool to make eye contact with her. "Oh, shorry. Oe, Ichiro Oe. I go to Taiyo High!" he answers proudly as he reaches for the bottle next to him, almost knocking it over, and picks it up. "So... Ms. Asai- that's a pretty name... uh, Ms. Asai I guess we're shupposed to fight. You're pretty," he says with a quiet giggle before taking a drink directly from the bottle.
Setting the champagne bottle on the bar top loudly, Ichiro pushes himself off of his barstool and lands unsteadily on the floor. "Whoah... Not used to the rocking... of the boat yet..." he explains as he bends down to his duffle bag. Never mind that you can't feel a ship as large as the Suiryuu moving. Losing his balance as he unzips the bag, Ichiro pitches forward and lightly bumps his head on the bar. "Oopsh. It's rocking a lot more than when I got here..." Digging out a pair of shoulder pads and a modern hockey-style helmet from his bag, Ichiro plops the helmet on his head and turns to Sada. "Jusht one second," he says, holding up a finger politely as he attempts to put his shoulder pads on over his helmet rather unsuccessfully. "Jusht..." he says again before tossing the pads down the ground.
"Ah, screw it," he mutters, giving up on his normal fighting gear. "All I really need is my stick anyway," he giggles as he pulls out the lacrosse stick, better known as a crosse, from its place strapped to the duffel bag. "What were we talking about?" he asks as he straightens up and lays the crosse on his shoulder, the hockey-style helmet askew on his head humorously.

Sada has only had one glass; she feels a bit lightheaded and disinhibited, but there aren't any REAL effects for her. She meets Ichiro's eyes for a moment and smiles. "I'm glad to meet you," she says... before trailing off as Ichiro staggers and sways as he lands. When he goes for the bag, putting the helmet on his head; she smiles; when he puts on the shoulder pads, she starts to laugh. It's soft... but it isn't friendly.

She slides to the ground and opens an instrument case tucked in along the brass railing beneath the bar. "Well, I think we're just having a nice little way to introduce ourselves," she says, smiling as she pulls the kusarigama up, chain hanging between the ends grasped in both hands. "And I see you're wearing armor..."

Her head leans forwards slightly and one of the neon lights advertising liquors in a subtle, discreet way (suitable for a ninja bar) flickers, casting a moment of darkness over her face. "So you won't mind if I fight my hardest!" And with that she leans forwards, dashing forwards and aiming her shoulder at Ichiro's midsection while her arms twist around, aiming to get one of his legs in a locked posture and wrench it, forcibly, to the side in a way that it was not meant to go!

Of course, a tackle attempt might be just what he's been prepared for in his sports training.

COMBATSYS: Sada has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sada             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ichiro has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sada             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Ichiro

COMBATSYS: Sada successfully hits Ichiro with Fighting Like A Girl.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Sada             0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Ichiro

Yeah, he'd normally be very prepared for a tackle... that is, if he were sober. "Huh?" is all Ichiro manages to reply as the girl charges in on him, knocking him down and wrenching on his leg. Fortunately for Ichiro, there are two side effects of his inebriated state he is a lot more flexible than usual and he's not feeling much pain. "Oh, thatsh how it is!" Ichiro says with a wild grin as the girl wrenches on his limb in a manner that would be quite debilitating if he could fully feel it. "Heeheehee... pretty AND fieshty..." Ichiro giggles as he pulls his other, foot back. He's going to be very embarrassed with himself if he remembers any of this the next day. Trusting his foot at the girl's face, Ichiro attempts to smash her alleged good looks with a fairly brutal heel strike.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro successfully hits Sada with Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Sada             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

That foot comes in towards Sada's face and strikes her right square along side the jaw. Her eyes bug in a slightly unladylike way as raw force sends her flying to the side, into the bulkhead with an audible thump! (Did the ninja symbol just pulse menacingly?) She rattles as the kusarigama finishes following her, but she gets up easily a moment later.

"So your body's got good reflexes," she says, her voice a little thick, as she circles around Ichiro... back towards the bar. "And you're strong... but you can't control yourself now! I'd better finish you off quickly, shouldn't I?"

She reaches over towards her own ice bucket, picking up the largely full bottle of champagne. "But - I shouldn't be rude. Are you still --" Then she pulls it up over her head, running forwards as some spills out and runs down her back, screaming, "THIRSTY!?" as she slams the glass bottle down towards that helmeted head!

COMBATSYS: Ichiro interrupts Random Weapon from Sada with Cross Check.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sada             1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

"Hey, thatsh a cool chain... thingy..heehee..." Ichiro says as Sada flies away from him. "Whatsh that called?" he asks, even as she circles around him viciously. "Mah body? Heehee, you notice, eh? My mushcles too. Yeah, I work out..." Ichiro replies, figuring that the girl is hitting on him. He IS very cool right now, after all. "Finish me off?!" he asks in surprise, his mind reeling at the possibilities. Almost falling over as the boat seems to mysteriously rock yet again, Ichiro leans on his lacrosse stick for support. "Whoopsh..."
Glancing up at the girl as she runs towards him with the champagne bottle, Ichiro's face brightens. "You know, I could yoosh another drink!" he exclaims, quickly reaching up towards the bottle with the lacrosse stick in both hands and managing to smash Sada brutally in the face once more with the metal shaft of the stick, causing the bottle to fall from her grasp and hit him on the shoulder on it's way down. "Oopsh, you shpilled it..." Ichiro mutters as he bends down to pick up the precious bottle. "Yum..." he comments as he takes a big sip.

Another hit to the face! A palpable blow, too; Sada is sent staggering back with a brief, if tight and short, wail. Her nose is bleeding, though it doesn't look broken; she staggers a pace, then two, before coming to a halt and straightening up with a deep breath. Her eyes widen as she says, "This is the kusarigama! You may not recognize it from television shows - because usually, it's presented poorly..."

A pause, as she catches her breath. "I won't - tell you all its tricks right now... maybe after you've given up, I can explain some things. If you're still able to ask questions..."

COMBATSYS: Sada gains composure.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sada             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Staring at Sada blankly as she attempts to explain her weapon to him, Ichiro just watches her with a dumb smile. "Heh heh... cool..." he replies between chugs of champagne. Running a hand through his short spiked hair, Ichiro hefts the bottle in his hand as Sada continues to speak, when suddenly a he manages to catch a word through the haze of alcohol. "GIVE UP?!" Ichiro shouts, his brow knitting with anger. "I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!" he shouts, suddenly driven to inexplicable rage by the mere mention of that word. "HYAAAAH!" he bellows as he throws the half full bottle of booze back at Asai's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Sada dodges Ichiro's Thrown Object.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Sada             0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

The problem with chucking a bottle of booze when drunk is that you may be reluctant to see it go! Sada ducks the thrown bottle rather easily; it crashes behind her with a clatter, sending sweet-smelling alcoholic fumes into the air. "Hm hm hm," she chuckles to herself.

"Okay," she says, drawing her arm back and spinning the kusarigama briefly, "then I'll just have to beat you until you stop fighting." After /this/, she hurls the weighted end forwards, whiplike; it's aimed at Ichiro's legs, to see if she can yank them out and send him toppling to the floor!

COMBATSYS: Ichiro blocks Sada's Odani Foundation Art.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sada             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Ichiro

"Ooh," Ichiro gasps as Sada begins to spin the kusarigama, "Thatsh cool..." Hiccuping loudly, Ichiro extends his finger into the air and proclaims, "I'll never... stop fighting?" he says, seeming to confuse himself. "Somethingsh wrong..." he mutters as the weighted end of the weapon flies towards his legs, "I don't feel sho good..." he groans, clutching his stomach and stumbling off to the side as the floor seems to move out from under his feet. The chain manages to wrap itself around one leg as Ichiro almost falls over of his own accord, his caught leg hanging in the air as he hops on one foot and is miraculously able to keep his balance. "Ah, thanksh... you know... I think that might acshually be real sham... shemp... that might be real wine," the lacrosse player deduces. "Shomeone must have made a mishtake. Someone should tell the... captain?" Shaking off the chain end of the kusarigama, Ichiro continues his stumbling back to the bar, which he uses to lean on. "I hope I'm not drunk... I feel kind of shick..." he announces as he squints at Sada, trying to figure out which one of her is real.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sada             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Ichiro

"Then why did you drink so much of it?" Sada answers with a smile, drawing the kusarigama back with a snap of her wrist. "Maybe you should have only had a little bit instead of guzzling it down, but I think you were hoping it WAS real! If you can't control your own appetites --"

She whips the chain forwards now, slinging it actually towards the bar rail where it bounces off and up sharply, rebounding for one of Ichiro's arms. After this she steps back to yank it, hard: "You can't expect to win against me, even with a lucky shot or two!"

COMBATSYS: Ichiro interrupts Sling Whip from Sada with Cross Check.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Sada             1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Ichiro

"It was good!" Ichiro snaps back in irritation. "And I can control myshelf just -hrrk- fine!" Glowering at Sada as the chain flies towards the bar, Ichiro's blank drunken stare follows the end of the weapon as it rebounds and circles one of his arms. "Uh oh!" Ichiro gasps, still in control of himself enough to recognize that he's probably not in a very good situation. "Hyaaaah!" he bellows as he sets his feet against the bar behind him, using his muscular legs to push himself towards Sada even as she yanks him towards her with the chain. "Aaaaaaaa-hrk-aaaaaah..." he yells as he flies through the air towards her, his crosse brandished in his un-trapped arm, ready to unleash the force of his leap through the weapon and into Sada's head yet again as he collides with her.


Ghhh! Sada thinks as she lurches back again, nearly slipping on the puddle of booze - her back's to the wall. Dammit, dammit, dammit! she thinks further through the buzz in her head. "Is that the only move you have?!" she shouts towards Ichiro, clenching her fist tightly around the kama's handle. She takes one step forward...

... and stays there, eyes narrowing through bruising at Ichiro. "Try that again! See how you like it when you find out the secret techniques of this weapon!" Maybe she's a little drunk, too.

COMBATSYS: Sada focuses on her next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Sada             1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0           Ichiro

"Nh... I really don't... feel so good..." Ichiro groans as he clutches his stomach, Sada's taunts completely ignored. "I'm think I'm sick..." he says to her, obviously worried. His eyes darting around the dining room wildly, Ichiro's vision seems to settle on a door behind his opponent. "I need to get outside!" he shouts franticly as he begins to run towards her, fully intending on running her over if that's what it takes to get outside. If he crashes into her though, there's a good chance he'll land on top of her, which isn't a very desirable position to be in right now, since he appears to be seconds away from vomiting up most of that expensive champagne!

COMBATSYS: Sada counters Unsportsmanlike Conduct from Ichiro with Niitaka Yama Nobore.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Sada             1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

"If you're going to be sick," Sada says as she steps aside, slinging the kusari's weight forwards towards Ichiro as he runs forwards, "surrender first!" And then the chain wraps around his ankle, once, and she takes ANOTHER step forwards, twisting and yanking it out from under him! Now, of course, if he's going to vomit, he'll do it on his front. No strangling! Sada is very charitable.

"Hm hm hmmm," she continues, before pausing - oof, she thinks, that's going to be rank in here. "Why don't you try the other door, anyway? That's where we came in..."

Too late.
Ichiro gasps as he hits the floor and, well, I'll spare the details, but he manages to vomit up the fancy champagne all over the dining room carpet. That won't make the ninjas happy. Groaning pitifully and writhing on the ground for a few moments, Ichiro manages to push himself up into a sitting position and wipe the offensive bodily fluids from his chin. "Ohh...." he moans. "...disgusting." Blinking his eyes as he looks around the room, the color rises in his cheeks as he spots Sada. "That was horrible... I'm starting to feel better though..." he informs her with more than a little embarrassment.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Sada             1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0           Ichiro

Sada steps forwards, carefully edging up around the puddle of puke as Ichiro pushes himself upwards. "Oh, you are?" she asks innocently; Ichiro can probably look up her skirt if he's that sort of fellow. "I'm glad. But, unfortunately..."

She draws one foot back, aiming a vicious kick at his side. Only her own slight wobbling, and the fact that she has to get the kusarigama out of the way, grants warning! Can he avoid this brutal perfidy?!

COMBATSYS: Ichiro blocks Sada's Light Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/----===/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Ichiro is most certainly NOT the sort of fellow who would try and sneak a look up a girl's skirt! In fact, he'd be EXTREMLY offended at the very IMPLICATION that he were that sort of fellow!
"Oh yeah," Ichiro replies as his eyes wander up the Seijyun student's skirt. "A LOT better," he adds as a smile grows on his regrettably soiled face. The sudden flurry of movement as Sada pulls her foot back and shifts her kusarigama actually manages to catch young Oe's attention, which isn't very surprising, since he's not the sort of fellow that would be distracted by this sort of view. Not at all.
Not having much time to do anything else but curl himself into a more defensible position as the strike flies towards him, Ichiro attempts to ward off the brunt of her kick with his forearms. Thank goodness his head is starting to feel clear. It'll be a while before the teenager drinks alcohol again, that's for sure. "Hey, that's not very sporting!" Ichiro chides her as he attempts to grab on to her foot before she can recover and tug her off balance so she falls down next to him on the now disgusting floor.

COMBATSYS: Sada fails to counter Quick Throw from Ichiro with Asai Harvester.
- Power fail! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

"Ha ha ha!" Sada cries out. She doesn't realize she's had her goodies ogled. (White cotton.)

"Not every battle will be sporting! Think of this as a test for the day when someone seriously wants you d-" she cries out, swinging down with the sickle towards that arm.

Then her leg comes out from beneath her and she falls over... into, unfortunately, the puke. There is a splosh, and Sada makes a muffled song, doubtless a precursor of fury.

"Gah... sorry about that," Ichiro says genuinely, blushing even more than before. How embarrassing. Pushing himself to his feet, young Oe wipes his hands on his pants and extends an arm out to the girl. "Here, let me help you up," he offers politely as he leans over, offering his hand to the girl for assistance. Though his mouth is pulled into a wan smile, the lacrosse captain's eyes are shrewd and focused, watching Sada's body language in case she's thinking about trying to take advantage of his chivalry like she tried to take advantage of his earlier weakness. Ichiro maybe be somewhat inebriated, but he's not stupid, and now that most of the alcohol is out of his system he's able to think a bit more clearly than before.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro focuses on his next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Sada doesn't exploit the offer... even as her jacket drips with that remnants of sushi and champagne. At least, she thinks, it smells about the same out side as it did inside. She says, in a faint mutter, "Thank you," and even takes a step back.

And then she pauses, looking up. "You're waiting for me to make a mistake," she says, pointing the kama at Ichiro accusingly. "You want me to get into your range again so you can intercept me with your stick... don't you?"

COMBATSYS: Sada focuses on her next action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Intercept her with his stick? If Ichiro was one of those dirty minded boys he might take that comment in a sexual manner. Luckily, he's better than that.
"Heh..." Ichiro grins as Sada accuses him of trying to lure him in. "I have to be honest, I wouldn't mind that, no." Looking at the girl standing there in her vomit soaked jacket, Ichiro's grin twists slightly into a wry smirk. "But somehow I don't think my chances of that happening are very good right now."
Hefting his crosse up onto his shoulder casually, Ichiro appears thoughtful for a moment before continuing. "Look, that guy on the docks, the one running this tournament, he said we had to prove ourselves to even make it onto the boat. Well, we're on the boat. That creepy bartender guy said we needed to prove ourselves and to fight our hardest, well I think we've proven that we can fight. As far as I'm concerned, we've done what's been asked of us to make it this far. The tournament hasn't even really started yet, and I don't know about you, but I could really go for a nice hot shower right about now." Smiling in his normal friendly manner, Ichiro shrugs and continues. "We can see this to the end if you want. I'm here to fight, after all. I'm just letting you know how I see things. So. What's it going to be?"

COMBATSYS: Ichiro takes no action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Sada breathes in, despite the... well... smell.

Her head tilts to the side. "Right NOW," she points out, helpfully, "I could probably take you down with one blow... but the longer we wait, the less true that's going to be, isn't it?" She then tilts her head back, though Ichiro's too much taller to let her look down her nose properly.

"If we're both disqualified," she concludes, pointing the kama back at Ichiro, "you owe me. Do you agree?"

COMBATSYS: Sada takes no action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Take him down with one blow? Oh my.
His grin broadening as she speaks, Ichiro chuckles softly and nods. "Yes, you probably could. And if we're both disqualified then I'll definitely owe you. Dinner, my treat, anywhere you want to eat," he says with a grin. "But uh... no alcohol next time," he adds with a sardonic smirk. "For me at least. And hey, if they wanted to disqualify us, well, we're already on the boat, they'd have to try and throw BOTH of us off first, right?" he asks with another chuckle. "I guess we should let them know that our fight is over so they can let us out and show us to our cabins. We need to get these dirty clothes off, err... I mean I do. But you're probably going to want to take yours off too... separately from mine, I mean..." Ichiro trails off, his face flushing yet again. Seems like that liquid courage is wearing off pretty quickly.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro takes no action.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Sada             1/--=====/=======|===----\-------\0           Ichiro

Sada's eyes narrow... and then she hmf's. She whirls around on her heel, tossing her hair with the kama (which manages not to cut it off) as she says, "Thanks for the compliment, but I already have a boyfriend!" After this, she steps over towards the place where she left her weapon case...

...and kneels down to put it away instead of bending over. Oh well.

COMBATSYS: Sada has left the fight here.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ichiro           0/-------/----===|

Staring dumbfounded at Sada as she blows him off, Ichiro can't help but laugh as she goes to put her weapon away. "You're welcome," he says with an amused chuckle. What a night. Collecting his gear and packing it into his duffel bag, Ichiro slings the pack over his shoulder and walks over to the door the bartender exited from, giving it a sharp knock to signal the end of the of the fight.

COMBATSYS: Ichiro has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:19:26 08/24/2007 by Sada, and last modified on 15:55:27 08/25/2007.