Jinchuu - [R1] Enter Tippin

Description: [Hinata vs. Nikolai] In the first round of Jinchuu, Hinata learns not to shoot spitballs at Russian mobsters. Important life lesson. You learn the most important things in dark alleys. [Winner: Nikolai]

After all that jazz at the dock with the Hollywood effects ghost ship, some blind old guy (who's probably secretly a super ninja), and that russian guy who got angry at her just because she hadn't eaten in two hours and was in serious need of a pickmeup, Hinata's somewhat glad for the chance to be on the bus. Most of the people seem to be intent on being all dramatic and serious while the bus drives around, but Hinata didn't see the point, fighting's about having fun. Besides, she managed to get her hands on a pair of mechanical erasers and some twine that she found sitting on the ground near an empty box of chicken nuggets from that one fast food place. Just for the sake of having to do something, she's taken the time to fashion them into a pair of really crappy nunchucks. Of course, just as she's about to try them out, the bus driver pulls to a stop and calls her up to the front.
Stuffing the poor excuse for a weapon into the pocket of her powder blue Rabbit Fighter hoodie, she heads up toward the front of the bus. At the front the bus driver hands her a folded up slip of paper and tells her that this is her stop. Just as the Sunshine Girl starts to open up the note, the bus driver gets a rather annoyed expression and launches a kick that sends her flying out of the open bus door, before closing it with the sort of special power that he probably only has when behind the wheel of his machine. Or he's a ninja, too.
Even before Hinata can drag herself back up to her feet, the bus is already pulling away, so there's no real point to trying to chase it down. It's only now that the girl actually starts to take a look at her surroundings; an old dumpy alley way, the only light provided by a practicaly deceased lamp flickering over the doorway of what, by the horrendous smell in the alley, is probably Southtown's only indoor pig farm... or a restaurant that needs to talk to the sanitation commission about the fact that nobody's come around to pick up their trash for the past decade. Her nose wrinkles at the sight of the disgustingly filthy alley and she almost immediately feels the need for a bath. Supressing the urge to simply abandon this stupid tournament where they don't even have snacks ready for you at the start of the event, she opens up the note and carefully mulls over the directions provided before realizing that she'll have to go down the alley if she wants to reach the location where she can catch the boat. With a small sigh, Hinata slowly starts walking.

Nikolai Tippin is not having a good day.
He's not sure how, but he's still fingering the shuriken that embedded itself not far from his head as he stood speaking with the helicopter pilot. Reading the crisp note from Seishirou revealed that his opportunity to board was held in the hands of a young girl, and a location given. Semantics could be cared less about; The initial impulse was for the elder man to ignore the demand and simply drop atop the archaic boat as planned. But no... one should not be hasty. Eliminating competition is something he is quite adept at, and far be it for him to miss opportunity. Bidding his friend to hold the helicopter for a worst case scenario, he entered his black vehicle again, which screeched into traffic. Time was short.
There would be the sound of a car approaching, with a monstrous engine. It wheels around, and the highbeams flare into the alley proper, likely quite thoroughly blinding her. A cascade of opening doors, and loafered footsteps. Although two burly men stand just past the mouth, one continues forward, with a mild limp. "Oh. It is loud little girl." Mayhaps a familiar voice, that of the Russian almost choking on accent; Whom is little more then a haloed eclipse as it lies, still wearing the capelike trenchcoat and fedora. Yet attached to his belt is a tire iron; One of the four-pronged + models, except with one end broken off and shaved to a deadly point. "So you are opponent who I am seeking for information." He sounds almost jovial, coming to a stop and shrugging broad shoulders, leaning heavily on his good leg.
"There be no reason for violence... Give me paper, and you may leave." A loud crack, as he turns his head. "That sound reasonable, yes...?" The smell doesn't perturb him in the slightest. Dingy environments like this are where he grew up in, after all...

Today is probably a rather bad day for a lot of people involved in the tournament, and Hinata is no exception to this
As the car pulls screaming into the alley, her heart skips a beat, her eyes go wide as the fear of suddenly being run down by some crazy driver (maybe some guy who just stole the car and now finds that he must get away from the police. Or just some person who doesn't like the main streets). But then nothing happens. Well, nothing that results in her being road pizza, at least.
The lights are, indeed, quite bright, she has to raise her arm up to shield her eyes, turning her head away and looking only out of the corner of her eye to get a slightly better view of the man as he steps out. Of course, she doesn't quite need to see the man to know it's the same one from the docks; that stereotypically bad accent and mangled vocabulary is quite distinctive. It also makes him sound like he belongs in a Cold War era spy movie as the part of a KGB agent. Or maybe like he should be chasing Moose and Squirrel.
But that's not the point here at all. The point is that this is a showdown! "No it doesn't sound reasonable. You were really rude to me back at the docks and so I don't see why I should give you the secret rocket fuel plans! Uhh... I mean the directions to the boat." She folds her arms across her chest and gives the russian a glare, "So you can just go home and soak your head."

It might be ironic that Nikolai was indeed a former member of the KGB, who turned to organized crime at the fall of the Soviet Union. He is not an old cliche, but one still very much alive. And who has little compunctions about doing whatever is necessary for his goals, regardless of the age his opponent might be. Despite the fact he has backup, it doesn't appear they are going to intervene for the time being. There's only a long, deep and quite cinematic sigh, fingers lifting to scratch the stubble of his square chin. "Such rudeness. I was thinking your people, they be polite and of high honor. What would your mother be thinking?" He then grips the tire iron, yanking it out. Through a hole in the middle he slips a thick finger through, and it begins to rotate with a swoosh as the uneven spiked end displaces the air in a nigh hypnotic manner. A few more steps are taken; Which might better show the fact he's very much missing his left arm, which can be missed given his voluminous coat. "I will be asking one last time. Give me the paper, and you may leave." Some hint of predatory sadism is creeping into his voice, the broad smile showing immaculate teeth empty of any true amiable nature.

Finally getting a better look at the man, he's a rather fiersome sight. Substantially taller than her and certainly bulkier. In some cases the missing arm might make a man look less threatening, but the way the russian holds himself, it's quite clear that isn't something that holds him back. Most girls her age would be huddling down on the ground in fear of what a man like that would do to them. Hinata, however, simply lets a touch of a smile cross her face. The love of the fight pounds through her veins and she's certainly more trouble than she'd look.
"My mother would probably be thinking that you're a creep and that you should be ashamed of yourself for making threats against a young girl my age. She'd probably also think that what I'm about to do is only making things worse..." At this point, Hinata's tired of being treated poorly by everyone around her. That old guy who didn't have any snacks. The bus driver who kicked her out into this alley and most of all this russian who won't leave her alone. She starts to open her mouth, letting out a low, roaring noise like you expect from some cartoon character about to burst out with energy and take on some awesome new form... only to shove the entire note into her mouth and start chewing, narrowing her eyes at the big russian as she chews and smirks at the same time. There's no turning back now.

COMBATSYS: Hinata has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hinata           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hinata focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hinata           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nikolai has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hinata           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Nikolai

"Do not do anything stupid. I have sent many people to bottom of sea in oil barrels. Taken many to secret police." But all facades of being reasonable are lost when she stuffs the paper in her mouth, and Nikolai's eyes widen, expression truly twisting into something frightful. "STUPID GIRL!!" is repeated, as he shifts forward with an odd amount of grace for a man of his size. The tire iron twirls around a few times, before he lashes out towards Hinata's chest, trying to knock the young girl backwards with a resounding thunk. He has a fiercesome amount of reach by all accounts, and his limp doesn't appear to badly affect his capability to fight. His fedora is askew from the motion, almost losing his jacket as well. And the dirty grey unkempt suit beneath is hardly as pristine as his car. Both men in black with sleek shades continue to watch just past the highbeams; Apparently this situation was far from unexpected. "SPIT IT OUT!!" And then a barrage of Russian. It's probably better if she doesn't understand.

COMBATSYS: Hinata blocks Nikolai's Fierce Strike.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hinata           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Nikolai

Okay, so he moves faster than he looks. Not quite expecting to man to move as fast as he does, Hinata's choice in the matter becomes quite clear as the tire iron begins to swing in on her, both of her arms come up and lock together from fist to elbow to ward off the blow. The force of it as it collides with her arms would be enough to knock her back a few paces on any occasion, but on this one she gladly takes it and goes with it, putting a good bit of ground between the two fighters, managing to get out of even the russian's impressive reach.
Of course it seems like Hinata simply doesn't know when she's pushed enough buttons and goes for the big, blinking red one. He did ask her to spit it out, but by this point it's already be shredded down into small balls. Her lips begin to pucker before she starts spitting each one out with the trained force of only a public school student, each of the balls aimed right for the russian's eyes.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Nikolai with Thrown Object.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Hinata           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Nikolai

As the bullet-like shots are launched, Nikolai is hit dead on, reaching up his forearm to catch the remainder. Rubbing it away, he glowers down before slowly looking back up, as if somewhere between utterly shocked and amused. "...So you are wanting the hard way. Very well. I shall beat the information out of you." The explosive rage seems to have temporarily simmered down to an even calm, shrugging his shoulders and beginning to twirl his tire iron once more. Starting to make a slow and almost too leisurely approach, so calm and eased that it might appear to be a liability. "I do not enjoy beating on children. ...But for you, an exception will be made." In truth, he's angry. Such disrespect is fatal to almost everyone he has come across. Of course, that endless vengeance and cruelty is exactly what has netted him in this disastrous position in the first place...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai focuses on his next action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Hinata           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Nikolai

It's not quite clear what the tactical planning could have been behind such a move. There are very few circumstances when having an opponent even more angry at you is a good option. Quite honestly, it's only useful if you know you can take everything they can throw at you, which is why Hinata starts to feel the twang of regret for making that maneuver. But there's no time for second thoughts, only time to push forward and keep going in the same direction, maybe she'll get lucky and he'll get so angry that his head explodes. "I don't think you actually have to worry about beating any children, just worry about children beating you." As she says this she gives him one of her widest, perkiest smiles. The type of smile that usually brings people out of whatever sort of depression they're in. In this situation, there's no telling what it'll actually do.
The Sunshine Girl quickly pulls her hands back to the side, letting a small spark of glowing chi form between her hands before she begins to thrust them forward, toward the russian, the chi growing as it moves forward until reaching nearly the size of a bowling ball as it comes in on the man, blossoming out into the shape of a massive, beautiful sunflower.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Nikolai with Kikou Shoutei.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hinata           0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Nikolai

There's a snort given at the comment, appearing to not believe there's any real threat of that. To be honest, he's underestimating Hinata as well; He's had decades to craft his deadly art, after all. But when the orb flashes out, he tries to simply barrel through it; And it fails, staggered viciously and unable to press any advantage from it. But he still lets out a laugh, appearing to not be perturbed by such regardless. He snaps it down and attaches the tire iron to his belt, and then shoots forward the last distance... Trying to snap up his newly freed hand, and attempt to catch Hinata by the throat. Rather hard. What comes next, of course, is entirely dependent on his success in this venture...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai successfully hits Hinata with Zamochit.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Hinata           1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0          Nikolai

...And work it does. The first thing to take place is Hinata being rather heavily strangled, those vicelike fingers cutting off not only breath, but likely the flow of blood as well. Hefting her into the air like a ragdoll, grinning in a more ominous fashion. And then his forehead rockets forward, catching Hinata within the face full-on. Not once, but twice more, throwing his entire weight into each. Before with finality he hurls her backwards, in the direction of an adjacent dumpster. Probably hard enough to mildly dent it.

The novelty of pestering the man who is likely never too far from a desire to hurt something immediately vanishes as the man grabs hold of her throat and starts choking her so hard she can't even breathe. Her face starts to go pale and the world starts to go black just as he slams his head right against her's, the second one jolting her back into consciousness, if a rather confused one. Then of course comes the dumpster, filled with filthy trash that truly smells as if it hasn't been collected in years, she slams into it hard, leaving a noticable dent in the thing. As she starts to pick herself up off the ground, she's mostly glad that she didn't actually land in the filth, and certainly a bit more cautious.
She takes a moment to start circling around the russian, coming slowly in closer before suddenly flying forward with all the speed her legs can muster, her fists immediately flying with blazing speed the moment she gets into range. Her hands are moving so fast that all one can see is a blur between her shoulder and what appears like half a dozen fists, all aimed for the russians torso before one final strike comes in, launching out a sudden burst of energy as the girl hops into the air, using some of the force to keep distance between the two.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Nikolai with Rengekiken.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hinata           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0          Nikolai

There's a whirl around to face the incoming little girl, but once more her sheer speed appears to be beyond what Nikolai is used to. He, after all, is more on the raw savagery side of the fence. Having never been truly taught beyond the harshness of his long life. But he's resoundingly solid if nothing else, staggered backwards by the sheer number of tiny fists, the last one managing to send him staggering away once more. But again he lurches forward, shooting out his hand to catch her by any handy portion with the hopeful end result of hefting her around and away from him, and with significant airtime were it to go off cleanly. While he tries to shake his head and regain some of his senses; He's not managed a single proper defense thus far, after all. "Tell me where to go, stupid girl, and maybe you will not die tonight!! This not be game of chutes and ladders for me!!"

COMBATSYS: Hinata interrupts Strong Throw from Nikolai with Rival Launcher.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinata           0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1          Nikolai

As the massive russian comes in for the grab, Hinata is far from willing to just let him toss her around like that last one, it hurt like hell. Of course, she doesn't really show her intentions very well as when the man comes in, she simply lets him take hold of her and start hefting her up before she suddenly lashes out with one of her legs in an assault normally designed to send her opponently flying high into the air. Instead she simply puts an incredible amount of force into her leg and sends to flying out to slam right into the face, all the force usually aimed to launch him into he air now working to send him to the ground. Of course a bit of the usual force is lost as the Sunshine Girl goes flying up into the air, slipping out of the man's grip, and then ultimately comes down somewhat harshly onto the alley ground with a surprisingly loud thunk.

The maneuver works as intended, striking Nikolai hard within the chin and staggering him backwards; Blood droplets flutter like rain on the surroundings, but somehow the massive figure doesn't go down. His hat is now missing however, knocked off and landing some distance off, palmanade-covered hair thoroughly tousled from the exchange. He merely spreads his stance further, before doubling forward and reeling a few moments. One hand reaches to grasp his tire iron anew, yanking it free before he rushes towards Hinata, ducking low as his coat flutters behind. A few more angry Russian towards punctuate this as he snaps out the pointed end, trying to catch Hinata upon the end and stick her like a pig; To heft up one leg and then kick her off, hopefully towards the ground, with a savage amount of force. He's not going to lose to some child...!

COMBATSYS: Hinata blocks Nikolai's Sooka.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Hinata           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1          Nikolai

It wasn't quite the intended effect, but things are turning a little bit more in her direction. At least it seems that way, right up until the moment the massive russian starts charging back in at her with a weapon that she certainly doesn't want to get a feel for. As the strike comes flying in, her hands immediately lash out, grabbing hold of the tire iron and keeping the spiked point from getting anywhere near sticking into her, but this leaves her completely open to the kick, which launches her back off the iron and hard into the ground where she promptly starts to roll, despite the filthy conditions of the alley, away from the man before popping back up to her feet a good distance away, taking a moment to try to catch her breath.

COMBATSYS: Hinata gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Hinata           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1          Nikolai

Ah; Now is the time. There's a slow smile from Nikolai, as he seems unperturbed. "Your passive nature might not win you fight. Let me throw the dice. ...This will finish you, yes?" And then he is running forward once more, heavily limping but still building momentum, beginning to spiral his tire iron madly about his hand. Before swinging it up with incredible force, trying to catch Hinata within the chin and send her airborne in a hopefully graceful manner, letting out a loud snarl with the sheer force thrown behind the maneuver. Were it to land, such is only the beginning of the end. The two goons by the still idling car appear to have devolved to murmuring idly to one another, although not very audibly by all accounts. Nikolai is doing more poorly then he anticipated...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai successfully hits Hinata with Razborka.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Hinata           1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0          Nikolai

And indeed, it doesn't appear that Nikolai has any intent to stop the festivities there. For once he has dutifully hefted up Hinata, he grasps her ankle while temporarily holding the tire iron through the middle hole with his thumb. And then viciously hurls her down, to hit the ground with a savage amount of force. Before flowing into an assault that lacks any tact, any semblance of finesse. An onslaught of kicks, into her stomach, face, ribs, before finally grasping her by the hair and unleashing a finishing headbutt, to send her the remaining distance down the alley. And hopefully not in entirely one piece. The horrors of a mad Russian with a heavy piece of metal has likely been heavily underlined thus far...

Despite putting every ounce of effort she has into getting out of the russian's path, the girl just doesn't seem to have the speed in her to do so. The blow takes her full on the chin, knocking her up into the air before she practically goes limp like a rag doll, unable to do anything but take the brutal beating, each hit taking her with all its force, breaking bones, tearing cuts across his skin, her body is bound to be covered in bruises for a good week or so before she can get over this. The final headbutt sends her sailing down the alleyway, the girl actually skipping up off the ground a few times as her body hits bits of debris littering the street before she finally comes to a stop.
Most people wouldn't get back up. Most people would stay down and probably pass out. Hinata can't. Every inch of her body hurts more than it ever has before, but somehow the spirit within her won't stop burning. Every ounce of strength and spirit she has left works to push her back to her feet, blood drooling down from open wounds, her face set in a dark, serious glare of determination. "T...TAIYO PRIDE!" With that strange cry she goes hurtling down the alleyway toward russian, launching out an serious of strikes with both fists once more with that unbelievable speed, although this time aimed entirely for the section of his torso below his ribs, trying to take him full in the gut. Then, her spirit begins to swell before the girl ducks down low and then launches up into the air in a fearsome display, twiling up into a spiralling uppercut aimed right for the russian's jaw, her fist burning with all the fury left in her body.
Then... she drops like a brick, regardless of what happens she merely hits the ground, the world slowly blacking out on her.

COMBATSYS: Hinata can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nikolai          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nikolai endures Hinata's Hisshou Rengekiken.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Nikolai          0/-------/-----==|

"You have lost, stupid girl." is mulled out by Nikolai, as he merely steels his stance. And her eruption of hits seem to be somewhat absorbed, even if he doesn't truly bring up his guard. His steel facade appears to have held up admirably to her assaults regardless of lacking somewhat in luck, impacted within the face. It's the latter which he was not truly ready for; Slowly and surely he collapses backwards, hitting the ground with a rather overly loud thunk. But he's not down and out, rolling over and slowly getting back to his feet, rubbing the back of his hand across the blood pouring from nose and mouth. A few coughs, before he returns to Hinata, swaggering slightly. "Enjoy your nap... For when you awaken, you will be telling me all I want to know." Another vicious kick would be offered, before he slots his tire iron and snaps his fingers. Both of his thugs amble forward, moving to grasp Hinata by either arm and take her towards his car, not particularly careful about dragging her. Hopefully with the end result of hucking her within the trunk. One should never make the mistake of not thinking things can get worse...

COMBATSYS: Nikolai has ended the fight here.

By the time the russian gives her limp body one more kick, Hinata is already gone into a world of not-quite sleep occupied by nothing by darkness. All the uncaring treatment of being dragged down the alleyway provides is more tears to the already tatted outfit. The rabbit sweatshirt has taken beating enough that it will likely never have a chance to be worn again.

Log created on 19:50:36 08/21/2007 by Hinata, and last modified on 22:02:12 08/22/2007.