SNF 2007.07 - Brutal! Momo/Tran vs Rolento

Description: A horrific performance by the duo of Momo and Tran descends into the pair attempting to kill each other instead of Rolento when things become rather hopeless. Suffice to say the forces of loli and drunken doctors do not reign supreme. (Winner: Rolento)

Dr. Tran, superstar of the international stage, needs him more coffee. After another late night, with plenty of drinkin', he has just now stumbled onto the designated fight area. Stumbled should be taken literally here, on account of how there's so much crap just lying around - boxes, manhole covers, SNF officials, spectators, pipes, an entire bushel of bananas...where do they get this stuff? It's not like it's normally lying around.

The doctor manages to catch himself before falling down after kicking a cinderblock. Cursing under his breath, he blearily looks around, and then whispers under his breath to himself, "God, I should've drank more." He's just so excited to be here today, folks!

It has been ages since Momo's been in an SNF fight, and she's more than excited about winning the hearts and minds of the various fans with her adorible badassery! Hopping excitedly from one foot to the other, she scans the faces of the nearby people to try and figure out who this 'Dr. Tran' is that will be her teammate... until some dude stumbles into the fighting grounds. "Hey! Some nasty ol' drunk got in here, someone get rid of him," the girl pouts as she gives Tran the cutest of disdainful looks.

Of course, while little girls prance around and Tran stumbles in his drunken reverie, Rolento's entrance is pretty par for the course in terms of comparable pizzaz. There's the sound of a helicopter thudding in the distance, rapidly growing louder before the sleek vehicle hovers just above the building tops, kicking up an enormous amount of wind. Descending rapidly from a black line is the yellow uniformed U.S.P.L. commando, snapping out his baton and whirling to land in a crouch at the last moment before he might instead become a pancake, his guidewire whipping up like a rubber band. Unfurling with a roll of powerful shoulders, his baton is slowly yanked free, stance spreading as he observes both people present through narrowed white eyes. "A pathetic speck barely a child, and Dr. Tran? This is insultive. I highly doubt your combined assessment will reach a passing grade!!" Rolento snorts, spitting upon the ground nearby. His sweet ride is now hovering just high enough for frisky skirt action, but not so much to make the wind truly annoying. Twirling his weapon, it seems he's forfeiting the introductory move to those opposite. "Let us finish this pointless charade." Oh, Geese. Why can't you give Rolento serious fights anymore?

COMBATSYS: Rolento has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rolento takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/-------|

Holding his head, Tran squints up at the helicopter, shielding his eyes against the sun. He stays in that position for a few moments, even after Rolento's dropped down. "Goddamn...loud and windy...obnoxious..."

After mumbling to himself for some time, Tran's gaze finally lowers, to get a good look at whoever that squeaky cute voice came from. Oh. It's his partner.

She's even worse than he thought.

"Oh, god damn it, what did I do to deserve this? Christ on a rubberband. I just...goddamn. Go die in a confectionary, kid." Shaking his head (gently, because the motion is a little off-putting), Tran moves toward Rolento. He's not moving particularly fast, and Rolento can probably see it coming from a mile away, but the doctor doesn't care. A swift, brutal beating would only improve his day.

COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tran             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Momo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rolento          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Momo
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momo             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/-------|

The littlest tennis player perks up at the sound of an incoming helicopter, and the military man who rappels out of it. "Hey! Who're you calling a speck!?" Momo says with childlike indignation as Rolento begins to taunt-- only to blink in confusion as the drunk throws the first punch. "Wait, don't tell me that YOU'RE..."
Oh, the indignity. Cute little Momo and a raging drunk verses a giant military fanatic? This isn't cute at all! Someone's going to have to glower menacingly at whoever picked this matchup when all is said and done. Until then, though, she'll have to settle for kicking Rolento's butt (though she'd rather hit Tran for that confectionary remark). Her tennis racket is removed from it's place behind her back, and a tennis ball is pulled from... somewhere.
Since her 'partner' is in the way, Momo tosses the ball up and then thwacks it against a building, letting it rebound into Rolento's head.

COMBATSYS: Rolento full-parries Momo's Whale Serve!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momo             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          Rolento
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Strong Punch from Tran with Stinger EX.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0          Rolento
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/--=====|

There's a literal blanch. A drunken Tran is swaggering about two miles per hour with his fist already prepared to punch, and the peculiar little girl with the whiny attitude is... getting out a tennis racket. At this point, Rolento wants to just throw down his baton and leave. He'll prove nothing of his vision and talent in this mockery of a combat! But he's also aggravated and already here. Well, he can take out his frustrations. To the MAX. There's no immediate response to Tran's advance beyond slipping a bit backwards. Except as the punch is thrown Rolento ducks. This causes two things; One, he's grazed. Two, Momo's ball is now flying at TRAN'S head, who would likely have to duck because hey, even Rolento doesn't want to touch it after that weird girl did. Of course, in that split second, the commando is already in the air, and there's suddenly a hint sprout out of Dr. Tran's spine. It's a rather high-quality knife. Consider it a momento. Still flowing within the air, rippling about his uniform, Rolento actually lands upon an adjacent lamppost, remaining crouched while continuing to twirl his baton. "Laughable! What did you two do? Geese must be incredibly vengeful to force you to engage against me!!"

Duck? Only pussies duck! Or, well, people who See It Coming. Dr. Tran is a little too out of it to really manage, so Momo's tennis ball bounces off his head, sending him staggering back a step. This just primes him to get STABBED IN THE SPINE.

"Augh, son of a!" The pain is sobering, although the doctor doesn't manage to immediately go after Rolento again. Instead he yanks the knife out with a grunt, and tosses it to the side, into a garbage can, just to spite the USPL commander.

Unsteadily moving forward again, Tran shoots a dirty look at Momo. "Hey, short stuff, I don't care if you're totally worthless, I mean look at you, but try not to [censored for content] make things worse!" Man, just looking at her pisses Tran off, so he does the only natural thing: he grabs a manhole cover and hucks that sucker like a fullmetal frisbee.

"Momo is not worthless!" the tennis player counters, not feeling at all sorry that her partner got beaned by her ball. "You're the one who showed up stinking like a bar, ew." She pulls another tennis ball out from Somewhere, bouncing it on her racket a few times before sending it at Rolento once more. At least this time she doesn't have to worry about trick shots, since the military man is all the way up on top of the lamppost. Perhaps she'll get a little more creative if Rolento gets too close to her comfort zone, but until then, balls away!

COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Tran's Large Thrown Object.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0          Rolento
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Rolento full-parries Momo's Whale Serve!

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0          Rolento
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/--=====|

Well, the manhole cover flying through the air looks nifty, but it's really not nearly accurate or fast enough to concern Rolento. Outside of a freak chance, he's got no chance of actually being struck. Ducking slightly, it slithers over his head. Close enough to graze his uniform, but that's purposeful; He's that confident of the trajectory. "Enough. I will not draw this conflict out beyond what is necessary." And then Rolento literally hurls himself towards Dr. Tran, and swings his baton. He smacks the ball, sending it flying towards his face a /second/ time. Slithering forward like a coiled serpent, he then lashes out with the end of his weapon, trying to double Tran over upon it. "Hnnhnnhnn..." Were it to land, he'd slap on a literal string of grenades, and then launch the doctor into the air, just in time for them all to detonate in tandem!! Why beat up Momo when all she's done so far is help?

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Tran with Fatality Package EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0          Rolento
[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             1/=======/=======|

"Yeah, I bet you w-" Tran is cut off quickly, as Rolento's attack goes more or less perfectly. The 'thunk' of the ball off the doctor's head, the meaty impact of the baton against his gut...And of course the big finish is like a firework, except with shrapnel and pain instead of pretty colored lights in the sky. Plenty of explosion, either way. Lots of explosion, really.

Landing in a smoking, charred heap a few yards away, Tran coughs, and then slowly starts to rise. He points at Rolento - "You'''re a dick." The small man takes a step forward, then whirls abruptly, pointing at Momo even harder. "And you! Saboteur! I'll take you down with me!" Charging forward, more alert and aware than he has been this entire fight, Dr. Tran ducks down in front of Momo, fist surrounded in what is essentially a bubble of steam under pressure. Then he swings an uppercut at her. The explosion should be at least as impressive as those grenades.

COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Momo with Here Comes Dr. Tran!.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Rolento
[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Tran             0/-------/----===|

Eek! So many explosions! Momo did not sign up for grenades, she came here to hit things! "Are you okay?" she begins to ask her partner when Tran charges at her and unleashes his raging FALCON PUNCH. The girl wasn't expecting that in the slighest, and takes it full in the chin, rocketing skywards in an explosion of the doctor's unbridled rage, landing roughly some yards away.

"...that was m-mean!" comes the halted voice of the tennis player as she staggers up. One of her pigtails has come loose, letting her thigh-length black hair flow freely on her left side, billowing in the downdraft of the helicopter circling above. "Now Momo is angry!"

Her real opponent appears to be forgotten as she runs at Tran, ducking on the approach... only to grab his ankles! "Momo doesn't like being punched by uselss teammates!" she says in that adoribly angry voice of hers as she pulls Tran's legs out from under him and begins to spin. "So if Tran's going to be useless, then Momo is going to find a way to make him useful!"

Faster and faster she spins, holding Tran by the ankles all the while, until she finally releases, sending the poor doctor rocketing through the air at Rolento. Enjoy your weird attraction, boys!

COMBATSYS: Momo successfully hits Tran with Giant Swing.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momo             1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0          Rolento
[                             \  <
Tran             1/------=/=======|

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Giant Swing from Momo with Mine Sweeper.

[                          \\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momo             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0          Rolento
[                             \  <
Tran             1/------=/=======|

Okay, enough of this. The pair do not even have the discipline to focus their anger on the atagonist, but instead devolve into drunken punching and then flinging. Sure, Tran is hurtling towards him, and he's a dangerous projectile in the best of circumstances, but Rolento is going to simply finish this now. He suddenly hurtles forward, and whirls around, kicking Tran in the face as he connects to send him straight down, cratering the concrete. A dismissive maneuver, most certainly, leaving him rushing towards Momo like a train. Almost blurring, he comes to a stop right in front of her, leaning until they would be less then an inch apart. "Ready?" And then he's rolling backwards, Momo mayhaps seeing the grenade between her legs. "GO!!" A sudden detonation would launch her forward. Into another grenade. Then another. She'd end being hurtled head over heels, likely a smoldering wreck, into the general vicinity of Tran. He's won this fight. And boy, was it ever a waste of his time!

Take that, vile representative of the entire fighting schoolgirl way of life! Suffer to more to trespass onto the rights of good, upstanding drunkards! Curling his fist downward after delivering that massive uppercut, Tran exhales slowly, and retorts, "Look who's calling who useless!" Then Momo grabs his ankles. Whoops.

It's a whirlwind of pain from Tran at that point. Swung around, thrown hella far, stomped, and finally grenade'd. Again. It's too much. It's just too much!

Coughing, Tran staggers up onto his feet, and shoots a quick glance at Momo. Yeah, she's in bad shape. No need to do anything else there. So that only leaves...

"SHUT YOUR FACEHOLE!" Going into a full-out run at Rolento, steam surrounds Tran's fists again, bubbling and roiling with contained energy just waiting to burst free. Lunging in, the doctor delivers an uppercut - if it hits, it should blast Rolento up, and then if Tran's lucky, he can catch the military man on the way down with another punishing cross. Of course, if he misses, there's going to be an explosion anyway, and Tran's going to be face down on the pavement afterward.

COMBATSYS: Tran can no longer fight.

[                          \\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momo             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0          Rolento

Momo takes a step back instinctively as Rolento INVADES HER PERSONAL SPACE. "Gah! Get back!" she yells. And then he does! Well, that worked better than she would have th--
Without warning, the girl finds herself in the midst of a massive string of explosions, being thrown to and fro by the grenades that have been tossed around the battlefield, finally landing in roughly the same area as Tran.
"Momo... isn't finished..." she grunts, trying to drag herself to her feet. It's quite clear that she is, though, her tennis uniform scorched and torn to pieces while what's visible is covered in burns and cuts from her impacts against the ground. She gets as far as her knees before she loses the strength to keep going, grabbing the closest thing she can find and throws it as hard as she can at Rolento. Finally, the girl collapses once more.
Unfortunately, that the object she threw was a banana from that bunch way back in the first pose. So much for drama.

COMBATSYS: Momo can no longer fight.

                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Rolento endures Momo's Thrown Object.

                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                 |==-----\-------\0          Rolento

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Here Comes Dr. Tran! from Tran with Deep Strike.

                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                 |====---\-------\0          Rolento

Ah. Here comes the rampaging Dr. Tran, ready to unleash his final assault. The banana flies out, striking Rolento in the chest and giving him better strength for this final maneuver. He twirls around his baton, gripping the base tightly. Sure, he could simply maneuver himself away from the oncoming fighter, but punishing him and better highlighting how far the pair -- doubtlessly due to the lack of teamwork -- got from victory is far preferable. The fist impacts Rolento just as he swings it out full force. And he strikes Tran right in the face, with every ounce of force he can, hoping to send him flying backwards. Much as he does himself, the detonation going off without a hitch. He hits a building opposite, denting it severely before sliding down and thudding upon his back. But with a groan he regains his feet, rubbing his chest. ...That's a lot more raw power then anticipated, but insufficient!! "Judgement! Grade F! Both opponents have useless combative abilities! Suggestion! New occupation. But I doubt even the world of fast food is within your grasp!" Snorting a last time, Rolento grasps the black line of his helicopter, and is quickly flown off, dangling. The fight was... likely not as anticipated, beyond being quite short.

COMBATSYS: Rolento has ended the fight here.

Log created on 13:34:48 07/15/2007 by Rolento, and last modified on 06:18:17 07/20/2007.