SNF 2007.07 - Subtlety. Marisol vs Sada

Description: "A Subtle Thing" - Justice High is notorious for its strict atmosphere and, perhaps more notably, the egos of its student body and faculty. However, no one ever said Justice High's staff was precisely smart, and it shows in that they've yet again opted to set the stage for another SNF fight. Sada Asai, kusarigama practitioner and an ideal representative Seijyun meets Pacific High's unlikely representative Marisol O'Connell in Justice's auditorium for their match, and - as anticipated - collateral damage is involved! Who wins in a match of grace and ancient family kusarigama-style martial arts versus chi-laden bareknuckle-style fighting? And just who will have to spring for the repair bill?! (Winner: Marisol)

It feels strange, Sada thinks, to not be the "home team" here in the depths of Southtown. She'd gone home for the holiday but the SNF people apparently don't realize that schools - even rich, snotty private schools - take breaks!

She sits with several people who appear to be cronies, who were either naturally a bit odd in shape or appearance or who were chosen as highlighting foils to make /her/ look better. She has her kusarigama curled up like a skeletal steel snake in her lap and is fanning herself, vaguely, with a traditional ichiban fan.

"So, do you'll be able to overcome the home-team advantage?" asks Sakaki Asakura, horse-faced and gawky with a sweet soprano voice.

"Eh," Sada says, with a deliberate and probably posed shrug of the shoulder. She then stands up, passing the fan to Sakaki, and climbs up the stairs onto the auditorium stage, where the usual speaking equipment has been replaced by an improvised matted ring. She is wearing - perhaps proudly! - full Seijyun uniform, although the skirt's been pinned up to allow her to leap around like a maniac more readily.

She raises her eyebrows, looking out towards the audience - relatively quiet, for now, if only for the novelty of being an SNF venue (and the free popcorn and rice balls the staff passed out) - and waggles her fingers towards them, slowly.

Another weekend, another SNF. This time, like the last, Marisol is on what she would consider "neutral" territory. It's not Gedo, but it's not home turf, either. It's Justice High, home of the super-stuffy and stuck-up students with the god-awful uniforms. She's seen a few of these kids out and about, and she isn't particularly keen on the idea of fighting there.

But, hey. It's SNF. She signed up for it, and so she must suffer the consequences.

While Sada may be there and waiting, there's no sign of Pacific High's Marisol for a good thirty minutes prior to the scheduled fight. Instead, there's an odd silence hovering over the auditorium, a few officials looking between one another nervously. Is she going to stand them up?

"Alright, I'm here!"

With a harsh slam of auditorium doors, the fiery half-Spaniard of Pacific emerges through the threshold, sporting a wide, toothy smirk as she saunters through. Behind her are a few girls and a pair of boys, likely HER posse brought along for a bit of support. It's a one on one, so she has no combative support. A pity, but again, them's the breaks when you're thrown to the proverbial wolves of Howard Enterprises' Saturday Night Fight venues.

Moving along with her head held high, the redhead is clad in anything BUT uniform. Instead, she wears a gray pleated skirt and a short-sleeved blouse, looking quite comfortable, too! Behind her, however, the group of girls and boys are wearing uniform, bringing more than enough school spirit to make up for the half-Spaniard.

They chatter amongst one another before they depart, taking seats near the front - and likely near the Seijyun girls Sada brought as well. Marisol, on the other hand, doesn't so much as bat a lash toward the other girl; instead, she just walks on, nearing the auditorium stage before she briefly crouches and hops up, landing with considerable ease upon it. THEN she turns.

And then she points a finger at Sada.

"You," she says, singling the Seijyun fighter out. "You're that girl who fought my teammate twice. You're one for one with him, right?" There's a brief pause, but it's short-lived. She smirks broadly and curls her fingers into tight fists.

"Good. I've been meaning to track you down, to see what you're made of."

Sada raises an eyebrow and says, largely in a philosophical-observational sort of tone, "How unladylike." She is from Seijyun, after all. They teach you all about that kind of thing there. She does, however, smile at the young woman as she steps up closer, tilting her head forwards at the indication.

Then she looks up; Marisol has several inches on her and requires that kind of attention, at least, while she's standing up. "Hm?" she says, with a tilt of her head. "Do you mean Preston? He is a good fighter," she says with a smile, "although, of course, he is no Miyamoto Musashi. Perhaps in time?" If this is on tape, perhaps it will give Preston another, newer headache!

She extends one arm, letting the weight of the kusari fall for a while, chain rattling in her hand. She spins it around at her side, taking two or three considerate steps back to avoid smacking Marisol before she is supposed to. As she whips it back and forth in lazy, sweeping strokes, "I was surprised that they put us here, instead of Seijyun; have you ever been over there?"

Meanwhile, the announcers are warming up, introducing short bios and full names for the sake of continuity in the footage. That big Justice High screen comes up, showing the live feed from Camera #3! As it is showing, by and large, Sakaki's head, it quickly adjusts itself.

Then comes those beautiful words - "FIGHT!"

--and Sada's already swinging the kusarigama around in a scything arc towards Marisol's upper body. It's a heavy weight on a chain! Dodging it might be a good idea, especially since Sada seems content to stand there in a horse-stance and sling it towards her!

COMBATSYS: Sada has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sada             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Marisol has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Sada

COMBATSYS: Marisol interrupts Spinning The Kusari from Sada with Chain Reaction.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0             Sada

Her presence known, the young woman just moves forward through the aisles, chin held high as she saunters along. The group of friends breaks away, parting from the infamous Pacific girl as she herself heads for the stage. There, the fight will begin in Justice High. Will she succeed? Marisol sure as hell hopes so. Her loss against Hakuya of Gedo was particularly embarrassing. She's having none of that crap, she assures herself.

With a crouch and a leap, the redhead is on stage, and a finger is singling out Sada. "Yes, Preston," she remarks, full lips pulling into a broad grin across her face. "And of course he's strong, like my other teammates. He's on Pacific Resistance, you know!" The Musashi remark earns the Seijyun girl an odd look, her expression briefly puzzled before she remarks, "Is that a teammate of yours?"

It is but briefly pondered. Instead, Marisol's sun-kissed features light up as she observes the kusari and its accompanying chain descend from Sada's sure hands. Has she been to Seijyun, Sada asks. "Yeah," the redhead replies with a broad grin, "I broke into it one time to say hi to that Miu girl."

Blah blah blah; all Marisol hears is FIGHT, and swift are her eyes to hood as she observes the kusarigama-wielding Seijyun girl. "All right!" she exclaims, observing as it swings free of her grasp and toward Marisol's body. Does she move?

Of course not! Instead, the girl suddenly tears forward, letting the kusari deflect off her shoulder as a hand shoots out to the side, to shove it aside and out of her path. Like a bullet seeking its mark, the Pacific girl swings a fist, letting those knuckles fiercely bury in Sada's gut before she reaches up, snaring her head. Pulled fiercely down, she introduces Sada's cranium to her knee, before her leg snaps up like a trap and kicks the girl up, back and away with a vertical kick to her chin.

"That's a neat toy," she remarks. "It's better than the one that jerk Tenma waves around. At least it's REAL."

"Musashi? Oh no," Sada says, "he is an enem-"

She looks moderately indignant when Marisol makes her move! The fist hits her gut and makes her bend over - that knee hits her hard head several times, before she's sent staggering back with that final kick!

She doesn't fall over, although she does breath heavily several times before she straightens back up. Her face looks bruised, quite understandably, but she narrows her eyes and grins. It's slow and maybe a little unsteady. "Oh, this?" she says. "Thank you very much for your complement. It is a kusari-gama. Have you heard much about them? Here -"

It spins around - at her side, and then in front of her, and /then/ Sada is running forwards, towards Marisol's left, and looping it around as she hurls it at the girl's legs. Hopefully this will lead to her yanking Marisol's feet out from beneath her! Marisol may not, of course, cooperate.

"Let me show you!"

COMBATSYS: Sada successfully hits Marisol with Medium Throw.
- Power hit! -

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0             Sada

The discussion of Musashi seems otherwise forgotten as the redhead charges forward, eyes wide as she swings a fist out and into the other girl's gut. Her assault is swift and relentless, sending the other girl staggering back, but not falling on her back. This earns the Seijyun girl a wide smirk, gray eyes hooding in obvious amusement.

"No problem," she remarks, lifting a hand up and running the back of her hand across her brow. "Can't say I've ever heard of a kusari-gama, but it looks pretty nasty." Her grin widens a touch, pearly whites flashing the Japanese girl a grin. She'll show her?

Well, show her she does. Clearly providing a bit more oomph than expected, Marisol's legs are snared and yanked harshly from underneath her, causing the girl to land rear-first. Her eyes narrow sharply, a hiss of discomfort escaping her before she swiftly ascends from the ground. "Can't say I really enjoy it, amigo," she remarks...before she suddenly charges forward, a fist swinging right at Sada's sternum! Marisol wastes no time.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Sada with Medium Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Sada

Sada twists around, trying to get that fist out of her line of sight! It doesn't work all the way, although it does mean that instead of slamming her fist into a vital breathing area, Marisol hits the unusual and surprising area of the armpit. Judging by the brief hiss of pain from Sada, it hurt.

She breathes in, and shifts her weight to one side. "Ah, well," she says with a faint smile. "It is a combination of terms. This -" She hoists the weight with a little difficulty, "is the kusari. You use it to strike, or to tangle up the enemy. Clever, yes?"

She turns the kama over in the other hand, the chain rattling. "This is the kama, and it is what you use --"

She then raises it over her head, raising her voice into a shout as her back pulls back, "To strike the killing blow!" And with THAT she slams her entire body forwards with an overhanded swing, aiming the glittering sharp blade right down at Marisol's hot and spicy self!

COMBATSYS: Marisol interrupts Deep Strike from Sada with Red Clover.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1             Sada

Her attempts to avoid that particularly fearsome fist of Marisol's does not seem to work in the kusari-wielding girl's favor. Rather, poor Sada is slammed in the armpit, causing even the redhead to blink in mild surprise. That's not what she aimed for.. .

No matter. Recoiling her arm swiftly, the redhead skips back a few steps, sneaks skidding lightly against the polished wood planks of the auditorium stage. Smoky grays lift from the other girl's arm toward her eyes, meeting them briefly before she offers a wide grin. An impromptu lesson in the kusari-gami.

Eyes briefly flicker toward the hooked blade, before gray depths peer at the long chain. "Well, I can say this," she offers, the grin on her lips curling a bit at the corners of her mouth, almost wolfish in nature. "It's clever, yes. And,"

Then the other girl charges, threatening to end Marisol's career with a killing blow. But, you see, Marisol is having none of this. Rather than move, the other girl watches as Sada charges forward, attempting to cleave that kusari into her body. For a moment, Sada seems to have the advantage!!

...but rather suddenly, Marisol's body twists. The kusari's blade tears past her chest, cleaving a path through the front of her blouse and leaving a long stretch of crimson there upon what flesh can been briefly noted. It's a clever ruse, however. Marisol isn't evading it. Sada learns this well when a fist suddenly shoots out and strikes her in the gut, before both fists - encased in fiery chi - strike her with two hooks, the final blow giving enough force and oomph to send Sada soaring back and away.

"I like your weapon because it's not some plastic or wooden toy to wave around. You like playin' for keeps?" she asks.

Sada would be sort of dismayed if she actually did kill someone for real, since she expects just about anyone would have the wit to raise an arm or something. She WOULD think it was cool if she maimed someone - but instead, she gets punched!

The explosion of chi - hateful, vicious, tricky chi - sends her backwards, tumbling on the ground with a rattle of chains. She lays there, for a moment, breathing in and out, before pushing herself to her feet, slowly.

The small Seijyun contingent looks worried, especially when Sada staggers for a moment. "I don't know," she breathes, thickly, "just what you mean, O'Connell." She raises her head then. "Is that slang from America, or is it from Spain? You see, where I attend school, we do not take classes in the language of the gutter."

This is a lie. Zaki probably teaches it.

She shifts her weight back, adjusting her grip on the kama, and continues, "If you would like to show me what you mean in your homeland, by 'playing for keeps,' please." Her lips draw back into another slow grin. "Go right ahead."

COMBATSYS: Sada gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1             Sada

Sent tumbling back, Marisol seems not the least bit concerned with the other girl's situation. Instead, she sports a toothy smile, all but beaming down at the young woman as she slowly pushes herself back up to her feet. She'll give her a moment if she needs it. So rather than suddenly take to the offensive, Marisol just lifts her long arms up overhead, folding them neatly behind her head.

"Eh?" Blinking in mild uncertainty as she studies the kusari-wielding Seijyun girl, Marisol seems mildly perplexed. Slang? "Well...I guess it is," she ultimately responds, letting her gray eyes wander toward the sea of seats stretched out before them in the audience. "I guess what I'm asking by whether or not you play for keeps is if you don't have any reservations about hurting someone with that kusari of yours."

Marisol's smile widens a little. "It kind of hurts, you know." And if she wasn't clear, the girl lifts a finger toward the tear in her white blouse, and the hints of red around its frayed edges. As for the language? "I'm not sure if that's really gutter talk, though. I figured it was a compliment."

The half-Spaniard shrugs absently.

Then she moves, sneakers squeaking against the polished stage, signaling her move. Her charge leads her right for Sada, whom she attempts to uncomfortably close in on as she swings an obvious arm up and toward her left. It's a feint, however; the other fist suddenly jerks to life as she nears, attempting to smack her with her knuckles in the temple.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Sada with Light Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1             Sada

"Ghk," Sada says as that hand strikes forwards, the feint apparently fooling her - she staggers again, but straightens up afterwards, her eyes widening slightly. "OH," she says. "I see! I'd thought you were asking me if I wanted to /literally/ kill people."

Is she being nicer now? Maybe the punch jarred the 'bitch' free.

She steps to the side, again, still grasping the kama carefully. "I don't mind hurting people," she continues, "because I've seen what OTHER people can do. Set them on fire, blow them across the room, knock down a tank with their bare hands - being stabbed's pretty boring when you compare it, don't you think?"

Dammit, dammit, dammit, Sada thinks. She's fast... how can I handle this? She twists the kama around suddenly, tossing it up in the air and shifting the chain length to her other arm, letting the kusari rest on the ground for a moment while she spins the kama up to surprising speed over her head. As it whirls through the air she calls, "You know, this is the thing everyone expects from the movies!"

She advances then, instead of slinging the weapon forwards. She brings it down in swift, sharp arcs, twisting on the downstroke to make sure that the blade itself leads whatever direction she's moving it in. Even if the blade CAN be avoided, that's still a wooden pole on the end of a chain being brutally swung around!

COMBATSYS: Marisol endures Sada's Shinryukan Correction.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Marisol          1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1             Sada

Fooled, perhaps, but Marisol doesn't consider the kusari-wielding Seijyun girl a fool. That blade of hers hurts, yes. She doesn't particularly want to FEEL anymore of it, if she can avoid it at any costs. But the half-Spaniard knows well that precisely won't happen.

Looking mildly baffled by the cheer, Marisol offers a lopsided smirk. "Kill people? Well, maybe that's what I was alluding to, but I didn't think you were that heartless." Pausing, those gray eyes level on the other girl, narrowing slightly as she listens closely. Only after she has said her peace Marisol offers a cheerful laugh, a hand covering over her lips as a gesture of manners.

"You're right," she ultimately responds, the laughter dying. "I guess being stabbed or scratched isn't much in comparison. You have a point!" So then. How does Marisol respond to the incoming attack as result?

Why, she lets that kama come screaming down at her in a swift motion. She takes the attack head-on, letting that blade cut against her before she's smacked with the pole. But she stands for a reason, a reason which will become obvious to Sada rather swiftly.

...because Marisol suddenly kneels and punches the stage. There's a strange, unsettling silence for the briefest of moments. ..before the ground before Marisol roars to life with a huge gout of fiery yellow chi and planks of wood, all of which fly for Sada!

COMBATSYS: Sada overcomes Shoot the Moon from Marisol with Mataemon's Punishment.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Marisol          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Sada

COMBATSYS: Marisol blocks Sada's Mataemon's Punishment.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Marisol          0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0             Sada

Aha, Sada thinks for a moment with a briefly triumphant grin. She's kneeling - recognizing her defeat!

Shit! Sada thinks a moment later as the STAGE ITSELF begins erupting beneath Marisol's brutal punch. I should not have reminded her about the terrifying nature of chi-based destruction! She then crouches for a moment before leaping up, drawing the kusari behind her like the tail of a comet.

She sweeps it around, shifting its role to that of a pendulum. Her dramatic leap keeps the chi from pursuing her, dandelion-yellow light charmingly illuminating her schoolgirl skirt and blowing it up -- but she has more important things to worry about! The first swing brings it up into the middle of that maelstrom of oncoming wood, twisting it around with a series of rattling clatters as wood battles metal and comes out the worst for it. "Haaaaaaaaaaa," Sada cries in her contralto voice, steadily rising even as she hits her leap's apex.

"Ken!" She then swings the chain into a veering course, the ten pounds or so of steel weight sweeping with brutal momentum towards Marisol even as Sada lands, awkwardly, on one of the less-destroyed portions of the stage. She says nothing else, possibly due to having to clamp down the faint - and fading, but not entirely gone - urge to panic in the face of something utterly insane like that.

Recognizing defeat? Never.

Instead, Marisol's fist kisses the well-polished wood planks of the stage, and as result the ground itself erupts, a huge, gaping hole left it its wake. That gout of chi roars at Sada, attempting to consume her in its flames with frightening intensity. However, such is not the case. Through it all Sada avoids the attack with surprising grace, and those gray eyes swiftly jerk up in time, to see the incoming chain sweeping toward her.

Clenching her teeth, Marisol simply lashes out and, in a surprising show of her own, snares the chain in her hand. It stings only a little, but it does well to keep her from being smacked around like a redheaded step-child by that imposing weapon Sada wields.

However, Marisol simply releases the chain, to allow the other girl to retrieve her weapon as need be. "That was pretty good," she responds, offering a lopsided smirk as her hands curl into fists. One hand rubs at the knuckles of the other, an idle gesture at best, if only to pass the time. Time she needs to recover a bit from that display. Oof.

COMBATSYS: Marisol gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Marisol          0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0             Sada

Sada breathes in and out quickly as she looks over at Marisol - when the chain goes slack, Sada yanks it back with wide eyes. "You blew up half the stage!" she protests, looking over to the big gaping hole in the improvised ring where the blast had occured.

Then she says, out of reflex, "Thank you!" while one hand goes down to push her skirt back into a socially acceptable position. After this, Marisol seems to be... relaxing? Sada is unsure of the details with this, but she can recognize the danger of allowing your enemy a respite. Only in this case, she might have to /save Justice High/ -- unless, she thinks even as she raises the kama over her head and leaps forwards, wouldn't she know her own abilities?

She turns the blade slightly at the last moment, letting out a hellacious cry nonetheless as it sweeps down. Even if Marisol doesn't move to avoid it, she's still once again pouring all the force of her arm, shoulder, and probably some of her back as well into this single brutal strike!

It may seem somehow familiar.

COMBATSYS: Marisol interrupts Deep Strike from Sada with Iron Butterfly.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0             Sada

She blew up half the stage. Pausing, the look on Marisol's face is one of obvious surprise, and as result of this revelation of sorts, the redhead pivots her eyes straight for the huge, gaping hole that stands between herself and the kusari-gami girl. For a minute, Marisol looks a touch puzzled by the newly-created hole before her.

Then she offers a lopsided smirk.

"Yeah, it would seem I did." the half-Spaniard confesses, even going so far as to offer a sheepish shrug in response. She can't fix it, if that's what Sada is expecting her to do.

However, the chirp of "thank you" earns the Seijyun girl a curious look, before another smile blossoms across her full lips. "Welcome," she adds, waving a hand absently about in a dismissive fashion. "It's refreshing to fight someone with a real weapon for once, I admit." A short laugh escapes Marisol briefly thereafter. It's somewhat of a new experience!

Soon after, however, Sada's leaping wildly at Marisol in a particularly strange-but-familiar fashion. She's seen this before, right? So Marisol decides if Sada wants to dance the familiar dance, she will do the same.

For a brief moment, that blade cuts against Marisol, slicing a nice gash up the length of her arm. It draws a flinch from the half-Spaniard girl, but she simply grits her teeth and pushes onward, shrugging off the pain. Why? To punch the air, a gout of that same, dandelion-yellow chi erupting and cocooning Sada within. Briefly, the girl will find herself encased in that gauzy energy before it suddenly implodes, spears of yellow meant to skewer her lightly before the cocoon itself explodes, a lovely and girly display of yellow butterfly-like motes fluttering toward the ceiling.

"You've got a powerful voice, too," she adds, still offering compliments with a friendly grin. "Do you sing?"

"Kya!" Sada exclaims as she's encased once again in the glowing light. At least, she thinks, it's yellow instead of some kind of nasty energy color. Then comes the stabbing inwards and the explosion, sending her flying backwards - her head, in fact, knocks against the TV, making it wobble!

But not her, apparently. She lands in a half-crouch, and looks pained for a long moment, before blinking back at the compliment. This, at least, makes her grin as well, as she sinks down to her knees, skirt billowing around them as some of the restraining pins come undone.

She takes a deep breath and answers Marisol's question, even as she leans back.
"Wise men say - only fools rush in; but I, can't, help, falling in rove, wi-ith you~"

The melody is better than the English. After this, and another breath, she stands up, saying as she does so, "Where do all of you... learn to do the lights, anyway?" She isn't giving up, even if she's /also/ not continuing to sing... for now.

COMBATSYS: Sada takes no action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0             Sada

Encased and exploded, Sada is sent soaring back and, unfortunately, hits the distant television set. For a brief moment, the redhead flinches in sympathy. However, the girl proves more than her worth as she corrects herself and lands in the faintest of crouches. This earns her another lopsided smile from Marisol, whose eyes are all but delighted at the person she's been paired up to fight against. It's all refreshing really. No Gedo rejects, no painfully out-skilled veterans and a real weapons user, much like her fight with the odd Indian man and his daggers.

Just as Marisol begins to open her mouth to speak, the air between them is filled with song. For once, a stunned look crosses the other girl's face, before a bright smile all but consumes it. "Ha ha! So you can. That's what I thought, with a voice like that." Marisol is pleased at her observational skills, it would seem.

As for the lights? Lifting a hand, the girl wriggles her fingers, eyeing them briefly before she just shrugs and smiles. "By accident once," she casually responds. "Since then I've been kind of fond of it." Pausing, a glance is spared toward the audience - particularly, her teammates, who offer an assortment of odd expressions. Aren't they supposed to be fighting? Marisol, in response, lifts a hand and idly rubs the crown of her head, her red mane stirring a bit as she offers a nigh-sheepish grin.

"Sorry ‘bout this, and no hard feelings," she asks...before she again tears forward and attempts to deliver unto Sada a swift guttural blow with her tightly-coiled fist.

COMBATSYS: Sada fails to counter Medium Punch from Marisol with Asai Harvester.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Sada can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marisol          0/-------/--=====|

"I'm in the glee club at Seijyun," Sada says, with obvious - if minor - pride. "Asakura there is my colleague."

The plain and gawky girl who had been conspiring with Sada earlier looks over her shoulder, before raising the ichiban flag towards the camera with a sheepish little smile.

Sada narrows her eyes as she prepares herself, drawing back the kama in preparation. She then, stupidly, says something aloud: "Found it by acc-"

The fist hits her in the gut once again, and she staggers back, looking stunned - and falling out of the ring as well, toppling over with a rattle of chain! She says "Oof," audibly, but does not get back up -- passing official victory over to Marisol in short order!

Lifting a hand, Marisol idly rubs the back of her head, offering another lopsided sort of grin as she listens. "Glee club? I'm a little jealous. I never did have the voice of a singer, or a voice worth joining a club for." So what'd she do? Why, she picked fights and fought. She knows how to do that, after all, and doesn't do too badly at it - well, at least she wagers.

Still, there's a touch of hesitation as she observes the other girl. She doesn't really want to punch the singing kusari-wielding Seijyun girl, because really. Sada isn't all that bad, and she thinks they've gotten along pretty well, punching and stabbings aside. But no one watches SNFs for the talking and comradery between opponents, right? Marisol's posse reminds her of such as she glances from Asakura toward them.

Then she charges in, swinging a fist to meet Sada's gut with fierce knuckles. Struck, the girl staggers and ultimately falls, leaving Marisol the victor. But she's not gloating or cheering. Instead, she meanders toward the ring's edge, hands on her hips as she leans over.

"Sada, right? Thanks for the fight. I can see why Preston had a tough time with you." She pauses, sporting a friendly smile as she peers down. Whether she's unconscious or not, it doesn't seem to matter. She's saying her piece! "Anyway, let's meet up again sometime. You seem like pretty good people, and you go to the same school as that Miu girl. Can't be all that bad, yeah?"

And with that Marisol hops off the stage, joined by her friends as they gather and move on and out of Justice's auditorium.

COMBATSYS: Marisol has ended the fight here.

Log created on 00:36:31 07/07/2007 by Marisol, and last modified on 23:19:20 07/07/2007.