Description: [OOC] Here is a collection of the SNF posts for September 2007.
SNF Matches: 8/31/07 - Fri Aug 31 2007 - Crow
Okay folks, Thundercleese isn't available this week, so I'm handling the SNF matches. Sorry that they're a bit late, but here they are! And remember, be sure to send out your result @mails and get your logs in.
MATCH 1 ~ Ash VS K' IN 'Things Explode'
LOCATION: Crazy Zhin's Dynamite and Fireworks Factory
SPECIAL: We've got two guys who throw around fire, fighting in a large warehouse full of things that explode. If this can't be made interesting we should just all give up and go home. Bonus points if someone gets hit in the eye with a bottle rocket.
MATCH 2 ~ Hayato VS Miu AND Momo IN 'Jidaigeki'
LOCATION: On the set of 'Two Swords'
SPECIAL: Can the Mizoguchi sisters help our hero, Uchida Masaki, defeat the daimyo Nakamura? Stay tuned for the answer!
REQUIREMENTS: Stay in character! It's the early 19th century in Edo, so don't forget it. The director is a touchy sort, and has a habit of throwing things at people if they annoy him. There's only an outline of a script, though... It's a real fight, so nobody knows how the scene will turn out! Suspense!
MATCH 3 ~ Maki VS Heavy D! IN 'Open Call'
LOCATION: SlamMasters Arena, Metro City
SPECIAL: Here comes some new challengers! Maki and Heavy D! aren't the only people involved in this fight... But they're the only ones with any /real/ skill. But the floor has been opened for anybody who's willing to sign a waiver absolving the fight coordinators from any injuries incurred. Throughout the fight Maki and D will find themselves assaulted by people who pose almost no real threat, but in large enough numbers to be a nuisance.
Match 4 ~ Cammy VS Guile IN 'War Games'
LOCATION: US Army Boot Camp, Kansas
SPECIAL: Cammy and Guile will be starting their fight at the beginning of the obstacle course... And the first one to cross the finish line wins. But when it comes to slowing down your opponent anything goes.
Match 5 ~ Kyo vs Heidern and Kichiga IN 'Youth vs Experience'
LOCATION: Boardwalk, Southtown
SPECIAL: Nothing too special here, just a brawl. Perhaps, though, the elder fighters can use their experience to get a leg up on Kyo? Bonus points for comments that could be considered age discrimination on either side!
Match 6 ~ Kurow VS Krizalid VS Maxima IN 'Good Deal'
LOCATION: Open-air Market, Beijing
SPECIAL: The three fighters get to go at it in the midst of vendors selling just about anything anybody could possibly want. Or at least a bootleg version of it. It seems that the betting on this fight has gotten pretty fierce, so all three fighters can expect to find themselves approached by people looking to get them to throw the fight in exchange for a cut of the action.
Match 7 ~ Adelheid VS Shingo IN 'Proving Grounds'
LOCATION: Death Valley, USA
SPECIAL: If Shingo eventually wants to be a match for Kyo someday he's going to have to hone his skills fighting people stronger than he is, right? Well here's a chance! The billing for this match is explicitly casting Adelheid as being the favorite for the win... And everybody loves an underdog!
MAIN EVENT ~ Chun-li VS Hotaru AND R.Mika IN 'Strongest'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
SPECIAL: Chun-li may be the strongest woman in the world, but can Hotaru and Rainbow Mika combine their forces to equal her might? The world wants to know!
SNF Matches 09/08/07 - Sat Sep 8 2007 - Helios
Match #1 - HAGGAR and R.MIKA vs. MAXIMA and BIRDIE
Premise: Brawn vs. Brawn
Location: Slammasters Arena, Metro City
Note: Mike Haggar returns to his home turf with another up and comer wrestler to take on two formidable opponents. In a match that's worth its weight in sheer, face-obliterating MEAT, two teams will clash in brutal showdown.
Match #2 - NADINE and INGRID vs. MAKI vs. ASH
Premise: Beach Volleybrawl
Location: Sound Beach, Southtown
Note: What started as a competitve game of volleyball quickly escalates when Ash proves to be afraid of the ball. Able to spike or not isn't the issue, here: Each fighter has been instructed to attack when the point spread hits a certain range, and made to think they're the only ones aware of the ambush time. In Nadine and Ingrid's case, they also know their ally. And yes, everyone was told the same point spread.
Premise: Justice?!?
Location: Justice High Athletic Field, Southtown
Note: It's been a long time since a Kim has been a part of SNF, and tonight's event places Kim Jae Hoon, the son of the legendary Korean TKD champion, against a dangerous and mysterious SNF mainstay. His only help in this fight will be the equally mysterious Mao Shihong, a Chinese newcomer. One thing this bout is sure to illustrate: Justice is harsh.
Match #4 - BLANKA vs. KATANA and KENTOU
Premise: Tropical Hazard
Location: Tropical Storm Horace, Jamaica. On the coast.
Note: Take a stretch of forested beach in Jamaica. A lovely place to be left, right? Unless you're deposited there in the middle of a raging tropical storm, like our friends Katana and Kentou. They know they're there to fight, but fight what? Blanka, in the meantime, is set loose from the other side of the span of forest and beach, and told he'll find his opponents further along. Hunter, or hunted?
Match #5 - ROSE vs. MIU and HOTARU
Premise: Good Fortune
Location: Chinese buffet and barbeque
Special: Predict the future?!?
Note: The audience might want to enjoy a good meal, but the three warriors gathered for this bout are there to satisfy a different kind of hunger. The burning thirst for combat... for competetion. Or at least, for fame and a payday. Each fighter will receive a fortune cookie before the fight, however. Rather than a hokey proverb, they will receive a special prediction about the fight to come. Can they meet this bonus challenge?
Match #6 - HOKUTO vs. SHINGO vs. FREI
Premise: CHAOS!
Location: Corporate warehouse, Southtown Harbor
Note: What happens when you release three fighters in a full warehouse of thew newest boots and shoes? If one was a booking agent, one would likely hope for lots of falling shelves, showering footwear, and improvised weaponry.
Match #7 - ALEX and GUILE vs. K' and BALROG
Premise:Are vee not men?!?
Location: Middle of a blizzard, Siberia
Note: Into the manliest of natural challenges come two very different breeds of dangerous individual. Allied are two of the most skilled and tough brawlers around today, and two notorious, yet strangely pretty powerhouses. Teams will be given whatever provisions are required, but there is a prelude to this fight: Two nights in the Siberian wilderness with only camping gear and your ally. Will anyone still have allies when the fight starts??!?
Main Event - KAIN vs. ROCK vs. YAMAZAKI vs. KUROW
Premise: Contenders!
Location: Metro Park, Metro City
Note: The SNF champion may not be making an appearance in this week's lineup, but four of the most promising 'champs' past and future have been arrayed for a special Main Event. This no-holds-barred rampage has been set against the backdrop of the deepest forests of Metro Park, where only the bravest spectators and camera crews will be to get a glimpse of this conflaguration of raw power.
SNF Matches 9/13/07 - Thu Sep 13 2007 - Crow
Okay, folks, here are your matches! We all miss Thundercleese, but we're going to try to keep things running as smoothly as possible until we come up with a final decision on how we're going to handle things going forward. As usual, be sure to submit your logs and @mail your results.
MATCH 1 ~ Hayato VS Maxima WITH CHAOS AGENT Birdie IN "Take It Like a Man"
LOCATION: Texas Stadium, Irving, Texas
Where better for three large, muscular men to clash than on a professional football field? Hayato and Maxima will start on opposite sides of the 50 yard line, then be free to fight it out throughout the field while Birdie serves as chaos agent. One thing that makes this difference from a regular fight, however, is that Hayato and Maxima each have an endzone assigned to them. If they can bring down their opponent in the endzone it's considered an automatic win.
Match 2 ~ Maki VS Naerose AND Tran IN "Darkest Before the Dawn"
LOCATION: Open field outside Southtown
The fight is scheduled to start early in the morning, just a few momentss before the sun is scheduled to rise. The hope is that by the time the fight really gets going the rising sun will make for a dramatic backdrop to the combat. It is suggested that neither of the fighters be late in showing up, as it's likely to make some people at Howard Enterprises unhappy.
Match 3 ~ Krizalid VS Jae Hoon AND Miu IN "Rest In Peace"
LOCATION: Necropolis of the Banditaccia, Cerveteri, Italy
A famous city of the dead containing a thousand tombs a short distance outside of Rome, one might think that the fights are usually over /before/ people wound up here. Nevertheless Howard Enterprises has managed to secure the surface of the site for a match. It's good to expose people to culture, right?
MATCH 4 ~ Sergio AND Katana VS Shingo IN "All That Glitters"
LOCATION: Abandoned Gold Mine, California
This old gold mine hasn't seen use in over a century, and now it's lit up for the first time in years. A fair sized section of the mine has been determined to be structurally sound and has been set up with lights and cameras to record the fight. Or at least, that's what the fighters have been told. What they don't know is after the first round, the lights are going to be turning on and off, alternating from round to round. Will the fighters be able to compensate for the alternating bright lights and pitch blackness?
Match 5 ~ Shihong VS Mizuki IN "Step Lightly"
LOCATION: Rickety Wooden Bridge, Somewhere in Northern Japan
At a small village deep in the mountains, the villagers have finally decided to replace an antique wooden bridge over a river with a safer, more modern one after recent bad weather has finally reduced the original one to unacceptable danger levels. Planks are broken or missing, the ropes are frayed and it's all together a dangerous place. And nobody really cares what happens to it, since it's going to be torn down and replaced anyway. So need to hold back, but you might want to watch your step.
MAIN EVENT ~ Kurow VS Hotaru AND Makoto IN "Little Girls"
LOCATION: Howard Arena
Kurow wants to continue to draw in fans from the schools of Southtown, eh? Well, what better way than a high profile match against some other students? There'll surely be plenty of students watching. And of course, per Kurow's comments in a recent interview, this fight should give him plenty of opportunity to show off. After all, his opponents are just little girls. If he wins he can complain about it being easy, stirring up controversy and publicity for SNF. If he loses... it still stirs up publicity! Win-win.
SNF Matches: 9/22/07 - Thu Sep 20 2007 - Kobun
Hey folks! Seems like half the wizstaff is gonna be out this weekend, so it's UP TO ME. D: I arranged these fight matchups last night but it seems the signup box was MYSTERIOUSLY REOPENED afterwards. I can still arrange something for folks who signed up after the deadline, but my priority was to go ahead and get these published first. With that out of the way... here are your matchups!
MATCH 1 ~ R.Mika VERSUS Birdie WITH CHAOS AGENT Tran IN "Talladega Blues"
LOCATION: Pit Row, Talledega Superspeedway, Alabama, USA
At one mile in length, Talladega Superspeedway is the largest oval track in the Nextel Cup Series, and holds the record for the fastest recorded speeds for a closed oval course. The only race here tonight will be one to determine who can KO the other opponent first! Rainbow Mika and Birdie will be facing off in Talladega's long "Pit Row", and various tools of the NASCAR trade will be available for use as weapons -- car jacks, tire irons, tire racks, and impact wrenches! But those aren't the only hazards here, as Dr. Richard Tran will be on hand to hit-and-run the fighters with the official Chevrolet Monte Carlo Pace Car!
MATCH 2 ~ Todoh VERSUS Hokuto VERSUS Shingo IN "I Scream, You Scream"
LOCATION: Ebisu-bashi, Osaka, Japan
The world famous, neon-light "Glico Man" will be marathon-running in the background of this picturesque battle, taking place on the scenic Ebisu Bridge over the Dotombori River, in downtown Osaka. This three-way fight between Ryuhaku Todoh, Hokuto Mizugami, and Shingo Yabuki takes place on the opposite side of the Dotombori, though... in front of a Haagen-Dazs ice cream restaurant. The famous bridge is also renowned as a hang-out spot for the youth crowd, so expect an audience full of sharp-dressed young men and scantily-dressed young women advertising the district's numerous massage parlors! Bonus points for creative use of the ice cream shop's sandwich-board signage outside -- even more bonus points for involving the audience!
MATCH 3 ~ Ryo AND Hotaru VERSUS Maki AND Heavy D! IN "The Pit"
LOCATION: Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA
The open-pit Bingham Canyon Mine has made its mark as one of the world's most productive mines, employing over a thousand people and having produced more copper than any other mine in the world. 450,000 tons of material are removed daily with electric shovels, oversized dump trucks, conveyor belts, and plenty of other implements of mass excavation. It's not the safest place in the world to fight, but there are plenty more dangerous! But the machinery isn't all that's capable of busting some rocks open -- Ryo and Hotaru are pitted against Maki Genryuusai and Heavy D! Explosions, rocks fall, people ___?!
MATCH 4a ~ Kurow VERSUS Krizalid IN "Wild Goose Chase"
LOCATION: Dayan Ta, Shaanxi Province, China
Emperor Gaozong of the Tang dynasty ordered the construction of this temple, loosely translated as the "Giant Wild Goose Pagoda." The pagoda complex houses a great number of amazing sights, not the least of which is a large fountain display... which will be timed to activate a powerful hydrotechnic show halfway through the fight. Kurow and Krizalid will have that to contend with... as well as contending with an actual flock of geese released into the 'arena'... oh yeah, and knocking each other out as well! Play sharp, kids, the statue of Buddhist monk Xuanzang is watching nearby!
MATCH 5 ~ Rolento VERSUS Ichiro AND Shihong AND Cherise IN "Dark Side Of The Moon"
LOCATION: Ingalls Shipbuilding, Mississippi, USA
Cruise ships, offshore drilling rigs, and naval vessels alike are all produced here at the gigantic Ingalls Shipbuilding yards, now part of the Northrop Grumman defense contractor. Two years ago a massive hurricane damaged the facility, and it's been rebuilding ever since... but the schedule for completion might get pushed back a little further as four fighters make their mark here. It's night time, and most of the workers have gone home for the weekend, but that doesn't mean the lights, cranes, and shipbuilding facilities won't be running for this special event. Rolento will have plenty of tall things to make use of, while the young(er) Ichiro, Shihong, and Cherise try to get a handle on him. Will special attacks involving the crane hook be the next big thing?
LOCATION: Sushi-ban Deka, Southtown, Japan
A rotary sushi restaurant themed around a popular anime/live-action movie/manga franchise is the scene for this battle. (Added due to last-minute request!)
LOCATION: Howard Arena, Southtown, Japan
The Main Event brings it all home to Howard Arena, as the duo of K' and Maxima stands off against the unlikely pairing of enigmatic Ingrid Holmann with the Ansatsuken nomad Ryu. In a nod to greatness, the lights will be kept a bit dimmer, with blacklights, and artificial smoke piped into the arena to really give the audience a sense of all the otherwise-invisible chi flows taking place!
@mail me (Kobun) the results of your fights! Or if you have any questions, just ask! Have fun everyone o/~
EDIT: Match 4 has been re-booked, and Match 6 has been added.
SNF Matches 9/28/07 - Fri Sep 28 2007 - Helios
As with the last time I did this, matches are coming on Friday, so you'll have till Tuesday. No special conditions this week, but have fun with the settings. Some are specific, some general, and all have some landscape that should be amusing for fighting. Any questions, see me! Results, winner mail me, and be sure to desc and submit your logs.
Premise: A soldier, a cosplayer, and a witch walk into a bar....
Location: Outside Cheers Pub, Chiang Mai - Thailand << >>
Note: Not your usual lineup, and not your typical barfight. Jaeger, Katana, and Naerose all get their fight invitations the same way: a specific, important-looking instruction to show up at some bizarre, out of the way liqour stand in one of Northern Thailand's principal cities. This fight has no lovely buffet, just this mysterious not-quite-scavenger hunt. Contestants have to figure out how to get there themselves, and make it snappy: there is a set time on the card, just as the midnight hour approaches, when each warrior must be the first to successfully order and chug down a drink from the bar window. Is this a joke?!? ... Howard Media has very real money, guys.
Premise: Unfair and Impossible 2 on 1
Location: Wine and Cheese Festival, Place de la Bourse - Bordeaux, France << >>
Note: Kain has proven to be a man who overcomes challenges, usually by setting them on fire. Maxima and Shingo have started developing similar reputations over their far shorter careers in the spotlight. While not the most against the odds Kain's been under the watchful eye of the SNF cameras, this test is a perfect challenge for any seeking greater glory (or a nice paycheck). Fighters will be flown first class on Delta Airlines, where they loves them some flyin'. So maybe France isn't the best place for a battle themed with 'Never surrender!'.. .... or maybe it's perfect. Plus, free food and booze!
Premise: Riot in the Streets
Location: Fukuoka, Japan << >>
Note: Several blocks in all directions among one of the low-income districts of this fair city have been cleared as part of a charity event sponsored by Howard Media. Property damage is actually /encouraged/, and all fighters will have free run of the streets and buildings, as prelude to restoration efforts. How will they each approach their freedom (and vulnerability)? Where will the ambushes take place? And more importantly, how much can Rolento blow up in one battle royale? You'll find out the answers to these questions and more when three fighters are airlifted into no-man's land with whatever they can carry, courtesy of Geese's fleet of mighty helicopters.
Premise: Lock-In
Location: Seijyun High Gymnasium
Note: A Seijyun event full of.... whatever High School girls do when you lock hordes of them inside a school at night with games and sports and snacks.... and then more! An exhibition bout between some of the notable rising stars among today's talented young fighters, either in the midst of or on the brink of promising careers! (Who says women can't just beat their way into the workforce?). This no-holds-barred team battle will be spectated by students, faculty, and very special guests << NOT MEGATRON >> as a for-charity event for equipment for Seijyun's sports program. Which is what, badminton and knitting?
Premise: Bride of Frankenstein?
Location: Ruins of Castle Frankenstein, Germany << >>
Note: Poor Blanka finds himself thrown in yet another situation where he's sure to be considered the monster. Urged to play to the crowd with growls and much gnashing of teath, the maladjusted mutant would then be released into the forboding woods around the remains of Castle Frankenstein, where await two rather unsympathetic challengers - the mysterious, ultra-enigmatic duo of K' and Duo Lon. But wait! If anyone can see the true heart of a champion that beats within Blanka, surely it will be the psychic, Rose! Someone must rescue him! ... because being burned alive by angry young men is never a good way to go.
Log created on 15:45:20 06/30/2007 by Kobun, and last modified on 10:25:26 09/30/2007.