Description: [OOC] Here is a collection of the SNF posts for August 2007.
SNF Matches: 8/03/2007 - Fri Aug 3 2007 - Thundercleese
Hey folks, sorry about being so shady/vacant these past few weeks! The SNF reviews I am sure you all adore will be back in full-force next week, after I work out some issues pertaining to them right NOW, and... well, /I/ should be back in full force, as well. You might have noticed that I've been hanging around lately but not really RPing on my not-so-secret alts, and I've been feeling really under the weather lately (that's the reason, see). So, while I'm still shrugging that off, SNF... /may/ be a little less awesome than normal, so far as premises go. EXPECT 100% THUNDERCLEESE NEXT WEEK.
MATCH 1 ~ Katelynn VS Zach Glen in "A Guy, A Girl, Some Girders"
LOCATION: Office Building Construction Site, Southtown
~ Zach Glen, newcomer to the fighting world at large, enters into his debut Saturday Night Fight matchup against the circuit's own dynamic bombshell, Katelynn Molina! Will the wandering soul be able to prove himself against this fan favorite? The locale is certainly one that will lend itself towards seeing exactly how well Mr. Glen thinks on his feet, as the number of 'variables' in this ever-changing, 'interactive' environment! Fighters, use girders, nail guns, cranes, hard-hats, and whatever else you like in this one, the environment will be the key to success!
MATCH 2 ~ Blanka AND Miu VS Ryu in "Breaking The Ice"
LOCATION: SlamMasters Arena
~ Miu Kurosaki, famous for her 'weird' powers and freaky aura, teams up with equally 'outcast' Blanka at Metro City's SlamMasters arena! It is hoped that their similar lack of social 'mindset' will allow for them to see past the other's more unsettling 'surface' traits... and boy, are they going to have to work fast! Against the likes of Ryu, anything less than one hundred percent teamwork is going to result in one hundred percent Hadouken-to-the-face. Will Ryu reign supreme against these two!? Will Miu manage to drop her fear of Blanka in time to make things work!? Will Blanka frighten children in the audience!? SWING BY AND FIND OUT
MATCH 3 ~ Frei AND Reed VS Guile in "The Daily Grind"
LOCATION: Metro City Monorail
~ An unofficial Saturday Night Fight location, rather incredibly placed in a 'real life setting'... that is, no tickets have been sold for the event, rather, it is meant to garner publicity for the Metro City monorail system, a new addition to the public transit in town! The fight will take place in the passenger car of a monorail at the height of the rush-hour... fighters are encouraged to put on a show for all those inside (passengers will be seated on the opposite end of the car!) while simultaneously PROVING that these monorail cars can take a hell of a lot of strain... just perfect for isolated incidents such as gang takeovers or Rolento Schugerg declaring dictatorship over town!
MATCH 4 ~ Shingo AND Nadine VS Kurow in "Social Matters"
LOCATION: Taiyo High Auditorium
~ Shingo Yabuki is very possibly Taiyo High's most enthusiastic student, with the regrettable (but inevitable) graduation of Sakura Kasugano. By 'enthusiastic', one could very well mean 'gullible', and as such, it goes without saying that pitting Kurow against his subordinate, Nadine Kennicot, will go to show whether or not these two are capable of carrying themselves in a properly discreet manner! Of course, it all boils down to simple serendipity that they've been pitted against one another with ever-trusting Shingo Yabuki assisting Nadine, but it's even /more/ 'lucky' that the fight takes place in front of the entirety of Taiyo High... hopefully neither DSC member suffers from performance anxiety.
MATCH 5 ~ Haggar VS Sakura in "Finding Your Roots"
LOCATION: The Steps Of Metro City's City Hall
~ Mayor Mike Haggar has been troubled lately. The words of a suspicious masked Shadaloo officer have reportedly set the once-charismatic Metro City mayor into a deep depression, one that almost borders on absolute self-loathing... and it's KILLING Metro City's economy to see their mayor, their IDOL like this. Sakura Kasugano is undoubtedly one who can sympathize with Haggar's difficulties, and Howard Enterprises, always desperate to earn a buck, has set this battle at the most patriotic place in town, for the sole purpose of helping Haggar to find his center once more. Good luck, Sakura!
MATCH 6 ~ Kensou VS Clark WITH Arika as Chaos Agent in "Putting Forth The Best Face"
LOCATION: Southtown - Two-Story Tour Bus
~ It's about time that Southtown started to show tourists what it was REALLY about, right from the get-go! A recent decision by the Southtown Touring Company has seen the addition of fights to its weekly touring trips -- one lucky bus will be able to bear witness to a fight offered on its very roof, free of charge! This is obviously to show the 'spirit' of Southtown, as it's virtually impossible to step foot into the place without running into one overmuscled berserker trying to knock the other out. Best to let the visitors get the truth, after all.
SPECIAL: Fighters, ham it up! This is a TOUR BUS, and you're ATTRACTIONS. Tourists aren't necessarily 'in the know', so they might not know about what's going on... and it's your job to sell them on it. Dress in Southtown colors, make a big deal out of little things, create overemphasized build up for your moves! The reward is a fat paycheck from Howard Enterprises... I'd do it if I were you.
MATCH 7 ~ Drake VS Ichiro in 'Worlds Collide'
LOCATION: Southtown Recreational Center - Fashion Show
~ It's an odd world. This weekend brings with it the much-anticipated South-Side Vogue Sports Night fashion show, featuring a great variety of fantastic, cutting-edge designs created after the spirit of the uniforms worn by the nation's finest athletes! The special event for the evening is to be a battle between one of the fashion industry's most recent rising stars, Drake Vyril, against Taiyo High's lacrosse team captaion, Ichiro Oe. Will fashion defeat BURNING PASSION on the runway, or will Ichiro slap down Drake's home-field advantage to show that sportwear has no being on the same body with all of those heavy cosmetics?!
MATCH 8 ~ Mizuki VS Aranha in 'Respect'
LOCATION: Abandoned Shrine
~ As a parkour artist, it is safe to assume that Aranha sees potential acrobatics where others might see centuries of worship and faith preserved in simple architecture. Mizuki, raised in a rural environment by a centuries-old family, is very likely posessed of this 'rival' mindset... and it's going to be interesting to see how things go down once Aranha begins cartwheeling off of the Abandoned Shrine's dilapidated structure so that he might get that one opportunistic kick in. Will Mizuki's own defensive-minded fighting style extend towards the poor, abused structure of the Shrine, or will that building see yet more destruction in the wake of this epic fight?!
MATCH 9 ~ Leona VS Lien in 'A Different Kind Of Crafty'
LOCATION: Dream Amusement Park, Southtown
~ Lien, assassin/ninja/hairdo extraordinaire, is very obviously inclined towards the evasive arts, if any sort of attention is paid to her recent SNF matches. Leona Heidern is trained by one of the best, and though she worries more about critical attacks and subversive, lightning-fast combat maneuvering, these SHOULD be an effective counter towards... well... 'ninjas', in an unconventional sense. A house of mirrors provides the perfect backdrop for such an encounter, as Lien's advantage is matched by the MANY opportunities afforded Leona, as well! Which style of thinking will make better use of the incredibly disorienting environment!? Will Lien notice that her bodysuit has become further unzipped and spend precious moments adjusting things to keep the match "PG-13"? Will Leona throw an Earring Bakudan at a mirror and explode herself!? Who knows?!
NOTE: That last one sounds hilarious, let me know if it happens!
MAIN EVENT ~ Todoh VS Eiji in "Ninjutsu"
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ I know, I know, Todoh isn't a ninja. However, one needs to realize that he is entirely capable of hiding just about anywhere, and Howard Enterprises exectuive staff members have recently decided to see EXACTLY how old Ryuhaku manages to bypass their security -every single time- they have a matchup. They've called in a specialist... Eiji Kisaragi, Strolheim's own head security officer, to analyze Todoh's methods and present them with a dissertation on what he might be doing. This isn't, of course, the -BILLING- for the fight... That's far lazier, less specific. Besides, it's the main event, who needs billing on a main event!? It probably involves montages of Todoh Kasane Ateing folks and Eiji reflecting the hell out of things. Basically it can't not be hilarious.
SPECIAL: Eiji, figure out how Todoh does what he does! Todoh, be deceptive!
~ Results aren't up yet, I know, but they will hopefully be up by the afternoon, tomorrow! As always, send @mails and logs, it will be much appreciated!
SNF Review: 8/3/2007 - Fri Aug 10 2007 - Thundercleese
A little late coming? PERHAPS. But it's definitely back, and thanks to a few quick technical changes I've made, SNF Review should be a great deal more regular now. You'll be sure to see the consequences of these changes in... oh, a few days, I'm sure.
BRACE YOURSELVES, FOLKS. Until then, take a look at what we've got so far!
SNF Matches: 8/10/07 - Fri Aug 10 2007 - Thundercleese
OH I'M BACK IN ACTION AND TIRED AS HELL. Your brand-spankin' new, sweet-as-hell SNF matches, straight from my fingertips to you! As always, I need all of you to send in those highlights and logs for perusal, and I would like to, as always, REALLY URGE THIS. Those logs are infinitely helpful in letting me figure out just what's going on, and if I don't get at the very least an @mail... well. It never happened, did it!? Regardless, here we are...!
MATCH 1 ~ Vyle VS Aislinn WITH Katelynn as Chaos Agent in 'Fighting Irish'
LOCATION: Collins Barracks, Dublin, Ireland
~ One of the hardest things for any fighter to do is understand and retaliate against the unpredictable fighting styles presented by untrained, talented opponents. While Aislinn Doyle and "Vyle" are certainly not untrained, Howard Enterprises organizers feel that their style is spontaneous enough to present a good show of 'what to expect' to the soldiers training in Ireland's Collins Barracks. Each fighter is encouraged to pull no stops in this fight, and to give a -full- demonstration of their tricks. This is, after all, education! In an effort to further add to the spontaneity of the match, Katelynn Molina will be providing the soldiers with added explanations of what's going on... in addition to her own unpredictable element!
SPECIAL: Each fighter must narrate their actions aloud! This is to teach those soldiers how real warriors do it, after all! Do your best to teach them. In the event that people don't want to give their 'secrets' away... make something up, right?! That's half the fun! LIE ABOUT IT.
MATCH 2 ~ Sergio VS Soma in 'Investigation!'
LOCATION: Pao Pao Cafe, Southtown
~ Geese Howard is a very, very, very well-established man. The recent crackdown on international crimes has brought Interpol to ask for an under-the-table partnership in taking on the elusive Southtown Syndicate... a group that Mr. Howard feels is perverting the 'honest nature' of Southtown. Joint investigation has brought Interpol to place their own Soma Travedi into Saturday Night Fight, while Howard Enterprises has placed him against a 'suspected Syndicate member', Sergio. The name of the game, at least for now, is observation and good old fashioned 'combat interrogation' while Soma tests Sergio's ability to remain calm under pressure and simple interpersonal skills!
SPECIAL: There's a lot of presumption in this fight, but I'd like both of you to know that the premises, as always, can be scraped in the name of a straight fight -- however, I suppose I figured it'd be a sweet way to start up some crazy RP'd story arcs!
MATCH 3 ~ Hotaru VS Shingo in 'Living Vicariously'
LOCATION: SlamMasters Arena, Metro City
~ Takuma Sakazaki. Saishu Kusanagi. Best of friends, closest of rivals, and both 'indirectly' teaching the disciples of their sons! The question arises, though, as to which of these hallowed bloodlines is able to best teach through intense training on the one end (replication and simple face-punches) with the occasional dab of grandfatherly insight. As such, Kyokugen's youngest, latest rising star Hotaru Futaba is brought up against the determined Kusanagiryu practicioner, Shingo Yabuki, to settle yet another score between two old men!
SPECIAL: I don't even know what will happen if one of you loses this one. It's very possible that Takuma or Saishu themselves asked for this to be set up! DON'T FAIL THEM.
MATCH 4 ~ Alan VS Hinata "VS" Sada in 'Girl Power?!'
LOCATION: Youth Fighters Community Center, Southtown
~ Women have been seeing a rise in attendance of fighting classes, and it's becoming less and less common for girls to be considered 'helpless'... but that doesn't mean that the job is anywhere near done. Sada Asai and Hinata Wakaba have been asked to show their fighting skills at a meeting for young girls interested in learning a combat style themselves... while a male fighter has been asked to show as well, to dispel notions that it is 'unrealistic'. I think.... I think we all know who that male fighter is. He's supposed to be working off emotional damages to the audiences in the last two SNFs he's had. Let's see what happens this time!
MATCH 5 ~ Nadine VS Jaeger in 'Devious Minds'
LOCATION: Justice High School, Main Auditorium
~ Few places are as complicated as the behind-curtains area of a standard theatre stage. It's for exactly this reason that this is the locale for Jaeger and Nadine's match -- few fighters are so well-adapted to such a climate. Between Jaeger's ability to think on his feet and react quickly to unexpected circumstances, and Nadine's penchant for plotting ahead and baffling her opponents (social or martial!) with unforseeable "accidents", this match should prove extremely interesting! Whose quick mind will win the day, the plotter or the soldier??
MATCH 6 ~ Momoko VS Arika in 'Playing To The Crowd'
LOCATION: The Duck Pond, Southtown
~ It's not a concert, believe it or not. Rather than that, the Duck Pond's main stage is currently closed for renovations, but it won't prevent the place from getting its requisite advertising! The attraction for this weekend is to be an autograph signing session between two of the music scene's most easily recognizable divas, Arika Fade and Momoko, followed by (of course) a brief exhibition match between the two. While it isn't, of course, necessary to win the fight, those fans are GOING to want ALL of their photos signed... and it may well mean that these two ladies have to find ways to please their audience's need for ink during their match! Ratings'll go /way/ up, I promise.
SPECIAL: Figure out ways to multitask! Pander to the fans while kicking the other girl in the face for those delicious, delicious ratings to go up. Autographs, photo ops, you name it... you go for it!
MATCH 7 ~ Duke VS Kurow in 'This is an '81 Honda! HOW DARE YOU!!'
LOCATION: Used Car Lot, Southtown
~ It's just a used car lot. Everything in the place is old, castoff, unwanted. People exert all of their effort in making these things look good as new, better than their condition might suggest, longer-lasting than they should be! In short, nobody really cares about it, so Howard Enterprises decided to let two of Saturday Night Fight's most fearsome combatants have at it in the middle of the lot. Expect cars to be thrown around, exploded, finishes dented, profits ruined! It's all in the name of Saturday Night Fight, right? I mean, nobody's going to STOP them, are they?
MAIN EVENT ~ Tenma AND Ryo VS Kain in 'Just Like Old Times'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ It's been a while since we've had a straight matchup. And as such, SNF would like to present to the viewing audience one Kain Heinlein, back from his lark in zero-g! That's right, Saturday Night Fight's institutional 'End Boss' is here to test the mettle of Kyokugen scion Ryo Sakazaki as well as the Guardian Kings' de-facto 'leader', Tenma Kiryuu. Will these two opposite personalities - a 'straight man' and a 'delinquent' - be able to team up effectively enough to handle Kain? Will the entire arena disappear in a gout of purple flames!? Who knows??? And... maybe if Tenma does a REALLY GOOD JOB... well. Preston lurks around the corner, boy! Scouts are paying attention!
SNF Matches: 8/17/07 - Sat Aug 18 2007 - Gonzales
Hey, folks! :D Sorry about the wait, I had to watch High School Musical 2 with my little sister. Thanks to this, though I decided yesterday that if I lived in a video game universe it would be like Persona, I have re-evaluated my judgment and concluded now that it would be a mix of Persona and Rhapsody. ...You just think about that.
As TC is out of commission for a little while, I have seized the reins of authority and usurped his position, taking advantage of his moment of weakness to turn his allies against him and expel him from the palace grounds. He may raise rebels against me if he dares, but for now, the crown is mine again! Fufufufufu! FUFUFUFUFU!
That being said, please enjoy your SNF matches. --Oh, and, no SNF review yet I'm afraid, but TC was working on finagling a slightly new system for it, so look forward to some super sweetness regarding that soon.
MATCH 1 ~ Leona VS Blanka IN 'Gorilla Tactics'
LOCATION: Sao Paulo Zoo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Go Bananas-- Is that a sweet-looking monkey island or what? Well, that's where you're fighting. Leona may find herself at a disadvantage regarding the terrain, at least moreso than Blanka, but the animals have all been removed so she should have no qualms about throwing around explosives or whatever. Well, not /too/ many qualms, but... try not to disturb their 'natural' habitat too much, okay? Bonus points if you can come up with a pun sweeter than the premise in a pose.
MATCH 2 ~ Alan VS Momo IN 'We Love You Alan'
LOCATION: Crazy Zhin's Candy and Pony Emporium, Hong Kong
It's Just Tough Love-- I believe the location should speak for itself. The fight takes place in the huge candy store section of the emporium -- presumably Momo has already visited the stables -- and, as with all Crazy Zhin fights, it is imperative that you make great use of your environment. Feel free to take the fight to the stables, though; just don't hurt the ponies. Bonus points for Momo if she is able to stuff candy in Alan's mouth; bonus points for Alan if he is able to knock Momo into horse dung.
MATCH 3 ~ Guile VS Maki IN '/Real/ American Hero'
LOCATION: Metro Square, Metro City
Knowing Is Half The Battle-- Sure, Guile is the epitome of everything American, however embarrassing that may be for the rest of us. But has he saved Metro City from Mad Gear before? It may shock him to find that here, in Metro City, it is Maki that has the home team advantage, and the crowds are all rooting for her. More importantly than trying to beat up one of the city's old heroes, can he prove to the crowd that he's just as exemplary as she? Serious bonus points if you guys manage to find one or two people who are winning to NPC the tough crowd and judge, based on the characters' actions and behavior, who deserves the most love.
MATCH 4 ~ Hotaru VS Kenji AND Mizuki VS Ingrid IN 'Ladies, Ladies'
LOCATION: Herrods of London Interior, London, England
Putting On The Desperation Moves-- Herrods of London, a legend among department stores. What wouldn't any girl give for a chance at a shopping spree here, not to mention a lovely dinner at the luxurious Yauatcha restaurant in SoHo? (I tried to find some pictures of the interior but I couldn't; really, though, it's amazing, you eat below ground and the only lighting is these hundreds of candles set in criss-cross into the wall, it'll blow your mind.) Well, Kenji is about to find out. Howard Enterprises has taken Kenji aside and told him that if, during the fight, he is able to successfully ask any of these girls out on a date, they will receive an all-expenses paid shopping trip and dinner. But though the audiences at home will be alerted to this before the fight, the girls cannot know that it's more than just a normal date! The real battle is about to begin. Will the mysterious Ingrid be curious enough to give Kenji a chance? Will good-natured Hotaru take pity on the clearly desperate guy just this once? Or will ever-proper Mizuki cave in to his persistence? The
result, my friends, is up to you! Extreme bonus points if Kenji actually does get a date /and/ you guys play out the scene as a social later, and ultra-extreme bonus points if that social becomes a fight because somebody crazy crashes it. Either way, if you do follow-up, submit the log for kicks.
MATCH 5 ~ Shingo VS Tenma AND Zach IN 'Windsurfing'
LOCATION: Underneath the Donghai Bridge, Near Shanghai, China
Weather Alert-- Three rafts; three men; one winner. Or maybe two winners. For though Tenma and Zach are fighting as a team, they will have to coordinate their efforts even as they tack against the heavy winds that are now striking near Donghai, the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. That's right, you yourselves, after receiving a crash course in windsurfing before the match, must direct your own mini-craft, weaving amongst the pylons and attempting to strike at your opponent at the same time! Hopefully you're not too clumsy! But there are more options than at first appear. The rafts are a bit larger and more durable than normal; a bit too large for normal use, really, but you're not going too far. This means that, in theory, there might be room for two people on one for a couple rounds. Furthermore, the nearby pylons have enough notches and marks in them that a little wall-kicking or even rock-climbing is not out of the question. Still, there's only the roiling sea beneath you; so don't forget to wear your life-jacket! Bonus points if anyone attacks with their craft as a Random Weapon; extreme bonus points if anyone /interrupts/ with their craft as a Random Weapon.
MAIN EVENT 1 ~ Sagat VS Rose VS Chun-Li VS Skullomania IN 'Justice Royale'
LOCATION: Il Paradiso, Metro City
Go For Broke-- At least, you have to if you want to purchase one of the dinner plates for this particular charity event for the homeless in Metro City. Howard Enterprises has somehow (!?) managed to reserve this luxurious location for one of their many philantropic events, bringing out some of the toughest and most famous (or infamous until recently) fighters around. Fighters, wear formal attire, for this three-person match is going to be-- wait, who's that in the shadows!? Remember, Skullo, use your /secret/ mindset. You know the one. But go easy on them, okay?
MAIN EVENT 2 ~ Hayato VS Batsu WITH SECRET CHAOS AGENT "Loy" IN 'Class Struggle'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
Sorry, Was That Going Too Far?-- I mean, I was trying to think of something like 'Vatsu', and it just... well, anyway, it's a teacher versus student duel, sure to bring quite the school crowd to Howard Arena... at least until Roy runs in with a steel chair! Oh mah gawd! Oh mah-- golly, Roy sure has lost weight. About 37 pounds worth, I'd say. Bonus points if all three fighters, at some point or another, make use of the steel chair 'Kuroy' uses upon entering. Uber-extreme bonus points if the real Roy is watching and joins the fight.
And that should do it! Page me if you have any questions, I should be on for a little while tonight. That being said, enjoy your matches! And don't forget to @mail-- well, @mail me your results this time, and I'll forward them to TC when he gets back.
Game on! :D
SNF Matches: 8/24/07 - Fri Aug 24 2007 - Gonzales
Surprise! I'm still here! I still clutch the sceptre of authority! Undefeated, I maintain my tenuous grip on my Fifteen Silver Points!
So with no further ado, your matches.
MATCH 1 ~ R.Mika VS Momo IN 'The Wrestling Racket'
LOCATION: SlamMaster's Arena
It's A Dirty Business- But is it a real sport, even vaguely? With all the professional wrestling scandals going around these days, not to mention its usual theatric qualities, that remains a valid question. Thus this test: Momo Karuizawa, real-life star high school tennis player, dons a mask and some unusual outfit and becomes a pro-wrestler for a day, with a name and persona of her choosing; she can keep her racket if she likes, though a steel chair might work
just as well. Rainbow Mika, on the other hand, is simply Mika Nanakawa today, and whatever her actual sports talents is asked to dress up as though she plays a particular sport and bring related accessories for use in combat. How will this role reversal pan out? Will Momo find that her sports abilities translate to professional wrestling aptitude in any way? Will Mika perceive any similarities herself? Will Momo be so successful that she keeps her mask and does some pro-wrestling on the side!? I hope so, because that would be hilarious. Bonus points if Momo comes up with a better play on words than 'The Wrestling Racket' for her own fake wrestling name; extra bonus points if Mika throws something at Momo for the explicit purpose of Momo attempting to reflect it with a steel chair.
MATCH 2 ~ Frei VS Sergio IN 'Accidental Casanova'
LOCATION: On the Seine, Paris, France
Love Blooming on the Battleship- Where by battleship I refer to one of those flat tourist boats; you know, like the one centered in the middle of the photo. Anyway, let's take a moment to feel sorry for Sergio, everyone. Why is it that so many lovely fighting ladies have to be so /young/? Surely they don't all retire at age 28; they're warriors, not Japanese flight attendants. Of course, it's also unclear why so many of them are so attractive -- it must be something in the chi -- but never mind that: he simply has too few opportunities to meet women of a viable age for him. What an opportunity this must be, then, to stage a fight on a boat in Paris, strutting his stuff while gazed upon by French and foreign women in their mid- to late 30s! Tres magnifique! It's about time! Only, an inordinate amount of them seem to have a thing for younger guys, especially cute little fellows like Frei... while poor Frei suffers their cooing and hankerchief waving, can Sergio prove he's still got it? This is another Tough Crowd fight, so again, I would be extremely pleased if you guys could find some players to NPC some entertaining female audience members, deciding for themselves during the match whether Sergio is doing enough to distract their attentions away from a most likely indifferent Frei.
MATCH 3 ~ Guile VS Rolento IN 'A Matter of Pride'
LOCATION: Al Udeid Air Force Base, Qatar, Middle East
You Know, Like In Transformers- Only here the helicopters won't engage in complex transformations into fighting robots. Or will they!? No, it's doubtful Rolento has progressed that far on his own, and after his decisive defeat in Metro City, in many respects that is what he is: on his own. Guile will here get another chance to prove himself an honorary member of Team America by facing off against the elusive Rolento in what could vaguely be considered 'neutral territory', at least insofar as Rolento maintains an easy escape route. And, even if he may not be aware, this too is an opportunity for Rolento: to prove he is not a mere has-been villain just living his life in fear of the day when an international war crimes tribunal finally catches up with him for good, and that if he can beat Guile, he can still beat America-- or at least, the America not run by Rolento.
MATCH 4 ~ Blanka VS Hotaru IN 'Forest Friends'
LOCATION: San Juan Island, Washington, United States
PNW Represent!- Such verdant landscapes! What beautiful old growth forests! It's not the jungle, but it's about as wet. Even a fighter not familiar with the area can see plenty of room for opportunity, however: the numerous trees provide excellent cover and are easily climbable; the undergrowth is thick and easy to hide in. Blanka, having spent his life in the wilderness and having physically adapted to survive there, has a number of definite advantages in an environment like this. But Hotaru is the ally of the small creatures of the forest just as much as he, and perhaps /they/ can aid her in countering whatever advantages he might have. Like by summoning Bigfoot! Do it, Hotaru! I gave you that second MAX for a reason! Bonus points if Hotaru uses birds as spies to find Blanka hidden in the trees. Extra bonus points if Blanka retaliates by eating one. ...Does he eat birds?
MATCH 5 ~ Shingo VS Maki WITH CHAOS AGENT Todoh IN 'Wedding Crasher'
LOCATION: Palatine Chapel, Aachen, Germany
Speak Now Or...- They were not told who their opponent was. They were only told to 'wear this': in Shingo's case, a stylish and perfectly tailored tuxedo; in Maki's case, a simple but elegant white Western wedding dress complete with lace veil, fine and flowing enough to catch one's breath but not so overwrought that it might, say, trip her up if she needed to move quickly. Then they were brought to the chapel, whereupon the wedding music began to play. The SNF cameras were rolling but no one is telling them what to do, and as the scene begins they are being asked to say their vows by the single priest in the front of the chapel-- Shingo and Maki get a chance to pose as the priest rambles on, describing their reactions to this bizarre and uncomfortable situation-- but when the priest first asks if anyone objects, only then does Todoh suddenly burst through the door, shouting "I do!" and attacking either of the fighters. Whereupon one of the cameramen shouts "Shingo versus Maki: fight!" alerting them that though Todoh is the assailant, he is not their
opponent... Extreme bonus points if the priest is actually Kurow pretending to be Boman. I feel as though I do not need a reason for this suggestion. If you are in fact crazy enough to do this, be advised that Kurow, if he joins the fight, may only attack Todoh, who may fight back, and not either of the fighters, and they should not target him.
SNF TITLE MATCH ~ Adelheid VS Sakura IN 'Revisionism'
LOCATION: Howard Arena Revised ~ Hall Of Mirrors
Historic, Aesthetic- Revise, revise! Historically speaking, we are referring to the most common and simple form of revisionism, which is namely 'pretending things never happened'-- which, since this takes place in Japan, we should all be quite good at (oho, snap!). Specifically, this is an SNF Title match, and Yamazaki is nowhere to be found, not even in the liner notes. It's as though he never existed; this is, it /appears/, what he gets for striking. Aesthetically speaking, we are referring to the new setup the Howard Arena has for this fight, which involves a Enter The Dragon style maze of mirrors set up in the middle of the arena wherein the fighters must wander, engage, and evade their opponent. Cameras set up to point down into the maze give the audience a clear view of all the goings on on large televisions the fighters themselves cannot see, so this should be fun for everyone. But what is the purpose of a new title? Are people really supposed to forget about Yamazaki? Or is this a lure to draw him out in rage and protest, to openly challenge whatever punk kid wins this title...?
@maaaaaaaaaiil me.
With some details.
That is all. XD
Log created on 08:34:54 06/06/2007 by Kobun, and last modified on 21:02:38 09/23/2007.