Jinchuu - [Pre] Deus Ex Machina

Description: [Riko vs. Aislinn] When you're an artificial human, a programmed battle cyborg - there's really not much that can faze you. Which is good for Aislinn - since she's the latest victim of the Ryouhara Dojo.

The room is dark. The floor is cold.

Not somewhere Aislinn Doyle expected to find herself. Not somewhere she expected at all. But it's not like she was given a choice in this matter. No. Riko Koganei's been keeping an eye on her, ever since their chance encounter months ago. And when Riko does her research, it's always very thorough. She knew Aislinn's movements. She tracked her to Seijyun High. She laid in wait. And when Aislinn left the gates at the end of the school day...

...that's when Riko struck.

A flash of light, a cloud of smoke, an overwhelmingly crushing weight.

And now, Aislinn's here.

Of course, it isn't really clear where 'here' is. The room is heavily shadowed. The only illumination comes from scattered electric lanterns hanging overhead - and that light isn't terribly bright. It's a dull blue glow. There are shapes, though, in the darkness, at the edges of the room. Large shapes. Machinery, weapons, other things.

And the lean figure of a man, sitting upon the silhouette of a wheeled cart.

He's not clearly visible. But Riko...Riko is. She stands in the light. Beneath one of those lamps. A few feet away from where Aislinn lies, sprawled unceremoniously on the cold stone floor.

Riko waits, patiently. Waiting for Aislinn to wake up.

In Riko's hands is a plastic serving tray, two mugs on it. A teapot. A coffee pot. Milk. Sugar.

Wisps of steam rise from the beverage containers, curling round her face.

Seishirou knows a lot about Seijyun High.

Having worked there for some time as one of the groundskeepers, he'd had quite some time to secure as many documents as he'd needed from that school, and of course, a few of the other major schools. Justice High notwithstanding the rule.

The source of that silhouette, Ryouhara is silent, perched on the cart. He says nothing to Riko. He sips tea. From his own cup, minding it with both hands. Though, from the look of it, it has long since gone cold, in spite of the pot Riko carries. The nin doesn't seem too interested in a refill at the moment.

Currently, though he is limned in shadow, the subject of his exact interest is quite clear.

She should be waking up any time now.

The instances of Aislinn being ambushed at Seijyun have gone up by a factor of two. And that is something disturbing to her. Riko is, of course, a ninja and thus of far greater stealth than Aislinn could aspire to; but the result is still displeasing to her. How can she be expected to be a warrior of any caliber if little girls can just knock her over the head?

She rises, slowly; lifting her head, opening her eyes, letting her vision adjust. Not much to see, of course, other than Riko... but clearly she is not anywhere near Seijyun High. Naturally, she awoke with a headache--one that is fading rapidly, thanks to the cybernetics in her body, but she is sure that more headaches will be presenting themselves, shortly. Finally she is upright--sitting up, really, not standing--her lavender eyes fixed on Riko.

Surprisingly, there is no rancor in them. But then, there isn't much of anything in them at all; her lack of emotion is perhaps somewhat frightening, in as much as one might expect a kidnapped person to be afraid, or angry, or -something-.

She's still alive--which means there must be a reason. Anyone who could knock someone out without being seen could also murder someone without being seen--and as Aislinn well knows, one cannot detect a murderer by sight.

Despite the questions running through her brain, she merely fixes her gaze on Riko--ignoring, though noting, Seishirou's presence. The question is asked via her gaze, and is the only thing 'alive' in it.

That question is, of course, 'why?'


Riko meets Aislinn's eyes.

The question is received, the question understood.

But Riko does not answer. Not immediately.

She merely smiles faintly, the corner of her mouth twitching up, her lips curling. Slowly, Riko glides forward, the wheels of her in-line skates making a rattling sound as they cross the uneven stone floor. The vibration stirs the contents of the tray in Riko's hands, teaspoons clinking against each other. Riko adjusts her grip, steadying the tray, holding it out to Aislinn.

"Coffee," she asks, "tea?"

He blinks only once when Aislinn rises.

The mannerisms of the subject today are closely watched by Ryouhara, but he seems not to mind the measured disinterest. One could easily imagine at the very least a greeting, or an acknowledgement, or even a /motion/ for at the least, comfort's sake when Aislinn comes to her feet. A move of some kind, beyond a stray glance to Riko when she greets their guest. Even a simple reaction.

One, of course, does eventually materialize.

Seishirou's own mug lifts.

With reverence just shy of innocence, he sips.

Aislinn, by way of contrast, smiles not at all. Then, she probably isn't expected to. She can stare all night, if she has to; she doesn't -need- to blink, it's just better if she does. Less creepy. But she can not blink if she needs to. So it is her lavender eyes still just look at Riko, as the ninja grrl approaches.

And Aislinn is then asked a simple question, one which requires an either/or answer. But Aislinn's only answer is silence. She apparently is not much interested in coffee or tea; rather, she would like to know what this is all about. Random kidnappings--well, perhaps it isn't so random. This is Aislinn's suspicion. And she would like to have things resolved quickly.

The statue of Seishirou is noted, again, as that mug lifts, but beyond that, there is no attention paid. Seishirou may be Riko's master, he may have something to do here. In fact, it's more than likely. But Aislinn feels somehow that Riko is here for a specific reason. Finding her body returned to her fully, she rises to her own feet, only the vaguest hint of a frown turning her lips downward.

Riko tilts her head slightly, a small frown crossing her face. It's a deliberate frown, a theatrical one, a careful pursing of the lips for maximum effect. "Oh dear," she says, "I -knew- it. You don't drink either."

The little ninja looks down at her tray, despondently. "Umn. Oh dear. I think we have hot chocolate, though /someone/..."

Riko glances significantly at Seishirou.

"...ate all the marshmallows."

She turns her eyes back to Aislinn. For a moment, Riko's look becomes piercing, one of intense and uncompromising scrutiny.

Then the moment's gone. She smiles sunnily and tosses her head, her glossy black hair glinting under the harsh electric lights.

"Well! To business, then!"

How long can Aislinn just not respond? Her gaze is calm, but just as intense; she gives nothing away and similarly takes nothing either, from that gaze. The joke is perhaps lost on her, and it is only when Riko pronounces the word business that any reaction is made at all.

That reaction is almost one of relief; the worst torture she could think of would probably consist of her and Riko in a closed room. That's it. Aislinn's lips part and she finds her voice for the first time, in light of this little revelation.

"What is this business?" Yeah, okay, it's the standard question. The -expected- question. But doing what's expected isn't always bad. Aislinn being who she is, she prefers directness to anything else; the whole show-and-play of the coffee and tea is merely a minor irritant.

A minor irritant that Riko /insists/ on. Indeed, she's still holding the tray out to Aislinn, proferring the mugs and hot beverages.

"Well," Riko says, "we've fought before, and you've been on Saturday Night Fight and stuff."

Riko adjusts her grip on the tray. The contents of the tray are very tastefully arranged, glossy ceremic glinting under the odd glow of the chamber's lamps. Small silver spoons. An artfully decorated white china teapot, a coffee pot of glass. Little containers of milk and sugar. A masterful example of the domestic server's art.

"...but Seishirou-sama hasn't seen what you can do. Not in person."

"So," Riko continues, glibly, "we've kidnapped you on a thinly veiled pretext and dragged you here so we can engage in wanton and senseless violence. We apologise for any inconvenience caused."

Oh, so it's to be violence. Very well. Aislinn expected that... violence permeates her life, much like the smell of cows permeates a dairy farm. However, it is one of the few things she does enjoy (she doesn't enjoy the smell of cows). At the end of Riko's little speech, Aislinn nods, once. But then, why is it important for Seishirou to see what she can do? Is this an 'Apprentice' style 'replace my ninja grrl' thing?

The Silent Assassin glances down at the serving tray. Briefly--so very briefly--she considers attempting to snap it out of Riko's hands. But the girl is probably fast enough to avoid it, and really, there's no reason to do so. Instead, she balls her hands into fists, raises them up, left held near her chin, right trailing some. Her right leg slides back a little.. and then she cocks her head at Riko. A clear expression of her desire to 'get it on'.

[OOC] Seishirou says, "did you just compare violence to the smell of cows"

COMBATSYS: Riko has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Riko             0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0

COMBATSYS: Aislinn has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riko             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

COMBATSYS: Aislinn focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riko             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

No reason to do so.

Well, not exactly.

It's a nicely arranged tray, yes. A clear sign of hospitality. Nice mugs. Hot drinks.

The thing is...

Seishirou, over there behind Riko... he's sipping from a different mug, not one of the ones on the tray. And his drink is cold. There is no steam rising from it. If fresh tea and coffee is available, why would he be drinking a tepid beverage?R
Because he knows he shouldn't.

Riko's grin widens as Aislinn adopts a clear combat stance.

Then Riko moves. With a sudden lightning-quick motion, she tips her tray, slinging the contents at Aislinn. The mugs, pots, spoons and containers arc through the air.

And then they explode.

The plastic explosive charges gummed to each item detonate all at once, turning the flying service set into a fireball laced with steam and razor ceremic shards.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn dodges Riko's Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riko             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

[OOC] Aislinn almost tried for an interrupt LTO there, because she had a really amusing thought for the pose.
[OOC] Aislinn was actually going to have her jacket do a Zero and have whirring blades slashing out through the fireball.
[OOC] Seishirou says, "--"
[OOC] Seishirou says, "THAT WOULD BE SO COOL"
[OOC] Riko says, "...weaponized school uniform."
[OOC] Riko says, "NESTS took that seifuku. NESTS took that blazer."
[OOC] Riko says, "They made it better."
[OOC] Riko says, "They made it stronger."
[OOC] Riko says, "They made it...NESTS."
[OOC] Riko says, "That skirt..."
[OOC] Riko says, "Is now a NESTS skirt."
[OOC] Riko says, "And NESTS knows skirts."

Of course. Plastic explosives on the tray and everything else. Riko's 'unpredicability' is in itself somewhat predictable. Aislinn is already moving--in some circumstances she can be just as fast as Riko, apparently--ducking forward and tumbling -past- the roiling fireball. Not too incidentally she's also rolling past Riko. It isn't a full on tumble, though; Aislinn really only turns one revolution before she's stopping herself, rising to her feet.

Though, perhaps not -rising- persay--she's on her hands and one leg, her left, folded underneath her. Her hands provide a pivot point as she sweeps her extended right leg around, aiming to knock Riko off her feet.

COMBATSYS: Riko blocks Aislinn's Medium Kick.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riko             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

But Riko drops smoothly, into a half-crouch. That kick never touches her. At least not directly. For Aislinn's heel slams, instead, into the hard surface of the serving tray. Riko holds it like a shield, deflecting the blow. The impact still jars her - Aislinn hits hard - but Riko literally rolls with the shock, her in-line skates sliding over the floor. She moves back on wheeled feet.

Riko's eyes remain locked on Aislinn. She's still smiling, but that smile doesn't reach her eyes. They're clinical, evaluating.

Yes, the contents of the tray were booby-trapped.

Nobody said it was supposed to be unpredictable.

Not entirely.

After all, Riko stated that they want to see what Aislinn can do.

She saw through that. Very good.

Now the test really begins. In earnest.

Riko swings the tray up, whipping the edge towards Aislinn.

The edge appears to be sharpened.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn dodges Riko's Medium Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Riko             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

The glint of the tray's edge does -not- escape Aislinn's notice. After all, it is one of the few things in the room that catches the light almost actively. Razor edges have a way of doing so that is, to the practiced eye, screams like a warning klaxon.

But what to do about it? Aislinn isn't in a good position to counter; her hands are still down on the floor. However, she can -pivot-. And pivot she does, such that the tray-blade slashes the air right where her torso used to be.

Her legs are not going unused during this movement, either; her extended right is drawn inwards and then Ais has her feet under her.

And then she moves, lunging forward, rising upwards and attempting to catch Riko with a shoulder-based uppercut--of course, she has to lean forward more than she has to rise, but she maintains her balance pretty well.

Oh yes, and there's the crackle of electricity as well, power surging briefly around her striking shoulder.

COMBATSYS: Riko interrupts Fierce Punch from Aislinn with Light Fantastic EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Riko             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

In a sweet and high soprano, Riko bursts into song.

"o/` Anything you can do, I can do better..."

The charged shoulder crashes into Riko, pounding her ribs. The crackle of electricity surges into Riko's body, drawing an involuntary grimace, her facial muscles tightening. But that's all the sign of pain she shows. It must hurt, it must, but Riko gives little indication. She moves fluidly, gracefully, flipping the tray in her hand round - and smacking it into Aislinn's body right as the other girl hits her.

Metal is a conductor. And Riko's /own/ chi surges, a dancing blue-white. Lightning as well, smashing through the tray and into Aislinn.

"o/` ...I can do anything better than you!"

Singing? The impact hurts, surely--but not as much as all that. Aislinn staggers back to upright, her lips pursed--no worries yet, as she checks her physical condition. But then, she reminds herself, supposedly the goal is to 'show her abilities'... whatever that means. Aislinn has already demonstrated one ability--the ability to utilize chi--and she has no compunctions about showing another.

Thus, even as she's struck by the tray and thrown off her attack, she's planning her next step--and that comes as she takes a short hop away from Riko, landing and concentrating. Then, a surge of power takes place, under her feet--which manifests as crawling red tendrils of electricity that climb her body like a Tesla coil. Of course that's only the visual effect, but perhaps it's enough.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn gathers her will.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Riko             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

Riko's eyes widen, just a little, her eyebrows arching. It's an impressive display. A bright display, too. The amount of light coming off Aislinn is actually /more/ than the relatively dim illumination in this chamber. So much light that it momentarily banishes the shadows, casting the large room into stark relief.

Her eyes flit to Seishirou. Communicating in a single toss of the head a message without words.

This ability of Aislinn's...it changes things.

Riko smiles.

How interesting.

"Ooh," Riko singsongs, "Love's an electric storm... o/`"

Her skate-clad feet set themselves on the flagstones. Stunt skates, built for speed and agility. But modified even further by Riko. Her own chi is electric, as Aislinn has, by now, observed. But it is more than power that merely /mimics/ electricity.

"...of pleasure and pain where thunder and lightning..."

No, to a great degree, it /is/ electricity. The flow of electrons. The creation of magnetic induction. Electricity to magnetism. And with the proper coils and simple components, baked into skate wheels... magnetism to motive force.

A primitive motor.

Riko shoots forward, holding the hard and rigid tray before her.

"o/` ...are striking us down!"

COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Riko's One Hit Wonder.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Riko             0/-------/----===|=======\=------\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Still singing. However, it proves not to be a distraction, as Aislinn can basically ignore it. Her power is perhaps not as varied as Riko's, but it is no less -powerful-. And even with the energy flowing through her, the effort it takes to do that, she's concentrating enough to know when Riko's incoming.

She can't break contact yet; she'd lose the buildup. And despite Riko's speed boost, she can see her coming from a mile away. So the tray is her desired weapon? Very well; Aislinn raises her right forearm, and turns it so that the top of her forearm is facing outwards. Then she braces it with her left. And it is -that- which the tray impacts--scoring a deep cut before Aislinn can twist her arm around to deflect the tray.

And then Aislinn hopes to capitalize on Riko's closeness, moving swiftly--at least, for her--and seeking to sweep Riko's feet with a low left leg. Her stance changes as she kicks--she ends up squatting on her right leg, almost, leaning back, and just after that sweeping kick she's lunging forward, intent on planting a pair of palms into Riko's stomach while the ninja is midair.

COMBATSYS: Riko dodges Aislinn's Sniper Thrust.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Riko             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 3 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Light casts off of Seishirou as the electric bolts crawl through the dojo. The familiar hiss and pop of heated air snapping shut in the passage of chi is no big surprise to him--after all. As just displayed, Riko's talent -- and a good portion of the training he's had to improvise for her -- is of chi, and the electricity spectrum. Rare in comparison to Seishirou's fire element, but arguably more effective for their style.

However, when Riko nods at him, the ninja raises an eyebrow. Aislinn's own abilities..

Seishirou sets the empty mug on the platform of the cart he currently sits on.

He returns the nod.

In the direction of Riko's opponent.

Pay attention.

Oh, attention is being paid.

If Riko were distracted, she wouldn't be able to flow around Aislinn's attacks like that. Her skate wheels moving smoothly over the stone floor, her motion a graceful whirl. The kick goes wide. The twinned palm strike doesn't hit Riko, either. She slides back just enough, such that Aislinn's attack falls /just/ short, missing by less than an inch. But in this case, an inch is as good as a mile.

Precisely calculated. Distance gauged and measured. Good enough. No, Riko isn't distracted.

Nor is the singing a sign of irrelevance. That too is a test. She wanted to see how Aislinn would react to it. And a /lack/ of response is also a reaction. Another data point. Another fact of note.

Riko doesn't stop singing, however. Her voice is still raised in song - switching tunes and keys without missing a beat. Literally.

"o/` I fight with force and power for my land..."

Electricity surges round Riko's skate wheels...as she directly manipulates the electron flow, stopping her motion. Spinning the wheels in a new direction, altering her movement. One flat side of the serving tray whips towards Aislinn - as the ninja girl accelerates at the same time.

If she hits, all her velocity will be transmitted to Aislinn. At once.

Precisely calculated.

"...I command the lightning's hand! o/`"

COMBATSYS: Aislinn counters Isometric View from Riko with Brutal Hammer.
- Power hit! -

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Riko             0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Yes, Aislinn's lack of reaction is, in and of itself, a data point. She, too, is collecting data from this--things have changed for Riko, and that is the truth. Of course, she isn't yet comparing this fight with her previous fight with Riko; all processing power, as it were, is focused on this fight. It's no use not letting yourself get distracted by your opponent if you distract yourself.

So it is that Aislinn feels, almost, as if she is seeing -past- this dance of physical motion and electrical power--that she is reaching into and through the realm of probabilities and physics, of analysis and calculation. To a realm called 'heart', where those who have mastered it let their instincts rule their reactions.

The flat side of the tray isn't what contacts Aislinn. The movement is subtle--some might say sublime--but Riko's rotation is stopped by a mere half-step in that rotating direction. Aislinn contacts Riko's arm where it will have the least impact--right at her shoulder.

And then, though really, it's all part of the same smooth movement, the Silent Assassin is cradling Riko's head almost gently, for a mere moment...

A moment that is ended by the sudden, and quite violent, swing of Aislinn's head forward, for a single, intense headbutt that lands right between Riko's eyes, Ais releasing her hold on Riko in the same moment.

Riko reels, her mouth open like a stunned fish. Her eyes are crossed, glassy and blank. She hits the ground. Not gracefully, definitely not. There's nothing elegant about that motion. Quite the opposite, in fact. She simply falls, struck so very hard that she's momentarily senseless. It's a heartbeat or so before Riko recovers. She presses her palms to the cold stone floor, shoves herself up and onto her feet.

She rolls back, still bent partially over, spine curled. Watching Aislinn warily. The tray lies on the ground. She dropped it when she was hit. She makes no attempt to pick it up. No...back, she rolls, until she's almost at one of the chamber's walls. Behind her, a vertical surface of welded steel plate.

"What," Riko groans, "I wasn't THAT out of key, was I?"

COMBATSYS: Riko gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Riko             0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

There is an advantage to be pressed, here; a swift attack may prove to be good pressure to put on Riko. Truth be told, Aislinn does not really expect to win; even if she does, she is in an unfamiliar, unknown area, and ninja are not known for making escapes easy.

So she fights because the fight is here. She expects, somehow, that even should she defeat Riko, she could not defeat Seishirou, much less the other ninja that undoubtedly occupy the area. This may be her final fight; she will fight with every ounce of skill she can summon.

To that end, she lunges forward, following Riko's backward roll and passage--dipping low during her first step, Aislinn snagged that tray off of the floor. And then--

--then she plants her feet and sends her momentum whipping through her body, into the arm holding the tray, and it is brought up, back, around, and forward, before being launched, a hissing metallic missile aimed for Riko's body.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Riko with Thrown Object.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Riko             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Riko hisses, breath escaping her throat in a pained sound. That hurt. A thin red line slashes across her torso, crossing her ribs. The fabric of her t-shirt is torn, exposing the flesh beneath - and the wound. She moves away from the wall, still rolling on her skates. More distance. Her eyes regard Aislinn.

Attacked with her own weapon.

Riko's agonized expression turns into a smile. There is, though, no humour in it.

"Hm," she muses. Not addressing Aislinn - but Seishirou.


COMBATSYS: Riko gathers her will.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Riko             1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 21 of 30. Super: 11 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Riko1Aislinn1

Aislinn's fighting philosophy is remarkably similar to Riko's; use whatever works. It's just that in her case, she doesn't carry implements and tricksy things to do this with; she has to improvise on a more pure level, rather than subscribing to Riko's MacGyvering brand of jury rig.

She restarted her movements just after throwing the tray--hit or miss, her next 'move' carries her in close once again, her favored range, and with so much distance to go, Aislinn chooses to attempt something most un-graceful herself--she lunges shoulder first, in an attempt to simply crush Riko into the wall. Of course she'll have plenty of time to get out of the way, but Aislinn will try regardless.

And once again she displays her own red lightning, the charge building and crackling around her entire torso as she throws herself at the ninja.

COMBATSYS: Riko blocks Aislinn's Fierce Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Riko             1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 13 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Riko1Aislinn1

Ryouhara? He cracks a wry smirk in Riko's direction. There is an audible chuckle. Light, of course. But offered regardles. Despite Riko's humor--or ouroirted lack thereof--Seishirou seems amused in some way. THere is a line of interest here--he studies Asilinn with a detached interest, now lacking in the grimness of his earlier composure, if only by a faint degree.

She seems measurably tougher than the last one they brought in.

But that's hardly the subject of his--and by extension, their--interest.

Well, she tried to get away from the wall...to prevent /that/ very eventuality from happening. Apparently Aislinn had different ideas, however. She saw the danger just as Riko did. And capitalized on it. Riko's movement means she isn't pinned entirely. She was already moving away when Aislinn struck - so the smaller girl glances off the surface at an angle. It doesn't hurt as much as it could have.

But it still hurts.

Riko ignores that, though. Her eyes glint in the azure light cast by the lamps overhead, the only illumination in the chamber. They're focused on Aislinn. And Riko strikes back, bouncing off the wall in a spin, one skated boot whipping at Aislinn. A keep-away move.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Riko's Light Kick.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Riko             1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 13 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Riko1Aislinn1

The boot is met with Aislinn's palm; almost contemptuously she ignores the sting of impact, and pushes the boot out of the way. If it weren't for the utter calm in Aislinn's eyes she might even be accused of expression something akin to emotion.

Once again, Aislinn targets Riko with her shoulder; once again, she's lunging in. But this time her back is turned more, almost directly away from Riko, and the lunge isn't very hard--just enough, if it hits, to knock Riko off balance for the real attack.

And that comes from her left leg, whipping almost straight up, arcing through the air, forcing Aislinn's body to turn towards her left as she brings it up, slicing for Riko's body. It's a move from Chinese Kenpo, a style Aislinn does not often employ...

COMBATSYS: Riko fails to interrupt Light Kick from Aislinn with Houdini EX.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Riko             0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

...but effective nonetheless.

Riko's hit. Breath explodes from her, forced involuntarily from her lungs. She gasps as she hits the ground. She manages to turn her fall into a roll, but it's far from the evasion she had planned. Aislinn is faster than when they last fought, it seems.

She ends up in a low crouch on the stone floor, bent over, her palms and fingers touching the ground. She looks up at Aislinn.

Yes. Faster and stronger. Riko's sure of it.

Faster, stronger. They can rebuild her. They have the technology. Fortunately no one saw fit to add in those damnable 70's sound effects; Aislinn would have demanded their removal post-haste.

Though Riko can't see it, Aislinn smiles faintly, when she feels contact made with Riko's chest; she keeps the leg high as she rotates around, displaying some flexibility as she does so, then lowers her leg. This time, however, she chooses -not- to continue the assault; rather, she returns to her 'standard' stance and... waits... and watches. There is a time for everything, after all.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn focuses on her next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Riko             0/-------/-======|=======\===----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Watching. Waiting. A fine old-fashioned standoff. Riko's on the ground, crouched low. She rocks back, shifting her balance, lifting her hands from the floor. She's still held close to the ground, but now balancing entirely on her wheeled feet, her legs tightly bent at the knees. Her hands come together, index fingers steepling. On anyone else, it might be a casual gesture. Here and now, it has a careful deliberateness to it.

Earlier in this encounter, Riko was verbose. She spoke a lot. She even sang. Now...she's quiet. The words have served their purpose. She knows Aislinn's not going to respond.

So be it.

Riko just crouches there. Watching Aislinn. She makes no move to attack.

She doesn't need to move. For when it comes, the attack isn't from Riko - but from above.

Electricity, after all. Electricity. That has been a major point in this fight.

And it is also a major reason for this room's construction.

Sheet metal. Heavy girders. Wall panels of steel. Lamps hanging from the ceiling, dangling from power cords. The latter are insulated, yes, but still very much /conduits/.

And one of those light fixtures, the one directly above Aislinn...explodes, in a spray of shattering glass, the bulb bursting from within. A veritable thunderbolt leaping from the socket, heading down, down, down.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn dodges Riko's Metamysticparallectrolysis.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Riko             0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

It's like something straight out of the Matrix, really; Aislinn looks up as she senses the energies flowing out of Riko, into the room... and finally into that light fixture. She reacts instantly--more than instantly, really--crouching then leaping backwards. She seems to hang in the air for a moment, maybe even a bit longer, while the lightning bolt crashes and thunders and sears the air. And even briefly blinded, she can remember where Riko is...

... and it's just a touch of chi to divert her direction and send her flying for Riko in a diving dropkick--that is--both feet aimed for Riko's face, red energy once again flaring around Aislinn's booted feet.

COMBATSYS: Riko endures Aislinn's Strong Kick.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Riko             1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Riko1Aislinn1

She doesn't dodge.

She doesn't even try.

She just...remains where she is.

The double kick smashes square into her face, with such force that it almost shatters the cartilage of Riko's nose, the bones of her jaw.

Amazingly, she does not make a sound.

No, the only emotion she displays is one of calm implacable resolve.

In a way, the two girls are not...entirely dissimilar.

Riko does not move, because she is still channeling her chi. The discharge from the light fixture, that was merely...the first of it. Her chi is still flowing, her aura extending, encompassing the entire chamber.

It is a remarkable feat. One she would not be capable of...if it wasn't for the fact this room was specifically /designed/ for it, shaped by Seishirou's hands, in accordance with his principles. Principles that Riko knows full well.

But it isn't entirely the room, since in the end, the power and will come from /her/. And in some select ways, Riko has greater ability with chi than even her teacher.

The chamber comes alive.

Lines of blue trace round the floor, the gaps between the flagstones lighting up. Spidery lines of runic inscriptions crawl across the stones. Azure sigals flare into being on the walls, on the ceiling.

And then...


COMBATSYS: Aislinn Toughs Out Riko's Level 360!

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Riko             0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 14 of 16.Riko0Aislinn1

Riko didn't move, didn't even make a sound, as her face was very nearly smashed in by Aislinn's booted feet. And despite the kidnapping and all that... Riko has Aislinn's respect as a fellow warrior. So when the room lights up, Aislinn steels herself; when she feels the surges peak, she grits her teeth.

And she, too, doesn't move. The energy tears into her, but the pain is not nearly as bad as it could be--and Aislinn is not just not moving. Her cybernetics are -absorbing- some of the energy, not only reducing the damage... but taking Riko's own power and converting it into potential motive power, a potential that is released... -now-.

Suddenly, Aislinn blurs forward, straight for Riko, hands outstretched for the ninja girl's shoulders...

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Riko with Momentum Overdrive.

[                                < >  /////////////////             ]
Riko             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0          Aislinn
2 health gauges: Riko (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 0 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Aislinn (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Riko0Aislinn0

... and contact. Aislinn bears Riko to one metallic wall and puts on the brakes. Even before her feet touch the ground she's assaulting Riko with her fists--alterating, repeated body blows, hammering in like a machinegun assault, pounding her body upwards of thirty times in the space of perhaps five seconds. Aislinn strikes her last body blow then drifts backward about five yards before delivering the final blow--a lunging Sniper Thrust, a two-fisted thrust punch right into Riko's sternum.

And now she says one more thing.

"That... is my ability."


That's all she feels. That's all she /can/ feel. Nova-bright spasms running through her nerves. It's like her entire world is on fire, a pure unadulterated agony. Riko lies smashed against the wall, the metal dented and cratered around her body, buckled, warped, from the impact.

Slowly, Riko raises her head. That simple motion is enough to send fresh sparks of pain shooting up and down her spine, running through every vertabrae. She gasps, faintly. And even that, the releasing of breath, even -that- hurts. She can feel one of her ribs give.

If it wasn't for her physical conditioning and the powerful chi-based regenerative techniques Seishirou taught her, a technique strengthened by the chi pathways in this room, she might well be /dead/ by now.

As it is, she's barely clinging on to consciousness. And she knows it won't last.

Riko meets Aislinn's eyes. She's never seen something like that. Never. She doesn't /know/ how the other girl does it - she badly wants to know how. For now, though, she smiles. It is, amazingly, genuine and without malice.

In a whisper, she says:

"This...is mine."

The room plunges into darkness.

For a moment, there is nothing. Then there's...sounds.

One after another, each and every machine and electronic device in the chamber comes alive. The mechanical constructs ranged against the walls rumbling into motion. Technological components are stimulated, activated directly by the touch of Riko's power. Other devices, based on pure chi seals, also activate, sparked by the brush of the girl's chi.

"...nice work," Riko continues, her voice barely audible, "you pass, I think...but you won't beat them."

Then there's the sound of another, more subtle movement. The sound of a tall, lean figure swinging off a storage cart.

"...or him."

Riko smiles...and passes out.

She meant what she said, though. This was /always/ a stacked deck. The odds were against Aislinn at the very beginning. Fighting Riko in an arena prepared by her. And now, this.

But of course, win or loss, that was never the point. The test was not of the result, but of the method. The how.

Things are never simple, after all.

Never simple.

COMBATSYS: Riko takes no action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|
1 health gauges: Aislinn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Aislinn0

COMBATSYS: Riko can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|
1 health gauges: Aislinn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Aislinn0

The assault of pure noise is... powerful, to be sure, but too undirected to actually be an attack. Aislinn stands in the middle of the room, waiting for it to end.

Of course. Were she to try to flee, she'd be cut down immediately. She knew this from the beginning. So she merely stands there. Stands tall. Stands proud.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Aislinn stares up at the darkness.

"I'm ready."

Log created on 20:13:26 06/04/2007 by Riko, and last modified on 04:16:29 07/27/2007.