SNF 2007.06 - Tuna! Preston/Momoko vs Honda

Description: E.Honda and sushi go together like peanut butter and jelly. But Momoko and Preston stand in Honda's way, on this here tuna freighter! (Winners: Preston and Momoko)

It's rare when major shipping lanes are closed, even for a brief time. A passenger cruiser passing through, a collision of ships, or simply an outbreak of gang warfare would all be reasons for ship activity to be momentarily suspended, but each one would cost businesses huge sums of money.
However, when the shipping lanes are closed for an SNF, well, then it's just business. Corporations can usually expect to be compensated somehow, either by the agency itself, days off with required weekends, or simply having dock workers feeling happier about their lot in life since they get to see it live. And while none of the names in the SNF there might be top tier, the fact that there's three of them (and one was rumored to be a risk to sink a boat all by himself) is enough to keep spirits high.
The fight scene in question, a large, just-hauled-in tuna harvester, has been anchored into place, with one fighter waiting towards the back end near heaps of fresh tuna, just culled from the sea. To wherever the other two fighters are hanging out before the fight, he calls out, "Okay, let's get this done so I can start on my unlimited sushi!" He's not in any more of a hurry to eat than usual, but to see where his food comes takes away some of the magic, like seeing how a trick is done by a magician. The oversize sumo has scattered some rice across the back of the boat (traditions must be upheld, after all) and then he waits, occasionally eyeballing a tuna that stares back at him, gasping for breath. "...well, at least you guys don't stink yet."

The fish themselves may not stink just yet... but that's not to say the boat itself doesn't reek to high heaven. There's only so many times you can clean a boat before it stops being useful -- some scents just embed themselves into the metal and won't go away.
There's also a very strong... sensation of impending doom. These fish are suffocating, after all, the oxygen having stopped reaching their gills quite some time ago. There is much suffering here.
One of tonight's competitors can feel the suffering, her body awash in the subtle negative emotions. Surely they're not as strong as those of people... but the sensation's there nonetheless. And the normally-cheerful girl... is on the verge of tears. It can't be from the smell: she's got a clothespin on her nose for that.
Luckily, her master and guardian, Riki Tanaka, is by her side, clasping the girl about her shoulders. No amount of reasoning will help at this point: Momoko's much too emotional to realize it. All he can do is point out what should be obvious. The cameras. "You're going to do great, Momoko. Don't let the fish get you down... you're a performer. You're here to make the audience happy, not to make them cry. Go out there and show them--"
"I don't like eating fish any more! They're too sad! It's all too sad! We're =murderers!=" she cries out, her voice clearly audible on the audio feeds. Maybe it won't make its way into the broadcast, but it'll surely be an extra... somewhere. When Momoko gets famous, maybe.
"Now, Momoko, don't say that... even if it is true. C'mon, you'll never have to eat fish again..."
See, that's why Momoko likes eggs. No pain to the mother, it's all genetically engineered so that nothing has to die.
Wiping the tears from her eyes, reason slowly gets through to her. "Okay. Okay, I'll... I'll do my best!" Mouth screwing into a half-smile, she nods her head. Once. Twice. Thrice. "... Okay!"
The little girl raises her hand to Honda. "I'll do my best, okay?!" she shouts once more to Honda -- but it's quite obviously more to herself than anyone else.

Now really, what's wrong with being armed with an oar? Preston doesn't see what all the hubbub is, and yet all the same, the so-called burly Brit rolls his way out onto the barge itself with a little glance down at the vessel itself. Seaworthy? It looks to be, but with the reputation he's hearing about the person he's due to fight, well... At least with his affinity to water he shouldn't be too affected if, say, they actually sink the tuna ship. Nor should he be affected by seasickness. The smell of fish, on the other hand... is blissfully not too broad, yet.
"Oh, this is going to be fun," he says to himself with a roll of his eyes, the massive wooden oar he carries with him shouldered a little higher as he stares at his surrounds. The camera crews, the crowds, the lights -- all they're missing is the action, for this mid-card 'Maritime Merriment' to begin.
Stepping forward, he passes Momoko and her guardian by, giving the pair an odd look as the girl carries on. Is this who he's partnered with? With another of those rolls to his eyes, he gives Honda a level nod. It's rare that the Brit has to look up to things, but in this case... Bare to the waist, he already glistens for the cameras, and he's more than built enough to make up for Honda's ... sumo-ness.
"I quite concur; let's get this thing started," he declares, restraining his usual need to expel expletive after expletive; there'll be time enough for that, in due time. Brandishing the oar in front of him, he settles into a defensive stance, clearly expecting the great Honda to get things underway for all of them. He spares the diminutive Momoko a glance, the look in his eyes indicating that he's not expecting much out of the girl. "Stay behind me," he tells her instead, that gaze returning to the Sumo as he anticipates the beginning...

COMBATSYS: Preston has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/-------| make up for Honda's...sumo-ness? Hey! It's a proven fact that the sumo's body mass is mostly muscle! It takes a lot of mass to be able to pick up and throw other sumos, you know! Plus, not just anybody could even think of throwing Honda anywhere, so it tends to all work in his favor.
" oar? You're going to fight with that?" Honda rubs his chin a bit, and then shrugs as he assumes the traditional sumo stance, each stomp on the boat making it rock slightly. He waits until it steadies again before he claps his hands together. "Guess that's better than all those guys who fight by throwing fire and sparks out of their hands and are afraid to get themselves dirty." He does give Momoko a smile though, as if to reassure the girl. "Do your best, hon. We'll give them a show to remember, eh?"
The sumo wrestler shifts his weight slightly, and once the signal is given to begin, he moves. He's not ignoring Momoko, but wants to play the crowd. And attacking the smaller opponent first is never a good way to get the crowd's support. So instead, the sumo wrestler is going to rush in and attempt to grab hold of Preston's oar like he's going to pull it away. However, instead, the sumo is going to twist it and use it like a lever, sending Preston and the oar sailing towards a large heap of fish.

COMBATSYS: E.Honda has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Preston          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          E.Honda

COMBATSYS: Momoko has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          E.Honda
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/-------|

So Momoko's teamed up with a guy who can't feel the suffering of all those fish? Boo! ... Well, at least he's a noble, chivalrous type who doesn't mind taking the brunt of the battle for the younger girl. ... Or so Momoko believes at the moment. Preston's good people, right?
And, luckily, Honda's good people too; his jolly demeanor is enough to work a more honest smile out of the twelve-year-old capoeirista, and another nod of her head. "Right! We will!" she assents, wiping another tear from her eye.
She's forced to throw her hands to either side as the boat lists to the side from Honda's stomping, but anything's better than having an oar slapped into her face, right? But with Preston taking the lead, Momoko can't see any reason not to take her time, sashaying forward, tongue clicking to the rhythm of the song she hears in her mind. Anything to keep her attention off the glazed-over eyes of the not-quite-dead tuna fish pleading for their lives. Hips swishing from side to side as she approaches, she tries to get a better sense of how to proceed against someone easily five times her size!

COMBATSYS: Momoko focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          E.Honda
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Preston with Medium Throw.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          E.Honda
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/---====|

The talk concerning his oar simply earns Honda a level look from Preston; of COURSE he's going to fight with it, why else is he holding it out in front of him? Of course, it all goes rather pear shaped after that, as the Sumo makes good on his momentum and grips the oar.
In short order, the Brit finds his footing gone as he's heaved to the side, the massive grappler using expert leverage to force the lad from his stance -- and expose Momoko! Yes, he's one of the 'good guys,' one might say, but right now he's got more pressing issues -- like the pile of tuna he's heading towards!
For a man his size, he flips rather easily, landing in a three-point stance that sends him sliding backwards into the fish themselves. Tuna skitters, spread across the deck as he collides into the pile like a bowling ball, minus that wondering sound of the pins crashing. "Motherfu..." he growls to himself, the rest of the expletive lost as he spends a moment wringing his hands. The twist caused a lovely burning sensation, friction to his disadvantage as Honda's strength proves the superior.
"A show to fuckin' remember, huh?" he asks, and opts to test just how resilient all of that fat over muscle is for the great grappler; he steps forward and brandishes the oar high, sweeping its massive length overhead and then through in a horizontal smash for Honda's torso!

COMBATSYS: Preston successfully hits E.Honda with Medium Strike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0          E.Honda
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/---====|

"Tch. Tch." Edmund Honda raises a hand and waves a finger at Preston. "Language. There are, after all, ladies present. And this is a family show." Why it's a family show, Honda's never really understood, considering the bloodlust and viciousness some of the fighters have. To him, any program with Iori, Geese, or Billy, for example, should never be aired where children could see it.
The resulting attack back at Honda is one he could easily push through, if his balance weren't thrown off ever so slightly. The rocking motion of the boat combined with the fact he's trying to keep an eye on both fighters at once means that he isn't standing where he meant to be, and as a result now has a red welt on his body. "You're a menace with that oar, you know that?" Honda leans over and reaches for one of the already passed-on fish and hefts it up by the tail. "Let's see how you like it, huh?" And with that, he pinwheels his arm around, bringing the fish up to smack Preston in the side.

Wow! It seems there's a lot of fishiness going around! Hopefully the clothespin will keep most of the scents out of mind; it just means Momoko will have to breathe through her mouth more. And... well, with her mouth gaping open at Preston's coarse language, that probably won't be an issue!
But if you can't think of something nice to say, don't say anything at all, right? Right. So she lets Honda chastise the young man, while she herself steps in close... and drops low to the deck for a crouching cocorinha, or back kick! She leaps forward at this point, whipping her leg around like a helicopter rotor, one, two, three times, before falling back onto her hands, kicking at the sumo's ankles twice more -- and then she leaps forward =again=, aiming to plant her feet on his torso, walk right up him, and then kick right off the sumo man's face. None of the hits will be anywhere near as hard as a single blow from Honda... but delivered in such rapid succession, maybe it'll have an impact? "Ya! Ya! YAAAAAAA!"

COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Preston with Random Weapon.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Momoko           0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0          E.Honda
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/-------/=======|

The oar doesn't seem to make much of a dent into Honda's impressive defenses, and it's that which causes Preston's brow to furrow. Clearly, the duo have been put into a very precarious fight against a man of such fat and muscle proportions that, sadly, even the impressive defense of the Brit is outmuscled.
That fish comes up, and it seems the Oarsman has no way of getting OUT of the way -- it strikes him in the side, and a grimace crosses the face of the Briton. He staggers, the oar wheeling about in front of him as he rights himself, the boat rocking as the heavyweights shift across the deck.
"God, you're fuckin' strong," he says, his astonishment shining through even as he ignores the warning concerning his language. Ladies present? Where? The oar is indeed a dangerous weapon, but for the moment he steps back as Momoko steps in. The girl seems fast; he can tell that she's going to die a horrible death if Honda actually turns his attention in her direction.
Thus, he does the insane. He rushes in towards Honda, even as his little teammate attempts to dance on the Sumo's chest -- and attempts to drive his fist into Honda's middle, an insane action if ever there was one. But it's the aftermath which may prove the problem, as from his arm explodes a blast of blue-white chi, laced with the very water they're surrounded by! If anyone's to be the brunt of the sumo's wrath, let it be the Brit.

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits E.Honda with Momokonba.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Momoko           0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0          E.Honda
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: E.Honda interrupts Cape Horn Fever from Preston with Hundred Hand Slap.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Momoko           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0          E.Honda
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/---====/=======|

With his attention focused on Preston, Honda's easy pickings for the young girl. Now, one wouldn't neccessarily expect someone her size to physically hurt someone his size...but when the first kick lands, Honda's eyes widen a bit in surprise. The girl's got some power to those kicks! Off-balance, the sumo actually staggers a step, which then becomes two when Momoko plants a foot against his face. "Ouf!" The sumo raises up an arm as if to brush Momoko aside, but winds up rubbing his face for a moment to ease the sting. "Not bad, kiddo. Not bad at all."
Past the momentary blurred vision, Honda sees Preston charging in again, and well, it seems he wants to play 'who can punch the hardest!' Honda doesn't think he'd be able to really get into a position to make good use of Preston's position afterward, so the sumo decides to throw caution to the wind. The punch hits, the chi flares...and right through it comes Honda's own hand! And again, and again, and again! The sumo slams his open palm against Preston's chest to knock him back, even as he squints from the sting of seawater and grits his teeth from the punch's chi power. By the time it's all over, Honda's steadying himself up again, and wiping his arm against his mouth. "...Huh. Salty."
Then, it's back to the fight as he claps his hands again. "All right, then! Break's over, let's keep it going!"

So what if it takes nine kicks from the little girl to be noticed? What Momoko lacks in mass she makes up for in sheer determination. As her master instructed, she's got a crowd to please! And acrobatics usually do a pretty good job of keeping a crowd happy.
One side-effect of Momoko's singleminded focus is that it keeps her from fretting about the fishies' plight, or Preston's wanton cursing, or the fact that he might be riding back to shore on a Coast Guard ambulance vessel, or... well, anything! All she has to do is focus on that curious sensation of her kicks hardly doing anything to Edmond Honda's massive slabs of muscle. The clothespin wavers a bit as the girl lands back upon her bare feet, bobbing and weaving from one side to the other as she continues half-humming, half-singing her rhythm. (It's like beatboxing, only not as pretentious or loud!)
But what's this about a 'break?' Momoko never really stopped moving, just... stopped attacking long enough for Preston to get a hundred hands of slappity. Paling a bit, the girl renews her focus, charging forward once again... but when she flies forward this time, it's a completely different approach.
Maneuvering into range, she flips forward, planting one hand on deck as one foot slams overhead, her other remaining back for balance. It's not breakdancing, dangit, it's CAPOEIRA. That done, she'd arch her spine, hoping to slam both feet into his knees before spinning about to upright herself again. But her spin won't cease -- instead, her feet windmill around again for an Au Queda de Rins cartwheel, the acrobatic girl spinning about to smash her heels into Honda once again! Should the fates allow her that much, she'd swing both legs overhead in another leap, bringing them crashing down... only then giving pause to leap away.

Yes, that's ... really not what Preston had in mind at all. His charge is countered by the slapping hands of the Sumo, and of all things, the Brit is forced back. Even with the discharge of chi, it seems the taller brute is barely fazed by the joint attack. "Oh, this is fuckin' charming," he says as he slides back, one hand momentarily clutching at his chest. Suffice it to say, those slaps sting, and enough of them hit to make his chest a beautiful shade of red.
Gritting his teeth against the pain that lances his torso, he watches as Momoko takes the forefront of the fight again. The lithe fighter is just that, a proverbial whirling dervish against the oversized power of Honda. "Fast little..." he says from the rear, giving his head a shake as she dances about like a monkey. For the moment though... he simply takes a deep breath, waiting for her to get clear so he can weigh back into the thick of things.
His shift grips on the oar, and he gives it a little windup like a would-be baseball batter...

COMBATSYS: Preston gains composure.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Momoko           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0          E.Honda
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: E.Honda interrupts Momokonba from Momoko with Saba Ori.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Momoko           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          E.Honda
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/----===/=======|

The bane of E. Honda's existence: quick little monkey fighters. Okay, that isn't true. His true archnemesis is fireballs from 30 yards away and people who think it's funny to do the entire fight just out of arm's reach. That isn't fighting, that's just being, well, lame, in the sumo's eyes. But quick little monkeys take a close second!
"Don't get overconfident, kid!" It's a warning meant to teach, not to humiliate, as Honda takes a few quick blows to his knees and starts to keel over. But, it's all to keep Momoko feeling like she has an advantage to press as Honda reaches out, grabs hold of the girl's leg during the last kick at him, and spins her around to toss her into a pile of netting. Hopefully, it'll keep her occupied long enough for Preston to make his move and let Honda focus on him rather than dealing with blows from two sides!

Momoko was starting to feel like she could kick Honda all day without even hampering his defense! The guy's just tough, that's all there is to it! So while she was about to kick away, she finds herself not only snagged, but =flung= in the total opposite direction she was intending. Her rhythm interrupted, she blurts out, "Uwaaa!"
... And then: "EW! EW!" she exclaims! Sticky wet cargo netting is not the best feeling to have on one's skin, especially when you put as much stock in fashion and appearances as Momoko appears to. Plus, for just a moment, it reminded her of the plight of her poor fishy friends. But there's a time and a place for getting grossed out, and it's not now!
"I... I'm n-not overconfident!" protests the little pink dynamo as she pushes free of the netting, mild icky disgust still apparent on her face as she dashes back to the sumo. She doesn't bother with the high-falutin' acrobatics this time, just launches herself into a somersault, landing on the ground and spinning like a tenpin ball at Honda's feet once more. This time, though, there's a significant difference -- she's glowing a brilliant pink hue as she tries to kick him multiple times. Maybe he'll feel =this= a bit more, hmm? "PHOENIX ARROOOOOO!"

Watching his partner be manhandled by the true brute of the scenario, Preston offers the slightest shake of his head. As near as he can tell, they're a bit outmatched by the dynamic sumo -- or at the least, he himself is.
But pressing such worries aside, he watches as Momoko again slides, or rather rolls, into the thick of things. He bites off a curse, waiting for an opportune time -- and finds the opening that he's after!
As the fighter spins down low to kick at Honda, the Brit opts to strike from on high. Closing what gap there is between the other fighters and himself in a single bound, he twists in mid air, that oar of his held wide at its full extension. Three yards of momentum are built as he spins, the blade kept flat as it slices through the air, Preston picking up speed as he moves.
The move may seem linear, but he's hoping that, despite the impressive bulk of Honda, he'll feel this one anyway. "Chew on this!" he roars as he brings the oar to bear, snapping the blade out so the flat of it arcs in for a devastating strike!
As Momoko goes low, the Brit goes high! But it seems the oar is just a fraction too short to actually hit the sumo -- instead, in its wake, lines of chi lace the air, twisting it blue before lashing out at the great Honda, slashing at him repeatedly!

COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits E.Honda with Phoenix Arrow.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          E.Honda
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: E.Honda fails to interrupt White Horses from Preston with Medium Throw.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          E.Honda
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          1/----===/=======|

Well, then! Seems the plan with the nets didn't last as long as Honda was hoping, and the flurry of blows from both Momoko and Preston are a bit much! The sumo wrestler could probably stand to take some of his own advice when it comes to being overconfident. His original intent was to brace himself into place and let Momoko kick at him while he reached out and grabbed hold of the end of the oar. With that in place, he would've drawn the oar a bit further, then shoved it right back in Preston's face. It was a good plan, really it was.
And it worked about as well as if Honda had tried fighting the two on the masts, like a wire-fu kung-fu movie. The sumo staggers and then falls backward, red marks criss-crossing all over his body and his legs looking like they've been pounded like meat for cooking. However, if anything, the sumo wrestler seems overjoyed by the turn of events. "All right, then! Looks like now we're getting serious!" The sumo wrestler shoves himself back up to his feet, and reassumes his fighting stance. "Now c'mon, lemme see some more!"

Fighting on television is serious business! Momoko always gives the sport the solemnity it deserves; at least, she never =intends= to do anything less than serious. Making fun of people is =mean=, after all!
Momoko takes that as a compliment, at any rate! "Keep it up, Mr. Preston, sir! This is a really close fight!" chirps the little one, who many have felt really shouldn't be in this fight! But she's definitely proving her worth now, that's for sure!
... But she was advised to make use of something other than kicks, every now and again. The audience reports came back, and while they're =loving= the acrobatics, it's... pretty predictable. Plenty of times she's tried to think of ways to mix up her battle, but she's been, as of late, unsuccessful. It has to come on the spur of the moment!
And that's when she realizes there's a giant burlap sack. It's full of fish. Dead ones. But Momoko doesn't know this; all she sees is the bag! So she grabs it by the neck, spins around once, twice, three times... and HURLS the thing at Honda with all her might! Hopefully she can create something of a distraction! "Hnnnnn-GYAAAAA!" she howls, hoping this placates the powers-that-be!

Yes, fighting on television IS serious business. The oar strikes true -- or rather, the chi itself does -- and the great Honda is left staggering. Seeing the look of joy that crosses the big man's face though, the Brit is left to shake his head. "Serious business? And here I was thinkin' that we were doin' this for the fun of fightin'!"
It's a line that should come from one of his team mates, young Luc, but with the sarcastic tones that the Brit employs, it's clear he doesn't share the sentiment.
Brandishing the oar again, it comes as Momoko offers him encouragement. Despite his oft-times cynical nature, he finds himself grinning faintly at the downright perky attitude of the diminutive team mate. "Let's see how close it is after this!" he roars, a bull in full bellow as he rises to his full height.
Even then, he still can't match Honda for the vertical, let alone for girth; even still, he keeps up the pressure even as that sack of fish comes flying in. Let it strike from one side -- the oar will strike from the other!
Again he swings it about, his body twisting to add momentum, and this time it seems the Brit somehow speeds up in the middle of it. The oar becomes a blur, slicing the oar only to snap out again -- but this time, it seeks to cleave Honda's head from his shoulders, the intent for harm very high as this battle is pushed to the limit!
"I'll show you somethin' alright!" he adds. While he may be weaker than the great Honda, this is bound to leave a dent -- even if, unlike with most victims, it won't clear the sumo into next week!

COMBATSYS: E.Honda dodges Momoko's Large Thrown Object.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          E.Honda
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: E.Honda endures Preston's Man Overboard!.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          E.Honda
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/-------|

A huge sack of dead fish? Unless it's served in seaweed and rice, count Honda out! The sumo manages to squat down underneath, and doesn't rise until he hears it splash into the water past him. Someone's going to have to warn the docks to watch for sharks if there was any blood in that bag. However, there is one slight problem with this pose Honda has left himself in. It's the perfect position for Preston to try to take his head off!
The oar connects with a solid crack like thunder, but when everything settles, Honda has his hand on the oar and is gripping it tightly against his neck. Honda slowly stands up and turns his neck slightly to pop it, showing the huge red gash that's under where the oar hit, and Honda smiles a bit grimly. "That was a pretty good hit. If I was anybody else, they'd probably be putting me into those sacks the kid's tossing around." That's when Honda moves, a bit faster than either fighter might expect a man of his girth to move. Gripping the oar, Honda will attempt to pull Preston into his hands...

COMBATSYS: E.Honda successfully hits Preston with Ooichou Nage.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1          E.Honda
[                         \\\\\  <
Preston          0/-------/=======|

...and once he does, the oar will the pulled from Preston's hands. "Give me that. You're a menace, you know that?" Honda tosses Preston into the air and then manages to jump like a fat man has never jumped before to take hold of him and slam him down below on the deck of the boat. That's when Honda comes down, tucking his legs up to land like a cannonball on Preston. Better hold on to something, Momoko, cause that boat's going to be rocking something fierce.
Normally, Honda would do a belly flop than a cannonball, but hey, the guy did seem set to take Honda's head off at the shoulders. It's nothing personal. And Honda will roll off him rather quickly to reassume standing towards the middle of the boat to try to help it steady. He'll even toss Preston his oar afterwards. "Still, you did good!"

...if nothing else, a bunch of the fish probably just found freedom from all that rocking. See, Momoko, good things happen when sumos board ships!

And thus the problem with putting your all into such a strike -- when the victim stays standing, you're liable to receive a hefty amount of pain in turn! The oar is gripped, and the Brit has only one word for the situation, as his eyes go wide;
For a lad his size, it's a MOST impressive feat from Honda to heft him clear off of his feet like that. Two-hundred and fifty pounds of muscle is lifted and thrown into the air like he was a sack of potatoes -- and a light sack at that! The boy's eyes go wider, for clearly he's never been manhandled like this before, in recent memory at least!
Up he goes, and naturally down -- only to have the worst fate of all come down atop him. The great Honda himself, in one hell of a cannonball, that drives the breath from him and threatens to creak ribs, if not fracture the contents within!
His groan is swallowed up by the groan of the tuna trawler itself, as the ship goes into a wild set of rocking motions, on top of the weight of first the heavy Brit, and then the heavier Sumo, coming down on top of the barge!
And it seems that, indeed, the Brit is done as far as this brawl goes. He groans as his oar clatters down onto him, and a hand seizes the shaft on impulse. The weapon is somewhat dear to him... but in this case, he's more thinking that he's never going to take another breath. "Not... done... just yet!" he claims defiantly, true gritty Brit shining through as he forces himself back up to his feet.
Mustering what will he has left, he brandishes the oar overhead one final time, and with a roar lashes out in a series of strikes at the Sumo. If he must fall -- and he will -- he'll go down swinging! Once, twice, thrice! A strike for the head, the middle, and then an attempt on the impossible; to sweep the legendary Honda's legs out from under him!
And then, the Brit's arms feel too heavy to keep swinging that oar, and he rather unceremoniously falls to one side with a heavy groan.

COMBATSYS: Preston can no longer fight.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1          E.Honda

Whooooa! Don't rock the boat! Momoko's little, so she's naturally one of the first to notice once the slamming starts happening! Stuff's shaking, hanging things are swinging, and by and large, it's not a good time to try to stand on that kind of surface!
So Momoko leaps for the nearest shred of cargo netting she can and holds on for dear life! "Oh no!" she gasps as Preston gets sat on! Swinging back and forth wildly, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot she can do but watch!
... Actually, there's a whole lot she can do. Since Preston's keeping Honda busy, she =can= try and control her swing. Rocking back and forth, she builds up speed... and then when the moment's right, she catapults herself right at Honda, aiming to plant both heels right in his face, and quite possibly knock him right off the boat! Nothing acrobatic, nothing fancy... at least, not until she hits, at which point she'd try and flip about to regain balance, but hey. Every so often, the basics work! Hopefully... "Haaaaaa!"

COMBATSYS: E.Honda dodges Preston's Queen's Regulations.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\======-\1          E.Honda

COMBATSYS: E.Honda endures Momoko's Strong Kick EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Momoko           0/-------/=======|=======\=======\1          E.Honda

The swipes by the oar are hastily backed away from. Honda knows how dangerous an opponent can get when they feel either cornered or desperate. He lets out a sigh of relief before he turns towards Momoko's kick. The foot connects with Honda's cheek, and he's going to have some lovely swelling there later on, but for now it's enough for him to reach up and try to grab hold of the girl's foot.
"Nothing personal, kiddo. If it helps, not many people have hurt me like that when they're your size." He's going to need multiple heat pads for his legs to ease the pain. However, right now, it's all about the SNF. Honda takes a deep breath as he grabs towards her.

COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks E.Honda's Oni Musou.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Momoko           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0          E.Honda

Once and if the sumo gets his hands on the girl, he picks her up and tosses her up into the air, almost like a parent would their child. Only somewhat higher, and without the 'upsie-dasie!' to accompany it. Honda then squats down for a moment before jumping up afterward, a vertical version of his SUMO TORPEDO attack. Post impact, the sumo would've grabbed her again and chucked her down at the biggest pile of fish he could see before landing himself with a resounding crash on the deck, sending the entire boat tilting slightly before it settles again.

Poor Preston, thinks Momoko! He fought so hard, and his heart was really in the fight. He puts everything into an impressive show! That's admirable, to Momoko! ... But now she has to think a bit harder on what she's actually doing. She was pretty solely focused on attacking... but with Honda sloshing the boat around, she doesn't have quite as much time to gather her wits about her without Preston's assistance. ... Which means she's getting attacked, as unbalanced as several hundred pounds of muscle flying at 84 pounds of cute can be.
But really, Momoko's =somewhat= prepared... in that she's bracing for impact just as Honda's reaching for her. Not that it seems to do much good when he =grabs= her, but her defensive stature also brings with it a bright pink aura. Terrified of what the big man's muscles can do, she just curls up like a pillbug, shouting, "IYAAAAA!" Even while getting tossed into the air, she still stays curled up. Only when she gets headbutted does she throw her hands out in defense, the pink-white light swooshing to her palms as it buffers the attack.
Nor can she stop herself from being tossed into a pile of fish. A pile of wriggling fish, as some are still flopping around. Gross x 100000!
She's still shouting, but there's a rather perceptible shift of pitch as she realizes where she landed, from a defiant kiai... to absolute =terror=. "YAAAAAAAA!!!" howls little Momoko, leaping back to her feet in a panic! "I'm s-so-sorry Mr and Mrs Fishies, I didn't mean to, I was just..." Clasping her hands together, tears clinging to the corners of her eyes, she gives a quick bow to her fishy friends!
Gulping once, she looks back to Honda. "Please forgive me!" ... And then the girl shifts back into full gear, launching herself into a backsault at the big man, aiming to kick him three times in the face before flipping back to her feet. "HAAAAAA!"
The therapy bills will be =huge=.

COMBATSYS: E.Honda endures Momoko's Folha.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Momoko           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1          E.Honda

And here Honda thought that aiming for the softer surface would be less traumatic to the girl. That'll teach Honda to assume anything about tweens. The man's knowlege of how they think is only slightly less than his knowlege of diet plans. So when the girl screams, the sumo is thrown off balance even moreso than the rocking of the boat. Geez, did she break a limb or lose an eye or something? ...apparently not. Mental note, don't throw the girl into fish. Honda rubs the back of his head and sighs a bit at what SNF has brought him to. There needs to be an age limit. 'You must be 16 to fight in this, or the good guys feel bad when they hit you.'
However, now is not the time to be distracted! Honda sees the girl come at him to kick him, and knows he won't be able to continue on much longer! So, he leans into it, turning his head slightly so he won't risk serious harm, as she pushes off, he reaches towards her again to try to grab hold...

COMBATSYS: E.Honda can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Momoko           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Momoko dodges E.Honda's Oni Musou.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Momoko           0/-------/----===|

Well... Momoko is a weird little girl. She's been gifted with psychic talents, but still doesn't know how to use them to the best of her ability yet. She hasn't had the proper training, so... thoughts from random people, and moreover =feelings=, quite often leach into her own thoughts. It's never been something she can quantify, just a general 'feeling' or /je ne se quois/ that she just... gets. Most of the time it's something she can ignore -- people are grouchy, so she'll just have to be cheerful! ... But she's not been around so many dying things at once before -- even growing up on the beach, she never had to involve herself with fish.
She probably won't eat it again for at least a year, now. Maybe by then Honda will feel less guilty tossing her around?
All Momoko knows is... as much fun as it was to ride with Honda just then, she'd really rather not get slung into fish again. So rather than brace for impact, she drops her shoulders backward, twisting her right leg to the side for balance, and then kicking back and out of the way of his grasp.
Arms raising high, she demonstrates to everyone that yes, she's okay! She's hurt, sure... but thanks to Preston, and quite possibly the fates, she's able to escape with only a few bruises. "That was close! It was, you know, that was really close!" She smiles cheerily, starting to wipe her tears away before realizing her arm's covered in fish filth too. Ewww.
But then she remember the prize of this particular bout. "... Do either of you want my sushi? I... I don't think I'm very hungry..."

COMBATSYS: Momoko takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Momoko           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Momoko has ended the fight here.

Upon missing his target, a wave of exhaustion hits Honda. Looks like those blows taxed the big man more than he thought! The sumo drops down to his knees and presses a hand against the deck to catch himself. Yup, can't go on. He shifts to sit down and uses the back of his arm to wipe off his face. "Heh. Hehheh."
The sumo will give Momoko a thumbs-up post-fight, and laughs at her reaction to not wanting the prize. "Come now, surely your tastes will change later. Free food is not something to ever throw away. If nothing else, you could donate it and feed someone who truly needs it." Honda starts to lean back, ready to simply drop from exhaustion. "Good job, little one. You show a lot of talent for one so small. You would do well studying to become a Rikishi, if you ever want." Then the sumo slumps backwards, lying on the boat and feeling the sea spray land on him. " was a good fight."

Log created on 18:57:45 06/03/2007 by Momoko, and last modified on 20:45:56 06/07/2007.