Description: [OOC] Here is a collection of the SNF posts for July 2007.
SNF Matches: 7/6/07 - Fri Jul 6 2007 - Thundercleese
- OK! So, I've done up yet another incredibly large post for the sake of you, my beloved fans. Since SNF seems to be getting way more popular (I blame it all on me, but seriously you folks came out of NOWHERE with all these signups, I am very impressed!), I'm having a BIT more trouble arranging things in a nicely super-even way... But that's where you come in! If you feel like you're getting your ass kicked, or that things are the slightest against your favor... TURN ON THE DRAMA. It's basically pro-wrestling, ladies and gentlemen. We /love/ drama-whores, here at Howard Enterprises, and you should too. I'll be @mailing some of you with notifications that your matchup is a bit slanted, in serious cases, and I /will/ be trying to set up good plot-hooks in your fights to make up for it.
Game on!
MATCH 1 ~ Mizuki AND "Hurricane Hime" VS Hotaru in 'Schoolhouse Rock'
LOCATION: Seijyun High School, Southtown
~ Seijyun High School boasts a very elaborate budget, with which it is able to get a great amount of expensive, oftentimes /rare/ school equipment for its students. The school's library is no exception to the rule, and aside from Justice High's own book selection, can claim to have one of the most thorough, well-stocked libraries in town. SNF officials have keyed into this, and it's the reason this week's Saturday Night Fight will be held in this austere place! Between Hotaru's overwhelming self-consciousness, Hurricane Hime's love of books, and Mizuki's absolutely MESSY chi, this fight should be an interesting one. As an added caveat -- Fighters will be expected to pay for the books they break!
MATCH 2 ~ Shenwoo VS Rock in 'Temper, Temper!'
LOCATION: Some volcano in Costa Rica, go crazy!
~ Ha ha ha, this fight doesn't really need much of an explanation, or added caveats. Two notably rage-filled youngsters, duking it out on the slopes (or possibly interior, if anybody wants to try to emulate Kyo) of an active volcano?! I trust these two to throw in whatever ridiculous things they want, be it, uh, volcano goats... or... rocks. Maybe a village, stupidly placed on the very base of the mountain. They're always there, I have no idea what those people are thinking.
MATCH 3 ~ Alan VS Reed IN 'Greased Lightning'
LOCATION: Seedy Bar, Metro City Slums
~ So there's a bar in Metro City. It's not a very well-known place, but the clientele it DOES cater to are regulars, and the business that goes down at the place is about as shady and unspoken of as the place itself. While neither of these men are likely familiar with the place, anybody who wants to call themselves a criminal has GOT to have contacts in Metro... and as such, the fight for this week, between these two gentlemen, is here. While it may seem to be a random arrangement, the prize offered in this fight is far greater than whatever award money Howard Enterprises is offering - the winner will doubtlessly earn a great deal of respect in the eyes of Metro City's underground. Call it, perhaps, an introduction to an unforgiving city?
MATCH 4 ~ Makoto VS Shingo in 'Crazy Zhin Sure Is Crazy'
LOCATION: Crazy Zhin's Door And Ceramics Depot, Las Vegas, America
~ Again, not much to go over here. Makoto and Shingo are both known for their heavy-hitting styles, whether it be Makoto's penchant for hitting the ground so hard that the screen shakes or shrieking CHESTO as a battlecry(which is an internationally-recognized sign of pure awesome), or Shingo's method of making up for his lack of flames through sheer force. These two giants will be matched up in Crazy Zhin's Door And Ceramics Depot to see, exactly, -how fast- they can wreck his collection of fancy doorways and intricate pottery. Take no quarter, fighters, as Crazy Zhin is pretty much just that -- Crazy! Howard Enterprises will be paying a bonus of $5,000 to whoever breaks the most pottery and doorways, as an added caveat.
MATCH 5 ~ R.Mika AND Frei VS Chris AND Tran in 'Combative Consumerism'
LOCATION: Mall, Metro City
~ Let's give Southtown a break this week. Metro City's mall is a pretty damn huge place, so why not have an SNF match in the place? While there aren't any crazy deals being offered by the storekeepers, Howard Enterprises has agreed to replace any items stolen or broken during the fights, and has stated that they are MORE than willing to abstain from fining fighters -- provided their use of stolen/broken goods is entertaining and adds to the fight. Be creative, folks! You have a massive, multi-story mall at your disposal, here!
BONUS: R.Mika, try to piledrive somebody off of a balcony and onto the ground floor! Frei, utilize some article of clothing to restrain or incapacitate your foe (bonus points for whipping somebody with brahooks). Chris, use something from the toy store in an absolutely creepy and uncalled for manner. Tran... there's a camping goods store in the mall. Go crazy.
MATCH 6 ~ Aranha VS Luc in 'History Repeats Itself'
LOCATION: Along the Maginot Line, France
~ Parkour, invented by the French youth, might never have seen a more advantageous locale than this line of anti-tank rails along the Maginot Line, which, for you non-history buffs, is the imaginary line among which French forces were steamrolled by German troopers during WWII. Luc Schroedinger is German, whcih I believe will say enough about what the theme here is. Will history repeat itself? Will Luc show that his incredible combat ability is enough to blow through what even TANKS could not overwhelm? Or will Aranha hop around, monkey-like, and defeat Luc's attempts to hurt him with /sheer acrobatic nonsense/?
MATCH 7 ~ Ryo VS Chun-Li in 'Just Who Was That Masked Man?'
LOCATION: Television Studio, Geese Tower
~ As some of you may be aware, Ryo Sakazaki and Marco Rodriguez were manhandled by some crazy criminal guy, just last week. He hacked into the SNF broadcast and displayed his own video of the affair (probably edited to make him look better) and succesfully made Howard Enterprises look ridiculous for not even being aware of the issue. Now, Interpol has been asked to investigate the incident, and rather than spend MORE money on the affair, SNF organizers simply arranged for Ryo - who is undoubtedly very, very interested in getting revenge on this mystery man - to meet Chun-Li for their weekend bout. Will an odd alliance come out of this encounter?!
MATCH 8 ~ Marisol VS Sada in 'A Subtle Thing'
LOCATION: Auditorium, Justice High
~ Marisol O'Connell's style is one far removed from that of Sada Asai. The Spanish-Irish boxer has been described by her peers (hailing from both Pacific and Gedo High) as 'real crazy', 'somebody I'd never wanna -really- fight against', and 'a stupid bitch'. Meanwhile, the Asai girl is one barely known amongst Seijyun students, though informed sources believe that this is, largely, entirely of her own doing and indeed beneficial to her overall goals. Fiery temper and calculating smirks meet one another in Justice High's main auditorium, where the most impossible-to-please studentia will pass final judgement on which of these fighters approaches their problems in the best way!
MATCH 9 ~ Ingrid VS Shinobu in 'A Walk In The Park'
LOCATION: Park, Metro City
~ Two fighters. A virgin landscape. Metro City's Central Park has never before seen the absolute carnage that trained fists are capable of delivering, and, given the theme of this week's SNF ("Let's Publicize Metro City") it is ABOUT TIME that somebody changed that! While, obviously, SNF organizers aren't asking that Ingrid or Shinobu go out of their way to destroy the landscape, please, ladies. Hold nothing back in educating the populace of Metro City what those poor Southtown citizens have to go through every Saturday. We're relying on you to make this one crazy!
MAIN EVENT #1 ~ Kasumi AND Todoh VS Kain in 'The Glory Of Todoh-ryuu'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ Kain Heinlein is an SNF legend. There has never been a man as powerful as he is that has been involved with Saturday Night Fight quite so intensely, and because of this, he's widely regarded as -THE- fighter to beat in order to game fame and notoriety. Preferably in single-combat... but we won't be quite that cruel to the Todoh-ryuu cause. After all, it is Kain. So for this week, Kasumi and Ryuhaku have a golden opportunity to continue the SNF-sponsored publicity tour they've sparked, and show off the power of Todoh-ryuu while managing to NOT eat a Himmlischer Atem. That would be a bad time.
SPECIAL: No bulldozers are allowed, Ryuhaku!!
MAIN EVENT #2 ~ Preston VS Kenji WITH Mobey as Chaos Agent in 'For The Title..!'
LOCATION: Opera House, Il Paradiso Opera House, Metro City
~ The Il Paradiso Opera House is the newest high-class attraction in Metro City. The classy people spend their evenings here, while the poor wish they could, and the Edge-inclined probably try to paint on the walls, only to be caught by policemen. In short, it is the toast of the town, and the spot of this week's Junior Division Championship bout! Since Kenji's loss to Dr. Tran last week, SNF officials have slated Preston Alistair Wellington the II's win-record to be one of the highest amongst competeing individuals. Also he's been the brunt of a lot of organizational jokes in his last few fights. So, for the CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE, Wellington battles Ashima on the Opera House's main stage, with no real water in sight! --Except for their referee, the inscrutable, age-wisened Richard Mobey. It's also a poor attempt to get SOME water into the fight... just to keep tradition going. Good luck, gentlemen!
SPECIAL: Mobey, you have full permission to grossly misinterpret actions as being blatantly against the rules and taking punishment into your own hands. Nobody said these fights were meant to be -fair-, did they? Combatants, try your hardest to get in this man's good graces before the fight, and he might take it a bit easier on you!
- GOD, that was a mouthful. As always, @mails with the highlights, and logs! That highlights reel, and probably added plot opportunities... THEY'RE WAITING.
SNF Results 7/06/07 - Fri Jul 13 2007 - Thundercleese
SNF Matches: 7/13/07 - Fri Jul 13 2007 - Thundercleese
OH MY GOOD GOD THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU. Keep it up! I realize there are a lot of large fights, but there was a HUGE amount of signups this week, and I'm really way too nice to cut people. THOUGH THAT MIGHT CHANGE IF WE KEEP SEEING THIS KIND OF ATTENTION (It's not a bad thing!)
MATCH 1 ~ Hotaru AND Joe VS Ralf IN "Great Galloping Glaciers, Batman!"
LOCATION: Glacial Waters, Arctic Circle
~ This far-reaching SNF match sees the unlikely team of Joe Higashi and Hotaru Futaba paired up against the Ikari Warrors' own "human tank", Ralf Jones! Both Joe's impulsive fighting style and Ralf's explosive force will meet their match in the terrain chosen for this particular fight, as the very LANDSCAPE is geared against these two? Can Hotaru keep these dangerous personalities in check so that they don't all wind up ice-cubes? *BONUS: Dress for the occasion! It's freezing! Also, you are fighting on a Mystical Icy Landscape. So explosive moves WILL ruin shit, probably involving what you're standing on. We're talking about, like, ICE BRIDGES and whatnot. Be careful!*
MATCH 2 ~ Luc AND Preston AND Marisol VS Sada AND Todoh in "One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other"
LOCATION: Southtown, Dream Amusement Park
~ All right! The entire Pacific Resistance, Pacific High's rebellious, smart-mouthed finest, go up against... a demure, devious-minded Japanese girl with the exact opposite as her teammate... a stubborn, thoroughly insane Japanese man. Which one of these combatants is the odd one out, however!?!? In a fight that's sure to bring them Todoh's absolute insanity to the fore (and by affiliation, Sada's own subversive tactics), while leaving the Pacific Resistance to manage to WORK TOGETHER against the incredible threat of one bitter old man and his unlikely, chain-wielding companion.
*SPECIAL: USE THE ENVIRONMENT, KIDS. It is an AMUSMENT PARK. If I don't see people playing on carousels and abusing fried food, I'm going to be SAD.*
MATCH 3 ~ Makoto AND Eiji VS Ryu in "Opposite Philosophies, A Shared Foe"
LOCATION: Southtown, Subway Terminal
~ The Steamroller Girl and a goddamned ninja are forced to fight alongside one another against the definitive World Warrior. While it's pretty obvious I like pairing opposites up, I think this match'll be a good one! Ryu's not the kind of guy who brooks much (if any) silliness in his matches, and he's going to put both of these combatants to the test! Eiji's reflective abilities are sure to come in handy against Captain Hadouken himself, while Makoto's own bone-breaking punches might do a fair deal of "evening up", as it were.
MATCH 4 ~ Adelheid VS Kyosuke WITH Frei as Chaos Agent in "True Colors"
LOCATION: Paris, France, "A Fashion Show Somewhere"
~ I'm sure all of you have been wondering, much like I have, just how much of a fashion sense these two prominent warriors might have. Between Adelheid's curiously luscious lips and Kyosuke's fantastically soft hair, I'm inclined to believe "A Lot". The BEST place to determine their respective senses of what's hot or not (and, more importantly, to see who punches better) is in the home of High Fashion, France! Special guest Frei will be the final judge of just who is flashiest, while the absolutely ridiculous fashions being paraded around in the background are sure to be hilarious.
*SPECIAL: AGAIN, environment! Everybody in this fight, cameo or starring, is pretty much required to be as fab as possible. Frei, use your judgement to see who is tacky and who is not. AND, fighters, I'm thinking Zoolander-type fashion styles on those models, so use those clothes to your advantage! Tear a pipe off of somebody's jacket or something! It is France, it is CRAZY.*
MATCH 5 ~ Robert AND Ryo VS Hayato AND Akira in "Top Of The Class"
LOCATION: Southtown, Kyokugen Dojo
~ There's not too much to this one. Ryo and Robert are the masters of their class, the absolute best the Kyokugen clan has to offer. Likewise for the Taiyo clan, with Akira Kazama and Hayato Nekketsu. This isn't necessarily a students-only thing... we're really discussing ESTABLISHMENTS. And, in some arenas... well. People are just equal! Regardless, Hayato and Akira are going to be fighting an uphill battle against these career fighters, but they've got two things working for them! Hayato is, it's been proven, an absurdly strong warrior. Akira, on the other hand, has a chance to make up for all of that Thailand business, once and for all! Hop to it, fighters!
MATCH 6 ~ Guile VS Yamazaki WITH Aislinn as Chaos Agent in "Stranded!"
LOCATION: Some Island In The Pacific Ocean
~ With the three of them taken to an "undisclosed location" for their SNF battle, Guile, Yamazaki, and Aislinn might be surprised to find that they wind up - of all places - on a deserted island, very likely the EXACT SAME ONE Tom Hanks was stranded on in "Castaway". To add to the drama, their transport vehicle has up and just flown away, leaving the fighters "stranded" on an island laden with cameras, so as better to catch the action! Action is, naturally, spurred along by a discreet bribe given to Aislinn, with instructions to blame the helicopter's apparent abandonment of the group on either Guile or Yamazaki, as the case may be. The key thing here is: Aislinn's gotta get the two riled enough that they start to brawl! She can take sides however she chooses, of course... but no fight, no money! (A helicopter will arrive to pick the fighters up after the battle, whatever happens.)
MATCH 7 ~ Tran AND Momo VS Rolento in "One Of These Things Is Weirdly Attracted To The Other"
LOCATION: Southtown, Downtown
~ It's been a while since Saturday Night Fight has seen the enigmatic Rolento Schugerg particpate. For that matter, it's also been a very long time since they've seen Momo Karuizawa enter! To commemorate this event, much as SNF organizers have done with Ralf and Joe, these two combatants have been placed in a match with a pillar of the Saturday Night Fight community - DR. TRAN. In a no-holds barred match that's sure to put Tran's tolerance of irritating cuteness to the test, while pitching Rolento against two interestingly oriented opponents, these three will fight it out in the middle of Southtown's bustling Downtown, without the benefit of a "classical" arena! Use the environment to your advantage, again! There are BOXES and MANHOLES and shit lying all over the place.
MATCH 8 ~ Himeko AND Alan VS Shoma in "Putting On A Good Show"
LOCATION: Chi-Lin Nunnery, Hong Kong, China
~ Goody two-shoes Himeko Kashiwagi and Shoma Sawamura might be a bit off-put by the third combatant in this team-vs-one dude matchup. Alan R.B. is famous for his absolute lack of tact and fear, and the current locale of this fight: The Chi-Lin Nunnery has been chosen by SNF organizers to be the recipient of a special charity match, held for the devout sisters living there. Unfortunately, there's been a slight oversight -- there is NO WAY that Alan's well-known behavior is going to be tolerated by the gentle-minded, caring nuns watching this one. Thusly, it falls to his teammate, Himeko, and opponent, Shoma, to keep him from saying anything PROFANE during the match!
MATCH 9 ~ Drake AND Arika VS Blanka in "Beauties And The Beast"
LOCATION: Southtown, Forest
~ There isn't much to this fight, it's a clash of personalities, a test of friendships! Blanka is still a newcomer to the SNF circuits, and as such, it's a fairly safe bet that most contestants aren't QUITE sure who, exactly, he is. Or whether or not he'll kill them. Drake and Arika have been seen to be good friends with one another, and thus, SNF organizers want to see exactly how this dynamic duo will deal with the sudden introduction of a "savage" into an otherwise peaceful forest. They know they've gotta fight SOMEBODY -- as does Blanka -- but will they be able to see through his hideous profile and find the person (maybe, I dunno) within?! It's just like the movie!
MAIN EVENT 1 ~ Daigo VS Kurow in "Deep Freeze"
LOCATION: Siberia, Frozen Tundra
~ Ah. Daigo Kazama and Kurow Kirishima, some of the most infamous names to ever become associated with their respective schools. This match has been a long time coming, and the billing for it is pretty ramped-up. A set of bleachers has been hastily constructed somewhere on the frozen tundras of Siberia, but no ring has been created for these two stoic individuals to battle in, nor have they been offered protective gear! It's a battle of attrition as the
elements do as much (or more!) damage than those punches might!
*SPECIAL: I trust you two to make this fight absolutely fantastic, but here's something to keep in mind: That wind's gonna drive a brother to sleep if he stands still in it. So keep active, move around, and reflect the need to keep that body heat up!!*
MAIN EVENT 2 ~ Shingo VS Kensou WITH Rickenbacher as Chaos Agent in "Concert Conflict!"
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ HOW STRANGE. Iori Yagami's famous band, "Rickenbacher", has been scheduled to play at Howard Arena this coming Saturday! Naturally, a fight was supposed to happen there, but... Howard Enterprises has wormed their way around this oversight by offering SNF contenders Shingo Yabuki and Sie Kensou FREE TICKETS... on the grounds that they make the most of the experience, have some fun listening to Rickenbacher blast out some ear-piercingly loud beats, and maybe get a fight in, up on stage, right next to Iori! It's like sharing, really. We all know how Iori likes to share, don't we? This could be the shortest match in SNF history. Good luck, boys!
*SPECIAL: Iori, be nice :(*
Enjoy the fights! Remember to @mail me those highlights/results, and post logs! Good luck!
SNF Results: 7/13/07 - Fri Jul 20 2007 - Thundercleese
COMING SOON: Obviously we've had some technical difficulties this week, so expect a results post (sadly, it will be an abbreviated one) this Friday afternoon, when I've woken up and eaten something. UNTIL THEN...
SNF Matches: 7/20/07 - Fri Jul 20 2007 - Thundercleese
MATCH 1 ~ Takuma VS Rose in "A Lover And A Fighter"
LOCATION: Louvre Museum, Paris, France
~ Paris, France. A 'poncy' place, as Sakazaki might put it. Rose, on the other hand, is likely to have her own thoughts on the matter, especially since this fight sees both world-renowned combatants battling in front of the Louvre's majestic, extraordinarily fragile Louvre Pyramid. I know what you're all thinking -- Will a Haoh Sho Ko Ken result in irreplacable damage and render Howard Enterprises entirely bankrupt? It'd definitely be a good way for the old man to get back at Geese, ha ha! Anyway, I trust these fighters to make the most of their environment, no special caveats needed! TRY NOT TO BREAK ANYTHING.
MATCH 2 ~ "Hurricane Hime" AND Arika VS Zaki in "Strutting Your Stuff"
LOCATION: Otakon Anime Convention, Baltimore, MD
~ As everybody but me seems to know, Otakon is happening this weekend. Howard Enterprises, charitable as they are, has donated not just TWO, but THREE of their best to "spice up" the show, with a demonstration of how unorthodox fighting can really be! Sure, a lot of people know about the big names like Ryu and Terry, but those "shotoclones" all tend to subscribe to the same kinds of martial arts - epic and untouchable. Can your average Joe throw a flaming Shoryuken? Not likely. But I bet they can A) Fling a chain around, B) Fling PEOPLE around, C) Fling... pages? Books? around. Or whatever it is that this Hurricane Hime chick does. Show those dorks what fighting's REALLY about, ladies!
MATCH 3 ~ Alan R.B. VS Aislinn VS Tenma in "Alan Is On His Way To Hell"
LOCATION: "Second Wind" Retirement Center, Southtown
~ Last week, as Turk and Macy will be making VERY apparent once the teleprompters have been fixed (Turk will say anything he reads off of them), Alan R.B. successfully insulted an entire nunnery last week, and was reputedly knocked out by God himself. Apologies have been made to the sisters at said nunnery, and in THIS battle, Howard Enterprises is giving R.B. another chance. As well as entrusting both Aislinn and Tenma with a sacred charge, one that our very forefathers would hold dear to their hearts: Keep that man from managing to offend ANOTHER population of SNF enthusiasts, please! Fighters are encouraged to find ways to either gag R.B. or cover up what he says with clever bullshitting. GOOD LUCK, AISLINN AND TENMA.
MATCH 4: Hotaru VS Roberto WITH Tran as Hotaru's Guest Coach in "Listen Close, It's DR. TRAN!"
LOCATION: SlamMasters Arena, Metro City
~ Hotaru Futaba, Roberto Miura, and Dr. Richard Tran. All of these are well-known SNF contestants, and this weekend they've been thrown into a high-octane matchup, with a crazy-as-hell caveat! While Tran's reputation is wildly disparate between SNF enthusiasts, ranging from "living legend" to "legendary loser", it can't be said that he LACKS any sort of understanding of fighting -- after that mess with Kain last month, he might just be the most knowledgeable Junior Division combatant out there. Hotaru's going to need all the help she can get against Miura, a soccer player with one HELL of a long-shot, so Tran has been assigned as her "coach" for the round! Will his tutelage be enough to even the playing field, or will Roberto just wind up kicking his balls at Futaba all night?!
SPECIAL: Tran, you're in charge of Hotaru for the fight. She "must" (I give it quotes because you might just do something idiotic and WRONG) listen to every bit of advice you give her, and attempt to incorporate it into her moves!
MATCH 5 ~ Rock VS Daigo in "Gedo Street Story"
LOCATION: Gedo High School, Auditorium
~ Rock Howard has been paid an incredible amount of incentive for this Saturday Night Fight. While it's up to him whether or not he wants to participate fully, the IDEA is that he accept an honorary position as one of the lead roles in Gedo High School's presentation of "West Side Story"... as Tony, the musical's protagonist. Daigo Kazama, one of Gedo's luminary students, has been offered the other male "lead", that of Bernardo, as WELL as an additional incentive from Howard Enterprises. The caveat is that the climactic battle at the end of the play's first act, rather than following script, "Tony" and "Bernardo"'s knife fight winds up being a chi-laden massacre between these two impressive enemies! Songs and dance abound while explosions wrack the battleground, but this West Side Story isn't one anybody'll soon forget!
SPECIAL: Obviously this one's kind of an... "interesting" layout. I really like it, and wanted to get it in there, but feel free to fudge it or even scrap it for a more traditional battle if you feel it's unworkable.
MATCH 6 ~ Clark VS Guile in "For America"
LOCATION: House Chamber, Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
~ While neither Guile nor Clark are directly aware of this, the US Military's top brass has re-evaluated the martial arts training they're administering to their Special Forces. Under-the-table deals with Geese have resulted in this weekend's SNF match being in an extraordinarily unconventional locale -- specifically, the auditorium in the US Capitol Building's House Chamber! Guile and Clark battle before all of Congress and the US Military's top staff in this consequence-laden Saturday Night Fight, providing the military leaders with some data on how their old styles compare with others! Will Guile prove that tried-and-true really is best? Or will Clark prompt a major overhaul of US military training, unknowingly!?
MATCH 7 ~ Ryo VS Kurow in "True Zwee Fighting"
LOCATION: Main Room, Otakon Anime Convention, Baltimore, MD
~ Otakon is this weekend! Who knew?! Yeah, this is the second fight I've arranged there, but I figure it's a special occasion, especially for DORKS LIKE US. Kurow and Ryo have been slated to give their fight in the main room, before all of Otakon's creepily-dressed, fanservice-laden attendants, with a similar feel to Match #2! Namely: Show these kids what fighting's all about! While the girls are taking care of the more accessible forms of combat, Kurow and Ryo are there to show them what the true "elites" of this world can do, engaging in a technical show that MIGHT just stop a few hearts while it's going!
SPECIAL: SPECIALS, SUPERS, AND MAXES only! No normals for this one, though you can obviously compose, charge, or focus if you need to. Good luck, fighters!
MATCH 8 ~ Drake VS Ingrid in "A Bunch Of Hot Air"
LOCATION: Hot Air Balloon Festival, Midwestern United States
~ Hot Air Balloon festivals are typically extraordinarily pretty in pictures, but extraordinarily BORING in person. It's for this reason that the state of Iowa has asked for some special attention from Howard Enterprises, namely, the donation of a few fighters for their annual show. Between Drake and Ingrid, this battle should be extraordinarily interesting, what with Ingrid's esoteric sun(?!)-styled chi, and Drake's high-flying, agility-based wrestling maneuvers! Fighters, you're all encouraged to utilize the surrounds to your advantage... bounce off of those balloons like they were trampolines, if you want, leap from basket to basket!
LOCATION: Pao Pao Cafe, Southtown
~ Nothing too crazy about this one. As with all Junior Division Champion matches (well, most of them) this fight is intended to determine whether or not Preston is "worthy" of his title! Like Kenji before him, the Brit has to be able to defend his title against all comers - if he fails a single SNF from here on out, he can bet that his next one will be against the most successful Junior Division fighter, hand-picked to DESTROY HIM by SNF organizers themselves! This week's contender for shattering Preston's brand-new hold on the title is certainly an interesting one... Marisol O'Connell, one of Preston's prominent teammates and "friends". Good luck in proving you're worthy of the belt, Wellington! (Destroy him, Marisol!)
MATCH 10 ~ Kain VS Geese in "Stress Testing"
LOCATION: John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
~ NASA has recently "perfected" a futuristic space-environment simulator, meant to allow astronauts practice at negotiating the often awkward ramifications of zero-g movement and unnatural temperatures of space. While it's essentially ready to go, the folks at NASA can't allow for "chances of error", and as such have "granted" SNF, a well-known charitable organization, the chance to send two combatants of its choice in for a rare chance at zero-g FIGHTING IN SPACE. In reality, this is a thinly shrouded attempt to see how much strain the system can take before it breaks. Unsurprisingly, Geese Howard is one of these men. The other, however, is perhaps the only SNF fighter who could match him in a one-on-one... Kain Heinlein. Stay tuned to this one, ladies and gentlemen, because goddamn is this premise hilarious.
SPECIAL: You're fighting IN SPACE. I don't really see how you can go wrong, here! Fighters are encouraged to use their chi to rocket around the room, since "normal" movement is obviously affected by the zero-g. Feel free to make things look crazy for it! TRY AND THROW SOMEBODY INTO THE SUN.
MAIN EVENT ~ Sokaku VS Yamazaki in "A Long Time Coming"
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ Finally, somebody has stepped up to challenge Yamazaki for his title. Or, more accurately, I remembered that it was, in fact, the goddamn Championship title, and Sokaku was man enough to take it upon himself to organize this! Regardless, Yamazaki's been called out, Howard Arena, this weekend! The opponent, Sokaku Mochizuki! Will our current champ rescind his boycott to defend his belt against this newcomer, or will Sokaku step out of nowhere, steal the belt from an unsuspecting Yamazaki's waist, and set new precedent in becoming the circuit's first "One Fight Wonder"?! Pay attention, I guess. Maybe you'll see!
As always, @MAIL HIGHLIGHTS and SEND THOSE LOGS. Some of you have been slacking off on this and I promise you, if it keeps up you will be seeing your locales being shifted to such gorgeous sites as "Oro's Armpit".
SNF Matches: 7/26/07 - Thu Jul 26 2007 - Crow
Thundercleese is a bit busy this week, so I've taken up the reins again for SNF. But don't worry, he should be back in action soon!
Match 1 ~ Zangief AND Rainbow Mika VERSUS Balrog AND Aranha in "Beauties and the Beasts"
LOCATION: Steel Cage at SlamMasters Arena, Metro City
~ A little something for everybody. Zangief and R.Mika get to fight in a familiar setting, while Balrog and Aranha get to make use of the steel cage for their acrobatic brands of martial arts. It's a no holds barred fight to the finish. Will speed win out over strength? Will raw power crush agility? This fight may not settle the question, but you can be sure the SNF fans are going to be up all night arguing about it on internet forums!
Match 2 ~ Marisol AND Pas AND Preston VS Shenwoo in "Pacification"
LOCATION: Pacific High, Athletic Fields
~ It's a chance for the Pacific Resistance to show off their fighting skills and their ability to work as a team as they attempt to take down the God of Battle. They'll have the home field advantage for this one, and the crowd will be on their side, but will it be enough to overcome Shenwoo's berserker strength? They have the numbers, but Shenwoo hits like a ton of bricks shot out of a cannon.
SPECIAL: Each of the students has to spend at least one round to +assist a teammate. Shenwoo is under no restrictions and can feel free to go as wild as he wants.
Match 3 ~ Hayato VS Clark in "Endurance Training"
LOCATION: Upper slopes of Mount Fuji, Japan
~ This was originally going to just be a high altitude match, but the fight coordinators talked to Hayato and he got into a oneupsmanship competition... with himself. So in addition to fighting at a high altitude, both fighters are going to be wearing heavily weighted clothing. And every so often somebody higher up the mountain will be rolling large rocks down toward them. The coordinators managed to get Hayato out of the room before he could expound his idea about the fighters having their legs shackled and their arms tied behind their backs. Clark can handle living with Ralf, so this should be a walk in the park!
SPECIAL: The exact CSYS limitations on this one are going to be up to the two fighters, because the situation is going to be changing throughout the battle. The use of slowdown and limitations on dodging are both good places to start, however.
Match 5 ~ Hurricane Hime AND Shoma VS Blanka in "Beyond Electric Thunderdome"
LOCATION: Australian Outback
~ This fight is going to take place on the bed of a large truck, the kind used for moving houses. It'll be rolling through the Outback at the top speed that can be safely managed. (And safely is going to include being quite a bumpy ride.) Falling off the truck isn't an instant disqualification, but it's not going to stop. Anybody who falls off had better think fast, or they're going to wind up getting left behind until a rescue team gets sent out for them. (If that happens to be Blanka... There really /will/ be a rescue team this time.) Aside from the treacherous footing, this one's going to be pretty straightforward. Two kids from Taiyo versus a big, green thing that bites people on the head. Good times, good times.
Match 6 ~ Chun-Li VS Soma AND Kasumi AND Miu in "The Rock"
LOCATION: Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay
~ Who wouldn't want to see people fighting through an abandoned prison? The four fighters will be brought to the main cell block of Alcatraz for the fight, and are encouraged to make full use of their surroundings. Chun-Li's probably used to sending people off to places like this, but how many has she actually spent time in herself? The Strongest Woman in the World won't actually be facing off against all three opponents at once, however. To make things slightly
more even, only two of them will be attacking her at a given time.
SPECIAL: Altered Active Tag Tactics. This fight will mostly be following the rules for A.T.T., with the obvious change that there's three fighters on one side, and only one on the other. Chun-Li is not required to follow the rule about requiring attacks. She can focus, compose, do what she wishes. For the three fighters on the other side the rules do apply, but either one of the fighters currently on the field can tag out with the one who's waiting in the wings. (As of this writing, the rules for A.T.T. are posts 18/32 and 18/33.)
Match 7 ~ Ryuujin VS Ichiro in "Kingda Ka"
LOCATION: On the tracks of Kingda Ka rollercoaster, Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey
~ The folks at Six Flags were quite eager to pay for the chance to advertise their park on SNF. And what better way to advertise than to have an entire fight take place there, filmed from numerous camera angles so that the viewers will be able to see so much of what the park has to offer. Things like the tallest steel rollar coaster in the world, atop which Ryuujin and Ichiro will do battle. The track's not very wide, so the two fighters will mostly be limited to movement in just two dimensions, but as long as they're careful they should be able to keep their footing. Oh... Did we mention the ride will be running during the match?
SPECIAL: Every third round both fighters will have to deal with an 'attack' from a roller coaster car, courtesy of staff. They can react to it in any way they choose. The poses for anything aside from dodging should be pretty entertaining.
Match 8 ~ Rugal VS Chizuru in "Shadows of the Past"
LOCATION: Archaeological Site, Peru
~ There's a certain archaeological site in the mountains of Peru where a certain artifact has recently been found. A highly polished tablet of black stone, still smooth despite its age. The tablet is covered in curious symbols that mean little to the experts who have examined it. Pictures of those symbols have gotten out, though, and they link it to something both Rugal and Chizuru have in common, and that both fighters will likely take great interest in. The tablet has already been removed from the site, but there are still more excavations going on. The team leading the dig is quite busy, but thanks to a generous donation they've been convinced to discuss their findings... with the winner of the fight.
Match 9 ~ Kurow VS Sakura in "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?"
LOCATION: Taiyo High, Auditorium
~ This is a perfectly innocent match between two skilled fighters. The choice of combatants has absolutely nothing to do with recent geopolitical upheavals and certain unfortunate incidents. What on Earth would Howard Enterprises know about that sort of thing? I am shocked, SHOCKED, that you would even think that Geese might have some knowledge of things that may or may not have gone on and could, hypothetically, lead to some ratings garnering tension for this match. You should be ashamed of yourself!
MAIN EVENT ~ Kyo VS Alan AND Kaiwei AND Dr. Tran in "Madness. Utter Madness"
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ After Tran's fight against Kain Heinlein, the idea of having medical staff on hand to patch fighters back up into fighting condition, at least temporarily, was seen as a good one. Doing it too many times, though, may have adverse health effects. Good thing Tran signed that waiver. With limited utility, though, it should be safe, so Geese is bringing back the paramedics to keep an eye on things while some of SNF's more... unusual personalities take on the World Warrior champ, Kyo Kusanagi.
SPECIAL: Somebody gets an extra try. One of Kyo's opponents gets to be propped back up on his feet and set back out into the fray once he falls down. The medics only brought enough for one use, though, and all the rest of their equipment is of the more mundane kind. The fighter who gets the treatment doesn't necessarily have to be the first one to get taken down; it's up to Alan, Kaiwei and Tran to decide when the time comes.
And here's the standard reminder: Remember to submit those logs, and try to come up with some cool points from your match for the highlights reel. You can go ahead and @mail those to Thundercleese so that he'll be able to put together his results post.
Log created on 09:40:43 05/21/2007 by Kobun, and last modified on 20:42:48 09/23/2007.