SNF 2007.03 - Waterfowl? Ais/Rylee vs Duck

Description: Two women and one King of Ducks. On a the harbor......full of zombies. CAN THEY SURVIVE!? (Winners: Rylee and Aislinn)

Another weekend and another paycheck. While the chance to make it to the World Warrior has come and gone Rylee is more than ready for another competition in Saturday Night Fights this weekend. Between this, her prelim and her dream come true in the form of fighting with Haggar in WNB Rylee has been one busy Canadian. She is starting to feel a bit worn down at this point and she is rather thankful she is once again partnered with someone in a fight so she doesn't have to try to carry a burden all on her own. And tonight's opponent? It is none other than the man that whipped her ass on SNF a few weeks ago. It is time to show Duck that she hasn't forgotten that loss and is ready to kick some ass.
The boat that has been set up for the fight is rather fancy. Probably one of Geese's own private boats which only makes Rylee want to be even more careful about not breaking something. She has been around for a short while watching the crowd gather about for the upcoming fight while mostly doing stretches and the like to warm up as she waits on the other fighters.

COMBATSYS: Rylee has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

Aislinn had been absent from SNF for a week or two--other concerns kept her from being able to take part in the competition she has come to actually enjoy. However, with a clear schedule for the first time in a few weeks she signed up again, and that signup has led to this fight, out on a boat. The last time she fought 'at-sea' was in SNF, battling with Lykaio against Hinako... and while that didn't go as well as she would have liked, it wasn't due to the locale.
Aislinn--the Silent Assassin as she is more popularly known--steps onto the boat, making her way through the growing crowd to stand at Rylee's side. She's done her homework--no mistaking Rylee for Duck or vice versa (as if she could); perhaps feeling more social today than most, she nods a greeting to Rylee, as she waits for the last participant to arrive, tightening her gloves and checking the lacing on her boots.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aislinn          0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

There is no mistaking Duck King's arrival. Mostly from all the shouts and carrying on from the direction on which he approaches. Not only is his lovable P-chan perched on him, but about seven other little chicks are in various places on the fighter's person. Hair, shoulders, pockets of his jacket, resting on his hand. All of that good stuff. It certainly looks as if he is taking this whole Waterfowl Royalty aspect rather seriously from the looks of it. He grins widely at the two fighters as he starts to set down all the little babies a safe distance away from the fight before reaching in his pocket and dropping a few crackers on the ground near them to keep them occupied.
"Awl right!" he declares while straightening up and thrusting a fist in the air. He then turns about to face the other two fighters to look them both over. Rylee is obviously a familiar face, but Aislinn gets a bit of a once over as Duck tries to see if he recognizes her or not. With a hop spin and a flip over the ropes into the fighting area the King of Ducks lands gracefully and pumps his fist a few times. "Lets do this."

COMBATSYS: Duck has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Duck
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Duck focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Duck
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

There is a slight nod in response to Aislinn as Rylee remembers the girl from awhile back. Afterall she was the one that managed to take down Alma when the speedy fighter proved to be a bit too much for the Canadian. This match at least won't involve fireballs or waves of lightning on Duck's part. Like her the opponent looks to be all about good old fist fighting which is a welcome relief for the young woman. She grins back at Duck and his rather strange entrance and finally stands up fully while cracking her knuckles.
"Been meaning to thank you for the other night, Duck. Not only that I am here to repay you for the last SNF we met at." she calls out to him. There is no anger in her tone. She just looks ready to compete and have a good time. once the officals tell the fighters to start she decides to hold back for now and see what the unorthodox breakdance fighter is planning while thinking of a strategy of her own.

COMBATSYS: Rylee focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Duck
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

Though Duck King certainly commands his own fame--if not necessarily as a fighter then as an organizer of the infamous 'Wednesday Night Breakdown'--and of course Aislinn studied his fighting style, there's only one thing she can say about his style--it's unorthodox. Bits of capoeira, kickboxing, straight out brawling...
It's a style that Aislinn can respect because in some ways, her fighting style is just like his. The crowd roars, then quiets a little as the fight gets underway--but no one's fighting just yet. Perhaps Aislinn wants to leave the first move up to Duck King; perhaps she just wants to prepare herself, as she sinks herself into a slightly deeper stance, energy flowing around her invisibly as she calls up power--power she'll need, if she and Rylee are to be victorious this night.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0             Duck
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

"What? Holding back already, ladies?" comes from a rather confused sounding Duck King. He gives a bit of a shrug in response to this and decides there isn't much that can be done. Afterall he was holding back himself. No reason to go about doing the whole pot meet kettle jazz. The music may not be as loud as when he is at the club, but he has a few speakers set up next to some turntables that DJ Buddy Lee is manning at the moment to make sure he has some tunes to groove to while he fights.
His feet shift about for a few moments in place and then Duck breaks into a run towards the other two fighters while grinning widely again. Another few steps are taken and the breakdance fighter leaps high into the air in the direction of Aislinn while spinning about to helicopter his legs and aims to slam his heel hard on her shoulder when coming down. "Booya!"

The Canadian takes a deep breath and lets out something of a sigh of relief that Aislinn is on her side at this juncture. She had almost forgot about that girl being somewhat of an energy user herself and not someone Rylee felt like dealing with after meeting with the Lightning Blunder, Alan and that girl from her World Warrior qualifier. She gets a bit too lost in thought though and Duck is already charging his way in. "Hey don't forget about me!" she calls out to him and gives chase soon pinning him between Aislinn and herself as she attempts to jump up and roundhouse kick him right across the back of his head.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Duck's Breakdance Spinkick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Aislinn          0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0             Duck
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

Although Duck wants to slam his feet into Aislinn's shoulder, instead they're met by her forearms; she sinks to her knees, a trick to help absorb some of that quick strike's kinetic energy, then pushes back up to a stand, thrusting her forearms away to knock Duck's feet out of line, hopefully to open him up to a simple kick of her own; Aislinn leaps as she deflects, seeking to meet the club-owner midair with a rising front kick stolen straight from the catalogue of typical Karate attacks.
Unlike most karate practicioners, however, she doesn't let out a kiai; it's there, but it's all internal, as her right foot scythes upwards.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Duck with Medium Kick.
Glancing Blow

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0             Duck
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Duck parries Rylee's Shining Wizard!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0             Duck
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/-------|

Shit shit shit shit! Moving in may have been a bad idea. Even as he is coming down with his kick he catches Rylee coming at him out of the corner of his eye. What makes it even worse for Duck is he is caught slightly off balance by having his kick blocked like that as to where getting out of the way is going to be rather troublesome. He hops about on one foot and ends up getting clipped by Aislinn's retaliation kick which sends him falling onto his back. Still aware of Rylee's own oncoming attack he lands on his upper back and thrusts his feet upwards to kick away Rylee's leg and kips back up to his standing position. "You two are going to be quite a bit to handle." he says while hopping back and flipping up over Rylee before landing on the deck and pushing back off his feet to go barreling into the Canadians's back and to run her over like some sort of psycho crazy Duck ball thing.

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Rylee with Flying Spin EX.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Duck
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/---====|

The waterfowled one ends up being much speedier than Rylee had expected. She was for sure a double sided attack would have been enough for at least one of the fighters to land a solid hit. At least it looks like Aislinn got him somewhat with her kick. As for her own it gets knocked away rather easily which just sends the Canadian into a slight swearing fight as she lands. "Oh no, I am not going to let you beat me down aga-HRK!" Spend less time talking and being annoyed and concentrate, Rylee. Maybe that way you wouldn't have just been bowled over by the other fighter like you were. Even so as she gets knocked over she tries to kick the balled up fighter from being as he continues on his way. That jerk.

With Duck going after Rylee, that leaves Aislinn to follow up her attack--and while she only clipped him, it's better than the fate of Rylee's own kick, which is quite neatly handled by the breakdance warrior. And that rolling spin certainly looked quite painful. Still, with Duck occupied by Rylee, that gives Aislinn a chance she didn't want to take prior to the match--a chance to focus herself, to study Duck more intently, to see how he fights and do some analysis.
Hell, it might even help; Aislinn notes just how painful that odd rolling attack looks and determines that she probably doesn't want to eat that herself.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn focuses on her next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Duck
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Duck interrupts Heavy Kick from Rylee with Neo Break Storm.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0             Duck
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            1/-----==/=======|

Well at least for a bit it seems that Duck is given a break from being struck at by both fighters. Of course it remains to be seen how long that might last for him. Rylee's foot does find Duck butt and he howls some while he goes upwards instead of sailing over the other fighter like he planned. This ends up being more painful than Rylee in the end since Duck King unfurls in midair and strikes directly downward on top of the Canadian with both sneaker clad feet. "Go shorty, it's yo birthday!" he says while he starts to actually dance on top of the other fighter to add insult to injury before giving one final stomp and flipping back to land on his feet and rub at his chin before looking between both fighters. "Is that all you two got? I haven't even broke a sweat!"

"Hah!" Finally Rylee thinks she got a clean hit on Duck when she feels her foot slam into him. And then he redirects his path and the Canadian goes rather wide eyed before trying to roll out of the way. The only broblem is he slams hard onto her stomach and she lets out a loud gasp and she is soon glad she hadn't ate before the fight otherwise Duck would be the victim of lost lunch. She is red in the face from embarassement at this point and she lets out a low groan before sitting up and getting back up. "I am not done yet!" she says and shakes a fist while looking rather huffy towards Duck. With that she comes running straight at him to grab the fighter and just pick him up and powerslam him hard onto the ground.

Is it... -combo time-?!? Perhaps it is! While Aislinn can't really claim to have a rapport with Rylee, she's more than willing to work together in this case, seeing as she doesn't have an enmity with Rylee and Rylee isn't bold enough to make claims about not needing help... so she times her arrival to be just after Rylee's attempt at a powerbomb.
If she's timed it right, Aislinn's lunging rush at Duck will arrive just after the powerbomb; Aislinn's rush ends with her spinning forward, along the decking of the boat, attempting to catch Duck in a twirling lariat technique very similar to Haggar's--if not covering quite as much area due to her smaller build.

COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Rylee's Strong Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0             Duck
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Duck with Whirlwind Lariat.
Glancing Blow

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0             Duck
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            1/-----==/=======|

Oh ho. Looks like he has the redhead all riled up now. She is pretty cute when flustered he has to admit. Of course he rather not get grabbed by her at this point since she looks as if she means business. At least she is coming at him slow enough that he ducks out of the way and slaps Rylee on the ass in passing. "Try again!" he calls out and then he feels his ducksense tingling a bit too late as he tries to hop back forward to avoid the incoming Aislinn which clips him again and sends him tumbling forward and rolling under the ropes and into the crowd. He disappears among the spectators till that mohawk starts to rise out amoung the heads like a shark fin coming out of water. "Waaaaataaaaah!" he cries out as he comes charging forward with a table that gets hefted over his head and he jumps in the air to come down at Rylee to smack her right across the noggin with it. "Sorry, Canadia, but I need to make things a bit more even."

COMBATSYS: Rylee fails to interrupt Random Weapon from Duck with Ura-nage.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/=======|

Rylee lets out a slight yelp when her ass is slapped and she growls in frustration. "Why does everyone want to touch my ass this week!? Leave it the hell alone!" she yells loudly and quickly looks for Duck when he ends up disappearing in the crowd. Her fingers crick and crack as she prepares for when he jumps out. Then his 'hawk makes its appearance and she advances towards the fighter as he leaps out at her with the table. He sure seems to be sailing in easily enough to catch him, but then there is a loud crack as that table breaks right over the woman's head and causes her to stagger back a few steps where she staggers about looking quite out of it as she wanders off while swinging her arms. "Come here....jerk...."

Once again, Duck chooses to assault Rylee... an interesting tactical measure. Sure, Rylee's the more damaged by far, but allowing the other opponent free reign to assault you could prove disastrous. Aislinn can tell, as well, that Rylee wants to get some sort of revenge on Duck... and perhaps feeling a little sympathetic, she decides to see if she can't aid Rylee in this matter. Aislinn ducks into the crowd and grabs one of the posts roping off the area; and then she's grabbing it, pulling, and running towards Rylee... an attempt to corral Duck and force him into Rylee's arms. Of course, with Rylee acting the way she is, it may not be the best idea...

COMBATSYS: Aislinn assists Rylee.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck
[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Rylee            0/-------/=======|

"Ah hah, yeah that is what you get for messing with the Duck Ki-" he is interrupted when he sees Aislinn coming right at him and he lets out a loud scream before running away from her. "Get her away!" he cries out as he dashes about the boat then grins a bit once he gets a good distance away before jumping up on one of the rails and he goes to leap off of it to go sailing through the air towards the dazed Rylee where he aims to punch the red head in the back of her noggin. "You look tired, kiddo. Take a nap and we'll talk after the event." he tells her while striking.

[OOC] Rylee says, "I cannot do anything else but...."

COMBATSYS: Rylee fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Duck with Tequila Sunrise.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Duck

COMBATSYS: Rylee can no longer fight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Duck

At this point Rylee is probably seeing double from that last strike. It looked like it did enough to cut her slightly. Nothing major and far from being the worst cut she ahs taken on the head. It is evident the table got her though since she has a light streak of red running down her forhead when she turns about to see multiple Duck Kings coming at her. "Oh god he reproduced." she says sounding as if she is in panic. Acting on instinct at this point she just grabs for one of them to drag them down to the ground. She ends up grabbing air and there is a thump of Duck's fist hitting her head and sending her crashing forward onto the deck with a loud thud. There she lays to catch up on her Z's. She has been able to do that alot this week.

Well that wasn't as much of a success as she would have wanted it to be. Aislinn clicks her tongue lightly when Rylee goes down... it seems the Duck King is all for her now... whether she likes it or not. Aislinn drops the post with the velvet rope on it and raises her hands, adopting a boxing style of stance... and starts advancing on the swift breakdancer. She isn't terribly sure she'll hit him, but she'll try, lunging forward and snapping out a one-two combination punch, left jab to right straight. Of note is that when she punches, her fists flare with an aura of red-white electricity, surrounding her fists with a snap and crackle.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Duck with Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aislinn          1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1             Duck

Whew, one down and one to go. Duck can't let out a sigh of relief just yet, though. Even as he turns about to face Aislinn he is met with two quick strikes that stagger him back several steps and almost cause his shades to fall off. He catches them and pushes them back up on the bridge of his nose as the crowd almost find out what the eyes of the King look like. "Time to kick things up a notch and get funky." he mumbles to himself to shake the cobwebs. He will for sure to have a long talk with Geese for this one if he manages to survive it. As much as he likes the ladies an asskicking from two of them is a bit much. With another hop he moves into a forward roll across the deck right at Aislinn before bursting out of it and upwards with a corkscrewing fist meant to slam into her chin as he goes skyward. It is time to kick it Saikyo style. "DUCKYUKEN!"

COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Duck's Strong Punch.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aislinn          1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1             Duck

Fortunately it isn't a real Shoryuken--or Aislinn might be in real trouble. She watches Duck's roll and backsteps a couple of times, giving herself enough room to bring her forearms up to absorb most of that power punch. And then Duck's rising into the sky; Aislinn dances back a couple of steps then leaps, somersaulting once, attempting to bring her heels down in a scything, powerful kick; a purely physical assault this time, with no evidence of that energy.

COMBATSYS: Duck interrupts Strong Kick from Aislinn with Break Hurricane EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Aislinn          1/=======/=======|==-----\-------\0             Duck

Sailing up high in the air goes the King of Ducks. Even as his uppercut doesn't strike it's mark he continues skyward in that corkscrew motion. He is on his way down when Aislinn jumps towards him with a kick her own which leans to Duck landing on his feet before leaping upwards again still corkscrewing even as he is slammed by the kick as he slams one of his own into Aislinn while an arm grabs the leg that kicked him. Twirling about the pair go through the air as Duck lands a few more punches before tossing the girl back to the ground and landing a few feet in the air with arms raised. "Somebody call my momma cause I'm about to whoop somebody!"

*WHAM* *CRUNCH* The crowd lets out a collective 'OOOH!' of pain as Aislinn finally lands, flat on her back, a fine cloud of dust rising from around her landing point. It's a moment before she twitches, pulling herself back to her feet. Yeah... that hurt. That hurt a lot. But Ais ain't done yet. Win, lose, doesn't matter to her--what she is here to do is to test her skills. And so far... well, there isn't enough of a sample size to tell. Aislinn coughs out a gobbet of blood, then wipes her mouth clear of a trickle... and beckons to Duck. Think he's gonna whoop somebody? Then he'd better get to it.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn focuses on her next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Aislinn          1/=======/=======|==-----\-------\0             Duck

He might be boasting a bit too much given that he is looking a bit battered himself. Duck King is all about giving people what they want though and he is really doing his best to play to them even in the roll of the outnumbered fighter. Things are looking pretty even at this point though despite Aislinn still being pretty fresh compared to him. He is a bit wobbly from all that spinning that still has him reeling and he peers towards Aislinn as she seems to hesitate. "What? Well fine, here I come." and with that being said he remains where he is. "In a few moments." is quickly added on. If she is going to stand there he is going to clean out some cobwebs.

COMBATSYS: Duck gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aislinn          1/=======/=======|=------\-------\0             Duck

Aislinn actually smirks, a little. So Duck decided not to... well that's fine, Aislinn can do what she needs to. From a complete standstill suddenly she's running forward, arms up, bobbing and weaving a little like a boxer... but the punch she's going to throw has nothing to do with boxing; in fact it looks quite a bit like a certain Kusanagi technique. As she closes the last few feet she rears back with her right hand, then hurls it overhand, twisting her body to her left as she plants her feet, all her momentum concentrating in that gloved fist.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Duck with Fierce Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Aislinn          1/=======/=======|===----\-------\0             Duck

A few quick breathes, that is all he needed. He is ready. He is pumped! He is....getting punched all to hell by the other fighter. "Waaaaaugh!" he cries out as he gets slammed by that fist and goes dancing off to the side hopping from foot to foot holding his head. Jesus Jacked up Christ that hurt to no end. So much for getting rid of cobwebs. He has a whole pleathora of them now at this point. Now he knows how Rylee feels after that table shot. Staggering back and forth he finally turns about and flops forward lands on his hands before twisting about on them and starting to flail wildy at Aislinn with great fury and all that weird stuff.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn counters Neo Break Storm from Duck with Banishing Hammer.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Duck

Breakdancing... this flailing storm of limbs is scary to be sure. But Aislinn is accustomed to defeating her fears. She appears rather calm, despite this flailing, wild attack by Duck King; and she picks her moment carefully. She finds a point and parries one of the kicks--and with quick modification, grabs Duck's legs. Normally... well, normally, she headbutts with this counter--and so that's what she's doing. Too bad for Duck... what's she's headbutting is not his forehead... but his P-Chan. There's no way she'll right him first; so she just slams her forehead into the first vulnerable point she can find, which just happens to be Duck's thighs and groin. Three rapid headbutts and then she kicks Duck in the stomach, sending him sliding along the ground. Perhaps it isn't how Rylee would have done it but maybe she can consider her revenge taken, in a way.

Oh god the freaking pain. Duck King isn't even really sure what the hell happened when his momentum is suddenly turned against him and before he knows it he is the victim of a severe beating that leaves him in a whole new world of pain. Floating through the air he lands with a thump and it is a bit odd because he actually bounces once and then ends up on his face with his limbs all sprawled out.
He's down! The Duck King is dow-oh no there he is....barely. He twitches some and curls up on the ground and rolls forward and back slowly, slowly building momentum before finally barreling forward towards Aislinn with one last strike aimed to take out the woman. Only he rolls right past her to end up near the shattered table where he hefts it upwards and then stands up to swing it about and as he falls forward again he intends to slam it right upon Aislinn's head. He's one dead duck.

COMBATSYS: Duck has reached second wind!

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Duck

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Aislinn with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Aislinn          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck

She wasn't expecting him to get up; not at all. After all she just tenderized the softest spot on -any- man. So the table, when it comes, is completely unexpected; it smashes on her head and breaks in half and just drops her to her knees. There's even a grunt of pain--a rarity from the Silent Assassin. Looks like it's her turn to take a moment...

COMBATSYS: Aislinn gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Aislinn          1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0             Duck

There is a moment where it looks like Duck is down for the count, but he then staggers back still holding onto part of the table after crashing it over the other fighter. He drops the table leg and he stares as somehow Aislinn is still standing even after that. "Damn what are you made of?" he says rather out of breath as he steps back and almost trips over Rylee. He then looks down and gets a thoughtful look. Well hopefully she will forgive him if she finds out about it later, but for now Rylee is hefted upwards and Duck takes a deep breath before he sends her flying right at Aislinn. "Javelin ma....WOMAN!" he cries out and releases.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn blocks Duck's Large Thrown Object.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Aislinn          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1             Duck

Hmm. This isn't something that happens every day! Aislinn considers her options for a moment, but it seems unnecessarily cruel to try and use a table or a chair to blow through the flying Rylee; instead Aislinn braces herself to catch the woman, dumping her to the ground unceremoniously afterwards. Aislinn frowns--not sure how to handle the fight now, with Duck recovering himself so well. What is she made of? Cyborg parts, flesh, and badass. Despite the distance created by Aislinn having to catch Rylee, she lunges forward again, leaping high and attempting to just kick Duck in the back of the head--much like how Rylee started the fight out. And this kick is blazing with energy, an aura crackling into being around her striking foot.

COMBATSYS: Duck fails to interrupt Light Kick from Aislinn with Dancing Calibre.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Aislinn          1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0             Duck

[OOC] Duck King fingersnaps

He may be standing boys and girls, but it looks like that is about all he is finding the energy for. He is panting pretty heavily after that hefting and throwing. Enough that he isn't feeling like moving from his position as Aislinn comes in at him. With a staggerstep he leans in to try to strike back with a fist of his own, but soon his head meets foot and stumbling away he goes and he ends up on the ground puffing again as he stares up at the sky watching the clouds. Man this girl is a monster. At least she isn't shooting him with a shotgun over and over. "I need a drink."

Shotguns? Wastes of time. Well, Talia puts the lie to that. But Aislinn prefers to use her body as a weapon... other weapons can be had, however, this is true. Aislinn backpedals, to the edge of the roped off area, and reaches back... grabbing a bottle of Cristal. Perhaps it is on the downswing with rappers and with the hiphop culture... but the bottle still makes a fine projectile. He said he needed a drink right? So he should appreciate this!

COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Aislinn's Thrown Object.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Aislinn          1/----===/=======|==-----\-------\0             Duck

Cloud gazing is nice and all, but there is the sound of something whirling through the air which means Duck should be getting the hell out of dodge. That is exactly what he does as he rolls to the side and gets to his feet right as the bottle shatters on the deck not too far from him. "Ah hah...damn." he sputters and rubs the back of his neck. Such a waste of the good shit. "Thanks chica, but that isn't really my style." he mumbles and charges in to reach for the other fighter to grasp at her and toss her upwards into the air to catch her across his shoulders in a backbreaker. Looks like the booze gave him an idea and he decided to borrow one from good ole Ralf Jones.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn counters Strong Throw from Duck with Banishing Needle.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Aislinn          1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0             Duck

Aislinn doesn't like people trying to grab her; it's a personal thing, really. Touchy-feely doesn't work for her. Thus, when Duck comes in, Aislinn thrusts her arms up between his grasping arms and jerks her elbows outward, breaking his hold.
In the same moment she thrusts her right knee up into Duck's chest and twists thereafter, thrusting her booted foot into his stomach for a side-on kick to send him tumbling again.

Owhellfookmeithurts. Duck makes another mental note that grabbing for this girl isn't the best of ideas. Then again what is a guy to do, right? He could just call the fight and say Aislinn is the bigger man at this point, but the fans wouldn't want that. He is sore and battered to hell and feeling dizzy as can be. Yet he still finds the strength to keep going as the fans cheer for this nailbiting fight between him and the other fighter. "Hah.....craziness. I guess it is just too much for me to handle." he then thrusts a fist in the air. "But I can't give up!" he cries and then with that he goes running and tosses himself forward while curling up into a ball to plow right into and possibly over Aislinn much in the manner he steamrolled Rylee near the beginning of the fight. "Uwaaaaaaaaah!"

COMBATSYS: Duck successfully hits Aislinn with Flying Spin.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Aislinn          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0             Duck

Remember where Aislinn said she didn't want to be hit by that? Yeah, uh... good luck with that. Duck plows into her and bowls her over, sending her tumbling in turn; she gasps in pain again, but stops her tumble with a slap of her hands. Rising up, there's a glow in her eyes, and around her hands, as she suddenly summons up a near-final burst of strength... something in her eyes might tell people in the crowd to run, as she raises her hands... releasing a series of electric blasts at Duck, four of them firing out, the sound like a great sheet of cloth being ripped asunder.

COMBATSYS: Duck dodges Aislinn's Stinger Raid.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Duck

He hit? HE HIT! Duck comes out of that roll and ends up on his feet. "Who's the...." he trails off as he notices the crowd all moving about and the unconcious Rylee is getting dragged off by an offical rather quickly. Slowly Duck turns about and he lets out a girlish scream once again as Aislinn looks scary as hell at this point as she starts firing those blasts at him over and over. He jumps about from foot to foot narrowly avoiding each blast as he dives behind that other half of the table that hasn't been shattered yet till the evilness is over. He slowly stands up using the table as a shield to make sure nothing else is coming his way. With a heft he tosses it right at Aislinn. "Just stay down please! I rather live a long life!"

COMBATSYS: Aislinn overcomes Large Thrown Object from Duck with Shining Edge.
- Power hit! -

[                         \\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Aislinn          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0             Duck

The battle's almost over--one way or the other--but Aislinn doesn't go down without a fight. Despite Duck's plea, Aislinn merely sets herself... and the moment the table goes flying she raises her hands, as if conducting an orchestra; the end result is that a shimmering blade of energy slices up out of the decking and cuts the table right in half... before surging forward as it chops down, intent on cutting right through the Duckmaster.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn successfully hits Duck with Shining Edge.

[                         \\\\\  < >                                ]
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0             Duck

That was rather unexpected. Duck King was rather pleased with himself up till that table cuts the damn thing in half and soon the King is in for pain again as he gets fried by the other fighter's strike. He twitches somewhat and sort of staggers left then staggers right before going forward towards Aislinn and then jumping at her while doing a rather half assed twirl as his sorry butt ends up just pretty much ends up being an unconcious lump that looks to land on top of the other fighter. Whud!

COMBATSYS: Duck can no longer fight.

[                         \\\\\  <
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Aislinn dodges Duck's Head Spin.

[                         \\\\\  <
Aislinn          0/-------/---====|

As tired as Aislinn is--and she is -damn- tired--she has just enough left in her to avoid the flying lump of Duck. But it is a near thing, to be sure; she steps backwards several times and stumbles, nearly falling save for catching herself on a table... and nearly upending it. She's too tired to speak; this time, she's even too tired to just walk off, and ends up sitting down on the decking while announcers tend to their thing and medics tend to the fighteres.

COMBATSYS: Aislinn has ended the fight here.

Log created by Duck, and last modified on 06:17:15 03/07/2007.