Description: [OOC] Here is a collection of the SNF posts for June 2007.
SNF Matches: 6/01/07 - Sat Jun 2 2007 - Gonzales
Hey guys! Sorry this took me so long. I hope this one's a fun one! XD
You guys have been relatively good about @mailing me your results, I think, which I very much appreciate. One extra thing this time: please try to be very timely about submitting your logs this time around, because we're working on some potential changes to the SNF system. I'm sure you guys are tired of my zaniness by now. Ha ha ha, yeah right! Seriously though, much obliged.
Enjoy yourselves! >:D
MATCH 1 ~ Benimaru/Elisabeth/Shenwoo VERSUS Ash/Duolon/Gato in 'Exeunt!'
LOCATION: Movie Studio, Hollywood, California, United States
SPECIAL: Active Tag Tactics, Redux!!~ Can you believe it!? This match was a request, and not only that, a request for the battle type I shelved long ago as inadequate. I hope to get feedback on how well it works out, because if people are able to stay in the spirit of A.T.T. this time around, I'm down to revise it a little and start tossing it out again for variety. It's an adventure! Oh, and the fight is pretty sweet, it's about busting through various movie sets. You guys should check it out if they haven't finished already.
MATCH 2 ~ Preston AND Momoko VERSUS E.Honda in 'Maritime Merriment'
LOCATION: Fishing Barge, Harbor, Southtown
SPECIAL: Tekka Tasty~ Listen, Preston, if you keep carrying around that ridiculous oar I'm just going to start putting you on boats every fight. Our burly Brit and his spunky psychic ally will face off with their fearsome sumo opponent on the slick decks of a tuna fishing barge, with the special extra prize being all the tuna sushi rolls you can eat! If that isn't a motivation for Honda-san to toss some scamps overboard, I don't know what is. Bonus points for making use of the environment, including but not limited to life preservers, frozen tuna, and twin oar attacks a la X Strike. Also, 'Tekka Tasty' is probably the sweetest pun I've ever made for SNF, but you may have to eat lots of sushi and live in California to get it.
MATCH 3 ~ Brian AND Frei VERSUS Raiden AND Fio in 'Of Mice and Men'
LOCATION: Pet Emporium, Downtown, Metro City
SPECIAL: A Cage of Our Own~ Have you ever wondered if maybe what you really need is a rodent in your life? These four fighters find themselves told at the last minute that they're fighting in a charity match to raise awareness for the pressing needs of the vast pet emporium located in downtown Metro City. Of course, there are a lot of /people/ that need help in Metro City, but helping animals is 'human interest', ironically enough, and that's better publicity. Besides, maybe what all those people /really/ need is a pet! You can break a few things if you feel it's necessary, but if you hurt any small fluffy things there will be hell to pay.
MATCH 4 ~ Gabriel AND Roberto VERSUS Kyosuke in 'School Rumble'
LOCATION: Playground, Park, Southtown
SPECIAL: Junglegym Jive~ Roberto may have a bit of a rough time kicking a soccer ball over woodchips, but he'll probably have an even tougher time with his partner. No matter. Perhaps the real challenge is whether or not Kyosuke can beat up his opponents while still maintaining the importance of good moral values for the onlooking grade school children...
MATCH 5 ~ Sakura AND M.Bison VERSUS Ryo AND Kurow in 'Taking Out The Trash'
LOCATION: Recycling Center, Industrial District, Metro City
SPECIAL: Unlikely Allies~ Surely it is a theme in the SNF to create strange
combinations of teammates, but I think this one's going to be particularly enjoyable. Thus, perversely as always, I will demand that all of you at some point choose to use the 'assist' command on your ally, and in doing so try to make use of all the scary machinery at your disposal. Besides that, all I've got to say is, serious bonus points if M.Bison is able to throw someone in a trash compactor for at least a few harrowing moments.
MATCH 6 ~ Todoh AND Kasumi VERSUS Kain in 'For Love Of Honor'
LOCATION: Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Canada
SPECIAL: Guts and Glory~ It's time for the Ryuhaku style to really step up to the plate and make itself known. Now that Todoh's opened his big mouth on public television and Kain's lost his SNF title to the upstart Rock Howard, /someone/ is going to prove themselves here. Either Kain is going to remind the world that Yamazaki-related mishaps aside he is still a total badass, or the Ryuhaku family will finally show once and for all that it really /is/ worth noticing.
MATCH 7 ~ Rolento VERSUS Hayato (VERSUS "Elric Jaeger") in 'Crossfire'
LOCATION: Royal Pavilion, Brighton, England
SPECIAL: Nekketsu Narrative~ Okay, picture yourself: you're a spirited phys-ed teacher just doing your thing, trying to get your kendo on in a popular environment. You find out you're about to duke it out with some crazy terrorist, you're pretty stoked; there sure are a lot of cameras for a 1V1, but no big deal, right? You're probably just that awesome. Only, just as the match is about to start, some shadowy figure appears at the top of a building and jumps down to the grass, and the announcer announces the approach of 'Elric Jaeger' before ditching! What is this crap? Apparently this Elric guy and your opponent have some beef, but you didn't sign up for no three-way match. Everything's very confusing, but one thing at least is clear: /all/ these guys need some schooling!
MATCH 8 ~ Clark AND Shinobu VERSUS Alex AND Hotaru in 'No Place For A Lady'
LOCATION: 'The Spearmint' Strip Club, Slums, Metro City
SPECIAL: What Were They Thinking?~ They were told it would be for charity to benefit the Metro City slums, but they /weren't/ told where it would be. Still, it really /is/ for charity, and the place has been cleaned up a little, even if, er, a majority of the regular audience is there. Shinobu, Hotaru, you guys can handle it, right? Don't mind the hecklers, but please don't actually take anything off, it'll only encourage them. Well, except Clark. Bonus points if Clark silently starts taking off his clothes. Like, huge bonus points. But not his sunglasses, of course. Never his sunglasses.
MATCH 9 ~ Makoto VERSUS Heavy D! VERSUS Akira in 'Market Mayhem'
LOCATION: Historic City Center, Tallinn, Estonia, Europe
SPECIAL: Delayed Disruption~ The fight begins as normal, but at the beginning of the third round two trucks, forced to detour by the fight and the crowd watching it, accidentally collide and burst, sending crates bouncing and barrels rolling everywhere. Bonus Stage!?
MATCH 10 ~ Alan VERSUS Katelynn VERSUS Sada in 'King of the Hill'
LOCATION: The Ruined Fortress of Sacsayhuaman, Peru, South America
SPECIAL: Playing Keep Away~ Ostensibly, this fight is won or lost by whoever ends up at the top of the ruins, and anyone who falls off onto the grass or stairs and is unable to leap back to the top within ten seconds is disqualified automatically. This does not actually affect the fight from the CSYS perspective, but the fight should be played as though this is in fact the goal; fighters should be knocked off and struggle to return as soon as they can, and other fighters should press the attack, at range if possible, in efforts to continue knocking their opponents away. No fighter can actually lose except through the CSYS, but feel free to pose cutting it as close as you want!
MAIN EVENT ~ Geese VERSUS Drake/Arika/Marisol/Luc/Tenma in 'Minutes of Fame'
LOCATION: Shaanxi History Museum, Xi'an, China
SPECIAL: Field Trip!~ Did you know that the Shaanxi History Museum houses over three-hundred thousand items? Well now you do, you young punks, because Geese Howard just showed you like half of them! That's right, this fight begins just after this group has finished a lavish and fascinating tour of this fine museum. A real treat for non-natives! At least for Geese, who is refined and noble-hearted and has taste for such things. The rest of you may all have been bored to tears by the ancient tour guide, but who cares about you? You're just here to get the crap beat out of you by Geese Howard in the plaza. Or... ARE YOU? If you all work together, do you stand a chance against the mighty Howard? Or are your fifteen minutes of fame doomed to really be more like fifteen seconds? (P.S. I tried to pick R1s who I think are generally available, but if you guys can't make the fat matchup here I totally understand-- any other R1 will be accepted in your place. Seriously though, there are just too many of you guys.)
MAIN EVENT 2 ~ Rock VERSUS Yamazaki WITH CHAOS AGENT Terry in 'Grasping Greatness'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
SPECIAL: Step By Step~ Given what Geese /could/ do to Rock under these circumstances, it's interesting that this is the setup that was decided. However it came about, this is Rock's chance to show that his victory against Kain wasn't thanks mainly to an overexcited Chaos Agent, and this is Terry's chance to-- well, be forced to punch his protege. Unlike with our dear Yamazaki, Chaos Agent rules are strictly enforced upon Terry. Can Rock overcome his nefarious foe and maintain his tenuous grasp on the SNF Title? If he can... what will be next?
Gahahaha, my posts just get longer and longer. Can you take it!?
I hope these matches work out alright. Let me know if you have problems, I actually have semi-consistent internet now! It's a Christmas miracle in June!
Well, go for broke! :D
WAR! IT'S GOOD FOR ME! Fri Jun 8 2007 Thundercleese
Hey, folks! In case you haven't noticed, I'm the new staffer who's been skulking around these past few days, mis-channing every now and then, blurting things out at others. In any case, I'm gonna be the new, full-time Saturday Night Fight staffer, and that means things are gonna get more interesting, so far as Mr. Howard's little franchise is concerned! We've got a bunch of new things I'm planning on implementing real soon, and I'll go over most of them right here:
For one, I'm gonna introduce a league system. It's not coded or anything, but for the sake of spicing up all those R1 fights, Geese Howard has decided to introduce the Junior League, complete with a title belt! Those of you who aren't quite able to go up against those who might hold the SNF Championship now have your own affairs to worry about! For now there'll only be the Junior League, which will chiefly apply to R1s and 2s, but I may add a middleweight league if there's enough demand.
Additionally, Gonzales and I batted around the idea of a Wild Card League, which is volunteer-only and features a bunch of ZANY RESTRICTIONS that will probably be in place to make horribly matched fights somewhat even. Naturally, these fights might require a bit of a suspension of disbelief, but because of that you don't have to worry about being placed in a Wild Card fight unless you've @mailed me and asked to be put on The List. There'll be one to two of these fights per week, depending on who's signed up, and I'll draw contestants randomly - regardless of ratio - from The List. Things'll be even, no worries.
*Continued in next post*
WAR! Continued~ - Fri Jun 8 2007 - Thundercleese
SNF is going to be plottier! I'm paying close attention to goings-on in the IC world, and I'm going to try to help spur plots/get them started with some clever SNF planning. If you've got hopes for a particular SNF, feel free to @mail me with what you'd like, and I'll get in touch with you. In addition, if you've got anything you'd like to see spurred along through an 'official' capacity, again, let me know. You might find that your SNF at the end of the week is just what you needed to get that rivalry started/peaked, or to cement a friendship! Additionally, SNFs may have quite a bit to do with global TPs, provided any are going on. I'm here to help you dudes and dudettes out, so, again, keep in touch.
Finally, I'm going to see to it that the cool shit gets highlighted. Whether or not I've got to ask other folks to step up and offer a helping hand(I'm looking at you, Gonzales), I'm going to try to rig up a Results post for all of the SNFs, ideally going up sometime on Monday or Tuesday. These'll highlight the especially cool SNF moments, be they blatantly ridiculous or simply touching. Do a good job with your SNF, get all of that characterful monologuing or ridiculous bear-tossing out there, and you might find yourself featured on the highlights reel! Naturally, this means I absolutely /need/ @mails featuring results from SNFs, and it'd be great if you folks could be timely about submitting fight logs so I can look them over. Again, feel free to mention particularly awesome moments in your results @mails, especially if you'd like me to pay special attention to them.
Whew, that was a lot. But I think that's all the changes I've got in store, and you can look forward to seeing them crop up during the next few weeks. Stay tuned for this week's SNF post, and, before I shut up: Thanks to Gonzales for helping me arrange stuff this week, the rest of staff for getting me acquainted with things, and to Prime especially for this AWESOME PICTURE OF THE NEW SNF ORGANIZER: - And with that, I'm out!
SNF Matches: 6/8/07 - Fri Jun 8 2007 - Thundercleese
Alllriiiiight folks, it's my first official SNF postings, with some help from Gonzales! I hope you all like your matchups, and remember to @mail me with whatever results/highlights you want me to know about! Well. The highlights are optional, but the results are gonna be damn near necessary if we want this SNF to run like a well-oiled machine. Remember to @mail me with all that yummy Wild Card information if you're down for those types of fights, because if I don't hear it from you, I won't be putting you in them! Game on!
MATCH 1 ~ Soma VS Marisol in 'Getting Your Goat'
LOCATION: Missouri State Petting Zoo, The Middle Of Nowhere, Missouri
SPECIAL: A Day At The Petting Zoo!~ While everybody loves a day at the petting zoo, pretending they're Hotaru and being a friend to all manner of normally untouchable critters, today's a little different. Not only are Marisol and Soma supposed to be fighting each other, space constraints have forced them to hold their Saturday Night Fight match in the middle of the goat pen! Surrounded by cloth-craving, ornery farm animals, our two heroes will have to manage to beat one another without harming a single coarse hair on their horned friends' backs.
REQUIREMENTS: Fighers must mention goats in all of their poses, since those guys are basically everywhere, fighters cannot hurt the goats at all or be fined (use precision!!), fighters are automatically DISQUALIFIED for throwing goats, but bonus points for utilizing goat-related items in your fighting!
MATCH 2 ~ Katelynn AND Kasumi VS Kensou in 'Boulder Bonanza'
LOCATION: Laki Craters, Iceland
SPECIAL: Indiana Jones Meets SNF~ It's like this, folks. Ordinarily, the Laki Craters are one of the most breathtakingly beautiful sights on the planet. Given that the whole place is devoid of man-made structure and gorgeously vacant, it's a perfect locale for SNF - hell, the craters are already there! Unfortunately, there's been an unprecedented natural disaster on the day of the SNF -- an earthquake rocks the land while our contestants fight within a crater. To make matters worse, boulders roll through said crater, randomly colliding with one another(or an unlucky contestant!)
REQUIREMENTS: Nothing too ritzy, here -- there are damned boulders everywhere, meant to be used to your advantage. FIghters recieve bonus points for setting boulder-related traps for their opponent(s), or DOUBLE bonus points for actually spending rounds running atop the things. If, at some point in the fight, everybody is atop a boulder, we'll just call the whole thing one massive success.
MATCH 3 ~ Gabriel AND Tenma VS Yamazaki in 'O'er The Ramparts'
LOCATION: The Ramparts of Carcasonne, France
SPECIAL: Hide And Seek~ Gabriel and Tenma, both skilled swordsmen(in their own ways), find themselves pitted against Ryuji Yamazaki atop the pristine, perfectly evocative ramparts of Carcasonne. While SNF officials/nature haven't placed any real demands on their fight, the possibilities here are endless - there's an entire CASTLE to be abused, catapults to be toyed with, suits of armor to hide in! Remember, Tenma and Gabriel, Yamazaki's not the type to fight for play, and there's a very real chance that if he happens to get you cornered, you won't be getting home in one piece!
REQUIREMENTS: No real requirements, but I figure that Yamazaki's nature will prompt some manner of hit-and-run from his opponents. Bonus points for each sword dual-tech Gabriel and Tenma use, and DOUBLE BONUS POINTS for a dual Zorro moment. Naturally, Yamazaki doesn't really need bonus points here -- I'm sure he'll enjoy himself just fine if he gets you two.
MATCH 4 ~ Alex VS Zangief in 'Beefcakes'
LOCATION: Crazy Zhin's Ladder and Pastry Emporium, Hong Kong
SPECIAL: Ladder Match, Duh~ I'm pretty sure I don't have to outline too much, here. Meat pies and ladders of every variety imaginable, arranged from A to Z, or possibly biggest to smallest, depending on what day of the week it is! Does it need a reason? Ha ha, Crazy Zhin sure is crazy. Anyway, boys, all you've got to deal with is a ton of meat and doughy sweetness, and all the ladders a wrestler could ever want. Use the whole store to your advantage, and I don't really think there's too much else to discuss.
OPTIONAL: If one of you can somehow make a ladder out of meat pies and use it as a weapon, I'll push for you to be advanced an entire ratio.
MATCH 5 ~ Eiji AND Luc VS Makoto AND Miu in 'Twins!'
LOCATION: Taiyo High School, Southtown, Japan
SPECIAL: This Will Be Hilarious~ Howard Enterprises has decided to donate this SNF fight to Taiyo High School, and THEY'RE putting it towards charity -- in the form of a date auction. Eiji MUST dress to match Luc's own fashion sense, EXACTLY, while Miu is to give Makoto a makeover beforehand and subject her to the same requirements. Throughout the match, students or IC spectators will bet on combatants, and obviously there will be four lucky boys and girls at the very end.
REQUIREMENTS: Fighters will be equipped with a microphone during the match, and MUST be talking themselves up the entire match, to prompt more bidding and thus charity. In the event that another FC or SC wins the bidding, fighters are encouraged to go on a date scene with the winner, but it's not necessary.
MATCH 6 ~ Aislinn AND Hotaru VS R.Mika AND Vyle in 'Bad PR'
LOCATION: Magic Kingdom Monorail, Disneyland Tokyo
SPECIAL: Active Tag Tactics, AGAIN!!~ Folks, read up on Gonzales' post on Active Tag Tactics, because this team match is going to require some interesting teamwork between partners. All fighters will be forced to wear a Disney mascot uniform and act as trip attendants during a leisurely monorail ride throughout the Magic Kingdom, with one interesting caveat-- Geese himself has asked that the active fighters be as destructive as possible, while the passive pair work their hardest to downplay the wanton destruction occuring in the monorail cars.
OPTIONAL: Fighters will get bonus points for forcing hapless passengers out of their seats to utilize said seats as weaponry during the fight, while passive fighters must do as much as possible to let people retain their childlike love of Disney. DOUBLE BONUS POINTS for anybody who 'accidentally' throws a passenger out a window.
MATCH 7 ~ Kyo VS Ryu in 'For Eight Dollars More'
LOCATION: Gouken's Ansatsuken Dojo, Japan
SPECIAL: Years ago, famed martial artists Gouken and Saishu Kusanagi made a bet on the destinies of their respective pupils - 1,000 yen awarded to
whichever tutor had the 'strongest disciple'. And while the only living being to remember that bet is Saishu Kusanagi(Unfortunately, he is currently away on the annual Kusanagiryuu/Kyokugen EXTREME FISHING tour), destiny has brought these two fighters together to settle things, once and for all. See what your student has become, Gouken, as this fight rages in your dojo! Wonder what that damn Kyo is up to, Saishu, as he irreverently calls the place a dump!
JUNIOR LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP ~ Preston VS Kenji VS Alan VS Mizuki in 'Nautical Nightmare'
LOCATION: Antique Spanish Galleon, Off The Coast Of Portugal
REQUIREMENTS: Three rounds into the match, Alan will 'accidentally' punch a stack of gunpowder barrels. He uses his action to hit all fighters with a Random Weapon, and regardless of who gets hit by what, the ship begins to go up in flames! Play accordingly, but I'm not going to set any more stipulations up, here -- I think a burning Spanish Galleon during the Championship match is plenty enough!!!!
MAIN EVENT #1 ~ "Rawhide" VS Rock WITH Ash as Chaos Agent in 'A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS'
LOCATION: Southtown Arena, Downtown Southtown
SPECIAL: Obviously, there's a new fighter in town, who wants his chance to make it big by taking down the ex-champ in one of the world's most widely acclaimed fighting events! Will Ash Crimson continue the tragic, biased performance of Chaos Agents in matches of such importance? Will this "Rawhide" turn out to be fighting dynamo, straight out of left-field? The only way to find out the answers to these questions, folks, is to stay tuned and pay close attention to this match-up!
MAIN EVENT #2 ~ Kurow VS Akira WITH Sada as Chaos Agent in 'High-School Drama'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
SPECIAL: Howard Enterprises is widely acclaimed for its ability to keep up with gossip and who's done what where, but few people know about its eyes and ears within the school districts. Rumor would have it that Kurow Kirishima, allegedly in a 'something' with Seijyun student Sada Asai, has been making some moves on Akira Kazama. It's been a while since any sort of 'heated passion' has graced the TV screens, and Geese sure does enjoy whatever it he feels gets those ratings up. Who's to blame the man for trying to capture the essence of 90210 in his flagship franchise?
NOTE: While I'm not going to say much more than this, you'll all want to pay special attention to this match -- interesting stuff's going down!!
REMEMBER TO @MAIL ME THOSE RESULTS, FOLKS. Also, Wild Card League. If you want in, lemme know, it starts next week!!
Active Tag Tactics V2 P1 - Fri Jun 8 2007 - Gonzales
Oh baby, oh baby! :D
That's right folks, Gonzales is bringing back his own original battle system for your fighting pleasure, revised and revamped! In the hopes that the newly adapted system works as well as it appears to have during last week's fight, I'm putting this post directly up here instead of @mailing the specifics to this week's combatants. With any luck, the following weeks will also be chock full of fast-paced tag action!
For those of you who are not aware, which is probably almost all of you: Active Tag Tactics, or A.T.T. for those of us in the know, is my attempt to make tag team matches faster paced and more engaging for all those involved. By forcing constant offensives and encouraging the use of the transfer command, I intend to simulate an environment where team members are constantly poised to leap in to the aid of their allies and combatants must always be on edge and take into account the possibility of such interference. The adjustments I've made for this version, based on the changes Ash and company made for their match, will hopefully allow for greater versatility while still maintaining balanced gameplay.
Hopefully the rules to follow will be clear enough, but if there is any doubt or confusion, folks, always remember the /spirit/ of A.T.T.: fast, hard, dangerous! No hiding, no skulking, no biding your time. Constant movement! Unrelenting intensity! Yessssss!
That being said, on to the specifics.
RULE ONE: Combatants must attack.
If you are in the fight and intend on staying in the fight -- that is to say, you are not tagging out that round -- you are barred from using non-attack actions such as 'charge', 'focus', 'compose', 'pass', 'rest', and so forth. Extreme!!
Fighters who tag in act immediately, and must attack.
RULE TWO: Tag out by not attacking; deal with all reactions beforehand.
If you are planning on tagging out, however, you /must/ use a non-attack action such as any of those listed above (except for 'rest'; no resting allowed!) to signal your decision. Set yourself up for what your teammate will next need you most for!
But you can't have any attacks in your queue if you're planning on tagging out, so you'd better react-- or get your ally to react for you!
Active Tag Tactics V2 P2 - Fri Jun 8 2007 - Gonzales
RULE THREE: Transfer-tagging is encouraged.
That's right! While you must still follow the rules of transfer and alert your opponent as to your intent out of courtesy, part of the central theme of A.T.T. is encouraging the use of that command to allow your passive ally to leap in and intercept attacks coming at you. Transfer-interrupts! Transfer-counters, transfer-reflects! It's all gold. Confer with your teammate and make ideal use of both of your ability sets; utilize your strengths and shield your weaknesses! You'd better, because your opponents will do it right back at you!
RULE FOUR: If you are transfer-tagging, you may only 'compose'.
This is what I like to call 'Tag Burn', and is my attempt to limit any serious abuse of the transfer-tagging option. If your ally agrees to take your hit for you, after you transfer you may /not/ use 'charge', 'focus', or any other such action; you may only 'compose'. This means that if you don't have the super to compose, you can't transfer-tag out!
Tran and Frei are fighting Jiro and Alma under Active Tag Tactics. Tran and Jiro are currently the combatants and are wildly punching each other like the vulgar brutes they are, but it can't last forever.
NORMAL TAG) Jiro tries to Heaven's Diminisher Tran and Tran dodges because that move never works. No longer having any attacks in his queue, Tran decides to focus, probably because he has a hangover. So, he's out-- that means Frei attacks immediately with one of his crazy elemental throws!
TRANSFER TAG) Emo over his whiffed attack, Jiro is in no mood to take a hit and announces that he's making his fruity friend leap in for him. First Jiro transfers the attack to Alma; then Jiro uses 'compose'; and then Alma reacts to Frei's attack. He could just block, or he could even try to dodge, presumably just pushing his pal out of the way of the attack. But why do either of those things when he can interrupt with Divine Intervention EX!? Booyah!!
TWO TAG TANDEM) Let's say that Alma, shockingly, failed his interrupt. It doesn't really matter; either way, this counts as the attack he's required to make as a combatant. It's Frei's turn now and he decides that one round is enough; he gathers his will, thus tagging out in the normal fashion, and Tran attacks immediately! But Alma too has had enough: he announces he's transfering, uses 'compose' after his embarrassing mess-up, and lets Jiro leap in-- to interrupt and hit Tran with a savage Rhino Ravager! Unf unf unf!! Yeah, you like that, don't you.
Well folks, I hope this system is as crazy and fun as I imagine it to be. But I have a special request; those of you who partake in any A.T.T. matches, along with the @mail you send to Thundercleese regarding the SNF results, please send me any feedback you have. Suggestions, encouragement, problems -- with detailed explanations for said problems, if possible -- are all welcome. I'm more than flexible on specifics if you guys come up with cool
ideas, so please let me know!
Now, please enjoy, and game on! >:D
SNF Matches: 6/15/07 - Fri Jun 15 2007 - Thundercleese
For those of you who didn't notice, there wasn't a results post this past week, and I do apologize for that! I totally said there'd be one. Don't worry, Kenji, I've got that crazy championship win down here in this notepad, and as soon as some bookkeeping gets out of the way, we'll be all over the brand new Junior division and get that in the works. As for the rest of you slackers, you can HOPEFULLY expect the results posts to start up after this SNF... just gotta get all the little things hammered out! Without further ado... GIANT SNF POST TIME.
MATCH 1 ~ Tenma AND Hotaru VS Rock in 'RAAAAAAAAGING... Zen?!?'
LOCATION: Buddhist Temple, Banderban, Bangladesh
~ No special rules here, folks. Fighting in a Buddhist temple will prove interesting enough for Rock "Blood Rage" Howard, while his opponents will need to quickly find a synergy with one another. It shouldn't be too hard, since I don't think either one of them has a problem with the other, but really, the goal here is to keep Rock from destroying this otherwise pristine place. Why not teach him a bit about Nirvana, Tenma? It's not hard to grasp once you get the idea that everything you know is nothing and we're all connected, really...
MATCH 2 ~ Preston VS Sada 'Log Flume Fracas'
LOCATION: Boreal Forest, Vancouver
~ Again, nothing too special for this one. I hate to keep on placing you in these nautical nightmares, Preston, but I've got a mission to accomplish and dammit, so long as we're seeing that massive oar, we're going to give you neat ways to use it (other than braining folks). I couldn't find a good picture of a log flume, so I'll explain it real fast: Basically it's a real long waterslide used to transport logs through logging sites. Lots of water, lots of free-flowing wood and low tunnels... and, in this particular case, lots of overhangs. Make this place as complicated as you'd like, gang, and Sada, I'm banking on you doing some interesting things with all the overhanging branches and small forest creatures!
MATCH 3 ~ Gan AND Fio VS Maxima in 'High-Altitude Altercation'
LOCATION: Himalayan Mountains, Tibet
~ Seriously now, Tibet can be a scary place. The mountains even moreso. That's why this fight was assigned to Gan and Maxima, undoubtedly two of the hardiest guys on this weekend's ticket. Unfortunately for the fight organizers and Gan, Fiolina Germi isn't quite as hardy as her teammate might be, and Maxima's been through too much to worry about 'taking 5 to catch his breath'. In short, Gan's going to have to do his very best to keep Fio conscious and full of fight during this one! Well, maybe. She might wind up convincing Maxima to just take it easy on her for a few, after all.
SPECIAL: The boys are going to need to determine between themselves who's fallen prey to Fio's nagging. Sometime during the fight, Maxima will either have to take a full turn to let her 'catch 5', or Gan will have to assist her, depending on which one she's begging to the most. Use your judgement!
MATCH 4 ~ Yamazaki VS Dudley in 'Crazy Zhin is CRAZY'
LOCATION: Crazy Zhin's Knife And Turnbuckle Warehouse, Taiwan
~ Yeah, Crazy Zhin shouldn't have so many stores if he's going to keep these ridiculous concepts going. Fortunately for us, he does, and each one of them is a unique and special snowflake... so far as fights are concerned. This place is -PERFECT- for a fight between a boxer and a... knifer... and as such, SNF organizers leapt on the chance to send Yamazaki and Dudley to a place that's very probably heaven to them. Yamazaki, feel free to play with as many of those pretty knives as you'd like, and Dudley, try one out if it strikes your fancy! Those turnbuckles are set up at the ends of the aisles, too -- should make a boxer feel right at home.
MATCH 5 ~ Aislinn AND Cross VS Twelve in 'Right At Home'
LOCATION: Science Fiction Museum, Seattle, Washington
~ Well, Aislinn and Cross, you've got an interesting fight on your hands. Not only is Twelve a robot and therefore heartless and unconcerned with human scruples, he is capable of SHAPESHIFTING... and you're in a damned sci-fi museum! Either girl might want to subdue any fangirl instincts she's brought into this match, as that statue of Darth Vader may very well turn out to be the G-Project's latest and greatest threat - doling out the harshness in the shape of memorable movie heroes and villains. Of course, there's a little something in there to even things out - given both ladies' "unusual" contacts, there may very well be some sci-fi weaponry 'seeded' throughout the exhibits... who knows? It'll be interesting, that's for sure.
MATCH 6 ~ Haggar VS Roy in 'Learning The Ropes'
LOCATION: Metro City Slums
~ So Roy wants to grow up to be a politician, right? Mike Haggar is living proof that you don't necessarily need a valedictorian's grades and a...
politician's intrigue to be successful at winning those elections, and SNF organizers have arranged for him to give Roy Bromwell a very public education on how to get that electorate screaming for more. Metro City's Slum district has been getting a little violent in these past few days, and it's Haggar's job to show Bromwell just how 'clean up' is done in his town. Ideally Roy'll learn a little bit about plucking turkeys from barrels and flinging bricks at bald men on the way, but there's also an issue of pride at play here: Is he gonna let Haggar tell -him- how to do things? It's not like Haggar's even that much better a fighter, anyway! Gosh!
MATCH 7 ~ Marco AND Makoto VS Kain in 'Stonehewn Scrappers!'
LOCATION: Eder Dam, Germany
~ No question about what Marco and Makoto are good at: If there's ever been a person capable of taking a bat to the face without flinching, it's one of these muscle-bound martial artists. However, Kain Heinlein practices a very DIFFERENT sort of approach to his combat, and while the two he's battling against have proven themselves in the realm of the physical, will they be able to do so well against the mental? The odds are certainly stacked in Kain's favor, here, but not all is lost! Fight on, kids!
MATCH 8 ~ Kurow AND Marisol VS Terry in 'Rags To Riches'
LOCATION: Spacious Boxcar, Train Running Through Midwestern United States
~ Terry, a hobo on par with Ryu, is touted to be no stranger to obscure methods of transportation. Howard Enterprises plays this up with this particular match and gives Bogard the home-field advantage by putting him in an open-door boxcar train, carrying random cargo throughout the US. His opponents might not be quite as at home in said environment: Kurow is a student at the world's most expensive high school, and Marisol's certainly no stranger to the high-class life, herself. Feel free to use the environment to your advantage, folks, and I hope to see some really interesting use of the various cargo boxes in the car! Feel free to explore other train cars if you'd like... lord knows what else is being transported!
MATCH 9 ~ Yuri AND Kasumi VS Chun-Li in 'Diff'rent Strokes for Diff'rent Folks'
LOCATION: Genhanten Chinese Restaurant, China
~ Hoo boy. After a long absence from the fighting scene, Yuri Sakazaki's thrown herself into this week's SNF to be hurriedly paired up with her family's biggest female enemy - Kasumi Todoh. The two girls will need to manage to work together to avoid the crushing thighs of Chun-Li, and perhaps even offer one another some help in hitting the nimble Interpol agent! Of course, their success relies entirely on whether or not the two of them can manage to swallow their pride and offer the other a helping hand... and, of course, Chun-Li might want to do what she can to make sure Gen's restaurant isn't TOTALLY destroyed in this fight. The girls will probably be too distracted to worry that much about it.
SPECIAL EVENT ~ Sakura VS Hayato in 'Taiyo Pride'
LOCATION: Taiyo High, Main Auditorium
~ Rumor has it that Sakura Kasugano's thinking of heading home from her little 'vacation' to parts unknown. At least, that's what her old classmates at Taiyo High are saying, and Howard Enterprises has plans to make this long-time fighting celebrity's return a big one. As a gesture of thanks for Kasugano's repeated attendance during so many SNF matches, as well as her very recent graduation from Taiyo High, SNF officials have arranged for a very special showing of talent in this week's special SNF match. Sakura will battle her very own gym teacher, Hayato Nekketsu, in front of the entirety of Taiyo's student body! And, of course, Japan, thanks to all the cameras. It's certain to be a heartwarming sendoff for Taiyo's own Ansatsuken fighter, so stay tuned, folks!
LOCATION: Howard Arena
~ Who would have believed that Mr. Big would make his way past the goliaths of the fighting world and into the finals of World Warrior? Convinced that they might have a shooting star on their hands, Howard Enterprises has decided to make sure that Mr. Big gets all the face time he wants - starting by making the man the star of this week's SNF, fighting against his long-time rival Ryo Sakazaki. It's bound to be a bitter match as the Kyokugen scion takes on Geese's most recent champion, and damn if that audience isn't going to eat the passion right up! Don't screw this one up, Mr. Big... there's a lot of PR riding on it! Was that win against Ryu a fluke, or are you really the Next Big Thing?!
And there you have it! SNF, plain and simple. Hope you all enjoy your beatdowns! And I'll mention it again since there wasn't really that much of a response last time: Make sure you get those logs and @mails to me! Again, the faster I get those logs/preferential moments, the faster I can figure out who's going on the much-touted Highlights Reel and all that. So remember, feedback to Thundercleese is key for all that beautiful recognition!
SNF Results: 6/15/07 - Thu Jun 21 2007 - Thundercleese
(The scene is that of Howard Enterprise's immortal "Uppercut Central", a glitzy-looking newsroom with dynamic lighting splashed over a large plate-glass wall overlooking Southtown's always incredible Business District. Seated at a large news desk are a smarmy looking, blond-haired white guy, along with a dusky-looking Asian woman. Both are, naturally, fantastic specimens of the human race, and it's a good bet anybody in Southtown would kill to date either of them. Dynamic music plays while the camera pans in on the blonde man -- he smiles, and the ever-popular SNF logo appears on a small screen over his right shoulder.)
BLONDE: Hi there, fighting fans! Turk Gridiron here, with your weekly post-Saturday Night Fight results.
WOMAN: And I'm Macy Roundhouse, providing color commentary as always. It's certainly been an incredible Saturday Night Fight this week, Turk!
TURK: Ha ha, you said it, Macy! We've got a lot of incredible matches to go over, as well as a few technical difficulties to attempt to explain. Sadly, Howard Enterprises can't get the cameras to last through -every- heavy blast of chi our fighters have to offer, but we've done remarkably well so far!
MACY: That's right! It seems like Kain's not the only one who can short-circuit the poor guys... but anyway, onto the highlights!
*The first image shown is one of an intense Ryo Sakazaki illuminated by the blue-white of his always-recognizable Haohshokoken, with Tenma Kiryuu simply dashing towards the thing, a scream on his lips. To Tenma's side, Hotaru Futaba is entirely enveloped in her own energies, hair floating in the air of its own accord*
TURK: Well, in this match between Kyokugen scion Ryo Sakazaki and his foes Tenma Kiryuu and Hotaru Futaba, it'd seem Ryo's mastery of the giant goddamned fireball isn't -quite- enough to topple Tenma's burning determination and Hotaru's own quick-thinking! Kiryuu ran /straight through/ the Haohshokoken to launch his own attack on Sakazaki, while Futaba simply stopped the thing with her own stuff!
MACY: Hotaru's been training beneath Ryo for almost a month now - maybe her own experience with the Haohshokoken helped her to deal with it so well? I don't know much about Tenma, but I'm sure that if he keeps this sort of thing up he'll be in the same league as Haggar and his friends. Really, I feel a little bad for Sakazaki... you can tell he's giving it his all right there!
TURK: Ha ha, you said it, Macy! Maybe this means Hotaru won't have to spend as much time doing chores around the Kyokugen dojo!
MACY: *Faked laughter* Ha ha, Turk!
*At this point, enormous blue text flies across the screen, reading "TURK TOLD A JOKE!!". In case you cannot tell, Turk is terrible at telling jokes*
*The camera angle changes, showing an image of Roy Bromwell in the afterimage of a Dynamite Justice, back turned to the distant figure of Haggar, who has just been flung through a city bus*
MACY: Looks like Roy got a good hit on Haggar, there.
TURK: You said it, Macy. Saturday Night Fight hasn't seen this much Red White and Blue since Guile decided to don a Captain America costume for the annual Dress-Up match. Looks like Bromwell's got the future of America well in hand, from what we're seeing here!
MACY: That's pretty much it, Turk! It was a heartfelt, violent discussion between Bromwell and his mentor, and I don't think Haggar will be doubting his protege's abilities after being knocked an entire city block like that. I'd go so far as to say that these two made quite the hubbub in Metro City tonight.
TURK: Absolutely! I'm only worried about the people on that bus... but I hear Mr. Haggar's decided to throw a huge charity gala in City Hall to repay the families of the injured, as well as replace the bus he ruined. We'll see what comes of that when it happens, I suppose!
*Another camera change, focusing back on Turk. The view over his shoulder is one of Preston falling off of a waterfall, arms waving about madly. Logs festoon the air around him, while an enormous sawblade seems to be making a total mess of things at the bottom of said waterfall. If one looks closely, they might be able to see a small Asian girl clinging to the bottom of one of the free-falling logs... she also does not look happy.*
TURK: Preston Alistair Wellington the IInd. Mouthful, isn't it?
MACY: *obviously enamored of the boy* /I'd/ say so...
TURK: Macy, come off it! He's free-falling!
MACY: Good point, Turk! Unfortunately for our British beefcake, this fight suffered a bit in the way of technical difficulties! While his opponent, Sada Asai, was able to successfully turn several of the oarsman's attacks RIGHT around, Preston's quick thinking allowed him to use several of her own attacks against her!
TURK: That's right, she even go t a tree branch to the face, around a minute into the battle! Regardless, we're not quite sure what happened at the end, here... camera feeds went out only seconds before Preston fell to his inevitable death...
MACY: Don't say that!!
TURK: Ha ha, Macy, just kidding! SNF organizers were able to turn the sawblades off before Preston became clam chowder, and both he and Sada suffered only minor injuries from the fall.
*Turk shuffles his papers, and turns back to the secondary camera angle, featuring him and Macy, with the image directly behind them. It shows Sakura Kasugano driving a metal ankle-guard into Hayato Nekketsu's side, while the otherwise genial teacher is falling to the ground, in extreme pain. Vega and Kurow are clearly visible in the background -- both look pretty satisfied with themselves.*
*The screen flashes red. Turk and Macy look frightened, while "TERRIBLE INJURY!! flashes across the screen in a sinister font*
MACY: In tonight's main highlight, Howard Enterprises' attempt to welcome Sakura Kasugano back to Japan ends in tragedy as her goodbye exhibition results in popular Taiyo High gym instructor Hayato Nekketsu recieving a punctured lung.
TURK: Current medical repots suggest that he's going to pull through just fine, but what Taiyo's biggest celebrity did to him was more than a little unsettling. Not only did she backtalk and honestly attempt to hurt her idol, but Shadaloo luminary Vega made a dramatic appearance halfway through the match, suggesting Sakura was his -pawn-!
MACY: Kurow Kirishima, a younger teen and fellow student... well, I should say 'former' fellow student! Ha ha.
*Macy clears her throat and puts on a sober face*
MACY: Former fellow student Kurow Kirishima made an apperance as well, congratulating Sakura for her show of rebellion. After she had seriously injured Hayato, a gang of Gedo students emerged from the crowd to attempt to make Kurow pay for what analysts feel to be HIS doing. Kirishima handily defeated his assailants, Edge Yamada and Gan Isurugi, though it left him winded.
*Image changes to one of Rock Howard, enveloped in purple chi, falling out of the rafters and punching a bloodied Kurow in the face. Rock looks, as always, extraordinarily angry*
TURK: Man, he looks angry.
*TURK GRIDIRON, STATING THE OBVIOUS flickers across the screen, with a dramatic orchestra hit to announce it*
MACY: Sure does. After Kurow's victory over the Gedo students, Rock Howard comes OUT OF NOWHERE to finish their job. Kurow and Hayato both leave Taiyo High's outdoors auditorium on stretchers, leaving Howard to storm out of the place, furious with Kasugano! Meanwhile, Sakura makes her own exit, acting as awkwardly as ever. What will happen with these interesting developments?
TURK: No idea here, Macy!! As always, stay tuned for next week's Saturday Night Fight, where more is bound to happen! Also, this coming week, expect a much-awaited interview with the recent Junior Division champion, Kenji Ashima!
*Dynamic music plays, while the following lights up the screen*
MATCH 1: Ryo VS Hotaru AND Tenma - Hotaru & Tenma win
MATCH 2: Preston VS Sada - Preston wins
MATCH 3: Gan AND Fio VS Maxima - ?!?!
MATCH 4: Yamazaki VS Dudley - Yamazaki wins! - CHAMPIONSHIP RETAINED
MATCH 5: Aislinn AND Cross VS Twelve - ?!?!
MATCH 6: Haggar VS Roy - Roy wins
MATCH 7: Marco AND Makoto VS Kain - Draw Match
MATCH 8: Krizalid AND Marisol VS Terry - Krizalid and Marisol win!
MATCH 9: Yuri VS Kasumi - ?!?
SPECIAL EVENT: Sakura VS Hayato WITH Kurow VS Edge AND Gan FOLLOWED BY Kurow HIT by Rock - Sakura wins
MAIN EVENT: Ryo VS Mr. Big - Mr. Big wins!
*SNF Review credits appear, Macy and Turk make soundless small-talk beneath the creditroll*
(NOTE: Remember, folks, I desperately need your logs to get a good idea of how your fights went! It's also -extremely- helpful if at least one person will @mail me with their fight results, so I'm better able to figure out what the contestants themselves thought of as the coolest moments. Don't feel scared to @mail me, I'm always open to more text! It is like manna to me.)
SNF Matches: 6/22/07 - Fri Jun 22 2007 - Thundercleese
Alright, ladies and gentlemen! I hope you're all ready to see the CRAZINESS I've thought up this week! Again, @mail me with your results, and send those logs to Kobun!!
MATCH 1 ~ Mr. Big AND Leilani VS Rock AND Hotaru IN 'Can I Have This Dance?'
Location: Southtown, Eventide Restaurant & Lounge
~ Leilani and her "sugar daddy", Mr. Big, face off against the odd couple of Rock and Hotaru in a contest of chivalry. Which of these two men can prove himself the classiest, manliest thing in the room? The music will be soft, the lights dim -- which makes it all the easier for Rock or Mr. Big to hurt the other's presentation with some well-placed violence. Of course, the girls aren't intended to stand by while their boys fight over them - by all means, ladies, see for yourselves which of you is worthier of all this sacrifice! The losers have to buy the winners whatever they'd like for dinner, and at around $500 a plate, it's one /hell/ of a price to pay.
SPECIAL ~ Yeah, I realize Rock and Hotaru aren't necessarily a couple, but the world feels its time for the youngest Howard to strut his stuff! And who better to 'pair him up with' than the ultra-innocent Hotaru Futaba? Hope Jiro's not watching!
MATCH 2 ~ Ryo VS Marco WITH Maki as Chaos Agent IN 'Behind Enemy Lines'
LOCATION: Todoh-Ryuu Dojo, Southtown
~ Kyokugen might vs. Todoh-Ryuu grudges! Kind of. SNF officials have seen to it that both Ryo and Marco have no idea of their battleground until either fighter arrives at the place by car, blindfolded, courtesy of Howard Enterprises. Their audience is a crowd of disgruntled Todoh-Ryuu students, none too pleased to see their ages-old archnemeses duking it out on their own practice mats, and very likely carrying a Kasane Ate or seventy up those hilariously big Todoh-Ryuu sleeves of theirs! Seriously, that uniform is ridiculous. Luckily for Ryo and Marco, fellow fighter Maki Genryuusai has been asked to keep the hostile audience in line -- but can she repel ALL of the Todoh-Ryuu attacks?
SPECIAL: Maki is not necessarily fighting Ryo or Marco in this match, but her attacks ARE meant to act as those of Todoh-Ryuu students attempting to get a hit or two in for the sake of poor old Ryuhaku. Game on!
MATCH 3 ~ Kaiwei VS Ingrid IN "The Exorcist"
LOCATION: Shrine, Southtown
~ It's no secret that Kaiwei is basically insane. The poor guy spends his days fending off imaginary demons, chatting with the less aggressive ones, and probably playing hop-scotch with passed relatives. What's a girl like Ingrid to do, seeing this poor man fraught with his personal demons in the middle of one of the creepiest places in Southtown? It's time for Sun Power, is what it is. SNF officials may not know much, but any child can tell that Ingrid probably has a bit of a holy vibe to her. At least, her attacks do. As for Kaiwei? Don't think you're getting out of this one without making a spectacle of those crazy hallucinations. Howard Enterprises, going by the maxim 'the profit justifies the means', have placed hallucinogenic drugs in that catered meal you ate beforehand!
MATCH 4 ~ Chun-Li VS Yamazaki WITH Shingo as Chaos Agent IN "You're Under Arrest!"
LOCATION: Metro City - Police Station
~ Chun-Li has graciously agreed to give the insatiable Shingo a tour of a REAL LIFE POLICE STATION - Metro City's, since theirs is such a spacious one (Mad Gear has to go somewhere!). The boy's taken to the place like a fish to water - and, impressed by all of the lawmaking business he's witnessed, Yabuki does what he does best and gets the whole deal in his head. It's around this time that Yamazaki walks in -- maybe he's looking for some old buddies or something. Chun-Li attempts to apprehend the wanted criminal, Shingo witnesses what he feels to be AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, and plays the part of County Sheriff during this out-and-out brawl!
MATCH 5 ~ Preston AND Frei VS Alex IN "Good Vibrations"
LOCATION: Waterloo Water Park, San Dimas, California
~ SNF in a waterpark?! SNF officials must be crazy! Unfortunately for Alex, Frei, and Preston, it's not going to change the fact that these three must duke it out in the wild, rip-roaringly fun environment of Waterloo Water Park. Here, the fighters will need to manage to navigate whichever attractions they find themselves thrown into by the others, including such famous rides as the Waterloo Water Luge, the Waterloo Wave Pool, and the deceptively shallow Kiddy Pool! Watch out for the warm spots, kids!
SPECIAL: Preston you will never escape your destinyyyyy~
MATCH 6 ~ Miu VS Momoko IN "Rhythm vs Recluse"
LOCATION: "Sonotheque" Dance Club, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
~ Momoko is some kind of dancing legend, right? Well, tonight she'll be putting on a show at one of Brazil's biggest dance clubs, astounding the clientele and doing her capoeira idol thing. Meanwhile, Miu is some kind of... urban legend. The point here is that Miu is going to have to prove to the world that she's not quite as socially awkward as Seijyun gossip queens might have their peers believe, by not only ATTENDING this bombastic SNF match, but possibly even contributing! Naturally, there's a FIGHT supposed to be happening -- and, for the sake of this particular battle's premise, Miu's only real shot at being a social butterfly is contributing her own "unique" special effects to an already "dangerously flashy" dance-off.
MATCH 7 ~ Hakuya VS Marisol in "Out With The Old, In With The New"
LOCATION: Museum of Religious History, Tokyo, Japan
~ Enter Hakuya's SECRET HISTORY. SNF organizers, with their incredible ability to sniff out histories and personalities enough to organize the fantabulous SNF matches that they do (oh, Thundercleese, you card), have brought Super Modern Lass Marisol and Rebellious Exorcist Fighter Hakuya together in this treasure trove of Japan's most coveted religious implements. None of them are really very valuable at all, so far as money is concerned, and really, it should be /just/ enough to convince Marisol that there's no reason not to go full-tilt in this place. Hakuya, despite his efforts to ignore his rich ancestry, might just have something to say about it. Perhaps seeing all of these hallowed, sacred artifacts will get his BLOOD BOILING?! Or maybe I'm just tired and making up silly premises now.
MATCH 8 ~ Makoto AND Alan VS Hideo WITH Guile as Chaos Agent in "The Odd Couple"
LOCATION: Southtown Village Mall
~ Hideo doesn't know either Alan or Makoto. Neither does Guile. But Hideo, with his remarkable Old Man senses, has placed the two as sweethearts, and is liable to give Makoto a few "words of wisdom" involving her choice in boyfriends! Alan's got no recourse from this, either - Hideo's anger at proper relationship dynamics being totally ruined is not something any man is capable of pushing back. Adding to this mess is the addition of notorious straight man Guile - his opinion is bound to waffle between "Man Alan's a punk and Makoto's being rebellious!" to "God, Hideo, you're clearly insane, stop abusing the kids". It's all about the protest here, folks!
SPECIAL ~ Guile's technically supposed to be hitting whomever, but his 'siding' in this fight is largely determined by who's making the better case for their belief. Is Hideo right in his assumption that Makoto is Alan's sweetheart? Or are the two younger folks going to be able to convince these old men what's up?
MAIN EVENT ~ Kain VS Tran AND A Defibrillator IN "Tran Gets Five Tries"
Location: Howard Arena
~ This may be Tran's first-ever Main Event fight. And it's sure as hell going to be an interesting one! SNF organizers have arranged for the world's most talented EMTs to be on the scene for this evening's Main Event, as there's really no way in hell Dr. Tran stands a chance against SNF's own "end boss", Kain Heinlein. To give the crazy guy a chance this time around, the sole purpose of the medical team is to catch Tran every time he's sent back to them as a steaming husk -- and put him right back in there, to give it another shot!
SPECIAL ~ Alright, Tran. Every time Kain kills you dead, I want you to 'join' back up and go at it again. You've got five lives. Can you do it!?!?
That's it for this week's SNF! Sorry about the delay on the posts, but I had some RL emergencies to tend to, as well as a mad search for extraordinarily eye-searing bathrobes (by the way, if anybody knows where I can buy one, let me know plz). IMPORTANT SNF CHANGES:
- Deadline for log/@mails is 11:59 PM EST on Monday night. I need @mails and logs both if you want a shot at the highlights reel, and @mails for the sake of knowing who did what.
- Deadline for signups is something I'm going to hash out with other folks this coming week, but for now it's 6:00 PM EST, Wednesday night. @mail me if you've got any special matchups you'd like to see.
- Finally, you might notice that your alts haven't been put into the matchups this week. For those of you that I axed without asking, I'm sorry - this is a new policy we came up with on the fly, but given the recent surge in MotM population, I think it's a necessity. From now on: One alt per player, barring special circumstances (you'll need to talk to me beforehand). Also, try to keep alts currently embroiled in TP shenanigans out of SNF - it's awkward to set up, at least in my head!
That'll be it this time, hope everybody enjoys their matchups!
SNF Results: 6/22/07 - Thu Jun 28 2007 - Thundercleese
(After a dynamic introduction sequence, featuring several of SNF's greatest moments which are largely things I leave to you folks to think of yourselves, the SNF Review logo appears on screen, while the camera pans in on everybody's favorite SNF Review anchorpeople, MACY ROUNDHOUSE and TURK GRIDIRON. They smile happily, but the screen quickly fades out, to fade back in on an image of Alan R.B. He is leaning up against a Southtown Mall food court wall)
ALAN R.B.: Nice to see Shoulder Teacher has arrived.
(Immediately, the scene changes to one of Alan being absolutely brained by a red white and blue snocone. Seriously, his face is all distorted from the whiplash, and spittle hangs in the air. An angry-looking Guile stands behind Alan in the background, arm outstretched. The scene changes back to the SNF Review room, where TURK is shaking his head sadly. EPIC FAILURE flashes across the screen.)
TURK: And that was our weekly Epic Failure, folks. I think it might've been the worst insult I've ever heard.
MACY: He's really hit or miss, you're right. Hopefully that sno-cone'll teach him a little bit about being cold! Ha ha ha!
TURK: *Disgusted* And our second Epic Failure, folks. Macy Roundhouse's canny w- ow!
(MACY has very clearly kicked TURK from beneath the table, and looks saucy. Both put on a sunny face.)
TURK: Ahem. This week's Saturday Night Fight certainly wound up with a lot of... interesting matches.
MACY: If by interesting you mean "no-shows", Turk.
TURK: But that's not all, Macy! I'll talk more on it later -- right now I'd like to discuss a particularly bold choice of action on the part of Shingo Yabuki.
(Over TURK's shoulder, a screen-in-screen shows a small clip of Shingo shrieking and sprinting directly through a giant fireball leaving Chun-Li's hands. She seems taken aback as the youthful fighter simply grits his teeth and begins to pummel her, blue chiflames clinging to his gloves and making it seem - very much - like Yabuki has finally harnessed the flames he adores. In the foreground, both MACY and TURK seem proud of Shingo)
TURK: He's going to do it one of these days, I tell you.
MACY: Yeah... and what a day that'll be! He'll finally get to show that Kyo what training can do for you!
TURK: I'm personally amazed he could even stomach the energy Chun-Li brought to bear there. Still, she went on to win the fight against Shingo and Shoma, despite the gut-clenching awe of that moment. You've really got to hand it to her - she dealt with some crazy odds! Shoma and Shingo, keep up the good work, guys!
MACY: Keep practicing, Shingo! One day the flames will come. It's only fair, isn't it??
(The image over TURK's shoulder fades, to cue an image over Macy's shoulder. This one is of Hakuya, looking absolutely distraught as Marisol simply stomps out of the place. The image is suddenly replaced by a cloud of choking, vision-obscuring smoke, and nothing can be heard or seen save for a muffled grunt, and then a thump. Truly avid listeners might be able to hear words floating through the air, but they are sibilant, silent things. MACY looks sad.)
MACY: While Hakuya won his fight against Marisol, by simple disqualification...
TURK: We don't know where Suigetsu currently is. Fire crews successfully put out the flames in the museum not even ten minutes after the fight's end, but were unable to find anything but a curious dust left behind.
MACY: Forensics crews tell us that this is apparently a powder made by crushing moths' wings into a fine dust, however... we're not sure what the practical use is. If arsonists are behind this, they're certainly odd ones.
TURK: In any case, viewers and fighters, if you have ANY idea of what happened to Hakuya - we at Howard Enterprises are willing to pay a negotiable amount of money to those willing to aid in hunt for Hakuya Suigetsu. We're very worried about him.
(GIANT MYSTERY flashes across the screen in bold letters. For more information about this particular PLOT TWIST, direct @mails to Thundercleese, Seishirou, or Hakuya. As always, participation is encouraged, but this isn't a super big TP or anything since obviously nobody cares about stupid Hakuya.)
(The screen over MACY's shoulder fades out, and is replaced by... nothing. Both MACY and TURK face the camera and smile.)
TURK: Onwards and upwards! The main event, Dr. Tran vs. Kain, resulted in a clear victory for M-
(TURK is interrupted by a sudden orchestra hit)
(A picture of Tran suddenly flashes on screen. He is lit up in purple flames, while Kain is uppercutting him quite soundly. The camera flickers to MACY.)
MACY: Ahem. A clear victory for Mr-
(Another picture, this one of Kain helicopter-kicking Tran into the waiting arms of a medical team. Tran's coat is smoking from earlier immolation. The camera flickers to TURK, who looks irritated)
(Another camera shot, this one of Tran, bloodied, battered, and beaten, about to be flicked in the ear by Kain. Kain's finger is lined in purple fires, and Kain has a >:| face. Camera switches to MACY. MACY is extremely unnerved.)
(Dr. Tran is engulfed in a nuclear exlposion of purple chi, apparently resulting from Kain flicking him in the ear. Camera flicks to TURK, who is screaming.)
(A tombstone, with Dr. Tran's name on it. TURK and MACY have long since left the stage, and again, avid listeners can hear muffled swearing in the background. A special effects technician will probably be fired. Hurriedly, the rest of the fight results and some credits roll up the screen)
MATCH 1 ~ Mr. Big AND Leilani VS Rock AND Hotaru - Match Pending
MATCH 2 ~ Ryo VS Marco WITH Maki as Chaos Agent - No-Show
MATCH 3 ~ Kaiwei VS Ingrid - Kaiwei wins on the grounds of Ingrid being disqualified due to leaving the fight halfway through.
MATCH 4 ~ Chun-Li VS Shoma AND Shingo - Chun-Li
MATCH 5 ~ Preston AND Frei VS Alex - Results Unknown
MATCH 6 ~ Miu VS Momoko - Draw
MATCH 7 ~ Hakuya VS Marisol - Hakuya?!
MATCH 8 ~ Makoto AND Alan VS Hideo WITH Guile as Chaos Agent - Draw (GUILE IS INSANE)
MAIN EVENT ~ Kain VS Dr. Tran AND A Defibrillator - Kain
(As always, folks, send me @mails detailing what you think should make it onto the highlights reels! Generally speaking, I'll try to get half of the submitted logs/@mails up there. While I will painstakingly scan logs if I get desperate, it makes my life waaaaay easier if you simply include Sweet Moments in the submitted @mail. Game on!)
SNF Matches: 6/29/07 - Fri Jun 29 2007 - Thundercleese
MATCH 1 ~ Cecilia AND Alan VS Blanka in 'Blanka's Bazaar Adventure'
LOCATION: The streets of Cairo, Egypt
~ Sure, the title isn't clever at first, but if you think about it (or ask around) you might see where I'm headed. Regardless, folks, this exotic SNF matchup takes Alan and Cecilia to the streets of Cairo, where Blanka has been allowed to wander around and make a spectacle of himself! It shouldn't be hard for these two to find the beastman, as it's very likely that by the time they arrive at their destination, he'll have already started QUITE the traffic-jam! Of course, by "traffic" I mean anything from rickshaws to limosines to llamas, as these cluttered bazaar alleys are home to all kinds of people and things! Except Blanka, people are probably going to want him removed from the area so the kids stop crying. Sorry, man. :(
MATCH 2 ~ Edge VS Hotaru in 'Housesitting'
LOCATION: Kyokugen Dojo, Southtown
~ While the Sakazakis are out for the weekend, undoubtedly up to something stupid, Hotaru Futaba has been asked to keep the Sakazaki residence and Kyokugen-ryuu dojo from being robbed/gym broken. This is unfortunately an absolutely impossible task, given the way Southtown operates, but this doesn't really fall out of sorts with the way the Sakazaki family tries to 'train' its students. Luckily for Hotaru, the first malefactor to approach the Dojo isn't, say, a Southtown Syndicate member or some other terrifying foe -- Edge Yamada just decided to show up and paint something stupid over the Kyokugen Dojo's signpost out front. Will Hotaru stand for it!? Will the resulting fight show Edge, once and for all, that Hotaru isn't going to tolerate shenanigans on her watch!? Who knows?!
MATCH 3 ~ Gan VS R.Mika in 'Size DOES Matter'
LOCATION: Super Trampoline Funhouse, Southtown (Pick a place, you two!)
~ So I don't think there's any way this fight can go awry. The relative lack of absolutely legendary fighters this week has got SNF organizers in a bind for ratings, and this is the result of that desperate bid to get people to watch the matches: The SNF roster's largest combatants (of their gender) battling one another on a trampoline. Between Gan's Sumo-styled attacks and R.Mika's own professional wrestling angle, the high-flying attacks and insane bodyblows SHOULD be enough to get viewers into the fight... just to see what happens to that poor trampoline, perhaps! Or perhaps there are some ulterior motives behind R.Mika on that trampoline...
OPTIONAL: R.Mika must take 5 damage per round to account for whiplash. Gan must also take 5 damage per round since he's actually hitting the ground on every impact (This is not possible but the CONCEPT is still hilarious, so don't try to rig it or anything. BUT IF PHYSICS WERE BEING APPLIED...)
BONUS POINTS: Break that trampoline during a MAX or Super, kids!
MATCH 4 ~ Shinobu VS Makoto in 'Teaching Styles'
LOCATION: Youth Fighters Community Center, Southtown
~ Fighting seminar! Yeah, I know what you're all thinking. It's what Howard Enterprises is thinking too: "There is no way this is going to go well." Between Makoto, whose devotion to Rindoukan rivals that of some of the world's most incredible martial artists, and Shinobu, who doesn't... really... HAVE a fighting style, this battle of philosophies should result in a bunch of extremely confused fighting amateurs, as well as two very irritated teachers. There's only so many times you can hear somebody say 'Oh, I just kinda do it :/' before you feel a burning desire to start exhibiting your combat on THEM. So... I suppose the winner of this fight gets the reward of having imposed their school of thought on dozens of eager young students! Best of luck, ladies!
MATCH 5 ~ Reed AND Mobey VS Lien in 'Skate Punks'
LOCATION: Southtown Ice Recreational Center, Southtown
~ FACT: Lien and Reed are two flexible, dextrous mo-fos. FACT: Mobey has something to do with the water and presumably ice. Also I'm wondering how he'll manage to skate around on that peg-leg. Maybe he's got an ice-skating log for this express purpose!? Regardless, the three combatants are going to have to duke it out on ICE here at the Southtown Ice Recreational Center, and I'm expecting to see some VERY flashy stuff from our two younger combatants. Mobey, while I doubt you'll be making any sort of fantastic, showy triple-lutzes, you're definitely allowed to, uh, have whales explode through the ice or something like that. MAKE IT AN OBSTACLE COURSE, YOU HAVE THE POWER.
MATCH 6 ~ Aranha AND Hayato VS Shingo AND Shoma in 'Kings Of The Hill'
LOCATION: Playground, Taiyo High School
~ While Hayato has been dealing with his students a lot in the past few weeks, the angle of 'teacher vs. pupils' isn't something SNF organizers are willing to let go so easily. What's going down at Taiyo High this week, however, might just be Hayato's LAST exhibition against his students -- at the place most people deeply associate with their fonder school memories. It'll be a competition of shoving, teasing, and all-out domination of the environment on the varied and multipurpose playground set at Taiyo High, just perfect for old veterans of the place, Shingo Yabuki and Shoma Sawamura, to show off their skills! Don't get too confident though, boys, because while you've got the experience, Hayato's got the SKILL, and his special teammate for this event, Aranha, might just show all of you up with his Capoeira-honed agility!
MAIN EVENT #1 ~ Duke VS Kyosuke IN 'Manners Over Malice'
LOCATION: SlamMasters Arena, Metro City, United States
~ It's a simple premise, folks, one borne entirely out of the demeanors of the two combatants brought to bear in this SNF Main Event! Kyosuke Kagami, poster-child for Taiyo High's "Morals Committee", likes to keep things distinct and polite -- he's quick with a smile, and quicker with a compliment. Teachers and old adults everywhere love this youngster, while his opponent, "Duke"... well. Duke's the total opposite, we'll say. Potential charisma aside, there's a murderer's gleam in his eyes, a hateful glow to his smile. No way this one'll be mistaken for a choir boy, and for good reason. Will kindness triumph over simple, direct brutality? How many supers will Duke unleash in this match?! Stay tuned to find out!
MAIN EVENT #2 ~ Kenji VS Dr. Tran IN 'Inaugural Tour'
LOCATION: Howard Arena, Southtown
~ A few weeks ago, one epic free-for-all between some of SNF's most prominent light-weights gave us a champion in newcomer Kenji Ashima. His innovative fighting style and quick thinking gained him a victory in that last fight, but there ARE those who have their doubts about this young superstar's victory over his more entrenched fellows. To show that Kenji's dominance over his belt is, indeed, the "real deal", he's been put up against notoriously spastic lightweight combatant Dr. Tran in this exhibitory, but nonetheless TELLING SNF Main Event! Nothing on the line here, folks, but there could be a turning tide if the current Junior Division champ doesn't manage to pull out a win!
NOTE: Also Geese Howard probably feels bad about absolutely destroying Tran last week. It's kind of incredible he's able to walk, really.
Alright, that's it for this week! As always, @mail me with highlights and send in those logs -- I'm going to start to get a little more in-depth with SNF results, especially given the reactions we've been getting for the current format. Or, at least, the pats on the back I'm giving myself for it. REGARDLESS. @mails make the whole process smoother, and get you a shot at the big-time, so... uh... do 'em! Have fun with the fights, folks!
SNF Review: 6/29/07 - Thu Jul 5 2007 - Thundercleese
Trying something NEW with the results post this time. Ideally this'll allow for me to throw some more stuff into the SNF Reviews for those of you who are interested in getting your plot on with whatever's going on in the SNF world, while simultaneously dividing the labor and making things more interesting! Ha! Keep in mind that for now things are kind of tentative since people are getting used to playing their parts in this hilarious act. AND, AS ALWAYS, @mail me with suggestions/requests/good jokes/dating propositions.
Log created on 10:35:04 03/03/2007 by Kobun, and last modified on 20:31:25 09/23/2007.