Description: [OOC] Here is a collection of the SNF posts for April 2007.
SNF Matches 4/07/07 - Sat Apr 7 2007 - Geese
Because I'm late and generous, lots and lots of matches:
Premise: On the Catwalk
Location: Fashion Show, Paris
Premise: Clash of Styles
Location: Decomissioned Battleship, English Channel
Premise: NOTHING moves the Blob!
Location: Comic Book Convention, Seattle
Premise: Cramped Quarters
Location: Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
Premise: Young Stars Collide
Location: Taiyo Dome, Southtown
Premise: Donkey Kong
Special: Falling Barrels Chaos
Location: Construction Scaffolding, Metro City.
Premise: Slugfest!
Location: Yankee Stadium, NYC (bats and balls provided!)
Premise: Stranded!
Location: Drifting Freighter with one lifeboat filled with money!
SNF Matches 4/13/07 - Fri Apr 13 2007 - Gonzales
Are you ready for this? Are you ready!? You're not ready.
Well, get ready!
MATCH 1 ~ Alma AND Jiro VERSUS Drake AND Arika AND Sarah IN 'Glory Hounds Versus Shooting Stars'
LOCATION: Downtown Southtown, at high noon
MATCH 2 ~ Mai AND Elena VERSUS Maki AND Leilani IN 'Is There No Decency?'
LOCATION: Mattress Warehouse and Emporium, Southtown Harbor
MATCH 3 ~ Kurow VERSUS Balrog VERSUS Haggar IN 'Clambering Chaos'
LOCATION: 'Punjabi Prison' Cage Match, Metro City Industrial District
MATCH 4 ~ Frei AND Kaiwei VERSUS Hotaru AND Tessa IN 'Dinner Is Served'
LOCATION: Dim Sum Restaurant, Hong Kong, China
SPECIAL: Every character must at one point attack with, defend with, or otherwise make use of plateware, silverware, or food. Eating does not count.
MATCH 5 ~ Zero VERSUS Aislinn AND Makoto IN 'Lacks a Feminine Touch'
LOCATION: Half-Refurbished House, Southtown Western Outskirts
SPECIAL: The fight may begin wherever you choose-- the first floor, the second floor, or somewhere close outside the house-- but the fighters must through the course of the match fight their way through all three of these places.
MAIN EVENT ~ Takuma AND Ryo VERSUS Ryu AND Akira IN 'Ansatsutaikyokugen'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
Have fun, everyone! :D And let me know if there are any issues. Remember, don't forget to @mail me once all is said and done, even if the match doesn't take place, and desc/submit your logs! Okay! Go for broke!
Signup Date Change - Fri Apr 13 2007 - Gonzales
I'm sorry I wasn't able to inform you guys of this earlier, but I've decided to change the dates for signup on SNF for my own convenience and, in a roundabout sort of way, the convenience of everyone else as a whole as well.
Specifically, signups are now due Wednedsay evening rather than Friday. This is to give me more time to think of hopefully sweet ideas and special rules, and so that I can be certain to have things up by Friday so you guys have plenty of time to organize your matches. So basically: signups are cleared on Monday, signups are tabulated on Wednesday, and matches are assigned on Friday.
Heheh, I may be remembering wrong, but I think this is how we /used/ to do things. Well, anyway, hopefully this shouldn't pose a problem, as long as three days is enough time for you guys to decide whether or not you want to compete. :D
I sincerely apologize to anyone who might have found themselves unable to compete this week because I set up the matches early on Friday. If this did happen, please @mail me so I can be sure to get you in next week, or so if a gap appears I can direct people to one of your characters to fill it, if you would so desire.
Game on!
SNF Matches: 4/19/07 - Thu Apr 19 2007 - Gonzales
Yes, I'm posting a day early! Well, why not? Besides, this will make up for when I'm late with my posts, which I assure you is inevitable.
This is a big one! I decided to include the specifics of the special rules in the main body of the post, mainly because they're all basically gimmicky and done in good fun, and I wanted to share the love with everyone. I hope those of you who don't participate sit in on some of these, since I expect they should be entertaining. I managed to get almost everyone in, too! So have fun! :D
MATCH 1 ~ Makoto AND Tessa VS Balrog IN 'Masquerade'
LOCATION: Metro Costume Emporium, Metro City Financial District
SPECIAL: Dreaded Unmasking- Every fighter must wear a mask to this fight. If a fighter's mask is knocked off or destroyed and the fighter is unable to retrieve or find a new mask, they are disqualified. (You may choose to pose your KO as losing your mask, or if an opponent knocks off your mask with an attack, you may use this as an excuse to scramble for a humorous new mask.) Costumes to complement your initial mask are encouraged but optional.
MATCH 2 ~ Maki VS Elisabeth IN 'Dancing Blades'
LOCATION: Rooftop of Castillo de San Servando, Spain, Europe
SPECIAL: Weapon Improvization- Both Maki and Elisabeth must during the course of the match dramatically lose possession of their respective weapons. Fortunately, the armory of the castle has been carted up to the rooftop, and the two fighters may select from a wide variety of medieval European weapons to supplement their arsenals.
MATCH 3 ~ Hotaru VS Jiro VS Vyle IN 'The Good, the Bad, and the Vyle'
LOCATION: Old-Timey Saloon in Albequerque, New Mexico, United States
SPECIAL: Bar Brawl- Someone must be attacked with a bar stool and someone needs to fall onto a piano and make a comically discordant sound upon the keys. Other than that, everything's fair game. Time-period costumes are encouraged but optional. Look, I just like costumes, alright? I'm sure Vyle has some green cowboy boots.
MATCH 4 ~ Drake VS Akira IN 'Tragic Spelling Error'
LOCATION: Mosh Pit Converted into Wrestling Arena, MC Industrial District
SPECIAL: Crowd Appeal- Both Drake and the punk rock loving audience are expecting an entirely different opponent, and unmasked Akira will find herself in an unexpectedly hostile environment; while playing to this crowd may come naturally to Drake, Akira will have to put in some special effort. Therefore, *every third round* Akira must either 'compose' or 'pass' and pose this as dramatic posturing, attempted trash talking, or simply trying to keep the audience calm.
MATCH 5 ~ Shermie VS Arika AND Momoko IN 'Heart Attacks'
LOCATION: Outside the Louvre, France, Europe
SPECIAL: What's My Motivation?- Both Arika and Momoko must at some point during the match 'assist' their teammate but pose it as a non-combative action, for example by saying something meant to confuse or outrage Shermie or by simply exorting the ally. Why and how your character chooses to do this is up to you; creativity and/or humor, as always, appreciated. Bonus points for dunking someone in a reflecting pool.
MATCH 6 ~ Hinako AND Riko VS Roberto AND Faolan IN 'Marine Intrigue'
LOCATION: Luxury Motor Yacht, Manila Harbor, Philippines
SPECIAL: Plottiness!- Take note! Plot-related events will be taking place during this fight. Do not be alarmed. This is not a drill. So, if possible, try to get this fight arranged, and if one of you finds yourself unable to participate, please do your best to find yourself a willing replacement. Thanks, guys.
MATCH 7 ~ Ryo VS Kurow IN 'Anti-Punk Training'
LOCATION: Justice High Auditorium
SPECIAL: The Kyokugen Way- Whoever loses this fight may or may not be forced to perform an as yet undetermined number of push-ups as per the whim of Takuma Sakazaki.
MATCH 8 ~ Kaiwei VS Mizuki IN 'Shopping Spree'
LOCATION: Lucid Dreams, Southtown Mall
SPECIAL: Go For Broke- Although the two fighters will begin in Kaiwei's store, during the course of the fight they must take their fight out of that particular store and into two other stores of the players' choice. Given that Kaiwei sells glass, this is perhaps in his best interest. Bonus: the loser has to buy something encountered in one of the stores over the course of the fight for the winner.
MATCH 9 ~ Heidern AND Rolento VS Kain AND Kyosuke IN 'Keeping Up Appearances'
LOCATION: Roof of the Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
SPECIAL: Enforced Teamwork- Howard Enterprises is trying to strut their SNF stuff and get a foothold in Dubai, and they can't afford to have this messed up. Anyone who attacks or attempts to harm their teammate will be immediately disqualified and potentially banned from SNF. (Not really, but you get the idea. Tension!)
MAIN EVENT ~ Rose VS Zero VS ??? WITH SPECIAL GUEST ??? IN 'Dramatic Ambush!'
LOCATION: Howard Arena, with ceiling retracted
SPECIAL: The premise should say it all. ??? and ???, you know who you are. (I'll be sending a @mail to the four of you so y'all know.)
Whee, wasn't that a fun read!?
Enjoy yourselves, guys. :D
SNF Matches: 4/26/07 - Fri Apr 27 2007 - Gonzales
Wow! That was a lot of people. I'm pooped. XD
But I managed to get everyone -- that's right, everyone! -- into a match, and although a didn't come up with any 'Special' section for either of the main events, I have a feeling they're awesome enough setups that you guys, well, don't really need any help.
Yet more spam as I post all of the special rules! But finals are coming up for me, so I'm definitely going to have to scale this sort of thing back in the following weeks. You'll have to find other reading material.
MATCH 1 ~ Zero AND Frei VS Krizalid AND Aislinn in 'Two-Tiered Trauma'
LOCATION: Construction Site, Metro City Industrial District
SPECIAL: Climbing the Corporate Ladder-- This fight takes place elevated thirty feet above the ground on two seperate horizontally-moving platforms, one fifteen feet above the other and initially far apart. Frei and Aislinn begin their fight on the lower platform, while Zero and Krizalid begin their fight on the upper platform. The first three rounds are duels between the two fighters on each level, at which point the platforms swing in range and fighters may begin clambering/leaping between girders and platforms so as to engage each other in a full melee.
MATCH 2 ~ Gato VS Shingo VS Luise IN 'Let's Get Serious'
LOCATION: Moving Carousel, Dream Amusement Park, Southtown
SPECIAL: All About Attitude-- As I understand it, these three fighters have very different attitudes toward fighting; their reactions to the setting of this match should reflect this, as well as how they choose to interact with the environment. ...Basically, bonus points if Gato hits Shingo with a wooden horse.
MATCH 3 ~ Kurow VS Andy WITH CHAOS AGENT Yamazaki IN 'Ninja Tamer'
LOCATION: Bridge to the Monastery of St. Nilus, Stolbnyi Island, Russia
SPECIAL: True Chaos-- Unlike a normal Chaos Agent battle wherein the CA attacks one fighter and then the other in succession unless otherwise provoked, Yamazaki has secretly been given free reign to attack whomever he pleases based on what he would find most entertaining. Technically the fighters are not allowed to fight back; but then again, technically, Yamazaki should be following the rules...
MATCH 4 ~ Eiji VS Sarah AND Leilani AND Marisol IN 'Fists of Feminine Fury'
LOCATION: Lakeshore atop Mount Athos, Macedonia, Europe
SPECIAL: Ninjutswho!?-- Look, Sarah, a real ninja!!
MATCH 5 ~ Arika VS Sada IN 'Karaoke Battle'
LOCATION: K-TV Lobby, Taipei, Taiwan
SPECIAL: Songbirds-- First, begin the scene with Arika and Sada finishing a karaoke battle that the SNF correspondants have been taping; be sure to describe what songs they sung, what scores they achieved, and how they have reacted to the result and this scenario in general and how it is influencing their attitudes toward the match. In addition, they may not speak during this fight, only sing. Significant bonus points awarded for rhyming!
MATCH 6 ~ Drake AND Hinako VS Haggar IN 'Bringing the Beef'
LOCATION: Meat Locker, Harbor, Southtown
SPECIAL: Frozen Fury-- In the same spirit as Oyaji Team's noble goal, Haggar, it's time to teach some young punks what their chosen fighting art is really all about. Drake, Hinako, be sure to dress warmly. Haggar will be fine, I imagine. Bonus points will, of course, be awarded for hitting each other with frozen meat.
MATCH 7 ~ Dudley AND Hotaru VS HeavyD AND Roberto IN 'Boxer's Delight'
LOCATION: 'Freedom of the Seas' Boxing Ring, Cruise Ship, Pacific Ocean
SPECIAL: Cheering Sections-- It's a four way match in the boxing ring, but while the younger fighters are not at all barred from interfering, the emphasis is on the performance of Dudley and Heavy D! against once another. To that end, Hotaru and Roberto must both at some point 'assist' their teammate somehow in their efforts to best the other boxer.
MATCH 8 ~ Maki VS MayLee IN 'Final Fracas'
LOCATION: Darkened Streets, Mumbai, India
SPECIAL: Side Scrolling Savagery-- Unbeknownst to the two fighters (and to all Howard Enterprises officials, they will later claim), their SNF match has been staged in a seedy part of Mumbai just about to erupt in some fierce gang street warfare. Of course, the show must go on, and thus the two icons of justice must continue to combat each other even as they simultaneously 'team up' to deal with the hordes of hapless goons unfortunate enough to stumble into their path. No matter who wins the match, justice will be served; where by 'served' I mean 'thrown screaming at the other fighter'.
MATCH 9 ~ Ryo AND Akira VS Clark AND Elisabeth IN 'Kyokugen Redux'
LOCATION: Pao Pao Cafe, Southtown
SPECIAL: A Hard Enough Life-- Ryo, unless you want even more pushups, you better win this time. And you better not let Akira show you up, that would be embarrassing. Also, clean your room, it's a mess. Honestly!
MAIN EVENT 1 ~ Ryu AND Chun-Li VS Terry AND Kain IN 'Deadly Alliances'
LOCATION: Outside the Main Gate of the Shaolin Temple, Henan, China
MAIN EVENT 2 ~ Vega AND Balrog VS Chizuru AND Iori IN 'Proving Grounds'
LOCATION: Howard Arena
What a workout! I hope you all enjoy yourselves. Now it's time for me to once again go off and pretend to do homework for a while. XD
Have fun! :D
Log created on 10:34:57 03/03/2007 by Kobun, and last modified on 02:41:34 06/09/2007.