Description: Shenwoo represents the last bastion of masculinity in what would otherwise be a pleasant talk show discussion between Ash and Duolon! ... Er. No, really, Shen's the Chaos Agent, and Sean gets dragged along too! (Winner: Ash)
Here it is, the main event, the biggest ratings gathering in all of Saturday Night Fight programming. The biggest draw of crowds, it's the BIG TIME. And the sold-out arena, is booming with rowdy, hardcore fans looking forward to what is undoubtedly going to be a rather unorthodox match. Why? Because the people know that Geese isn't just planning some 'normal' one on one match, but no one knows what exactly to expect at the same time.
Within the massive arena is a very very large set-up, someone took a bit of a hunk of budget putting this thing togeather, in the center of the arena, there's an extremely large, square carpeting, light blue in color with a large basketball insigniat in the center. To the west of the carpet is a backdrop of a window that looks out over the city of southtown and in front of it is your run-of the mill announcers table, to the side three cushioned seats for guests. And even further to the side is just a few punk kids with a trumpet, electric guitar, and drums. Now further on the carpet is a lot of things, there are set up cameras, spotlights, some VIP couches, buckets of paint, more cushioned seats, a directors chair, a few spare tires taken off of monster trucks, and some other nonsensical things one wouldn't expect for a talk show.
One the crowd starts to calm down, suddenly fireworks go off with a loud ba-ba-ba-bang!! The three man band ROCKS OUT and out from the backdrop steps Sean Matsuda, who's dressed in slightly different ensamble, nice dress pants and blazer, tan in color with a bright yellow dress shirt and tie underneath, microphone in hand.
Almost on cue the 'Mit-su-bi-shi' chants start, but luckily for Sean, his microphone is louder than the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen!!" the Brazillian bomber yells, pointing a finger in the air, "I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the very first edition of my show, 'The Center Circle'! Now, I just want to say, this is not your ordinary show! Before this match explodes, I'm going to do what -all- of you fight fanatics want, I'm going to get into the HEADS of these fighters, maybe even... Oh, I dunno, stir up the pot a bit, or maybe I'll just turn everything upside down to make sure everyone here gets their bottom dollar!"
A roar of applause follows; if Sean -does- deliver here, well then.. That'd clearly be a good thing! Walking along the mini-stage, a hand in his pocket, Sean then continues, "I am your host, 'Mister' Sean Matsuda, and you know what? What the heck, lets bring out our two combatants right now! Ladies and gentlemen, please give a huge Center Circle welcome to.... To uh.........." Sean squints his eyes as one of the cameramen run in and crouch, holding a cue card, ".. uh.. Right! Yes, let's hear it for Ash and Duo Lon, puhhhlease!"
BOOM! More fireworks go off, and the band plays in the two fighters!
The Saturday Night Fight was one of those things that he regarded with a kind of amusement. Its purpose was nothing short of entertainment to the public, and it did that rather well, in fact. Top fighters, every weekend, seeking fame, glory, and money, all went up against other top fighters, while the crowd at home or in the stands cheered their hearts out. Though the Hizoku assassin rarely used the word, if ever, he had to admit it was appropriate in this instance. The SNF was 'cute'. Duolon's only interest in it was the money, but it wasn't as if he did it -solely- for the money. No, he was no stranger to the business side of these things - the producers wanted a good fight, after all, to keep people coming back to pay money. No stranger to showmanship and theatrics was Duo, and he tried to put some of that into his fights. If only so he kept getting invited back, and got more money.
This fight, however, was a little different. While Duo was fairly certain these matches were set up by random selection, and was further sure that Ash had no hand in its orchestration, the set up was simply too good, was it not? Particularly after last week, when the poor flame-wielder had been left alone to deal with an unconscious and beaten Shenwoo. Certainly Ash wasn't that happy about it. Still, the assassin was going through with this, if only for the money. And whatever Ash's intentions or involvement might be, a little friendly competition between 'friends' wasn't ever a bad thing, right? Right.
So, as the announcer calls out Ash and himself, the gateway meant for him to come out of suddenly has a burst of strobe lights go off, fireworks exploding overhead, and a huge plume of smoke goes forth, made to look purple by clever lighting from behind. Toccata & Fugue in G Minor begins to play on the speakers, and out comes the chinaman, taking slow, measured steps, his dark, though thin form emerging from the sickly-looking manufactured fog accompanied by some synthed ghoul-and-goblin screams. The man himself has his eyes closed, head slightly bowed, hands in his sleeves as he makes his way to the bottom of the ramp, then lifting his head to casually glance over the roaring crowd. Simply nodding his head, he then turns to move towards the 'talk show' setup, again nodding his head to Sean, and then taking a seat in one of the chairs.
Ah, the main event. A chance for the beginning or even seasoned fighter to bask in the spotlight, the glory... To soak in the cheers of rabid SNF fans, their calls echoing throughout the arena in a deafening roar, but that might just be the fireworks. ... Wait, fireworks? The crackle-bang of noise almost blocks out the announcement of his name entirely and Ash, quirking an eyebrow in the waiting lounge, glances questioningly to a particularly pretty female assistant. She smiles at him, he returns it pleasantly, and then the woman gestures for him to head out to the stage proper, stating cheerfully that it's a 'before show' treat. Just play along, Ash.
The doors are swept open to a sight and sound that he's certainly no stranger to now, and the creepy-crawly nature of Duo Lon's entrance on the other side causes a little smirk to wind its way across the Frenchman's thin mouth. Quite the flair for the grim and ghastly, the Hizoku has. Maybe he should go into making horror movies, ha ha ha. But it also seems like Duo had some forewarning that they should come up with impressive entrances for this little 'interview', which Ash himself wasn't privy to... Or maybe the Frenchman just forgot about it. It's difficult to say. Let it not be said, however, that Ash Crimson isn't up to improvising a little flash when it comes time for it...
As the dreary Dracula orchestra music finally trails off and it's now his cue, standing with his hand against the frame of the door, the lean fighter looks back over his shoulder and says, "Just something light and cheerful, s'il vous plait." And then... The fruity, charismatic Frenchman has arrived! He needs no spotlight, no sickly fog... Ash can create his own just fine, and wrapping his arms around his thin form, head tilting back, a soft piano solo trickles out from the overhead speakers. He waits like that briefly, up until the music swells, and when the violins and percussion chime in, the tempo picking up, there's an explosion of green flames all around him. His hair lifts momentarily, and the chi snakes around him like an emerald dragon, coiling higher and higher until it explodes into flaming bubbles. Ash, of course, starts forwards with his effeminate saunter through the glowing rain of them, brushing some of the white locks away from his eyes. Ahaha, no offense, but... beat that.
Hopping up the steps of the stage, then onto the interview platform, he adjusts his finger-less gloves before decorating one of those comfortable chairs, crossing his legs much like a woman would. "Bonjour!" He says to Sean, giving him a smile so broad that it reduces his eyes to slits, and then the Frenchman turns to Duo, "Ceci doit etre un amusement." Ash says knowingly, his smile turning into a bit of a smirk for the Chinaman's eyes only. Did he have a hand in things...?
Oh man.. That's pretty much all Sean can think of when he watches one grand entrance, and then one even grander entrance. By the time Duolon's taken his seat, Sean's taken a chair of his own behind his slick-looking table. The explosion of green-flame, however, is enough to make him fall backward out of his seat with a loud THUMP.
His hand raises, sets onto the desk and he pulls himself up, his jaw slack at just how... How.. Wh- What the hell is he looking at here? He has no idea! His seat righted, he takes a moment to let the two settle in, his jaw slightly slack and seeming at a loss for words. His lips curl in a moment, and then he gestures to the two, "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you 'The New Womens Team'!
*Badum-PISH* Goes the drummer.
"No no no, I'm just messing around with you guys, no seriously, look at you two." Sean quickly interjects, resting his arm on the desk, "Wow, I mean.. You two are just looking so cool, really cool but you know what? You're not as cool as me. You're not as cool as Sean Matsuda, you know why? Because you don't have a forty-five second DRUM SOLO. Hit it!"
The drummer then proceeds to bash on his set like a maniac. He does it for a full forty-five seconds too, and as he bangs away, Sean is starting at both Ash and Duolon with the most serious expression man has ever seen, nodding his head slowly. Oh yeah, hell yeah he'll beat that! Lookit him go, man! Go go go! And at the end of the solo, the trumpetist grabs his microphone and yells in an Aerosmith-like manner, "MATSUDAAaAAAAaaaaWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!"
"Oh. My. God. No, but seriously you two." Sean continues, as if the past minute hadn't happened, "Before this match goes underway, I just want shake things up with a bit of friendly competition before you guys start busting heads. Are you two cool with that?"
Duo, seated from the chair next to Sean's desk, watches Ash's entrance with... pretty much the same emotion he's shown to everything else so far. Calm indifference. Canting his head slightly as Ash steps from his green-flame introduction, the assassin gives the flame-wielder a bow of his head in greeting. However, he doesn't do any more than that, as he's mostly not even sure what Ash just said to him. He was versed in a few languages, but French was not one of them. Turning his head back to Sean, again their announcer was regarded with that same calm indifference, not even batting an eye when a joke is made at his expense, or when Sean more or less tries to one-up them all. Not so much as an eyebrow is lifted while the Hizoku merely sits, hands tucked into his sleeves and settled onto his lap. The only actual response comes when Sean makes the offer of 'friendly competition', to which Duolon closes his eyes, head bowing slightly. His words, though quiet, and in all likelihood would not be able to reach even someone next to him's ears, are still picked up by the overhead boom mics and broadcast over the speakers. "Only if such competition doesn't involve us flailing about, as though a chicken with our heads cut off." Though the words are spoken with a kind of coldness, they somehow nevertheless carry a bit of jovialness to him. Even though he STILL doesn't show any different emotion on his face. The joke, however, manages to catch the crowd's attention, if only because it was DUOLON saying it. The Hizoku's been in a few SNFs before, but never has he ever spoken; he was something of a huge enigma to the fight fanatics.
So now they're the New Women's Team? Damn, that's a pretty harsh of you, Sean, but not... terribly far from the truth, some might say. Ash and Duo Lon are kind of effeminate. Knowing this, the freckle-faced fighter just goes on smiling despite the joke, even affording a noiseless chuckle since /he/ at least thinks it's a little funny, then... Oh damn, a certain announcer officially wins. The screaming at the end of his CRAAAAZY solo is just the icing on the cake. In the face of someone like Matsuda, the Frenchman and his cohort should just hang up their entertainer cloaks right now and go right back to their day jobs. ... Not that Ash has a job. He's a freeloader, especially if you were to ask Shenwoo. But he's not here!
With one elbow finding a place on the cushioned armrest, Ash leans into the chair that way to get comfortable, cupping his generously curved chin with that hand and looking rather interested at the proposal of some friendly competition. Considering how entertaining this young fellow chosen to be their guest announcer has been thus far, Ash is quite sure it'll be something else worth a laugh... And speaking of which, blinking at what the Hizoku beside him has to say, "Ahaha, but that might be fun." Don't punch him, Duo... The fruity flamewielder is just a sick and demented individual. Examining the nails belonging to the hand on his knee briefly, it's back to Sean. "What do you propose for us, Monsieur Matsuda?" The name is drawn out in a saccharine sweet way, enhanced by his obvious accent, Ash looking as pleasant as ever while he eagerly awaits... whatever amusement this might entail.
"What?" Sean says, seeming to have been caught a bit off-guard by Ash's question. He was paying attention, really, but he was also busy trying to figure out what exactly it was Duo Lon was wearing, and so he sort of addresses to Duolon, ".. Are you wearing lipstick, dude? Actually don't answer that, I'm not going to have you do something that isn't," he raises his fingers as quotes, "'Out of character' for you two, but just as Ash said, it'll be fun, everyone's going to love it. Now originally, I was going to introduce my 'Wheel of Awesome', but I accidentally broke it, so instead," he reaches into his blazer and draws out a white envelope, drawing it open to pull out a small cue card.
Sean stares at it for a moment, glances off-stage, and then back to his two guests with a grin, "Actually it's 'Mister' Matsuda," he corrects, as a couple of studio-men walk onto the stage toward Ash and Duolon.
Ash is presented with a red pimp-hat with a long, white, feathered boa.
Duo is presented with a baseball cap and a comically oversides baseball jersey along with a huge clock attached to a gold chain.
Sean himself gets a crown placed on his head, with a long, red cape, and as these are offered, he explains the rules, "My god, we're going to have an old fashioned POSE OFF! I don't know about you, but I feel right at home!" the boy cries, standing up from his seat, "The rules, they're simple! We're going to be given fifteen seconds to pump up the crowd with the sexiest -or- machoest poses you can possibly muster! And then the fans, they're going to decide who's the best impromptu model! Now, if either of you two are deemed the winner, you get the first strike of the match. Hey, can we get some music, please?" Sean asks, looking off-stage again.
And right on-cue, the lights dim, three spotlights shine down on the three fighters, and Right Said Fred's 'I'm too Sexy' booms within the arena. Sean leaps up onto his desk, adjusts his crown, and then gyrates his hips as he points to the other two to join him. The fans who are into it, they clap their hands along to the beat. And meanwhile the clock, it is ticking!
The challenge has been laid... ...and it was precisely as Duo had said it would be. Completely ignoring the comment of wearing lipstick (he'd had enough of that in the past to not really care any more), the Hizoku assassin stands up. But instead of taking the items offered, he merely turns to look directly at Sean, his expression, though not changing, seeming even MORE cold than before, perhaps because his already narrow eyes are narrowed further, just slightly. "As I thought..." he says, and then gives a slight, tired sigh. "I signed up for this to fight, Matsuda -" that was the announcer's name, correct? "-not to be toyed with. If it's the same with you, do your interview, and let us fight. Or we can simply start now, but add another name to the roster of fighters." The last part is merely an implied threat, but... from the way he looks at Sean, the meaning is clear. He's not amused, and he's totally going to mess you up, man.
Heh, poor Duo. People really get all on your case about that, don't they? Not Ash, though... Being someone who appreciates the strange and unique, he accepted the Hizoku's apprearance without question and wh--WHAT?! Ash nearly /chokes/ on his own tongue at such an unexpected announcement, and while attempting to recover from /that/, he bursts into a fit of giggles as Sean's assistant hands him a... AHAHA! With the pimp hat and feathered boa on his lap, the Frenchman curls his face into his hand. His laughing and coughing cause his thin shoulders to shake, and when he's finally done? "Pfft, Duo, you don't want to be dragging /Monsieur/ Matsuda into the fight. He's the announcer, non?" Again, Sean's name is the same as before, though now with the jerky purpose of DON'T CORRECT HIM! IT MAY BE FRENCH, BUT ASH IS STILL BEING POLITE! Twerp.
Lifting the items as the lean fighter too rises from his seat finally, young Crimson coughs one last time... Since this IS funny, but a certain assassin wants no part, he can only kinda sorta but not really play along. He drapes the boa around his neck and shoulders, the colour going quite nicely with his red fighting attire, and even the hat matches! It's such a lovely shade too, how nice! But Ash gives it a scornful look, knowing full-well that a hat'll mess up his hair should he even bother, so oh noes Sean, the flamewielder doesn't. Tossing it back to the comfortable cushion he's left behind, a hand is then brought down to his slender hip, and twirling a lock of hair around a long finger on the other, he asks, just to be a pain in the ass, of only Duo, "How do I look?" LIKE A TOTAL FREAKIN' WEIRDO! "We can start whenever you're ready." And the musical, sing-song tone of voice makes its first appearance of the evening.
o/~ And Iiii'm too sexy for your party, too sexy for your party, no way I'm disco danciiiing!
Sean, in normal circumstances would PROBABLY be wetting his pants right now or something, because that cold look in Duolons eye, it's.. It's not something that can be normally shaken off. It's pretty frightening. But no guest announcer comes into a crazy plan without a plan B, right?? He has a security button, and he'll press it! Don't touch him, Duo, he'll press the HELL out of that button!!
Managing somehow to keep his cool, though his smile is a little more nervous, he slips off the desk, still shaking his hips and his shoulders; Sean doesn't have a lot of rythem.. But he can talk and shake it at the same time, shaking his head to the assassin, "Nnnnnnno way, my friend, you're not here just to fight, you're here to en-ter-tain! Week in and week out, you come all up in here, and then you come into the fight not sayin' a thing, with your spooky ghost smoke, and your hands on your hips, and then you whoop some ass, and then you're gone. Not -this- time, this time I'm going to introduce a -new- side of you, give these people a little fan service! What.. What? You two want some ladies?" Sean asks.
He glances around a bit, and then calls off stage, the spotlights twisting and twirling about wildly, and again on cue, four scantily clad fly-girls step up onto the stage, two for each fighter and they proceed to shake their grove thing, as Sean takes a small step back, nodding his head and grinning like a maniac, "Aaaaaw snap! Go Sean, with the hook-up! Go Sean! With the hook up! Go Sean! Go Sean!" he praises himself. However the interview? Pshaw, that isn't going to happen. On the other hand, Sean -does- suddenly realize he's forgetting something very important, as he swaggers on closer to Ash's side where he in theory should be safer from the assassin, "You look -awesome-," he side-comments. And he's no twerp!
"What the HELL is going on here?!" wonders a voice, loud and strident all through the arena - nice acoustics, Geese! - as somebody else walks onto the 'set'. Somebody unexpected. Somebody early for his scheduled match. And that somebody... Is the God of Battle. You see, nobody told Shenwoo that there was going to be some sort of interview segment before the match, so it was quite the surprise to him when he arrived at the arena and heard all the kerfuffle out in the main area. This is supposed to be a fight, not a fashion show! And what's with that terrible music?
Striding closer, the tall, lean brawler hops up onto the fighting stage where the whole 'talk show' set is, tilting his head to one side as he looks around. "Oh!" he says, spotting Sean. "You're that Dan Mitsubishi guy I fought the other day." That's right, Sean. You just got Shenwowned. As for Ash and Duo - and their 'fly girls' - the berserker barks a harsh laugh. "Geez, Duo, you look like more of a girl than they do," he says. Isn't that just cold?
Oh, and that's also about when he lunges at Duo Lon, moving so fast he leaves a flickering after-image standing there, trying to punch the Hizoku assassin in the head. He's supposed to be a Chaos Agent, right? He's creating chaos! This is what he's here for, even if he's not too happy that he's not really participating in the fight. Also, hopefully he doesn't hit Sean's T&A, but hopefully they're smart enough to get the hell out of the way.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ash has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ash
COMBATSYS: Duolon has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Duolon 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ash
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Duolon blocks Shenwoo's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Duolon 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ash
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|
Well, at least managing to make Sean look a little nervous was satisfying, though if any look of satisfaction were to surface on that cold, slim face of the assassin's, it's only there for a fraction of a second. Not only because Duo doesn't really display his emotions, but because -despite- the threat, Sean still goes on with what Duolon perceives as his idiocy, by calling out 'the wimminz'. While normally any man would probably be glad at such a development, Duo simply keeps his cold indifferent look going, glancing to the women as they approach, and giving them the same kind of nervousness that Sean has displayed. They're professionals, however, and still do what they're paid for... just, standing a little further away than the women do with Ash (perhaps). Despite Ash's 'encouragement', the Hizoku seems not at all pleased. In fact, he looks, somewhat, like he's about to make good on his threat of attacking Sean, when suddenly!!!! Shenwoo draws near. Command?
Looking in the brawler's direction, Duo's eyes narrow a bit. He'd read a bit that Shenwoo was supposed to appear... as a 'chaos agent', no less, but as to what that actually meant, Duo only knew that he was 'officially' in the fight with Ash, and victory meant knocking the frenchman out. But truth be told, he was -glad- Shenwoo was here. It meant the getting down to business; enough with this fooling around! Turning as the fighter launches at him, the punch is simply intercepted on his arms, catching the fist and redirecting the excess momentum to the side of his head. The impact still hurt, of course... but not so much as it would've been. The T&A, at least near Duo, indeed scatter, but Duo is here to stay. "Perhaps, Shenwoo, but better to look human than as a beast." And with that? He moves to push on Shenwoo's arms, his own legs moving to sweep Shenwoo's legs out from under him... and then simply throwing the large fighter at his opponent, Ash.
COMBATSYS: Ash blocks Duolon's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ash
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|
Twerp! Twerpytwerptwerp--*BRICKED* Anyway, while he certainly appreciates it, there's really no need to tell him that he looks awesome. Ash, full of confidence, was already well aware of such a fact. He gives Sean an indulgent sort of smile though, and suddenly WHOA! Scantily clad women! Wait, does that one have a beard? Ew... Where did you get these 'girls', Matsuda?! Some hook-up this is! Exasperated, the Frenchman shakes his head from side to side, then primly adjusts his boa. "He has a point, Duo, though Monsieur Matsuda's execution is rather unorthodox." Of course, he's speaking to Duo Lon, "And what a thing to ask, my goodness..." But whatever else Ash has to say is forestalled by a sudden arrival! He trails off, looking up as a familiar voice fills the arena, between his actually shouting and it booming out overhead on the speakers. "... Shenwoo?" Ash should really start reading what these fights actually entail beforehand.
No sooner has the name been said when that very individual is suddenly on stage, and the Frenchman's eyes narrow warily. Is he just interrupting the match, or was this... OH! Must be that Chaos Agent thing! Watching as his roommate seems all too amused before getting straight down to business, at least it isn't him. Or not up until the point where Duolon sweeps up the Shanghai-born brute and pitches him across the arena at Ash. Many options are presented here to him then, and recalling quite clearly an incident where he was similarly THROWN... God, young Crimson could be so cruel right now if he wanted to, but he doesn't have the time. Space isn't something that is really present between himself and the Hizoku, so the flamewielder catches Shenwoo, wincing at the impact as the brawler kinda crashes into him, then unceremoniously dumps his friend on the polished floor. "Je t'aime, how nice to see you!" And he really sounds coldly delighted, all while a vicious overhead swing is coming down, and Ash's fingers curl into a fist. He aims quite the nasty punch at the barbarian's face.
Hmmmn, yes what was it, -what- was it? Well what does it matter, this was the first time in his life Sean actually called for a flock of women and then they all came up and started dancing. That. That was pure awesome, and a moment that the young Matsuda will never forget in his life. Why does Duolon have to be such a prissy spoilsport though, that sucks! He just crosses his arms and nods his head in agreement as Ash sorta-scolds Duolon, "Yep. Yep, that's what he said. You heard'm. Y- WOAH!"
And speaking of forgotten thoughts, there's Shenwoo suddenly busting into the scene, the music comes to a halt like someone halted a record player, and the spotlights return to the normal lighting of the arena, "W-- Wh. WHAT??" Sean then yells to the mixed up name, his face turning red as the audience gets a good laugh at that moment, then proceeds to cheer as the fighting commences! Well so much for the audience participation, but what're you going to do, right? Curling his lips in, Sean shakes a fist at Shenwoo, (when he isn't looking), and then covering his head, scrambles from Ash once the Berserker is used as a weapon, toward the safety of his announcers table, "Well it looks like the match has started with a bang! Three friends are pitted against one another, and they fight! Why do they fight?? For glory? For greed? Is this the end?? Oh the humanity!"
The fly-girls flee like good little fly-girls should, and as soon as their out of earshot and on the safe path to the offstage, one of them sucks her teeth, and snaps her fingers, "No he -didn't- go and call me a beast on live tv. He's lucky that guy punched him or I woulda beat fru-fru his ass. I'm a somebody, I'm gonna get me a PHD!"
"True true true that, girlfriend, you -go-." her partner cheers on.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo fails to interrupt Messidor from Ash with Kyakuten Touchi.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
ASH YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO ATTACK THE CHAOS AGENT. Of course, Shenwoo doesn't care. He doesn't like being assigned as a 'chaos agent' anyway, where's the fun in that? So he gets thrown, and he's going to get Duo back for that, for sure... And Ash catches him, how nice! Except then Ash proceeds to aim a punch at his face. Shenwoo, being Shenwoo, immediately lashes out with his left hand at the same moment, but he's not fast enough: Instead, he gets punched, which sends him staggering back. That kinda hurt! "You bastard, you're supposed to attack him!" the 'chaos agent' says, pointing at Duo. It's not like he really minds, but come on, the Hizoku's just /standing/ there, not getting punched or set on fire or anything!
This was almost a repeat of the last fight the three Hero Teamers had gotten into, where Shenwoo had been the first to go down, and thus ended up paying for an expensive meal. And the door to the tea shop Ash loved, because Shenwoo had broken it when he threw Duolon through it. Except this time, he wasn't trying to get people's attention, as Shenwoo and Ash just beat the hell out of each other. Now, he simply stood back, carefully observing the two, and how they work together. Ash, catching Shenwoo instead of simply letting him fly away. Shenwoo, trying to throw his own attack out as he gets punched in the face by Ash. Theirs was a relationship of *love*, he was sure. "...Now, then. I believe I *am* your true opponent in this match, Ash Crimson," the Hizoku states. Matsuda is forgotten, as are the fly-girls. Sliding his right foot forward, his hands outstretched in a classic boxer style, but with quite a bit of variance, Duolon prepares for the fighting. "Come at me, and forget the buffoon."
COMBATSYS: Duolon focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
Someone's... certainly got a messed up idea of 'love'. When Shenwoo is smacked down and he withdraws his fist, rolling those thin shoulders in a relaxed shrug, "Ah, is that how it works?" Obviously Ash Crimson is too good for other people's rules. That, and he wasn't really sure in the first place, ahaha. Oh well. The brawler's frustration is laughed off by the Frenchman, who then saunters past his friend to play by regulation... For now. Until the urge to sock the barbarian in the face again becomes too overwhelming that it can't be resisted. "Of course," He replies casually to Duolon, brushing a hand back through his lengthy locks of white hair, flashing a toothy smile, "Though Shen'll be hard to forget when he constantly interferes."
The flamewielder then reaches down, because he's still standing on the set, grabbing up the third chair's cushion, and whatever protest Sean may have to a certain Frenchman destroying his ingenious... thing, well, it's too late. In a second, the cushy object is on fire, and Ash grins a maniacal grin, a sickly green glow cast upon his freckled features. With a little idea in his head, this can only mean BAD THINGS for Duo Lon. "So, what say we start with a little game of our own, hmm?" Twisting somewhat to the side, "Catch!" Then, with a bright laugh, he throws the fiery cushion at the Hizoku, like a goddamn frisbee. Weirdo.
Woah, an attack? On Shenwoo?? Sean's brows knit a bit in confusion, and he checks his cue cards. Really though, he shouldn't be suprised. If he had Shenwoos mug in his grill, he'd punch it too. Seriously. Currently out of witty comments or sarcasm, he tries his hand at calling the match, by responding to Duolons challenge toward Ash, ".. Mah gawd! Duo Lon is beconing Ash something fierce! He responds with a ch- Hey wait a minute! Noooooooo! My chair! Someone stop the match! My poor chair is broke!" Sean buries his face into his arm on the desk, banging at it with his other fist, "Why? -Why-??"
BUFFOON?? Shenwoo isn't going to stand for that sort of thing, not even now that the fight is actually going how it's supposed to. Kind of, anyway. He's supposed to keep things interesting, and he just attacked Ash... Though it didn't work. And you know, ultimately what's interesting to Shenwoo? /Duo Lon getting totally punched/. Which would be why, as Ash tosses that flaming couch cushion at the Hizoku, Shenwoo rushes at Duo again, and yes, once again he tries to punch the assassin, aiming to hit him in the sternum at about the moment the cushion does its job. "GRAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Duolon with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Duolon overcomes Large Thrown Object from Ash with Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
Shenwoo's role was a chaos agent. He was to make chaos. And so, he had done that rather well, seeing as Duo -was- focused entirely on Ash. As the flaming chair came for him, Duo was already in the process of charging up his own means of throwing stuff. Stuff that didn't involve Shenwoo. The familiar sickly-purple aura begins to form around his hand, growing in intensity quickly, before the assassin brings the hand up, and then quickly swipes it through the air. The aura leaves his hand, growing in size as it launches towards Ash, on an intercept course for the flame-wielder's flaming chair. And intercept it does, and completely overtakes it, simply incinerating the thing into nothing but ash, as it continues on towards the Frenchman. As for Shenwoo, while Duo was aware of the large man moving, there was simply no time to dodge, no matter how quick the assassin moved. Getting -totally punced-, Duolon is literally lifted up off the ground, and slams down against Sean's desk, not quite breaking it, but indeed making it groan rather uncomfortably. Regaining his feet quickly, Duo holds his chest, gritting his teeth a little. "...Indeed, hit like a beast, as well..."
COMBATSYS: Ash overcomes Genmu Kyaku Uchikiba from Duolon with Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
When he realises that his chair cushion (NOT THE ACTUAL CHAIR ITSELF) is gone, cue the crowd laughing at Sean's pain, in the midst of enjoying their always exciting Saturday Night Fight main event. Ash himself affords a cruel little smile of his own as well, distinctly amused by Matsuda's antics. It just doesn't pay to be Sean, does it? Anyway, with Shen off to do his usual punching bit, Ash feels rather self-assured, and so the Frenchman goes for a little stroll. Off of the set platform at least, his white shoes with their red soles touching down on the polished floor of the actual arena stage. He stands there, looking completely relaxed, checking his nails just in case that 'frisbee' throw happened to damage them even a little, and then... A strange noise reaches his ears from the direction of his opponent.
"Come now, Duo, you're going to have to..." He watches the creepy chi engulf the cushion and head on straight for him, eyes narrowing a little more... Suddenly one hand comes down, cutting through the air, and flames burst forth yet again. "... Do better than that!" Ash certainly isn't holding back on being showy tonight, but then, WHY SHOULD HE? Duo Lon is certainly worth his time, unlike many others he's met, and even if he wasn't... The flamewielder's been entertained enough by Sean alone to justify a little demonstration, and there's still the random element of Shen and his crazy VIOLENCE to think about. After creating that large crescent of fire, he sends a second smashing into the first, the combination making an impressive display, hurtling forward at the oncoming purple aura stuff. Duo's chi attack is swallowed hungrily by the emerald fire, destroyed entirely, and the flames continue on towards the assassin while Ash watches on in satisfaction afterwards... This game of 'catch'... certainly doesn't involve much of anything they can actually get their hands on without being HURT, now does it?
Aw dammit. Sean was supposed to be getting cool points. The people were supposed to feel sorry for him! He liked that chair! He was going to take it home. Sadface.
Sean raises his head, takes a small breath, and then just relaxes and continues with the announcing, "Oh -man-! We've got stuff chi flying around everywhere! These two fighters are clearly hungry for some violence! And myself, I am hungry for popcorn!" he leans back a little, reaches under his desk and draws out a twenty-five cent bag of what could be Smartfood, but the label has tape over it. A bit stuffed into his mouth, he then continues, "Now, I don't know all these two guys very well, but if I had to put money on this match, it'd be on Crimson hands down! He's got style, he's got flair, and he's got fire that kinda looks like mutagen! He's going to turn Duolon into a ninja turtle! My gawd!"
Anyway, back to Shenwoo doing his job. Ash and Duo can toss weirdo chi junk back and forth all they want; the brawler knows the real way to fight, and that's hitting the other person as hard as you can. Or persons, in this case. With Duo apparently on the ropes while Ash remains relatively unharmed, it's clear what the Shanghai-born fighter has to do. Which is why, after Ash deals with the Hizoku's chi blast, he now has to deal with the God of Battle.
In fact, as Shen gets closer to the flame-tossing Frenchman, he clasps his hands together in an axehandle position, skidding a little as he gets closer, grinning widely and ferally, as usual. And then he swings those hands up at Ash's jaw, trying to knock the other fighter right off of his feet! "ORA!!" At this rate, he's going to get totally bored just going back and forth and punching them, though...
COMBATSYS: Duolon dodges Ash's Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/------=|
The chair CUSHION gets eaten up by his own attack... and then that is eaten up in turn by Ash's own curious green flames, once again putting him in the way of oncoming painings. The attack Shenwoo had dealt him wasn't -exceedingly- painful, the Hizoku already on his feet by the time the green flames were launched, and already in motion as his purple ghostly aura is eaten up. Ducking low, Duolon can be seen taking a single step and then suddenly, he's no longer there. There's merely this black blur that charges forward, stopping momentarily 'under' the oncoming green flames, and then proceeding forward again, until Duo can be seen once more. Where he ends up? Right next to Ash. It's a little scary, Shenwoo's timing, and his own, their attacks occuring at the same time. As Shenwoo's fists come upwards for Ash's jaw, Duo spins, his long, thin leg coming up, over, and then down a full axe kick, meaning to smash his heel into his opponent and send him crashing to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Ash with Fukuko-Geki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Duolon successfully hits Ash with Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
Kekeke, mutagen. Unfortunately though, the reference kinda sails right over poor Ash's head. It's not that he's so young that he missed out on the sensation that were the Ninja Turtles, but more that in the household where he was raised it wasn't possible... The Frenchman really didn't watch television growing up. He is /deprived/, some might say, not that he lets on. Perhaps this is why he watches soap operas now. Plus, it drives Shenwoo NUTS.
Speaking of the brawler, the incoming charge is observed with a complete understanding of just what he plans on doing, so obvious is the intention, but when Ash throws up his arms, getting ready to slip out of the way or whatever, WHABAM, right in the jaw! He's too slow, and Sean really shouldn't count his chickens before they're hatched. Clipped harshly, the flamewielder's head snaps back, and then he's suddenly beat down by Duo Lon's assault, the sneaky Hizoku having appeared from nowhere, and his knees buckle against his will. The lean, fruity fighter crashes painfully into the ground, cringing as he does so, nearly forced to faceplant... But his hands snapping out at the last minute save him from possibly breaking his nose or otherwise damaging his face. Oh yes. Now you two have gone and done it.
Gritting his teeth together, staring down at the granite for a moment, Ash then rises from his position, quickly and full of resolve. Slipping in closer to the assassin, he then extends his arm, swinging upwards and cutting through the air, aiming to fiercely uppercut Duo as hard as he possibly can. And should it connect? The skinny Chinaman should be sent off his feet, and quite satisfyingly too! Hmph! HMPH, I SAY!
Yes, this match is indeed pretty chaotic. But is it chaotic /enough/, is the question? Probably not. Everybody except for Ash seems to be doing relatively okay! Which means that Shenwoo's logical next target is, of course, Duo. He laughs a little as Ash gets knocked down and then tries uppercutting the Hizoku, and decides it's the perfect opportunity to help out a little... He reaches to grab the assassin by the arm while Ash goes for that punch, and - if Ash hits - use that momentum to help toss the freaky Chinese ninja to the granite floor. If Ash misses, he'll just do it on his own! The point is: Throwing Duo Lon.
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Duolon with Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Duolon with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/----===|
And then, the tables be turned! Ash had been sent to the floor, as was Duo's plan. The plan, however, did not include Ash getting back up, and both he and Shenwoo attacking him. The quarters were a bit too close for Duo's tastes, and try as he might, both the self-styled God of War and the flame-wielder got their hits in, the stiff uppercut from the latter landing soundly enough to knock the thin assassin off his feet, sailing through the air. Or, he would, were it not for Shenwoo being there, grabbing Duo and then throwing him to the floor. That looked like it hurt, and even the crowd gets a sharp 'OOOOH!' going, as if wincing in sympathetic pain with the Hizoku. And yet, something is not all right, here. Something is a little weird. As Duo hits the ground, there's a crunching noise that isn't like a human body hitting the granite. It sounds more like... bones. And, looking down, one can see that the thing hitting the ground is in fact NOT Duolon, but a skeleton dressed like him, the force of the impact on the ground making the skeleton shatter, sending femurs and radiuses and brain cases scattering across the floor. Did Shenwoo hit him a little too hard? Possibly. Or possibly not, as the crowd gives a gasp of shock, followed immediately by one of surprise and happiness as the Chinaman suddenly seems to appear from no where, descending, foot-first, upon Shenwoo, in a rough drill kick to the head.
As Ash stands there after his uppercut connects, shaking out his fist, it would seem that someone is stealing his glory of knocking Duo off his feet! Curse you, Shenwoo! But since the action works out for him anyway, he won't complain. Instead, he's pleasantly surprised by this turn of events, and takes the opportunity as it's been presented to him: The Frenchman bends at the waist and dramatically... dusts off his knees, as his pants had gotten dusty when he fell. Dirt, you are truly his worst enemy, now away with you! It's in his best interest not to busy himself with that task for long though, especially when in such close quarters to other violent participants... Violent participants that are... DISINTEGRATING INTO BONES, WHAT THE HELL! A cold chill runs up and down his spine at what Duo Lon does; god, it still creeps him out EVERY TIME. Yes, even Ash has limits, and that's just plain disturbing.
Though he glances down at the shattered skeleton for a split second, he knows to look up long before the crowd does, and as such prepares himself to grab the Hizoku by the foot, to deal with the incoming attack... But it doesn't come. Rather, with a small measure of surprise on Ash's part, it would appear that Duo Lon's next attack is meant for /Shenwoo/?! He's the Chaos Agent! And he's annoying and constantly getting in their way... Hm, wait. Flexing his long fingers, Ash comes to a silent decision, figuring why not? Duo's got the right idea. "Take a seat, Shen!" The Frenchman then calls out, and intended for AFTER the Hizoku's attack connects, he steps forwards, leg drawn to his chest first before it's thrust out, heel first! A nice kick to the midsection for Shenwoo, PAYBACK A'COMIN' TO YOUR STOMACH! With any luck, of course, it'll knock the brawler back to the interview set where he won't bother them further. Fat chance of that happening with the brute, but a man can hope. Even Ash Crimson.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo endures Duolon's Genmu Hishou Keikou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo endures Ash's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 0/-------/=======|
So suddenly, the Chaos Agent is the /target/ of the chaos? ...Yeah, this is actually more the sort of thing Shenwoo wants to see! He stands his ground throughout the assault by both the other fighters, getting kicked in the head by Duo and staggering slightly to the side, then kicked in the gut by Ash and staggering back, back... Into the announce table where Sean's been all this time. "Hah," laughs Shen, grinning wildly at the other two fighters. "Fine, you wanna do that?!" And then he turns around.
He grabs the announce table, hefting it pretty easily despite its size - it's more awkward than it is heavy. If Sean is still leaning on it, well, then he's suddenly without much support as the self-styled 'God of Battle' turns to face the opponents who are SUPPOSED to be fighting, laughing a little. Oh dear. "HEADS UP!!" he roars, and then he... Hucks the announce table at both of them. Oh snap!
Sean munches on his popcorn something fierce!! And when the skeleton goes splattering on the ground as the result of some bigass attack, Sean spits some kernals out of his mouth and jumps up to his feet, "Oh- Oh man, that is GROSS, that is the grosses thing I have ever seen, AUGH!" pause, "That is NASTY!" he then sits down again, and crosses one leg over the other, and glances off to the crowd with a grin, "Speaking of repulsive things, I'd like to just take a moment to tell you all who I think is lame. He's a man that's been a thorn in my side si- Woah! h- Hey, what are you doing??"
Sean leans back a little again as Shenwoo heft up his giant table, and it's revealed that on the TOP of that table is a giant basketball insigna, and within it, a massive picture of the guest announcers giant, smiling face, and below it the 'Center Circle' logo. Clearly, he was fond of that table! The Brazillian Bomber gets to his feet, throwing his hands in the air, "Wh- What are you doing man?? That was my table! Oh god, my table! No.. No!!" he leans back, and the ceiling camera zooms in on Sean and zooms out as he holds out his arms and lets out a heartbroken, mighty, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
The three man band, that has the best view of the fight thus far, glances to the man, to one another.. And then proceed to rock out, to what could be best described as 'Angry Boss' music. Well.. Sean's no boss, but this will have to do! "Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!" he runs in, and then DIVES, attempting to tackle Shenwoo right off the faux-stage and onto the carpeting below!
COMBATSYS: Sean has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Duolon 1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
COMBATSYS: Duolon fails to interrupt Large Thrown Object from Shenwoo with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
No, you weren't supposed to attack the Chaos Agent. But with the three of them, particularly with how Duo and Shenwoo treat each other, Duo cannot help but occassionally fight with Shenwoo, even in these conditions. It didn't matter that Shenwoo was 'protected', it didn't matter that Ash was his real opponent in this match. He was pretty angry at the brawler, and weren't a damn thing going to prevent him from his attacking! So, the 'gross' move had been done, to the shock of all, and his foot had satisfactorially hit Shen in his thick goddamn skull. But then the brawler decided to throw the table at him... and all Duo could think to do, for a brief moment, with his emotions getting the better of him...
Was to try and use Shenwoo's tactics for a change.
It didn't work so well, of course. Reaching for one of the massive tires stacked nearby, Duo takes it by both hands, and hauling with all of his strength, an audible groan being issued forth, the Hizoku lifts the tire up... but unfortunately, the thing's a bit heavy for him. Possibly not for Shen, but on top of being heavy, it was also awkward. Lifting it up, the weight pulled too far backwards, and Duo's strength would've been enough to eventually overcome it, and he could've struck right back with the tire, but unfortunately there just wasn't enough time. The table flies into him, and the tire comically flies up into the air, as Duolon flies backwards, hitting the ground roughly and skidding just a little, coming to stop in a heap. It'll take him a minute to get back up...
COMBATSYS: Ash negates Large Thrown Object from Shenwoo with Ventose.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
Ha ha, Duo... How similiar you and Ash are! And while it initially seems that the plan was in part successful, young Crimson really shouldn't have hoped at all. If there's anything one can count on Shen for, it's his sheer stubborn refusal to be totally kicked the hell out of a fight, allowing Creepy McDisturbing and Ash to finish their beating the crap out of each another in peace, with no outside interference. When the brawler starts hefting that table though, Sean no longer exists to the Frenchman. His cries of anguish and ANYTHING the Brazilian has to say fall on Ash's deaf ears. He focuses entirely on this... WHAT IS WITH THE THROWING OF EVERYTHING TODAY? People, flaming cushions, now a goddamn big-ass table! It's a sickness!
Of course, the time to react would be right about now, and damn, even his Hizoku friend is attempting to fight fire with fire. Taking a few steps back, the Frenchman gets the best view in the arena as Duo is overwhelmed and rendered incapable of doing much of anything about the flying table... At least that's something ELSE that isn't added to the throwing match, and meanwhile, Ash's turn has come up. With green gouts of flame issuing forth from his hands, he decides to go big, rather than go home; the freckle-faced fighter follows through like Duo with the sort of stupidity that only Shen is capable of... He rushes right at the thing, and with a BANG! the lean man unleashes a blast of emerald fire, causing the table to completely /EXPLODE/ in a dramatic blaze! With Ash standing in the midst of it after all is said and done, smoke wafting up from the charred pieces, the stage is showered with splinters, and SEAN'S DISFIGURED WOODEN FACE. Lifting his foot, he grounds a particularly large bit into the granite floor. "Don't make me laugh, Shenwoo!" Huh? Suddenly, Sean exists again, and it looks like the twerp is totally getting in on the battle, WITH BOSS MUSIC AND EVERYTHING! "Ahaha, ca parait que les regles sont disposez." But the crowd is loving it. They're /TOTALLY/ eating this unexpected twist right up, feasting on the glorious presentation. Scrubbing a hand back through his hair, combing out dust and chips from it, the fruity flamewielder glances to the downed Hizoku in question. Surely that wasn't enough to put him out of commission?
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Sean Tackle from Sean with Gekiken.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
Haw haw haw. TABLE'D! Well, Duo got hit with it anyway; then Ash went and blew the table up. "Laugh, huh? It'll be hard to once I knock your ass out, Ash!" the berserker calls back, and then... His Shenwoo senses are tingling. Someone is trying to attack him from behind. At the absolute last possible moment, the tall, lean blond man whirls around on Sean, punching the Brazilian fighter /right in the face/ even as he impacts Shen; the net result is that the self-styled 'God of Battle' is sent stumbling back, but his would-be attacker probably doesn't fare nearly as well. "Oh," says Shenwoo, when he sees who tried to jump him. "It's /you/." Hahaha, sorry, Sean. He thought you were Duo Lon.
"AURGH!" there goes Matsuda, as soon as the fist hits his mug, it's sort of like watching a pebble bounce off a statue. Sean flies back, smashes right into the backdrop and just takes the whole damn thing down with him, exposing the runway that heads back to the entrance/exit of the arena, "..... ow."
He groans a bit as he sits up, gets to his feet and is back on stage, and hand clenched, and the other holding a closed-up folding chair, "Yo--" wait a minute. He looks around at the little bits of table scattered along the floor. Particularly a part that has half of his grinning face, and if he were a lesser man, he would weep to the moons. His head lowers. He takes in a deep breath, and then POINTS to Shenwoo, "You!! You're going to pay!" he declares, though tosses said chair at Shen, "Catch!" It's a move shamelessy stolen from a ponytailed wrasslers playbook. It may be caught, it may be batted aside, but either way, Sean comes flying at Shenwoo, leaping into the air with a serious arial spinning heel kick at Shens neckline, or right into the chair! "KYAAAH!"
So, yes, ow. It wasn't the most graceful thing he'd ever done, to be honest, and picking himself up off the floor was time enough for him to reclaim himself. No, he wasn't angry at Shenwoo for being a douchebag. No, he wasn't annoyed his perfectly legitimate fight with Ash was being interrupted by Shenwoo being a douchebag, again. He wasn't anything, just coldly indifferent. Yeah, that's right. ...Or, well, so he fooled himself into believing. Standing up and dusting himself off, the newly-reclaimed Duolon seems to compose himself, even going so far as to straighten his hair. But no, no makeup retouching or anything like that. Taking a slight breather, he steps forward a bit, moving to rejoin the fight... at a leisurely pace, anyway.
COMBATSYS: Duolon gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Ash
Now that you have interfered and become a part of their happy-fun times, Sean... You can /never/ escape. (|)_(|) There will be no passing 'Go', or collecting two hundred dollars. You have forfeited your freedom FOREVER and EVER! Though actually, the Brazilian seems to totally want to be in on this, since he's been provoked, and at that, a flicker of amusement crosses Ash's pale features, "It looks like you're all right." He says to Duo Lon, masking his smarmy smile and casting the Hizoku a sidelong glance, looking otherwise just pleasant. As though he wasn't just having a private laugh over the happenings on the set stage. Sean getting totally punched in the face and knocked THROUGH his backdrop, and then his current attempt at retaliation against Shen is pure comedy. Nevermind that it's ASH, rather than anyone else here, who destroyed his... wooden visage. Seriously, who puts their face on a table? That's just weird.
"Though it would probably be in our best interests to simply finish our fight as we wanted, Duo..." Lifting a hand, the Frenchman rubs at the sore spot on his jaw where the brawler's axe-handled fists clipped him earlier, "Wouldn't it be far more interesting to ensure that there's no possible way to be disturbed?" And there's that nasty look again, just to make his implication all the clearer. It'd probably be more entertaining for the crowd, too... And so Ash, making the assumption that the Hizoku will see reason and NOT attack him from behind just to be a douchebag, advances on the two fighting it out on the interview platform. He walks leisurely, with a surprising calm for someone who's in the middle of a fight, and clearly planning to do something horrible. A strange flicker passes through his eyes, and it seems he's doing something in the calm before the storm, collecting his energy along the way... It'll probably be missed by some, and all the better that Shenwoo is preoccupied with their announcer and his steel chair!
COMBATSYS: Ash gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ash
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo fails to interrupt Ryuubi Kyaku from Sean with Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ash
Well, Ash and Duo might be up to other things, but Shenwoo's attention is currently fully held by the formerly mild-mannered guest announcer. Sean is just freaking right out on the self-styled 'God of Battle', and you know... He wouldn't have it any other way. As the chair is tossed at him, the tall blond does in fact catch it; however, he's not just going to stand there while Sean kicks it into his face. Instead he lifts said chair over his head, swinging down... But he's not quite fast enough, and instead he gets kicked in the NECK by Sean, which makes him stagger back and drop the chair. "Hahahahaha!!" laughs the berserker, though there's a bit of a tense edge to that laughter. "Keep it up," he adds. He doesn't even notice that Ash is walking up behind him. Not /yet/, anyway.
Sean drops to the floor on his hands and knees, like.. Spider-Man or something, and he has a feeling that somehow he had managed to dodge an insane bullet. Something that could have shortened his lifespan for a year or something. He at first considers backing off...
That is until Shenwoo starts laughing, and Sean in return twitches an eyebrow, "Wh.. Hey! What's so funny, huh? I'll kick your butt!" And.. And he'll DO IT, too! Taking a couple of quick breaths, and for the moment Duolon and Ash both out of his mind, he decides he'll have to continue to vent his frustration instead of running away like a scolded pup after all. He walks up to get ALL UP in Shenwoos face, or at least TRIES to, and then almost out of nowhere he leaps straight up into the air and kicks both feet out at Shenwoos chest. All high strikes here!
Duolon's posture and facial expression say it for him, when Ash does that smarmy routine on him. He's not in the mood. It seems, whenever he fights Shenwoo, he always gets at least one really good smack that sends him flying, and it was getting a little old, to be perfectly honest! At least by him. Besides, why -wouldn't- he be alright? He wouldn't be an associate of Ash's if he were so easily beaten! Right? "I concur," the Hizoku says, studying the situation with a more tactics-minded view. While Ash was less beat up than Duo himself was, it could perhaps level the playing field some, if they were both to engage in fighting with Shenwoo. Not to mention, getting Shenwoo out of the way -in general- was conducive to finishing the fight on more even grounds. So, Ash's plan in general was deemed acceptable. And furthermore, he even proves he won't be taking Ash by behind from surprise, by pausing a moment, and gathering his energy in a way similar to what Ash is doing. Purple, sickly energy begins to form around his entire body this time, rising off him like some form of smoke. The area around him even seems to get darker, somehow. The assassin draws up his hand across his chest, and the energy begins to bubble on the surface, until finally Duo casts his hand out, and away all that energy goes. Quite like when he was flinging a projectile at Ash's flaming cushion, this time it's a lot bigger... and as it flies, the purple energy seems to form into one huge, giant skull, its 'jaw' opening up as it races for Shenwoo, looking as though it's quite hungry.
How beautiful it is, when things work out just the way Ash intended them to: Since Sean and Shen are so caught up in what they're doing, the flamewielder is easily able to draw closer and closer to the brawling pair without attracting their attention, and Duo seems to understand his tactical suggestion. ... Or is that really what Ash is up to? Could the clever Frenchman actually be manipulating the others in the match, puppeting them all and using each to his advantage, so he can win with minimal effort? Is he orchestrating something pure evil, while keeping any sign of such things locked away behind that unsettlingly cheerful smile? Who can say, but don't put it past him. He's a sneaky bastard.
It doesn't take long for him to get there, but enough seconds pass by that when the flamewielder's finally on the platform, Sean's in the midst of his flying kick. His level gaze shifts momentarily to Shenwoo, and the Frenchman is in a position where he could certainly attack him from behind, by surprise, getting the brawler out from the fight... but his new opponent might also turn into something of a threat to him, so Ash decides he might as well keep things interesting. Moving with surprising speed, he's suddenly right behind the airborne Brazilian, and as long as his roommate doesn't manage to overpower Sean's attack, the flamewielder will make a grab for the back of the guest announcer's blazer. Should he be successful, Ash will then twist around, and windmill that arm up and over, easily swinging poor Matsuda in a wide arc before slamming the younger fighter onto the stage. The Frenchman leaves himself interposed between the two without concern, because Shenwoo... gets to deal with Duo Lon's disturbing attack! Flying creepy chi skulls aren't something you see every day, and to the mundanes in the audience, it might look like the brawler is about to get eaten. OOOOOOH SNAP. Of course, stuff like that can't really happen, right?
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo endures Sean's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ash
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo dodges Duolon's Hiden Genmu Juu Onshii Kon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1 Ash
Once more it seems that Sean is too awesome for Shenwoo to avoid his attacks! Or, well, actually the brawler just stands there and lets the announcer kick him, using the momentum added by that not terribly impressive (at least, to Shen) kick to get out of the way of that oncoming chi attack! Yes, sorry Duo, but your spooky ghost attack goes right by him, and instead freaks out the audience before it presumably dissipates without hurting anybody; to be honest, Shenwoo isn't thinking that far ahead.
Not that Shenwoo's lack of forethought should be a surprise to anyone who's ever spoken to him.
Redirecting his momentum a little, the brawler decides it's time to change targets - but don't think he's forgotten about you Sean, no way - and rushes right at the Hizoku once again, grinning wildly. "HEY, WHAT WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE, HUH?!" he wonders, closing on the assassin and, once he's within a short enough distance, he jumps forward, bringing up his right knee sharply, trying to hit his rival in the jaw with it. "GRAAH!!"
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Sean with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Duolon 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Ash
Haven't forgotten about him? Don't worry, beause Sean hasn't forgotten about Shenwoo either! But the sad thing is, it only reminds Sean of his first match, Shen was hardly paying attention to him ei- "AIGH!" his blazer suddenly clenched, Sean makes a struggle to break from the hold. And he does! He breaks free right after he's slammed onto the stage, "AUGH!"
It.. Could have been worse at least, he does have enough skillz to roll backward and get on his feet again, "Where the heck did -you- come from??" he cries to Ash, shaking a fist. He's not going to get away with it either! Quick to think, Sean goes after the man in red, my just straight up diving at him. Nothing fancy, just a big dive, Sean looking to splash Ash right the hell over, "DINNER TIME!"
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Duolon with Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Duolon 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Sean
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shenwoo 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Ash
Truly, he's always just a touch amazed at how fast Shenwoo manages to be while being so... well, meaty. So when the self-styled God of Battle manages to make it out of the way of his attack, using Sean as a springboard or not, the Hizoku seems a touch surprised... but again, not so much of it registers on his face. Adopting his fighting stance once more, he has little time before Shenwoo has reached him, and then the knee is raised. Duo attempts his evasion... but no such luck, the fighter being too fast. The attack knocks Duolon straight off his feet, falling backwards a moment. But... once again, that old trick of his. The body that hits the ground isn't Duo, but a skeleton in Duo's clothes. Shenwoo is obviously used to that attack by now, so it should be no surprise when the Hizoku reappears, off to Shen's side. However, the Hizoku doesn't seem immediately intent on attacking. His back turned to Shen, that same purple aura that the audience, and all the fighters, are familiar with begins to collect around the assassin. The area about him darkens, and parts of the purple aura begin to flare and detach, becoming separate orbs that seem to form into skulls once more, their teeth clacking and chattering. Swiping a hand through the air, these skulls then begin to attack Shenwoo, more or less by trying to bash themselves against him, repeatedly, from every angle. Hit or miss... this was the last of the Hizoku's strength, and after the skulls fade, the man collapses on the spot, barely able to hold himself up.
COMBATSYS: Duolon can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Sean 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 1/---====/=======|
COMBATSYS: Ash interrupts Medium Punch from Sean with Nivose.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Sean 1/=======/=======|=======\====---\1 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 1/---====/=======|
Straightening up once the errant chi skull has passed over him, Ash flashes an innocent sort of smile that just needs 'Who, little ole me?' tacked on. But the Frenchman doesn't go so far as to actually add it, considering that enough's been done already on the subject, and instead he brushes long fingers back through his white hair, both of those blue eyes visible momentarily. Afterwards, the lean, freckle-faced fighter then puts a hand against his hip, standing at ease. "Oh ho?" Ash wonders in a sing-song tone of voice as it seems he has now become Sean's new target, though a brief glance back over his shoulder lets him keep part of his attention on the rest of the fight. It wouldn't do to get surprised now, after all. As Shenwoo goes and knees Duo in the face, Ash decides he's certainly glad that didn't happen to him! And despite everything he had said before, notice how this all works out for the Frenchman? He's quite handily manipulated those two into dealing with each other! Ha ha ha, suckers.
As he turns back, albeit with a touch of disappointment that he cannot watch what Duo Lon has in store for the brawler, it seems as though someone's clearly trying to knock Ash down! The thing is, though... The Frenchman really doesn't feel like ending up underneath the twerp. He looks quite confident as the younger fighter gets closer, even going so far as to smirk in amusement. "Really..." This is probably going to suck for you, Sean Matsuda... AND IT DOES! Allowing himself to be seized by the dive, Ash moves with it, shifting his weight and recovering halfway with a movement the Hizoku might recognize, having personally experienced it. The Frenchman... is gonna hella kick his opponent in the face, shoulder or whatever.
He moves quite expertly, slipping out of Sean's grasp and ducking lower, with almost impossible timing, before... it /BEGINS/. "TOO SLOW!" Ash shouts as he springs off the ground, from his crouching position below the falling Sean, uncoiling like a spring, his whole body suddenly in motion. He kicks up, and emerald flame follows his heel as he goes from crouch to a complete goddamn backflip. KER-SMASH, right into the kid's... YEAH with his impossible aerobatics, but somehow the Frenchman manages, and then he's up and over, arms extending to balance himself as he floats back to the ground and lands delicately on the stage, like a gymnast. Or perhaps he lands on Sean, because that'd WOULD be kinda funny. But either way, he probably just taught the announcer quite the lesson, and he looks eminently pleased with himself.
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo dodges Duolon's Hiden Genmu Onryouheki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Sean 1/=======/=======|=======\====---\1 Ash
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Shenwoo 1/---====/=======|
Speed is as important as power, and Shenwoo knows this all too well; if he couldn't land a hit, then it wouldn't matter how hard he could punch, right? It's quite satisfying to him as Duo gets kneed, and the wild-looking blond laughs, landing on his feet, and... Oh. Well, his laughter fades a little when the Hizoku does his little disappearing trick again, and this time he's quite prepared to deal with it, by doing more than just standing there. In fact, he does the opposite of just standing there, reflexively leaping out of the way as the assassin attack him with crazy ghost magic. "Hah, was that it?!" he laughs, as he turns on his heel to face his rival, who's... On his way to the ground. Oh. Well, apparently yes it was.
"Tch," Shenwoo mutters, clearly not satisfied yet. But what's a self-styled 'God of Battle' to do, in a situation like this? Oh, wait: Inspiration has struck, as he turns to face Ash and Sean, the latter of whom is hopefully getting to his feet. Using his teeth to tug his gloves tighter, Shen draws on the energy and tension he's built up over the course of the fight, letting out an explosive force around himself and then charging right at Sean, eyes wide and wild. "HEY, WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS!!" he shouts as he closes on the Brazilian. "SHOW ME WHAT YOU'VE GOT!" And then, berserk in truth, Shenwoo unleashes a furious barrage of attacks on the 'guest announcer', using his fists and feet, elbows and knees, and even his head to batter the poor guy. He even finishes it off with a Gekiken, and a cry of: "THIS IS IT!!" Hope Sean doesn't die!
COMBATSYS: Sean fails to interrupt Bakuma Assault from Shenwoo with Hyper Tornado EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Ash
COMBATSYS: Sean can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1 Ash
Amidst the confusion, there seems to be a complete lack of someone calling the match, it -is- technically over after all. In fact, that was supposed to be Sean's job, wasn't it? So the chaos, confusion, and just all around ass-kickery continues, with the masses having not much idea of what's going on, but things are gonig boom! It's great!
Sean Matsuda repeats, "TOO SL-" POW, he's knocked out of the air like.. Like a duckhunt duck straight into the thicket. Sean gets a little bit of air, a little more hangtime as he holds his gut, and on his decent sees Shenwoo charging in with not-so-friendly intent, ".. Aw -crap-," he grunts, and he kicks it.. TO THE EXTREME..
"Here I come!" he's going to just try to go head to head, and it just doesn't quiet work, he barely even gets a jab out before Shenwoo completely overpowers him with his combinations of fists and feets, the final big punch sending Matsuda back once more, almost comically back into the already fallen backdrop, tumbles back a little more, then flumps on his back, seeing noting but stars and mini-Shenwoos Gekikening said stars and cackling like grimlins, mini-Ash's spin-kicking them from the other side, 'Kya ha ha!' PUNCH'D. 'Tee hee hee!' KICK'D. ".... ow, my entire lifespan.." he groans.
So Duo Lon is down, and his freaky chi can't help him this time as even a big guy like the brawler just jumps out of the way. Ash, of course, watches this happen with a rather impassive expression, heedless of Sean attempting to recover so close by... He's not concerned. But is the Frenchman ever, even when he ought to be? Feeling then afterwards the impending explosion of energy, a dark smile crosses his freckled features and though the real question is where is the ensuing violence going to be directed... He simply steps out of the way, inviting Shenwoo to attack a target that isn't Ash himself, which is just what he and the flamewielder both want. Yup, better safe than sorry, Ash decides, and so brawler goes after... Sean. Oh dear.
Colour him somewhat surprised, though, that the kid at least attempts to break Shen's berserk combination of attacks instead of just folding. As he quirks an eyebrow, to actually show that surprise, Sean earns a measure of respect for his efforts, even if they were futile, and once the announcer's down for the count, Ash smiles a pleasant smile at the Shanghai-born barbarian. "Just you and me then, is it? Ahaha." He quips. Forget the fact that the match should've been over the moment the Hizoku assassin collapsed back there, so caught up were they all in this match gone straight to hell that the 'rules' ceased to matter a long time ago. Ash's cheerful demeanor doesn't last, however... "You won't beat me, je t'aime." Growing gravely serious... He's had fun, yet it's high-time this was finished once and for all, with its natural conclusion: Ash winning. "Thanks to you, now I'm going to have to challenge Duo on my own to settle things." Oh, what a conniving--he's making it sound like Shen beating on his other comrade WASN'T the plan. "What a bother." Ash adds, and can you feel it? The way the energy on stage and around the Frenchman condenses?
The lean fighter is without even a shread of mercy for the finale, making it as grand as possible. Starting as just the formation of a ring of green on the granite floor, it traces lazy around his feet before his head gracefully falls back again. Ash summons GOD FROM THE HEAVENS TO /CRUSH/ HIS FOOLISH FRIEND... Only not. Eyes closing, suddenly flames are clawing up along his lithe form, consuming him... Hungrily /engulfing/ young Crimson, though they certainly bring him no harm. His white hair lifts, and the only sound which can possibly exist in his little world is the enchanting the rush of fire that then flares quite impressively. It climbs higher, past his head, reaching for the sky, before expanding out to the sides in a whirlwind explosion of PAIN. Also known as... FIRE. CRAZY. GO. NUTS. Run run, OR YOU'LL BE WELL-DONE!
COMBATSYS: Ash successfully hits Shenwoo with Sans-Culottes.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shenwoo 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Ash
See? Shenwoo saw what Sean had. It was a valiant attempt to stop his attack from finishing, but it was all... For nothing. Poor Dan Mitsubishi, or whatever his name was. The brawler's breathing is ragged as his attack finishes, and he straightens up after the final punch with a laugh, cracking his neck. "Heh, sorry kid," he says towards the fallen Sean, but he's not really sorry at all. Holding back really isn't in Shenwoo's vocabulary, you know? Anyway, there's still... Ash Crimson, who Shen turns to face even as the Frenchman faces him. Hmph. "Figures we'd be the last two standing," he says in response to the quip, and the more serious remark just makes his grin broaden. "Think so?! Then hit me with everything you've got!!" the taller blond shouts.
And isn't Ash nice to oblige him like that?
The gout of emerald flame strikes Shenwoo, who doesn't even try to avoid it or defend against it... He just stands there, grinning like a madman, though he does miscalculate how hard it's going to hit, foiling his initial plan... But he's not /quite/ finished, just yet. Charging forward, STILL ON FIRE, Shenwoo seems like he's completely lost it again, feinting with a pair of wild punches designed to lure Ash out of his defensive position before whirling around and bringing one leg up, trying to smash the Frenchman right in the chest with it as hard as he can. "HA HA HA HA!!!!" he laughs as he attacks, because he's having fun. Even though, whatever the result, he tumbles towards the ground afterwards...
COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ash 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Ash just-defends Shenwoo's Fusen Kyaku!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Ash 0/-------/------=|
Shen, you amuse him so... Just standing there, waiting... Not that Ash, caught up in the midst of the remainder of his crazy flames, actually is capable of seeing his friend. At least, not until it's all said and done. Left blinking up at the ceiling when the green haze fades away, his attention snaps back to the brawler... Is this the end? Is he finished? Is he going to just, yes... "IT'S OVER!" Ash shouts back, and with a maniacal grin, he breaks into a run at the 'God of Battle', meeting him halfway. Leaning to the side to avoid the punches, the kick is caught with both of his hands. Then, the Frenchman CONTINUES plowing forwards, mainly to help Shen achieve that tumbling to the ground by /literally/ bulldozing him, FORCING his friend to fall back before releasing his foot and trotting to a stop a short distance past him. Whew... His heart's beating like mad, so hard that it feels about ready to burst from his chest. Ash takes a quick breather while the crowd falls deathly silent as what Sean predicted earlier comes true, even though none of them believed it would really happen. Oh my god, the skinny French dude hardly anyone had heard of beat up the fan favourite! ... Well, to be fair, they all kinda beat each other up, but it still seems an impressive feat, doesn't it? Then... Once it finally sinks in that someone won, the hush ends in an explosion of cheers and Ash cringes. "Mon dieu, si bruyant." He's pleased though, if about to go deaf.
COMBATSYS: Ash has ended the fight here.
Sean is no fool, he knows Shenwoo's not sorry! Though for a moment, Sean doesn't even -register- what is being said to him. He's.. He's down, man down, man down! But while he is down, he's not completely out, for Sean remembers.. He REMEMBERS he has a job to do! His hand raises slowly, shakily, just as the medics rush in to do their clean-up. And once he's brought to his feet, face bubbled-up, body bruised, ribs rattling, all that good stuff, he shakes his head, and points to whats left of his stage, "Get me.. Over there.." he gasps.
With limping effort, Sean and co. make their way over toward Ash Crimson he pointing to the white-haired fruityman and manages to sputter, "Ladies and gentlemen.. Th- *cough* the winner of the match.. Ash Crimson! owgeez.."
The band ROCKS OUT. And the crowd applauds, it's like, on principle. There's a few boo's in that crowd, but it seems Ash had at least won their respect! Also, they're just psyched that this match had been so action packed with such odd twists. Ratings! Ratings for sure!
And then that seems to be it, the crowd can go home, because the party is over! As Sean proceeds to limp to the back, the trumpetist of the Center Circle band clears his throat and talks into the microphone, "H- Hey, uh, excuse me.. Sean? During this fight, we have managed to compile a commemorative video in honor of your tragic loss. Lights please."
A jumbo screen lowers as the lights dim, and the band plays what sounds alarmingly similar to the theme song to Cheers. HMN. On the screen, it shows footage of Mr. Matsuda standing on the desk and demi-getting his groove on, then him just sitting at it eating popcorn, and then him hugging it before the show had even gone on the air. The scene then blurs to Ash tearing off the cushion of one of the chairs and setting it aflame. Then of Shenwoo lifting up the announcers table and brandishing it as a weapon.
The footage blurrs once more to a close-up of Seans alarmed expression, cutting to tears trickling down his cheeks, and then to him reaching up at the sky mourningfully.
And finally as the screen fades to black, in white italics reads 'In loving memory of Sean's Desk and Chair 'X XX XXXX XX:XXpm - X XX XXXX XX:XXpm'.
The lights come back to normal, and Sean's lower lip quivers, and then he covers his face as he turns away, his voice cracking, "I- I think I'vegotsomethinginmyeye. *sob* Cut! Cut the cameras!" Oh Sean, you shameless, scene-hogging, show-stealer.
Log created by Duolon, and last modified on 02:56:40 11/14/2006.