SNF 2006.11 - 5'! Hinako vs Ingrid vs Nanako

Description: A three-way fight between Hinako, Ingrid, and Nanako!

Floating on a raft in the river. This certainly isn't Hinako Shijou's usual fighting situation. Rough, wet logs that could probably be shattered with a good, hard blow? This could be tricky. And it's very likely to result in an unwanted swim. With that in mind, Hinako has dressed for the occasion. This isn't the place to wear a nice swimsuit, though... The water looks pretty nasty. So Hinako has gone with her school one-piece swimsuit. She's barefoot, but in addition to the tape wrapped around her hands she's also got athletic tape wrapped up around her feet. That should help protect against splinters at least a little bit.
Looking around at her opponents, Hinako waits for the signal from the shore that indicates it's time to begin. She's not entirely sure how they're going to be filming all of this, but that's not her problem. The sumo taps her foot against the logs a few times, feeling the raft bob in the water as she does so. This is going to be tricky.

Man, of all the places picked for the SNFs this week, hers just HAD to be in the water! Of all the rotten luck.

Still, the match-up is of considerable interest to the aspiring fighter. She doesn't know nor has met Ingrid, but Yanagimura Nanako is acquainted with miss Shijou, having fought alongside her before against Korea's finest, Kim Kaphwan! A glorious fight, indeed! They made quite a team - even if Hinako may have done most of the work.

While miss Shijou may have gone with a school attire, Nanako's dressed in something simple - a pair of shorts and a tanktop, over which is a simple Hawaiian shirt. Perched in her hair is a pair of cheap pink plastic shades, ridiculously large in size.

"Hinako!" she exclaims, lifting a hand up and offering the other fighter a wave. "Good luck! And you too, miss!" By 'miss' she means Ingrid, of course. She's not familiar with the girl, but that doesn't mean she can't be civil.

And, with that said, the girl lifts a foot and stomps it down, hands balled into tiny, oh so scary fists of fury. "Let's get this party started!, carefully please. I don't really want to fall in the water. I think there might be crocodiles in it."

Ingrid arrived a few minutes ago via a small personal watercraft, hopping up onto it giving a friendly wave to the other two girls that are to be her opponents. It's not often she's around girls her age; or almost in the case of Nanako, that are the same height of her as well. The local doesn't seem to have phased her very much, either; if Nanako and Hinako have changed their attire for the fight, Ingrid certainly has not; wearing same jacket and shirt that she has in all but the previous Halloween special of SNF the week before. Maybe her clothes will be a disadvantage for her, but that fact doesn't seem to worry her.
"Good luck to you as well." She gives a look down at the raft and taps her own foot on it a few times, producing a clunk as her heel hits the wood. "I suppose we could certainly try, but I have the feeling we'll all be getting wet sooner or later. That will be half the fun though, won't it?" She turns her head to one of the houses on the shore of the river, "Thailand... It's been a very long time. The water was so much cleaner last time I was here." She looks between the both of them, "Well, shall we begin?"

Hinako bows to her two opponents, but she refrains from doing her traditional stomp to start out the fight. It might cause some structural damage to the raft. That's probably going to happen before long anyway, but no sense in hurrying it up. The blonde girl straightens back up, slightly, remaining in her crouched forward stance with her hands extended. Her eyes flick back and forth between Ingrid and Nanako. She's seen Nanako fight before, but she doesn't know very much at all about Ingrid. So... "Okay, here we go!"
Well, it seems Ingrid is ineterested in getting things started, so Hinako should oblige. She charges toward the overdressed girl, attempting to grab her by the shoulders. She then tries to follow up by slamming Ingrid face down into the wet logs that make up the raft.

COMBATSYS: Hinako has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hinako           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hinako

COMBATSYS: Nanako has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hinako           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Ingrid
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/-------|

It's probably a good thing the three girls are so dainty - it means that it's less likely the raft will fall apart and otherwise prematurely end the fight! Pleased, to say the least, Nanako acknowledges Ingrid and smiles brightly before she settles into a stance. Yeah, let the fight begin! She hasn't had one in a while!

As it begins, Hinako beelines for Ingrid, causing Nanako to blink lightly, her posture relaxing a bit. Noting that she's not the powerhouse schoolgirl's target, Nanako brings her hands into fists and works on pumping herself up. A little motivation never hurts, right? "C'mon, Nyanko," she murmurs. "You're gonna win, right? Right?!" Damn right!

COMBATSYS: Nanako gathers her will.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hinako           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Ingrid
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Kake Nage from Hinako with Sun Upper.
- Power hit! -

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hinako           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Ingrid
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/---====|

Ingrid returns Hinako's bow, when it is offered, and looks over to Nanako for a moment, as the young woman appears to be gearing herself up for the fight to come. The white haired young woman then returns her attention to Hinako, who rushes her straight on and tries to grab her. She is, however, completely ready for such a blatant tactic, and turns to face Hinako fully, leaning forward at her hips and reaching out to gently point at the space just in front of herself, a large disk of spiraling energy forming in front of her. Hinako runs right into it, and the Norwegian fighter raises her posture, quickly flinging her left arm up into the air and causing the energy disk to surround the sumo invisibly and then simply toss her way up into the air. Ingrid then walks casually to the other side of the raft, not wanting to be there when Hinako lands, holding her hair back from her face so that she can see and then turning to face the two, a simple smile on her face.

Who, what, where!? Oh no, not another energy user! That's what Hinako has time to think before she goes up into the air then comes crashing back down on her back. Ow. She jams her elbow hard against one of the logs, too. Still, it doesn't take the sumo girl long to get back to her feet. She's going to be slightly more cautious now, though. Neither of her opponents are really safe to attack without thinking about it. So for the moment, Hinako hangs back, eyes glancing from one to the other. She really is better at one on one fighting... Still, she's got a smile on her face. It'll be one on one soon enough, right? Hinako just needs to make sure she's one of the ones.

COMBATSYS: Hinako focuses on her next action.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hinako           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Ingrid
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/---====|

Okay, that had to hurt - seriously. Wincing at the outcome that befell poor Hinako, Nanako briefly frowns. Hey, she considers Hinako a good person and enjoyed being paired up with her, so it kind of sucks to see her getting beat up, you know! Then again, it's every fighter for herself, so there can't be any room for pity. Or...something.

Regardless, the tiny fighter keeps to herself for the most part as Ingrid pulls back, leaving Hinako to fall less-than gracefully to the earth. Seeing this as a potential opening, Nanako bolts forward, sprinting across the raft with near-reckless abandon. "HIYAAA!" Legs tense, her form dipping before she leaps and swings with BOTH feet at Ingrid, looking to plant a solid kick into the center of her chest. "NYANKO KICK!"

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Nanako's Nyanko Kick.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hinako           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Ingrid
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/-----==|

Ingrid makes sure that Hinako isn't going to try and catch her off guard, and then looks at Nanako. This position was definitely a good one; she can keep an eye on both of her opponents without having to twist her head at all, and her peripheral vision is always on them both. Unfortunately, it's time to leave the corner of the raft, because Nanako seems to be trying to take advantage of her retreat. While Nanako tenses up, Ingrid keeps herself loose, and bends down and jumps high up into the air, arcing over the 'Nyanko Kick' and landing safely in the center of the raft, landing on rope rather than slick wood to keep herself from falling. She quickly turns her attention back to Hinako, and takes a step forward before dropping herself low to the ground, supporting herself with her hands to reach out and sent a fast kick for her heel.

COMBATSYS: Hinako blocks Ingrid's Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Hinako           0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Ingrid
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/-----==|

Even with the slippery footing, attempting to knock a sumo off her feet is a difficult task. One of the most important aspects of Hinako's chosen fighting style is not falling down under any circumstances. Of course, she can't always manage to stay on her feet, but most of the time it's pretty hard to take her down.
And with Ingrid down on the ground, it's hopefully going to be difficult for the mysterious girl to escape Hinako's grasp. Hinako reaches down for Ingrid, attempting to grab her by whatever may be available. The idea being to yank her up and hurl her into the air. This isn't exactly a precision science, so it's questionable where Ingrid is going to land. If she's lucky, on or at least near the raft.

Those feet fail to make their mark; instead, the other girl avoids her outright, drawing a look of mild annoyance over Nanako's face. How uncool is that!? Regardless, she twists her body midair, letting the balls of her feet touch down first, followed by the palms of her hands as she sulks into a low crouch. And near the edge too! Damn that was close. She's one of those kinds, huh?

Grinning from ear to ear, Nanako stands upright, bringing her hands to her sides in an akimbo stance - just in time to see Ingrid attack Hinako again, but with far less disastrous results. The smile stays as she spies Hinako making her move - a grapple attack, no less. Whether or not Ingrid is thrown into the air or simply jumps away to avoid it...Nanako's leaping at her with a flying side kick. "HAAA!"

COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Ingrid with Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Hinako           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Ingrid
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Ingrid with Tasuki Nage.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Hinako           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/----===|

Ingrid pops back up to her feet after Hinako stubbornly refuses to go down easily. She gets in position to try and escape retribution, and it might have worked, except that she takes a quick hop backwards straight into Nanako's foot, the force of it enough to reverse her momentum as she lets out a gasp, thrust straight into Hinako's waiting arms, giving her plenty of grip to throw her up into the air. Ingrid goes up, and then comes down, landing on her left shoulder and crumpling for a half moment before she stirs, rubbing her head and picking herself up more slowly, right on the edge of the raft. "Perhaps I should have kept a better eye on you both; but it's of no use now. I seem to have gotten myself in a bit of a sticky situation." She smiles at them both, and then does her best to get away from the edge; namely by trying to go straight through the girl that just tossed her, jumping forward and spinning about with glittering bits of golden psi around her and leaving a pretty trail past where she goes, trying to thwack Hinako with her elbows before landing and then moving into a high arching flipkick with a large trail of energy flowing from her feet, hoping to knock Hinako to the opposite edge of the raft and keep herself safe in the process.

COMBATSYS: Hinako blocks Ingrid's Sunrise.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hinako           0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/----===|

Well now, Hinako is nothing if not fair. Besides, if she and Ingrid just beat on each other, that means Nanako is going to be that much tougher an opponent afterwards. She deflects Ingrid's elbow with her arm, then brings both arms together to take the kick. She rocks back slightly under the impact, then suddenly leaps away from Ingrid. She could be preparing for an attack, and she is. But not against Ingrid.
Suddenly dashing to the side, she lunges toward Nanako. All's fair in love and war, right? She lashes out with her right palm, trying to strike Nanako in the stomach with a palm strike. She then reaches up in an attempt to hook Nanako by the neck and slam her down to the wooden logs.

COMBATSYS: Nanako fails to counter Combo Throw from Hinako with Auspicious Hand.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hinako           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           0/-------/=======|

That's the ticket! Landing a solid blow, Nanako presses forward briefly, using Ingrid's body as a means to spring herself up and back, rotating midair before she lands with a dainty 'thump' a short ways away - namely, away from that raft's edge. Phew.

But what's this again? It's like a flashback of her prior SNF, where she was pitted against not one but two foes - much like this! Seeing the girls preoccupied with one another, Nanako furrows her brows briefly, hands curling into fists again as she seems like she's about to give herself another pep talk - only, here comes Hinako, ready to lay some hurt. Shifting herself, the tiny fighter goes about trying to intercept that incoming palm...but miscalculates. The result? A nice painful introduction to the log raft. Ow. OW. Give her a minute to shake that one off.

Ingrid, it appears, is given a bit of a break when Hinako and Nanako bear down on each other, Hinako seeming to have gotten the upper hand. The young woman seems to ponder a little. The question is of who she should aim her next blow towards; Hinako has proven to be very dangerous if she's given the opportunity, but at the same time she hasn't attacked Nanako at all yet. But then, Nanako seems to have just gotten hit rather hard too, hasn't she? The question seems to be answered when Ingrid changes her target, moving in towards Nanako. She moves up and waits for her to try to begin to get up, and then steps forward and swings her right arm hard, swinging a gloved backhand for her cheek.

COMBATSYS: Nanako blocks Ingrid's Strong Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hinako           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-------/=======|

And now, while her two opponents are busy with one another, it's time for Hinako to mix up her strikes once again! While Ingrid is attacking Nanako, Hinako moves in after Ingrid once more. Trying to flank the other girl, Hinako attempts to grab Ingrid's shoulders from behind. Should she succeed in her grapple, the sumo follows up by yanking down hard. The intention being to pull Ingrid right off her feet, sending her crashing down onto her back. The sumo girl is still holding back somewhat... Because it's dangerous to everyone involved if Hinako starts throwing her full power around on this flimsy raft.

Once she's gotten her wits about her, Nanako slowly but surely comes to her feet, rising rather sluggishly like a kid that's just rolled out of bed at six in the morning. Frowning a bit, the girl rubs her head slightly, eyes lazily rolling up and over to spy just what's going on - and hey, what's this? Ingrid's trying to backhand her like some naughty child!

"W-whoa," Arms instinctively rise, crossing swiftly over her face and shrugging off that potentially painful bite of knuckles against flesh. Tilting her head, the girl takes note of the approaching Hinako, moving out of the way just as she makes her move for Ingrid. Then? When all is said and done Nanako furrows her brows and draws her eyes to a close as she again murmurs to herself, a little more self-motivation. Clearly Nanako needs to rethink her strategy here.

COMBATSYS: Nanako focuses on her next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hinako           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Hinako's Medium Throw.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Hinako           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-------/=======|

This time, Ingrid is able to keep an eye on both of her opponents, watching Hinako out of the corner of her eye when she makes her swat for Nanako, who deftly knocks the blow aside. Sure enough, Hinako tries and take advantage of the situation, ducking out of Ingrid's vision and going around behind her. She quickly pulls her arm back in so that Nanako can't grab it and hold her so that Hinako can do as she pleases, and then quickly drops herself down and rolls backwards, ducking below the shoulder grab and popping back up near the edge of the raft once again, having reversed the situation with Hinako. But instead of trying to grab her, Ingrid lifts her hands into the air and then pushes them down and forward, golden energy flaring to life in front of her hands and threatening to completely engulf the young sumo wrestler.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Hinako with Sunbeam.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hinako           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-------/=======|

Hinako tries to leap out of the way of the flaring energy, but doesn't quite make it. She goes tumbling along the raft, almost going over the edge as she slides across the slick wood. It just seems unfair how all these people can throw around blasts of energy, when all Hinako has is the power in her limbs. Well then... It's a bit crude, but hey...
Reaching down the edge of the raft, Hinako heaves on the end of one of the logs. There's a cracking noise and the rift tilts as Hinako snaps off the end of one of the logs. Standing back up, she hefts it in one hand as she grins. "Okay! I may not be able to throw fireballs or make my hands glow, but I'm not going to be left out!" It's not a very big piece, but it's still a solid chunk of wood. And when she Hinako hurls it at Ingrid, it's quite capable of doing some damage.

It would seem that, again, the two girls are going at one another without fail. Looking toward them with wide, green-yellow eyes, Nanako stands her ground, but makes note to actually take a step aside to potentially avoid whatever of Hinako's log chunk may or may not fly her way. That alone is rather distressing - she can't tear up their only means of staying afloat, can she!?

Well, whatever. No time for worries here, not when there's a fight to be had. That in mind, Nanako pushes off her right foot, sprinting forward and zeroing in on the pair, and seemingly right on Ingrid, as, for the moment, this girl's closest. Lashing out, Nanako tries to get a grip on her before she'll try to heft her up and send her rolling duff over head across the raft. "HIYA!"

COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Ingrid with Thrown Object.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\=------\1           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Nanako successfully hits Ingrid with Quick Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/------=/=======|

Ingrid gives Hinako a somewhat amused look when she resorts to using their raft as a means of fending off energy. "I suppose that may be a problem for you, but I think you've already made up for that with skill." There isn't much time to try to say very much more than that, though, because the piece of raft is now sailing at her. She tries to duck it, but isn't quite able to. Thunk! "Ouch!" Wincing from a painful blow to the face, Ingrid is singly unable to ward off Nanako's throw, luckily towards the inside of the raft rather than off of it, and gets slammed straight back to the ground. ...Maybe that was getting a little old. Ingrid picks herself up slowly, and steps backwards, lifting a hand to brush some wood off of herself and watching Hinako and Nanako carefully. Nope, not rushing in so the other can pummel her again this time!

COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/------=/=======|

That really wouldn't be legal in a sumo match, but Hinako isn't in a sumo match, now is she? Having to face off against two opponents throws out some of the rules. But even so she couldn't bring herself to throw it at someone without announcing herself first. And now that she's finally gotten another hit in on Ingrid, it may be time to redirect her attention.
But is it safe? If Hinako rushes one opponent, the other may hit her from behind. And with the integrity of the raft damaged, the footing is starting to get even more slick. Although Hinako's fighting style is usually rather headstrong, she's not stupid. It's time to look for an opening, or force somebody else to make their move first.

COMBATSYS: Hinako focuses on her next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/------=/=======|

A standoff? How dramatic!

The two fighters - who have been relatively at odds with one another from the get-go - actually stop for a moment, and it would seem that leaves a sort of awkward silence lingering over the area between the three girls. Furrowing her brows as result, Nanako tilts her head idly to one side, arms folding thoughtfully over her chest. "Hmm," she grunts, eyes drawing to a close. How's she going to handle THIS? Seriously.

Well, here's a start. Nanako decides that, rather than take apart the log, she'll resort to less-glorious tactics. "A secret technique!" Breathing in, the girl draws her arms up in a circular motion, looking quite serious. "Passed down through the ages, from ancestor to ancestor. Only one other has been privy to this technique. BEHOLD!" Her arms thrust forward, almost menacingly! It might just be scary...if she didn't suddenly scramble to take off a shoe and throw it at Hinako!

Ingrid watches the two somewhat wearily, and very cautiously. When they team up on her, they tend to make a rather scary team, and Ingrid wants to try and avoid that at all costs. After all, they've proven twice that together in a combined attack they can beat Ingrid around pretty much at their leisure. Best to stay back, Ingrid decides, and while Nanako is busy showing off her secret technique to Hinako, the red eyed girl takes the time to slink around her and then pick up the wood that had just smacked her in the head. It definitely proved to be a viable weapons, and so she repeats the offense that seems to be going around, and lobs it at Nanako; the only one thus who hasn't had something thrown at her.

COMBATSYS: Hinako dodges Nanako's Thrown Object.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/------=/=======|

A shoe? That might not be such a good idea. Hopefully Nanako won't be getting any splinters. Of course, a splinter is a fairly minor thing compared to being slammed into a wooden raft by an experienced sumo. And Hinako can't say she wishes for Nanako to avoid that fate. Dashing forward as the shoe is thrown, Hinako ducks under the footwear, only slowing down for a moment. And then she's back up, reaching out for Nanako and attempting to hook a hand under her shoulder. Most of Hinako's techniques involve either making the opponent airborne, or slamming them into the ground. In this case... Nanako gets to deal with an attempt at slamming her face down against the slippery logs.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Nanako with Thrown Object.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hinako           1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-----==/=======|

COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Kake Nage from Hinako with Auspicious Hand.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hinako           1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1           Ingrid
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/----===/=======|

D'aww. Her shoe tactic failed, but that's not about to drag Nanako down. No way! She's still going to give it her all, regardless of outcome! Grinning as Hinako avoids the projectile, the girl pivots briefly thereafter, to take a gander at just what Ingrid's up to - and it would seem she's using Hinako's log bit to clock her upside the head. Blinking at the oncoming piece of wood, Nanako does what she feels is best. That is, trying to get OUT of the log's way, because she really wants to avoid face splinters. Try as she might, that doesn't work out so well. As result, the log smacks her right in the center of her face, causing her to reel back. ..but not quite fall down. Good thing, too.

'cause here comes Hinako.

Coherent enough to suffer through the smack and push forward, Nanako lashes out again, just as Hinako aims to grab her. A flurry of pink Psycho Power erupts around her hands as she pushes the offending arm away before she moves again, thrusting both palms forward against her gut, a blast of pink energy to send Hinako back and away, leaving Nanako free to rub her face where the wood hit her. Owie.

Quite interesting! It appears that Nanako is able to deal with Hinako quite nicely when she needs to, and that comes as a minor surprise to Ingrid, who files this information away. Pink energy also, that is a bit interesting, though not terribly so considering how many color variations natural and personal energy seems to come in. It wouldn't really surprise Ingrid if someone with plaid energy showed up, just think of all the flannel named attacks they could have. But, Ingrid still has her little quandary to deal with; Nanako and Hinako are both quite dangerous, and are fighting each other now. Seeing that Nanako seems to have the upper hand, Ingrid decides to target her rather than Hinako, and quickly swings her arm underhand, a trail of energy trailing behind it as a bright glowing ball of glowing energy floats quickly towards Nanako. Who knows, maybe she won't see it with her jubilation at halting Hinako's advance!

Hinako goes tumbling back after getting blasted away by Nanako's pink energy. The sumo girl does have a habit of charging right into energy attacks. Unfortunately, she also has have a habit of getting knocked around for her trouble. She tumbles along the raft, letting out a yelp of pain as she rolls over a bit of splintered wood, drawing a shallow cut through her swimsuit and along her back, even drawing a bit of blood.
But, it's not all bad. Because Hinako's tumble brings her to a stop right next to Nanako's shoe. So... Why not? It probably won't do much damage, but it's worth a shot, right?

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Nanako with Sun Shot.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Hinako           1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1           Ingrid
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-======/=======|

COMBATSYS: Nanako dodges Hinako's Thrown Object.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Hinako           1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1           Ingrid
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-======/=======|

Okay, now it's getting a little uncomfortable.

Blinking once the proverbial dust settles, Nanako's gaze stirs, moving first from Hinako to Ingrid, then from Ingrid to Hinako. So she's stuck in the middle? This might not be so good, especially since both girls seem to be gearing up for some kind of attack - at Nanako!!

The shoe that's thrown back is noted and thusly avoided with a careful bend of her back. It soars past and rolls clumsily across the raft. Phew, that was close. Unfortunately that doesn't give her time to avoid Ingrid's cute little blast of Psycho Power, with which she's considerable familiar. Struck, the girl reels slightly, a muted grunt escaping her before she spins around. Man, that sucks!

Time to get SERIOUS! As serious as Nanako can get, at least.

Her heel pivots, and with a burst the tiny fighter beelines for Ingrid. Pausing midway, Nanako takes to the air again, to deliver a swift flying kick for Ingrid's gut. "HYOO!"

COMBATSYS: Ingrid blocks Nanako's Light Kick.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           1/---====/=======|=======\=====--\1           Ingrid
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-======/=======|

Glad to see that her effort was not wasted, Ingrid watches as her energy strikes true, blasting into Nanako and giving her a bit of pause. However, it doesn't seem like enough pause to stop her from coming after her again, trying to send another kick at her. Hmm... All or nothing is often how Ingrid chooses, but at the moment she's in a somewhat poor tactical position. While she'll be in a good position if she manages to escape being hit altogether, a sold hit will more than likely send her over the edge, and so she chooses the intermediate option, lifting her arms up and catching the kick between them, skirting back on the slippery raft surface. She lets out a breath, scant inches from falling over, and then suddenly rushes for Hinako. An assault on Nanako may well get her shoved overboard, and Hinako seems to be in a position much like she was only a moment ago, and so here she goes, moving in quickly and then hopping forward with one of her long legs extended out, essentially trying the very same thing that just was attempted on her.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Hinako with Light Kick.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           1/--=====/=======|=======\=====--\1           Ingrid
[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/-======/=======|

Hinako attempts to sidestep Ingrid's kick, but instead only manages to get herself clipped painfully and go stumbling to the side. She's getting pretty worn down, so it's time to see about ending this fight, and ending it fast. Perhaps trying to shove somebody off of the raft would be a good idea? If it works out right, Hinako should have time to take out the other opponent, even if the one in the water manages to climb back on.
Clutching her stomach for a moment, Hinako straightens back up and charges at Nanako. She ducks slightly as she twists herself to lead with her shoulder, attempting to drive her full force into Nanako's chest. ...It's probably going to suck if she misses.

COMBATSYS: Nanako counters Oo-ichiban from Hinako with Auspicious Hand.

[                          \\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hinako           0/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1           Ingrid
[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nanako           1/=======/=======|

So, Ingrid's dealing with Hinako, and Hinako's getting kicked, leaving Nanako relatively free and open, left to her own devices. While this would normally be a good thing, it is intimidating to the girl. It just means that they'll eventually be coming back for her in full force!! Which is precisely what Hinako chooses to do, drawing a wide-eyed look of disbelief across Nanako's face.

That's why she makes her own move, similar to last time, because with this girl she can't afford risks. She very nearly single-handedly took down Kim for crying out loud! "I'm SORRY!!" she exclaims, looking comically distressed as her Psycho Power'd hands lash out, redirecting Hinako's hands elsewhere before her palms thrust forward, executing a blast to knock the girl back the way she came. "Seriously! I'm sorry Hinako!!" She means it!! What a cruel hand Fate has dealt Nanako!

For Ingrid all this simply means one thing, that Hinako has been dealt with rather harshly, and Nanako is still standing there. While she does feel sorry for the young blonde, she can't let herself drop her own guard in order to try and help her out. After all, if she does Nanako is likely to come in and smash her in the process; at least if she has a very strong desire to win and a willingness to take advantage of such an opening. And that is simply not something Ingrid is willing to risk, so she does the prudent thing and swings her arm in an underhand motion and lobs another ball of glowy golden energy towards Nanako once more, while she's occupied. Ingrid, it seems, has no qualms about taking advantage of such moments.

Hinako wasn't quite expecting that response from Nanako, no. Instead of sending Nanako flying off the raft, Hinako gets sent sailing back herself. She flies quite gracelessly through the air, hits the edge of the raft, then bounces over the edge and vanishes beneath the surface of the water with a splash, the air knocked out of her.
Now, this won't do. This won't do at all! As Hinako slowly sinks, her desire to win begins to fill her. She's going to get back up there, and she's going to show everybody just what a sumo can do! Swimming quickly upward, Hinako is stopped when she bangs her head on the underside of the raft. Uh-oh. She's under the raft. And she's nearly out of air! The raft rocks a few times as Hinako pounds against it, trying to figure out the closest way to the edge. No, there's no time!
Pushing off of the raft, Hinako sinks to the bottom, letting her knees bend as she touches the mud, tensing her arms. And then she springs off from the riverbed, rocketing upwards. The sumo girl slams into the bottom of the raft with all the force she can muster, driving both hands into the wood. The logs shatter like matchsticks as Hinako bursts through, flying up several feet into the air as the raft explodes around her!

A few moments later the sumo girl flops back into the water on her back, slowly floating downstream. Totally spent, and with nowhere to stand, anyway. But man, it was worth it.

COMBATSYS: Hinako can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Nanako           1/=======/=======|=======\=====--\1           Ingrid

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Nanako with Sun Shot.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Nanako           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\======-\1           Ingrid

COMBATSYS: Hinako successfully hits Nanako with Morote Zuki.

[                                < >  //////////                    ]
Nanako           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\======-\1           Ingrid

Well. This sudden turn of events is very unfortunate. On one side of the raft there's a ball of light coming at her. On the other, Hinako's getting ready to splinter the raft into slivers. What's Nanako supposed to do!? Try to dodge the stuff, of course. Unfortunately, that doesn't work out so well for her. First she's struck again by Ingrid's light, which stings a little, but ultimately does little to knock her out. It's the fact the raft all but EXPLODES beneath her that sends Nanako flying into the air, pelted by sharp bits of splintered wood.

But she's got a last-ditch effort to try before it's completely over! That's why she pushes herself at Ingrid midair with all her might!

Her form shimmers, pink Psycho Power consuming her form before it suddenly and swiftly spirals up from beneath her, to consume the other girl in a spiral of energy before she vanishes beneath the surface of the waters, possibly to be eaten by a crocodile!

COMBATSYS: Nanako can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           1/=======/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Nanako's Purifying Light of Dawn.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           1/=======/=======|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Morote Zuki from Hinako with Sun Delta.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/----===|

And now Ingrid finds herself in a very sticky situation; the raft is shuddering underneath of her rather violently. She bends down tremendously low, going so far as to press one hand to the raft, and then presses her legs down as hard as she can manage and flings herself high up into the air. Nanako seems to have plans for smacking her out of the air, though, as pink energy comes flying up at her from below. Ingrid very narrowly manages to avoid it by twisting herself to the side, the massive power flowing past her and up into the air harmlessly. Of course, there are also a very large number of logs flying up at her also, which she has to deal with. She's spent as far as trying to get out of the way goes, and so she falls back in her energy. A large golden symbol suddenly appears around her as she begins to descend, twisting herself so that she's parallel to the ground, and then points downward. A massive disk of energy appears directly in front of her, easily large enough to cover her entire form, and the logs fly up into it and just seem to... stick. Their upward momentum stops completely upon hitting it, and then the whole works begins to fall, one of the logs twisting so that one end is sticking up in the air, placing itself below Ingrid's feet. The whole mess hits the water at once, the disk disappearing, and muddy water obscures everything for a few moments. The water falls back down putting Ingrid back into the view of the cameras, and shows her to be standing on the very tip of a single vertical log, only a foot out of the water, and completely dry. It seems her choice of clothing was not so inappropriate after all. She stands there, watching as divers that were on standby go for Hinako and Nanako, making sure they don't drown, holding her left elbow and stroking her chin a little, looking contemplative.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has ended the fight here.

Log created by Nanako, and last modified on 19:34:32 01/03/2007.