SNF 2006.11 - Shen/Roberto vs. Kain

Description: Shenwoo and Roberto team up to battle Kain in Kazakhstan! There's punches, there's flames, there's... Soccer balls? Can even Kain's impressive might keep up with such an unusual weapon? (Winners: Shenwoo and Roberto)

Former Soviet republics. Not a place that most people would consider a nice vacation destination. Although for a business trip, it's possible to make some quite profitable ventures. Not all of them legal, but a few bribes in the right places can do wonders. Kain hasn't been here in person before, but he does dabble in business across the globe, so he's made use of this SNF match to make a few agreements with some of the locals. Nothing major, yet, but to grow business you need something to start with.
With that taken care of, the blond man has made his way to the square set aside for the fight. The crowd is quickly starting to grow, because it isn't every day that you get to see something like this. Unless you're living in Japan, or certain cities in North America, anyway.
Kain has fought Shenwoo before, so he's looking forward to a fight that will actually have some real meat to it. He doesn't know much about Roberto, but that's fine. It's just another opportunity to react to an unknown fighting style. He can only hope that he isn't one of the many weaklings who falsely consider themselves to be real fighters. Dressed in his usual white suit with blue trim, Kain adjusts his close fitting blue gloves as he waits for his opponents to take their places and the fight to begin.

Like most people, Shenwoo couldn't find Kazakhstan if you gave him a map. In fact, he'd never heard of the place before the SNF guys told him he was going there. Hell, he probably can't even SPELL Kazakhstan. But you know, geography really isn't his specialty. His specialty is, however, the whole reason he's here, since it's under the auspices of Saturday Night Fight; he's here to punch somebody in the face. The fact that the somebody in question is Kain Heinlein is just an additional detail. He knows his opponent is extremely strong, so now he just has to hope that his 'partner' for the match can at least manage to stay out of his way.

Yeah, Shenwoo is a little arrogant. It's sort of a fighter thing, you know?

Wearing blue jeans instead of his usual leather pants, and a black silk shirt with a silver dragon embroidered on it - though it's still worn unbuttoned, because Shen does not yield to little things like weather - the brawler from Shanghai makes his way into the square, grinning wildly as he makes his arrival. Yay, a fight, a fight! The best thing in the world, if you ask him, but then he is the 'God of Battle', after all. "Yo," he calls over to Kain as he spots the other blond man, slipping into his casual boxing stance right away. Now his partner just needs to show, so they can get things going. Shen does hate to be kept waiting.

Roberto is different from a lot of the fighters Kain comes up against in that he doesn't consider himself a 'real fighter.' Roberto actually considers himself a soccer player first and foremost. And if a scout sees him using skills for soccer in the fast paced environment of a fight it'll probably make him a lot more marketable because not many can take the skills learned from one sport to apply it to another. Win or Lose Roberto's just out to make a respectable showing and learn from this to become a better soccer player.
As for travel, as long as Roberto can find a good pick-up game of soccer he'll be happy with the travel destination. And after a spirited game yesterday Roberto is ready to go.
So now here is Roberto wearing a red goalie jersey and dark blue sweatpants instead of the shorts. carrying a mesh bag filled with a bunch soccer balls. He dumps the contents of the bag tosses it into audience and drops into goalie's stance.

Kain raises an eyebrow as he looks over Roberto, with the bag of soccer balls spilled out across the ground. It's not the /most/ unorthodox fighting style that Kain has ever seen, but it's pretty high up there. He must have some sort of skill to even be here, but how dangerous can soccer balls possibly be?
Kain puts his right fist in his left palm and squeezes for a moment, cracking his knuckles. "Well now. I hope that you two won't disappoint me today." Now it's just a matter of waiting for the official call for the fight to begin. He could simply jump his opponents, but it's not worth the bother that would happen afterwards.

COMBATSYS: Kain has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kain             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kain             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kain             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Shenwoo

Soccer? Yeah, that's... A little odd, actually. But who is Shenwoo to judge? Weird is sort of what he expects. When his partner arrives and gets ready in a rather unusual way, the brawler watches Roberto... And then just shrugs. "Well, whatever," Shen says, turning his attention back to Kain. Who's talking a little smack there! Now, to be fair, Kain is probably someone who can get away with talking trash like that, but it's not like that's ever stopped Shenwoo. "Hah, same to you!" is his rejoinder, since he's apparently feeling sassy today.

The official's call of 'FIGHT!' registers only peripherally to the self-styled 'God of Battle', who doesn't even bother saying anything else to his temporary teammate; Robert can sink or swim on his own, for all Shen cares. Teamwork is not his thing, you see. Instead, the lean blond man just rushes at Kain headlong, heedless of the fact that the other man is well known for setting people on fire, thrusting his left hand out to try and grab Kain by the neck. If he gets a good hold, he lifts, and squeezes his opponent's throat, apparently trying to choke the life right out of him... Before tossing him aside a bit roughly. But if he was gentle, he wouldn't be Shenwoo!

Roberto is good at teamwork and even though Shenwoo couldn't give a damn about working together, Roberto has made it his business to take advantage of opportunities made by those he works with even if they, in their minds are working for themselves.
In this order, Roberto runs up to one of the many soccer balls he has on hand and kicks it towards Kain with a lot of spin so that if it doesn't hit Kain it will atleast push him in towards Shenwoo's choke slam.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Kain with Kyakuten Touchi.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |=------\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Kain with Long Shot.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////////// ]
                                 |=------\-------\0          Shenwoo

Grabbed around the throat by Shenwoo, Kain gets yanked aside and tossed away. Seems he's going to have to be a little bit faster on his feet this fight. Unfortunately, flying through the air is not a good time to attempt to deal with a flying soccer ball. Kain does manage to twist around enough to lash out at the ball with one arm. Unfortunately, he doesn't quite manage to connect. The ball bounces off his chest just before he hits the ground in a roll.
Pulling himself back to his feet, Kain shakes his head for a moment. Not the best way to start things out, but there's still plenty of fight left in Kain. Launching himself up from his rising crouch, Kain lashes out with one foot. He attempts to drive the sharply rising kick into Shenwoo's jaw, with an explosion of fire meant to help launch him even further off the ground.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo blocks Kain's Schwarze Lanze.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  //////////////////////////    ]
                                 |===----\-------\0          Shenwoo

That's more like it. Shenwoo looks confident and pleased when Kain is struck by his attack, and then Roberto gets his own attack in there too. "Heh," the Shanghai-born brawler laughs, and he's still on the ball when Kain gets back up and comes after him with that rising kick headed towards his jaw. Shen brings his arms up, letting that foot and explosion of chi-flame impact against his tattooed forearms. He grunts a little from the impact, getting knocked back a step or two, but...

"Weren't expecting that, huh?!" Shenwoo laughs aloud, referring more to Kain getting hit than the block, as he suddenly lunges forward, trying to catch Kain before he can recover from his fiery kick of doom, rushing in to aim an elbow at the other fighter's solar plexus. "HORA!!"

Roberto's eyes open wide when he sees that his own kick landed. Needless to say his Long Shot hasn't been the most reliable of his moves. You could say it was a 'long shot' to land.
The soccer star realizes that he doesn't really have time to dwell on that and he moves to the next soccer ball and quickly dribbles in to close in to his opponent. With a quick lateral movement, Roberto spins in and with a motion that seems to be shielding the soccer ball away from Kain as he follows Shenwoo's elbow with a quick shoulder charge to unbalance him slightly. He's not really looking for a knock down just something to put Kain in a bad position.

COMBATSYS: Kain endures Shenwoo's Quick Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                 |===----\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Roberto's Quick Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////////   ]
                                 |===----\-------\0          Shenwoo

Roberto is going to have to be dealt with, but it's pretty easy for Kain to see that Shenwoo is the greater threat at the moment. Bracing himself for the double assault, Kain leans into Shenwoo's blow, letting the elbow slam into him. He meets Roberto's shoulder with his own, letting the soccer player bounce off him with relatively little damage. Kain's more vulnerable spots are currently shielded by Shenwoo, anyway.
It's probably just as well for Roberto, though, because it gives him a little more distance than the God of Battle has. And distance is good, as evidenced by the flames that begin to flicker out from Kain's clothing. There's only that brief warning, and then Kain's body erupts into purple flames, engulfing everything around him. Quite possibly including Shenwoo.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Schwarze Kreuz from Kain with Tenrenshou.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kain             0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                 |=====--\-------\0          Shenwoo

You know, lighting yourself on fire probably isn't very healthy, Kain. Especially not for people who happen to be in too close, it seems; Shenwoo is still pulled in by his forward momentum when Kain sets off his fiery blast, and that doesn't leave him with too many options... Except to suddenly shift his weight back, and bring up his right leg, thrusting it out as hard as he can into Kain's midsection, using the force of it to hurl Kain in one direction, and himself in the other, hitting the ground hard and rolling over on his shoulder. The brawler ends up in a low crouch, still feeling the pain lancing up his leg... Because yeah, those flames hurt, no matter how well Shen might've dealt with the brunt of the impact.

Capitalizing on the actions of his team mate is the theme of the day here which is why, the star striker runs forward to chase after the flying Kain, completely abandoning the soccer ball for the time being instead deciding to see if he can use his opponent as the ball instead. Roberto spins, flips and brings his foot around to smash Kain with it in the form of an old fashioned Back handspring.

COMBATSYS: Kain interrupts Heavy Kick from Roberto with Strong Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Kain             0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1          Roberto
                                  >  ///////////////////////       ]
                                 |=====--\-------\0          Shenwoo

Kain grunts as Shenwoo's leg slams into his stomach and the two men get knocked away from one another. Sadly, that also gets Shenwoo away from the majority of the damage from Kain's flames. A minor setback, and it will be dealt with ere long. But now it seems that Roberto is going to try his luck, and Kain has had just about enough of letting these two slip through his defenses.
Even as Roberto's foot is coming in, Kain surges to his feet. The kick slams into his collarbone, but Kain is already lashing out with his own foot, and barely even seems to notice it. His leg snaps out and he drives a flaming kick into the center of Roberto's torso, knocking the soccer player away before he can fully follow through on his attack.

Yep, Shenwoo is positively safe and sound over here - though the same can't really be said for Roberto. /Ouch/. The brawler from Shanghai winces slightly in sympathy, because that looked like that /hurt/. He's kinda glad that wasn't him, you know? Shen springs out of his crouch finally, crossing the distance between himself and Kain as quickly as he can, hoping to catch his opponent before he can fully recover from delivering such a powerful attack to his teammate. "Hey, hey!" he says as he closes in. "This is fun, isn't it?!" Well, it is for /Shenwoo/, anyway. Which is why he tries to punch Kain in the stomach, hard. More fun for everyone!

Roberto rolls over wincing for awhile. "So that must be how a Zidane head butt must feel." He coughs a couple of times and whispers, "Nice.." There's a few moments to get himself together before he slowly goes back in towards Kain. He checks the ribs with his hands and once he's satisfied, he rapidly, but carefully closes in. This time he'll move around to Kain's flank with a high kick towards his head which if it connects will send him high into the air.

COMBATSYS: Kain dodges Shenwoo's Strong Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kain             0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1          Roberto
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                 |====---\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Kain with Thrust Kick.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kain             0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto
                                  >  ////////////////////////      ]
                                 |====---\-------\0          Shenwoo

Kain would prefer not to get punched in the stomach, thanks. He quickly leaps to one side as Shenwoo lashes out at him, letting the fist pass by him harmlessly. Roberto's feet, however, are not avoided quite so easily. The kick strikes Kain in the back of the head, lifting him off his feet. He hits the ground well, though, catching himself on his hands and flipping himself around to get back on his feet.
As he lands, Kain sweeps his right arm toward Shenwoo, launching a blast of purle fire in the brawler's direction. It splits in two after a few feet, and the two fireballs spiral around one another as they home in on Shenwoo.

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Shenwoo with Schwarze Flame.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Kain             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto
                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                 |=======\=------\1          Shenwoo

There's no disappointment from Shenwoo when Kain avoids his punch; it would be kind of discouraging, if Kain was defeated that easily, now wouldn't it? No, instead the brawler's face lights up with exactly the glee you'd probably expect from him in this situation, and it stays there even when Kain launches those flames at him. They're too fast to avoid, unfortunately, and Shen gets well and truly struck, the flames burning and knocking him off balance, but... Shenwoo has never let little things like that stop him.

He's the God of Battle, dammit.

Laughing wildly, with that wide, wolfish grin on his face and an almost mad light in his dark eyes, Shenwoo runs right at Kain anyway. The crowd can enjoy this, though it's terribly likely that Kain won't. Not even a little. Soon he starts moving even faster, his form blurring as he rockets right at Kain, throwing his beringed left fist forward in an incredibly fast, rushing punch, a shockwave of bluish energy riding on his fist, surrounding his body. Heads up, Kain! "SHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Roberto is not exactly sure he wants to do what he knows he's about to do. This uncertainty becomes more palpable to the crowd watching when he hears Shenwoo's maniacal laughter. But despite any misgivings Roberto may have, he carries out his decision.
With a diving leap that looks like type of dive a goalie might make if he were diving for a soccer ball. Once again the soccer ball is Kain and Roberto is pushing Kain in the direction of Shenwoo's Bluish Energy engulfed. "I better not regret this!!!" If the grab is successful and regardless of whether or not Shenwoo's strike lands, Roberto will roll to his feet and quickly kick the downed Kain.

COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Shenwoo's Zetsu Gekiken.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kain             1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1          Roberto
                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Kain with Mundane Save.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kain             1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  //////////////////            ]
                                 |-------\-------\0          Shenwoo

Kain is paying more attention to Shenwoo at the moment, so he's a bit slow in his attempt to evade Roberto. This results in Heinlein getting launched toward the God of Battle. Getting out of the way of the attack is no longer an option, it seems. Kain crosses his arms in front of himself, letting Shenwoo's fist slam into his guard. The energy shockwave washes over Kain, and he's knocked away by the force of the blow, but he lands on his feet.
Kain lets his arms fall, ignoring the sharp pain in his arm where Shenwoo's rings were driven into his flesh. Blue flames spring into being in Kain's hands, and he has a grin on his face as he lifts his head back up to look at Shenwoo. Apparently he's enjoying himself. Heinlein thrusts both of his arms out toward Shenwoo, and the flames merge into a single sphere of swirling chi, which quickly expands in size. It continues to grow as it launches out from Kain's hands, rapidly increasing in volume as it zooms toward the brawler.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo Toughs Out Kain's Himmlische Seele!

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kain             0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  ////////////                  ]
                                 |====---\-------\0          Shenwoo

Rebounding back from the defense against his Zetsu! Gekiken, Shenwoo is just getting ready to follow up when Kain lobs that expanding sphere of chi. Yeah, that's a bad thing, from what the brawler remembers about his previous fights with Kain. But there's one thing Shen has going for him here: He's completely off his gourd. Also, as previously mentioned, he's the /God of Battle/, dammit.

So rather than do any of a dozen things a more sensible human being would do in reaction to the blast, Shenwoo instead rushes headlong into it, exploding clean through the chi attack, hesitating for only the slightest of moments once he's through. "WHAT, IS THAT IT?!" he demands, looking like a complete and total madman as he rushes at Kain, getting in close and twisting around on one heel as he tries to bury his other heel in his opponent's face, /really damn hard/. "NOW GO TO HELL!!"

The last time Shenwoo went out of his mind, Roberto pushed Kain towards him. Roberto this time is going to play it smart and wait for Shenwoo to make his attack before he runs towards Kain and dives out at Kain once more only this time it's with two fists extended. He shouts as flies yet again, "Urrrrragh!"

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Kain with Fusen Kyaku.

[                          \\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kain             0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  /////////////                 ]
                                 |=======\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Kain with Strong Punch.

[                            \\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kain             0/-------/--=====|=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  /////////////                 ]
                                 |=======\-------\0          Shenwoo

With Shenwoo's foot slamming into his jaw, and Roberto's fists slamming into his torso, there's not really much that Kain can do. He almost manages to twist out of the way of the punches, but in the end it's not quite enough. The blows coming from two different directions keep him from getting knocked back, and he starts to fall straight down as his knees begin to give way beneath him.
But Kain isn't going to go down easily. He doesn't give up a fight while he's still concious. And even if that won't be lasting much longer, he'll do what he can while he can. Flames leap out all over Kain's body, engulfing everything around him in purple fire. And if Kain's opponents aren't fast enough to get out of the way... Well, Kain would be able to enjoy it, if he hadn't just lost conciousness.

COMBATSYS: Kain can no longer fight.

                                  >  /////////////////             ]
                                 |=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  /////////////                 ]
                                 |=======\-------\0          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Shenwoo with Schwarze Kreuz.

                                  >  /////////////////             ]
                                 |=======\===----\1          Roberto
                                  >  ////                          ]
                                 |=======\=====--\1          Shenwoo

COMBATSYS: Roberto stops Schwarze Kreuz from Kain with Shining Clutch.

                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                 |=======\====---\1          Roberto
                                  >  ////                          ]
                                 |=======\=====--\1          Shenwoo

So, Shenwoo totally had Kain on the ropes there, that much was obvious; sure, Robert might've delivered the coup de grace, but... Oh wait, Kain's not /quite/ finished yet. The brawler from Shanghai sees that sudden eruption of flame all around the other blond fighter, but either he's too caught up in the moment or just too close, or who knows what; the point is that he tries to get the hell out of the way, but doesn't quite manage it, instead getting blasted back. "Geh!" he grunts as he hits the street on his duff and skids back, laughing as he flops onto his back. Yeah, Kain got him back for that, but... He had fun anyway. So he's just gonna lie here for a little bit. Don't mind him.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo takes no action.

                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                 |=======\====---\1          Roberto

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo can no longer fight.

                                  >  ////////////////              ]
                                 |=======\====---\1          Roberto

Roberto is still on the ground when the flames come. Fear washes across his face as the flames do so over his body.He screams out, "NO! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!" It's the most emotional Roberto has ever been in any of his fights. He thrusts his hands out screaming, not out of rage, but of desperation of not allowing himself to be taken out after he had worked so hard to win.
Somehow, the young soccer star comes out of the attack, unscathed, unburned, and fatigued. His hands drop to side and with a dry hoarse he whipers partially out of elation partially out of complete shock, "I won."

COMBATSYS: Roberto has ended the fight here.

Log created by Shenwoo, and last modified on 22:32:23 11/05/2006.