Christmas Bash - Match 3 - Mayan Ruin Battle

Description: In the jungles of South America, three burly men clash for supremacy! When Shenwoo, Haggar and Ralf fight, there's only one thing to call it: THE BATTLE OF THE BEEF. (Winners: Haggar and Shenwoo tied by DKO)

So, here they are, here in SOUTH AMERICA. The great Tectonic Plate shift of the 1990s has brought new life to South America's tourism industry. No longer are they famous for only Malaria and saucy ...saucy...whatever that music is that comes out of Brazil. No more is Blanka the single greatest thing to come from their lands, NO! This continent, this great mass of third-world nations and poverty-stricken villages boasts the remains of one of the greatest ancient cultures to have ever lived! Beautiful glyphwork, sensible pyramids build thousands upon thousands of miles away from their Egyptian copycats, creators of the first calendar and the great chimichanga! Oh, what an honor it is to be here!
Today, the noble mass of broken rocks and heavy foliage plays host to a different type of tourism. The crowd is, admittedly, somewhat sparse, what with the fierce jungle and venemous critters within. The workers had only been able to clear forty acres of rainforest in time for the match, but one has to admit, those hollowed tree stumps make for very comfortable and stylish seating. The cameras are set up everywhere, with colorful umbrellas over them to keep dripping water at bay. The temperature, as expected at the equator, is hot. It's nearing summertime down in the southern hemisphere, and the sheer humidity doesn't help much at all. Fans carry --well, fans and cans of Off! bug spray are sold every few rows. The main even seems to be taking place in one of the few courtyards of the Xunantunich ruins. Tall buildings, discolored from centuries of exposure to the elements and having travelled to new countries, still look amazingly sturdy, even after all this time. The ground rises and falls in steep hills, with lush grass carpeting them, interrupted every so often by thin trees full of thick foliage. A shallow, murky stream surrounds two-thirds of the place, acting as a sort of natural boundary for the arena.
Sitting up on one of the short ledges of the building in view of most people, Ralf looks very much at home. In truth, this place isn't at all far from home, and he's quite used to the environment. His attire is suitable for jungle life and classic movies alike: his legs are covered in thick pants, multicolored from pale green to off-white and black in traditional camo fare. These are stuffed into big black army boots, and he's shirtless today. Instead, his skin is painted in dull green greasepaint, but his trademark red and green bandana is present, as always. He lifts an arm and waves to people as he's announced, sitting idly, save for grinding the heel of his boot into the wall below him.

Honestly, Shenwoo doesn't know South America from South Dakota... Geography isn't exactly high on the list of things you learn growing up on the streets of Shanghai, you know! He just went where Duck's people told him to go, and so here he is. The tall young man probably couldn't seem more different from Ralf, flashy and obvious where the Ikari Warrior made the effort to go all out with the Arnold-near-the-end-of-Predator look; he does, at least, forgo his usual choice of leather pants, instead going for dark blue denim trousers, and his shirt is black silk with a silver dragon embroidered on the back. Of course, he doesn't bother to button it up since it's so /freakin' hot/ out here, but otherwise the brawler, emerging from the crowd as he is announced shortly after Ralf, doesn't seem at all bothered by the temperature or the humidity. His dark eyes seek out Ralf immediately, and his broad slash of a mouth pulls into a wolfish grin... He hasn't seen Ralf since that fight with Ryu, and honestly he's curious to see how he'd do against the older fighter. And plus there's an /extra/ opponent, who Shen also hasn't had a decent opportunity against! Why, it's like... Christmas! So the berserker pulls his gloves tight, waiting for the third participant to show and the fun to start.

Well, would you look at that. Ever since the Rolento incident, Haggar has been so out of the public eye as to have sprouted a whole slew of tabloid legends, and with absolutely no preamble he's showed up here. Unlike the other two, he hasn't changed his ourfit at all - slacks, single suspender, giant orange-plated boots. For whatever reason, in addition to his now somewhat long ponytail, he's grown a short beard. He was already more or less out there before his announcement, up on the closest thing to a chinup bar he could find amongst the ruins, doing exactly what you'd expect on one of those things. When his name is called out by the announcer, the big man immediately drops from the bar, turning and approaching Ralf and Shenwoo, glowering at nothing in particular. Odd - none of the usual in-character roars and pro wrestler posturing.

COMBATSYS: Haggar has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ralf has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ralf             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Haggar

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

Hoo, jesus. Stuck out here in the hot, nasty corner of Satan's fiery asshole, rubble and mosquitos all about, kids and women bitchin' and complainin' about what a shitty place to be in, GOD. It's beautiful. When all of the fighters are called, Ralf jumps down from his seat, the ground a mere three or four feet below him. Boots press their traction-minded pattern into the soil, and the man rises up, dusting his ass off in the process.
"Good to see you still alive, sir," he offers to the good mayor, canting his head a little to the side. His finger lifts and scratches at the exposed jawline, "but you missed a big spot over here," indicating the official's unshaven look. His foot lifts, toe tapping against and digging into the ground beneath it, followed by its heel, digging in as if to brace himself. His hands meet and fingers interlace, pressing the material of his own fingerless gloves further into the crooks. "But at least you're both dressed the part, huh? Try not to get eaten by any alligators or anything, here." He won't mention the pythons. Hell, he won't even THINK of hte pythons. Big bastards down here, can probably swallow audience members whole. He doesn't want to see if they can swallow any of the three fighters here.
Given a little space by the Duck Pond official, each man is asked if they're prepared in turn. Once done, the sweating man (button-up shirts here are hell) lifts his arm and barks, indicating the start of the fight.
Ralf... Ralf, he sticks back, for the time being. Putting much of his weight on that planted foot, he curls his hands into tight fists, shaking them a bit before rolling his shoulders and lifting his fists to about pec-height. "Good luck, ladies. Make it good for the kids, right?"

COMBATSYS: Ralf focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

Ready? Of course Shenwoo is /ready/, and his response to the Duck Pond official - a sharp nod while assuming his fighting stance, which is really just a very relaxed boxing one - says as much in spades. "Tch, somebody sure doesn't look all that cheerful," the brawler notes, given Haggar's current disposition. Well! That's not really Shen's problem, but he can't see why anyone /wouldn't/ be upbeat, getting to have a fight against strong opponents. Anyway, it's time to get things started, which Shenwoo is all too glad to do. "Heh, let's see how good of a show you put on," the blond says, looking terribly anxious to fight... And since Ralf is just /standing/ there, the tall young man dashes straight towards him, extending his left hand forward... But not in a fist. Actually, he's trying to grab Ralf by the throat, and slam him into the hardest thing available... Which is probably the wall behind him, huh?

The beard is /trimmed,/ hey! The Mayor doesn't really respond all that much to the verbal jabs of the other two fighters, keeping his general glower and looking like he's going to hang back for now while Shenwoo and Ralf go at it. At least, that's how it looks, until Haggar takes off toward the two, gritting his teeth as he bends down and aims for Shenwoo's lower back, shoulder-first. The fight is on.

COMBATSYS: Ralf blocks Shenwoo's Kyakuten Touchi.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

Ahaha, atta boy! Ralf had been looking between the two men to see who'd crack first, and Shenwoo, he just seemed the type to rush right in. It's something that the Ikari can appreciate, that. His frontmost hand lifts up and behind the reaching hand, strong fingers securing a firm grip on Shenwoo's forearm, stopping the thing just at his throat. The pressure is there, the desire to shove and some squeezing from just standing there instead of being shoved back, but it's minimal. Insubstantial. Walk it off, Ralf, you'll be fine. Rub some dirt on it.
Now, at this point, Jones can see Haggar coming in. Trying to keep the grip on the Asian's arm, the mercenary brings his other fist back, tensing the fingers before bringing it forward, aiming to slam the middleman right in the gut just as Haggar comes in from the other side..

COMBATSYS: Haggar successfully hits Shenwoo with Strong Punch.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo blocks Ralf's Strong Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

Uh oh. This isn't going to turn out well at all, is it? Shenwoo doesn't have many choices here, stuck as he is in a pincer attack, but he can /tell/ Haggar is coming up behind him... And while he tries to deflect the Mayor's attack even as Ralf's fist hits nothing but Shenwoo's tightly muscled forearm - the one as isn't grabbed, naturally - he nevertheless gets hit in the back. Ow, ow, ow. That /freaking hurt/, and it sends him staggering forward into Ralf... Before Shenwoo manages to catch himself. And then, he uses that grip on his forearm to his advantage, letting out a quiet 'heh', and grabbing Ralf with his free hand, before twisting around and swinging the Ikari Warrior at Haggar, like some great beefy club. "HRAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!" Finesse? What finesse?

COMBATSYS: Haggar interrupts Random Weapon from Shenwoo with Random Weapon.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/----===|

Haggar expected that to hit - striking at the blind side is usually successful. What he didn't expect was for Shenwoo to come back around at him, wielding the Ikari. His eyebrows shoot up, but his body is already reacting off pure muscle memory, learned on the ROUGH STREETS, and he leans into the rather impromptu weapon, snapping his arm up and around Ralf as he comes in, taking the blow right on his bicep and twisting away. Ralf comes cleanly out of Shenwoo's grip, and the huge swiftly repositions his grip to Ralf's shoulders, swinging/throwing him back at the feisty boy. Hilarious!

Tch. For a riceboy, Shenwoo's arm has really got some stopping power. At least this promises to be fun, matching up against someone that isn't a pussy from the getgo. "Ni--" is all he manages to get out before he's grabbed by..uh? Arm, belt, nipple, WHATEVER. "OI! ST--NO! NOOOOOO!!" For all of his bitching, he can't stop from being launched at the Metro leader. The landing is a bit rough, but he has precious little time to consider it as he's FURTHER swung!
"I'm gonna kill you asshooooOOOOJESUS!" It's like being on the teacup ride, kind of! You get tossed about, throw up a little, then go on it some more. Launched like a shot at Shenwoo, his skull collides with the guy, likely right back to that damn wall behind him. Flopping to the ground, the Ikari punches the grass once before getting right up. "DAMMIT, man!" he yells out, tromping over to Haggar and just..just throwing out a right hook for the American's jaw. "I!" he barks, following up with his left, "AM NOT!" His torso has turned after the second attempt, and his left hand clasps with his right, the both of them swinging diagonally up at Haggar's chinmeats. "A WEAPON!"

Okay, so. That... That /really/ didn't pan out how Shenwoo was intending it to. He was supposed to hit Haggar, and it would be all cool and stuff. Actually, the self-styled 'God of Battle' isn't even sure /what/ happened there, just that he ended up getting hit with Ralf, and smashing into the side of the ruins behind them, which knocked his head around something fierce. So for the moment, he's going to leave Haggar and Ralf alone - hopefully they'll keep each other busy for a few seconds, long enough for the world to stop spinning. Ow, man. Haggar doesn't joke around.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo takes a breather.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0             Ralf
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Ralf successfully hits Haggar with Gatling Attack.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0             Ralf
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/--=====|

Haggar goes ahead and lets the first punch hit him, settling into a stance ready to snap up the other hand when it comes - thing is, the first punch rocked him a bit harder than he anticipated, causing him to take a step off balance, right into the second punch. This, thusly, totters him into the path of the joined efforts of Ralf's fisty bits. Ponytail whipping around in an awesome dramatic fashion, Haggar thusly takes all three hits on his nicely trimmed, though still odd-looking beard. He stumbles a few steps to the side, dropping into a kneel and wiping his left knuckle across his mouth. He jerks his thumb at the berserker in repose over yonder. "Hey, man, it was his idea." No blood on the knuckle - good, good. He grunts as he comes back to his feet, looking more like his old self and less like a sullen Mayor depressed over the apparent death of his best friend. In a moment, though, all Ralf will see is incoming foot, as he pushes off from a standing position, and slams both feet at the Ikari's chest.

COMBATSYS: Ralf endures Haggar's Drop Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Shenwoo          1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0             Ralf
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/=======|

Shenwoo's idea? ... Shenwoo's idea.. Yeah. Yeah, that ricing bastard, it WAS all his idea. Still, he doesn't feel too bad for roughing the old mayor up a bit; he DID still throw him, after all. "That's--" Ah, but Jones doesn't really get much time to add anything more to the retort, and honestly? Uh..he didn't really have anything. BUT WHO CARES! This is a fight among men, there's no room for sense! That's why, when he sees Haggar's bigass feet coming up to play pattycake with his face? He doesn't guard it, oh no. What he does is turn.
Already, his right fist is tightened, pulled low. The abrupt impact to his upper back is a bit rougher than he would have figured, and he half-wishes he'd worn his flak jacket for protection today, but HEY. NO ROOM FOR REGRETS! So off Ralf's body goes, screaming toward Shenwoo like a shot. His fist is already swinging out, and yes...Ralf IS a weapon again. He's some big, meaty mortar, and his explosive fist is careening right for the man that FIRST had the bright idea of throwing him around! DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE!

COMBATSYS: Ralf successfully hits Shenwoo with Springing Dive Bomb Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shenwoo          1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1             Ralf
[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/=======|

Shenwoo was just getting up, you know. Just getting to his feet, and still looking a little woozy, when he sees... Ralf careening right towards him. That's probably not a good thing. But he stands his ground! He tries to stand his ground, anyway; it doesn't really work out that way, as he gets blasted by that explosive fist and knocked back into the wall again! Man, this isn't the kid's fight, is it? He's getting slapped around all over the place, here. But he's not about to give up, instead grinning broadly at Ralf, dark eyes focused. And then he takes a single step forward... And vanishes. Oh, he doesn't stay out of sight for long, as he reappears as a flickering, blurry form rocketing straight towards Jones with his beringed left fist thrown forward, a shockwave of energy surrounding him, enveloping him, riding on that extended fist as he tries to hit the Ikari Warrior right in the mush, with a whole helluva lot of speed. "SHYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Hi, Ralf!

Haggar lands on his side, quickly planting his hand and rolling back to his feet. He's off in an instant, dashing up behind Ralf as Shenwoo attacks, trying to bring his arms around and wrap up his head. After Shenwoo's move is done, hit or no, Haggar tries to pull up on Ralf, lifting him up off the ground, over him, and deposited hard on the stone behind him. But he wouldn't done there - and this is all hypothetical, but afterwards Haggar will pick Ralf up again, somersault forward in the air, and end in a powerbomb. THEN, after that, the Mayor would very much like to leap up into the air, and come back down in the staple of the Big Man attacks - a splash.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Ralf with Zetsu Gekiken.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1             Ralf
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Haggar successfully hits Ralf with Market Economy Buster.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/----===|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2             Ralf
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           1/------=/=======|

Now THIS is a fincer attack. This is BEAUTIFUL. This is PAIN. The audience members, at least those not currently swatting mosquitos, just HAVE to wince at the display of Ralf being crushed like little more than a tin can between two trucks ramming against one another at something just under the SPEED OF LIGHT. Shenwoo disappears, something Jones really never gets to see. His arms raise up to block an attack that never comes, at least not from the direction he was expecting. The man's strike hits home long after Ralf has figured it safe to drop his guard and search. Silly him. His head snaps back, clenched teeth being the reason his teeth don't fly right out right then and there. They're loose now, yeah, and he's gonna have to get that looked at.. Maybe get some new ones. Like, TITANIUM. Teetering back, his arms flailing and just about to cover his face that's already leaking crimson trails, he's completely helpless against Haggar's manly hug. The Ikari is just really looking bad, being thrown like some rag doll this entire fight. Is he not MEATY enough to hang with the others?! At least, after being slammed down, he figures he has a brief respite. Oh, how wrong he is. His eyes flutter open just in time to see Haggar's shadow expanding before he crashes down on him, breaking the stone beneath and running him half a foot underground. The power of Huge is mighty, indeed.
So there Ralf is, buried alive! Is he getting up! Haggar can feel a little movement under him. Not much. A little shift of a hand, nothing serious...but if he doesn't move, he'll have to deal with Ralf quite literally exploding out of his premature grave, his right fist slamming upward in a vicious uppercut that sends dirt and stone chunks flying high into the air above him. Mayors would probably fly just as easily.

Battered and bruised, Shenwoo staggers back after Ralf just gets totally /beat down/ by that combination. And pretty much an unintentional combination, too! But it was impressive anyway. "Heh," chuckles the self-styled 'God of Battle', rubbing the back of one gloved hand over his mouth, stooping to rest his other hand on his leg. But then, wow, lookit Ralf go! Shenwoo waits to see just what's going to happen there, before running in to try and get his own hit on the beefy mayor, raising his leg and lashing out in a straight-legged kick, trying to drive his heel somewhere good and painful. Okay, so it's not quite as bad-ass as Ralf's attack... Or Shenwoo's attack on Ralf... But he's trying, here!

COMBATSYS: Haggar blocks Ralf's Galactica Phantom EX.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0             Ralf
[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: Haggar blocks Shenwoo's Tenrenshou.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Ralf
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           1/----===/=======|

Haggar doesn't actually move from his position on top of Ralf, even when he feels the Ikari moving under him. When you type it like that, it really looks downright untoward, but hey, whatever. Then Ralf punches, and Haggar just barely manages to curl up and take the blow someplace extra meaty. It's in this curled position that Shenwoo's foot finds him, so he's been launched up into the air from the uppercut, and then booted to the side. No longer in control of where he goes, the Mayor soars up and over to the side, vanishing into the jungle with a loud rustling of broad leaves. Goodbye baseball!

COMBATSYS: Haggar takes no action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Ralf
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           1/----===/=======|

Good god, Haggar seems to have meat EVERYWHERE. While nowhere near as impressive as he'd have liked, at least the good old Phantom gets the mayor off of Jones. Untoward, indeed.. Pff. Crawling from his hole in the ground, he once more puts his hand to his mouth, pulling it away to look at just how much blood there is. Christ. With his tongue prodding his cheek enough to bulge it out noticably, he looks down to where Haggar tumbled. Well, at least he's out of the way, now, but the Ikari's still hurting pretty badly. He's woozy, even. He-- Wait. Wait, wait. Down at the edge of the foliage, is that..? Did something slither? He thinks he saw something slither.
"OI!" He turns to Shenwoo, already reaching out to try and grip the back of his shirt. "You hit it out, you gotta find it!" And if he can get that grip, it's little more than hefting Shenwoo up and chucking him down that grass and rock slope toward hard trees and rough underbrush. C'mon! Be brave!

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo dodges Ralf's Strong Throw.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Ralf
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           1/----===/=======|

Hey! HEY!! NOT THE SHIRT, YOU SWEATY NEADERTHAL! Shenwoo feels Ralf trying to grab the back of his silk shirt, but wrenches away from the other man's grip, pretty deftly. "Sorry, think I'm gonna stay right here," Shen says with a grin, twisting around to put his hands on Ralf's shoulders... What are you planning to do there, Shenwoo? Actually, the brawler rears back, and then attempts to smash his skull /really hard/ against Ralf's. "RRRAAAAAAGH!" Yeah, that's the stuff.

Aside from that brief rustle, there was no sign of Mayor Haggar after he had gone flying into the jungle. The fight went on, the world turned, somewhere a baby leapt from his crib and landed and created a crater while going "oooowhoooooh" because he's a future ratio 5 fighter, and basically what I'm saying is that now there /is/ some motion. First there's a loud hiss, then a grunt, then that weird noise you always hear when a snake is striking. Then an exultant "Ha!" If a snake could hiss "Oh sh--" it would at this moment. The jungle rustles once more, but only for a moment before Haggar comes exploding back out, a few cuts and scrapes from his arboreal adventure. That's not particularly interesting - what is interesting is when it is realized that he is, in fact, spinning, and that he is holding a terrified snake just behind the head. The rest of the snake whips around in a glorious circle./r"Hooowah!" The wrestler's approach is an odd one, now that he has the snake and is spinning. He kind of walks in a series of circles, approaching the fighters. The snake hisses, because this is a very new and interesting sensation and he doesn't much like it. The body of the snake heads right for Ralf - wouldn't it be something if Ralf were to, say, become wrapped up by the snake, probably desperate for something to hang on to, and be picked up right along with it? I think it'd be a hoot, especially if Haggar then released the snake, sending the whole bundle flying in some crazy direction.

Aside from that brief rustle, there was no sign of Mayor Haggar after he had gone flying into the jungle. The fight went on, the world turned, somewhere a baby leapt from his crib and landed and created a crater while going "oooowhoooooh" because he's a future ratio 5 fighter, and basically what I'm saying is that now there /is/ some motion. First there's a loud hiss, then a grunt, then that weird noise you always hear when a snake is striking. Then an exultant "Ha!" If a snake could hiss "Oh sh--" it would at this moment. The jungle rustles once more, but only for a moment before Haggar comes exploding back out, a few cuts and scrapes from his arboreal adventure. That's not particularly interesting - what is interesting is when it is realized that he is, in fact, spinning, and that he is holding a terrified snake just behind the head. The rest of the snake whips around in a glorious circle.
"Hooowah!" The wrestler's approach is an odd one, now that he has the snake and is spinning. He kind of walks in a series of circles, approaching the fighters. The snake hisses, because this is a very new and interesting sensation and he doesn't much like it. The body of the snake heads right for Ralf - wouldn't it be something if Ralf were to, say, become wrapped up by the snake, probably desperate for something to hang on to, and be picked up right along with it? I think it'd be a hoot, especially if Haggar then released the snake, sending the whole bundle flying in some crazy direction.

COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Shenwoo's Strong Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Ralf
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ralf endures Haggar's Giant Swing.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1             Ralf
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Haggar           0/-------/-------|

"RAAAAARGH, you crapped yourself or something, the hell's all that yelling for?!" Jones apparently proves quick enough to duck out of Shenwoo's grasp just as he did his own earlier, a hand lifting to swat the incoming arm away. Actually, his hand closes down around the arm, his other lifted up to pop the guy good in the face, just something to return the favor from earlier. Then, he hears it. You hear that?
Ralf hears that. His attempt to punchinate Shen is stopped short, head turning to see Haggar busting out of the foliage, weilding a GOD DAMN SNAKE in a manner that isn't at all healthy. Shen should be able to feel his grip tightening, knuckles turning white, but not so hard that he can't get away after a tug or two. Jones is frozen, an absolutely horrified look on his face. He mentally chides his body to move, but those are pushed aside by horrible flashbacks. His younger years as a merc. A forest, out in the middle of nowhere. Bathroom break. Relief. Pain. Pain, in the form of fangs sunking right into the end of his little soldier. By the time there's any reaction out of the Ikari, the snake has already wrapped around him, and he's slung about, tossed up against the wall with a horrible crash.
And then, there's that hissing again. Yelling out a shriek (but a MANLY shriek. No, seriously. C'mon, honest,) he jumps to his feet, arms raising. The snake, temporarily given the gift of flight, flails about in the air, coming to land on Haggar once again, like some....meaty boomerang. "SHIT! IT'S ON YOU!!" Ralf points right at the thing, and reacting to his nonsensical fear, he rushes in blindly, not even stopping so he can keep from plowing into Haggar. His fists swing about in wild punches, obviously trying to smash the snake, but if Haggar's body is in the way? Oh well!

COMBATSYS: Ralf can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0           Haggar

Yelling and roaring and stuff is sort of what Shenwoo does! It's all a part of his fighting style. Psychological warfare, man. Psychological warfare. Anyway, so, Shen doesn't end up headbutting Ralf - that's a little discouraging. But then Haggar comes out of /freaking nowhere/, man, and totally destroys Ralf. That's scary enough, you know? With Ralf going after Haggar in turn, the brawler from Shanghai has at least a /little/ breathing room, but once Ralf is dealt with... /However/ Ralf is dealt with... It's just hum and Mister Mayor, in all likelihood. So what does the tall young man with the anger management issues and the possibly a little crazy love of fighting do? He goes right after Haggar, feinting with a bit left hook and then aiming a faster punch for reals, at Iron Mike's jaw. Shen might need to come up with a strategy, here. In which case? He's totally, totally boned.

COMBATSYS: Ralf successfully hits Haggar with Umanori Vulcan Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Haggar

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo successfully hits Haggar with Quick Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0           Haggar

And after Ralf thinks the snake finally had enough, his body goes through the natural reaction for phobics: he passes out. Just right there, after the last hit, just starts tumbling down the large hill, and into the muddy water!

PunchpunchpunchpunchPUNCHPUNCHPUNCHPUNCHpunchpunchPFAUGH! The Mayor, panting with the effort of his successful snake-wrangling, just doesn't have anything left to avoid getting tenderized heavily by both Ralf and Shenwoo. He's sent bouncing away across the ruins, smashing into a bas-relief and turning it into some pun on the word bas-relief involving it being crushed. His nose is partially smashed, his previously superficial cuts from the jungle have opened a bit more, and now there's a line of blood from his temple, but he's not quite down yet! Haggar pushes back to his feet, and half-charges, half-stumbles toward Shenwoo. God, but he loves this now - just thinking about the fight, acting on instincts, not having to think about Cody. He suddenly steps to the side an instant before running into the blonde berserker, bringing two meaty arms up, braced together, and around into his chest and head region.

COMBATSYS: Shenwoo interrupts Double Lariat from Haggar with Tenrenshou.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Shenwoo          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1           Haggar

And that's the most important part of fighting, isn't it? The love of it. The joy of pitting your strength against another person, and seeing what happens. From the broad, feral grin on Shenwoo's face, and the light in his dark eyes, the lean young man is certainly embracing the joy of the battle. Win or lose... It's all good so long as he has fun. When Haggar starts his stumbling charge, the younger fighter beckons him onwards, not looking too good himself; he's battered and bruised, though most of his earlier injuries in the fight have visibly recovered, somehow. Freak. Then here come those meaty arms of Haggar, which Shen ducks back from, but not entirely... Just enough to give him room. He's struck by Haggar's arms, which hurts all right, but he had the time and the room to strike /at the same moment/ as he was struck, his leg lashing out in a harsh, thrusting kick at Haggar's midsection to throw both men away from each other. This kid? Is pretty much completely reckless.

Haggar exhales hard as Shenwoo hits him, and he topples back. After the beating he's taken, he really should be down, and he certainly shouldn't be doing what he's doing upon recovery. The Mayor of Metro City slowly pushes himself back to his feet, and then launches up into the air. "Hrrrrauugh!" There's a blue flare of some kind as he clenches both fists together over his head, then hurtles forward unnaturally at Shenwoo's body, ponytail flapping wildly and generally looking pretty damn bad, especially coupled with the beard. I mean, come on, does he actually think this looks good? The point is, whether or not Haggar hits Shenwoo on the way past, he promptly impacts the ground with the tremendous axehandle strike, sending a shockwave and doing a bit of damage to the ruin, further ruining it. WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT?!

COMBATSYS: Haggar can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Shenwoo          0/-------/---====|

Haggar will fall over.

COMBATSYS: Haggar successfully hits Shenwoo with Violent Axe.

[                            \\  <
Shenwoo          1/------=/=======|

Wow, look at how slow that attack is? Surely, Shenwoo has plenty of time to get out of the way! But no, it seems that luck just isn't with the brawler from Shanghai today, or maybe he got overconfident... Or maybe he's slowed down from all the damage that's been dealt to his person, and all the energy he's expended dealing harm to others. But, bam. Haggar hits, and the shockwave hits, and there doesn't seem to be anything else Shen can do about it, as he falls to his knees. "Tch... Ha ha ha ha..." the young man laughs. "That was fun." And then he falls flat on his face. Goodnight, everybody!

And everyone is unconcious. Truly, a successful Battle of the Beef!

Log created by Shenwoo, and last modified on 12:53:40 12/12/2005.