Medal Tournament - Alma vs Xiangfei

Description: Alma, brimming with high-spirits and unusual confidence, challenges pseudo-fiance and girl of his dreams Xiangfei to their first official -- and fourth overall -- match: *but*, as usual, Alma's body and pride get heavily bruised in equal measure, and he gets nowhere. Once again, the poor boy's emotional world, as it were, is turned upside-down... while the physical world just starts to get very fuzzy and indistinct. Additional commentary provided by a talking fish. (Winner: Xiangfei)

Alma Towazu has had an incredible day. He actually got Jiro to dress up in metro clothes like Mimiru promised. He actually one the Free-For-All, and took that Vyle character down a notch or two. And best of all: he *fought Benimaru*, and *didn't die*. Oh, he holds no illusions as how powerful he is in comparison to Benimaru. But still, even when you're a kid Zen master and eternal satisfied etcetera etcetera, that sort of thing makes one's day. Not to mention all of this, *all of this*, was caught on camera. Alma would've never known it before this year, but he really has become a born performer, in the purest sense.
So, with his spirits high and singing the joyous song of the victorious defender of truth and justice and love, Alma Towazu, youthful fighting psychic prettyboy extraordinaire, walks slowly through Chinatown, looking around himself avidly. He's not usually so active in looking around, but this is a special occasion...
Perhaps it's unlikely he'll find her just wandering around, but, well, Alma is very methodical in his searching -- he's been travelling through Chinatown and sweeping through in a grid-like fashion -- and, I mean, it's Chinatown. She's bound to be here somewhere.
And when he finds her...
~ Li Xiangfei... you will be mine! ~
Mental pause.
~ Your... your medal. Your medal will be mine. ~
Mental pause.
~ Unless I can conceivably have both. ~

Xiangfei is hanging around Southtown. Because that's what she enjoys doing, just hanging out in Chinatown! Though she's doing something a little out-of-the-ordinary this rather chilly afternoon. Dressed in her more traditional chinese ensamble plus denim coat, she stands on a cleared out sidewalk, pounding away at a wooden practice dummy, her arms and hands striking it in various spots at a speed- Expected for a master of kung-fu. She seems to be a little out of it actually, distracted by her current 'goal'.
There's no immediete pouncing today, Alma! Oh, and her medal is pinned to the hip of her pants.

Aha! Alma's unbeatable psychic abilities have found his quarry! More than satisfied with his success even without any pouncing, Alma approaches quietly and leans against a wall to watch the young woman practice, smiling a little despite himself. He's still dressed just as he was during his last fight: tan cargo pants, tan soft shoes, white dress shirt (partially unbuttoned again; what can I say, it just seems to happen), and a second piece of jewelry besides the stud in his ear, a thin and simple silver link necklace. The young would-be bishonen settles in for a moment, content to merely watch the older girl 'in the zone'.
What happened, Alma? When you first met her, you didn't even think she was that good-looking. You needed to get drunk before you started thinking any differently. But then she started making boxed lunches, and you couldn't help appreciating her incredible fighting spirit, and she just started to seem cuter and cuter-- was Vanessa right when she accused him of being attracted to men? Er, uh, not about the being attracted to men part. About how she wouldn't put it past him because he seemed the type to be attracted to people's spirits rather than their looks. How did she put it? 'You're too *you* not to...' Heh, maybe that's the best way to describe it.
But then again, maybe he's not so unique. After all, Xiangfei only started to like him after *he* revealed *his* fighting spirit in the unforgettable 'Forget About Feilong!' speech...
Oh, well. Who can explain the hearts of teenage boys.
Alma's eyes travel to the medal on Xiangfei's hip and his gaze remains there for a few moments before it occurs to him staring there might be a bit disrespectful, at which point he calmly draws a medal out of his pocket, and flips it into the air with his thumb. There's a loud *ting* sound.
"Xiangfei," he says in greeting, smiling mildly, eyes half-shaded in that mysterious look wielded by bishonens everywhere. It's unconscious, really. Then: "Not bad," commenting on her fighting ability... or *is he*!?

Xiangfei chops strike this way and that, coming to a sudden halt not to the call of her name, but rather to the sound of a medal getting flicked, "Huh?" Xiangfei straightens, then smiles brightly to Alma, "Oh! Heya, Darling!" she pipes, brushing off her forehead with her jacket sleeve, "You mean my chops? Haha! Yeah, I was thinking that if Chun-Li was going to have the strongest kick, I would have the strongest punch! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Alma sweatdrops.
"Ha ha ha," he chuckles bemusedly, sweatdropping and reaching up to scratch the back of his head for a moment, before blinking and reasserting himself, stepping away from the wall. Remember what you came here for, Alma! "Speaking of strongest punches..." He reaches up, without looking, and catches the medal as it comes down, then extending his hand to Xiangfei so the medal flashes in the sun.
He grins.
"...why don't you practice your chops against me? Maybe I'll be more of a challenge than that wooden dummy."
~ Maybe.
But hey, maybe fourth time's the charm... I want to win her respect! ~

COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-------|

".. Mmn?" Xiangfei was cut off in the middle of her boisterous laugh! But it's forgivable since Alma's come up with an excellent alternative. The Heavenly Hip-Hop Honey grins to the model, and gives a small nod of her head, "So that's how it is, is it?" she asks with a cheerful grin, and gives Alma a thumbs up, "Well that's fine with me, tell you what, if you win this match, not only do you get my medal, but I'll break the engagement as well! That should be insentive to give it your all; but I'm warning you," she reaches up to adjust the bells in her hair, "It won't be easy. I'm meeting Chun-Li in the finals," and her cheeks redden, her eyes lightning up and squealing to the very thought, "Oooh, I can't wait! Ok, lets go!" she throws a couple of jab punches, then motions Alma to come at her, "Ladies first!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0         Xiangfei

Alma has done, as he so often manages to do in Xiangfei's presence, a complete and utter emotional about-face.
"I... wait... uh..." Break the engagement? But that's not... well, it is... but he's not... and what's all this about this Chun-Li woman? He's heard that name somewhere before, or maybe just read it somewhere... er...
...'ladies first'!?
Multiple emotions flicker behind Alma's eyes before he finally settles, as he so often does, on righteous indignation. "Huh! Don't dismiss me so easily," the younger man retorts. "I'll make sure you won't even *see* the finals." As if he cares. He's not here to win. But... how can Xiangfei be so cruel!?
"Haaah!" Skipping forward in a graceful lunge, Alma suddenly hurls himself into the air, and aims a quick hooking flying kick at Xiangfei, apparently suddenly eager to get in there and prove himself. The folly of youth, perhaps...

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0         Xiangfei

Devine punishment?? Oh the cruelty of fate! Xiangfei does look a little distant though, as if despite the challenge she's not paying full attention to the fight.
That changes quickly though, when the flying kick hits dead on despite Xiang attempting a last-minute evasion, "Nngh!!" the blow is hard enough to take her off her feet and send her crashing onto the sidewalk, tumbling a bit, "... O.. Ow.. Uh, I'm sorry, did you say something?" Xiang asks with a weak smile, getting to her feet, "Well no matter, in battle, it's the fists that do the talking! HAAAAA!!" she holds her hands out in front of her, and her golden pillar of chi kicks up and roars about her form. Go Xiangfei Go!

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0         Xiangfei

Alma clenches his fists and glowers at Xiangfei with mounting frustration. You'd think this would mess up his flow, but for whatever reason -- maybe simply because he's just being so open with his emotions -- his Psycho Power is starting to gather around him all the same. Now she's not even listening to him! What is this, huh!? What does a sparkly teenage prettyboy have to do to get some respect around here!?
"Uuuryaah!" With a shout of effort, Alma twists and aims a fierce roundhouse... at the wooden training dummy, sending it flying into the air and at the charging Xiangfei.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Alma's Large Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0         Xiangfei

Xiangfei.. Is a little starry-eyed woman in love! Well, ok, perhaps not love, but Alma could never understand the happiness and determination flowing through her veins right now. It.. Is a good day to be Li Xiangfei!
When the dummy comes flying at her, she gasps, holding out her hands to catch it with an 'oof!' and then sits it aside safely, "Darling!" she cries in a scolding tone, "Be more careful!" she slips a hand into her pocket and whips out a yen coin, and with a flick of her wrist it's whipped at the model, looking to bean him right between the eyes, "What's the matter with you!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Alma with Thrown Object.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

Good question. What *is* the matter with him?
Alma takes a moment to ponder this, and as a consequence, gets beaned between the eyes with a fiercely flicked yen coin, his head actually snapping back slightly from the channelled force, though it doesn't look to have had much effect. Huh, that's what comes from respectfully listening to what people have to say and thinking about it. Still, he's lost his momentum anyway, so he might as well think about it some more. He does so, for a couple more seconds.
Then he narrows his eyes.
"I'm pissed off!" he declares.
And Psycho Power flares around him, glimmering in his determined eyes.

COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

"... You're angry? But.. I uh.. I thought you -wanted- me to fight you," Xiangfei stands up straight and scratches her head, little question marks forming over her head, "And you were smiling just a momen- Oh.. Oh!!" she bops a fist into her open palm, and then rushes forward, grinning as she claps her hands and releases a blast of light blue chi at Alma, looking to knock him right out of his groove, "Come on, darling, I was just kidding about the 'ladies first' crack! Come on now!"

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Xiangfei's Nanpa.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1         Xiangfei

~ She... ~
Alma's eyes widen slightly as Xiangfei attacks.
~ She doesn't understand my feelings at all!! ~
"Aahhh!" Almost dismissive in his frustration, Alma slams his palm out, actually causing the attack to fizzle by directing the sheer raw force of his aura directly at the point of contact -- though of course, it burns his brain pretty bad doing that. Not that he really notices. "I... you... rrrrr!"
~ I thought women were supposed to be sensitive to emotions like these! ~
Unable to say anything he won't regret saying -- or anything that won't make him look like a big wuss -- he just channels his fury into an energy attack of his own, sweeping his hand out and emitting a gout of flame to push Xiangfei back and away.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei overcomes Sacred Wave from Alma with Nanpa.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei.. Isn't exactly in the right frame of mind today.. So when her mind is on the fight today, it's solely on the fight! .. Sort of. Xiangfei still has that healthy glow about her however, grinning as the sacred wave comes flying her way, "Mmnn, I dunno, darling, when you fight with agitation, it seems to take a bit away from your style," she notes aloud, and with another clap of her hand she throws her right palm out, "HAH!" a short bursts this time takes out the psychic power, and then her opposite palm thrusts out, releasing another short burst of chi, "HAAI!"

COMBATSYS: Alma overcomes Nanpa from Xiangfei with Two Heavens Harmony.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1         Xiangfei

Alma goes blank at Xiangfei's comment.
Exhaling quietly, Alma lowers his head a moment, even as the attack comes toward him, and when he looks up, his eyes are calm... but his smile is oddly slight, in a mysterious, almost dangerous way. If before his agitation made him act younger than his age, now he suddenly seems to look older.
He raises a single hand, and just as Xiangfei is about to hit, it begins to glow, the light reflecting in Alma's own eyes. "You think my style is suffering? I... disagree."
And lashing forward with his hand, Alma emits a piercing beam of sacred light that tears through Xiangfei's own attack, exploding it from the inside, and continues on to attempt to blast Xiangfei herself...

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Two Heavens Harmony.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei mmns, her lips twisting up a bit and she'll decide if his style is suffering or not! The legendary Heavens Harmony blasts her way, her eyes widening a bit in suprise, "Oh snap!" The chinese fighter throws her hands forward, to try and catch it, and the slightest slip up shows it pays quite a price.. .....
... Uh. Sort of. That didn't hurt as much as it usualy does, "...." she looks to her chest, patting a couple of times at her singed top and looks to Alma with a raised brow, "..... Oh really," and then the girl rushes in, hopping just a little as she twirls around and attempts to strike Alma across the chest- The combination followed up with a palm strike to the same area, "Do you still disagree?"

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Xiangfei's Quick Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Alma has the good grace to look slightly embarrassed at the ineffectiveness of his usually powerful attack... and that snaps him back into his normal self. Feeling a bit better now after that release, he unthinkingly sways back, actually able to evade Xiangfei's punches. "Maybe not," he admits, eyebrows tilted away from each other in a mildly sheepish expression as he smiles a bit lopsidedly. "I just thought I'd... try different tactics this time around. Maybe if I let myself get frustrated, I'd... fight harder."
Right foot igniting even as he speaks, he kicks out a few times in two blurringly quick feints. "Because I know I can beat you!" he says fiercely, eyes starting to burn with his more usual, more honest and pure form of self-inspiration, as he leaps into the air and swings around in a fierce roundhouse kick to the side of Xiangfei's head, his whole body trailing white-pink flame as he twists with acrobatic grace.
"And then--!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Alma's Engeki Shooter EX.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Alma             0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei blinks... Blinks.. Not because of Alma nimble evasion, but she nods her head in understanding with a little blush of her own, "Oh! I'm sorry, I should have realized!" she cries, "I was just so lost in thought, it's definatly good to try new things, but, it just doesn't seem like 'you', you know?" Xiangfei crouches gracefully, her arms held out like airplane wiangs, "But there's just one problem, darling," her voice almost seems to drop an octive there, "... You'll never defeat me. You're destined to be mine forever." and that said she backflips and then twirls around, this time looking to strike with a quick knee to Almas side. And should that hit, it's followed up by to quick palm-strikes, almost sumo style, "Hai! Haha!"

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Xiangfei's Light Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Alma             0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1         Xiangfei

Even though Alma completely botches his attack, when he settles back to the ground, he actually looks to be in a much better mood than before. "Yeah, you're right, it's not really me, is it?" He smiles, looking genuinely pleased at having come to this conclusion -- and then pauses to listen to her final comment.
He stops smiling.
He starts *grinning*.
"Is that so?" he says, trying to retort but just sounding even more cheerful than before. "You seem so certain--" And then he parries her attacks, in quick, calm, graceful succession. "But perhaps--"
Inspired back into bishonen-mode, Alma's eyes narrow, and gleam darkly as he smiles.
"--I'll make you mine instead."
And then he's lunging, twisting into a series of blurring punches and kicks, his image shifting as he moves so that he even seems to sometimes attack at two places at once. There are no flames...
...the flames burn within.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei interrupts Autumn Rain from Alma with Chou Pai-Long.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Alma             1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0         Xiangfei

... Bishy Alma! Eeeeeeeeeee!!! And such a clever, heart-throbbing line!
But in Xiangfeis current state of mind, it.. Just isn't nearly as effective as it would be in the past, it doesn't get much more than a smirk from the chinese girl actually, "Oh yeah?" she asks, and times the strike just right, when the fist hits her side her palm strikes his chest with suprising force, "HAH!" and the kung-fu combination shifts into a double-palm strike to follow and make him stagger, "HAI!" and finally she twirls around and with a little rush, drives her shoulder into the targeted area, "KYAH!"

The flames burn within, but the pain burns all over his body. Ow...
Still, Alma Towazu will not be denied, and he still manages to use the momentum from Xiangfei's powerful attack to roll to his feet, looking battered but still resolute. There is no response, this time; he's too focused. He's going to win this! He's going to earn her respect, with more than clever bishie lines!
And it is with this in mind that he lunges forward with a quick series of low kicks, aiming to pummel Xiangfei's legs out from under her and floor her.

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Xiangfei with Light Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Alma             1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0         Xiangfei

.. But the clever bishie lines are so cute! Well anyway, Xiangfei just seems.. TO be against fate in dealing with the kick connects all right, and with a light squeak, Xiangs legs kick upward and she falls onto her back with a grunt. Onto her feet once more though, she backflips and holds her hands out in front of her, giving another roar as her chi up and roars about her form again!

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei gathers her will.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Alma             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1         Xiangfei

And Alma keeps up the pressure! Lunging forward, giving her as little time to gather her strength as possible, Alma shouts his defiance -- "Ha!" -- and rears back, thrusting out with a fierce forward kick. It's not particularly quick, but if Xiangfei's still distracted, it may knock her off her feet again.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Alma's Heavy Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Alma             1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1         Xiangfei

And this time Xiangfei is ready, the kick flies her way and with a quick crouch the dragon dies off and the kick is blocked, making her slippers scruff a bit, "Erg!" well, that should stop his momentum for now, and Xiangfei reaches forward to grab Alma by the nose. Should that connect, she stands up and starts making the boy nod his head yes or shake his head no, "Wa-a-a-a-a-a-" and then finally strikes him once more in the gut with her palm, "WATAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Xiangfei's Esaka.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1         Xiangfei

Well, now. Alma has been leaving himself more vulnerable than usual this fight -- probably because, hidden behind the true spirit that swelled up within him after his many victories today, his youthful ego began to inflate as well, unbeknownst to him, and Xiangfei has been hurting pride that was before more subtle -- but even so, he's not so vulnerable to let someone reach out to his face. Oh no. That's my *nose*, baby. You can't just go around touching my nose. Not until we get to know each other better, know what I'm sayin?
Thus, inspired by subconscious and ingrained concern for his own beauty, Alma is able to lurch back and chop the nose-grab aside, thus giving him enough time to parry the follow-up palm strike and avoiding the majority of the attack. Okay, so maybe "letting himself" get frustrated wasn't the best plan overall, but perhaps there's also something to be said for variant tactics. As such... Alma lunges, and seems to go for a palm strike to Xiangfei's face...
...and then alters course by continues to rush forward, wrapping his arms around Xiangfei, grappling her by lifting her high off the ground -- it helps being a foot taller -- and *squeezing*. "Hrmph!" If he can manage it, he'll follow up with a knee to her stomach to knock her out of his grapple before she can retaliate.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Alma's Quick Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|=======\===----\1         Xiangfei

Well the tactice wasn't a -complete- failure, certainly not in Xiangfeis eyes, but it seemed to have let the fight get a little more 'even' than their past battles. .. Though then again, didn't it always seem a little even?
Xiangfeis own mode of thought was shifting mid-fight though, her expression growing more serious as Alma reaches for her- "Uh uh! Look, no touchie!" she cries, arms raised as she twirls and circles about the model, and strikes at his side, with a double-palm strike, "HYAH!"

While the people around the fight are cheering, and being Chinese well, it's pretty obvious who they are cheering for. That is, whomever can stop Xiangfei, the menace of southtown from eating all of their food. One such fish vendor is doing just that, in Chinese, when his son pulls up in their truck from fishing. They discuss for a moment while watching the match idly about this strange fish. Apparently the sun believes he caught the Lockeness monster, only not in the lake of.. well whatever. He opens the back and dumps out a crazy red fish with a floppy pointed hat, a pair of stylin' shades, a long spine that looks like a broom on a metallic looking body, vaguely similar looking like a Vespa scooter. Apparently this fish, spotted with a snorkel caught around it's head, was in the deep waters off the shores of sound beach. Nearby, and part of the yield of would be fish, was a bunny in a life jacket and a mini bunny sized inner tube. Meanwhile all the fish that had come back with the strange fish has had been eaten. This is something the pair puzzle over while looking at the fish. Strangely bloated fish. As though it had just.. well had a lot of sushi. Just then the fish hears the sound of a fight, flops over toward the edge of the spectators and cheers.

"Bloob bloob bloob," Which in Fisheniese means, 'Holy-snip-snappity snap snap! Take him Xiangfei!"

Somewhere under all that seaweed there was bound to be a witch.

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Alma with Quick Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Alma             1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1         Xiangfei

Ohh, well, Alma's just not practiced enough at grappling -- he overextends himself in the attempt to get a grip on Xiangfei (perhaps he was a little overenthusiastic at the prospect?), and loses his balance for long enough to prevent him from avoiding Xiangfei's palm strike. His body jerks at the impact and he's sent staggering away, his entire side burning and then growing numb.
Yet his head feels clear, all the same. Something about fighting Xiangfei...
After he rights himself, he looks over his shoulder rather than turn, and his expression remains calm as ever -- until a slight smile grows, causing his heavy-lidded eyes to sparkle. "No touching?" Alma says, placing just the mildest hint of disappointment in those words. "We're engaged, aren't we? Surely we--"
Without warning, he hurls himself at Xiangfei, and jabs a finger out at her forehead. Under normal circumstances, attacking her forehead would not be a good plan; but this kind of attack might be effective all the same, considering. He attempts to unleash all of his gathered power directly, invisibly, into Xiangfei's brain in a single convulsive blast.
"--can work this out."

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei blocks Alma's The One Strike.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|=======\=====--\1         Xiangfei

Xiangfei breaks her serious expression for a moment, and winks to the model, as a response to her 'no touching' query. Though given the circumstances, she wasn't intending on any freebies today, in the past she could afford to lose to him anytime! This was the one case where it just simply wasn't acceptable.
She doesn't react negativly when Alma touches her forehead, though her reaction is instinctive, no raising her arms to block or evasion, she just uses her -will- to handle this attack, which while it seems effective.. Doesn't exactly leave the attack painless either, she staggering back a little, and shakes her head, "What, were you trying to hypnotise me?" she asks with a little laugh, and then she done did it again, Chou Pailong in the house as she breaks out with her three slam combination again, and.. Wondering if she just heard a fish talk as she lashes with her elbow, at his chest, double-palms rushing forward afterward and this time finishes it off with a reverse kick, "HYAH!"

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei successfully hits Alma with Chou Pai-Long.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0         Xiangfei

"Blopp looop llooomm muuufffmmmomm mmmmm mmujmm *crunch crunch, chew chew, swallow, bite* muufmfmf mmmmmm mmhhhffff," Fishinese changing into eating with your mouth opened. The fish has a long tentacle that looks just like an arm, reaches up, wraps around a elephant ear. Why the hell is someone selling these in Chinatown? Well so the Nae-Fish can steal it. Oh but the universal translator for those who don't know is screaming,

" No no no, you have to beat him with courage, gutsu and hunger! Ooooo hunger... and ice cream damnit!"

"Heh..." Alma, as usual, doesn't really look irritated or anything at the failure of his attack, even as he realizes it'll probably cost him the fight. With Zen resignation, he just looks bishie calm as he prepares to defend himself as best he can--
--and then Xiangfei makes his day.
When she winks at him, Alma feels his limbs turn to jello. However cool he may have looked before, it's all gone now, replaced with a rather foolish looking smile. "Ah hah... ah hah hah..." Hey, at this point, he'd hypnotize her if he could. Sounds like a plan. Starting to blush slightly despite himself, mental processes suddenly foggy, Alma shyly reaches up to scratch the back of his head--
--leaving himself *entirely* open.
"Unnh... hrk..."
Alma slumps and staggers, eyes dimming as he feels his body start to shut down on him. 'Hell no,' says Body, 'I'm tired of this chick kicking the crap out of me. We're going home.' Still, Alma's mounting fury sends the last of his energy surging through his body for one last attempt... and fists igniting, he hurls himself at Xiangfei, starting to jab furiously.

COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Xiangfei         0/-------/--=====|

COMBATSYS: Xiangfei dodges Alma's Sacred Rekka Revelation.

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Xiangfei         0/-------/--=====|

--but Body is apparently really pissed at Alma, and he just ain't fast enough. Come on, Body, you have to impress the girl! Come on! Come on! Come-- aww.
With a quiet sigh, the poor boy just slumps forward limply, finished.

Well it's cool that Naerose has about fifty percent of the Strongest! motto right, but she totally doesn't speak fishiese! Her tummy talks at the sight of fish but that's about it.
Now Alma, he goes and breaks it down with a flurry of jabs, and in turn Xiangfei expresses her own impressive kung-fu abilites, wrist-guarded wrists deflecting some, a few swaying dodges, and then the final blow stopped in a way it really shouldn't have, just her pointer and middle finger is extended with the last jab, and adds -just- enough pressure to make the impact practically useless by the time the 'catching' fingertips meet the tip of her nose, "Ooh," It would seem that her will was still raring to go!
The waitress of course doesn't let Alma fall, even if he wasn't really going to, instead she lounges forward to give the model a big hug, "Darling!" though with another shove attempts to knock him right the heck over and onto his back in a little pounce. Someone cut the cameras!

O.O <--- Fish eyes staring in shock and awe.

By the look on Alma's face, getting pounced onto the ground is *totally* worth getting the crap kicked out of him for it. He is forced to blink a few times, forehead wrinkling in a supreme effort to not pass out at this most crucial of junctures. "Darling," he says, woozily; most likely he doesn't know what he's saying and is just repeating what *she* said, but... you know, I think that's the first time Alma's said the word 'darling' before? The effect is only heightened by the sweet smile he manages, a bit weak and lopsided but perhaps worth all the more for that. Even smiling's hard after Li Xiangfei's done with you.
"Looks like you're... still stronger than me..." There's a modest honesty about him, here at the brink of unconsciousness. "I, ah... I hope you meet that Chun-Li woman... uh..."
~ Alma. ~
Feeling the last of his strength slip away, Alma's face relaxes, and he just stares up into Xiangfei's eyes, looking thoughtful, even serious, in a sort of tired but speculative way.
~ I'll... I'll do it!! ~
He makes a decision.
Focusing the last of his will, Alma reaches up to slip his arms around Xiangfei's waist, the last vestiges of his rational thought wondering at how small and slim she is, and how friggin hard she hits in comparison. Even as he feels himself slip away, sees everything go fuzzy, begins to lose focus, Alma's body trembles slightly, and then he somehow, incredibly, manages to curl up and lift his head off the ground. Eyes serious and calm, not betraying how poorly they see the world now, only able to guess at where his target is, he brings his face close to Xiangfei's... his eyes slowly close... his lips part... and... and...
...he bumps his lips against her forehead.
~ ...wait a second. That's.... nh... n...~
The last sound he makes before slumping back and passing out is a quietly frustrated sigh.

Xiangfei, is.. Uh. You know, short. and for the record this has NOTHING to do with her forehead being large, thank you very much! She actually looks suprised when the young model slips his arms around her, the chinese girl grinning as she kicks her legs lightly, and her cheeks flare up a bit in response to his 'cheer' of sorts.
She could just explode right then and there from the excitement, but thankfully she doesn't, as that would be kind of messy to clean up- But when her forehead is kissed she gets a bit of mixed feelings right there. Blink once, blink twice, and then she just shakes her head as he passes out, "... Oi, you fail at women."

"Blooopp bloop blop," A fish has arrived from the sidelines, flopping across the ground. The fish reaches out with it's mouth while the two are busy, unties one of Alma's shoes, then the other.. He's unconscious right? So he totally won't notice her stealing his shoes then flopping back toward the other part of her body with the metallic sides. Models probably wear nice shoes.. but then again effeminine in the closet gay ones wear sandals.

Xiangfei says, "..........." and totally doesn't say anything. She just stares in utter disbelief that Almas been robbed by a fish.

It would not be the strangest thing that's ever happened to Alma, believe me.
The fish stows the shoes under it's strange metal body's strange leather + seaweed seat. It's an ugly combination. The Fish sort of blubbers back the same way. It takes so slow for it to move, you know, flopping like that, that you could easily outwalk it with a Xiangfei hanging on each of your ankles. Meanwhile when the fish finally reaches Alma this time, it tries to reach into his pocket for his wallet before flopping back toward the scooter.

Xiangfei... Isn't.. Exactly so reasonable when it comes to Almas wallet though. Shoes are one thing, but that's someone elses money- That's POTENTIAL TIP MONEY about to be taken here, and so the reach is met as she sits up, now sitting on the models tummy and STOMPS her foot down, with a quirked brow, ".. Nuh uh," she says, waggling her finger, "Beat it!"

Bloob bloob blob, The fish wobbles toward the Vespa, tries to turn it on, it doesn't, and has to push it away. This is a very very slow get away.

Log created by Alma, and last modified on 18:46:20 11/15/2005.