Medal Tournament - Natsu vs Mimiru

Description: Natsu and Mimiru fight, in lieu of further sports training! (Winner: Natsu)

The Atmosphere is strangely quiet in the dome. Most of the sports teams have gone home for the day, but some few are getting in that last little bit before the sun goes down. It's a bit warmer in here then outside, and the artificial lightening means it's always a stark, cold, clean daytime under the dome, even as the sun sets outside.

Natsu wanders through the done area after her workout. A fine sheen of sweat is covering her legs and arms, and she has a towel draped around her neck. In addition, she wears three tiny medals on her chest, catching

Natsu's not the only one who came around for some sport training! So is Mimiru! The same rule applies, and the proud member of the Jaguar team is also covered in sweat, a thin layer of it covering her legs and arms but thankfully, Mimiru has swept off most of it from her face with her towel. Having given their best, the girls from the basketball team decided to call it a day, though Mimiru decided to remain a bit longer afterward, just to cool down slowly but surely with smooth plays on her own, just a question not to stop too abruptly and give her the time to do some stretching afterward.

When Natsu actually passes by, Mimiru notices the tall girl. Or at least what she notices are the medals she has. A wide grin curls up her lips and she shouts, "Heh! Natsu! Wait up!" She says as she waves her hand about and dashes through the gymnasium to actually reach Natsu, "Heh! You've got medals?" Mimiru shouts her, panting a little as she catches up with her.

"Yes." She blinks, and looks around for the familiar voice, "You're still here too?" She grins, and looks down at Mimiru, "You really practice hard." She grins, and ruffles Mimiru's head, "And I see you do too. " She ponders. How did I miss that the first time. She glances down at Mimiru, then around at the gym. She's in her usual hunched over pose. Apparently no baddies attacked the gym today.

The little girl closes her eyes as she knows just what is coming her way. She giggles a bit at the hair ruffling and she nods to Natsu. Her lips curl into a wide grin and she says, "That's right!" Mimiru says as she gives Natsu a thumbs up. She grins and then says, "Looks like you got just the same amouth of medals as I do..."

Mimiru hums softly and folds her arms in front of her chest, her lips curling into a wide grin as she says, "So... Since there's no one around... How about we actually duck it out, eh? So someone can come out with one more medal!" She says.

Natsu blinks back, and shrugs, "Alright. Sounds like a good deal." She smiles, and drops into her combat pose. Of course, it's not much different from her regular stance. She smiles, "Are you going to show me the power of Super Magical Mimiru?" She nods and stretches her hands in front of you, "I'll even let you go first, hon." She winks, and rocks back and forth on her heels.

COMBATSYS: Natsu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Natsu            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Natsu

Lips curling into a wide grin, Mimiru actually rubs her hands together and she chuckles softly, "Alright then..." Mimiru says as she staggers backward a little and spins around on her heels. She settles herself and grins, "Well! I may not have my magical school girl outfit, but that'll do just the same!" Mimiru shouts, "Ready to be butt-kicked!?" Mimiru says.

And then, not quite waiting for a reaction, Mimiru dashes over Natsu and she growls, "Here! I'll show you my Super Mimiru Fist! Nyarg! Take that!" The girl shouts as she hurls her fist at Natsu's belly, which one glows as she does so.

COMBATSYS: Natsu endures Mimiru's The Angel's Palm!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu's eyes become alert pricks of light as Mimiru hunkers down into her attack. Her eyes dart around, as Mimiru's fist comes flying towards her belly. Natsu takes a firm stance, allowing Mimiru to pour into her belly, taking the force of her attack. She winces at Mimiru pours into her, but she places her hands firmly around Mimiru's wrist, and she rolls backwards, placing a foot on her rump, and throwing her backwards, rolling with her.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru dodges Natsu's Rolling Slam.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Natsu

Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way with Mimiru! The girl is as slippery as a little eel and she squirms out of Natsu's grasp, in fact, the nimble little girl actually attempts to turn the tide and get a hold of Natsu's clothes instead. Her lips curl into a grin and she then tries to force Natsu to fall on her as she rolls backward, "Have a taste of... THE SUPER RISING CRESENT MOON!!"

And if Mimiru suceeds, when Natsu will fall over her, she'll use her feet to actually make her roll over her and hurl her off at the other side of the gym.

COMBATSYS: Natsu blocks Mimiru's Quick Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu shakes her head. How did Mimiru get out of that? She shakes her head, and just has time to stare at her hands where Mimiru's arm should be. I can see how she's good at basketball anyway. She is subsequently thrown across the gym. As she's flying through the air, she manages to press off against the ground, absorbing most of the throw's impact. She looks across to Mimiru, "Pretty good..."

Natsu charges across the gym, and balls her fist back. She swings her fist across, trying to use the momentum of her charge to throw her weight behind her fist.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru counters Strong Punch from Natsu with Ippon Seoi Nage.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Mimiru           0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Natsu

Super Magical School Girl Mimiru is waiting for Natsu. She gets back on her feet and she chuckles softly, biting her lips as she stares at Natsu's charge. As soon as Natsu comes by, Mimiru swiftly avoids her fist and she lifts both of her hands to get a hold of Natsu's arms. In a matter of seconds, Mimiru swirls around on her heels and she presses her back against Natsu's waist and she uses her grasp over her arm to pull her off her feet. How can such a little girl actually manage to lift Natsu on her back? The magic of jujitsu!

And so, now that she has Natsu suspended on her back, it's not hard for her to throw her off of it by turning her waist about and making Natsu fall and slams her right down to the ground in front of her. Mimiru's lips curl into a grin and she says, "Thanks sis... I told you, I'm a magical girl, I can be pretty hardcore..."

Natsu shakes her head. What is wrong with her. And what is it about the short ones that give her so much damn problems. She grunts, however, and sighs, tough it out Natsu. Natsu grunts out as she is slammed against the ground.

Natsu raises her eyebrow at Mimiru. "I see." That's basically all she can say to that. She smirks a bit. Pulling a volleyball out of, well, wherever she manages to get them, she jumps into the air, and slams her palm into the ball, sending the projectile hurdling at Mimiru's face.

COMBATSYS: Natsu successfully hits Mimiru with Serve Spike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Natsu

At least, Mimiru's nice enough to allow Natsu some space after she knocked her down. The girl staggers back and she straightens herself, striking an almost too heroic pose there to show off her little Magic Girl premise. Mimiru folds her arms in front of her chest and she says, "I'm not too bad, eh?"

However, when Natsu smashes the ball at Mimiru, she definately never saw that one coming. As the ball hits her face, Mimiru staggers a couple of feet backward before she actually loses her balance and falls down on her butt. Mimiru winces a bit and she whimpers, grimacing a little as she sees the ball bouncing about and rolling on the ground, "Bleh..." She whimpers. Still dazed, she reaches for the ball and then throws it back at Natsu, "Take that! Meanie!" She says as she sticks her tongue.

COMBATSYS: Natsu blocks Mimiru's Thrown Object.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Natsu

Natsu grins when the volleyball connects. At least Magical Mimiru won't be able to brag about a perfect. She blinks, however, as Mimiru is hurdling the volleyball in her direction. She looks up, and crosses her arms in front of her face, in enough time to deflect the volleyball from hitting her face. She oofs a bit as the volleyball hits her. She pulls a leg up, and swings the long pendulous leg into Mimiru's side, or at least, that's where she's aiming.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru endures Natsu's Light Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Mimiru           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0            Natsu

Mimiru forces herself back up to her feet and she barely has the time to do much of anything aside from bracing for the impact. That's rather painful to say the least. Mimiru's body tremble a bit after the impact, though she doesn't flinch or waste any seconds, perhaps using this little element of surprise as to how she just stood there and took it like a 'man' instead of trying to avoid it to get that little extra 'speed' against Natsu.

And so, the little girl just growls as she moves up and tries to circle Natsu. Her arms quickly cling to Natsu's body and circles her waist and once she locks her arms around Natsu, Mimiru then attempts to throw the taller girl all over her head, arching her back so that she can suplex her over her.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru successfully hits Natsu with German Suplex.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1            Natsu

Natsu oofs as Mimiru wraps her arms around her waist, "Now now.. No huuuu-" She blinks as the seemingly little girl picks her up, and slams her back down on the ground. Natsu really should really have done something about that rather then just watch Mimiru do it. Oh well. She rubs her head, "Damn you hit hard."

She grins however, and starts to concentrate. Fire envelops her hand, and she jumps up, yelling "Blazing Serve" She lets loose with a flaming volleyball in Mimiru's direction.

COMBATSYS: Natsu successfully hits Mimiru with Blazing Serve EX.

[                         \\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Mimiru           1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0            Natsu

Well Mimiru isn't the only one who knows how to hurt badly. The little girl doesn't want to let go of Natsu though, she clings to her back very tightful, even as she gets that blazing ball shoot at her. Her body trembles a bit and she bites her lips as she tries to gather the strenght she has in her to actually lift Natsu up again for another suplex. Series of suplex! Though if she fails. Well just too bad. One way or the other, she's drained afterward.

COMBATSYS: Mimiru can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Natsu            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Natsu blocks Mimiru's German Suplex.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Natsu            0/-------/-----==|

Natsu gasps as she volleyball leaves her fist. She knows she went tooo far. She shakes her head, as Mimiru takes the hit, then subsequently wraps her arms around Natsu again. She is thusly slammed into the ground.she oofs, and then runs to Mimiru's side, standing back up. "Mimiru. Are you OK?" She looks the girl over, making she she's not too much the worst for wear."

Almost with little stars turning around her head, Mimiru whimpers a little as she lies on the ground. She grimaces a bit and squirms, "Man... Your balls sure hurt a lot more than a lot of things I've got to feel before..." Mimiru says. She coughs and then shakes her head, "Don't worry, I'm pretty tough..." She reassures.

Natsu still picks the girl up. "Well, we'd best get someone to look at you, in any case." She strokes her hand against the girl's forehead. "I certainyl hope Jiro isn't too mad at me, eh?" She giggles a bit, trying to lighten the air between us.

Mimiru chuckles and gladly accepts Natsu's help to get back on her feet. Mimiru blinks a few times, a little bit dazed and she says, "I think I'll be fine... Just gotta take it easy and wait for everything to stabilize..." She glances over to Natsu and she smiles, "Nah, I doubt he will. That'll be our little secret..." Mimiru hums softly and she reaches for a medal she has around her neck and she gives it to Natsu, "Here... You deserve it, you're better than I am... So hopefully you'll make it to the finals for me, eh? I know when it's time to take one for the team." Mimiru says with a wide grin.

Natsu smiles at Mimiru, "You know hon, You're a good friend." She smiles, and wraps an arm around Mmiru, smiling a bit, "I owe you an ice cream." SHe grins, and looks the girl over. "But I need to go." She rugffles Mimiru's head, "You sure you're going to be OK?"

Log created by Natsu, and last modified on 18:31:37 11/22/2005.