Medal Tournament - Shingo vs Shinobu

Description: Medal match between Shingo and Shinobu at Dream Amusement Park. (Winner: Shingo)

On a cool and chill Sunday evening with the upcoming school week just around the corner, what better way to kill time and enjoy the final moments of the weekend than an outing to the local amusement park? It's the perfect end to the weekend and the perfect beginning for the week. Win-win situation. The park is full of people as typical for an attraction of this size. It doesn't take long however to make it up the queue to purchase tickets for admission. As Shingo and his friends clearly demonstrate when they are within the park within 30 minutes of showing up. And of course, everyone splitting up and going their own way almost immediately. Go figure.

Shingo stands close to one of the cotton candy stands near to the entrance and ponders where he shall first go today. Grab something to eat or hop on a ride right away? He scratches his head with his left hand and this causes the medal pinned to the left breast of his shirt to shift and reflect back any light path it crosses.

On a cool and chill Sunday evening with the upcoming school week just around the corner, what better way to kill time and enjoy the final moments of the weekend than an outing to the local amusement park? It's the perfect end to the weekend and the perfect beginning for the week. Win-win situation. The park is full of people as typical for an attraction of this size. It doesn't take long however to make it up the queue to purchase tickets for admission. As Shingo and his friends clearly demonstrate when they are within the park within 30 minutes of showing up. And of course, everyone splitting up and going their own way almost immediately. Go figure.

Shingo stands close to one of the cotton candy stands near to the entrance and ponders where he shall first go today. Grab something to eat or hop on a ride right away? He scratches his head with his left hand and this causes the medal pinned to the left breast of his shirt to shift and reflect back any light path it crosses.

Wobbly. That's what Shinobu feels and looks like, coming off one of the bigger, loopier coasters. She pauses for a moment, leaning against the stand. And then looks up, noticing Shingo. She stands more steadily, and then half-salutes him before turning to the candy stand. Nothing like sugar to settle a stomach! Well, okay, not the best idea, but Shinobu rarely waits for the best idea to rear its ugly head. Though her family's about somewhere, she's left on her own, on account of being the only one willing to take it to the EXTREME... or, at least, go on those loopier coasters.

Shingo blinks down at the Seijyun student that shows up out of nowhere and her salute. "Yo Shinobu. How's it going?" The boy as always offers a warm smile and watches her make a beeline straight for the peddler of sugary delights. He shakes his head with a chuckle wondering how is it that she can stand eating so much sugar all the time. That really can't be all that good for The wind picks up blowing in from over the beach. Balloons that aren't tied down or held tightly are whisked away as well as a few loose hats on people's heads. All that it really affects on Shingo is causing his shirt to billow slightly.

Standing up straight, Shinobu smiles. "Ahhh, good, my stomach is dancing..." She takes the cotton candy, paying for it. Indeed, one might wonder just when she gets actual /nutrients/. Raising her hand, she pins her hair down with the fluttering wind. "So, when are you gonna give me another lesson, sensei?", she wonders aloud before taking some large bites. Hey, spending time around Xiangfei helps her 'technique', at least. "I think I've gotten stronger recently.", she comments matter-of-factly between her bites.

Lesson? Oh hey, right. He's still supposedly her teacher when it comes to fighting isn't he? Which means he should probably do some of that training stuff to help her get better. It doesn't really help matters that all his knowledge on how teacher-student relations work comes from his own experiences with Kyo. At least he doesn't ask Shinobu to feed him every time he sees her: Woman! Get in that goddamn kitchen and make me some pie!

"Really? Awesome!" Shingo exclaims grinning brightly. A hand moves up to his head and he rubs it as he gets that sheepish look on his face, "Sorry about spending more time with you and everything. Been keeping busy and all. And with this medals tournament going on now..." Shingo shrugs. "But yeah, anytime you want to train. Just give me a call or something and we'll set it up." Pause. "Unless you wanted to do something now?" This is his relaxing time but he really has been slacking on the teacher role, so he's willing to make it up now if need be.

That's good, because Shinobu's cooking skils are inversely proportional to her fighting power!... well, not really, but close enough. "Ah, yeah, I'm in that tournament too, but I haven't found many people to fight. I beat Xiangfei, though." She shrugs, if that's not such a big deal anymore, and then looks around. "Ah, if you want to teach, I'm always ready!" As long as her family isn't looking to drag her off at the moment, anyway.

"Huh? That's odd," Shingo scratches his head looking a bit puzzled. "I mean, you don't see many other fighters walking around with their medals out?" He holds out his shirt a little to demonstrate how he does it and then lets the shirt settle back into place. "Well, I know Kula's in the tournament too. I think you know her. As well as Sakura. And Karin." Shingo shrugs himself. "Oh, right. Lessons. Hrm." The boy scratches his head some more and ponders. "Well, Shinobu. If you want. We can take care of two things at once. Up to you though. We can have a fight now as part of the tournament and at the same time I can see how much you've progressed. Or we can just do one or the other." From the way he says all of this it doesn't look like he has a preference to either or and is really leaving it up to whatever Shinobu wants to do.

Taking another bite, Shinobu brushss across her mouth with her hand, and then holds up a fist. Her usual gesture of challenge, it seems! "I have a secret technique you haven't seen yet! You better be prepared!", she warns, before then hurriedly packing down the rest of the sugar. As for other challengers, well, Shinobu can be really blind sometimes. She tilts her head. "Ah, you ready?"

Heh. Impulsive isn't she? Oh well. He did put the options out there for her and so shouldn't be shocked that she decided to take him up on the offer for the fight. It would've been nice if she actually made mention if this was going to be an official tournament match or not. But ah well, sure it will get figured out soon enough. And Shingo is almost always ready. It's one of the reasons he's always wearing his fighting gloves at almost all times. He grins at Shinobu and nods, "Sure. Ready when you are. Though, we probably shouldn't start so close to the cart there." Shingo of course meaning the cotton candy stand they're next to and walks a short distance away. The crowd clearing room for. They know what's coming next so already know what to do in situations like these. Back up and not get in the way.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shinobu          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shingo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shinobu          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Well, if Shingo's puzzled, he can always ask Shinobu! Not to say she'll give the answer... but she is wearing the medal, isn't she.
Shinobu circles around Shingo with an easy pace, walking away from the cart as she keeps her eyes firmly on him. It's more just a walk than a fighting stance, but her wariness is obviously up. Then, she leans back, giving typical opening move as she whips out her arm in an underhand throw... the bubble forming with the motion, and then fluttering free into the air. It heads in a quick arc, its liquid payload aimed right at Shingo... or at least close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades.

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Shinobu's Petite Pop.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Shinobu          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Teacher and student don't engage each other in combat as often as teacher may get in fights with girlfriend but he has fought student enough times to know that her opening technique almost always is that water bubble of hers that she sometimes over at him. He has found that one of the better ways of dealing with this techinque is to bat it away with a hand before it splash against him. A tried and proven tactic that once more works as it should. The water-chi bubble popping with a satisfying *POP* and the chi energy spills out everywhere except fully on Shingo.

Grinning widely he takes a wide step forward and to the left. It looks like he wants to side-step pass the girl and get behind her for shenanigans. Except, it's all a ruse on his part. His main plan is to as he steps by her, swing out his right fist straight for her shoulder. Lunge by punching, yo. "Body ga...amaize!" When he hits he instant hops back to his starting position instead of following through with the forward movement. Tricksy little Shingo.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu blocks Shingo's Aragami Mikansei.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Shinobu          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Shingo

As she leans back, Shinobu turns with the punch, minimizing the impact, and then starts to fall backwards. Her other hand, left free by the bubble motion, slides under her sweater... and comes out with a handful of kunai. Blunted kunai, but iron weights that'll bruise all the same. Looks like somebody's been studying somebody else's moves! Whipping them out carelessly at Shingo in a spread of projectiles, she finishes her backward motion by flipping backwards... and wobbling a bit backwards as she loses her balance, but not enough to fall over immediately.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits Shingo with Large Thrown Object.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Shinobu          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Shingo

Now a spread of metal objects isn't something you see everyday coming from a fighter like Shinobu. Mostly due to that he's used to the blue orb of energy tossed from her hand. Was this her secret technique? Nah, couldn't be. Could it? Hrm. That's something to consider. Much like Shingo's initial reaction to being bombarded by the blunt thrown objects. The boy leaping up to jump over them but is just a little too slow and Shinobu's attack is just a little too fast. The first object catches him in his foot just as he lifts up, causing him to stumble in the air and fall into the direct path of the others before hitting the ground. Looks a lot worse than it really is.

Shingo rolls over onto his side and pushes up onto his feet with a grin. He seems unfazed by the fact that he just got hit by heavy metal objects. A little slow on the movement, but that's about it. "That was a nice shot! Been training with Hokutomaru?" He shouts this out to her as he hops to the side and then jumps forward his body twisting in the air as he brings his leg down like a hammer. "SHINGO KIIIIIIICKU!" He didn't get to use it last night against Kula so might as well make up for it now.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Shingo Kick.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shinobu          0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

The unsteady Shinobu talkes the blow on the head, slamming down onto the ground with a painful crunch! She just lies there for a moment, and then suddenly scrabbles forward, moving up to her feet in mid-crawl, and then sprints away! Fleeing? Nah. She skids to a halt in front of the cotton candy booth, and glares at the server. "Two.", she says simply, and gets just that, gobbling the cotton candy down with an unreal, cartoonish haste. Shoving her fingers in her mouth to get it all down, she looks over to Shingo as she makes the last swallow, and then brings her arms into a ready position. "C'mon!", she cries, narrowing her eyes at her sensei!

COMBATSYS: Shinobu gathers her will.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shinobu          1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0           Shingo

Oops! Hope no one was taking note of the fact that Shingo just kicked Shinobu in the head. Totally unintentional. She probably just moved in the wrong direction. Oh well. If she's not going to sweat it then neither will he. He does whew when she plays it off and tells him to simply 'Bring it' some more. Sure. Why not? It would be rude to just end the fight now and walk off. Shingo dashes after Shinobu and almost right after she calls out at him to come on, he reaches out with his hands to grip her wrist and her shirt. "Teya!" With a sharp pivoting step away from her body he drops his hips and lifts the girl over his shoulder to slam her onto the ground. Taking care to hold on long enough so that her head doesn't hit as well before hopping away a short distance.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu endures Shingo's Issetsu Seoi Nage Fukanzen.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shinobu          1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0           Shingo

Shinobu goes to guard, but it's a mistake. She takes the throw, getting slammed into the dirt, but... as Shingo holds onto her that extra moment, her hand whips out to try and snag his sleeve and give her a tiny opening. Her foot kicks off the ground, and there's a jumbo-size bubble in her other hand... which she slams out towards Shingo. If her normal projectile is a firecracker, this... is the bomb. And the fact she's at point-blank range doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest...

COMBATSYS: Shinobu successfully hits Shingo with Final Finish.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shinobu          0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1           Shingo

Fun with explosions! Shingo crosses his arms over his body to lessen the impact from the chi bomb but it somehow overwhelms his guard and causes him to slide back a couple of feet from the resulting detonation. The boy grits his teeth and grunts as he does his best to remain standing. He's probably going to have to get new sneakers now but it's all good. It's not as bad as being encased in ice.

As the explosion of energy dies down, Shingo is already moving full force in a charge at Shinobu. Seems that he's not even going to give his body a momentary period to get over being exploded with concussive energy. Guess he must not really need it. Because he sure is moving at a decent speed to run right over his favourite student! Who also happens to be his only student. Details, details. Only that he doesn't run her over. He'll just jam his shoulder into her sternum instead and bowl her over. "Look out for my Flaming Phoenix Forger!"

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Ge Shiki - Kake Hourin.
- Power hit! -

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shinobu          0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Shinobu's barely off the ground when the hit connects, and she goes flying away with a snapping and crunching sound, tumbling end over end before finally slowing and flopping onto a heap on the ground. She forces herself up, but her eye squints. It's obvious that hit hurt her pretty badly, all things considered, but she's not going to give up just because of it! Stepping forward, she nearly stumbles with pain, but them rushes at Shingo. Throwing out a haymaker towards him, she leans into it, trying to follow up with a swift shoulder ram afterwards! It's a risky gambit, but at this point... she doesn't have much more to lose.

COMBATSYS: Shingo blocks Shinobu's Strong Punch.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shinobu          0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0           Shingo

The punch coming in at him is easily shielded against with a lone forearm block from Shingo. The blow barely making him take one step back. He obviously isn't worn out as Shinobu is looking and so is able to move his body that much quicker to react. Holding the pose of the block for a split-second longer than he probably should've. Why? Maybe to ponder his next action? Possibly.

That next action being whirling his blocking forearm around and under Shinobu's punching arm and pushing it up out of the way so that he come in with a low punch to her abs with his other arm. Nothing too damaging but it is quicker than everything else he has thrown out in her direction so far. "Ya!" The punch, were it a little higher may have been considered an uppercut. Probably still could. If there were just a little more force behind it.

COMBATSYS: Shingo successfully hits Shinobu with Jab Punch.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Shinobu          0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Shingo

Getting smacked, Shinobu goes to one knee... trying to rethink this all in her head. The simple problem is that Shingo simply hits too hard, and even her determination is being tested... as her body protests with every moment. She falls onto her arms, straining to try and rise again, thinking of all the losses she's taken so far against Shingo, trying to come up with a good counter to his amazing lucky blows. Dammit, body, /move/. Her finger curls around a leftover shuriken, as she palms something else from the ground, and then she flings both at Shingo. The first, a shuriken, isn't too impressive by itself. The rock following the flying distraction, though, is another thing entirely.

COMBATSYS: Shinobu can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Shingo catches Large Thrown Object from Shinobu with Tsuki Hiji.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Shingo           0/-------/------=|

Shurikens. Bah. Stupid ninja tools-weapons. Shingo laughs in the face of you and your relation to the inferiority of ninja! Well really? All he does is lean to the side out of the way to have it just whirr past him without any arm. The rock following after in it's shadow? It looks like it may hit. "GECCHU!" Only, Shingo is quicker than he looks when he needs to be and with an instant kick launches the rock straight up into the air. Can't very well kick it out to the side with all these people around. Holding out his hand for reasons unknown. THe rock plops back down right into his awaiting palm. A round of an applause for both fighters from the crowd.

Shingo walks over to Shinobu and like he does at the end of most of his fights, offers a hand to help her back up onto his feet with a friendly smile. The boy still holding the rock in his other hand. Is it his new pet?

Glaring up at Shingo, Shinobu says, "I'm not done yet!", trying to force herself up, but just falls back up. "I'm not done yet...", she mumbles, tears in her eyes as she tries to move her legs. "Ahhh... move...", she mumbles, her feet sliding on the ground as she gets to her knees, and shudders, slapping away the hand. Then, she falls over again. "... stupid body...", she says, not quite crying, but tears run down her face.

Glaring up at Shingo, Shinobu says, "I'm not done yet!", trying to force herself up, but just falls back up. "I'm not done yet...", she mumbles, tears in her eyes as she tries to move her legs. "Ahhh... move...", she mumbles, her feet sliding on the ground as she gets to her knees, and shudders, slapping away the hand. Then, she falls over again. "... stupid body...", she says, not quite crying, but tears run down her face.


Frankly, Shingo doesn't know what to say. He doesn't usually make a habit of playing a part in making girls cry. As far as he knows and though she's not bawling her lungs out, the tears are visible. "Um...uh..." He fidgets uncomfortably and thinks for several seconds. Crouching down beside her and looking Shinobu in the face as best he can he offers the warmest and most amiable smile he can muster, " know you put up a good fight. As long as you do your best you shouldn't have any regrets." Comforting words they hope to be but he can never know how someone will what he says. On the other hand, at least he's not telling her 'There are just some people you will never beat' like Kyo told him after one fight. "Come on. Want a milkshake?" Bribery! Evil Shingo. Or is he really genuinely doing what he thinks will make her cheer up?

"I don't want to do my best... I want to do better...", Shinobu says, looking away, and then stands up slowly. "... I need to get stronger.", she mumbles, and then winces sharply, nearly stumbling down again. Even her strongest attack didn't even knock him off his feet, so the 'good fight' seems a bit hollow to her, but the sound of, "... milkshake? Really?", distracts her from her self-pity and more genuine physical pain. She rubs her face, finally meeting Shingo's eyes.

"Heheh. Sure! Why not?" Shingo's smile widens as far as face will let him. "After eating all that cotton candy, you must be thirsty. I know I am." That's what he gets for not filling up on water before leaving the house and soda when he got here to the amusement park. "So come on, let's get you up and get something to drink." By now the rock has been subtlety dropped to the ground beside him and he holds out a hand again to help her up as he gets up himself. Still, he is wondering if he's supposed to ask for a medal or not. Maybe later.

COMBATSYS: Shingo has ended the fight here.

Shinobu stumbles, and reaches out to catch Shingo, draping herself over his shoulders, assuming she's permitted. But it'd probably be odd for Shingo to shove an injured girl away, right? Right. "Ah, but my secret techinque worked..." Well, mostly, anyway. "Hokutomaru wouldn't give me a good nin secret, though. Man."

Of course Shingo doesn't push her away. It would totally be against his nice guy code of honour and it would also violate his contract as a Hero-type fighter. Can't have that. Shingo chuckles. "Yeah, ninja are like that. Though if they told you all their good secrets then they wouldn't really be secret anymore, now would they?" He grins at that then asks. "Oh, yeah. Since I'm not sure or anything. Did you want that to be part of the tournament or not? Like I said before, I'm cool with anything you decide."

Shinobu says in mild surprise, "Eh? Oh." She hadn't really thought about it, but takes off her medal, offering it over his shoulder. "Whatever.", she adds, more worried about the loss itself than any little token. "Yeah, but...", she protests, sighing. "I guess it's not worth much if I beat them anyway...", she concludes with an odd logic. Well, odd for her, anyway.

Log created by Shingo, and last modified on 02:38:51 11/09/2005.