Medal Tournament - Mimiru vs Saishu

Description: In this, the epicest battle of all time, Mimiru Kasagi accosts a strange bedraggled old man with a fish and attempts to take the medal hanging from his neck on a length of twine. In response, Saishu Kusanagi decides to judge her merit as a warrior... and concludes that the girl's alright. (Winner: Draw Match)

Schlup. Schlup. Schlup.
Try to imagine, if you can, a figure moving both purposefully and aimlessly. His strides are strong and confident, yet somehow take him on a meandering path that only he sees. A wide-brimmed white hat, soaking wet and bedraggled, disguises what look he may have in his eye, but the way his shoulders are set portrays infinite confidence; his slouching, low-set posture, however, only portrays a lack of normality. His black rubber boots squelch with the sound of water between toes as this ecleticly-clad man, wearing a bizarre combination of plaid and flannel and gortex and with colored fishing flies pinned all over his body, moving uncaring amongst staring Taiyo students. Even in just the quad, a man like this is not a common sight.
Schlup. Schlup. His boots keep squelching, his hat dripping.
He has a very large blue-silver fish slung over one shoulder.
Noticably, he has no fishing pole.
Under the shade of his hat, his pointed beard shifts as a wide grin begins to grow on his features.
And the medal, hanging around his neck on a piece of twine, glints alluringly in the sunlight...

Wearing her usual uniform, Mimiru idly stretches as she makes her way through the crowd of students. She seems to be pretty laid back today, half-looking where she's going. The girl lets out a soft yawn and she mutters a few things under her breath. She's been having a hard time finding out people with medals and, as much as she doesn't mind finding them out with Max it can get pretty long.

Since every student's attention's turned over the weird guy who's carrying a fish, Mimiru hums softly and she turns her eyes over in the man's direction. Who's that weird guy? Mimiru just shrugs it off -- however, when she notices the actual medal around his neck, Mimiru's eyes widen a bit and she says, "Oh! That's one, I'm sure!" She bites her lips and glances around, having too much of a crowd out there for her to actually get to him. She looks around and tries to find something good enough to actually catch his attention.

And in the end, it comes down to that one thing -- she finds a ball lying in the schoolyard and so she decides to throw it off at Saishu and whistle-call him, "Heh! You! Would you just bend over so I can kick your butt and take your medal? You know, fast and clean." Mimiru shouts.

The ball flies toward Saishu...
WASSHEEEEEENG (Here you must imagine one of those anime things where there's just an image of Saishu's face on a dark background, and a single thin line suddenly shoots out horizontally behind his head at about eye level, upon which his eyes widen slightly. That's the 'washeeng' sound. This does in fact happen. At least from Saishu's perspective.)
(Now continue by imagining the 'thunk-thunk, thunk-thunk' of a heartbeat. At this point-- okay, I can probably go back to normal narration now.) At this point, Saishu's eyes narrow slightly, and as if in slow motion, he turns his head to see the ball flying at him. The slow-motion continues as the ball, leaving rippling trails in the air behind it, and Saishu bends backward, preparing to, with incredible reflexes, completely avoid Mimiru's thrown object--
--"Agh, my *back*!"
Deathly silence stretches for a seeming eternity as Saishu watches the ball that has just bounced off of his forehead thunk onto the grass. He looks up at Mimiru, pauses, and then solemnly removes his hat.
And throws it on the ground and begins stamping on it.
Squelch, squelch. "You kids! Going around throwing things at old -- at late middle-aged -- at your *elders*! Wearing scandelous costumes under the pretense of 'school uniforms'! I won't stand for it!" He doesn't actually look pissed off at all, which is kind of disorienting. The squelching noise continues as he wrings the water out of his hat with his boot. "It's time someone taught you darn kids a lesson in manners and respect!"
Promptly, without even a pause to catch his breath, the Kusanagi elder ceases his rant and leans down to pick up his hat and put it back on his head. But it's drier now, and not hanging over his face; and it's clear that, when he grins, his eyes burn with a fierce inner passion. It's not intimidating in and of itself... but the sheer power contained within that gaze might be.
"Taste the delicious wrath of Kusanagi-ryuu Kobojutsu... if you dare, whelp!"
Naturally, most of the students are still completely stunned. So no one's gone to get a teacher... yet.

COMBATSYS: Saishu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Saishu           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mimiru has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Saishu

That's one weird way to react to Mimiru. The schoolgirl blinks a few times and she simply sticks her tongue out at Saishu, "Listen, pervert, if you're so upset about our uniforms, why don't you just go elsewhere instead of just being a leecherous old geeser that spends some quality time around nice young girls."

Mimiru folds her arms in front of her chest and she says, "Beside, old folks like you shouldn't fight, it's not healthy for them, so I'm going to be nice and offer you to take the responsability of your medals, old man... 'cause old timers like you just can't actually keep up with the youth, gotta face it, eh?" Lips curling into a wide grin, Mimiru shrugs and she says, "Well, I'll beat you and you'll be one happy man... You'd better not get on the ground too much to peek up my skirt, or else I might really get mad and not go easy on you."

Mimiru grunts and then she dashes off straight for Saishu, "Try to dodge that one fossil!" Mimiru shouts as she tries to tackle Saishu.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt The Unicorn's Horn from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Mimiru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Saishu

"What! What! What!" Saishu barks at the young girls, raising eyebrows like dark furry caterpillars at her indecent suggestion. "I'll have you know I have a beautiful wife and son at home, young lady!" He actually straightens for once, trying to looked miffed. He's not very good at it, because he can't stop grinning. "I'll have you know that I--"
Mimiru charges him, hits him, and bounces off.
He continues seamlessly.
"--have absolutely no interest in such... such..." Words fail him. "...bad things!" He finishes, not looking particularly ashamed at his limited vocabulary. He then glances up, as though checking the weather, licks his finger, and raises it, clearly checking the wind. "Hmm," he murmurs thoughtfully. "Good conditions... yes..."

At least Mimiru didn't hurt herself. She staggers back and she winces, grunting a little as she has a little hard time it would seem. She raises her sleeves up and she says, "Right, that's what they all say, I bet you're a kind of voyeur and you were actually going to try and check up the girl's changing room, weren't you? Pffft, old men are always all the same." Mimiru says as she shakes her head, "Oh well, it doesn't matter, time for me to get my medal. Hope you won't break." Mimiru says.

The girl then attempts to get a hold of Saishu, one hand over his shirt and the other at his collar and she attempts to sweep him off his legs and then hurls him down to slam him against the ground.

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts O Soto Gari from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Mimiru           1/=======/=======|=------\-------\0           Saishu

Saishu ignores her.
"Mmm... yes, the wind is just right... okay, good..."
Calmly, with a professional air, Saishu lets the fish slide from his shoulder and swings it back in an odd arc. There's a certain grace to his movements, which is strange, because it really seems like there shouldn't be; everything he does is unconventional. I mean, obviously starting to swing a fish around is very unconventional, but even the movements of his arms and legs don't seem normal.
With Saishu, everything's a surprise.
Mimiru rushes him, but she's a million years too slow. Like a bolt of lightning, Saishu lashes out--
--and slaps Mimiru in the face with his giant fish, so hard that she goes hurtling back into the crowd. Conscentiously, the old man aims his gaze heavenward, just in case her skirt flips up. Can't be too careful, after all.
But once all's said and done, he grins. "Ha ha! Had enough!?"

That was some power hit. Then again, maybe it's just because the fish's pretty heavy and Saishu got quite some strenght. Mimiru growls and she actually tries to straighten herself up a little. She tries to sweep off any kind of fish juice that she has on her cheek and she grimaces to Saishu, "No... I'm not done yet." She says as she attempts to regain her composture. She's not going to be beaten by some random middle aged man.

And so, Mimiru then rushes back over to Saishu once again, going even more slowly after her little daziness from that hit and she attempts to get a hold of Saishu's clothes once more, so that she may perform another grapple on the man. She growls and then merely tries to make him trip, but in a much different fashion. She turns around and tries to wrap her arm around his waist and if she suceeds, she'll hold on him tightly and use her hips to make him lose his balance and hurl him around her and send him down to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Uki Goshi from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Mimiru           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0           Saishu

"Ha ha! What spunk!" The Kusanagi elder's grin only grows huger, and his eyes twinkle. His expression doesn't change as she grabs his clothes, and when she hefts him off the ground he just says "Whoops!" quite cheerfully before he's hurled to the ground. He lands in a perfect roll and rises quickly, turning to grin some more.
And then cackle, of course. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" He crosses his arms, but only to scratch his left armpit. Then he spits. Then he cackles me. "Ha ha ha ha! That's nothing! Come on, you can hit harder than *that*, girly!"

With a growl, Mimiru folds her arms in front of her chest and she turns her gaze away, "I certainly can! You've been asking for it!" Mimiru says as she rushes over Saishu to actually give him what he wants. The girl attempts to circle him, so that she may actually sneak behind him and if she manages to, she'll cling to his back and wrap her arms around his belly.

With a grunt, Mimiru will them lift him up the ground and arches her back so that she can suplex him and slams him against the ground once more. Let's see if this technique can actually hurt the old man more than that little tripping thing.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt German Suplex from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0           Saishu

Well now! One eyebrow raises calmly as Mimiru rushes, and Saishu lashes out with his fish-- but he misjudges. A fish is hard to fight with, you know. And it's not like he's done it before. Well, okay, there was that one time against the pirate king of Istanbul, but that was thirty years ago... any rate, Saishu misses and Mimiru genuinely grabs him. "Whoops!" he says again, though he actually looks a bit more surprised this time around, and Mimiru suplexes him powerfully into the ground. Still, though, he rolls away, though he has to spit out a bit of grass once he rises. But he gets up in time to say. "Ha ha! Not bad! You have the spirit, and you have the strength and speed-- but do you have the right will to victory!?" He points at the young girl, wide eyes afire. "Do you have a warrior's mindset? Ask yourself! Why do you fight!?"

Mimiru frowns a little and she actually growls a bit at Saishu. She narrows her eyes and she says, "I fight for your medal, duh..." Mimiru says. Though she doesn't actually wish to push this conversation further. Why does she fight? What kind of question is that? She doesn't have to think about that or actually answer it. "I will win, and I got all the determination in the world, that's all I need." She says as she dashes for Saish and attempts to get a quick hold of him, just to throw him off over her shoulder, with a bit of luck, if she can make him trip over herself once more.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Saishu

"For my MEDAL!?" Saishu's eyes widen in fury. "Prepostorous! Unforgivable! To think that a fighter would fight only for profit, for glory, for gain, is unthinkable! I refuse to accept that--"
She grabs him.
And he's sent tumbling to the ground again. And again rises. He doesn't really look that much the worse for wear, which is a bit intimidating... at least until he reaches down to his lower back and winces slightly as there's a quiet popping sound. "Oof..." He glares at Mimiru. "Careful, you're going to throw my back out, girly!"

With a frown, Mimiru just tilts her head to one side and she says, "That's why I am fighting now. And to show an old man his place..." Mimiru says. Though she's still panting and trying to recover from that single fish-smack in her face. She bites her lips and then adds, "Though if you really want to know, I fight to protect." Mimiru says, lips curling into a wide grin, "Myself, or others. That's how it should be and always should be... But for now! I make an exception to get my hands on your medal!" Mimiru states before she rushes over the old man.

This time thankfully, she spares him the whole throwing around, she's not going to break him in half. She simply attempts to punch the old man in the belly.

COMBATSYS: Saishu fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Mimiru with Random Weapon.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Mimiru           0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0           Saishu

"Aha! Protect!" Saishu scratches his beard thoughtfully, raising those bushy eyebrows of his with sparkling eyes. "Now we're getting somewhere."
Mimiru's punch bounces off Saishu's belly. It is, contrary to what she might've expected, rock-hard.
"But who do you protect, and at what cost? Do you only protect good people, or do you protect bad people as well? And what if you have to defend good people from bad people? What then do you do, little girl?"

With a grunt, Mimiru grimaces and she says, "Good or bad, it's just a matter of perspective. I do what's right for me, that's it." Mimiru says with a nod of her head. No need to actually argue overtly that one. Mimiru grunts and then, she actually attempts to reach out for Saishu once more to swing him over. If he's full of muscles and so hard, she might as well just do what she's best at instead of going easy on him and actually hurting herself in the process.

COMBATSYS: Saishu interrupts Quick Throw from Mimiru with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  ///////////////////           ]
Mimiru           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0           Saishu

The grin vanishes.
So *this* is what Saishu looks like when he's actually serious. His eyes glint, and his posture straightens, and several students, despite themselves, take a few steps away from him. He just *radiates* awe-inspiring righteousness.
"Good and evil are not matters of perspective, young lady! You speak so calmly of a 'me' you look out for, but do you really know who that 'me' is? Can you truly draw the boundaries of your own self? Perhaps you can, but I myself cannot. There are people who I care about so strongly that if someone hurt them, I myself would be hurt with equal force. What then is my self?" He does not glare. It'd be easier if he glared. He just looks at her, calmly. "Right and wrong exist, girl, and the path to them is revealed within the fight. To become a warrior -- to become a woman! -- you must learn this. And if you do not--"
With a transcendant skill he has not revealed thus far, he draws the fish back expertly. Okay, maybe thirty years *haven't* dulled his fish-slinging skills.
"--you are doomed to fail!"
He swings, and there is no escape.
The blow from the fish snaps Mimiru's head back with the force of a thousand screaming demons...

Unlike Saishu, Mimiru's just another ordinary girl. She doesn't really have to deal with lots of stuff with good and evil. A normal life tends to lead to normal things and all of Saishu's babbling goes all over her head right now. That's not the kind of things she wants to hear, especially from a stranger. No respect paid to the elders it would seem, even if Saishu isn't that old.

"Right, right..." She just says, shaking her head as she attempts to get a hold of Saishu. And then. Smacks. Mimiru doesn't actually bulge so much or get flung back like last time though since she absorbed the whole shock well... The poor girl isn't a super warrior or anything, even if she wants to believe so and the hit just totally knocks her unconscious dead cold. She just stands there for a second or two, before she actually crumbles down. thuds.

Saishu stares down at the girl for a few moments, face expressionless, fish limp in his hand.
And then, swinging the fish bag onto his shoulder, he grins hugely. "I see we are evenly matched!" he exclaims far too loudly, staring off at nothing and grinning so widely he looks like he's baring fangs. "I proclaim this fight a draw! Truly, you have magnificent potential! But never forget what I said! Ha ha! If you were listening!"
He walks away, and begins to whistle.
Nobody tries to stop him.

Log created by Saishu, and last modified on 04:10:11 11/08/2005.