Description: Heavy D! challenges the Strongest Woman in the World and learns the hard way exactly why she carries that title. Yatta. (Winner: Chun-Li)
It's a peaceful little evening in Southtown Village, the streets far from their usual bustling selves as the population has apparently taken an evening to relax. Pleasured voices ring out from street cafes and for once, there seem to be no battles taking place to disrupt the public way of life, though... in the City of Fighters, this is not necessarily a welcome fact. Still. The quiet state of things is allowing one warrior to employ her efforts in domestic matters for the first time in quite a while.
Chun-Li walks down one such cafe-lined street, bundled up in a dark blue jacket and with her hair tied back in a loose ponytail. Hardly recognisable aside from her incredible physique, the world's strongest woman has planned this to be the case; indulging herself in a spot of shopping it would seem. Hanging at her side, held in unstrained hands, are a multitude of plastic bags bulging with everything from new underwear to basic groceries.
Whilst many people come to detest this manner of activity, the Tai Chi mistress appears rather content - unconcerned, solitary and quite happy with her life. It's good to get away from time to time. Unfortunate it might be, then, that upon the breast of her jacket hangs a little medal bearing the shining emblem of a fist...
Another such medal can be found a little further down the street. With his usualy jacket unusually zipped up, a certain wedgehawked boxer slowly makes his way down the same cafe-lined street. Looking back and forth, he has several things on his mind: 1) Where he can find a decent western-styled sandwich, and 2) If there was anyone else in this whole medal thing around that he could challenge for the tourney.
Seemingly, both searches seem futile. At least until he gets nearer to the mysterious Tai Chi master...mistress...whatever. Despite the multitude of shiny things around the street, the particular bit of shine that rests on her jacket manages to catch D!'s eye. Stopping in place, he looks down at the same medal that's pinned on the collar of his jacket, folding it in to get a good look. "...." Realizing they're one and the same, he quickly turns around and shouts toward the less-than-conspicuous Chun-Li. "Hey!" he shouts to her, pulling the medal off of his collar and handing it from his fingers. "You have one of these, don't you?"
Chun-Li naturally makes no motion toward D! as he initially passes beside her, the woman's gaze hardly paying attention to the outside world and her movements based upon a mental auto-pilot back to her cheap Southtown apartment. Though this cheapness may not continue, given the high rates paid to fighters these days... regardless, it is there she is bound. However, one does not rocket to such skill and esteem amongst the warriors of the world by strolling about unawares. When the boxer's cry reaches her ears, she spins around with a quiet 'hm?' of curiosity.
"One of...?" Chun-Li begins before tailing off, the question to her tone barely audible as she wheels away from questioning. It is obvious enough now that her eyes fall upon the man and his medal. Briefly the woman heaves a sigh, looking downward with a rueful smile. Then again, did she not sign up for Miss Kanzuki's tournament with intention of continuing to prove herself? When better than now, and who better than the man before her? Certainly his appearance rings no bells, but his aura is unmistakably that of a powerful fighter.
"Very well. I'll not refuse!" Smile brightening, the Chinese woman lets her bags fall to either side in a messy pile, various things half-tumbling forth - but no matter. They can be picked up later or purchased again as necessary. Shifting forth a few paces, Chun-Li halts before her apparent opponent as she raises her guard. One at a time, her sneaker-clad feet tap against the floor, tightening them for action. Then, an eyebrow curves at the boxer, a half-smile lingering about the young woman's lips. "I presume you /did/ mean to challenge me?"
HeavyD smiles, giving a quick nod before re-pinning the medal onto his jacket, this time from the front. "I did," he says, his feet shifting apart slowly, left in front and to the side of his right. HIs hands quickly raise up, balled into fists and rising up to chin-level. The rest of his body slowly lowers down, as if trying to find shelter behind his arms. "Don't hold back on me, now. After all, this whole tournament thing is meant to show your stuff, right?"
COMBATSYS: HeavyD has started a fight here.
"Then consider it accepted," The Tai Chi mistress replies with a deep nod of her head, something near enough to the customary bow. Now she is consigned to this impromptu bout, Chun-Li can't deny her feeling of excitement. This is what she lives for, after all - the constant testing of her limits, physical and mental. The latter is clearly covered already; from quiet single woman to street-fighting amazon in the space of a few heartbeats, there's few more drastic alterations of mindset.
Shifting her position just slightly, hands uncurling to form loose blades around her upper body and powerful leg muscles fully tensing in preparation of movement, she pauses then only to add one more thing before allowing herself to flow smoothly into the stoicism of battle. "My name is Chun-Li - attack when you're ready."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has joined the fight here.
As D! watches Chun-Li prepare herself, the boxer himself takes the time to get a bit of analysis in, of her stance, of her movements, as well as her physical, not in that way, pervert. Making a note to take special care of avoiding her kicks, the boxer finally gives a response back. "My name's Heavy D!. And I'm ready." Quickly, rushing the 'Strongest Woman In The World', the boxer makes for a quick snap of his right hand right at her face...or at least it seems that way. Pulling his punch and his body to the side, the boxer instead tries to pepper her sides with several rapid left hands, aiming for her ribs and waist.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges HeavyD's Light Punch.
Aha... the name brings a flash of recognition to the woman's hardening gaze. Heavy D!, a team leader from a previous King of Fighters tournament and allegedly quite the talented Western-style boxer. Easing herself into total focus as she is, there is only a brief curiousity tinting the excitement felt by the woman, before she is prepared completely for his leading assault. "Then come..." she murmurs an instant before he breaks into motion, then tracking his movements with an analytical eye. An eye that does not blink with the right feint, instead sending the correct signal to her brain as the real attack comes.
"Ha!" The barely-audible exclamation comes as the Strongest Woman in the World flows away from the flurry of punches, flinging her form into a pirouetting motion that carries her around to Heavy's left flank. Once there her left leg is graced with the woman's full weight, the other rising up bent at the knee before whipping out in a lightning strike for the boxer's head. "YA!" Should that strike, Chun-Li follows it with a few dozen more, her limb blurring in a machine-gun round of deadly kicks aimed to cover D! from head to toe in a barrage of pain.
"YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA!"
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Medium Kick.
"Then consider it accepted," The Tai Chi mistress replies with a deep nod of her head, something near enough to the customary bow. Now she is consigned to this impromptu bout, Chun-Li can't deny her feeling of excitement. This is what she lives for, after all - the constant testing of her limits, physical and mental. The latter is clearly covered already; from quiet single woman to street-fighting amazon in the space of a few heartbeats, there's few more drastic alterations of mindset.
Shifting her position just slightly, hands uncurling to form loose blades around her upper body and powerful leg muscles fully tensing in preparation of movement, she pauses then only to add one more thing before allowing herself to flow smoothly into the stoicism of battle. "My name is Chun-Li - attack when you're ready."
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has joined the fight here.
As D! watches Chun-Li prepare herself, the boxer himself takes the time to get a bit of analysis in, of her stance, of her movements, as well as her physical, not in that way, pervert. Making a note to take special care of avoiding her kicks, the boxer finally gives a response back. "My name's Heavy D!. And I'm ready." Quickly, rushing the 'Strongest Woman In The World', the boxer makes for a quick snap of his right hand right at her face...or at least it seems that way. Pulling his punch and his body to the side, the boxer instead tries to pepper her sides with several rapid left hands, aiming for her ribs and waist.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges HeavyD's Light Punch.
Aha... the name brings a flash of recognition to the woman's hardening gaze. Heavy D!, a team leader from a previous King of Fighters tournament and allegedly quite the talented Western-style boxer. Easing herself into total focus as she is, there is only a brief curiousity tinting the excitement felt by the woman, before she is prepared completely for his leading assault. "Then come..." she murmurs an instant before he breaks into motion, then tracking his movements with an analytical eye. An eye that does not blink with the right feint, instead sending the correct signal to her brain as the real attack comes.
"Ha!" The barely-audible exclamation comes as the Strongest Woman in the World flows away from the flurry of punches, flinging her form into a pirouetting motion that carries her around to Heavy's left flank. Once there her left leg is graced with the woman's full weight, the other rising up bent at the knee before whipping out in a lightning strike for the boxer's head. "YA!" Should that strike, Chun-Li follows it with a few dozen more, her limb blurring in a machine-gun round of deadly kicks aimed to cover D! from head to toe in a barrage of pain.
"YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA! YA!"
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
HeavyD 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Chun-Li
Well, at least D!'s recognized. Even if the lack of recognition has changed since becoming more and more of an SNF name, it's still good to know you're known, ya know? Redundancy aside, the boxer frowns as he watches the woman simply slink and spin away from his punches. Turning as she wheels toward his flank, he tries to bring his arms down to cover his side. Alas, he ends up taking a shot to the head instead, misjudging where the kick was going to come. "NGhh...damn," he grunts, reeling back. Not completely phased, though, he snaps out a hard right hook toward Chun-li, this time going even lower. That's right, he's aiming to take out those deadly legs, or at least blunt their effectiveness, with a hook right at her left knee.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges HeavyD's Hook Punch.
An ardent follower of Saturday Night Fight, the woman is not. Her own recognition tends to come from matters of more international importance, a relevance to her own life, or the larger tournaments which she studies at some length as part of her constant striving for a warrior's perfection. Chun-Li knows D! only from his KoF leadership, and respects him for this as is proper... though this respect, if anything, makes her all the more dangerous...
After her strikes land successfully, the world's strongest woman is instantly prepared for the next gambit by Heavy D!, and once his blow comes in to cripple her fine assets he finds his blow only effective to the passage of air waves - the Ansatsuken-trained young woman is no longer present, ducking low and sliding right underneath his guard on the other side. "Sou...!" The exclamation comes shortly before-
Whoosh! With a devastating uncoiling of strength, Chun-Li lunges directly in towards D!'s turned chest with a double-palmed strike, carrying with it a burst of inner energy strong enough to toss him harshly backward should the attack connect. Despite the power within though, it is smoothly executed and allows the woman to recoil just as quickly as she unleashed herself, settling comfortably back into her stance and awaiting her next challenge.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Sou Hakkei.
An ardent follower of Saturday Night Fight, the woman is not. Her own recognition tends to come from matters of more international importance, a relevance to her own life, or the larger tournaments which she studies at some length as part of her constant striving for a warrior's perfection. Chun-Li knows D! only from his KoF leadership, and respects him for this as is proper... though this respect, if anything, makes her all the more dangerous...
After her strikes land successfully, the world's strongest woman is instantly prepared for the next gambit by Heavy D!, and once his blow comes in to cripple her fine assets he finds his blow only effective to the passage of air waves - the Ansatsuken-trained young woman is no longer present, ducking low and sliding right underneath his guard on the other side. "Sou...!" The exclamation comes shortly before-
Whoosh! With a devastating uncoiling of strength, Chun-Li lunges directly in towards D!'s turned chest with a double-palmed strike, carrying with it a burst of inner energy strong enough to toss him harshly backward should the attack connect. Despite the power within though, it is smoothly executed and allows the woman to recoil just as quickly as she unleashed herself, settling comfortably back into her stance and awaiting her next challenge.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Sou Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Chun-Li
Geez. This is looking slightly lopsided, isn't it? Despite D!'s best attempt to recover from his low hook, the boxer finds himself bowled over by the double palm-strike. Turning straight into Chun's technique, the boxer rolls over, finally coming to a stop with a pained grown. "NGhh...." This is not looking good. Deciding to take the time away from her to gather his thoughts, the boxer simply hangs back, hoping to get a better plan together and actually hit Chun this time.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD focuses on his next action.
When this technique connects, Chun-Li is quick to dance backward upon her toes, maintaining her stance as she builds distance between herself and the winded boxer. "Take your time." She intones, offering no expression beside stoicism but bundling good nature within her words. Pausing for a few lungfuls of air herself, she watches Heavy D! calmly for the time it takes him to gather himself.. before offering further thoughts as she draws her hands back to her hip.
"I won't hold back - I know you don't want that. But try to focus not on me, but on yourself... you're too easily thrown. Ki-" There is a bright spark of light as the Tai Chi mistress stops speaking with the final exhalation, a golden pinpoint of light flaring between her cupped hands. Then, thrusting them forward she completes her kiai, "KOUKEN!" A coruscating wave of blue-white energy floods from suddenly opened palms, enshrouding this golden globe before the projectile lashes in toward the boxer, a slight spiral in its speedy path.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD slows Kikou Ken from Chun-Li with Blast Upper.
When this technique connects, Chun-Li is quick to dance backward upon her toes, maintaining her stance as she builds distance between herself and the winded boxer. "Take your time." She intones, offering no expression beside stoicism but bundling good nature within her words. Pausing for a few lungfuls of air herself, she watches Heavy D! calmly for the time it takes him to gather himself.. before offering further thoughts as she draws her hands back to her hip.
"I won't hold back - I know you don't want that. But try to focus not on me, but on yourself... you're too easily thrown. Ki-" There is a bright spark of light as the Tai Chi mistress stops speaking with the final exhalation, a golden pinpoint of light flaring between her cupped hands. Then, thrusting them forward she completes her kiai, "KOUKEN!" A coruscating wave of blue-white energy floods from suddenly opened palms, enshrouding this golden globe before the projectile lashes in toward the boxer, a slight spiral in its speedy path.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD slows Kikou Ken from Chun-Li with Blast Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Chun-Li
Well...this is not going well for D!. Frowning at Chun's lecturing, he quickly straightens up, ready to get back into the fray. Once she gathers up her chi and snaps out the blue ball of energy at him, however, he's forced to shift gears. Swinging upward, he tries to quickly put up a blast of his own to intercept the attack, shouting "BLAST UPPER!" as his arm snaps out an explosive force of his own chi. Yet, he's only able to soften the blow, the projectile barreling through his own blast and slamming him int he chest. "GNHH!!"
And Chun-Li is directly behind it with a martial cry bursting from between her lips, a hand lifting to her chest to basically /rip/ the sports jacket from her torso and hurl it off to the street behind her. With a tearing of cheap fabric it comes away even as she sprints in to close distance with her opponent, now wearing a tight white t-shirt decorated on the rear with a black sketch of a Chinese dragon. It would be borderline tacky on anyone else, but she pulls it off safely... every bit the personification of the mythical beast as she dives through the dissipating mist of the two chi attacks.
Bending low at the waist not more than five feet from Heavy D!, his dominating opponent is abruptly moving forward whilst upside down in the air - courtesy of an applied set of fingertips, a surge of effort and the snapping of her legs to either side. Forming rigid striking surfaces with these mighty limbs, Chun-Li prepares to whip about in accelerating gyrations of her body, arms tucked around her tightly and sneakered feet aimed to suck D! in, bruise him heavily and spit him back out.
No prizes for guessing the warcry... "SPINNING BIRD KICK!"
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Spinning Bird Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Chun-Li
Now this seems rather ridiculous. D!, for all his skills, looks like a sheer rookie in the face of Chun-Li. Unable to take advantage of the time CHun-li uses to remove her jacketand rush at him thanks to her earlier projectile, the boxer finds himself still flatfooted once she starts to spin wickedly with her whole body, kicks snapping out at his chest and head. Sucked into the vortex, he's spat back out with one final strike to his cheek. Dumped onto the ground with a groan, the boxer grits his teeth, looking up as he tries to figure out just what he's doing wrong. Finally, getting back to his feet, he levels a dull glare at Chun-Li. No way he's not leaving here without at least one hit on her. "Nghh..." With a quick dash forward, D! attempts his best, grabbing at Chun-li's shoulder with one hand and readying a hard punch with the other, cocked fist.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD successfully hits Chun-Li with Reverse Stomach Buster.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Chun-Li
Well, it's about time. Having a good grasp on Chun's shoulder, the boxer lifts her up into the air, off her feet. Then, with a quick snap of his arm, he drives several hard, pounding punches into her stomach, once, twice, thrice...until finally, after about the 7th punch, he lets go, dropping her on her face and slumping down. Even if he got his hit in, he's definitely on the far worse end of this deal.
The one issue with the Spinning Bird Kick, given all those possible issues such an unorthodox technique might have, is this; the recovery time. Chun-Li gets her desired result in severely battering her opponent, but on unwinding from the series of strikes to land in a tight crouch - she finds herself caught before she can rise to her feet. "...!" Blinking quickly she twists her body away, attempting to break the hold, but to no avail. It is the woman's turn to be chewed up and spat out.
Rising after a moment, she spins to her feet with a grace that might well be aggravating to her foe, snapping up a guard and then pausing to smile slightly at D!. "That was better... but I'm not prepared to just /give/ this away," a glance goes to the medal that - at some point - she has apparently transferred to the front of her t-shirt. How quick IS she, anyway? Sneaky rike ninja. Mai would be proud. "Come on!"
Darting forward seemingly unperturbed by the grinding she just took, the world's strongest woman gets herself right up in Heavy's guard with an attempt to snag him by the scruff of his neck. Should she get a grip, she'll heft him just a short distance into the air, spinning about in a fluid motion to then hurl a devastating thrust kick to his chin, propelling him away with another fresh bruise. "HYAA!"
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits HeavyD with Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
HeavyD 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1 Chun-Li
Well, it seems that despite getting a hit in finally, D!'s still ridiculously inept in comparison to Chun-Li. Unable to get away from her grasp, he finds himself kicked away swiftly and smoothly, the attack sending him away into the wall of a nearby building with a sick slam. Falling onto his hands and knees and coughing up a little thanks to his injuries, the boxer slowly, ever so slowly, manages to get back up to what might amount to an upright base. "NGhh...." Deciding he's had enough, he moves in to go all out on Chun-li. Even if he fails, he'll have made his last stand. As soon as his dashing feet get him close ennough to her, his fists fly out. Hooks, jabs, crosses, whatever D! can throw out, he does, hoping the barrage of punches finally make a real dent in Chun-li.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD successfully hits Chun-Li with D. Crazy.
Glancing Blow
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Chun-Li
Here it comes. Sensing an upsurge of energy as D! gets to his feet, Chun-Li is waiting having reassumed her ready stance... and frowns just slightly as she concentrates firmly upon her defences. When the boxer lunges in, she certainly seems prepared - meeting each of his strikes with each a deflecting palm, a sidestep or simply a tilting movement of her body. All the while her gaze remains locked on his, as if reading the intent within him. To an extent, this is exactly what the young woman is doing. But...
Suddenly she falters, a slight opening in her defence opening Chun-Li up for the final bursts of Heavy D!'s explosive flurry, the succession of blows staggering her back a few paces. Briefly winded, she's forced to retreat another step further to avoid the ending to her opponent's combo, drawing in a deep breath before offering him a nod of respect. The difference in their skill levels may be clear - but respect is due. That was close.
Shortly after this gesture, the Tai Chi mistress is once more prepared to deliver pain, and tenses herself for a hopping step toward the boxing champ, a twist of her body so she stands side-on to him, and finally... her right leg is once more unleashed in a vicious kick, this time another gyration accompanying it to form a graceful roundhouse. "YAAA!"
Regardless of her success, the woman sinks low with the completion of the motion, falling into a crouch with hands raised protectively and mind focused upon what may be the last gambit of this short and vicious match-up. No further words are offered - she is too lost within focus and adrenaline.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD blocks Chun-Li's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
HeavyD 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Chun-Li
For once, D! manages to actually intercept one of CHun-Li's attacks. Despite his flurry being brushed aside enough that he barely hits her at all, D! manages to stop short the kick she aims at him. How?...well, mostly by keeping his flurry up. One lucky punch manages to stop her strike at the ankle, causing his wrist to jam a little....but still, he keeps it up. Hopefully, he'll get a few more solid hits this time.
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li interrupts D. Crazy from HeavyD with Sen'en Shuu EX.
[ \ < > ///////////////// ]
HeavyD 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Chun-Li
Chun-Li remains in the crouch she ends up in, if anything slightly more prepared after feeling the boxer so effectively guard her strike. Eyes cold and hard, though shining with the light of battle, she seems once more in tandem with the crazy assault she's presented with. The first couple of blows are deflected from within this crouch, the woman raising alternate hands to parry away the boxer's wild fists. Rising to her feet whilst still happily knocking hits away, Chun-Li then gives a small smirk as she sees an opening... but how does she use it?
Not right away, it would seem, her gaze riveted to a single point at mid-level upon the man as she starts to back away from his lightning assault. Left, right, up, down, her rigid palms blur with the speed and vigour of mounted defence, and then, without warning the Strongest Woman in the World leans to one side on a dramatic incline, slamming one palm to the floor and using this leverage to flip herself into an impossibly tight somersault. As she comes around, her right leg lances out at full extension to slam D! with a kick from head to stomach - blasting him away with its force.
A gambit of this sort means Chun-Li does absorb the last blow sent her way, and as a result her landing is perhaps a trifle unsteady, but on flowing to her feet with a deep intake of breath.. she knows only too well that this has all but proved the undoing of her opponent. Still. Exhaling and resuming her stance, she remains ready; just in case.
Alas, D!'s flurry is stopped cold, even worse than before. Barely able to get in a clean attack, his combo is stopped cold by the flipping kick Chun-li drops onto him, throwing him back into the street with a skid...and there, after the last bounce or two off the pavement, he stops, unmoving. Looks like he was pretty well and beat up, wasn't he?
COMBATSYS: HeavyD takes no action.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD can no longer fight.
Oof. Apparently Chun-Li underestimated the strength of her final motion, and from her position she watches D! bounce away with the a faint wince each time he hits the pavement. She may have promised she wouldn't hold back - but having her bold challenger conscious would have made her feel a little less.. awkward about what happens next. But, rules is rules, right?
Pushing herself to her feet with a small gasp of effort, the bruises from Heavy's few landed blows already flaring up with mild reminders of his muscle power, she proceeds to meander over toward her abandoned shopping bags. Smiling to herself, the world's strongest woman roots around in one and apparently finds what she is looking for - pulling out a bottle which she carries back over toward the boxer. Setting it down upon the pavement beside him, she then drops onto her knees and turns him over gently. Fingers locate, and remove, the medal upon his jacket. Her trophy for the evening. And his? It's an energy drink she thinks might help.
"Yatta..." Chun-Li chimes with a shake of her head as she stands up, pocketing the acquired medal in her black track pants and turning away from D!. Regardless of the relative ease of that match compared to her others, she goes away with respect and admiration for her fallen foe - having the resolve to challenge her under such circumstances said more than enough for his fighting spirit. The fact he kept going until the very last only reinforces this. So, still perfectly content with her evening, the slightly bruised Tai Chi mistress fetches her shopping before heading on home...
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has ended the fight here.
COMBATSYS: HeavyD can no longer fight.
Oof. Apparently Chun-Li underestimated the strength of her final motion, and from her position she watches D! bounce away with the a faint wince each time he hits the pavement. She may have promised she wouldn't hold back - but having her bold challenger conscious would have made her feel a little less.. awkward about what happens next. But, rules is rules, right?
Pushing herself to her feet with a small gasp of effort, the bruises from Heavy's few landed blows already flaring up with mild reminders of his muscle power, she proceeds to meander over toward her abandoned shopping bags. Smiling to herself, the world's strongest woman roots around in one and apparently finds what she is looking for - pulling out a bottle which she carries back over toward the boxer. Setting it down upon the pavement beside him, she then drops onto her knees and turns him over gently. Fingers locate, and remove, the medal upon his jacket. Her trophy for the evening. And his? It's an energy drink she thinks might help.
"Yatta..." Chun-Li chimes with a shake of her head as she stands up, pocketing the acquired medal in her black track pants and turning away from D!. Regardless of the relative ease of that match compared to her others, she goes away with respect and admiration for her fallen foe - having the resolve to challenge her under such circumstances said more than enough for his fighting spirit. The fact he kept going until the very last only reinforces this. So, still perfectly content with her evening, the slightly bruised Tai Chi mistress fetches her shopping before heading on home...
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has ended the fight here.
Log created by Chun-Li, and last modified on 19:04:31 11/01/2005.