Medal Tournament - Kula vs Hokutomaru

Description: No, really, it's Cammy vs Mai. Suspend your disbelief for this battle of the less-than-perfect costumers! (Winner: Kula)

She had already been in one fight against Sakura, and had managed to get herself completely thumped in that match. Besides the shame of losing a medal, there was also the shame in reporting back to NESTS that she had lost her first attempt to win the tournament. That had earned her a rather stern talking to, needless to say. And so, Kula had been sent out again, to find someone else with a medal and challenge them. Not just to win, but to gather data as well.
Note, however, that in her report about Sakura, she put 'very nice and a good friend, but she hits really hard, even outside of a SNF'. And not much else.
So now Kula is preparing to fight once again, gloves adjusted... only this time, she's in her Trick or Treat costume still. That's right, Kula went out dressed as Cammy. Honest, she did. The Cammy-style outfit is under the sweatsuit, is all. Kula isn't /that/ daring. But she does have her hair in braids (albeit sloppy, since she has nobody to teach her how to do it right), and is wearing a beret! She shuffles her feet a bit, and mentally flinches from the wedgie she's sure she's going to get from this, and then prepares for the fight, taking a battle stance.

Hokutomaru had yet to have an actual fight in this new tournament, and so when he's actually asked when his metal thing is seen he gladly accepts! And who is this strange, Cammy dressed person? He doesn't know... he'll have to ask her after the eventual outcome. As for halloween, he'd dress up as Andy, but his hair simply isn't long enough. And so, he dresses up as, cover your eyes, children, Mai. Now, a Konnouchi uniform doesn't look /terrible/ on him, but he just doesn't have the hips to pull it off. Nor the sizable... Well, enough of that. The fact is he's in a modified uniform made to looke like Mai, and he looks rather silly in it. It's all in good fun though, so nobody really cares, right? Still he must prepare for the fight! And how? Well, he's dressed up as Mai, so Jumping Jacks, of course! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! After a bit of that he drops down into /his/ fighting stance, and grins. "Reeeaaaady!"

Kula knows Mai...or, at least, knew her. It's been a while since she's seen the master ninja. So, this means she does recognize the outfit...but not the person wearing it. And the look she gives the young man doing jumping jacks bears in mind expressions usually reserved for Warner Brothers cartoons when the truly bizarre happens. One eye is raised higher than the other, and her lip twitches once. When it's done, Kula takes a moment to purge that from her memory before she smiles and does a quick bow, her hair shifting to blue as the temperature around her falls.
It's then that she rushes forward, clenching a hand into a fist, and does a quick jab at her opponent's side. She knows better than to judge someone based on their size or age... she's a walking testament to that herself. So, she doesn't want to underestimate anybody, and tries to check for weaknesses.

COMBATSYS: Kula has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kula             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kula             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0       Hokutomaru

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru blocks Kula's Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0       Hokutomaru

Ah, the fast, quick punches. Hokutomaru knows them very well. Hard to avoid, and not particularly punnishing if they connect, but successive blows can really drain you down quick. So, your best option is to mimimize damage! Or at least, it is in this case. He holds up a forearm and takes the punch to it, avoiding a direct blow to the body. He really isn't one for close up drag out fist vs fist beatdowns, and so right now his mind is set on evasion. He jumps up into the air in a display of accrobatics, and due to the skimpy uniform a quick shot of the shorts there's /now way in heck/ he'd wear this uniform without. And even as he back flips in the air he's on the offensive, reaching into his pockets and throwing three shuriken towards Kula one after the other. Afterwards he lands in a three point position that would make any fanboy drool over... if he were Mai.

COMBATSYS: Kula dodges Hokutomaru's Shuriken.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0       Hokutomaru

Not to worry, Hokutomaru, Kula wasn't really built to deal a lot of damage from regular old punches and kicks. Nevermind the chill that always accompanies each one whenever she does so. It's the heavier kicks and punches where she has to actually use her ice creatively in order to actually hurt people. But Kula is quick, when her punch is blocked, turn as her feet slide over the ice they produce, and roll out of the way of the incoming object.
Kula pushes back up and runs at Hokutomaru, deciding to try something a bit more bizarre. She slides to a stop in front of him, and whips her head, the two ice-coated braids swinging around to try to impact them against Hokutomaru's side. Yeah, it's unorthodox...but it's what counts as a medium impact with her.

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru dodges Kula's Medium Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0       Hokutomaru

Hokutomaru looks quizically at Kula. Ice, eh? Well, that's not something he's seen before. Especially not the cold in the simple punch. And ice under her feet? Wow. What's that about? That certianly adds a bit of a twist. And dang, the shuriken missed too. That's one of his quicker moves, too. Well, even though he just attacked from range, if she can do things like that getting in her face is about the only option left. And so, he moves forward and tries to get close to her, actually slipping a bit on the ice but recovering quickly, and quickly lashes out with a kick with the toe of his feet towards her legs. Not too powerful, but maybe it'll hit.

COMBATSYS: Kula dodges Hokutomaru's Light Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0       Hokutomaru

Kula skates with a kind of grace normally found in the Olympics. Lots, and lots of practice on her feet give her that smooth ability to slip out of the way of the kick, duck down, and then continue sliding past even as she considers her own plan of attack. She's seen that Hokutomaru likes to throw projectiles, so maybe she should try one of her own. Continuing to slide backwards, Kula brings her hand up to her mouth like she's going to blow a kiss at the young ninja. However, the flurry of snow and tiny shards of ice that gust at him suddenly aren't much of a kiss. Sorry to disappoint you, Hokutomaru.

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru slows Diamond Breath from Kula with Large Thrown Object.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kula             0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0       Hokutomaru

Throwing things at a ninja!? Why, that's just plum crazy! Unless, of course, you really know what you're doing. And she obviously does, because the trash can Hokutomaru throws at the kiss of snow simply freezes over and falls to the ground with a dull thud. "...eep." The ice then decides to play the 'poke Hoku a lot' game. And yikes, does that take him for surprise! Wham, bam, poke poke poke brrrrrr! That's what Hokutomaru feels! The youngest Shiranui shivers and holds his arms at his sides, rubbing them to try and warm up.

That's what happens when you wear a skimpy uniform in a fight against someone who uses ice! Let that be a lesson to Hokutomaru not to steal Mai's clothes and try to go around wearing them! Kula smiles at Hokutomaru, the international sign of 'nice try', and then pushes forward again as she brings her hands together. A sphere of ice forms over them, and she starts to spin as she slides forward. Her arms slowly extend out, and she heads right for Hokutomaru, attempting to connect said frozen fist combo to him. Remember what she said about not having much in the way of muscles for strong attacks? This is how she makes up for it.

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru fails to counter Fierce Punch from Kula with Rakka-zan.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kula             0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1       Hokutomaru

Hokutomaru isn't feeling too good about this so far. He has to do something to turn this fight around, and now. So what does he do? He takes a calculated risk. This time, it doesn't pay off, though. Ice cold energy vs tiny ninja? Well, the ice wins it out this time. BLAM! The frozen fists smash into him and cause two parts of his chest to freeze solid. It melts quickly, but dang. Having parts of you freeze is not a plesant experience. Not only that, but he completely failed to even begin to teleport away, leaving him at a completely loss for what to do. And so, once again he's relegated to licking his wounds.

Kula slows to a stop, and wobbles for just a second from the speed she was spinning at. The ice around her hands crumbles easily enough, leaving her a hand to bring up to her head as she waits for the world to stop twirling around her. Whoo. There's a reason she doesn't do that very often. " okay?" Yes, she's speaking to the three Hokutomarus she sees. But then she's pushing forward again after giving him a second to reply. This isn't an SNF, so the girl isn't trying to hurt anybody too badly, after all. She rushes forward towards the ninja in the middle, and then drops down, sliding the rest of the way towards him on a sheet of ice, aiming her feet at his to try to trip him up.

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru fails to counter Slider Shoot from Kula with Rakka-zan.
- Power hit! -

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Kula             0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1       Hokutomaru

Hokutomaru has to lay a hit on her. He just /has/ to. It's a matter of honor, dang it. If she can simply get out of the way of anything he can do, his only choice is to try and evade and hit her as she commits to an attack. Too bad he keeps missing the 'evade' part. Thwump! He goes down, hard. And he hits his head on the hard, frozen ground no less. A little blood can be seen, but it's not much to be worried about against a real fighter like he is. He gets up to his feet, slips, falls, and hits his head again. "Ouch..." He crawls off the ice, and gets to his feet successfully. "Heh... I'm fine. Physically." Not much of the usual excitement in his voice, today.

Kula tilts her head concernedly at Hokutomaru, and then smiles as he's able to say he's all right. The 'physically' goes over her head, as she's still somewhat naive when it comes to what people mean against what they say. "I guess I'm just lucky this time!" Kula does, however, want to give Hokutomaru a moment to gather his head and make sure he's all right. She spotted the little bit of blood. So, she crouches down a bit and watches him, shedding some old ice and gathering a new layer onto parts of her for when she does her next attack. She's such a softie in a non-SNF or job-related fight.

COMBATSYS: Kula focuses on her next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Kula             0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1       Hokutomaru

Hokutomaru mirrors Kula. Not completely, but in her actions. So far he's done absolutely nothing that's been able to successfully harm her. And so what does he need to know? Figure out a way to hit her. Should have thought of that earlier rather than trying blind luck, eh? Well, live and learn. And that's what he does, try to learn. "Don't worry about me... and don't go easy on me either." A small grin, "It's rude to go easy on someone. It means your not taking them seriously."

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru focuses on his next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Kula             0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1       Hokutomaru

There's a blink, and then Kula smiles a bit. "Oh, sorry...I wasn't trying to offend you." Kula then pushes forward. "I guess if you want me to, I'll keep it up!" There's certainly more attacks where the earlier ones came from. One again, she goes for a tactic that seems to keep working for her each time she uses it, and slides down onto the sheet of ice that forms under her, sticking out both feet to try to catch Hokutomaru in the knee.

COMBATSYS: Kula successfully hits Hokutomaru with Slider Shoot.
- Power hit! -

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Kula             0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2       Hokutomaru

Hokutomaru nods a little to her, "Thanks!" And well, here she comes, right at him. He tries to ready himself for it, but that doesn't happen. Instead, he simply gets his head bashed into the ice again. "Ouch..." This time? He doesn't get up so quickly. Nope, that's it for him. Oh well. He closes his eyes and lets out a little sigh. "I guess you win." He reaches to the left shoulder area of his Mai costume and removes a little metal marker from it, sets it on the ice and slides it over to her.

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru takes no action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kula             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Hokutomaru can no longer fight.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kula             0/-------/---====|

Kula reaches down to pick up the little metal badge, and tucks it into a pocket. She smiles at Hokutomaru, then, and skates over to sit down next to him for a moment. " did all right. Don't feel too bad." Fumbling in her pocket, she gets out a lollipop, and sets it on Hokutomaru's chest. And anybody who knows Kula knows how much she values her lollipops. They're her most treasured objects. "Here...I'm sure you'll get stronger, and we can fight again sometime, okay?" She beams at him, and then stands up. "I gotta go...bye! Hope your head feels better!"

COMBATSYS: Kula takes no action.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kula             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Kula has ended the fight here.

Hokutomaru looks at Kula with a pair of minorly annoyed eyes. She's patronizing him, isn't she? "I did not do 'all right'. I did terrible. I couldn't even touch you." He looks down at the lollipop that is set on him. His eyes suddenly flare up with rage and he picks it up, half intent on hurling it at her. But, well. As he looks at it the look in his eyes dies down, and his head hangs a little. He unwraps it and begins sucking on it. That's one sad ninja.

Log created by Kula, and last modified on 02:44:42 11/01/2005.